06-14-2012, 10:38 AM
The Dominion-Chalmers church in Ottawa was the church of the REAL DEAL for 3 hours last night.
Punk Icon Henry Rollins gave us a spoken word concert just shy of 3 hours, and it was Divine. (pardon the pun)
The range of topics he touched on were awe-inspiring and he never took even so much as a pause or sip of water. Afterwards a woman was asking me if he was a reptile, because he never stopped to take a sip of Aqua. I said for pasts shows I've seen he's had water, so I don't know.
I made a new facebook friend yesterday- the wife of the merch table guy. She waited with me and some others to meet Henry after and get stuff signed. (He signed my Rise Above WM3 CD sleeve- BITCHIN')
Henry basically told the audience that the future is ours. He's been to the mountaintop, and now he's going down the other side, in a taboggan that is headed straight for a grave. Age was a theme in his show, as well as Time, because we don't know how much time we have, and time will kill all of us, one way or another. How you choose to spend that precious time is paramount. He said you could get hit by lightning tomorrow, so don't think in terms of lifespan (78 for men, 82 for women is the norm) because you go at anytime, anywhere, for any reason.
So make the most of your time.
I learned that his father was a racist, the kind who would have had a Rush Limbaugh bumper sticker on his car.
He mentioned Washington D.C. and the conditions he grew up in, going to concerts with his buddy Ian Mackaye (Minor Threat Legend!), concerts like Led Zep, Aerosmith and Ted Nugent (before he started saying fucked-up shit between songs at shows).
He said punk rock was the way out. To try to make the powers that be see something else, something more righteous than they were.
He said Joey Ramone told him in no uncertain terms that being weird was MORE THAN OK.
He mentioned New York City, and how crazy some shows were there, like when a really really fat guy stage dived and the audience parted like the red sea and the fat fuck landed on top of a girl and she lost her right eyeball because of the impact- how sick and fucked up is that?
He told us adventures with the Cramps, the Damned, Black Flag stories (one he told was in GET IN THE VAN- the one about Chuck ramming him with his bass and knocking him over after he complained that there was only one guy in the club to play to. Chuck read Henry the riot act, and Henry never EVER forgot it. You play like it's the last show on earth, no people or not!)
He spoke of the USA, his country, which is in serious decline. He told us to watch the U.S., watch how they are ruining their way of life, and how you have to just SURVIVE America now: don't get high, don't go to jail, don't piss anybody off, don't get sued, etc...
The system is so irrevocably broken that it's beyond pathetic he said.
He spoke of the letters he gets, and relayed some intense ones he gets sometimes. Like the woman who got raped by a friend while her husband was in Afghanistan. (He told her to RUN to the police and not to tell her hubby until he got home- it was horrible story).
He also mentioned when a traveller USED TO be able to walk the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan, now that country is off-limits.
When George W. Bush listed his 3 main threats to America's freedom, Henry said to himself that he had to go there and see for himself.
So he went to Iran. He went to Iraq. And he went to North Korea. It took him forever to get a visa to go to North Korea, but he eventually got it. It was a BIG DAY when Heidi the Demon told him his visa came through.
The stories he told while in North Korea- wow. Horrible food (tasted like ass, everything- at all times) bowing down to statues and buying flowers to lay at the giant statues' feet, paying every single person for every single thing you do, paying respects to Kim il Sun, whose waxen body is on full display in a mausoleum. Henry wanted to nudge his guide after bowing and say HE WINKED AT ME, MAN!!!
He said it was surreal.
Punk Icon Henry Rollins gave us a spoken word concert just shy of 3 hours, and it was Divine. (pardon the pun)
The range of topics he touched on were awe-inspiring and he never took even so much as a pause or sip of water. Afterwards a woman was asking me if he was a reptile, because he never stopped to take a sip of Aqua. I said for pasts shows I've seen he's had water, so I don't know.
I made a new facebook friend yesterday- the wife of the merch table guy. She waited with me and some others to meet Henry after and get stuff signed. (He signed my Rise Above WM3 CD sleeve- BITCHIN')
Henry basically told the audience that the future is ours. He's been to the mountaintop, and now he's going down the other side, in a taboggan that is headed straight for a grave. Age was a theme in his show, as well as Time, because we don't know how much time we have, and time will kill all of us, one way or another. How you choose to spend that precious time is paramount. He said you could get hit by lightning tomorrow, so don't think in terms of lifespan (78 for men, 82 for women is the norm) because you go at anytime, anywhere, for any reason.
So make the most of your time.
I learned that his father was a racist, the kind who would have had a Rush Limbaugh bumper sticker on his car.
He mentioned Washington D.C. and the conditions he grew up in, going to concerts with his buddy Ian Mackaye (Minor Threat Legend!), concerts like Led Zep, Aerosmith and Ted Nugent (before he started saying fucked-up shit between songs at shows).
He said punk rock was the way out. To try to make the powers that be see something else, something more righteous than they were.
He said Joey Ramone told him in no uncertain terms that being weird was MORE THAN OK.
He mentioned New York City, and how crazy some shows were there, like when a really really fat guy stage dived and the audience parted like the red sea and the fat fuck landed on top of a girl and she lost her right eyeball because of the impact- how sick and fucked up is that?
He told us adventures with the Cramps, the Damned, Black Flag stories (one he told was in GET IN THE VAN- the one about Chuck ramming him with his bass and knocking him over after he complained that there was only one guy in the club to play to. Chuck read Henry the riot act, and Henry never EVER forgot it. You play like it's the last show on earth, no people or not!)
He spoke of the USA, his country, which is in serious decline. He told us to watch the U.S., watch how they are ruining their way of life, and how you have to just SURVIVE America now: don't get high, don't go to jail, don't piss anybody off, don't get sued, etc...
The system is so irrevocably broken that it's beyond pathetic he said.
He spoke of the letters he gets, and relayed some intense ones he gets sometimes. Like the woman who got raped by a friend while her husband was in Afghanistan. (He told her to RUN to the police and not to tell her hubby until he got home- it was horrible story).
He also mentioned when a traveller USED TO be able to walk the Khyber Pass in Afghanistan, now that country is off-limits.
When George W. Bush listed his 3 main threats to America's freedom, Henry said to himself that he had to go there and see for himself.
So he went to Iran. He went to Iraq. And he went to North Korea. It took him forever to get a visa to go to North Korea, but he eventually got it. It was a BIG DAY when Heidi the Demon told him his visa came through.
The stories he told while in North Korea- wow. Horrible food (tasted like ass, everything- at all times) bowing down to statues and buying flowers to lay at the giant statues' feet, paying every single person for every single thing you do, paying respects to Kim il Sun, whose waxen body is on full display in a mausoleum. Henry wanted to nudge his guide after bowing and say HE WINKED AT ME, MAN!!!
He said it was surreal.