View Full Version : LIFE ITSELF (Steve James 2014)

Chris Knipp
07-04-2014, 09:53 PM

Life and death of America's most famous film critic

On PBS, then syndicated, the jovial, chubby, Pulitzer prize-winning Chicagoan from the more working class Sun-Times did the "Sneak Previews" show with Yale grad Gene Siskel of the more posh Tribune. They sparred and shouted each other down, thumbs-upped and thumbs-downed for twenty years, making informed arguing about new movies a Sunday evening after-dinner ritual. Ebert continued variations of the show with others after Siskel's death at 53 from cancer, the disease that was to fell him too at 70 14 years later. That show, plus his endless books and newspaper reviews, which went online as soon as there was an online, plus many other activities such as Cannes, Sundance, and other festivals, including his own Ebertfest, and Ebert's sheer tireless willingness to be the visible face of American film reviewing, made him the most famous film critic in America. Roger Ebert may have played much the same role for movies that Julia Child played Stateside for French cuisine.

Well, not quite. Child's TV show and cookbooks led Americans to tackle complicated dishes. Ebert merely made visible the art of talking about movies. But in so doing he awakened the wider public to the idea of cinema as art worthy of serious debate. As a popularizer he played a role some of us might wish that Pauline Kael or Jonathan Rosenbaum (Ebert's fellow Chicagoan) or any number of more sophisticated or polished writers for magazines or major papers might have played. But mainstream and Middle American Roger Ebert was, ultimately, the voice America needed. And he was never condescending, always intelligent, and while he has been accused of talking too much about big budget big studio pictures, he championed smaller ones more than many realize. This film mentions some. Roger Ebert is justly celebrated in this documentary by Steve James. This is a touching, humane and thorough portrait.

James himself, like many other filmmakers, owes something to the critic, who championed James's masterful early (1994) documentary about young black basketball players, Hoop Dreams. That debt is both significant and incidental. What may count more is that both Hoop Dreams and this new film show James not only is a fine director, clearly one of the best American documentarians, but a man with passion and warmth matching Ebert's.

Ebert was first and always a newspaperman, showing writing talent and journalistic bent right from childhood. He revealed unusual maturity and initiative as a reporter and editor of the Daily Illini while a student at the University of Illinois. He joined the Chicago Sun-Times in 1967 in his early twenties, simply falling heir by luck to the movie critic's job a few years later and never leaving it, despite later being wooed by more prestigious papers like the Washington Post. He lived the rough, boozy newsman life, to the extent that he had to quit drinking and join A.A. in 1979, a fact he went public about, after cancer had hit him, in August 2009, on his truth-telling blog rogerebert.com, (www.rogerebert.com) with a piece called "My Name is Roger, and I'm an alcoholic." Maybe this newspaper formation also explains how as one talking head says, Ebert could knock out a complete movie review in half an hour. Keep that in mind. It's an act most of us had best not try to follow. Few film reviewers have that kind of facility or fecundity. His reviews read like a man talking, also like a man with decades of thinking about movies behind him. (James shows Ebert was a mesmerizing lecturer on classic films.) It is interesting to learn direct from Martin Scorsese that when he himself was a wreck from his own cocaine problem, Ebert's public support helped him to pull himself together. And we also learn that Ebert's wife and companion for the last 20 years of his life, Chaz, a black woman, whose support in the last days is one of Life Itself's most moving chapters, he had originally met at A.A.

James's film goes to the heart of things like this, and also provides backstage views, some might say not enough, of Siskel and Ebert's testy and funny off-the-record sparring during sessions when their show was being filmed. One friend says Ebert was "nice, but not that nice," and other comments make clear he was a showoff and a bit of a control freak, as well as an only child. This made the show with Siskel, though it made them famous, something of a torment. He didn't altogether want to share. But the occasional full-on viciousness of the two critics' on-screen head-butting was something viewers enjoyed, the constant clashes adding extra value to the times when a movie they reviewed wound up with the unanimity of "two thumbs up" or "two thumbs down."

Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert

This simplistic rating system, though perhaps required for the TV medium, was what irked serious cinephiles, and led to the famous Film Comment attack (http://www.filmcomment.com/article/richard-corliss-all-thumbs-or-is-there-a-future-for-film-criticism) by Richard Corless entitled "All Thumbs: Or, Is There a Future for Film Criticism?" The head-shaking was shared by The Chicago Reader's erudite film guru Jonathan Rosenbaum. Yet if you read Ebert's reply (http://www.filmcomment.com/article/roger-ebert-richard-corliss-cure-for-criticism-of-film-criticism) to Corliss, he delivered a strong defense of the show. Both Corliss and Rosenbaum have nice things to say about Ebert in this film, as does A.O. Scott, chief film critic of the New York Times. In balance, most seem to concede that Siskel and Ebert, "all thumbs" or not, wound up educating the public, not dumbing it down.

The background images, biography and talking history in James's film are beautifully done, but what gives emotional punch to Life Itself (which is based on Ebert's 2011 memoir of the same name) is the unexpected fact that James began working on it when, as it turned out, Ebert was in the last five months of his life. James therefore, with Ebert's full cooperation, chooses to provide a closeup of those difficult but brave final days. This any close reader of Ebert probably already knows: that as operations removed his lower jaw and he could no longer eat, drink, or speak, he continued to write, and write, and write. His blog had become not only film criticism but life itself, about his life as well as film, and also a way of holding onto life. Ebert maintains in the final scenes a remarkable determination and good cheer. There are warm images of Roger with Chaz and her family, of which he became a beloved member. In his last years of struggle with cancer Ebert became "the good soldier of cinema," as Werner Herzog put it, and Herzog, seeing Ebert's energy and spirit as that of an adventurer daring to enter into his last days not only with courage and grace but productively, dedicated his 2007 documentary about adventurers at the end of the earth in Antarctica, Encounters at the End of the World, to Roger Ebert. A dedication from Werner Herzog, who never dedicated a film of his to anybody, is probably as fine a tribute as anyone in the world of cinema, or of courage, could ever want. But this documentary is a worthy one too.

Life Itself, 115 mins., debuted at Sundance Jan. 2014. Also showed at Cannes, Ebertfest, and other festivals. Limited US theatrical release 4 July 2014. Metacritic rating: 90%.

Chris Knipp
07-09-2014, 08:47 AM

This is a double review (http://www.nationalreview.com/article/381980/screen-obscenities-tammy-and-life-itself-armond-white) by White in NATIONAL REVIEW that starts out with a condemnation of the new Melissa McCarthy comedy TAMMY, a movie that sounds too repulsive to want to see and whose inclusion of Susan Sarandan and Kathy Bates with McCarthy (whom White has brutally attacked before) seems a horrifying development. White says TAMMY "confirms we have reached the nadir of movie culture."

Not surprisingly White dares to question the worth of both TV movie criticism and Ebert's own achievement. Without actually using the word he points out the undeniable fact that LIFE ITSELF is hagiography, and the detailed presentation of Ebert's suffering from thyroid cancer arouses a rush of pity and sympathy that makes the hagiography even harder to resist than it already is from Steve James' warm and fluent celebration of Ebert's achievements.

As often happens with Armond White's reviews for me I sort of say as I read it "why didn't I dare to say that?" I contented myself with saying " he played a role some of us might wish that Pauline Kael or Jonathan Rosenbaum (Ebert's fellow Chicagoan) or any number of more sophisticated or polished writers for magazines or major papers might have played." And then I go on to say "the mainstream and Middle American Roger Ebert was, ultimately, the voice America needed." "Needed"? Or just the only one they would accept? There was Siskel you might say, who was tougher and more intelligent than Ebert? But if you watch some of the old shows Siskel and Ebert seem like Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

No dobut Ebert and his TV reviews have positive aspects White overlooks. As usual his review is too extreme. How dumb or dumbed-down are two critics who repeatedly listed RAGING BULL as the best film of the Eighties? But here are some good points White makes about Ebert:

--"Nobody in the doc can mention a single esthetic or cultural idea that Ebert originated. "

--James wrongly suggests Ebert's BONNIE AND CLYDE review "announced a revolution in American movies and movie criticism." This is "credit that rightly belongs to Pauline Kael’s long New Yorker essay that both changed the film’s fortune and reshaped the culture."

-"Ebert’s careerism outstripped his criticism (he maneuvered from public television to Disney sponsorship and personal copyrighting--all overlooked in this documentary). " [A really complete and cool-headed doc would have looked closely at the "branding" aspects of Ebert's career in much more detail, aspects that may be why he appears to have lived in a splendid apartment--also overlooked.]

--Ebert's repeated motto "Movies are like a machine that generates empathy” is one of his "banalities" that "subverted criticism’s esthetic and moral ambitions and its toughness." [In other words, Ebert softened and dumbed down even mainstream journalistic film criticism.]

--"It is necessary to separate Ebert’s real influence from his suffering. Chazz Ebert’s loving dedication is deeply admirable and evokes great sympathy for her. But further promoting Ebert’s widely imitated sophomoric style is not a proper paean, even though it is now popular to do."

These are all valid criticisms and correctives to any positive review of LIFE ITSELF. It must be acknowledged that while it may be a great tribut to Ebert, it's not a great documentary by any means.

Chris Knipp
07-09-2014, 09:53 AM

While White is correct to point out that this documentary whitewashes aspects of Ebert's fame and career and isn't tough enough about the cultural issues, it's simply unfair and unduly rigid. Here's what Andrew O'Hehir said in SALON: "While Roger had an unusual ability to write directly at a broad general audience without a hint of condescension, anyone in the chattering classes who viewed him as an anti-intellectual rube was only kidding themselves. As Chaz noted in our conversation, he had been a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Chicago before taking the Sun-Times job, and throughout his career he fought for genuine debate and tirelessly advocated for smaller films, adventurous films, foreign and independent films, films by and about women and people of color."

White calls James's HOOP DREAMS "condescending." Was it? Really? If so, I missed that. Maybe it's White who is being condescending.

07-10-2014, 12:56 PM
Amazing posts Chris.
Armond White can be very cutting, can't he?

Roger Ebert's "cultural" impact may be smaller than people think, but he has written excellent books (The Great Movies series, for one, his Scorsese appreciations, for two). He probably was the most accessible critic for America, even though I feel Roger lifted the bar higher than a Beavis and Butthead TV schtick with Gene Siskel. Roger has gotten his share of ridicule. I'm not sure how I feel about LIFE ITSELF. Not sure I want to see it.
I hesitated buying Roger's book of the same name. I want to remember the serious cinephile he was, not lament that he left when he clearly didn't want to.

Chris Knipp
07-10-2014, 04:44 PM
Yes, Armond White is extremely negative and ultimately very often unfair, but he also is very bright, very knowledgeable about film and a corrective voice who says what others dare not think or say and sets very high critical, intellectual, and moral standards -- even if he himself doesn't live up to them: Ebert may have been a drunk in his early years and had a mean side we don't get to hear about, but I haven't heard of his ever being expelled from a professional group for rude behavior as White was last your from the NYFCC. But now that Whilte is off City Arts, however, his notoriety seems to have raised his stock in some circles beneficial to him, since this year he has acquired regular gigs with OUT MAGAZINE and THE NATIONAL REVIEW. The way this divides up and separately exploits his gay and conservative and Christian sides I don't think is necessarily beneficial, but I guess it pays the rent and may expose his writing to a larger audience.

I sympathize if you want to avoid this Steve James Ebert doc; this picture of the last days of the man, though he comports himself bravely, is sad and not very pretty to watch, and I can understand anybody's choosing to skip it. What I'd really like is to see one of his hours-long public lectures on a famous film, analyzing it frame by frame, referred to in LIFE ITSELF but not actually excerpted. Apparently a big part of Ebert's life was the annual University of Colorado's Conference on World Affairs that he attended for decades and where he did these performances celebrating and analyzing films.


In 1975, Ebert and CWA founder Howard Higman launched "Cinema Interruptus," a series of film screenings over the course of a week in which audience members yell "stop!" to pause the movie and ask questions or make comments.

The popular feature was renamed the "Ebert Interruptus" in 2011, the first year Ebert stopped attending the conference after losing his power of speech from his cancer treatment.

Have just been watching a bunch of initial and Eighties Siskel & Ebert show excerpts on YouTube. What is notable is that at least in the selected examples, they are so harmonious and unargumentative even when their ratings are different. And they really are talking about a bunch of very mainstream movies and what new can you say about JAWS and E.T. in five minutes? "Cinema Interruptus" may have been the better Ebert we have not seen.

My feelings are mixed about Ebert. I think he was a force for good. But some say the negative side of him is downplayed too much. Chazz Ebert is one of those very protective widows who won't hear anything negative said or thought about her late spouse or wants her smooth-edged version of him to dominate. But given how mainstream and bland he tended to be, more rough edges and negativity might be welcome.

Welcome back Johann, by the way. I have been hearing only my own voice for a while. Where is cinnemabon? I know he'll be back when he can. Tabuno has been silent for a long time and I worry. Oscar I know will be back and is probably hovering in the wings even now.

07-11-2014, 12:19 PM
My laptop conked, and I want an excellent replacement, so my posts dried up for a while here. Plus I have seen ZERO movies at theatres this summer- I have been hanging at my batcave watching Tarsem's Immortals and UFC DVD's over and over...HELP! what has happened to me? LOL

You nailed it about Ebert.
Armond White has gotten volatile in critics circles, and he paid for it. I can get volatile because I have nothing to lose- he's got a "reputation" and paychecks to protect. Ha Ha

Ebert lived a full life, basking in the warm light flickering in the dark and meeting cinematic heroes and writing about them.
I try to do the same, on a much smaller scale of course.

07-11-2014, 12:22 PM
Tabuno! cinemabon!

Where Art Thou?

Chris Knipp
07-11-2014, 02:51 PM
I agree with everything, but am sorry you don't get out to the cinema.