View Full Version : THE DEVIL WE KNOW (Stephanie Soechtig) - preview

Chris Knipp
06-21-2017, 09:02 AM
THE DEVIL WE KNOW (Stephanie Soechtig 2017) - preview


PREVIEW CLIP WITH ERIN BROCKOVICH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cnhd_Wy5lQ)
See the story by Patrick Hipes in Deadline Hollywood ([/SIZE][/B])

This new documentary exposes the dangers of Dupont's product TEFLON and other chemicals in the environment. It features Erin Brockovich (the real one, not the Julia Roberts version). Morgan Spurlock (of Super Size Me is the producer. It is directed by Stephanie Soechtig (Under the Gun. The film exposes the danger of PFOA aka C8, a man-made chemical used in the making of the coating Teflon and many other products.

From a press release from David Magdael & Associates:
C8/PFOA - Perfluorooctanoic acid - is a chemical in the bloodstream of 99.7% of Americans – how it got there and why it took a cattle farmer and a PE teacher in West Virginia to expose the chemical is a fascinating and timely tale.

Tucked in the rolling hills of West Virginia, the town of Parkersburg is described by those who live there as an idyllic place to raise a family. It’s also home to a sprawling DuPont chemical plant that manufactures Teflon. When Earl Tennant and his brother Jim noticed the cows on their family farm were mysteriously dying, they suspected it might be tied to the adjacent "non-hazardous" landfill operated by DuPont. Then one autumn day in 2000, local schoolteacher Joe Kiger opened his mail and found a letter in his water bill informing him that C8 - DuPont’s Teflon chemical - was in his drinking water, but safe for consumption. Most people would throw the letter away – and most did – but Joe Kiger is different. The trail of deception he and his wife Darlene uncovered made the sleepy town of Parkersburg the epicenter of one of the largest class action lawsuits in the history of environmental law.

Internal documents and secret in-house studies reveal a disturbing truth: DuPont had knowingly been pumping a toxic chemical into the air and public water supply of more than 70,000 people for decades.

The heroes who brought this contamination out of the darkness help the filmmakers expose a complex, decades-long cover-up by one of the world's largest chemical corporations. As the story continues to unfold to this day, plaintiffs in an historic class action lawsuit break their silence about the suffering they’ve endured at the hands of the chemical giant in their backyard.


● C8 – also known as PFOA – is a synthetic industrial chemical that has been used in the manufacture of Teflon cookware and countless other products, like water-repellent clothing, stain-resistant carpeting, food wrappers, pizza boxes, microwave popcorn, dental floss, firefighting foam, and more.

● A panel of independent scientists have linked C8 exposure, even at low doses, to kidney cancer, testicular cancer, ulcerative colitis, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, and pre-eclampsia.

● C8 has been detected in the drinking water of at least 6.5 million Americans in 27 states.

● C8 is one of the most persistent chemicals known to man - it is completely resistant to biodegradation and it accumulates in the blood.

● C8 has been found in the blood and organs of numerous wildlife species around the globe, from the Alaskan polar bear to the bald eagle, sea turtles to salmon.

● Studies have found C8 in the umbilical cord blood of every newborn baby tested.