View Full Version : PAGE ONE: INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES (Andrew Rossi 2011)

Chris Knipp
06-16-2011, 06:38 PM
Review by Chris Knipp


Reports of the newspapers' demise may be premature

"Airstrike Video Brings Attention to Whistleblower Site" was an April 2010 article (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/07/world/07wikileaks.html) in the New York Times that signaled a decisive moment in this relationship between web sources and "print" ones in the US. It was about the WikiLeaks revelation of a moment in the Afghan war that brought WikiLeaks and Julian Assange to worldwide attention. The Times decided to feature this article in their "page one" conference where all the "desks" meet to decide what the days' top news stories are and where they will go in the paper. Julian Assange became Time Magazine's 2010 Reader's Choice for Man of the Year.

If you Google-search that first Times Wikileaks article you will find the next item that comes up is a WikiLeak-run piece, "Mainstream Coverage of WikiLeaks Has Fallen Far Short," and you'll see how the battle and hostility between old and new media platforms rages on from day one. Each world seems to see the other as a threat. The new media sources, like WikiLeaks -- and in the past year Julian Assange's hubris has been much in evidence -- regard themselves for good reason as the Next Big Thing, and they believe they have rendered or soon will render print journalism obsolete, banishing forever the print newspaper sold in newsstands and delivered to your door.

But this nifty new documentary, which relies on Times media writer and former crack addict David Carr (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/c/david_carr/index.html)as a personal focus -- he's a point man for the paper on new media -- strongly argues that the US's "journal of record" remains relevant. Rossi's film makes it clear that the newspapers are an endangered species unless they adapt to the new circumstances, but the top papers are doing so. Carr points out that the Times has a major online presence; that its print edition is one form in which it is available, not the chief form. This documentary film seeks to focus on how the Times is adapting to new circumstances.

Part of the story is things like WikiLeaks. There is a strong tendency in the Brave New World of Web information to declare newspapers irrelevant. And while WikiLeaks later bolstered its legitimacy and cooperativeness in the world of journalism by collaborating with major western papers for several of its big revelations, about the Afghan war and about US diplomacy, Assange has since been less collaborative, and unhappy with the way papers have edited and positioned his "findings" to fit their own perceptions of their nature and relevance. For instance, the Afghan video was initially dumped on YouTube by WikiLeaks in an edited form that did not reveal there was somebody armed with a missile launcher in the US target. The Times pointed this out. Indeed to do so was one of the main reasons for running the article.

The situation is that newspapers were fading a long time before the Internet came into being. There were a lot of papers. And papers like the Baltimore Sun, in the city where I grew up, which in the good old days was a great newspaper, three newspapers, in fact, Morning, Evening, and Sunday, and now is greatly deteriorated, used to have London, Paris, Rome, Moscow and Bonn bureaus. That seems like ancient history now (though the Times still has multiple bureaus). TV had a bad effect on print news. Rich media moguls bought up lots of local papers to create syndicated chains of papers, which they didn't care about except as commodities and were glad to trade or dump. Recently the Internet has, of course, coopted sales and advertising, devastating newspaper revenues. It might also be argued that the US print news system was too decentralized. In a smaller country a few big papers can logically function for the whole country.

It's more of a blow when it develops that Chicago, Seattle, Minneapolis, Detroit, Los Angeles, or San Francisco no longer have competing newspapers, or don't even have one good newspaper at all anymore. All of this makes the three big US papers, the Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, more important for all of America -- the way Le Monde and Le Figaro always have been for all of France. The year 2010 was devastating for newspapers in America, a time of massive layoffs, bankruptcies, closures. Is the New York Times (which itself had to lay off some longtime newsroom staff in 2010) no longer relevant -- or is it more important than ever, a last bastion of good reporting? Is Julian Assange a reporter? (In this film, he is heard saying he is one, but that more than that he is an "activist".) Is Twitter a legitimate news source? (David Carr recounts his own personal history of loathing Twitter, which his youthful new media Times colleague Brian Stelter deems essential, and then himself becoming a convert.)

The trouble with the claims of online sources to equal significance and the capacity to render WP, WSJ, and NYT irrelevant is that they are "aggregaters." Without the original mainstream media reportage the aggregaters won't have any news to gather and disseminate. At a public debate where new media people attack the New York Times, which they claim is discredited after Judith Miller and its cheerleading of the runup to the Iraq invasion, David Carr holds up a page of the online aggregater Newser with the mainstream media contributions cut out -- and it's turned into Swiss cheese, nothing but a network of empty windows. These new media organs do not originate news, but collect it from elsewhere and make it available, often in abbreviated form. Or they are fonts of editorializing and advocacy, trumpeting opinions without bothering to establish credentials for doing so. In the new media, most of the time the "reporter on the beat" doesn't exist. In his place is just a young guy at a computer finding stuff on the Internet. That is information-culling, not news-gathering. There is still a need for a reporter who does interviews, or for a brave young man (like the Times' Tim Arango in this film) who chooses to go to Iraq or Afghanistan -- to places where you can get killed. But there is also a need for the declining race of reporters who cover city hall, go to government meetings and look for news, or go out to wherever events are happening. "The New York Times has dozens of bureaus throughout the world," the feisty Carr declares at the debate. "Are we going to kick back and see what Facebook turns up? I don't think so!"

This film is above all a one-year chronicle of and up-close look at the New York Times, its newsroom, its reporters, its editors, its important stories, and how the whole paper functions, even to the great press room and the giant rolls of newsprint that fuel the presses. We meet Bill Keller (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/k/bill_keller/index.htm), the paper's Executive Editor (just replaced by the first woman in the position, Jill Abramson); Bruce Headlam, Media Desk Editor; Brian Stelter, a bright young Media Desk reporter who was found as a blogger; Tim Arango, now the Times Iraq Bureau Chief; and various other figures. The heart of the documentary, its face and voice, is David Carr. Carr, who has worked for the paper since 2002 after time as a crack addict and raising two children alone on welfare, is a slightly strange man who is also engaging, funny, blunt-spoken and clearly committed. He has a born-again gleam in his eye and fearless quality, the air of a man who has hit bottom and more deeply values being back up than any ordinary man can. These qualities lend an intensity and credibility to all he says.

Page One begins with the WikiLeaks Afghan video. It begins its final segment -- and the Times news climaxes of 2010, if you will -- with WikiLeaks' massive release of leaked US diplomatic cables, played out over nine issues of the paper, a major news story that, while playing ball with the "enemy," so to speak, also kept the paper important with a story of historic significance. This is followed by David Carr's big story of the year, about the bankruptcy of the Tribune conglomerate, brought down by a new culture of sexual permissiveness and the takeover by a businessman who thumbed his nose at journalism. The Trib threatened legal action. Carr stood firm. "The muscles of the institution are going to kick in at some point," Carr declares on camera at this point. "It's not really up to me." The Times ran the story on page one. In a terrific shot, we see that page one sitting on the massive press.

And it was a hell of a story. I read it. I get the Times every day, dropped on my driveway. I'm not unbiased here. I've always loved newspapers. And foreign correspondents -- my earliest dream was to be one. I love the New York Times. I want it to survive -- and prevail. The film suggests that the era of everything free on the Internet is ending. In early 2011, the documentary tells us, the paper began charging for full access online. We don't know what that will lead to. We don't know what the Times' future will be. But this documentary is a fine record of what has been happening and what to look for. For news junkies of any kind, it's essential viewing.

Page One: Inside the New York Times debuted at Sundance in January 2011 and was shown at the San Francisco International Film Festival in April, with June 17, 2011 the US theatrical release date. The website for the film is TakePart (http://www.takepart.com/pageone). The Film Society of Lincoln Center, New York, has announced that the grand opening of their new Elinor Bunin Munroe Film Center across the street from the Walter Reade Theater will launch with this film on opening day, Friday, the 17th of June.

This review also appears in Cinescene (http://www.cinescene.com/knipp/pageone.html) along with Howard Schuman's review (http://www.cinescene.com/howard/treeoflife.html)of Tree of Life. I've put a link to it in the Festival Coverage section index of SFIFF 2011 reviews.

Chris Knipp
06-17-2011, 06:14 PM
This is an exciting, smart, and important documentary and I hope lots of people get to see it. I will quote from the ad's many review clips:

"Slick, fun, and surprisingly sexy"
"Essential viewing for news junkies"
For journalism junkies, it's similar to the thrill of glimpsing the man behind the curtain of the great and powerful Oz" ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY
"Mr. Carr, with his tough language and sense of journalistic honor, puts an irresistible, personal face on an institution that for many remains its own mysterious force" NYTIMES
"Oddly exciting. It's full of juicy, chewy nuggests for journalists, journalist-haters and news junkies" SALON
"Engrossing viewing"
"Suggests the fun of journalists at work. David Carr steals the show" J. Hoberman,
"An important document of the paper of record at a crucial, make or break juncture in its long, glorious history, and alove letter to the dying art form that is the great American newspaper"
"Thoroughly absorbing. Wonderful stuff."
"Startlingly up to date." Karina Longworth,
"The best film about the newspaper business since 'All the President's Men'"
"Severely engrossing"
"Something akin to 'The Social Network' for the news business, a movie uniquely capturing this moment in time"

06-18-2011, 03:30 PM
This film sounds intriguing based on your review, Chris, if slightly biased ("I love the New York Times.") Recently, and by that I mean over the past few years, the paper has come under increasing criticism. For one, their decision to run stories based upon internet rumor is unprecedented for the paper. Lawrence O'Donnell in his show "The Last Word" on MSNBC at 8 pm (Olbermann's old time slot) lambasted the paper over running excessive coverage of Sarah Palin and her intentions to run for president (His May 26th show had a long piece which showed the orgins of the article that made the front page... based on rumor of Republican publicists and nothing more). Also, their decision to go with paid online subscriptions has led to a dramatic fall off in viewership on their website (after 20 views a month, you get cut off). The Times is one of these great behemoths that undergoes changes every decade or so. They shake up management, promise readers change, and then gradually return to the same old practices. Remind you of someone?

Still, this is about the film of Andrew Rossi; and your review makes me want to see it. I'll probably have to wait until it comes over to a video source, unfortunately. You know Raleigh... a dearth of intellectualism in a sea of trees. Scenery is pretty though.

06-18-2011, 03:41 PM
Here is the Lawrence O'Donnell video critical of the NYT: http://thelastword.msnbc.msn.com/_more/section/archive?year=2011&month=5&ct=n&pc=25&sp=0#May 2011 archive_nav

Chris Knipp
06-18-2011, 07:14 PM
Those things are taken up in the documentary, the issue of charging for online use (unless you subscribe to the paper for delivery), though not coverage of Sarah Palin. What is the objection, that they were making fun of her, or that they were giving her undue importance? These kinds of editorial decisions are always being reassessed and scrutinized. The new media hawks sneer at the paper as I mentioned for cheerleading in the runup to the Iraq war, selling the Bush administration's claims of a nuclear threat and so forth. Considering that it seems like an exceptionally intelligent paper, it's extraordinary that it did that. I actually cancelled my subscription early in the Iraq war. There was a feeling of giddy excitement. And that is really hard to reconcile with conservatives' claim that the NYTimes is a liberal rag that exists only to attack the republicans. The Iraq war was a thing of the Republicans and the Republican administration, and they cheered it on.

Some conservatives really hate the NYTimes, biut it is only an idea for them; they don't read it. Actually, though the few conservative op ed writers (David Brooks) feel like fish out of water, and the editorial positions are far removed from thos of the Wall Street Journal, I can't see the NYT as all that progressive or to the left. it is more just that the right now is wedded to positions that are so mindless nowadays that anything that smacks of intelligence and full information infuriates them.

I don't know what the theatrical distribution of this film will be. It is coming to the Bay Area. However its distribution may be limited, and not stretch to Raleigh. I would imagine that a lot of people will have to watch it on DVD, and it is perfectly good o DVD. I watched it on a DVD loaned to me by Magnolia.

What you say about the Times as a behemoth that goes through cycles is interesting and true from what I know. The cycle is indicated by the fact that after an approximately ten-year stint as executive editor, Bill Keller resigned at Jill Abramson took over. And of course the whole physical paper is smaller than it used to be, now.

I listed all those ad blurb quotes because they help capture a quality this film has: it's really exciting, if you're interested in journalism and news.

I tried to take a look at the video by O'Donnell, but that link you gave does not go to a specific video. It goes to a page with many items, none of which currently visible is about the New York Times.

Page One: Inside the New York Times opened in New York on June 17th. It goes into limited wider theatrical release June 24th, including the San Francisco Bay Area.

06-19-2011, 02:34 PM
On the linked page, wait for all of the videos to load. Then go down about half way to the one labeled May 26th. You'll see the pix of Sarah Palin on the start (but she does not start the piece). O'Donnell goes through a long laborious process of picking apart the way the Times covers some news stories, and this one in particular was a botched job. The video is about 15 minutes long and worth viewing.

great review. look forward to the pix.

Chris Knipp
06-19-2011, 02:50 PM
You should be able to give us a link that's to that specific video. Click on it on your computer and see if you don't get a link connected just to that video. If the page adds on all the time, the video you refer to may no longer be on the page.

06-19-2011, 02:51 PM
Unfortunately, that's not the way MSNBC has the page set up. But the link does work. I just watched the video again using the above link.

Chris Knipp
06-19-2011, 06:31 PM
This is a driect link to the video you were revering to of Laurence O'Donnell's "The Last Word" for May 26 about Sarah Palin:


You could have found the link by clicking on the title of the entry, which is "Sarah Palin's the new Trump in town.". That MSNBC page is basically a blog format and in blog formats each entry has its own link.

I notice this TV commentator O'Donnell (in my ignorance I had never really heard of him) does call the NYTimes "the greatest newspaper in America, indeed the greatest newspaper this country has ever had..." But I admit that the Times caption saying Palin's nwew house in Arizona might serve as HQ for a presidential campaign seemed pretty lame when I first saw it.

Those whose internet connection doesn't favor watching videos or who'd just rather skim the text can find that here:


Actually, I don't think anybody knows if Sarah Palin will run for President or not. O'Donnell is merely speculating. The Times is just speculating too, but her purchase of a $1.6 million house in Socttsdale, AZ is a real event. You could well argue that the Times gave too much space to it though. As Alexander Cockkburn says in a column (http://www.thefirstpost.co.uk/79756,news-comment,news-politics,alexander-cockburn-will-sarah-palin-run-for-president-who-knows-who-cares#ixzz1PljE5PMQ"), it's safe to say that Palin willl not win the Republican presidential nomination, "however much the Obamians yearn to have her to kick around until November 2012." As Cockburn also says, she is quite likely just playing the "will she-won't she" tame just to keep up her TV ratings. On the other hand if there were people rich enough and crazy enough to support her she might mount an actual campaign.

06-21-2011, 12:17 AM
No telling what she'll mount.

Chris Knipp
06-21-2011, 02:03 AM
Which means that the Times was justified and O'Donnell was criticizing them pointlessly. I don't know if Trump's was a fake candidiacy. He may have been sincere but just bombed. After all Palin was the VP nominee, so that would give her serious fantasies of grandeur. We know it was a huge mistake, but she doesn't.

Chris Knipp
06-28-2011, 12:00 PM
PAGE ONE: INSIDE THE NEW YORK TIMES. This documentary opened in New York only June 17th. Limited more general US release June 22nd. Release in the San Francisco Bay area July 1, along with Larry Crowne.

LARRY CROWNE. The 40-something-working-class rom-com directed by Tom Hanks and starring him and Julia Roberts, which just premieired. (http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/tom-hanks-rides-into-larry-crowne-premiere/2011/06/28/AGFW05oH_video.html) I'm seeing a local San Francisco preiview of Larry Crowne tonight (June 28).
