View Full Version : WORST films of the year
01-05-2003, 10:05 PM
How about everybody's least favorite films of the year?
My pix:
13 Conversations About One Thing
Sunshine State
Notorious CHO
Men In Black 2
Reign of Fire
How I Killed My Father
Punch-drunk Love
Morvern Callar
01-05-2003, 10:10 PM
I'm pretty selective about what I see (for financial reasons), but
BLADE II is one of the worst films I've ever seen. Screeching special effects and sloppy editing made me want to rip that print off the sprockets. Shit was that a horrible movie....
01-05-2003, 10:12 PM
Blade 2 was one of the years BEST films.
01-05-2003, 10:16 PM
Please explain what I was missing...Seriously, I walked out after an hour of sensory overload. Snipes looked great, but cripes, this movie had no ENGINE. Just a bunch of screaming vampires turning into dust (?) I love vampire movies, but the Blade series and Buffy are just crap to me.
01-05-2003, 10:23 PM
Overlord Eli Demaskinos gobbles on blood-jello and relaxes in a blood-jacuzzi, Eurotrash vampires snort blood-cocaine, the Bloodpack straps on like a Benetton ad from hell, and someone actually says,“You’re one cunt hair away from hillbilly heaven.”
How could you not?
Unhinged b-movie nuttiess of the very best kind. Afro/retro-futuristic panache and a killer job of cinematography (little pocket of primary color in the grime), plus Cronenberg's production designer...There are so many great things here I don't know where to begin. This was the only "dude movie" that truly rocked me in 2002.
Apotheosis of the kung fu vampire film.
01-05-2003, 10:34 PM
nuttiess of the very best kind.
"Jackass" is nuttiness of the very best kind!
Actually, I can concede how someone would find Blade "cool", but for me, no diggety.
09-26-2003, 02:27 PM
I claim that Will Smith & the Blade movies are not my cup of tea and what happens?
-I watch a scene from Blade III being shot in downtown Vancouver.
-I watch the shoot of Proyas' I, ROBOT on east hastings street.
It looks pretty damn good. Very futuristic-looking. The cars & telephone booths for the film look like they are from Blade Runner... Alex Proyas directed Dark City, so it might be a kick-ass movie. (Fresh Prince or not).
-Will is a well built boy, I might add.
09-27-2003, 01:42 AM
Nothing much original and too predictable. The S.W.A.T. was apparently designed from a movie formula and the twists and turns were projected way ahead of time. Not a terrible movie, but not that much interesting either. No character development, except the usual cliches, no real depth to relationships, just scenes just for the sake of scenes (picked up probably from some other movie outline. I found the trailers before the movie more involving, more action oriented. Just didn't seem like an intelligent, innovative movie - it just uses the S.W.A.T. premise and makes it into the same police action I've seen before. Even "The Negotiator" had more dramatic energy and tension. Four out of ten stars.
09-27-2003, 03:35 PM
I knew this film was going to be crap.
No disrespect to Sam Jackson or Bono-lite, but the movie was not needed. Who cares about SWAT cops? For that matter, who cares about the Michael Bay Bad Boys cops?
Not me, martha.
The only cop film I'm anxiously anticipating is Starsky and Hutch with Owen Wilson, Ben Stiller and Snoop Dogg as Huggy Bear. That movie is gonna ROCK! Did you see the photos of these 3 in costume? Hilarious!
Juliette Lewis is a supporting player called "Kitty", and her man is villain Vince Vaughn..She stated on the imdb that there is a lot of homoerotic comedy happening in this "remake".
09-27-2003, 07:50 PM
I found Adam Sandler in Punch-drunk Love to be a delightful, eccentric character the enabled Mr. Sandler to show of a much different side of his acting abilities. I found this movie intriguing and strange, but definitely not the worst of the year.
10-01-2003, 06:54 PM
Upon closer inspection, the list of 11 films on ArpHagenbach's WORST films of the year is debatable.
I didn't see MIB II, 13 Conversations, Morvern Callar, Reign of Fire or How I Killed My Father. CHO is a definite no-diggety. I can't stand her.
Is the Invincible quoted the Werner Herzog film?
It's dangerous to say he made a bad film...
From what I've heard about Shyamalan's Signs, It's a hell of a movie-didn't see it either, not a giant fan of M. Night. Craftsman, but like Soderbergh, he hasn't made a definite masterpiece yet.
I loved Sayles' Sunshine State and Punch-Drunk Love was wonderful.
Narc is the only film of that list that I intended to see but somehow I missed it. I think Ray Liotta is one of the best actors working today.
10-01-2003, 10:42 PM
Ray Liotta has been stereotyped in most of his roles as the bad person and in a few instances a comic relief and a charming personality. I can't remember any role that he's played that has offered him the opportunity to demostrate his ability as an actor. I hope to see him have that chance.
01-13-2004, 09:08 PM
Gangs of New York *** (C)
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle *** (C-)
Runaway Jury *** (C-)
Scary Movie 3 *** (C-)
Bringing Down the House *** (C-)
Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas **1/2 (D+)
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star ** (D)
2 Fast 2 Furious ** (D)
The Hulk *1/2 (D-)
01-14-2004, 12:18 AM
I found The Hulk to be an entertaining adult comic book movie, unlike the more juvenile comic features. While I did find slow and boring segments in the beginning of the movie, I also found "adult themes of relationships, science gone awry, about sharp drama with character development and the hidden demons that hide within us." I would definitely rate this movie much higher than a D- just for its content and Ang Lee's direction and raising the bar of comic book movies.
04-12-2004, 08:26 AM
Covering old ground here first....
I liked Blade II! Sure, it was just a "poser" movie, which is what I call all the recent films where the characters wear dark glasses indoors, wear fetish black leather, etc (ala Matrix, Underworld, etc)...but it was fast moving and entertaining.
As for The Hulk, I found it frustrating and fascinating. It really tried to do what no comic movie has ever done before...dealing with mental stress, anger control, father/son issues...but it also clashed with the action and FX. Its a film that's more interesting then entertaining.
I'll pick the worst films of each year starting with 2000.
2000: Dungeons & Dragons
2001: Sweet November, Ghosts Of Mars, Freddy Got Fingered, Ticker, Town & Country
2002: Van Wilder, Scooby-Doo, XXX, Vampires: Los Muertos
2003: Torque
2004: Well, haven't seen much yet, but Butterfly Effect was awful.
It would have been laughable if it hadn't been so unpleasant. What a lovely mainstream thriller...if features kiddie porn, murdering pets, insane children and a baby blown up. Argh.
04-13-2004, 05:37 AM
Good call on Butterfly Effect. I'm glad these boards aren't tainted with a review of that stinker.
Ashton Kutcher needs to realize he's a one-trick pony.
Stick to TV and Demi, Ash. They're your only lifelines at this moment in time.
Scooby-Doo? Please.
Too bad you didn't like HULK. I seem to be alone in my support of Ang Lee's film. I loved it.
04-14-2004, 12:28 AM
A lot of thought went into the script about the various scenarios and complications of trying to go back and change one's life. The variety of outcomes and the resolution found in this movie easily outshines most movies of this type and the morally uplifting ending is a breath of freshness not found in mainstream feature films. I can't imagine why anyone would rate this one of the worst films, much less just a decent effort. I rated this movie above average in a genre that really has had a good, solid movie of this type in a long time.
04-14-2004, 03:36 PM
Wasn't 2003 the year of "The Real Cancun" when reality television made its debut in the halls of cinema? And wasn't 2003 the year of "Gigli" (I think pronounced giggly... just kidding)... no wait... there's more... wasn't this also the year of "Honey"? Then there was Dumber and Dumbest or whatever it was... Oh, man... it's starting to smell pretty bad in here. I have to go. Sorry. I'm getting sick to my stomach.
WAIT! We're off to a good start for this year with "Torque!"
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