Part 2 wasn't as good as part 1, but still riveting.
We see the Fab Four rehearsing more, this time with Billy Preston.
George quit the band for a few days over Paul's domineering ways.
We don't get complete versions of songs here, they're all works in progress.
Peter Jackson chose to have a calendar onscreen, to show each day crossed off.
I have a musician friend who said it would be hard to work with Lennon, that his constant interrupting and little voices would annoy to no end. And John does seem frustrating/frustrated here. But it's not explained.
Yoko didn't break up the Beatles in my opinion. If any one person is responsible, it's Paul.
I think they were fracturing anyway; the break-up was going to happen no matter what.
Part 3 is the final rooftop concert on Savile row in it's entirety.
If you love the Beatles then this 3-disc blu-ray set is a must buy.
"Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd