I`m familiar with The Germs but I`ve never bought a record.
Or even seen one!
Darby Crash has his cult following, and I`m sure that this film will have many of those fans going to see it.
The L.A. punk scene in the early 80`s was indeed a time of true mayhem (thanks Chris).
My admiration of Black Flag and Circle Jerks and X and pretty much every L.A. punk band is sky-high. All of that music is more relevant than ever. We`re living in a worse time than when Reagan was Prez. I got a Black Flag tattoo this summer, and those albums are so powerful to me. So awesome I can`t even explain it. Their whole message, their whole stance before the world is so inspiring and righteous.
The fact that nobody takes them seriously makes it even more important to me.
A Black Flag is almost an anti-Flag. It`s a symbol of anarchy, yes, but anarchy in the sense of rejection of representation- by anyone or anything. A white flag means surrender.
A black flag means Never Surrender.
Who invented the idea of flags or nations?
Pretty idea, pretty colors on some of those flags, but it is a flat-out expression of conformity to me. Communism if you wanna push it to an extreme...
I only toe the line in society because it benefits me culturally.
I don`t care about money at all. It`s a means to an end, and I agree 1000% with Werner Herzog that it only has two qualities:
STUPID and COWARDLY. More evil evil shit has occured on this planet due to money than any other thing. Power is the other side of the coin. Throw in ten trillion tons of fear and you got human history.
Punks and bands like the Germs had their own internal flames that for better or worse, they hovered around, damn the torpedoes.
I read an article about superior intelligent beings that might visit us from space and how they would take one look around at our WAY of living and declare us mentally retarded.
Think about it: If a higher intelligence came to earth wouldn`t they be so appalled with our actions that they would assume we`re insane? Would they even bother to take even a passing interest in what we`re doing, based on our seemingly unlimited capacity for counter-productivity?
I sure as hell would.
Wouldn`t it be nice to beam off this fucking rock? Forever?
Wouldn`t it be awesome to ditch this cesspool of depravity and beam to some wonderful oasis 8 trillion miles from Jupiter?
Where the women are Amazons and the wine and food is the finest in the galaxy? It`s gotta be out there somewhere...
But no, I gotta hang back here on Earth, be bombarded with bullshit and look for solace in punk and heavy metal music...
Last edited by Johann; 09-09-2008 at 11:42 AM.
"Set the controls for the heart of the Sun" - Pink Floyd