Thanks, Johann. Don't you think Chaw is a maverick? I leave you and he to decide about Keaton; not my area of expertise.

People will never get tired of Steve Jobs. It's just starting. The Danny Boyle film gives Aaron Sorkin a chance to skewer egocentric computer "geniuses" again as he did in The Social Network. Should be delicious fun, and Fassbinder's performance has already been highly praised. If it doesn't interest you, you don't have to see it. Me, it interests. I am a great fan of Sorkin, starting with the film just mentioned and greatly increased by "The West Wing" and "Newsroom." You like Tarantino, right? Know what he said recently about Aaron Sorkin?
When the interviewer reminded Tarantino that The Newsroom got some unfavorable reviews, the director defended his love of Aaron Sorkin saying, “Who the fuck reads TV reviews? Jesus fucking Christ. TV critics review the pilot. Pilots of shows suck. Why would it be surprising that I like the best dialogue writer in the business?”
Mitch Banks died several years ago, but I still miss him all the time, especially when I'm watching FSLC films.