01-02-2004, 01:06 AM
Things are always just a little more interesting when there are stakes.
This is the age of technology and in this era of electron synthesized reality, a degenerate gambler like myself can lay bets on virtually anything, anytime. If you can’t find a line on something, anything, drop an email to one of the betting sites. They’ll be happy to take your money.
The following are the odds that Bet 365 has posted for The Best Picture Oscar:
The Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King 4/11
Cold Mountain 11/4
Big Fish 6/1
Mystic River 7/1
The Human Stain 12/1
Lost In Translation 18/1
Master And Commander 18/1
Seabiscuit 18/1
The Last Samurai 22/1
The House Of Sand And Fog 28/1
21 Grams 28/1
The Alamo 50/1
The Missing 50/1
Finding Nemo 50/1
Mona Lisa Smile 66/1
Kill Bill Volume 1 80/1
Others On Request
LOTR is the obvious favourite: The academy loves the epic and The Last Samurai is simply too much of a joke. I haven’t seen Big Fish but I did notice that the Theatrical Poster hasn’t got any fish on it. I happen to know that Johan likes Master and Commander for some kind of recognition, possibly best picture, and I would tend to agree, although I’ve yet to see the film. But, hey, we’re gambling on the Oscars here. It’s not about the merits of the film, it’s about the favour it’s curried in Hollywood. At Eighteen to one, I think that Lost In Translation is a pretty good long shot.
Remember, these odds are to win outright, not the nomination.
This is the age of technology and in this era of electron synthesized reality, a degenerate gambler like myself can lay bets on virtually anything, anytime. If you can’t find a line on something, anything, drop an email to one of the betting sites. They’ll be happy to take your money.
The following are the odds that Bet 365 has posted for The Best Picture Oscar:
The Lord Of The Rings Return Of The King 4/11
Cold Mountain 11/4
Big Fish 6/1
Mystic River 7/1
The Human Stain 12/1
Lost In Translation 18/1
Master And Commander 18/1
Seabiscuit 18/1
The Last Samurai 22/1
The House Of Sand And Fog 28/1
21 Grams 28/1
The Alamo 50/1
The Missing 50/1
Finding Nemo 50/1
Mona Lisa Smile 66/1
Kill Bill Volume 1 80/1
Others On Request
LOTR is the obvious favourite: The academy loves the epic and The Last Samurai is simply too much of a joke. I haven’t seen Big Fish but I did notice that the Theatrical Poster hasn’t got any fish on it. I happen to know that Johan likes Master and Commander for some kind of recognition, possibly best picture, and I would tend to agree, although I’ve yet to see the film. But, hey, we’re gambling on the Oscars here. It’s not about the merits of the film, it’s about the favour it’s curried in Hollywood. At Eighteen to one, I think that Lost In Translation is a pretty good long shot.
Remember, these odds are to win outright, not the nomination.