Not in Minority of critics...but I consider it minority of viewers
Segue yes, music? Noise..... irratating to the point of driving us nuts. Emily is delectable, but why on earth did she take this part.
What did you possibly like about this movie. As I said, we love just about anything... it is always worth the few dollars we pay to see a movie. Still the best bargain in America for two hours of entertainment. But..... we feel embarassed that we just didn't get it, why are the critics so wild about this movie. We cannot figure out a damn thing about this movie that makes it deserve any recognition at all. Help me, understand what is it that you saw...that we couldn't.
What a pleasure to read your comments. You hit everything right on the nose! It really is like the appreciation for art or a fine wine. Why in he heck don't we get it, I want to get it but I don't. Your assessment helps greatly. My point with this film is that we are very much avid movie goers. I am a well known author and it quite frankly pissed me off that I just couldn't get anything from this film that I wanted to love. We love Adam Sandler and adore Emily Watson and PTA. But what were they thinking?
One other analogy, I had a young lady who worked for me years ago and my wife stood on line for hours to get tickets to the Picasso exhibition which was five months later. Well the day came and we went to the exhibition and people were crying, people were excited, people were quite frankly out of their minds with joy in seeing his works and we stood there like idiots not understanding what the hell is going on. So I spoke to the young lady who was an art major and asked her why? what are we missing? Why do I feel so inept? I simply think it is crap, am I the one who is crazy, when all of these people are simply so excited about this exhibition. She said, you just have to have in you, it is difficult to explain, much like with a fine wine, you have to have the acquird taste. It is great to be able to interact with people especially on this film. Tonite we are off to see a light crazy dumb movie "waking up in Reno" a no brainer with some beautiful ladies and probably a simple simple plot. Bet we like it better than this one. Anyhow, more later and thanks for your note
silly fluff-
Are we going to start giving credit to things for being incomprehensible? I assume you mean that incomprehensible was the directors intention. I would have to disagree. Certainly, PTAndersen has a knack for the unusual but thats usually within a viewable, traceable film. Dont give him more artistic credit than he's worth just because it sparks debate. While an off-shoot of good art is often debate, debate is not the mark of good art (or good wine).
justafied....waking up in reno
What a coincidence that you mention that movie in your critique follow up on punch drunk. We saw waking up last night and it was hysterical. Haven't seen any publicity on it, and my wife thinks that maybe this movie was made more than a few years ago because it was released without any fanfare, not tv appearance by billy bob, charlize, Natasha Richardson, Patrick Swayze. The epitomy of Redneck movies. I would hope word of mouth would make this a successful movie much like Greek Wedding. That movie gave us monies worth of laughter and enjoyment while Punch Drunk was way over the top. thanks again.