12-09-2002, 10:47 PM
Just a warning shot across the bow for anyone intending to see the new "Wes Craven Presents" movie, "THEY". Blech, did this movie bite. It's actually kind of amazing how little happened in the 90 minute or so running time given multiple characters, somewhat scary looking beasties, potential for alternate story lines, etc. Movies like Mimic, a bug horror movie from a couple of years ago I caught the other night at a friends house, seem like jaw-dropping, involved terror-fests up against this lousey, two dimensional, utterly undeveloped snoozer. The best thing I can say about it really, is that the beasties looked kind of compelling. Too bad they do nothing and the audience is never given a chance to be curious or scared about them in the least. In my oppinion, skip it and save your money. Go to the video store and rent Mimic instead. At least you'll be getting a lot closer to what you're paying for!