I was invited over here, too. There was so much wrong with this film, much too much wrong, and very little right. The opening sequence was right when we see the activists get infected. But then the movie just starts to fall apart from there. And so much of it was bad rips off good films. After the activists, we get treated to a nude shot of the main character, which appears to be a rip of Resident Evil. And Milla did it better :-p

The empty hospital, totally wrong. There should have been dead bodies, blood on the walls, zombies. The whole England was evacuated didn't sit well with me. It was visually well done in terms of making England look deserted, but it did not work well in the film, particularly a film touting itself as a zombie/horror film.

I had huge, major problems with the lack of guns for the characters, but I'll get to that a bit later.

Good church scene, obviously ripped off The Stand. And probably could have used more shots of the zombies.

The zombies, themselves, were perfect. The makeup job was wonderful, and I loved the idea of fast moving rabid zombies. But we got to see so little of them in the film that it really ruined the film.

And here we get to my gun complaint again. The survivors had no guns and didn't seem interested in finding any. This drove me nuts throughout the film. At least make the effort to try and find a better weapon. Even if you are unsuccessful, at least make the effort. The baseball bats and large knives just didn't do it for me. Yeah, let's all get up close and personal with those rabid zombies who can infect us just by spitting blood in our faces.

Next scene, in the main character's house. I had a big problem with let's all sleep downstairs in this kewl unsecured location and not even attempt to board up the doors and windows cause no zombie could possibly want to attack us. Character stupidity, seemed to be a main theme in this movie. I did wish that survivor guy, Mark, hadn't gotten killed so easily.

The stairway scene, excellent. But again, too little too late.

So they meet up with more survivors, and hey.....let's all go sleep outside in the open and take drugs to make us sleep cause no zombie could possibly want to attack us out here with us all vulnerable and no real weapons. I really wanted to kick the director here. Same goes for the diner scene. Yeah, I want to go all alone into that diner for absolutely no other reason than to get attacked by a zombie. :-p

The scene of the father getting infected, very good. But I hated the obvious plot here. Must get father out of the way so his daughter can get sexually attacked by the soldiers. So sexist.

I had huge problems with the soldiers only wanting sex. What, there are no women in the military? And just what century is this? I didn't like the plot device.

I did love the scene of the main character setting the chained zombie free. Some of the house scenes were excellent. But not enough zombies. I did hear it's on the DVD, some cut out scenes of zombies in the house. But the version I saw was missing a boatload of them.

The ending was LAME. Lame, lame, lame. I hated the ending. All the zombies starved to death and look, we're saved! Oh, that ending sucked.

For me, this movie lacked guns and zombies. It dragged in too many places and it had too much character stupidity going on. As a horror film, it's a bomb. And it's not really a great psychological thriller. It just falls somewhere in the category of wannabe. I wouldn't give it a one on a scale from one to ten, but I certainly wouldn't give it a nine or a ten. It just seems to fall around a three.
