View Full Version : FRANCOFONIA preview (Sokurov)

Chris Knipp
04-12-2016, 03:18 AM
Coming to 47 US cities. Watch for it. Click on the poster below for calendar of Music Box releases. Review will follow.

http://www.chrisknipp.com/links/fnfa.jpg (http://www.musicboxfilms.com/francofonia-movies-134.php)

What if the treasures of the Louvre had been lost or stolen during the German occupation? Like Russian Ark, this is no mere documentary film. It's rather a mesmerizing and very personal and informative mélange of fantasy, found footage, and dreamlike restagings of real or imagined incidents. And that still very troubling subject, France under the German occupation. Unlike Russian Ark,Francofonia is talky. It's Sokurov's lengthy meditation, in his own voice, about art in culture, museums, war, and France. Paris, he announces, revealing himself to be a surprisingly unbridled francophile, is the cultural capital of the world, and museums (he doesn't say this exactly) the souls of nations.