View Full Version : Slacker Uprising (Michael Moore/2007)

06-30-2011, 06:36 PM
I caught up with this "filmmakers failed attempt to get George W. Bush out of the White House" on DVD.
Michael Moore offered it for free to anyone who wanted to see it back in 2007, and today in 2011 it stands as a document of democracy in action.

With a little help from his good-hearted friends Eddie Vedder, Tom Morello, Joan Baez, Roseanne Barr and Steve Earle, Moore cuts a passionate figure, trying to get the youth of America to vote, in over 60 cities in the USA.
I love the press conference where Mike says that his film Fahrenheit 9/11 is anti-propaganda, and that his film wouldn't even exist had the news networks done their jobs. Every single major news network dropped the ball on the Iraq war and Bush. They all banged the war drum. (HARD).
Moore's efforts to get out the vote to end Bush's Reign of Terror should warm your heart.
He meant it.
He was accused of bribery for offering slackers clean pairs of underwear and Ramen noodles if only they would register and vote for John Kerry.
Republicant's lost their marbles.
Moore was a serious threat to Bush's (hopefully averted) 2nd term.
Just watch this little documentary on how he became that threat in the summer of 2004.
I also love those 3 "response ads" that Mike made on John Kerry, countering those nasty Swiftboat attack ads:

"58,000 American soldiers died in Vietnam, and JOHN KERRY wasn't one of them. If he was a Real American he would've died there.
VOTE BUSH in '04"


Republicant's tried to pay off Universities to NOT let Michael Moore speak on their campus.
Some succeeded.
They just held another rally, usually just down the street from the originally planned venue! Awesome!
Moore has 10,000 people show up to one rally, which was double or triple the size of the original hall!
Love it. Moore doesn't back down/didn't back down. He's heckled LARGE by die-hard Christians who interrupt his speeches by chanting prayers and rosaries. Moore shouts: "Let me ask you a Question: WHO WOULD JESUS BOMB?"
The Biblebots boo and hiss and then leave the hall, after the whole crowd laughs at them . Beautiful.
Don't act Righteous unless you can back it up, dipshits.
How on earth could a Christian agree with war?
Jesus himself would shun it. That's a given. So how the fuck can serious Christians support war? ANY war???
Run it by your "Jesus-litmus test": what would the saviour have to say about war?
Um, I think he'd be opposed. Yep. Just a tad. Just a smidge.
If the President is Christian, then that doesn't mean that you accept him going to war willy nilly.
Just cuz he prays and reads the bible does not mean he has God on his side.
He may have ulterior motives.

The film ends in disappointment ( we know who won that election in 2004) but the end titles are positive and prophetic:
And they didn't, did they?
Nowadays they are looking for a Leader that can take down Obama. GOOD LUCK REPUBLITARDS!
Keep going for Sarah Palin!
she's a Winner!
You Betcha!
Bank on it!
She can quit as a Mayor, but don't think for a MINUTE she'll quit as President.
No way Jose.
She's THE ONE.