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Thread: Lucky to be in Spellbound

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    Jorge Guest

    Lucky to be in Spellbound

    Angela Arenivar is one of the eight featured spellers in Spellbound and happens to be my sister. I am her oldest, PROUD brother. As a family, we are all very proud and feel lucky to be a part of the "Spellbound" experience. Not only did Sean and Jeff (the director and producer) perform a marvelous job of capturing on film an incredible event and time in our lives, but also were able to turn around and perfectly compose Angela's story on film. Obviously, the entire film is a work of art. Looking back, we would not have it any other way or filmed or composed any other way. I know the other families' feelings are mutual in respect to the film and their portrayals. I have also had the unique experience of meeting some of the NICEST people on the face of this earth like the Kadakias, the Staggs, the Whites and the DeGidios. These families are also profiled in Spellbound. We are all, in a sense family now. As I have said millions of times before, there is no way to ever thank Sean and Jeff for this experience and masterpiece of work produced. It has all been an incredible ride!!! I only hope everyone who sees Spellbound enjoys it as much as every family who is portrayed has enjoyed watching it. If you live in Houston, TX there is still time to catch the film. It has showed at the Angelika Theater since May 30, 2003 and counting!!! It is also showing throughout the country.
    Last edited by Jorge; 07-13-2003 at 11:58 AM.


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