View Full Version : 2020 U.S. Election
11-03-2020, 10:27 AM
Today is Election Day in the USA.
What’s gonna happen?
I don’t have a crystal ball but I think it’ll be a landslide for Biden winning.
Trump is a total failure and disgrace, an abhorrent “leader” who doesn’t deserve
to be where he is.
He’s not “suave” as I heard one of his supporters describe him as.
They think he knows the key to winning, that he “doesn’t get into things to lose”...
Well Chachi, he’s just about to taste a one term defeat.
My good buddy Rush Limbaugh is harping that voter turnout will be the deciding factor in this election, and I agree.
And Rushie was also on Fox and Friends this morning, thanking Trump for his service to America.
When Rush is unsure of a Trump victory you know the gig is up...
He also referenced God and his personal relationship with Jesus Christ again.
Lord, I pray that’s true.
I sincerely hope that’s the case, Rush. You’ve got some things to atone for, don’t ya?
Biden is not ideal as a Presidential candidate, but he’s infinitely preferable to Drumpf.
11-04-2020, 11:17 AM
As Hunter S. Thompson would say: HO HO HO!
This election was way closer than anyone predicted.
The polls were wrong (again!) and voter turnout was up from 2016.
Trump shit the bed last night, what with his declaring victory and demanding all ballots be stopped from being counted...He blew his credibility to smithereens.
As of this writing we have no winner, with many ballots still to be counted.
If Arizona and the blue wall holds, Biden wins.
If Trump wins, then America, YOU DESERVE THE FUCKER.
11-06-2020, 02:35 PM
It’s looking like it was a landslide for JOE....
A landslide of Mail—In ballots!!!
11-07-2020, 01:31 PM
Joltin’ Joe & Kween Kamala win the White House!!
Trump has been repudiated.
Maybe Ivanka can help the moron pack.
Joe has received more votes than any President in HISTORY.
The young, blacks and women voted in droves and it makes me very happy.
Democracy won today.
11-09-2020, 12:11 AM
Hey, Johann. How are ya? Manage to get through this chaos? Every time I see a reference to Stanley Kubrick on my YouTube feed, I think of you. Hang in there, buddy.
11-09-2020, 11:17 AM
Hi cinemabon
Yep, made it thru the chaos...
11-23-2020, 12:14 PM
Trump is squatting in the White House.
He’s refusing to concede when he lost by six million votes...
He is also just golfing...somebody slap that shithead!
Today on his radio show Rush asked Trump haters to explain why they hate him.
Here’s why, Rush:
He has no soul.
11-27-2020, 08:58 PM
It's so apparent what he values. He was more interested in the Dow Jones this week than the misery of Americans who are suffering. Disgusting.
11-28-2020, 02:39 PM
The guy is just a soulless greedhead.
By refusing to concede he reveals how childish he is.
The moron can’t accept defeat.
He can console himself with the fact that 70 million people voted for him.
That is simply amazing: that so many thought he was good for the country.
America is clearly divided, and Trump bears a lot of responsibility for it.
I can’t wait to see his stupid fat ass thrown out in January.
The past 4 years felt like 40.
12-06-2020, 09:09 AM
9 days to the election results being certified.
Trump is “camplaining”, holding a loser rally to squeeze more money out of his hapless supporters.
The Georgia senate race looks to be swinging Democrat, what with Obama’s huge boost...
2020 was a dumpster fire, and trump was the fuel.
America voted, and the loser is out.
Thank God.
His admin. Was the most incompetent we’ve ever seen, and we saw Dubya up close...
He’s so incompetent he can’t even LOSE right!
12-08-2020, 03:40 PM
I wish I knew what he plans as even today, at the virus press conference, he still claimed he won and planned on taking office next year. It's December 8th, 34 days after the election, and this is what he's still insisting. It's very bizarre and unnerving. To tell the truth, I'm extremely concerned he's going to force some terrible conclusion to this self-made crisis.
12-11-2020, 12:11 PM
It’s very concerning and unnerving.
As Jake Tapper pointed out, Trump did NOT win, he lost to Biden’s 81 million votes. And it doesn’t matter what Trump says or does.
Biden will be sworn in January 20th.
If trump wants to pull some crazy shit, he will be dealt with.
There’s already been calls for a “presidential crimes” body to Investigate this orange clown.
He’s crossed the line so many times it’s ridiculous.
His supporters think he has balls, but those with a brain know he’s a coward. And a bad loser. And a scared fraud. And an idiot. And a grifter- look how he fleeced his supporters for his legal bills! Wow.
We’ve never seen such bald hypocrisy and treason and shamelessness in the White House. We’ve seen some shady shit, but not on this level.
Rudy G. Got COVID this week too!
For guys who claim it’s “just the Flu” they sure get whisked off to a hospital for the best meds and treatments on earth...
Fucking hypocrite scum.
12-13-2020, 07:09 PM
The Supreme Court shot down Trump's Texas lawsuit, deeming it unworthy of even hearing.
You need PROOF of widespread voter fraud, and Trumpy has none.
What business is it of Texas's to meddle with other States' election results?
Talk about grasping at straws...
Charges should be filed against Trump and his lawyers.
It's against the law to waste a court's time with bogus charges, especially the SUPREME court.
Trump's own appointees saw through him, and stayed true to the Rule of Law.
They have my respect for that.
12-14-2020, 07:54 AM
Trump desperately wants credit for this vaccine...he wants a hail mary from Tom Brady so bad he can TASTE it....LOL
He also tweeted "We have just begun to fight" and never credited John Paul does he Suck!
The grifting walking covid catastrophe Prez...You can tell by the way he walks that he's a Loser.
Scuttlebutt is that Trump wants to run again in 2024.
I wonder how oily Mike Pence feels about that. "Yes Mr. President! I'll lick your boots for the ten millionth time!"
These 126 Republicans who backed Trump's Texas lawsuit are shit-stained forever by it.
They put Trump before country.
It's Astounding.
12-15-2020, 07:19 AM
The Electoral College certified the election results yesterday, and Joe Biden is President.
As I heard someone say on CNN: they turned the electoral college into an EVENT! Wow!
Something so routine and pedestrian was made into a big deal!
Attorney General Bill Barr was fired yesterday too- the MINUTE the results came in. Amazing.
Make no mistake: Trump's toadie didn't resign. He was told what to do or be fired. Period.
An idiot can see that.
Good riddance to an ugly fuckwad.
Enjoy yer Christmas Bill, you filthy animal...
12-16-2020, 09:53 PM
Merry Christmas... still worried about January 6th and these Special Councils he's creating. He's so mean spirited and vengeful. I think he's planning something evil.
12-24-2020, 09:38 AM
Sorry, the filthy animal merry Christmas was for Bill BARR!!
So this one's for you, Bill S. hahaha
Because it's Christmas Eve I want to keep it as positive as possible, and it's hard to do with this stimulus bill, offering a paltry $600 to people who've been in dire straits for 9 months.
Try to keep in mind these "lawmakers" make $130,000+ a year in salary, only to argue all year over handing out 600 bucks. It's stunning.
Rush Limbaugh did his final radio broadcast for the year yesterday and he got emotional, expressing gratitude for those who've been there for him throughout his illness, including his listeners.
You don't see Rush get emotional often, in fact I've never seen it. I just assumed he's got a Heart of Stone.
But there he was, tearing up. I believe him when he says he gets most thankful at Christmastime. I sincerely believe he has profound memories of Christmas from his youth.
It pleases me immensely that he made it to Christmas day, Christ's birthday. (Not really his birthday because his birth and death dates are not actually known).
I said I would believe that he has a personal relationship with Christ if he makes it to Christmas day. And he did and I do.
I have profound qualms with Rush's politics, but that can be set aside in the name of God.
He is Blessed.
I prayed for him and still do. He will leave a big void when he departs. No one can do what he does. Not as well, anyhow. His mind is too nimble, and that's why he's so dangerous to his opponents.
He's lucky to have had that nimbleness of mind all the way to age 77.
You made your mark Rush. Once from the Heart ain't got no expiry date...
You were like a comet, but not a brief one blazing across the sky.
My thread on you was genuine- I wrote with passion and I did what I had to do.
Some may look on it as "ratting", but I'll take those arrows. I didn't rat. I claimed Justice.
And all's fair in love and war, right Sailor?
Tell us about the white, blind Light if you get a chance..
12-29-2020, 07:43 PM
So Trump signs the COVID-19 relief bill after farting around and golfing?
Did he actually sign into law a $2000 per home relief check?
Which is exactly what Canada gave out? From the get-go?
I bet mitch the Bitch ain’t happy ‘bout that!!
President Joe Biden says that the transition hasn’t been completely smooth, that he’s getting roadblocks from the Pentagon and other Kubrick demanded to know, WHAT IS THIS MICKEY MOUSE SHIT?!
01-01-2021, 12:37 PM
Even though I’m not a “political activist” per se, it is a tenet.
I advocate political activism.
My Rush Limbaugh thread is just that, a political wake-up.
It’s my brand of gonzo journalism. Hunter Thompson taught me how to stick to your guns, how to “not take any guff from these Swine”...
If my claims were false, I would be sued into the ground for slander, anonymous guy on the internet or not.
The fact is I chase truth. I don’t have 100% of it, but a good chunk.
I hide behind nothing.
My real name is no secret- if you want it you got it.
I stand behind what I write, as gonzo as it is.
Never forget that.
01-06-2021, 11:05 AM
Trump has completed his destruction of the GOP.
The Georgia Senate runoff election is over, and those 2 seats went to Democrats.
Mitch the Bitch is now Senate MINORITY Leader...
As Chuck Schumer said, “BUCKLE UP KIDS!”
01-09-2021, 01:26 PM
So Trump is basically a felon right now.
He incited an insurrection/riot that resulted in 5 deaths.
Rudy Giuliani is also a felon with his “trial by Combat” riot inciting too.
Articles of impeachment are being drawn up as we speak, the second time this twunt has faced impeachment.
The 25th Amendment is being invoked to remove the piece of shit from office now.
Felonies are gonna rain down on the rioters, who are not American.
They reside in thugland and buttfuck Arkansas.
What a low watermark for the USA...
The whole world watched that debacle and shook their heads in revulsion.
Wow did Trump ever throw Pence under the bus, huh?
He had to be whisked out of there or face death!
Pence now finds himself in a position to be a hero and bring the hammer down with the 25th amendment...
Trump leaves office as he entered it: as a big old bag of shit.
It’s now up to Joe Biden to MAGA.
01-09-2021, 01:31 PM
Trump also was permanently banned from Twitter for inciting violence.
And what did Trump do? He used Rush Limbaugh’s account! Which has also been taken down.
That neuters and muzzles the fucking dog.
01-12-2021, 02:23 PM
Donald Trump’s obliviousness proves to me that he’s just an actor.
There had better be consequences for these rioters and Trump himself.
If there isn’t, then you can unequivocally call the USA a banana republic.
I’m currently watching an FBI press briefing that’s encouraging.
They’re being frank, saying it will be a LONG investigation into the criminal activity that happened.
There were thefts, assaults and felony murder cases here.
It’s mind blowing for sure.
01-16-2021, 11:15 AM
Donald Trump has been impeached for the second time, six days before he’s out the door...
You can’t find a bigger fuck-up than the Donald.
His lawyers are trying to say his incitement of violence is “protected speech”.
He’s actually facing federal prison for causing an insurrection against the United States government.
He basically told his retarded supporters “Go Get ‘Em!”.
And those dolts who are being arrested all have a similar defence: “I was just following my President!”
The Nazis had the same defence at the Nuremberg trials. “I was just following orders!”
I blame some of this on MELANIA TRUMP.
Hey cunt: Donald hasn’t been laid in YEARS.
YOU AREN’T doing your wifely duty!
01-17-2021, 12:36 PM
Donald has been impeached more times than he’s been elected.
He hasn’t said a peep about the five who died.
All he’s done is hold a pity party for being kicked off social media.
It’s amazing.
Deutchebank wants nothing to do with him anymore, scores of businesses are shunning the Trump name.
He’s in a pariah death spiral, whether he knows it or not.
I said if he pulls some stupid shit he’ll be dealt with, AND HE IS.
NOBODY wants anything to do with the Loser-in-Chief.
The guy’s name is camel shit.
Rush Limbaugh poo-poohed the idea of Trump having his own show in other media, saying it would encroach on donny’s freedom to golf on a whim. LOL
So what’s a fat slob Grifter to do?
01-20-2021, 02:42 PM
Donald Gump has left Washington.
Joe and Jill went up the Hill
To start to heal the Nation.
Trump the Clown stepped way Down
To face Incarceration.
yes, I stole that from a Facebook meme.
01-24-2021, 05:59 AM
Hope you are well and on the road to recovery. I love being able to watch daily press briefings on Youtube - the White House has a permanent site set up with both live and recorded press briefings. Winters are so tough in Canada. Stay healthy and I LOVE your Kubrick painting.
01-25-2021, 11:35 AM
Yes, it’s so refreshing to see honesty and truth in a press briefing.
Kaylee McA-Fucky was an unmitigated disaster.
The Kubrick painting turned out better than I hoped! I love it too...
01-26-2021, 10:20 AM
It’s safe to say that the Senate won’t convict Trump.
Republicans are well known to be cowards, so it isn’t surprising.
Trump will be back on the ballot for the mid-terms, so I hope Democrats are preparing.
Trump is like a bad case of syphillis.
The democrats have a lot of work to do in a very short time.
They had better get wise to this spectre of Trump returning or all will be for nought...
The MAGATS are lying in wait...
01-26-2021, 01:50 PM
Gotta say something about Rush Limbaugh.
Someone posted on a YouTube video of his podcast:
“Why would a dying man spend his last days spreading hate?”
The reply came: “Probably a contract clause where he loses money if he doesn’t show up.”
That got me thinking, what is el Rushbo doing with his money?
I heard a rumour that he doesn’t want to give his considerable wealth to his young wife Kathryn.
Is he gonna bail Trump out?
What. Is. He. Doing. With. His. Millions.?
Inquiring minds want to know...
Hey Rush, if you’re listening, you should turn your estate in Palm Beach into a museum...I hear your library is most impressive. You could hire a guy like me to curate/host the place. Lol what do you say?
You need your legacy preserved, don’t you?
Sail down the Styx with Johann!
Hotel George’s V needs a proper curator!
Don’t leave it up to ninnies!
01-26-2021, 04:54 PM
So Mike Pence failed to be a hero by not invoking the 25th Amendment.
Man, that guy truly has no fucking spine.
He was a pious, slippery, oily, slobbering servant to Trump for four miserable years.
He showed up to the Inauguration, but so what?
What the fuck is Pence good for?
It’s been real good not hearing Trump on twitter.
Glad they shut his blabbering trap.
I also love that Bernie in his mittens is a phenomenon.
Feel the Bern!
Biden/Harris are winners.
They won’t steer you wrong, America.
01-31-2021, 03:45 AM
Joe Biden’s pen has been on fire, signing Executive Orders that are undoing the damage that fucktwat Trump has done.
Trump the Eternal Moron is hanging out in Palm Beach, being useless, where he opened “ The office of the former president “....
His first guests were the My Pillow guy and Joe Exotic.
I heard he blew them both while Barron
Just kidding.
Only Eric watched.
Trump’s level of pathetic-ness is breathtaking.
I know we are all trying to forget him, that he isn’t worthy of a backwards glance, but we really gotta take a moment to consider what one man and his profound narcissism can do.
He was allowed (unchecked!) to let his narcissism run rampant for four disastrous years.
His ego was allowed to control the office of the president with Zero Repercussions. He had a Diet Coke button on his fucking desk! You can’t make it up.
This guy ran roughshod over everything in his path.
He exposed a major flaw in the idea of a “President”: give that job to a moron and just might lose your Entire Democracy.
02-04-2021, 10:30 AM
Context is all-important when you deal with politics.
Trump supporters genuinely feel that the election was stolen.
They simply refuse to believe that Joe Biden got more votes- 7 million more in fact.
Even the Right’s King Mouthpiece Rush Limbaugh said on-air that there simply wasn’t enough cheating for the election to be fraudulent, that it’s impossible to steal millions of votes.
Did they hear him when he said that?
Did they hear him when he admitted that hardly anyone listens to him anymore?
That his influence is not as far-reaching as in days of Yore?
Apparently not, if the comments on his podcasts are any indication.
I have been Rush’s opponent for a while, but I can say that even tho he still traffics in hate and division, he’s been trying to be as truthful as he can possibly be, without upsetting the Trump rotten apple cart...
He’s smart enough to drop mayor-of-Realville truth bombs on occasion.
It’s not enough to excuse 4 years of misguided Malarkey, but at least he WILL have moments of crystal ship clarity on-air from time to time.
Rush told his listeners that the days of “retail” politics are over, that the days of power-sharing between Democrats and Republicans are over.
Trump killed that.
We are about to see many years of Democrat control, and I’m ok with that.
Republicans, in an ideal world, should be the USA’s ruling party.
But they can’t get their shit together.
They back horses that don’t finish the race, to quote Hunter Thompson.
02-06-2021, 10:43 AM
More on Rush Limbaugh:
Rushie has skipped his hosting days as of late, and one doesn’t know if it’s due to his health or due to other matters.
Dominion (the company that manufactures voting machines that were used in the U.S. election) has apparently sent a stern letter to el Rushbo over his peddling conspiracy theories about them rigging the election for Biden.
In November Rush was on the bash-the-machines bandwagon that Rudy Giuliani and Trump’s lawyer Sidney Powell were on. And both of them are being sued LARGE by Dominion for defamation.
I wonder if Rush didn’t get served as well.
He told those falsehoods to an audience of MILLIONS.
Rush may really be in some hot water now...
He’s very smart, but he may have crossed the line one time too many, which is why he came out with “it’s impossible to steal millions of votes”. To cover his fat ass.
But that might be too little too late.
Rush also has the capital to lose- I think his net worth far exceeds Giuliani’s.
Regarding Rush’s health, he may simply be unable to physically do the show anymore.
We just don’t know how bad his stage 4 cancer is right now.
He SEEMED alright, able to power through 3 hours of broadcasting bullshit.
But maybe he’s a lame horse now, ready for the glue factory.
02-15-2021, 10:52 AM
I just read a fawning “eulogy” for Rush Limbaugh at titled “Marconi’s Titan”..LOL
In it, some sychophant lavishes praise on Rush, saying he carved out some conservative media space when there was none, and used humour to do it.
Let’s get really real.
Rush has never had proper opposition.
He’s never had any proper guests on his show, just tongue-waggers who share his twisted views.
He has operated largely in a vacuum, and for two big reasons:
1. Anyone who opposes him with heft deflates his conservative football/zeppelin.
2. He risks being exposed as Jim Morrison if he’s not stealthily careful.
No major news outfit (Fox, CNN, etc.) will dare expose Rush, because then they run the risk of exposing all operatives in the media, and they can’t have that!
Exposing him opens up a giant can of worms in their own wheelhouse.
Rush isn’t a Titan.
Johann is.
Because the Johann did real journalism in an age when it is DEFUNCT.
02-15-2021, 11:45 AM
In case anyone is curious about why I posted he’s dead in my Limbaugh thread, I don’t know for sure, it’s just a hunch. Technically he’s dead in 2021, so I felt it was fine to announce it on Super Bowl Sunday.🏈
He’s absent from his show again today, so he just might be dead for real.
02-16-2021, 05:56 PM
Limbaugh is a big reason why Trump was bestowed on us, and a big reason why he STAYED bestowed on us.
Don’t underestimate Rush’s orchestration in all this...I believe Trump gave him the Presidential medal of freedom precisely because of his orchestrations.
Fans of his are getting very concerned about his absence.
One even whined: “They need to make an announcement. It’s not fair to keep us in LIMBO...”
It may be hard to announce he’s only got days/weeks to live.
The guest hosts are glaringly bad filling in for Rush. It’s cringe-worthy.
If they had talent I would say so, but they don’t. They suck.
No one comes close to Rush in terms of ground covered and erudition.
Rush was fucked in the head, but his fuckery was actually erudite! He was coherent in his bat-shit-ness, and that’s hard to pull off! No wonder these hacks filling in can’t hold a candle. They won’t fearlessly risk ridicule.
You need to do that and land on your feet like a cat to have longevity like Rush had.
It won’t be long now.
Final curtain call is upon us.
Cancer has no stage 5...
02-17-2021, 11:23 AM
Called it like Babe Ruth.
Good riddance to Rush Limbaugh.
02-17-2021, 12:58 PM
That casket was HEAVY.
Finally I can go back to movies.
Hello TCM.....😎
02-23-2021, 09:58 AM
I might as well wrap this thread up as well.
The 2020 U.S. election was a full repudiation of Donald Trump.
He never had the votes to win and he knew it long before Election Day.
He played his fan base like a harp from hell.
Joe Biden clearly won the election by over 7 MILLION VOTES.
Democrats took back the White House and the senate.
Mitch McConnell was demoted/humiliated and Mike Pence and crew were shown the fucking door.
Speaking of doors, a final word on Rush Limbaugh.
Hallelujah that he’s now off the air.
Now all the right has for media mouthpieces are mediocre medicine men- including Laura Ingraham.
Watch out for Hannity’s retirement...he will not stay the course without Rushie to lean on.
Trump just lost another Supreme Court decision re: his tax returns. They will be released to New York State attorneys. But we already know about his taxes: Trump has never paid one PENNY in federal tax.
That fact alone should shock and awe people into wondering how he could become president.
But people are so willingly blind to Trump’s fuckery that it seems nothing would wake them up.
Glen Beck spoke on tv recently about Limbaugh’s death, saying that the left will slit your throat and leave you dying in the street...Hey Glenn: nobody gives a fuck what you think. You still peddle the lie, (like Rush did with a vengeance) the lie that there’s a left and a right...there’s only BUSINESS, you white-goateed buffoon!
Don’t lump me in with “The Left”.
The quote unquote left couldn’t do what I did- they don’t risk enough.
I took Rush out like a U-Boat commander. It took 4 years, but the mission got completed.
And no one gives me the laurel, so I give it to myself, like Napoleon did.
Rush loved conquerors, like Attila, so he must love me. A worthy adversary sank his battleship.
With nothing but BB’s.
02-23-2021, 10:58 AM
The bible teaches us to love our enemies, and that was lost on Rush.
Multiple times I reached out to him but was met with “radio silence”.
Due to my love of Jim, I reached out, olive branch in hand, and not a peep from Rush.
I was deemed a “crazie”, a threat, a kook, someone to be kept at arms length.
The answer is clear.
If he engaged me, he knew that I’m a guy who will root out the truth, a guy who could ruin his ruse. I would ask questions that Barbara Walters couldn’t fathom.
It was safer to ignore me.
Better to not raise that Spectre...
I determined that his conversion to Christ was based on fear.
Like Lincoln freeing the slaves, it was only done as an attempt to win the war, not out of genuine necessity.
He could’ve “Loved thine enemy” and I would’ve responded much differently...
But Rush loved drawing battle lines, thus it’s his epitaph.
When the chips were down, he was ultimately a Coward.
A bully, a blowhard, a despicable prejudiced and racist man.
Misogynistic, homophobic, xenophobic and suffering from a debilitating Demi-god complex, he was a wretch of a human being.
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