View Full Version : Underworld: Hopefully what I've been waiting for
07-31-2003, 11:54 PM
These days, a heavily plot driven, incredibly fantastical, crazy-go-nuts action flick is fairly hard to come by. After first seeing the trailer for this I dismissed it as a blatant Matrix follower, trying to pursue the same type of film and hopefully make a huge profit, especially becuase of the fact of the original name of its website (, the exact same as when the Matrix was released). But then I really suddenly got curious.
After watching the trailer again, I finally brought myself to visit the elaborate website. What I found was something that looks like a lot of work has been put into it. They've got subplots and backstory all set up, and things look promising. I know a lot of you here won't agree with me, assuming my head is all-a-flutter with Hollywood, but I seriously think this thing will pay off.
You should check out the trailer.
Thoughts? Arguements? Anything?
I dont know much about this film. Whos behind it and what are the plots, subplots etc? I suppose I could check the website but you seem to know! Look forward to hearing more about it.
08-17-2003, 12:35 PM
Well, there is apparently an underground war that's been going on for several centuries between the aristocratic vampires and the lycanthopes, driven under the earth by their adversaries.
Kate Beckinsale's the protagonist in it, as a vampire who belongs to a clan called the Death Dealers, master assassins of lycans. While things I've seen her in haven't really impressed me at all (e.g. Pearl Harbor), that still didn't stop a lot of people from enjoying Keanu Reeves' performance in The Matrix.
Another character, played by Scott Speedman, is the inciting incident, as he is some mortal with a mix of both races or something (that's all I could get from the trailer, and the site doesn't tell much either, so I guess you find out in the film).
That's pretty much all I can tell you now, but the site definitely tells a lot, going into a lot of detail about the different characters.
08-17-2003, 04:49 PM
This movie sounds like the typical take-off of woman from the different side of town meets the man from the other side of town and they make a lot of noise. The special effects and breath-taking action sequences seem to rival most action-thrillers and the change of Shakespeanian scenery makes this movie a potentially interesting movie.
09-20-2003, 12:41 AM
Well, I just saw it today, and I can honestly say I thoroughly enjoyed it. However, I don't think that anyone else in the world would enjoy it. It's not even really a "R & J" style plot, and the trailer was very misleading. It was happily just a complicated fantastical plot with surprisingly very few action scenes. The ending sets it up for a sequel, but I don't think anyone but me would go see it. To the dismay of my disappointed friends, I'll probably end up buying it when it comes out.
09-24-2003, 12:08 AM
With no offense to Horseradish tree, I really disliked the movie. By the end, I couldn't wait for it to be over. It almost seemed like the idea had potential (Vamps and Lycans at war, but maybe coming together), but it failed for me. It had a decent look to it, but I found myself bored with the Matrix style action and didn't care about the characters.
To each his own was the #1 movie this weekend.
09-24-2003, 10:43 PM
This above average, cerebral horror movie took alot of Matrix-like action and incorporated a decent script that had a fascinating twist. The action blend of horror and contemporary gunning down vampires and werewolves seemed to lose some of its scary features found in most horror monster movies and the characters while interesting didn't really develop into beings that I could really fully enjoy and identify with.
10-01-2003, 08:45 PM
Just saw underworld and i am totally mixed by it. Cool story, cool film look, BAD BAD acting by Shane Brolly as Kraven. Oh my god, he makes Keanu Reeves look like DeNiro. This dude made it extremely painful and he was a total distraction. There are some cool effects though, but not enough fight scenes and action. It dragged on a bit in the middle. Could have knocked out 15 minutes minimum in the editing room. Looking forward to the sequel and more money to throw at it. This is a matinee at best with your buddy that likes D&D.
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