General Film Forum Filmleaf thread
Indiefest thread
This annual festival that plays in San Francisco showcases the best in independent, alternative, and subversive cinema from around the globe.
Links to Reviews:
#Like (Sarah Pirozek)
Area, The (David Shalliol)
Centerline (Takumi Shimumkai)
Cruel Hearts (Paul Osbourne)
Degenerates (Callum Crawford)
Desolation Center (Stewart Swezey) (Hold Review)
Little Woods (Nina LaCosta)(Hold Review)
Man Who Killed Hitler and then the Bigfoot, The (Robert D. Krzykowski)
Mermaids and Manatees (Adam Sbar)
Permanent Green Light (Dennis Cooper, Zac Farley)
Pet Names (Carol Brandt)
Waterlily Jaguar (Melora Walters 2018)
Wildland (Alex Jablonski, Kahlil Hudson)