View Full Version : Star Trek: The Motion Picture
04-01-2004, 08:06 PM
Most critics and Star Trek fans have used the even number series as a guidepost to whether or not the movie was good or bad, odd being bad and even being good. Ever since the first motion picture came out in 1970, I have also felt the first feature film was the most true to the science fiction genre and the television series itself.
Most of the subsequent movies became more ordinary space westerns, along with line of Star Wars with the good guys versus the bad guys. The first film, however, incorporated the notion of some supposedly sinister unknown phenomenon, eerie in its conception that lent itself to a visual tour de force usually reserved for serious science fiction novel narratives. The movie, except of its miserable special effect scene of Vulcan and the early scenes of Dr. McCoy's stilted performance, the movie incorporates both Captain Kirk's voice over narrative and at times the original musical theme from the television series. No where else can the innovative, sci fi themes be found as compelling as the first movie.
04-01-2004, 08:45 PM
Damn the odd movie rule! This film is fantastic. Sure, it took two sittings to actually get through the whole thing, but the payoff, for me, made it all worth it.
I personally am a fan of ALL of the Star Trek films. I won't let some geeks tell me otherwise.
04-04-2004, 02:56 PM
Overall, all Star Trek movies have something to contribute to the sci fi genre, a good dose of humor, action. While it is can be argued that various characters sometimes received less attention than they deserved or that sometimes some of acting was less than superb, the primary thrust of entertainment, plot lines held up well. The balance between mainstream, current issues (like the fall of the USSR) and ecologically correct messages and hard core sci fi was always difficult for any major theatrical release. But the entire series even into The Next Generation has something to offer to the masses.
05-04-2004, 08:18 PM
Just bought the sucker on DVD, as well as Khan and Spock (II and III). I really wish these films were more noticed in the science fiction world. You don't see these movies too often on people's top s/f lists, but mine's rampant with 'em.
05-05-2004, 04:00 PM
Spock cries, Kirk sports a fro, Chekov guilty of overacting, Sulu looks wide-eyed once too often, Klingons look like they belong with the cast of "Cats", and Ilia is dripping with white-hot electronic sex. This is not Robert Wise' best effort as his hands are tied with a Tholian Web!
Ok, I confess. I do have the Special Edition DVD.
Famous bad line: "Captain, I sense there is an object at the heart of that cloud."
Famous good line: "Deef dor, es mousma, Spock" (Live long and prosper)
02-24-2005, 06:27 PM
I saw this DVD at a friends' place recently and I loved it.
It's a great first cinematic step for the Star Trek franchise.
The special effects are excellent, the story fits beautifully in the Star Trek mythos, it's classic!
The pastel uniforms annoy me though. Why did they switch?
And that electrode-thingy on their midriffs- what is that?
Sorry, this is minor stuff. I love the first Star Trek film.
10-22-2010, 03:18 PM
I bought this movie (special longer version) on VHS last week for a dollar.
And damn if I haven't watched it ten times in a row!
GREAT film, with obvious influence from Kubrick's 2001 and Star Wars- the special effects are light years (pardon the pun) better than the 60's TV series.
The script might be weak, to be honest. They could've worked harder on writing a good script. But there are so many other aspects of the movie that kick ass that I kinda forgive the bad script. Example, the prolonged preparation of the Enterprise's launch- some really great special effects shots there. The opening shots as well are great SFX shots- Klingon ships advancing- really great shots. Epic even.
My Fashion Critic comments: I dig the costumes to a degree (Kirk's Admiral tunic is cool- white & gold), but the pastel colors are an odd choice and again, what is that thing on the midriffs of all Starfleet crew? The bold primary colors of the original show's uniforms were great, classic. Wish they stuck to that scheme.
But Spock's black ensemble in the scene where he boards the Enterprise (after her launch, and almost an hour into the film) is awesome.
That should've been his uniform all this time! :)
Great pains are taken to re-introduce the famous crew of the Enterprise. She has a new Captain, but Kirk takes her Command back due to the huge threat out there in space. Only James T. can stop that threat, Jack!
I say again, the special effects are Oscar worthy here. I agree with earlier comments in this thread that this Robert Wise directed "Motion Picture" is an overlooked Sci-Fi Classic. Sure, Wrath of Khan and First Contact get more recognition, but this one deserves more viewings and more respect. Lots to admire here.
But there is some ripe cheesiness:
Kirk winking at Chekhov?
I agree with Tabuno that the early scnes of Spock on Vulcan were kinda Ed Wood-ish.
Sulu's lame-brained line: "He wanted her back, he got her.."
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