View Full Version : Russian Gem: The Return. New Director To Watch: Zvyagintsev

Chris Knipp
05-16-2004, 01:05 AM
Brilliant, potent little Russion film: The Return (Vozvrashcheniye), 2003


Get your tongue around this name: Zvyagintsev

What child doesn’t long for the parent he’s never had, even with mom and dad arguing in the next room? What boy hasn’t endured a week that seemed to encompass a lifetime? We begin with the wrenching ordeal of 8-year-old Ivan or Vanya (Ivan Dobronravov), who’s watched by a gang of his mates while he freezes with fear at the top of a wooden tower over a chilly swimming hole and can’t get down till his mom comes to fetch him. He has a fierce argument with the other boys and his older brother, Andrey (Vladimir Garin) that shows his strength of character. Vanya’s intense will and need to prove his courage will dominate the story, which depicts what happens when the boys’ dad (Konstantin Lavronenko) suddenly appears after an absence of 12 years and takes the two boys on a fishing trip. They run back to the house, they see their beautiful mom, and she says “Be quiet, your father is sleeping.” That’s how they learn he’s reappeared. That shot of him looking like Mantegna’s “Dead Christ” as the boys peep into the bedroom where he lies sleeping exemplifies the film’s austere beauty.

We tolerate the mysterious father – his cruelty never seems quite over the top – because there’s a perverted tenderness in his hardness with Ivan and Andrey. He wants to make up for lost time: he wants to shape them in these few days; wants to help them become men. He’s always a nurturer and teacher as well as a demanding brute. The mystery that surrounds the man evokes the gap between all children and adults. They boys aren’t even sure he's their real father, but their mother says so. The bond between the two boys has become the more intense in the absence of a father and the scene in their bedroom the first night when they talk excitedly about the day ahead is as vivid, beautifully photographed, and superbly acted as all the rest. The expressiveness of the two boy’s faces is beyond wonderful.

This stunning debut features exceptional performances by the talented young actors, brilliant storytelling in a fable-like tale that’s as resonant as it is specific, and exquisite cinematography not quite like any one’s ever seen before. There’s something haunting about the sound track too – the way the clear voices emerge from silence and blend with music. There’s nothing in "The Return" (Vozvroshcheniye) that isn’t fresh and compelling. It’s unlikely that there are any more intense evocations of boyhood or relations with a father on film.

The lovely, cool physicality of the movie's images reenforces the sharp contrast between the winsome, cheerful Andrey and the dour, intense Ivan. Andrey seems to bond right away with their dad but it’s Vanya who makes the underlying rules of their week together. Ivan always wants something if only a meal or to be fishing, at a different time from the other two. He’s a kvetch. But beyond that, his passion and discontent are terrifying. That big almost ghoulish angry face atop the little body looks like a man’s and haunts us when Andrey’s bright eyes and smile have faded from memory. Despite his hardness, their nameless father seems almost unformed next to Vanya. It’s a battle of wills. Vanya refuses to eat when they finally get to a restaurant and his father won’t let him eat later. Vanya complains about leaving a fishing place to drive on and his father dumps him at a bridge for hours where he sits huddled in freezing rain. It’s an ordeal, and getting stuck in the mud is another struggle and battle of wills in which the father of course wins and saves them. Yet there are moments of sheer joy when the boys click with their father and delight in the new places and scenes that they view through binoculars and photograph with a 35-mm. camera. The trip ends at a deserted island where their father has a secret mission and little Vanya’s torment leads to a disturbing finale.

"The Return" heralds the appearance of a gifted new filmmaker, perhaps a great one. At times it evokes such recent lonely, austere masterpieces as Bruno Dumont’s “Vie de Jésus,” Van Sant’s underrated “Gerry,” and Jim Jarmusch’s “Dead Man.” But Zvyagintsev is Zvyagintsev and nobody else. There’s an exciting new director on the world cinematic scene and we’d better learn how to get our tongues around this slippery Slavic name. (“The Return” won the grand prize -- the "Leone d'Oro" -- at the Venice Film Festival last year. It's not hard to see why.)

MetaCritic listing: http://www.metacritic.com/film/titles/return/

Who has seen it? If you haven't, watch for the DVD.

Howard Schumann
09-06-2004, 10:47 AM
Watching a film while enduring the pain of a kidney stone is not the ideal way to appreciate a film but in this case it all seemed to a perfect blend of physical and emotional pain. Nonetheless, here is my take on the film.

THE RETURN (Vozvrashcheniye)

Directed by Andrei Zvyagintsev (2003)

In Russian director Andrey Zvyaginstev's The Return, a father (Konstantin Lavronenko) revisits his family after an unexplained absence of twelve years to take his teenage sons on a fishing trip. Winner of the grand prize at the Venice Film Festival, The Return is a film of rare beauty and authenticity about the complex bonds between a father and his two sons and the need to discover one's self. First time director Zvyaginstev leaves much unexplained and the film, while a simple story on the surface, has suggestions of Greek mythology, political allegory, and religious parable. The film takes place in seven days, separated into segments. The two boys, Andrei (Vladimir Garin), who is about 13, and Vanya (Ivan Dobronravov), a year or two younger, are very different but have become attached to each other as a result of their father's absence.

As the film opens, Vanya is being taunted by a group of friends and called "chicken" because he is afraid to climb up a huge tower and dive from a pier. When the boys return home, they are astonished to discover their father sleeping on a bed as if posing for a religious painting of the dead Christ. At dinner, the father (who is not named) is cold and uncommunicative except to tell the boys that they will go fishing the next morning and to pass out wine to everyone. To confirm their father's identity, the boys find an old photograph of their father in a Bible adjacent to a drawing of the scene of Abraham about to sacrifice his son Isaac. As they drive through the brooding, isolated Russian countryside on their way to a rendezvous at a remote island, the boys confront their most longed for expectations and also their most dreaded fears.

Andrei openly seeks his father's approval but Vanya is rebellious, convinced that he is being kidnapped by a gangster. It is clear that the boys need their father but are baffled by his tough love. On one occasion, the father makes Vanya get out of the car in a heavy rainstorm then drives off only to pick him up soaking wet a short time later. When the boys fail to return from fishing on time, he slaps Andrei so hard that Vanya steals his knife and threatens to kill him. Though the mood is ominous, the father's motives remain unclear. The puzzle is deepened when he uncovers a strong box dug up from the floor of an old ruined house on the island. Is this the payoff from a criminal activity? Is it a treasure the father had buried to give to his sons? One can only speculate.

In spite of their anxiety, the boys seem to grow under their father's tutelage and, when Vanya must climb a tower once again, it is clear how far he has come in his journey to adulthood. His father's inability to reach his sons on an emotional level, however, is the ingredient for a tragedy that takes the film to an unexpected conclusion. The director has said that the film is about "the metaphysical incarnation of the soul's movement from the Mother to the Father." I'm not sure exactly what that means but the film taps into the universal need to love and be cared for, and the hurt that results when the need to be sustained and protected is thwarted. The film rekindled sad memories for me of what it felt like to be a child trying to reach a cold and distant father. Together with knowing that the young actor who played Andrei died in a swimming accident after the film was completed, made The Return a moving and painful experience.


Chris Knipp
09-06-2004, 01:23 PM
You describe the film beautifully and poignantly and delineate its essential elements with great skill. I'm sorry that you've been in pain, but glad that you got to see this wonderful little work of art.

You leave nothing needing to be said, except I would have commented more on the visuals and the style, I guess. I found Vozvrashchenie utterly fresh and original, beginning with its harsh, yet exquisite, look. The tensions of the situation, the boys' excitement and fear, disappointment and hope, give the sequences enormous intensity throughout.

Zvyagintsev certainly knows how to tell a story -- information that is withheld is the more present through its absence.

I hope more people will see the DVD.

Howard Schumann
09-06-2004, 02:28 PM
Thanks for your kind words. It is hard to top your review but I hope I did justice to the film and I can see how discussion of the visuals and style would have added more depth.

09-06-2004, 03:59 PM
I agree with you Chris, hopefully more people will see it on dvd. Kino is releasing it on Oct 19 and i'm looking forward to the hour long behind the scenes featurette.
