View Full Version : THE BOURNE IDENTITY: a Review

Chris Knipp
08-06-2004, 01:18 AM
Faster, Jason Bourne, Kill! Kill!

by Chris Knipp

Robert Ludlum's Bourne novels are a great basis for a movie franchise. Their hero has lost his memory. He has lost touch with the Who, the Why, the What, the Where and the When of his life. Only the Hows of his training as an espionage enforcer remain with him as root instincts -- all the quicksilver alertness and killing and breaking-and-entering and language skills. This means you have a neutral action star. You can make up the plot as you go along. And since he’s still in the process of finding out "the Bourne identity," character development is optional and flexible. And in Matt Damon the franchise has found a rugged young star with the quality of energy, physicality, and neediness such an emptied-out individual might have.

In fact character development in "Bourne Supremacy" is minimal and limited to recognizing faces and voices. Not a warm and fuzzy individual, our Jason. He’d as soon garrote you as kiss you, be you man or woman, and he may do both in the space of few minutes. In Bourne 1 (AKA "The Bourne Identity," directed for maximum fun by "Swingers'" Doug Liman), Jason bonded with a woman he needed as a partner, Marie (Franka Potente), who was very nearly a match for him. But this time he's forced, early on, to let her drown in a chase, and though he attempts mouth-to-mouth underwater and sheds a brief tear or two later, he pushes her off into the deep without hesitation. End of relationship. There is no other, except for the telephonic one with his would–be nemesis, CIA officer Pamela Landy (Pat Nixon look-alike Joan Allen, not a romantic possibility).

Bourne’s idea of fair play in "Supremacy" is to go out of his way to tell a young woman that he’s killed her parents so she knows one didn’t kill the other as it was made to look.

Unlike characterization, plot is not minimal. It has its intricacies, but we need not go into them here, and to do so would spoil the suspense. The mystery of why Bourne has done the past killing in Berlin that he's now investigating, and why part of the Agency is trying to kill him again and the other part is trying to bring him in to find out the secrets behind the "Treadstone" assassination team and "tie it off," is the motor behind the action.

The film was directed by Paul Greengrass, who made the excellent 2002 pseudo-documentary "Bloody Sunday," about the quelled Irish uprising of 1972. His taste for vérité effects has led him to adopt a jumpy camera style with many zooms and closeups, which the editors augment with accelerated cutting. A warning for Bourne 2 users: prepare for nausea. Consider bringing Dramamine for the jumpy camera and jerky cutting. A lot of it really is a blur. If you are to enjoy the film, best to let it wash over you. Think of it as an art film. Imagine you’re watching a video at MoCA or MoMA or Tate Modern. It’s more a sound and light show than a traditional spy thriller. Greengrass's desire to achieve an original look and feel may have gotten away from him; but an original look and feel in the action sequences he has achieved.

Nonetheless the film also has many of the traditional trappings. Like other recent efforts, it has scenes of mission control -- CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia, known affectionately as "Langley." Pamela Landy’s determination to unearth Jason Bourne and figure out why he was "killed" does not appeal to CIA oldtimer Ward Abbott (Brian Cox), who has a secret he doesn’t want let out. So there’s intrigue on the "good side." In fact as in the novels of John Le Carré it’s not at all clear what the "good side" is.

As in any good espionage thriller much of the fun of the Bourne movies is the locations, which range from a hot humid opening sequence in Goa to a climax in the big bare snowy spaces of Moscow, with exotic travel spots like Morocco, Berlin, Amsterdam and Naples in between, not to mention Langley. And despite the lack of Bond-esque seductions, there’s the sexy former cohort of Jason, Nicky (Julia Stiles); and fleetingly, the cool Franka Potente.

The charm of these movies is that you enter a room fully expecting a karate fight with broken glass, plastic handcuffs, and packets of neatly printed new fake movie-money American dollars flying about. Everybody has a minimum of five or ten alternate passports and identities near at hand. What a travel fantasy! With a "go" from Langley, you’re off across the globe not only with the trip all paid for but a new moniker and an exciting mission. And all this is so far from any conceivable reality, espionage or other, that despite the speed and violence, it becomes surprisingly relaxing and enjoyable to watch.

The difficulty of the style Greengrass has heightened, in which the first fifteen minutes contain a mood of panic and everything is edited in two-second cuts, is that it’s hard to amp up the excitement – which is what any thriller is about (if nothing else) – and what you get is really increasingly eye-boggling. There are different ways of outdoing yourself. You could become wittier and sexier. Or you could just become faster, which is pretty much what "The Bourne Supremacy" opts for. The result is that the first quarter hour is just as good as the last, perhaps better, since it had all the potential, and much of the authentic non-digitalized physical action is wasted, because you can’t really make it out till you get a DVD and run it frame-by-frame or in slo-mo. But still you've got fun onscreen, and something a lot better than the average actioner with nothing better to offer than buxom babes, loud crashes, and Vin Diesel.


[On Knipp website: http://www.chrisknipp.com/writing/viewtopic.php?t=341]

09-02-2004, 02:08 AM
Good, hard-boiled espionage flick

I thought this film was well done. It told the story without pandering to the short attention spans of many of today's moviegoers. I liked it's gritty feel and serious tone. This is closer to how the early Bond films were than the recent, world-saving, special-effects laden epics starring Pierce Brosnan.

Damon is believable as a desperate, yet ruthless expert. A killer who is rightly feared for his skills and seen as a threat. I also liked the upper level office politics within Langley. It's nice to show that these operatives are acting according to a policy sent down from above.

The editing was choppy but effective with lots of quick cuts and the hand-held/steadicam work was compelling. I always love a good fight scene and this film has one with an "explosive" conclusion. I liked it better than the first film simply because the character was established (at least in our minds) and we we could simply watch as he reacts and moves through the story.

09-02-2004, 04:29 PM
Did anyone else notice that the russian girl at the end of the film was played by Oksana Akinshiana, the Lilja from Lilja-4-Ever (i hope i'm not the only one who have seen that film).

Chris Knipp
09-02-2004, 05:05 PM
I also hope you're not, and I should have seen it, but I still haven't.

oscar jubis
09-02-2004, 05:39 PM
I've seen Lilja but not Bourne which won't surprise anyone here. I didn't like the first Bourne. Wife sez new one is only marginally better.

Chris Knipp
09-02-2004, 08:19 PM
Wife sez right, but that doesn't mean they weren't worth viewing. However I should have viewed Lilya4Ever and still will when I get a chance.

09-04-2004, 09:34 PM
The spy genre has a new twist with the Ludlum books, although in recent years, there have been a slew of spy books, a resurgence from the past where Ian Fleming was just a B novel writer of pulp fiction. His elevation to celebrity status was courtsey of Cubby Broccoli.

Now we have a grittier spy. Still surrounded with hi-tech but more violent and blue collar than the refined snob Bond, who knows everything about everything. True, Bourne is intelligent, but he does not gamble in casinos and hob knob with the wealthy. He is more at home in the neighborhood bar, even if he does go home and drinks a Mouton Rothschild.

This spy just doesn't have a licensed to kill, he is by definition, a hired killer. Bourne's job is to assassinate for political reasons. Bond was never about this. His was more justice, to right a wrong done by some villain.

Bourne is a trained killer gone amuck. Without a memory, there's no telling who he'll take out next. "Aye, there's the rub..." The key to the Bourne success is his uncertainty principle. We just don't know what he'll do next. The only thing we have to go on is that Jason some how, some way, got a conscience along the way. What he does with it will be the subject of many more books and films. Like a phantom, we never know where Jason Bourne will turn up next and deliver his next double entendre.

Chris Knipp
09-04-2004, 10:53 PM
I haven't read the books, only seen the two Bourne movies. I'd say the interest in the plot is that he is unaware of his own identity and past. Otherwise he is, as you say, just a hit man, if a fabulously adept one.

09-05-2004, 04:15 AM
The Bourne franchise is the spy of the new century and taps into the more raw and deeper psyche than the former Bond franchise. Bourne is a fresh repackaging of the classic spy movies, The Ipcress Files and The Spy Who Came In From the Cold. Chris Knipp and stevetseitz have done a fabulous job of describing the Bourne experience though I tend to agree with stevetseitz that the jerky ride is not so much a sickening ride as a thrill ride...no motion-sickness medication was needed to keep me glued to the movie screen.

09-07-2004, 01:28 AM
Here's a good one...

Watch the first film (on DVD)... there's a great shot when Jason first makes landfall in, presumably, southern France. He walks away from the docks and in a moment of perspective trickery, seems to disappear before our eyes. One camera take no cuts.

Now go back and watch the same scene again in slow motion, paying careful attention to the small white van crossing left to right on the screen. If you follow its movement, you can see Matt Damon, crouched down and walking along beside it.

The trick revealed