View Full Version : BROTHER MINISTER: The Assassination of Malcolm X

03-02-2011, 05:15 PM
Devastating documentary, a real incendiary barn-burner of a film.

In late February 1965 Malcolm X was shot multiple times at the rostrom in the Audubon Ballroom, a victim of his own "brothers".

His assassination was planned and executed by the Newark New Jersey mosque, at the direction of Elijah Muhammad, the sick "leader" of the Nation of Islam in New York City at the time. It's a well-known fact, a badge of honor actually, for those involved, because according to the likes of Louis Farrakahn, Malcolm was a "traitor", a traitor who was "dealt with" appropriately.
This murder was to avenge the leader of the Nation of Islam, a man who had something like, 9 kids with 6 different young girls!
Everybody knew about it in the Nation, and Malcolm exposed it. From then on he was demoted and had a huge mark on his forehead.
He knew it too.
Malcolm X was no dummy.
His intelligence is searing, and it's on full display in this film, with vintage black and white film clips of Malcolm speaking out about how he knows they want to kill him and why.
As someone says in the doc: Those jealous idiots in the Nation did not understand the depth of Malcolm X.
Its also asked in the film: WHAT DID THEY GAIN? {by killing Malcolm}?

Yes, Malcolm X in his youth was a criminal. He was arrested for burglary. But here's a quote from him that you should consider:
"Being a criminal is no disgrace. To REMAIN a criminal is a disgrace".

This was a man who, after making a pilgrimmage to Mecca, discovered that the white man CAN be your brother.
He was evolving as a spiritual and righteous man the whole time.
And, oddly enough, like Jesus, pissed off the wrong people- his OWN people! for showing their true colors!
He was about to join the civil rights movement at the time of his assassination- MLK was in jail at the time, and having Malcolm and Dr. King join forces was J. Edgar Hoover's worst nightmare. (pointed out clearly in the film). The FBI vehemently deny any involement in Malcolm's death.

Jealousies. Envies. Betrayals. It's nasty stuff swirling around Malcolm's death..
Another quote from the doc: "What made Malcolm so devastatingly effective was his constant research of INFORMATION. To find information. He went out and FOUND IT. The Nation of Islam was a cult, a sect"

If you've ever been stirred by the presence, the message, the intelligence, the charisma of Malcolm X, then BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY

The footage of Betty Shabbazz (Malcolm's widow) watching Louis Farrakhan's rant in his mosque via video was incredible. A real eye-opener for me. I have deep respect for who Malcolm X was and what he represented. I'm white, but the kinds of things he was going for were universal, just basic human rights. Desiring a much better world for all. And no one can ever knock that.

Chris Knipp
03-02-2011, 07:29 PM
Yes, but again who made it, when, and is it a good film in relation to others on the subject?


This time, Ebert's detailed review (http://rogerebert.suntimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/19950303/REVIEWS/503030301/1023) does imply that this is solid information and a good film. A little bite of Ebert's review from 1995 when it came out:
It was after viewing this film that Betty Shabazz, Malcolm's widow, went on television last year to charge that Louis Farrakhan, current leader of the Nation of Islam, was involved. But the film does not name Farrakhan; it names four members of the Nation's New Jersey mosque as the additional trigger men, but then widens the net to show an informal process that may also have involved "disinformation squads" of the FBI. So I think if I wanted to know more about Malcolm and his assassination, this would be one place I'd want to go. But where would I find it? Amazon.us says it's not currently available, and Netflix implies it's coming, I've found that "save" items on Netflix often never arrive.

03-03-2011, 10:16 AM
I never go into details Chris!
Because you do it so well!

I've never seen another film that tackles the assassination of Malcolm X specifically.
This one is incendiary, and probably the best one out there. I don't know of any others.
The film doesn't name Farrakahn, but it's pretty damn clear that he was in on it.
Any viewer with a brain can get pretty fired up at the footage of Farrakhan ranting like a freak:
THEN WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF YOURS?!??! (paraphrasing).

Devastating documentary. I'm still thinking about it.

03-03-2011, 10:25 AM
watch this.


03-03-2011, 11:45 AM
Another good YouTube clip of Master Spike Lee talking about the assassination and his own film, X:
