View Full Version : Spiderman 2 - A Possible Winner
07-05-2004, 10:43 PM
Can it be that a Superhero Movie might actually be an award winning movie as well as a megablockbuster? With super special effects as well as a strong storyline and characterization, Spiderman 2 makes a strong case even with film critics. Diverging from past superhero and adventure movies, Spiderman 2 makes a special effort to really show Tobey Mcguire with weaknesses and failures as well as strengths, even the evil nemesis is human after all. This somewhat violent (implicitly), toughened up action movie brings together a number of important cinematic elements as Jaws did in tying up dramatic/comedic elements in a new way that spawned many spinoffs.
This movie will be a contender in the upcoming 2004 movie award nominations not because of its box office significance but because of its impressive upgrade of quality action films.
07-06-2004, 02:26 AM
I already said it in the Lounge, but DAMN, this movie was so great! Raimi, you're my hero.
07-06-2004, 04:04 PM
I agree, this movie rocked the casbah.
It's the full-meal deal, Tree. I'm a DC freak, but I can't argue with Raimi's vision. Spiderman was placed in great hands.
They didn't just "cash in" on the character- they honored the character. They tweaked some things, they got Alfred Molina to play Doc Ock- the smartest move Raimi made if you ask me.
People were all upset that Maguire might not return.
I wouldn't have cared- look how many actors suited up to play Batman.
I don't own the first Spiderman on DVD, but this one will be bought for sure.
Just think what they're gonna do for number three...
07-06-2004, 05:41 PM
I'm a DC freak too, but I can't ignore some of Marvel's heavies, such as X-Men, Spider-Man, and The Avengers.
Hopefully Batman Begins will be a winner. With Nolan at the helm and Bale under the mask, it's a pretty safe bet.
As for Catwoman, this only furthers my belief in a lack of God in this universe. DC's got to get it together a little more, methinks.
07-06-2004, 08:11 PM
I'm so happy for Marvel that they are getting great films.
Spiderman, Hulk, The Punisher & X-Men have all been done right. A minor miracle.
(I know you hate Hulk, I guess I'm alone on it)
These comic movies are off to a killer franchise start. It's about time we had some serious comic book films. Warner Bros. pissed away their money on Batman Forever & Batman & Robin. Batman Begins will be the best Batman film ever. I'm sure of it.
The cast is a dream cast, Nolan is an excellent filmmaker, Bale looks incredible in the costume AND as Bruce Wayne- I'm one excited dude.
Comic books are almost perfect cinematic fodder. Why has the comic genre been so sketchy all these years? My guess is the studio heads didn't think it was bankable. I could do a whole thread on comic book movies and their evolution. The first two Superman films with Christopher Reeve were ASTOUNDING.
Watch those two back to back on a saturday night with a couple bottles of wine- a killer night of entertainment.
*OOPS- you're not of age yet Tree, sorry*
Crack open a bottle of Coca-Cola and order a pizza... :)
07-07-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by Johann
*OOPS- you're not of age yet Tree, sorry*
Crack open a bottle of Coca-Cola and order a pizza... :)
Actually, I'm a Pepsi man myself. And my friends and I would probably get Wendy's to go over pizza. But nice guess. ;)
By the way, I finally caught The Punisher and I'd have to disagree with you. It didn't seem right at all. What was up with all the pointless characters in his apartment building? Frank Castle is a loner, and he always will be (except for that one dude who drives his van in the comics. Name?).
I would have preferred to see The Punisher in his element later on, rather than just starting out. They wouldn't be vengeance killings, but simple assassinations that we know the guy so well for.
I really feel sorry for John Travolta. I think Quentin needs to put him into one of his films again.
07-07-2004, 01:30 PM
I know why all the fans were upset with the film, but as a big film buff I can say it was right.
The main point was that his family was killed and he's exacting "justice". They did that. The proliferation of characters is off-putting, but when you take into account this is a cinematic translation, it works. If you take the position that this is "Punisher: Year One" it's mighty fine.
But if you don't like the movie, no problem. I can recommend the MARVEL MAX trade to you- it's uncensored Punisher! Garth Ennis told Marvel that he'll writethe character as long as he gets carte blanche to let him really wreck havoc. This is raw, unflinching Punisher, tree. You must know who Ennis is:(Preacher).
Wolverine is seen in the trade, mumbling to himself down an alley...Ennis treats the other marvel characters as unworthy in The Punisher's universe- another reason why that trade rocks.
07-07-2004, 02:17 PM
Garth Ennis is one weird dude. But who cares? His comics are awesome! I personally think Vertigo makes the best stuff. Great movie material. Case in point: The fairly recent Y: The Last Man. It's one of those Last Man on Earth stories, but it's hella good.
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