03-29-2004, 10:35 PM
Tonight I saw a great French Canadian movie at the Globe- The Seduction of Dr. Lewis.
There's a town called La Marie in Quebec that needs a doctor. But they need one for more than just ailments and injuries: they need one for jobs.
See, 90% of the town relies on government assistance (welfare) to survive. The mayor has found out that in order to get people working in his fishing village he needs a factory. The trouble is, no factory will open up in the tiny village because they have no doctor and they have only 120 residents. (250 are needed)
They can bluff their way around the population numbers, but not having no doctor. So he and his crack team of village cohorts send out hundreds of letters to doctors in Montreal in hopes that one will actually want to move to a remote fishing village.
Hilarity ensues. This is one of the wittiest movies I've ever seen.
No doctor agrees to move to Marie, but in a twist of fate, a doctor is stopped on the highway by a relative of one of the villagers- a traffic cop. This doc happens to have a baggie of cocaine on him.
In lieu of a jail term, you can guess what happens.
So you have the villagers try to make him stay longer than the 1 month "community service" term he was given. Lots, lots more to tell but I won't give any more away.
This film is VERY Canadian and very funny. There's sentimentality, but it doesn't get overdone. Great indie flick, and I highly recommend it.
There's a town called La Marie in Quebec that needs a doctor. But they need one for more than just ailments and injuries: they need one for jobs.
See, 90% of the town relies on government assistance (welfare) to survive. The mayor has found out that in order to get people working in his fishing village he needs a factory. The trouble is, no factory will open up in the tiny village because they have no doctor and they have only 120 residents. (250 are needed)
They can bluff their way around the population numbers, but not having no doctor. So he and his crack team of village cohorts send out hundreds of letters to doctors in Montreal in hopes that one will actually want to move to a remote fishing village.
Hilarity ensues. This is one of the wittiest movies I've ever seen.
No doctor agrees to move to Marie, but in a twist of fate, a doctor is stopped on the highway by a relative of one of the villagers- a traffic cop. This doc happens to have a baggie of cocaine on him.
In lieu of a jail term, you can guess what happens.
So you have the villagers try to make him stay longer than the 1 month "community service" term he was given. Lots, lots more to tell but I won't give any more away.
This film is VERY Canadian and very funny. There's sentimentality, but it doesn't get overdone. Great indie flick, and I highly recommend it.