View Full Version : Ira Sachs' LITTLE MEN (preview)

Chris Knipp
07-24-2016, 08:51 AM
Ira Sachs: Little Men. (Preview.)

Gred Kennear & Little Men costars Theo Taplitz and Marco Barbieri

On Tue. Jul. 26 I expect to see a San Francisco screening of this film, prarised at Sundance, that opens Aug. 5 in NYC. It comes to San Francisco Aug. 12. Released by Magnolia Pictures, its reviews have been nearly unanimously raves; the current Metacritic score is 89%.

Little Men Official Trailer (2016, USA) Ira Sachs, Theo Taplitz,...
A new pair of best friends have their bond tested by their parents' battle over a dress shop lease. When 13-year-old Jake's grandfather dies, his family moves back into its old Brooklyn home. There, Jake befriends Tony, whose single Chilean mother runs the shop downstairs.
Director - Ira Sachs Premiere - Sundance Film Festival Jan. 2016...
TRAILER (On Tue. Jul. 26 I expect to see a San Francisco screening of this film, praised at Sundance, that opens Aug. 5 in NYC. It comes to San Francisco Aug. 12. Released by Magnolia Pictures, its reviews have been nearly unanimously raves; the current Metacritic score is 89%.).

It played at two dozen other international and domestic festivals including Berlin and Karlovy, San Francisco and BAMcinemafest. I have high hopes, will let you know what I think here, publish my full review in August.

Sachs has always been an interesting independent director, one who has modulated, shifted, and grown from film to film. There was a leap from his 2005 Forty Shades of Blue, (http://chrisknipp.com/writing/posting.php?mode=edit&f=1&p=493) an oddball southern vérité film about a foreign woman in the South, to 2007's more mainstream, traditional period film with Hollywood stars, Married Life (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?2121-New-York-Film-Festival-2007&p=18538#post18538) (NYFF 2007). Now he has been producing a film every two years.

In 2012 came Keep the Lights On (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?3345-KEEP-THE-LIGHTS-ON-(Ira-Sachs-2012)&p=28446#post28446), an agonizing, not wholly satisfying but well acted and absorbing account of a ten-year failed gay relationship. Then in 2014, Life Is Strange, (http://www.chrisknipp.com/writing/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2816) his most mainstream, widely distributed, and satisfying film yet,featuring superb lead performances by John Lithgow and Alfred Molina, the paradoxical story of the opposite kind of gay couple, a wholly happy one, together in harmony for thirty years, whose lives are disrupted when new laws allow them to legally marry. Originally from Tennessee (setting of Forty Shades of Blue), Sachs has developed a keen sense of New York milieux.