View Full Version : LINCOLN (Steven Spielberg)

03-11-2014, 08:20 AM
Steven Spielberg's LINCOLN may bore a lot of people, but I found it to be quite excellent.
He delivers a portrait of Abraham Lincoln in his final months in office that feels totally right.

Daniel Day-Lewis is Lincoln, and once again he proves why he is the best actor on the planet. The guy is just astonishing.
Some of the scenes of him here, wracked with the conundrum of ending the Civil War with a "military necessity" of freeing slaves, are just sheer understated power.
The voice, the stoop, the bearing- he nailed Abraham Lincoln. He made him alive to me in a way that no other actor could have done.
The music by John Williams struck the right tone of the picture, even if it had the same tone of Williams' score for SAVING PRIVATE RYAN.
Spielberg and John Williams are a perfect match.
Tommy Lee Jones shines here too, and just about every actor in the film is a fine support for the main subject: LINCOLN himself.
Sally Field is great too. I love the scene with her and Lincoln in the carriage toward the end where he tells he they have to work to be happier, that they have been miserable for too long.

The speeches and dialogue is stellar here, and Daniel Day-Lewis in particular has inflections that you marvel at.
I couldn't stop thinking about Gangs of New York, and how he played the part of a man QUITE DIFFERENT from Abraham Lincoln yet set during the exact same time. Tammany Hall is even mentioned by Lincoln! It's Great!

Check this movie out if you haven't already. I'm prone to say it's Spielberg's best film.