You'll hear of him now.
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You'll hear of him now.
I suffered through three of the new JJ Abrams STAR TREK movies.
They were terrible. Not even worth reviewing.
Enjoyable movie in the vein of The Goonies from Eric Brevig.
Starring Brendan Fraser, this is loosely based on the Jules Verne novel.
Fraser and a kid travel to Iceland, to follow in their relatives' past work at a volcano.
They meet an Icelandic woman who escorts them there when a storm hits and seals them in an old abandoned mineshaft.
From there, they free-fall to the Center of the earth, encountering luminous birds, venus flytraps, and dinosaurs.
Implausible but fun movie.
So now you must watch THE WHALE?!
I'll see it sometime.
It's Aronofsky, and he said he wanted to get back to working with actors more deeply.
It garnered gold for Brendan.
If you were a fan of the '86 movie you'll love this sequel.
Myself, I didn't find it all that great, despite superb aerial photography.
It was nice to see Val Kilmer back (as Iceman), and they gave him an onscreen funeral!!
The story is simple. Maverick is a hotshot test pilot, and they get him to teach a new batch of aviators. The opening credits were a throwback to the original film, making all the gen-X'ers happy...not to mention the shirtless game of offence/defence football we see in the surf later on.
Fast editing of the scenes in jets, thrilling for some, meh for me. It just seemed like a video game to me. Jennifer Connelly is good, and Tom Cruise is looking his age.
Again I completely agree. I didn't review it - not much to say - but did see it in a theater. Why it was mentioned so much at Oscars time I didn't quite see.
Nothing oscar-worthy about it.
It made over a billion at the box office. Mind-boggling.
Was covid keeping people from the theatres?
This film was hyped pretty large, and I don't see much to write home about.
Are people still thrilled by dinosaur attacks? They must be, cuz they keep making these movies.
This movie has no plot. Dinosaurs run amok everywhere. And these dinos are real keen on chases.
They can outrun motorcycles! They can jump between buildings!
Almost nothing can hold them back, and the silly chases here are almost non-stop.
There's too many characters in the movie too- you don't care about any of them!
Stalwarts Howard and Pratt are here, along with veterans Dern, Neill & Goldblum.
Kids may like this, adults may tune out.
GET SMART (2008)
One of the worst movies ever made. All involved should be ashamed.
Directed by garbage man Peter Segal of Adam Sandler shit-movie fame.
There is not one single funny thing in this movie.
I was expecting big laughs- it's got Steve Carell.
Nada. It was just cringe worthy dialogue and cringe worthy stunts.
I was thinking this might be good, a spy spoof! Great!
Based on a classic TV show! Great!
So then what was this shit sandwich?
What is it with spy spoofs sucking?
Mellissa McCarthy's SPY BLEW CHUNKS TOO.
Bloody awful animated film that tries to cash in on Ice Age's fame.
Norm is a polar bear voiced by Rob Schneider who can talk to humans.
This movie is condescending. It insults your intelligence and is lazy.
Even kids should hate it.
Why do we need to see a twerking polar bear?!
I’ve never seen the ‘98 animated Disney film so I can’t compare, but Live action version is pretty good.
This film had the misfortune of being ready in March, 2020-right when the pandemic hit. Disney lost a lot of money and it’s unfair, because the film is visually gorgeous.
MULAN is the daughter of a famous Chinese warrior, and she goes into an Imperial conscripted army, pretending to be a man.
I seriously find no fault with it.
Okay, thanks, Ii'll keep an eye out for it.
AEON FLUX (2005)
Karyn Kusama’s futuristic film about the last city and an underground operative named Aeon is not that interesting.
I remember the anime being much more exciting and visceral.
Charlize Theron is the emotionless Aeon Flux, fighting her way thru oppressive situations.
It looks ok- they had some vision for the production design and costumes and weapons.
The problem is a lot happens and we’re not engaged…
Metacritic rating 36%!