09-08-2003, 01:26 AM
Paper Moon (1973) - ***1/2 (Out of 4)
In recent years, there have been countless movies about conmen. And there have been plenty of movies about fathers in questionable occupations that are reunited with their daughters. But this movie's simplicity has them all beat. Maybe because Ryan and Tatum O'Neal are also real life father and daughter, it's easy to believe them in this movie. This was Tatum's first movie and she deservedly won the Oscar for it...the youngest person to win an Academy Award. Filmed in black & white, this film had a good look. Along with an appropriate soundtrack made it easy to believe it was back in the 1930's.
In recent years, there have been countless movies about conmen. And there have been plenty of movies about fathers in questionable occupations that are reunited with their daughters. But this movie's simplicity has them all beat. Maybe because Ryan and Tatum O'Neal are also real life father and daughter, it's easy to believe them in this movie. This was Tatum's first movie and she deservedly won the Oscar for it...the youngest person to win an Academy Award. Filmed in black & white, this film had a good look. Along with an appropriate soundtrack made it easy to believe it was back in the 1930's.