I've seen all of Kubrick's films, I believe, except for "The Killing" (is that correct?) and "Spartacus". While I find them all to be interesting (and sometimes fascinating), as well as very well done, I'm also at times turned off my his consistent pessimistic voice.

Kubrick, to me, seems to have made it his point in life to try to break down any illusions we have as humans beings and to point out how meaningless and feable our lives really are. While I would agree that it's important for society to challenge its views and the traditions that those views foster, I also think we should move beyond that point and still try to find something positive to believe in. Kubrick, in my opinion, stopped after taking that first step. His films seemed aimed at breaking us down as human beings, bursting our bubbles of illusion, while offering nothing positive to take the place of what we previously believed.

Anyone disagree with me on this point? Can anyone find any silver lining in Kubrick's dark clouds?