View Full Version : AMERICAN HUSTLE (David O. Russell 2013)

Chris Knipp
12-18-2013, 11:24 AM
David O. Russell: AMERICAN HUSTLE (2013)


David O. Russell's patchy Abscam comedy satirizes the Seventies

American Hustle : the title promises a classic, definitive statement of the nation's most typical forms of duplicity. The movie interweaves an account of a late-Seventies FBI entrapment of corrupt officials surrounding a plan to redevelop Atlantic City, New Jersey's resort and gaming businesses with a soap-Sopranos drama of the tangled relationships of a quartet of men and women, themselves confused or victims of their own deceptions. And a couple of mafiosos and a New Jersey mayor (played with spirit, despite the odd casting, by Jeremy Renner) thrown in for good measure.

"Some of this story actually happened," David O. Russell's movie based on the Seventies Abscap sting operation jokily announces at its outset. This suggests a tongue-in-cheek, loosey-goosey approach, one that goes for laughs, as does the trailer, a compendium of droll and buoyant moments. And we sort of get that. But though this is an accomplished effort it fails to be truly original -- or consistent. Despite its air of eccentricity and Russell's typical giddy energy, this is more a patchwork of derivative elements. And they don't ultimately quite fuse into a compelling plot line or meaningful finale. A lot of policoes get arrested. So what? Most of them we don't care about or even know. And the story is as retro as its context, the thousands in attache cases passed over to officials dwarfed by the millions now pocketed by congressmen every day in the course of business.

Mind you, the movie is ingenious. In assembling his eccentric characters and scenes, Russell is performing well on a certain technical level. There is good acting, ingenious mise-en-scène, a brisk pace. But despite its hugely positive critical reception, including a Best Film award from the New York Film Critics Circle, the result isn't up to the best of Russell's work, including his recent The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook. The characters are eccentric caricatures, but the delight of Flirting with Disaster and Three Kings is missing.

Theatrical devices can be impressive but also dangerously distracting. Bale, on his own initiative apparently, put on forty pounds (which sidled him with a disk problem) and is given an elaborate "comb-over" and kitsch-flashy wardrobe for the role. He plays one Irving Rosenfeld, a con artist-cum-businessman who owns a lot of dry cleaning establishments and has a business in fake art and a profitable loan scam going for him. Rosenfeld, the Russell-Bale creation, is a man always pathetically embarrassed and repentant, torn between two women, his partner in deception (Amy Adams) and his nutty-agoraphobic wife (Jennifer Lawrence, given a delightfully louche and fallible escape from her heroic Hunger Games lead) . Rosenfeld, like the real-life Abscam con man Melvin Weinberg (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/12/17/the-real-story-and-lesson-of-the-abscam-sting-in-american-hustle.html), agrees to help the FBI to catch a scam with a scam, but gets hopelessly entangled (or so it seems) in operatic guilt-trips and female jealousies. The whole scam is sketched in but there is so much emphasis on the screw-ups and female troubles that the seriousness of events and some of the mechanical details get lost in the shuffle. Do we really know what's going on? Do they?

The acting by Christian Bale and his backup team of Russell's film, spends more time on bad hair and delightedly tasteless accoutrements, some of the uglier aspects of Seventies style, and leaves its suffering protagonist in limbo. LIkewise his two women, wife Rosalyn Rosenfeld (Jennifer Lawrence) and girlfriend-collaborator Sydney (Amy Adams), are too ditzy and unsure of themselves (these are clichéd women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, their chief visual gimmick showing truly excessive amounts of breast) to achieve emotional dimension.

American Hustle is repetitive and somehow inconclusive in its multiple-narrated tale of a fake Arab sheikh from Abu Dhadi (played listlessly by Michael Peña) who's brought in by Irving Rosenfeld and his FBI cohort Richie DiMaso. As Richie, Bradley Cooper gets his own distracting, pointless visual gimmick. Though he's presumably Italo-American, he puts his hair in tight curls to make it look Italian (as one wishes Jeremy Renner did: Renner gets a big brown pompadour). Cooper plays Richie as hyperactive and weird. But not weird enough. After his successful moment in the spotlight in Russell's Silver Linings Playbook Cooper subsides back into being not a particularly interesting actor. Another weakness is Sydney, Irving's art and loan scam partner, as played by Amy Adams. Adams certainly convey's Sydney's insecurity well. But how can a con artist be that way? Remember Angelika Houston in The Grifters. Now there were some real con artists. (Wholly made up, of course, and all the better for it.) Sydney is supposed to be posing as an English aristocrat to impress people, but Adams never settles into the fake accent convincingly. So when she finally "drops" the English accent and comes clean to Richie, it makes little sense.

It's been commented that American Hustle evolkes Goodfellas (using its voicover narrations), Married to the Mob, and Prizzi's Honor, with touches of Saturday Night Fever thrown in. This is precisely the trouble. These different elements are indeed all present at one time or another as each main actor has a great scene or two. But this just shows how uneven tonally this movie is. It's only the eccentric characters, especially the eye-catchingly over-dressed, overly suffering Irving Rosenfeld, who hold things together by the sheer energy of their performances. The movie revolves around its actors and serves them, instead of their serving the movie and the story it tells. We feel the cast's enthusiasm and the filmmaker's, but the result is disappointing.

American Hustle, 138 mins., went into limited US release 13 Dec. 2013, wide, 20 Dec. UK 1 Jan. 2014.

01-07-2014, 04:45 PM
I have to say that since "The Sting" I haven't seen a movie with as much potential for Best Picture quality as I have with this film. I was thoroughly impressed with the level of acting, the story, the pace, the dramatic tension and the realism in the Russell style of shooting with near ambient light conditions (or simulated ambient light). I can't begin to praise this film enough and am so glad (unlike all of the other special effects laden films this year) that this story relies on such brilliant characterizations brought to life by this core of excellent actors. All superlatives aside, the execution of these parts is nearly flawless. I saw no weak areas in the film and believe this movie to be in line as Best Picture. What else is there? I mean, really. This film has it all. Once more, Russell has delivered another masterpiece of work and it should be recognized as one of 2013's finest films of the year.

Chris Knipp
01-07-2014, 05:15 PM
Welcome back after the holidays, cinemabon, and Happy New Year! And I'm back in California after thee weeks in NYC.

It is a "Sting," isn't it? You maya be right and others (the Globes) have agreed. It may be a pity that, being disappointed, I wrote a rather ho-hum review of a movie that's clearly full of delights and originality for many viewers. But the answer to what will happen may be in David Denby's New Yorker Best of 2013 lis (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?3626-Best-movies-of-2013-so-far&p=31569#post31569)t (cited over in the thread "Best of 2013 - so far"): "American Hustle is the best movie of the year - but is it important?" followed by his comment "12 Years a Slave will probably win the best picture - it's important." As Wolf of Wall Street feels vulgar, Hustle feels trivial, while 12 Years feels important. I personally prefer All Is Lost - remarkable, specific action filmmaking, and the most totally absorbing experience provided by any movie this year, and Nebraska, a complex statement about family, aging, and regional small town culture that's well written and acted and distinctive in style.

01-07-2014, 05:30 PM
David Denby, "The New Yorker" - "American Hustle offers so many easy pleasures that people may not think of it as a work of art, but it is. In the world that Russell has created, if you don't come to play you're not fully alive."

Manohla Dargis, "The New York Times" - "American Hustle" giddily embraces the excesses of its era, from spandex to 'staches, though it's a farce that speaks as well to this tarnished age."

Rex Reed, "The New York Observer" - "I have to admit I enjoyed it, primarily because of the twisted logic and wicked cleverness."

96% of all the critics in America agree with me - "American Hustle" is a great film.

Chris Knipp
01-08-2014, 12:09 AM
Yes, it's gotten better reviews than THE WOLF OF WALL STREET. What about HER and INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS? They rated better.

Metacritic top scores in drama, dramedy, comedy and sci-fi fantasies:


Many other high scoreres here: http://www.metacritic.com/feature/best-and-worst-films-of-2013

01-08-2014, 09:54 AM
"Her" and "Inside Llewyn Davis" are on my list to see this next week ("Her" will be out Friday). I've resisted seeing "12 Years a Slave" as I'm not into seeing abuse (I find it difficult to watch) but understand it is a very good film. Like "Django Unchained" the violence in the film has kept me away. I did enjoy "Django" but that was very different with its tongue in cheek approach.

01-08-2014, 10:09 AM
I see you took down your post about David Denby, but I have it in my email and I'd like to add a comment. Perhaps you are right, Chris. "12 Years a Slave" is a more important film and the triviality of "Hustle" may not be enough to give it best picture status if Hollywood ever voted in a way that made sense. However, as we have seen recently, it does not and we can see that clearly with films like "Argo" that trivialized the Iranian hostage crisis. How could you ever take that film seriously? And yet, it won the Best Picture award. Films like "The Sting" have won because they were popular in the public lexicon and with the Hollywood community. Not having seen the other nominations (and I'm assuming the films you've listed as popular will be nominated), I would wager that "American Hustle" will garner popular support when the nominations come out next week.

Chris Knipp
01-08-2014, 10:37 AM
Right about DJANGO and 12 YEARS is humorless and brutal on the viewer. I think it's overrated; anyway I would not put it in my top list. Tarantino has much, much more to offer.

01-10-2014, 03:55 PM
Chris, I noticed you didn't list "Dallas Buyer's Club." Did you feel it was one of the year's best films (this may not be the appropriate forum)? I haven't see your list. I've heard so much about the performances but it isn't showing anywhere nearby. Seeing "Her" this weekend.

Chris Knipp
01-10-2014, 05:20 PM
I see you took down your post about David Denby, but I have it in my email and I'd like to add a comment. Perhaps you are right, Chris. "12 Years a Slave" is a more important film and the triviality of "Hustle" may not be enough to give it best picture status if Hollywood ever voted in a way that made sense.
I did not takle my post about Denby. It was his best list for othe year and it is in the Best Movies of 2013 so far thread where I put it originally: here. (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?3626-Best-movies-of-2013-so-far&p=31569#post31569) I think this is the correct observation. Unfortunately the Academy is influenced by other factors besides pure merit, if such a thing exists. And emotional punch and political correctness have more weight than wit and intelligence. We are basically agreed on that.

Did you feel it was one of the year's best films (this may not be the appropriate forum)? I haven't see your list.

My 2013 best lists are still here. (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?3626-Best-movies-of-2013-so-far) There may be some tweaking but most of them are done, just the text to go with them. I wasn't wowed by any movies as much this year, though there were good ones of course, so I'm not as excited about year's end listing and there are so many films and so many lists nowadays. Besides I spent a lot of the holidays watching George Cukor films and a couple of other revivals, Dino Risi and Oshima.

Dallas Buyers' Club is a worthy effort no doubt in its way but not a great movie to my mind. I didn't list Her either. I could put that in the overrated list.

01-10-2014, 06:48 PM
You just blew me away. George Cukor? Really? Like what?

Chris Knipp
01-10-2014, 08:13 PM

From the 50-film 26-day The Discreet Charm of George Cukor (http://www.filmlinc.com/films/series/the-discreet-charm-of-george-cukor)Series this season at the Film Society of Lincoln Center. I saw about 13 of them and I will post a thread to report.


01-11-2014, 02:12 AM
I can't get your thread to work but here is a review of the review found at the Village Voice. Ironic, my son - home from college over the holidays - was listening to Frank Sinatra's version of "The gal (man) that got away." I said, "Did you know the song was written for Judy Garland? Would you like to see that version?" He sat with me and watched Judy belt out the tune. Afterward, he shrugged, gave me a, "huh!" and said, "She's not bad, Dad." High praise from my 18 year old, discovering the world of jazz.


Here is Garland in the film, directed by George Cukor...


Chris Knipp
01-11-2014, 02:36 AM
Sorry, my link to the FSLC pages on their Cukor series was no good. I fixed it. And here it is: http://www.filmlinc.com/films/series/the-discreet-charm-of-george-cukor. Plus here's the thread I promised where I report on my numerous Cukor viewings over the holidays at Lincoln Center, on beautiful 35 mm. prints.

The Discreet Charm of George Cukor at Lincoln Center (Film Society of Lincoln Center website) (http://www.filmlinc.com/films/series/the-discreet-charm-of-george-cukor)

The Discreet Charm of George Cukor (Chris Knipp Filmleaf thread) (http://www.filmleaf.net/showthread.php?3667-THE-DISCREET-CHARM-OF-GEORGE-CUKOR-%28Film-Society-of-Lincoln-Center-Dec-13-Jan-14%29&p=31607#post31607)

My thread also links to a New York Times introduction to the series and the very good Wikipedia article on Cukor.

Good Voice article, I agree. I had not seen it. Glad your kid liked Garland -- sort of. "Not bad" is high praise from me too sometimes.