View Full Version : Stephen Harper is Delusional
01-25-2011, 03:46 PM
This week Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper held a rally for his Conservative base and made all kinds of wild statements about how much he's accomplished in 5 years.
He's delusional with a capital D.
The only thing Canadians need to know is that Harper was handed a $13 Billion surplus when he took power 5 years ago.
Not only did he blow that surplus to Mars, but he has chalked up another $60 Billion in debt- that's almost 15 Billion a year for every year he's been Prime Minister.
How the fuck does he justify such collossal deficits?
How on earth does he feel that plunging our Awesome Country into such a deep financial hole makes him a Great Leader?
I'm beyond baffled by it.
I'm actually stunned at his huge set of balls.
Peter Mansbridge did a 2-part interview with Harper that was excellent. The transparency of his suckitude was astonishing.
Members of Harpers' own party are accusing him of having zero Conservative values, and Mansbridge read a letter aloud to Harper from a member of his party dated January 8, 2011 that said that "Stephen Harper has thrown serious Conservatives under the bus. He has enormous deficits and ridiculous tax cuts that have harmed the Nation greatly. And he's a one-man band".
Harper replied that it was just not true. (LIAR- you bet your ass it's true Stephen- you can't spin that one no way/no how)
Mansbridge asked him about decisions he's made and how some of those decisions would NOT have been made had Harper been in a Majority Government- that those decisions were politically expedient, given his minority gov't. Harper just waffled on it.
The most telling part of Harper's demeanor was when he was smirking about "taking advantage" to sing shitty songs every now and then to his party faithful and within a Fraction of a second he wiped the smirk off his face to talk about the hockey game he watched with his family where Canada's youth lost a horrible game to Russia. I mean it was a fraction of a second from smirk to serious! I thought to myself..This is ONE CUNNING SONOFABITCH! He's a cold and calculating politician. And he's gotta go.
Harper's Conservative party just launched vicious attack ads on Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff THE DAY AFTER THE INTERVIEW with Mansbridge, an interview where he denied randomly attacking opposition parties. He lied bold-faced to Canadians on CBC televison and has no qualms about looking like a liar. None at all. It's like he's challenging Canadians to take him out of power. Daring us. Daring us to vote for Liberals, a party that he reminded us yesterday was rife with scandal.
Well hey, PRIME SINISTER, throwing Canada into an 60- Billion-Dollar-and-counting-debt is the worst scandal I can think of.
No prime minister in our history has ever done that and had the balls to say that we are a "stronger nation under my leadership"
That is just astonishing.
Are Canadians better off than we were 5 years ago? Harper boasts that we are.
Well I can say with 1000% certainty that we're not. My pay hasn't budged an inch in 5 years.
I'm sick of this power-hungry asshole spinning the truth. I want him gone YESTERDAY.
He's fucked this country up LARGE. And he admits no wrongdoing. He hopes no one notices his severe errors in judgment. He prays no one sees that he has no Leadership capabilities to speak of.
He has no conscience on the environment- hence his ridiculous appointments to that most important of portfolios. He thinks it's a joke, that portfolio. Par for the course for a soulless OILMAN.
You get my point here.
Stephen Harper is Fired.
03-16-2011, 01:16 PM
Just to keep you updated on the shitty "leader" we have here in Canada, you'll be pleased to know that he was found in contempt of Parliament not once, but TWICE by the Speaker of the House.
ELECTION TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd like to give you a brief run-down on what kind of nutjob shit the Conservatives and Harper have been pulling lately:
- "Oda-Gate":
Stephen Harper has defended and backed to the max Conservative MP Bev Oda, a woman who lied and mis-led Parliament,who was called on it and basically refused to apologize for her actions. Harper refused to fire her, or apologize to Canadians. It's astounding and mystifying why he would protect Oda. After many many calls from the opposition to have her expelled from government Harper just basically said to all: "Eat Shit."
This is especially rich, and ironic, considering how Harper fired a woman who had done NOTHING wrong: Helena Guergis- she was just kicked out of the Conservative caucus, with no warning, no explanantion, other than "an RCMP investigation is underway into "serious allegations". So what happened? The RCMP cleared Helena of any wrongdoing whatsoever- the cupboard was bare! What were the allegations???? Harper never told anyone! Guergis or anyone else in the universe!!!!
She should sue Harper for all he's worth. Fucking slimeball.
- the Conservative "Economic Action Plan"- what a colossal joke this scam is. You see these expensive, taxpayer-paid-for HUGE signs all over the country that bang the drum of the "Economic Action Plan" that is (in Harper's mind) magically transforming the Canadian economic landscape into a bounty of revenue and riches....Trouble is, no one knows what the fuck his "economic action plan" really is, or how taxpayers money is being spent on this boondoggle, which is supposedly creating jobs by the millions and saving us from fiscal doom.
It really reeks of empty waste. More government swindling, passed off as righteous and beneficial "action".
Quit insulting everyone's intelligence Harper.
We've had quite enough of it.
- This is a government that ran an election campaign based on "transparent government", "more accountability" etc etc etc.
Honor, integrity, all the shit that the Liberals were supposedly lacking, Harper rode in on a White Stallion, wielding Excalibur, to save the day.
Well, again, that word IRONY...
TWICE Harper was found in contempt of Parliament last week, all because he witheld vital information for the opposition. TWICE he was found in contempt of democracy. And what was his response?:
You win some, you lose some.
Yep. That was his response. Pretty deep.
First time in Canadian history the sitting Prime Minister is found in contempt of Parliament?
His utter disregard for democracy means he needs to be removed. And fast.
The last thing we need is a jackass for Prime Minister who just goes on whims and doesn't give a flying fuck about Canadians.
I've said it before, I'll say it again: Stephen Harper does not give two shits about Joe taxpayer or any Canadian, for that matter.
I see it plain as day. In his actions, his speeches, his behavior, all of it.
It reeks of "my shit don't stink. I'm King Steve and you're not. I DARE YOU TO VOTE ME OUT".
Well I say let's take that fuckin' dare.
Let's get some new blood in there who takes his job seriously and is not trying to hoodwink anyone.
A man like Toronto Mayor Rob Ford- who just made a beautiful summary/speech (on cpac March 4th) of what the Toronto city council has done (in only 4 months!) to save the taxpayers millions. I almost cried watching that. Ford put his money where his mouth is.
Did you know that the only thing Harper could muster to say about the Egyptian Revolution was "it looks like the toothpaste won't go back into the tube".
Did you know that on his son's first day of school (grade 1?), Harper (who claims he's a Family Man) shook his son's hand to send him off.
Didn't hug his son. Didn't high-five his son. He SHOOK HIS HAND. Good luck Kid! You'll need it!
Family Man my fuckin' ass.
Did you know that the Conservative party has the RCMP all over them? They are swarmed with RCMP investigations.
Is this the government we want? They talk about the Liberal sponsorship scandal. Oh, do they ever love to bring that one up. Boy o Boy do they salivate to talk about the sponsorship scandal! You bet your sweet bibby! You bet the farm they'll bring that one up at every turn.
Well guess what?
Harper's been in power for 5 years and the scandals he's racked up make the sponsorship scandal look like child's play, like a mere trifle of a misstep.
Fucking Fired.
03-23-2011, 10:39 AM
What a fast and furious week this is in Canadian politics.
We had a parliamentary committee officially find the Conservative minority government in contempt of Parliament.
FIRST TIME IN CANADIAN HISTORY that a Canadian government has been found in contempt.
it's actually the First Time in the Commonwealth that that has happened. FIRST TIME EVER.
And it's incredibly Serious.
It's amazing to me that the Conservatives say that it's all a political game, a ploy, a sham.
Ain't THAT calling the kettle black!
The Speaker of the House would have had to have been in on the "game".
So that kills that "defence" of the contempt charges.
The Speaker ain't got nothing to do with "games" and you Conservative clowns know it.
You are panicking, and as well you should be.
That's what you get when you mis-lead, lie, and have nothing but tax breaks for corporations in your pathetic budget.
That's why ALL THREE OPPOSITION PARTIES said they cannot (in any way) support this ridiculous and sad budget you threw at the feet of Canadians.
I was certain that Jack Layton would give you guys yet another hail mary and save your asses from extinction.
But this time he put his foot down.
Harper was a belligerant idiot in response to real calls for items in the budget for real Canadians.
Harper has said forever that he "will never do it the way Paul Martin did it".
Well I'm glad you didn't Steve! Because it sealed your doom!
You ignorant and oblivious clown. Enough is enough.
I'm RUNNING to the polls to cast my vote. RUNNING.
I was sure it was going to be another year, thanks to Jack Layton.
But Jack is a Hero today.
And I say this to Canadians who will be going back to vote:
Yes, it sucks Huge that we are yet again back at the polls. But there's a very serious REASON WHY, and it ain't petty politics.
THE HOUSE HAS FOUND THE GOVERNMENT IN CONTEMPT. For the first time in our Nation's history.
Remember, the Conservatives rode to power on serious ethics charges against Paul Martin's Liberals.
They sailed in on scandal.
Do we repeat history here and let it slide?
Give the Liberals a minority and see if there is one single scandal ever arising again.
Or, surprise us all! and give the NDP a minority- I'd love to see how either party governs.
The Conservatives are going to spin it that the budget is paramount, and that we are all going to be swirling in a dank cesspool of uncertainty if we hand power to anyone other than King Shit Harper.
It's the only way these clowns will learn.
If you vote the Conservatives into a minority government YET AGAIN, just watch and see how evil the Harper government gets.
Parliament will become ten times more toxic than it is now.
Trust me on that.
And then you'll see some real scandals.
We can avoid all that by giving someone else a chance to actually LEAD.
And we need a Leader so bad our teeth hurt.
03-23-2011, 12:24 PM
The Conservatives have been turning a blind eye to Canadians for five fucking years.
It's time to turn the blind eye to their non-Leadership.
MY FELLOW CANUCKS! For the Love of Our Country, PLEASE vote out the Conservatives
They had their day in the sun and now they are wrinkled raisins, showing nothing but contempt for you and me and Democracy.
If you are Ok with that, then keep giving these assholes a chance to lead and be disappointed at every turn.
Keep voting in a party that plunges us deeper into debt with ZERO plan on how to get out of it, all the while smirking and winking at you that they are on top of it.
THEY JUST KICK THE CAN, further and further down the road, projecting that our deficit may go away by 2015. "MAY" go away.
No guarantees, because the Conservatives have no clue about numbers or math or budgets.
If they did, we'd have a $65 Billion surplus, not deficit.
Steve Harper sure as hell does not do it like Paul Martin.
Paul Martin balanced the books.
Paul Martin cared about his job.
03-24-2011, 05:55 PM
I took the tour of Canadian Parliament today, and afterwards I sat in the public gallery to watch the Live debate of the Conservative government's lame-as-all-holy-hell 2011 budget.
It was literally incredible to hear of the litany of things NOT included in the budget, which was roundly rejected by all opposition parties.
Nothing but breadcrumbs for Canadians who really need it.
I heard one member of the opposition speak of how half of what the Conservatives spent (i.e. stole) of taxpayers money on the G8/G20 Summits would (approx. $700,000, 000) be enough to lift every senior citizen out of poverty in this fine country. Not 1 single senior citizen would be living in poverty. And it was bluntly put that a country as rich as Canada should be ashamed to have seniors who helped build this Nation suffering or struggling in their later years.
Nothing for child care or daycare. Not important to Mr. Harper?
I'm too sick to type.
I'm gonna get mad here.
Be back later.
03-25-2011, 10:15 AM
I'm in Gonzo mode for covering this election. Exciting. :)
Polls say that the Conservatives are ahead in the polls and I believe it. The paper today says that Harper has got the wind at his back.
Which means he could be handed a minority government ONCE MORE.
I think that's VERY possible.
But here's the rub:
Canadians know that this election will cost in excess of $300 million dollars to mount.
So We, the Voters are faced with some responsibility for that money.
Not one party leader has hit the road yet and we know that 300 million is the pricetag with just the campaign busses idling near Capital Hill.
It cost the same amount for the last election. (approximately). For the exact same result.
Are we gonna toss 300 million in a trash can and set it on fire just to have the same clown perform the same sad tricks until he's found in contempt again?
So we have a bit of deja vu here, and Harper knows it all too well.
He's banking on Canadians being as ignorant of his foul-ups as they were for the last election and vote him in again.
He's going to hammer us with a message of triumphs in this budget.
But if Canadians actually paid attention to this shit, they would be royally offended that Harper will not tell us how much his prisons will cost, how much his jets will cost and why he chose to give giant tax breaks to corporations and banks all the while leaving Seniors and children completely abandoned. Mere crumbs he threw to them/us.
Don't believe me?
Look it up!
There is Jack Shit in that budget for Real Canadians and all kinds of goodies for rich fucks.
Look it up.
I wouldn't wipe my ass with the paper in that budget. It's appalling and disgraceful.
The contempt Harper has for opposition parties is one thing (he wants the Liberal party to be extinct- he said it behind closed doors), but contempt for the very people who voted him in is beyond "unacceptable"
It's deplorable.
He talks the talk about helping Canadians, but when the rubber hits the road, there really isn't anything there once you start to scutinize what is actually before us.
I've noticed that Canadians by and large do not pay as much attention to politics as much as our neighbors to the South.
We don't rock the boat too much on that front. If we get it in our heads that the Prime Minister seems to be doing a good job, we let it be.
But the steady stream of outright lies and deceptions and contempt for democracy is so fucking glaring here that I don't know how any Canadian can turn a blind eye to it.
I'm actually OK with the Conservatives winning another minority government and I'll tell you why.
Because the next contempt charge will be a fucking DOOZY.
And it will happen. Mark my words. This Conservative government never changes it's ways.
And it will be it's eventual undoing.
If not this election, it will the next one.
If it takes several elections and a billion dollars down the tubes for Canadians to get it, then so be it.
It took the States 8 years to realize that George W. Bush was a Fuckhead.
If it takes us 8 years to realize that same thing about Harper, I'm cool with that.
You could save a lot of time and money and grief by turfing that contemptuous dictator RIGHT NOW.
03-28-2011, 09:30 AM
Friday was one hell of an historic day, one that made me damn proud to be a Canadian.
The Conservative government fell on a vote of non-confidence over being found in contempt of Parliament.
It was absolutely awesome.
I tried to be there in person, but when I got to the hill at just after noon I was told that all public gallery seats had been taken- since 8 AM!!!!
And what did the FORMER Prime Minister say to the media in response to this first-time in history vote?
Absolutely nothing.
He has refused to even mention the contempt ruling. (something which I suspect will be maintained throughout this election).
He took no questions from the media right after the vote.
Um, Mr. Harper, don't you think you have to answer that?
Don't you think we have a right to know what you think about that?
Why won't you answer a single question on it?
Why do you say that it was a "coalition" that caused this election when in fact it was YOU who caused it??
I'll remind you before you start beating that word "coalition" to death like a dead horse in this campaign
that YOU, Mr. Harper in 2004 was all-too-willing to form a coalition with Jack Layton & Gilles Duceppe to defeat the Martin government.
Your current enemies (Duceppe and Layton! Deja Vu!) in this election are gonna call you on that hypocrisy from coast to coast you lying sack of shit! You will not get away with that chickenshit. Not this time.
You had no problem with a coalition in 2004. You needed it for your own purposes. But now? Now you say a coalition is a BAD THING?
Fuck right off.
It will be glorious to see you lose.
The reason Harper is flaunting that word "coalition" so much (like a broken fuckin' record) is because the likelihood of Harper getting yet another minority government is Huge, and it means that the coalition will be 100% ironclad the day after the election.
Why will it be ironclad?
Because everyone in opposition to Harper (not just the Liberals) know that he's a dishonest, ignorant, secretive and slimy man whose ideology has become a ten-headed hydra and must be stopped. It's that simple.
Harper has antagonized everyone who's not in his caucus. (and even some IN his caucus!) Watch those defectors like Stronach.....
He's in a tight corner right now, and even if he wins this election again, he's still in that corner.
He's still faced with an opposition that has no confidence in him or his abysmal policies.
He's on his way out, like it or lump it.
Those tax breaks for oil companies in his horrifying budget are for one reason only:
when Harper leaves office, he's "Sitting Oilman Pretty". He's padding his wallet, and using the Prime Minister's office to do so.
This is not the first time a Prime Minister has abused his priviledges. (Mulroney is probably the biggest crook we've ever had but that's open for debate). Harper is not doing a single thing for Canada or Canadians but he's doing everything for himself and his cronies.
I sure hope Canadians can wake up and hold this asshole to account.
But if Canadians won't, a coalition sure as hell will. And the country will be better off for it.
Because a lying, fiscal Rapist will be shoved out of power.
03-29-2011, 12:29 PM
My intent is not to bash any readers with my political rantings. I really care about this election.
I'm extremely happy and excited that the last government was defeated. A majority in the opposition had no-confidence in the Harper government.
Whether or not the Canadian people do or not remains to be seen.
I just report my shit. I'm not paid, I don't represent any party here in Canada. I'm just a guy with a viewpoint that I believe in.
I just wanted to say that.
03-29-2011, 12:47 PM
Stephen Harper's capacity to lie far exceeds Nixon's.
His pinnochio nose cannot grow any longer. It's surpassed our fine shores and is now poking Spain in the arse.
And he's in Regina Saskatchewan today! He's more than halfway to Victoria B.C! That's one long nose!
He just announced a tax break to middle class families.
But it doesn't take effect for five years.
And that's not all!
The Deficit has to be gone.
We call that in honesty land A JUNK BOND.
This fucker has the nerve to throw us junk bonds on day 4 of the election campaign!
Where was that tax break six days ago? In your budget? Hell no it wasn't!
Maybe if you had put that tax break into the budget, Mr. Harper, then maybe we would not be in an election right now.
Maybe Jack Layton would've accepted that tax break as proof of you doing SOMETHING for families.
But no, here we are, back to the polls!
I guess that's what all those attack ads we've seen against the Liberals for MONTHS BEFORE THE ELECTION were for!
Is it possible? That you were getting that negative smearing well underway before those unsuspecting citizens are hit with an election????
Yessir, I got your fucking number. And I'm gonna blast away.
Last night in Edmonton Alberta, Mr. Harper had one of the men he put in his senate (after losing an election no less!) who is under investigation by the RCMP for election fraud showing up to the rally! Campaigning on the public nickel for Harper!
take a minute and read that again.
Jack Layton demanded that Mr. Harper tell Canadians that no Conservative senator under investigation by the RCMP (for election fraud no less) will campaign on his behalf with taxpayer money.
Harper was asked about it today in Regina and what did he say in response?:
"He was volunteering. And he's not volunteering anymore".
Say it again??
Jesus H. Christ get rid of this fraudster!!!!!!!
Enough is Enough!!!!!!
Harper just offered us junk bonds, (and 6 days too late to avoid an election) and what did the Liberals unveil today?
$4000 for every single Canadian for education.
And it's New Money.
You go to school, 4 grand in your bank account to help.
No 5 year wait.
New Money.
You don't go to school, you don't get the money.
It's nothing but a win-win.
Now, some textbook programs and other programs may be scrapped to implement it (at a cost of a billion a year, which the Liberals are guaranteeing EVERY YEAR, in EVERY BUDGET, FOR EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN).
That's a glorious contrast to the fucking junk bonds Harper handed to A SEGMENT of the population 6 fucking days LATE.
Junk Bonds that don't take effect until YOU take a number.
Which you MAY, Possibly, Hopefully, [Perhaps], NO GUARANTEES, redeem in 5 years.
And it's only for the middle class by the way. Harper only cares about certain TARGET GROUPS. Remember that. Never forget that. Those groups are key.
Canadians aren't stupid.
03-29-2011, 01:35 PM
Honesty and Integrity trumps the economy Mr. Harper.
Being in the interests of Canadians WITH HONESTY AND INTEGRITY trumps "staying the course" on economic recovery.
Because you undermine that recovery when you lie and cheat and steal!
"Stay The Course" has been your mantra for a long time now.
Where have I heard that phrase before? WHERE OH WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE?
I agree with you that the economy is on the public's mind. It is a priority.
But if you put the question to them on the street "Which is more important? An honest, truthful, government? Or the economy?"
What do you think their answer would be?
You, Mr. Harper run your office like a Republican President, and treat Parliament like it's an affront to your White House.
We aren't Yankees.
We never aim to be like the United States. We stand on our own two hockey skates.
We have DEMOCRACY here, where opposition parties work on behalf of ALL CANADIANS, not just your rich buddies and dashboard madonna sycophants.
The winds of change are blowing hard today, Mr. Harper, and all this bullshit you've been pulling will bite you really hard in the ass on May 2nd.
This year, Mr. Harper, you and your clowns put on Quebec Nordiques jerseys and promised Quebec the moon. Then your budget came out and the truth was finally revealed:
Quebec gets ZERO. Nothing. No money, no arena for their NHL bid, nothing but a middle finger.
But the Calgary Stampede gets millions to celebrate an anniversary?
What city are you from, Mr. harper? Oh Yeah: CALGARY. Thanks for showing us such sweet contempt, Dear Sir.
Don't mind us at the polls.
We're just gonna demand (with our only way of standing up to you: with a vote cast) a new government that is inclusive, open, LEADING and actually COOL.
COOL! Hip to the future. Hip to lifting this nation up instead of ripping it apart one corporate tax break at at time!
03-30-2011, 06:38 PM
A message for Stephen Harper, who refuses to debate Jack Layton. Today Harper announced he wants a one-on-one debate with Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff.
That's because Jack Layton will shred him on a stage in a Live debate.
Jack will annihilate him with Hard Questions that Harper will squirm to answer.
(not "Squirmish", as The Daily Show so hilariously showed us. That Sarah Palin...what a cad!...)
Harper wants to debate Iggy one-on-one. It's a purely political manouever.
It tells the electorate that there are only two choices for Prime Minister. (and it reveals that Harper knows that Ignatieff propped him up on over 100 votes..)
More contempt from Harper! WHO KNEW?!
Jack Layton is running for Prime Minister. He's the only one who will truly defeat the Conservatives across the country, riding after riding.
Watch cpac my fellow Canadians!
watch each Leader speak on the campaign trail and run what they say through your truth machine.
What you'll find is that all three opposition Leaders say Harper is a LIAR. A false-promises idiot who sneers at everyone in his orbit.
Gilles Duceppe, believe it or not, is astonishingly honest for a politician.
With every sentence he's uttered so far in this campaign I've nodded my head in agreement or shouted "HELL FUCKIN' YEAH!" at my TV when he says something.
Beware the Bloc backlash, HARPER. It's gonna sink it's fangs into your oily hide.....
Here's a message for that unlovable liar and sideshow, Stephen Harper, from Chuck D. of Public Enemy:
Ain't that how God planned it?
Yes, I might as well say, that while many people would not want who they are voting for to be made public, I totally respect that and would never knock that. Especially so early in an election campaign for Prime Minister of Canada.
However I can tell you (as is my choice) that I will be voting for the New Democrats.
The dealbreaker for me was the Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff propping up the Harper regime for so long and for that horrendous vote to extend the Afghan mission. DEALBREAKER, MIKE.
I have had zero reason to believe that Jack Layton has ever lied to me, you, or any Canadian. He wouldn't have lasted so damn long on the Hill if he didn't have integrity and the total trust of many in the House of Commons.
I want to see that debate between Jack and Steve so damn bad you can't sweet Holy Hamburgers believe it.
Jack will shred the former Prime Minister on his record and his lies and his outrageous regime's destruction.
Harper wanted to de-regulate the banks.
Remember that?
Had he suceeded, we would have suffered a worse fate than the U.S. during the economic crisis.
Harper likes to frequently remind us/beat us over the head with this notion that he was the one who led us through the recession so well.
Well I hate to burst his ego and his balloon, but the economy did well despite his government, not because of it.
Canadians are plucky. Handy. Hands-on.
Harper isn't. Harper doesn't. Harper only dictates his orders.
Jack Layton has the debating chops to make mincemeat out of this liar and false-promises warlord.
I hope Canadians are paying attention...
Notice I didn't say "Warlock".. just a joke...:)
04-04-2011, 05:09 PM
Where are we at, 11 days into the election?
Well my man Jack Layton just keeps looking better and better by the day.
He's been levelled questions about how his platform has been the same for the last 4 elections, with no NDP headway.
And how does the Esteemed Mr. Layton answer such questions?
By saying that Canadians want some consistency from Leaders, which we certainly haven't gotten from either the Liberals or the Conservatives in the last 7 years. We've been handed anything BUT consistency in the last 7 years.
The NDP has never wavered and never lied about their agenda.
Mr. Layton asks Canadians every day on the campaign trail: Who do you trust to follow through on campaign promises?
Stephen Harper's Regime (I am loathe to call it a party) has reneged on almost every single promise they've ever made.
Harper says one thing to your face and then does the complete opposite when your back is turned.
And people still love this jackass!
How does Harper do it??
Does he hypnotize people? through the television screen?
I'm mystified here. How do otherwise smart people vote for this shithead?
A man who lies to you everytime he opens his yap?
Seriously: run everything he says through a truth machine. You'll find that the machine will spit and sputter after about 30 seconds.
He keeps hammering this point about a coalition. (with Ignatieff as Leader of this so-called coalition).
Why would Harper even give a shit if he's so sure he's going to win a Majority government?
Answer me that one.
I'll tell you why.
It's because Harper is not sure he's going to win a majority. In fact, he's scared shitless he'll lose a minority for minority to the Liberals.
So his best shot is to RAM this idea of a coalition down the Canadian peoples' throats.
Because if he does not win a majority, you can bet your hard-paid-tax-dollars that the opposition parties will defeat a Harper minority.
And the reason is so plainly obvious: THEY HAVE NO CONFIDENCE in the Harper government.
Does everybody understand this? Does everybody KNOW this?
It does not matter if "Joe Voter" understands this or not.
If Harper is elected again, he faces THREE OPPONENTS WHO HAVE NO CONFIDENCE IN HIM.
"Joe Voter" can cast his vote for the fuckin' Easter Bunny- it will not matter if Harper wins again.
He's on his way out, and it's becoming increasingly clear that Harper won't leave unless he's shoved out, really HARD.
He won't go unless he's in handcuffs and foaming at the mouth, such is his lust for power & priviledge.
Harper HATES our political system.
Dubya's quote of "a dictatorship would be easier" is the exact same item on Harper's mind.
Exact same mindset.
Carbon copies.
To see Harper everyday on cpac lying through his teeth is enraging for me.
Even more enraging is hearing people CLAPPING at his lies and bullshit at these rallies. Close-minded, un-informed douchebags who lap up his every word. UGH. Revolting!
Wish I had a time machine to show everyone how desolate and bleak the Canadian landscape will be with more horrifying years of Harper's Regime.
If I could, I'd yell into the face every supporter of Harper's: WAKE THE FUCK UP!
And I'd like to remind voters that the Harper you see on your TV screens IS NOT the real Stephen Harper.
Trust me.
I watch him a lot more than you do.
And I know when someone is acting or not- I've seen some 10,000 films in my lifetime.
I know an actor when I see one. And the mannerisms, the speeches of Harper are from the Lee Strasberg school of "stay simple, stay low-key".
He does not want his mouth to get him into the hot water it got him into the last election.
But today on cpac I watched him flub his message on a question about that guy in his camp (Bruce Carson) who is under investigation by the RCMP for election fraud.
Harper says that he did not know the background of this guy or he would not have hired him.
This is an outright lie.
In order to get even NEAR the prime ministers office you need a security clearance from the privy council.
Stephen Harper is not a guy who would not know who he's hiring or even MEETING WITH on a daily basis.
Harper is a guy who needs a lot of cover in order to get up to his shenanigans.
He would never, EVER, allow a minion into his assinine circle without knowing a WHOLE LOT about that individual.
So SOLE RESPONSIBILITY rests with Harper on this evil gaffe.
(Especially 5 years into power- sorry Steve- I'm holding you accountable. I realize that no one else does on this planet. I do my best . ;)
So what was the flub?
Instead of replying "I wouldn't have HIRED this individual",
Harper first said "I wouldn't have FIRED this individual", correcting himself immediately after he said it.
Freudian slip all the way!
He fired Carson! after he made the boss look like a Fuckhead!
Hey Carson! I hate your guts and don't give a shit what the hell you do, but I'd sue that "sacrosanct" shithead for all he's worth!
He's only in it for the politics! You found out first-hand, didn't ya?
Something like that would make me the most jaded politico in the Milky Way Galaxy!
But maybe these assholes have no soul. Maybe I give them too much credit...
04-04-2011, 06:10 PM
I have to call out the Canadian media and all three opposition parties (including the NDP, the party who has my vote!).
None of them are holding the Conservative party to account for why their government fell.
That's why we're in a election right now, that's why we're being bothered with this fucking election!
I think it's about time someone drove that point home.
I think it's about time to amp up and ramp up that "untrustworthy Harper" line.
We have 5 years of broken promises and outright lies. A laundry list, actually. (Anyone who wants a list, let me know- I'll send it to you or type it out here. And it's quite long, CHACHI. The damage that Harper has caused on just the shit he COULD IMPLEMENT, not "MIGHT DO" is staggering).
Harper's record is abysmal. The worst of any Prime Minister in Canada's history. Flip-Flops galore, outright lies, mis-leading provinces, no action to improve health care, child care or seniors' well being- quite the contrary- Harper's regime took $1500-2000 out of every seniors' bank account every month in every year he's been in power. FACT. His cuts to programs and freezing of all kinds of funds has reduced a lot of people to buying food with credit cards. FACT. Maybe you don't see it in your neighborhood, but I see it in mine.
The CBC is accused of being Liberal-biased. But I don't see it. If they were, they'd drive it into our heads every night why the Harper government fell. And they'd be biased AND telling the truth at the same time! Wow!
The Sun newspaper chain? NOW THEY are biased. But not toward the Libs. It's quite the opposite.
The Ottawa Sun puts out full front-page ads with bogus poll numbers saying the public doesn't believe Iggy and his denial of a Coalition (17%! Ha Ha- Who cares, SUN MEDIA?) Their letters mailbag is loaded with pro-Harper shitheads who haven't followed events on the Hill in 5 years pontificating about what is wrong with Ottawa and it's NEVER Harper- coincidence? I think not.
I still haven't heard Stephen Harper answer the question about his government being in contempt of parliament.
Not one reporter has asked him about it in 11 days of campaigning.
I'd dog him every day: Why should Canadians trust you when Parliament doesn't?
I'd ask him Why won't you admit your huge mistakes? Why do you feel the need to lie and coverup when you said your party was all about accountability?
Because Harper says one thing and does another, you silly monkey!
Silly Silly man...tsk tsk...why try to be noble? It's pointless.
04-05-2011, 01:13 PM
Stephen Harper kicked two women out of his stump yesterday.
Kicked out because (during the security screening) the Conservatives checked out their Facebook profiles and saw that they were friends with Michael Ignatieff.
That was all it took to get the boot.
Is that Democratic? To check out people's facebook friends before letting 'em in to see their potential Leader speak?
Harper was asked about it this morning and what was his response?
It was the same response he gives to all reporters who call him out on being an un-Canadian shithead: Nothing.
He refused to answer directly.
All he said was "We've been drawing big crowds to our rallies".
Yeah? And? THAT'S your answer? You've been drawing big crowds?
What about this isssue you were just asked about?!?!?
Kicking out 2 women from your rally who had Ignatieff as a facebook friend!?!?
No comment, Fuckhead?
Just dodge the issue? Accountability is not a word in your vocabulary, Mr. Harper.
How arrogant of you to use that word as a campaign platform 5 years ago.
You've devolved into a Shuck and Jive Man, Steve. And the people see right through it.
On the other side of the tracks, where truth and integrity reign supreme, Jack Layton announced that he would make the Canada Pension Plan a 50% guaranteed income supplement to Seniors, as opposed to the 25% it's at right now.
Young voters may not care about that now, but believe you me, when you approach that retirement age you'll be damn glad that the CPP was topped for you and yours. You'll be thanking the NDP for thinking of you way back in 2011.
I watched cpac this morning with an extra large coffee (my daily ritual during this election) and a caller phoned in to ask point blank why this election was happening. He was under the impression that it was because the Harper government fell on a vote of non-confidence because the government was in contempt of parliament. (SMART MAN). The moderator replied that the blame is shared for this election.
100% correct.
Let me break it on down:
The budget that Harper's conswineatives put to the House could have been voted for by all parties and accepted for Canada. It wasn't. The numbers didn't add up. They were fudged.
WHY wasn't it good enough?
a) no costs or even ESTIMATES (that were decent) for Harper's prisons or F-35 jets. The opposition gave Harper TONS of time to provide good solid numbers. 4 months of time. Only when FORCED by the Speaker of the House to provide all info did we get a "Data Dump"- a bunch of binders that provided NO INFO that helped in the decision to vote for these huge ticket items. So the only proper course of action was to find the Harper government in contempt. Originally Harper said it was "executive secrets" that was the reason for not providing all relevant info/costs.
Then everybody realized that there is no such thing as "Executive Secrets" in Canadian politics.
They told us that the F-35 was the best jet we can buy. Problem is it's the only jet they looked at. WHAT ASSHOLES!
Then the price went from 9 billion to 35 billion to I don't know what number they picked out of the sky for it now.
They just told us "THIS IS OUR JET. SIGN HERE, CANADA".
Fuck that noise. Shit like this is why we're in an election.
We need to vote out liars and deceivers. PRONTO.
b). as I mentioned before, Harper's pathetic budget had nothing in it for Seniors, child care or daycare or hardworking Canadians.
It was beyond appalling, that budget. I sat in on the debate in the House of Commons Live, and I can tell you that I wanted to throw down rotten oranges at the Conservative side of the Commons. I truly do not know who they represent.
Can someone give me a one-sentence explanation of who the Conservatives represent?
Please? Just one sentence that I can understand.
Because all that was in the budget were tax breaks for oil companies, insurance companies and fucking BANKS.
Since when do those groups take precedent over the Canadian working taxpayer?
Since when??????????
Yes, the NDP could have staved off an election by supporting the budget.
But if you were Jack Layton, meeting with Harper personally to make sure these items are in the budget and then get flipped off after propping up his government in the past,
We're back to vote because Harper didn't tell Parliament the truth.
As long as Harper keeps up his campaign of lies and inhumanity we just might see a Liberal minority once again.
The irony is so sweet too: Harper is running his campaign EXACTLY like Pierre Trudeau did in 1980.
Every single move Harper makes, he makes with what Trudeau had in mind to win a majority in 1980.
And Trudeau's son Justin is in the Liberal party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How sweet it is!!!
The *glaring* difference between Harper and Pierre Trudeau is that Trudeau knew he could win a majority. Harper ain't so sure. He knows his lies can come back to haunt him . BADLY.
He's a nervous Nelly on the campaign trail- look how he snaps and barks and evades questions when confronted with major flaws in his character.
He squirms and wrestles with unleashing his inner asshole every time.
Stay tuned.
04-05-2011, 02:04 PM
I have a "special edition" issue of Maclean's magazine that is all about Stephen Harper and his M.O.
The issue is called "What you don't know about Stephen Harper"
I wish I could hand out every copy to every Canadian.
What does it say about him in it?
It says that he was "this close" to giving up power when Stephane Dion was heading a coalition to defeat Harper's minority a couple years ago.
The article has insiders who were in the room with Harper saying that he said "Let them take power. It will fall apart. It will never work for Dion. We can pick up the pieces in the next election, come out stronger than ever".
Harper's top aide said "I'm not so sure- they could make this thing work. Your position as party leader could be compromised"
Harper wasn't so sure.
But we know what he did, don't we? He plowed ahead into an election and won another minority.
Harper has learned to USE elections to his advantage. He's even learned when to have one when he wants!
Like Right Now, for instance!
Have we ever seen attack ads like the ones Harper concocted for months leading up to the election?
I mean, he really SMEARED Ignatieff! Those ads stick in peoples' minds. They stick in mine! and I know it's all lies!
How diabolical is that?
Just imagine the ingrained impression it creates in a voter who doesn't follow politics!
The very folks who Harper wants as his minions. He all but guarantees those oblivious voters will check "conservative" at the polls.
It enrages me. It's total political tactics- no substance behind it.
But I guess it makes the political arena a wee bit more exciting than if we had no attack ads, right?
I mean, politics is fucking BORING, Mang.
04-07-2011, 10:51 AM
FINALLY Harper was asked today about his government falling on contempt charges!
By a regular citizen to boot.
It's a freakin' miracle!
But of course, he avoided the question like a rented snake.
He was asked "Doesn't this controlling of who comes to your rallies re-affirm for Canadians that you are too controlling, which is why your government fell on contempt charges?"
Harper replied "I think Canadians are more interested in the economy and creating jobs".
Isn't that amazing? That's how slimy a politician can be folks..
I'm Not more interested in the economy Steve.
I'M NOT. The economy will always be there. It ain't going anywhere.
But You?
You Sir, are going to the funny farm. Where you fuckin' belong.
I've noticed that Harper answers questions 95% of the time by starting with "In terms of..."
He LOVES that phrase "IN TERMS OF..."
How about I use it?
In terms of LEADING, Mr. Harper you've failed miserably.
In terms of HONESTY and INTEGRITY, Mr. Harper you've failed with flying colors. Failed Spectacularly.
In terms of personality, yours is a cross between a wooden plank and a soaking wet cat.
In terms of having a clue, you're about 10 million units in the red.
In terms of contempt for Canada you're the King. Untouchable for contempt. Numero UNO!
In terms of sheer assholiness you win every single time, no matter who is in front of you, in back of you or in another province. YOU WIN.
In terms of Canada needing a new government, IT'S FIVE YEARS OVERDUE.
04-11-2011, 02:16 PM
Our beloved Rex Murphy has been following this election, and the "scrapbook" of photographic memories he presented on The National a couple days ago was hilarious. It showed just what kind of bang for our $300 million election buck we Canadians are getting. It was great.
Mike Ignatieff eating a hot dog.
Stephen Harper and his wife Skeletor wearing giant black bowling ball helmets while riding their all-terrain buggies.
(Proof Rex says that Canadians want to keep Harper indoors and behind a desk as much as possible- he looked positively goofy in that helmet).
Jack Layton intently gazing at a bag of oranges in a supermarket. Yep- AWESOME snaps those photogs are getting of the Leaders in campaign mode! It's utterly astounding how wretched Ignatieff looks gulping down a frankfurter.
Positively ghastly seeing Harper's wife dance with some Bollywood dancers and jaw-droppingly weird to have Harper sing John Lennon's "Imagine" out of tune to a 12-year-old girl at a small piano. As some writer in the Citizen put it: There's a reason Ringo was given "With a Little Help From My Friends". Because any dolt can sing it. That's why Harper looked great torturing that Beatles ditty. ANYONE can sing that one. But "Imagine"??? Lennon would be spinning in his grave! Especially being sung by HARPER. Wow does that take the wind right out of your sails. It was vomit-inducing.
We just had bombshell news that Harper's government did something VERY illegal with regards to the G8 funding. Apparently Harper's government tricked Parliament into giving them millions & millions for the summit and then divvied up the money any way they saw fit.
Which sounds very TRUE to me...
All opposition party Leaders are demanding on the stump today that Harper release the report/documents that the Auditor General filed.
BEFORE the debate, tomorrow night.,
They want it now. And I don't blame 'em.
That is even more proof of contempt from Harper! and if he doesn't supply them with that report, he's in even more contempt!
It just goes on and on with these Conservative Clowns!
Those debates Tuesday night will MAKE the election.
This is where Canadians really tune in...
It should be illegal for a man to run for Prime Minister whose government was found in contempt of Parliament. That should BAR YOUR ASS from politics.
But no, we gotta witness the sad spectacle of Stephen Harper hoping to Holy Hell the electorate doesn't catch on to what he's done.
04-12-2011, 11:14 AM
Todays Ottawa Sun has a letter from the "Editor" (-do they even have one?- must be Harper himself!) that says that they have a copy of the "leaked" Auditor General's report and that it contains no scandals.
Just who exactly has this document? How did it get out to so many outlets, especially an Anti-Liberal rag like the Sun?
For such tightly controlled information, it sure gets around!
And for the record, SUN MEDIA, it does indeed contain a confirmation that the Harper government illegally procured $50 million.
This is yet one more reason on a long scoresheet of reasons why Harper cannot in any way be trusted.
I'm so stoked for the debates tonight you can't believe it.
Harper will try with everything in his tiny power to make the evening seem boring, make it seem devoid of intense exchanges.
Please watch the debates, my friends.
Scrutinize every word and body language cue.
Then you'll know who to vote for.
04-14-2011, 11:29 AM
I watched both Leaders debates (back to back, English & French) and I must say it was immensely disappointing.
Although all three opposition Leaders hammered Harper on his record, they yet again underestimated his ability to lie and get away with it.
A friend of mine told me she thought that there should've been a lie counter, just a digital counter on the screen to tick away at every lie that was coming from Harper. She even wanted a moderator who could super-fact-check, within seconds of something being said. I like that idea.
Stop a liar dead in his tracks...
I took a photo of the exterior scrum at Rideau Hall where the debates took place, a short walk from my place.
I asked a guy who was holding a big Harper sign: "Why do you support Harper?"
He replied "Because he has the same values as I do: GET TOUGH ON CRIME!"
I said "Everybody wants government to be tough on crime. That's it? That's all? How about his fucking lies???"
The guy just looked at me and said "WHAT lies??"
I just looked at him and said "You're beyond help, Pal" and walked away, disgusted yet again by ignorant Canadians.
It doesn't even REGISTER with voters that Harper lies every single time he opens his mouth.
Doesn't. even. Register.
Nope, no knockout punches from any party leader in those debates.
All that exercise did was solidify the opinions of those who already follow the game.
Only Jack Layton may have won some new votes.
Gilles Duceppès tomahawk missile of a stinging rebuke of Harper to open the debate was awesome Tuesday night:
I want to thank Mr. Harper for finally taking a question from a member of the public for the first time in this campaign.
Harper was a sour-puss through the whole debate process. His face often looked like a can of smashed assholes, puckered and contemptuous, just like his soul.
That's one thing I like about the debates- Harper has to face the fucking music while in them. It's the only time in the government where the Leaders are truly having their feet held to the fire.
All 3 opposition Leaders hammered Harper on his ignorance of democracy and wasteful spending of public money, all the while claiming extravagant victories on many empty fronts. It was very beautiful to see Harpers' pursed lips quivering- yep, his lips quivered a couple times- I noticed him actually shaking on 2 occasions- his shoulders. And his voice broke 3 separate times. How come no other news media outlet noticed this?
I saw it plain as day. Harper was a Nervous Nelly!
The only thing that commentators on the debates said that made any sense to me is that Harper may have won "Just by Surviving".
It's Really Sad Shit, Folks.
After these lacklustre debates I have little desire to comment on this election anymore.
Something gargantuan has to happen to alter what I think will be another Harper minority government.
Because Canadians would rather have a liar for Prime Minister than give a shit about politics.
I'll tell you this, though:
If Harper wins a Majority Government, I'm moving to Quebec.
I'll bail so fast you can't say "Poutine".
04-15-2011, 01:26 PM
The National was excellent last night (as usual) and they obtained documents that explained the "serious allegations" that Helena Guergis was accused of.
How did they get the documents? From Helena Herself after she requested them through "Access To Information".
And lo and behold, THERE IS NO PROOF, no evidence of criminal behavior, NOTHING. It was all a sham.
Stephen Harper was asked about it today, and he lied again. Who knew?!
He said that it was the Conservative caucus that didn't want Guergis anymore.
What a crock of steaming horseshit.
So the Conservative caucus WANTS Bev Oda to stay???
Explain that one shithead. That's right, you can't.
If the Prime Minister wants someone to stay or someone to go, IT HAPPENS.
It all depends on whether or not you are helping him with his agenda or not.
Not helping? Bye Bye Bitch.
Helping? You get a lifeline, Sweetie.
The opposition parties should be taking out MASSIVE ATTACK ads with the soundbite of Harper's response to the question today.
Rip him to fucking shreds for lying and being undemocratic!
Do It.
Put out ads that show that Stephen Harper has no ability to apologize unless it wins him political points (see the apology to Native Americans).
Put out ads that rip his nuts off with a rusty fuckin' fork.
He certainly doesn't.
Harper doesn't hesitate to smear someone- even without a shred of proof!
That ain't a Leader you want anywhere NEAR government. That is a dangerous and slimy person.
I'm still beyond baffled that Canadians could support such a serial liar and false-promises clown.
I think their brains were zapped by that thing in Men in Black that wipes your brain clean.
How do you turn a blind eye to such collossal lying and conniving?
Is it Harper's hair?
Does his helmet of hair make you drool and salivate?
Do you look at that coiffed catastrophe that sits on his head and forget everything that comes out of his mouth?
I'm curious.
Does his hair hypnotize you when you see Harper on your TV screen?
Does the sight of that grey/white mop on his head distract you from hearing and processing the words that fly out of his mouth?
Help me out here.
I just don't understand how someone can ignore or discount the GIANT LIES this man has laid on us as a Nation.
Someone. Anyone.
Tell me how people want to suck Harper's dick and give him another chance.
Tell me.
And it better be GOOD.
You'd better have some stank or some TEETH in your response.
Something that can SHUT ME UP and nod my head in agreement with you.
Something with SUBSTANCE, Chachi.
I'm ready to wait until May 1st to get a reply....
04-18-2011, 10:11 AM
Even though it seems like a foregone conclusion what will happen on May 2, I'm very curious to see how this election plays out.
Jack Layton has been stealing everybody's thunder as of late. There's a rumour that he's stolen a lot of seats in Quebec- from the Bloc!
Mr. Liar (I mean Mr. Harper) needs 12 seats to get a majority.
The way things look, that will NEVER happen.
If the NDP are stealing seats left and right in ridings across the country, then a majority is a pipe dream for the conservatives.
Harper was almost crying in the debates when he said "Canadians will decide, and I really hope it's a majority..."
He was pleading with the ether to get a majority, but his lies and total folly have given up that ghost.
Harper has a Masters in Economics.
How the fuck does a guy with a Masters degree in Economics plunge a Nation $70 Billion in debt?
Answer me that.
The Liberal party got a giant boost on Saturday when former Liberal Leader/Prime Minister Paul Martin spoke with Ujjal Dosanj (a Champion in the history of health care in this country) at a Liberal press scrum.
He laid it out like a banquet of truth:
Stephen Harper has brought health care to it's knees. He is on record as saying he hates the Health Act. The health care system was nearing the tipping point when the Liberals were in power and they made huge advances to work with the provinces to balance all of the problems, like wait times, etc.
Then Harper gets in there and ignores all of those advances.
He hasn't done a single thing on health care in 5 years. Not one single fucking thing!
He believes that health care is the provinces' problem.
Harper said he'd eliminate wait times at hospitals.
We know how that went: NOWHERE.
We wait longer now than we've ever had to get medical help. Harper just doesn't care.
The Liberals started to kill the deficit in 1995, and every single year the deficit went down. The whole country got excited about killing the deficit.
The Liberals were up front and honest about all cuts they were making to kill the deficit- they told Canadians exactly where we were, how much we owed, and how it was being paid off. In 8 years the deficit was GONE! They balanced the books! And then they said they'd start putting money into health care with the surpluses.
Then Harper got into power.
He ignored every single thing that the Liberal party did to make Canada stronger. He basically turned the ship around, all the while having serious contempt while at the wheel.
What happened?
Well, today we have a serious deficit- the biggest we've ever had, and it's 100% the Harper Regime's fault.
No one to blame but the PMO. No one else can take credit.
Harper has stopped using "In terms of.." whenever he opens his yap. Maybe he read my post? :)
Now he uses "Let's be clear...." He's switched his line!
I loved it when Jack Layton slammed him in the debates on an outright lie. Jack said "I beg your pardon??? I think you'd better read your own press releases!"
The way Harper lied about the coalition in 2004 was astounding. He said "I wasn't trying to bring the Martin government down".
Well what the fuck were you trying to do then???????
What were you doing in a Delta hotel room, signing a coalition agreement with the NDP and the Bloc?
Enjoying room service and a pay-per-view porno with your political opponents?
Gimme a fuckin' break!
Harper lied so many times in the debates I think he set the all-time record for lying by a Federal Politician.
He re-inforced the "dishonest politician" tag by a trillion.
I hope he's relegated to the dustbin in this election.
The George W. Bush fearmongering is so fucking old now.
coalition fears...economic recovery fears....fear of democracy...the list is endless.
Nothing positive about Stephen Harper.
He has no humanity, no clue and no right to be in government anymore.
He blew his chance to Kingdom Come.
And when he said in the debates that the Speaker of the House DID NOT find him in contempt....WOW. Just WOW.
How's that for a WHOPPER?
Holy Shit.
If the Speaker didn't find you in contempt (twice) then who the fuck was it?
Fuck I hope he's run out of town on a rail.....
04-18-2011, 11:02 AM
In the debates, Harper was pressed to release the Auditor General's report on the G8/G20 Summits.
He reluctantly agreed, and Jack Layton smiled a big smile and said:
It takes a National televised debate to get Mr. Harper to release a document!
Love your Moxie,'ve already come out a Winner in this election in many people's books....
04-18-2011, 06:07 PM
Song for Stephen Harper, from fellow Canadians D.O.A.
04-21-2011, 01:59 PM
Harper was asked yesterday if the onus is on him to work with other parties if he wins another minority government.
His response?
"I reject the question".
Yeah. That sure is the man I want for PM....
Something I haven't mentioned in this thread is the Green party.
Elizabeth May is the leader of the Green party and she was shut out of the debates. (Not allowed to participate)
She was in the debates in 2008 and this time around she was excluded, which was wrong.
They said it was because she has no seats in the House of Commons.
But she got over 1 million votes in the last election. That should have guaranteed her inclusion in the debates.
I have nothing against the green party and I hope the party's supporters send a huge message on May 2 because what happened to her was un-democratic and disgraceful. The Bloc Quebecqois represents Quebec only, while May's Greens represent the whole country.
Something very wrong there.
The Green party vote is the *real* sleeping giant in this election, along with the Youth Vote, something all parties have ignored.
I loved seeing all those Canadian campuses having flash mobs to get out the vote, thanks to Rick Mercer's prodding.
Students are the future. Period. Full Stop.
They are inheriting it all. So the more that get onboard with how the world operates, the better.
The Youth Vote and the Green party are dark horses in this election and I'm even more curious to see what Canada's government looks like come
May 2nd.
One thing's absolutely clear: Harper's majority is Gone With The Wind.
And frankly, I don't give a damn.
Looks Great on him.
04-28-2011, 05:55 PM
Crunch Time.
The election is days away, and the NDP surge is rolling across Canada.
So much so that the other men trying to become Prime Minister have started attacking Jack Layton in full force.
Harper says that the NDP will now lead the "reckless" and "ramshackle" coalition. HA HAHAHAHHAHAHHAH!
For 5 weeks he's been Harpering that it will be an "Ignatieff-led coalition".
Now he's saying it will be the NDP.
Funny, considering both the Liberals and NDP have denounced coalitions. I guess Mr. Harper just can't stop making shit up as he goes along.
It's sinking into his empty head that a Majority for him is Dead.
The NDP is kicking his ass from Simcoe to Surrey!
Watch Harper scramble.
It MUST be pointed out that Stephen Harper has had ZERO for a platform in this election.
He has no platform whatsoever. Nothing.
His line is "My shit is My shit. It's the same as it was before this *un-necessary* election was called. It's the same as it ever was, because we Conservatives never change. take it or leave it. It's our way or the fuckin' highway, JACK! Vote for us or the sky will fuckin' fall on your heads!!
We cannot have a ramshackle NDP government! NO! NEVER! You need a HITLER-type leader, a man who does what he wants, when he wants, with no concern for you or yours. Oh, we'll tell you we do. We'll feed you TONS of B.S. on what we'll do, but once you vote us in again (silly Canadians!) we will ignore you just like we always have".
That's the whole truth and nothing but the truth on Harper's "team".
Former Prime Minster Jean Chretien gave the Liberals a huge shot in the arm yesterday. But will it be enough to snatch a win?
We'll see....
05-01-2011, 03:01 PM
(please and thank you)
05-02-2011, 07:32 AM
Would you ever imagine that Stephen Harper would ever spew the words "NDP Government"????
Well, on the final day of the campaign yesterday he used that phrase about 200 times.
Who woulda thunk it??
And now, today, MAY 2nd, is the day that our Democracy is tested. No one can actually call the election results until late tonight, but I think it's going to rock people's worlds. No one knows exactly how this will play out. No One. It's all up to the people.
I am stoked on the one hand and really cautious on the other.
Cautious because the sheer uncertainty of the results produces thoughts of a possible destruction of Harper and all he's stood for and also a possible minority win for him.
No way in hell he's getting a majority. No. Way. In. Hell.
All that remains is to see how many seats he's actually lost.
I can't wait until the dust has settled and we know where we stand.
Then I can be extremely proud of my fellow Canadians or.......... move to Quebec. LOL
By the way, What nerve of President Obama! Killing Bin Laden on the eve of Canada's election!
Way to steal our thunder, Mr. President!!!!
05-02-2011, 04:15 PM
The Ottawa Sun had a full front-page yesterday with Harper's smiling yap and the headline
HE'S OUR MAN: why Canadians should give Stephen Harper a Majority.
It was stunning.
I love how the article had no author. No name was attached to it. No editor, just a fuckin' ghost penned it.
They go on to write that Harper led us through the recession very successfully (no one has told them that we WENT INTO the recession in great shape?!?! That's just hilarious).
Man, do they like to say that harper "led us" through the recession.
Um, no he didn't.
He didn't actually lead anything. He just let Canadians themsleves pick up the slack. The banks were already rock solid.
He didn't have to do much to get us through the economic crisis. In fact he did very very little.
He just peddled his bogus "economic action plan" with our tax dollars.
He likes to take credit for shit that was already in place! What a loser!
Then the Sun said that if Harper doesn't remember that the PEOPLE elect him, then they will hold his feet to the fire.
I never laughed so hard since the campaign began...
What a crock. The Sun newspaper holding Harper accountable is like Donald Trump saying he never asked for Obama's birth certificate.
They don't seem to care that he's an affront to Parliament and was found in contempt.
That fact is never found in the pages of their paper.
They keep saying that it was Ignatieff who caused this election.
I guess they refuse to keep the first mantra of journalism: FIND THE TRUTH.
Sun Media is like the Fox News channel of Canada- they even have a new TV channel! It's stunning.
If they told me it's all to stir shit up I might buy it. But I know those lazy "columnists" they have really MEAN their rhetoric.
Their JOBS are on the line if they don't spew Pro-Harper propaganda.
So in a way, you're forgiven Sun Media. And in a way, you can "BURN IN HELL" too, just like your headline today for Bin laden's demise.
I got your number.
And I'm not afraid to speak my mind.
Scary? No. LOL
05-04-2011, 10:36 AM
It's taken me a couple days to process the historic and mind-blowing results of Canada's election.
I'm in a daze right now because Canada became a bona-fide Banana Republic Monday night.
The whole province of Quebec voted for the New Democratic Party. The whole Province!!!!
The NDP are now the Official Opposition in the House of Commons.
Jack Layton secured over 60 new seats! More than any other party leader!
Stephen Harper GAINED 24 seats, which blew my mind to Kingdom Come.
Crime Pays in Canadian politics.
The Canadian people basically told the world "We hate elections. We hate them so much, in fact, that we will give a dishonest man full FUHRER status. We don't want to head to the polls for another 4 years. We'd prefer to never go back again, so WE'LL TAKE A DICTATOR for a thousand, Alex".
Jack Layton has got his work cut out for him.
He's got 4 years to convince Canada that electing Harper to a majority was a collossal mistake.
And it shouldn't be too hard. Conservatives never change their ways, so the scandals should come forth in a torrent.
Watch Harper pass those crime bills by Friday....
It was truly amazing what happened Monday night.
The Liberal party was reduced to almost nothing (Ignatieff has resigned)
The Bloc Quebecqois was obliterated. (Duceppe has resigned)
Quebec proved that the smartest citizens live in their province.
Which is why I'm moving there.
I thank the Canadian people for showing us all what we are and where we all stand.
This thread is over.
Thanks for reading it if you did.
05-04-2011, 11:39 AM
Lars von Trier accepted my friend request on Facebook today, so it ain't the end of the world.
Trier, Larry Kent, Sergei Paradjanov, E.E. Merhige, Monte Hellman, Jonathan Rosenbaum, Dave Kehr, Guy Maddin, and Jean-Luc Godard....
Not bad for virtual friends....
I should add that my disgust with the election results is (in part) due to the 41% of the population who sat on their asses and didn't even BOTHER to fuckin' vote. Those people could've denied Harper that majority. But they didn't even care. People are DYING to cast a vote in other countries and we have a whole class of sacks of shit who don't even have the decency to vote. You call yourself a citizen if you don't vote?
NOT IN MY BOOK. I'd deport your ass in a heartbeat.
It should be MANDATORY to vote in a Federal election.
If you can't vote, you should have to prove why you can't.
It should be the LAW. If paying taxes is law, then why isn't voting the law?
At my polling station they had my name on the elector spreadsheet- with my name, address and birthdate on it.
Just watch what happens in Parliament from now on.
By the time Harper is done, you won't recognize Canada.
It's the Fifth Reich today.
I live in Ottawa at the moment and this city feels extremely toxic.
I must flee.
A Conservative majority is my worst 1984 nightmare.
And it's Real.
Seig Heil.
05-04-2011, 01:29 PM
If I could show this to every person who voted Conservative, I would.
God Bless Peter Russell!!!!
05-18-2011, 02:08 PM
Well, Stephen Harper has wasted no time in showing more contempt for Canadians.
In less than 2 weeks after the election his Senate and cabinet shuffle is exactly what Jack Layton says it is:
No changes at all. Except giving 3 people who lost their seats in this election PRIME JOBS.
I apologize for saying this thread is over.
It ain't.
I'm just getting started.
I'm gonna track the actions of this shithead until his scandals rack up and spiral out of control.
It begins today.
3 people who LOST THEIR FUCKING SEATS in the election were given raises and prominent positions by Harper.
People who can't win STILL WIN with Harper!
It's just like Jack said: the ink isn't even dry on their rejection slips and Harper promotes them!
He just rubs it in everyone's face. With an evil smirk on his mug. What the fuck is going on??????
Man. If we lived in Medieval times, I'd be sharpening my battleaxe and making my way over to Sussex drive.
60% of the people in this country voted against Harper. 40% was his count of support.
20% MORE people voted against him and he still won a majority!!!!!!!!!
Something is really rotten and fucked up here in the Great White North.
Our political system needs a total overhaul.
If criminal activity is gonna be rewarded by citizens, then we need an overhaul, Sammy.
We need one ASAP.
05-19-2011, 11:34 AM
Yes, Stephen Harper tried to slip it past everyone that he appointed three LOSERS to his Senate, a Senate which needs to be
He didn't even let the media know that he had done it. He just did a media blitz yesterday without even mentioning it.
As Libby Davies said yesterday on CBC: "DID THEY THINK NO ONE WOULD NOTICE??"
People get prime, plum jobs when they aren't EVEN ELECTED!!!!!!!!!!
In fact, these three individuals were IN the Senate and dropped out, to run in the election.
Now everyone is wondering if they were promised their jobs even if they lost the election.
I think they were.
And that is undemocratic and fucking ILLEGAL, BITCH.
As it was pointed out by Ralph Goodale on CBC yesterday, this government is the most expensive and largest in our countries' history.
With the limosines, the offices, the expense accounts and all the other trappings, this is the Richie Richest group to ever descend on Parliament Hill.
John Baird gets portfolio number 18, Foreign Affairs. What will #19 be?
Minister of Changing Portfolios every ten weeks?
I shudder when I think of Baird being a Diplomat. He's just a big-headed ignoramus with no soul.
It's beyond the Ringling Brothers Circus.
Harper has adopted all of George Bush's ways of doing things.
Give fuckheads portfolios they can't handle or are even worthy of being chairs of, then give them another one, then see that they aren't fit for jack Shit, and then PROMOTE THEM.
Cuz they are Loyal to the Fuhrer.
Harper's mantra: Lie at every turn to the cameras, because the people who are not in politics can suck it. They don't know the Agenda, so Fuck 'em.
That's why Harper lies every time he opens his yap. He's giving himself *dishonest* cover for re-arranging the face of this country.
And it boils my fucking blood.
It's on.
Oh Yes.
05-26-2011, 10:39 AM
I was walking on Sparks street yesterday and who comes toward me hand in hand with his wife?
The Hon. Jack Layton.
He just came from the Hill, and I said "Love ya, Jack" as he approached.
He didn't smile but he did say "Thank You"
I think he has a hell of a lot on his mind, and considering how fucked and broken Ottawa is, I don't blame him one single bit.
The Harper Regime is moving to eliminate per-vote subsidies for political parties, with no one to stop him.
The NDP got $7 million in subsidies for the election but only raised $6 million on their own.
The Conservatives Got $10 million in subsidies yet raised $13 million on their own.
What does that mean? It means that not only are the Conservatives better at raising dollars, but they are also so cynical and soulless so as to abolish subsidies that help others have a fighting chance at winning an election.
It's purely political and it makes me want to vomit.
The Conservative party is like the evil Galactic Empire, trying to eliminate any and all hopes for anyone else in the Canadian politial arena to challenge them.
All it means is that in the future, anyone trying to unseat Harper's Reich has got their work cut out for them.
He's putting up roadblock after roadblock to democracy.
First-Class Fuckhead.
That's what Harper is. He's like a spoiled little rich kid who will not play nice with others, even if they are his friends.
I still don't fathom how anyone with a brain can stand behind this man/robot.
It's immensely depressing to live in the Fifth Reich.
As awesome and as prosperous as Canada is, it's absolutely batshit crazy to hand power to a contemptuous dictator.
It's just incomprehensible.
It's like living in Paradise but letting Beelezebub take over for 4 years, after letting him wreck havoc for 5 years with no penalty.
We are institutionalized to the Harper Regime.
And he knows it too. He's exploiting that fact to the nth degree.
If you think I'm just barking with no bite here, let me assure you that my assessment of Stephen Harper is dead-bang on.
If you think I'm being too negative just wait until you see what this country looks like 4 years from now.
And if I'm still posting in this forum at that time, you won't see me gloat over being 100% accurate on what Harper is.
You'll see me express utter disgust and revulsion at my fellow Canadians for being unconscious about it for so damn long.
This thread is timed and dated, post by post. It's a historical record, and when the chips fall hard because the Conservatives never change, I will have bigger contempt for the ones who voted Harper back in than the massive contempt Harper has for the country.
My capacity for contempt will dwarf Harper's. It will make his seem like a minor tic.
I am utterly outraged at our current government.
In 5 weeks we went from:
Fucktard government falling on contempt charges
full election campaign
Fucktard government being rewarded by the Canadian voter with a Majority because we hate elections.
My mind is still blown to Jupiter.
It really is.
05-26-2011, 11:27 AM
Beautiful debate mash-up with Harper lying right through his fucking teeth on Corporate tax cuts, which were definitely IN his 2011 budget.
(And are STILL THERE!!)
Lying right through his fucking teeth!
05-26-2011, 11:42 AM
Another great soundbite clip from the 2011 Leaders debate:
06-06-2011, 10:22 AM
An amazing thing happened this week during the (Screech) Speech From The Throne this week.
A young female Senate page walked up in the middle of the House of Commons with a red sign that said
I almost didn't even hear about it because the media swept the incident under the rug!
How do I hear about it?
From Michael Moore, who offered that brave girl a job, after she was fired for that Awesome display.
Imagine that!
A very young page has the beautiful balls to stand right in the House of Commons holding a red sign denouncing a criminal!
I'm blown away.
That is historic and badly needed. Of course, the media is painting it as "whining" or "pouting" or "temper tantrum".
Far from it.
This was a switched-on young lady, who wanted to be a Senate page to learn more about her government. And when she learned just what a Fuckhead Extraordinaire Stephen Harper is, she took defiant action.
06-09-2011, 12:09 PM
Stephen Harper has got some serious balls and some serious contempt for the Canadian taxpayer.
I said the scandals will come forth, and they are.
Harper flew to Boston on the public taxpayer dime to catch the NHL playoff game last night between the Bruins and Canucks.
He flew there on a military jet, a Challenger, because "security" is so damn important for the PM.
Don't worry Steve: no one knows you from Adam. You could sit in coach on any airline and feel totally safe. People would only notice your shitty haircut. Not much else.
Don't you have a JOB to do, Harper?
Don't you have more PRESSING matters to deal with rather than jet-setting to an NHL game?
It's like going to Disneyland while the economy rots.
Fuck this clown.
I will never hold back on my comments on Harper. He asks for it every damn day. I'm ON HIS ASS. Believe me.
The day he's run out of town on a fucking rail can't come soon enough.
I think he jinxed our Canucks for winning the Stanley Cup, just by being in the building.
If I was a player, I'd refuse to play. I'd make a political statement about it.
Aren't we supposed to be financially frugal right now?
That jet cost taxpayers $3000 an hour!!!!!!!
Holy Fuck what is his major malfunction?!?!
Liberal MP Jim Karygiannis said:
EXCUSE ME, aren't we in a time of tightening our belts? Aren't we in a time of making sure that we use our money wisely??
and NDP MP Peter Stoffer:
He should do what we all do and watch the game on TV! Using those types of tax dollars for his own personal entertainment? THAT'S NOT ON.
06-09-2011, 12:29 PM
All is not lost, Harper-Haters!
06-10-2011, 12:48 PM
Biggest Scandal of the Year (besides Conservatives winning a Majority) was the Auditor General's report by just-retired Sheila Fraser- one of the best public servants this country has ever had. Maybe ever WILL have..which was FINALLY fuckin' released by the Harper Regime.
And guess what's in this report on G8/G20 Summit spending?
Something the interim Auditor General called "UNPRECEDENTED IN MY CAREER AND VERY TROUBLING":
$80 million that was supposed to be for border measures was divvied up by Tony Clement and John Baird.
Over 50 million went into a slush fund for Tony Clement, the current President of the Treasury (What a fucking nightmare we have here- the fuckin' fox is in the fuckin' HENHOUSE).
It was approved by current Foreign Affairs Minister Baird, a Harper minion if there ever was one.
And there Clement and Baird were, lying and taking no remorse or responsibility on CPAC yesterday, smirking and sweating under hot summer lamps and reporters' questions on
Baird had the unbelievable balls and gall to stand there parroting the word "expedentially" about 300 times, saying that the economic situation in the country meant that "projects" under his bogus economic action plan had to be Expediently and Exponentially and Exauberatiosity spent right away, with no receipts, no paper trail, no consultation with public servants. No nothing.
Uh, ok John. You're the Best, buddy.
Is this the scandal of the year?
The scandal of the year is that no one in this criminal and shameful government will pay for it.
No one will be fired.
No one will be fined.
No one will go to jail.
In fact, they can do it again. Any time they wish.
I got a question for the OTTAWA SUN.
Why is today's front page not screaming bloody murder over this?
You have a picture of the new coach of the Senators hockey team over this???
06-13-2011, 10:46 AM
Before I rant some more, I want to congratulate the Dallas Mavericks.
What an NBA finals!
Sending LeBron and his dream team to the woodshed!
How many Championships did the Heat say they'll win??
Huh? How many?
I have no remorse for those egomaniacs. Especially Chris Bosh, who abandoned the Toronto Raptors like a bitch.
Awesome to see him crying like a baby after the game.
Sorry Bosh. You and your buddies choked. HARD. And I'm very happy about it.
I take glee in your defeat. Normally I wouldn't, but the Miami Heat were so arrogant that they forgot they were playing basketball.
maybe next year you can try to start your seven-championship-run. HA HA HA!
But back to the biggest losers in the Universe: the Conservative party of Canada.
They just held a party conference here in Ottawa for a few days, and what a gong show it was.
I watched the almost non-stop coverage of it on CPAC.
Members of their own party asked leaders what to do and what to say when bad press confronts them, which is a constant thing.
They had no answer.
I listened in disbelief as Conservative leaders gave no advice! All they could do is say that they are taking the party in a new direction!
There was a massive protest that shut down city streets in front of the brand-new Convention center on Day 1, with natives demanding something be done about the conditions on Reserves, which is our National Shame.
Harper doesn't give two flying fucks about Natives or their rights or how they live.
He only cares how it makes him look politically.
The speeches the protestors gave were very inspiring to me, and the chants and the signs they held up for all those Conservative gawkers in the galleries to gaze at were AWESOME.
I asked a cop what was all the fuss. (I already knew what it was, I just wanted a second opinion).
He said "they're protesting against the Conservatives".
I asked why.
He paused for a second, looked at me, smiled and said "BEATS ME"
He knew why. He just didn't want to say anything that made him look biased.
I must let you all know a name here, a SLIMY name, a guy who gets ten tons of media exposure every week:
JAIME WATT. He's been around forever. In 1984 he was convicted of big-time fraud. Now he works as a strategist! Awesome huh?
This fat cat had the nerve to say to Conservative conference members who asked about Quebec that Quebecers don't understand the Conservative party, and that it was "Cracker Jack" Layton's personality that stole quebec from the Conservatives.
Holy Dogshit is that amazing! And this guy is FROM Montreal???????
Watt is a corporate drone, who lives really high on the hog. Who thinks his opinion matters.
His attitude astounds me. He thinks he's a mover and shaker. But he's only a mover and shaker of condiments, which he slathers all over his fast foods- the guy is about 400 pounds, with a turkey jowl from Hell.
I'm reminded of lyrics from Dylan's MASTERS OF WAR:
Is your money that good?
Will it buy back your soul?
Quebecers know all about the Conservative party. So you can stop that lie right now. Stop that lie dead.
They "understand" you and Harper and all you stand for all too well.
And you don't stand for Quebec. Never did. Never will.
Conservatives stand for nothing, as far as I can tell.
They say they care about families? Where's the proof? NONE.
Any "proof" you give on that is not good enough. All of your "measures" to help families have done more harm than good. FACT JACK.
You keep cutting all kinds of programs to help! You Conservatives all have sickles in your hands!
And you don't have a clue what you're doing, no matter what you tell yourselves. Trust me. I've been watching you from a long ways off.
They say they care about Health Care. Where's the proof? NONE.
They say the care about the environment. Where's the proof? NONE.
You Conservative fuckers live in the land of OZ!
The beauty of this whole situation is that the deficit that these idiots say they will kill in 4 years is gonna triple under them.
Maybe even quadruple.
I could even give them the benefit of the doubt that they'd punch it up ten times!
And then what will they say?
What will Jim "JOKE" Flaherty tell us was the reason they had to rack up the debt then?
I got all bases covered here.
I'm watching the Conservative party like the Hawk of Hawks.
Stay tuned.
These inhuman sacks of shit are ruining the country and I'm watching every step they make.
06-14-2011, 04:42 PM
Song about getting rid of George W. Bush, by Neil Young, but we can now apply it to getting rid of Stephen Harper.
I mean, they are the same person.
Just ask Tommy Chong.
06-22-2011, 10:22 AM
The RCMP have launched an investigation into Tony Clement and John Baird's criminal G8/G20 Summit spending practices.
I think this is the 35th RCMP investigation into Conservative party crimes, going concurrent with the other investigations.
2 months after the election and the winning party gets investigated by the RCMP.
When are Canadians gonna wake up?
When are they gonna realize how dumb and criminal the Conservatives are?
The NDP ARE the Government in waiting.
They will be the next government of this country.
and I'm betting it'll be in 2 years!
Yes, I'm THAT optimistic!
Seeing Tony Clement in the House of Commons on CPAC these last few days confirmed for me that he needs to be fired.
He smirks all the time, he laughs at opposition members when they level the truth at him, and worst of all, he SLOUCHES awfullly in his Commons seat. He's almost sliding under the seat! Watch how he slouches!
What a retard that guy is!
President of the Treasury?
How about President of Slouching and Swindling?
Yes. That's better.
I pray that John Baird and Tony Clement are charged with fraud and kicked out of Canada's government.
We don't need little kids in power.
06-22-2011, 10:45 AM
Hey Baird!
Don't ya just love my brand of Rhetorical Flourishes?
I can go on and on until the break of dawn.
Baird and Clement were asked to step aside while the RCMP investigation is underway, but Stephen Harper will not reprimand his own minions.
What else is new?
Unless these fuckers are led away in chains Harper won't do jack shit about corruption. Because that's his bag. Corruption's his bread & butter, Baby.
06-22-2011, 05:16 PM
4,000 pages of redacted documents on Afghan detainees and how they were handled by Canadian Forces was released by the government today, and they are now announcing that the matter is over, no wrong doing was afoot.
Jack Layton was just on CBC an hour ago, and he wants a full inquiry. The committee that this matter was supposed to go to for review has been destroyed by Harper. He abolished the committee! The committee that was supposed to pore over these documents and draw conclusions!
There's actually over 40,000 pages! A fraction was released today. The Harper government is saying "CASE CLOSED!", when in fact the smoking gun of prisoners being handed over to be tortured may be buried somewhere in the 40,000 pages.
The Harper government isn't interested in finding out for sure.
There John Baird was again, on CBC today, saying that the 12 million dollars spent on this matter was wasted.
Funny, considering the whole thing was his government's idea.
They started the whole ball rolling on it and now they say it was a waste of time and money.
What fuckheads!
Will this be debated in the House of Commons?
Will anything be done to hold the government accountable?
Not on your life.
That does not happen in Harper's Fifth Reich.
06-25-2011, 11:51 AM
Here in Ottawa we have Parliamentarians/MP's burning the midnight oil because the conservative party is holding Canada Post workers hostage.
All night I watched incredible "debate" on the bill/legislation to force Canada Post workers back to work, after a lockout.
The Prime Minister holds the keys to the locks on the doors of Canada Post.
But he won't open them.
Because the workers want a fair wage.
Yep. That's it. Just a fair wage.
Canada Post is a Crown corporation, and it makes money hand over fist.
This inhuman Crime Minister is blocking democracy with a Berlin wall here.
Collective Bargaining is one of the things in the world that ensures workers get a fair shake.
Not only is Harper forcing the workers back to work, he's forcing them back with a wage that is LOWER than what Canada Post offered!
He's telling the workers: "the economy is more important than your life. Get back to work, Bitch".
The Conservatives want to appear to their base that they are able to move with muscle, but they just look like the privatization Lords they are.
That's what this is all about.
Bless Nathan Cullen and all of the NDP for never wavering in their fight to block this stupid, draconian bill.
Nathan Cullen, an NDP MP from B.C. gave one of the best speeches last night on CPAC I've ever heard in the House of Commons- and it was around 1 in the morning when he made it! I wish I had a transcript to post here.
"The Cloak is Off the Conservative Party" was the refrain of the NDP. The Conservative agenda is on full display here.
Heavy-handed legislation that fucks the common worker up the ass.
Hey Harper:
I'd like to see you carry 35 pounds of mail for 8 hours a day, be subjected to bites, slips, falls, fractures, bad weather, etc etc etc and accept the wages that Canada Post throws at it's workers who make that Crown Corp. a shitload of money. MILLIONS AND MILLIONS A YEAR it generates, and they WILL NOT reward their workers. That's unforgivable, and it's especially insulting to be sent back to work by a team of 165 Conservatives who each make over $140, 000 dollars a year who wear nice pressed shirts and fancy ties.
How the fuck do the Conservatives sleep at night?
It's begun.
The NDP will come to power on sheer integrity.
The Conservatives will fall for a complete lack of integrity.
Just a matter of time.
The Emperor has no clothes.
07-01-2011, 07:31 AM
Apologies to Kate Middleton and Prince William.
Today you are being given a tour of Canada's capital by Stephen Harper and his wife Skeletor.
I saw you on TV with them and I apologize.
Having to listen to idle chit-chat from two disgraceful capitalists must be torture.
I can only imagine the small talk the Harpers are capable of.
Must be like Dubya and Laura, without the folksy charm.
Harper and his wife looked annoyed that they had to host Royals today.
They don't mean all that much to me either.
But Diplomacy is Diplomacy, and Harper has to be a host.
The only positive thing about Canada Day in Ottawa is the MASSIVE fireworks at the end of the night.
Best fireworks you'll ever see (especially if you watch from the Hull Quebec side of the Ottawa river).
The concerts on Parliament Hill are usually boring, the crowds are way too big, and the barbecues on Sparks street are all from the southern states! They come up here to serve us USA BBQ on Canada Day!
Must've been Harper's idea. He must have a lot of contacts with Texan oilmen who run side BBQ businesses...
Viva Democracy!
Our Nation is $70 Billion in debt!
Our Prime Minister is a Criminal! Viva Canada!
07-01-2011, 12:16 PM
To be a *little* more positive, the Black Watch pipes and drums were awesome- just got back from the Hill after seeing them. Awesome pipe and drum band. I saw the Snowbirds do a couple flypasts (always cool to see the Snowbirds), hated the crowds (as always) and the weather was perfect. I mean, you couldn't ask for sunnier, breezier weather.
So many dressed in white & red...
Some things that were cool: free McDonalds coffee, Canadian Cheese, Dr. Pepper and facepainting. And free art tents of all types: potato painting and carvings, fingerpainting, Canada flag making...all cool creative activities for all.
Some things not so cool: wall to wall people (with Legions of child strollers! Holy Cow! It was an invasion of strollers & toddlers!)
6 dollars for a cup of lemonade. WTF
6 dollars for an ice cream bar. Take my wallet! I just want a damn ice cream bar!
6 dollars for a hot dog. What's in it? Caviar? Cripes.
I was waiting for them to say it was 6 dollars to enter the park and another 6 when you depart.
And another six in Celebration tax.
Jesus, being proud to be a Canadian costs you.
07-19-2011, 09:28 AM
Another fresh scandal for you:
According to the QMI Agency, the Conservative party of Canada is refusing to answer questions concerning reports that top party officials recently received a delegation from the Communist Party of China right here in Ottawa.
WTF is this all about?
I know John Baird is in China right now as we speak, trying to "strengthen ties" with the juggernaut country.
I shudder to imagine what he's doing/saying over there.
Amnesty International is up in arms over the Conservative party refusing to address Human Rights abuses in China in any significant way.
Baird wouldn't say anything about it, except that "we had a good discussion on human rights. I can say they were frank and open".
What else can you say, BAIRD?!?!
You gotta do better than that, Shithead!
Tell us what you are tangibly doing to deal with this horrible and very serious issue!
That's what I thought: JACK and SHIT.
It's all about money, isn't it John?
You don't give a shit about human rights abuses in China or you'd make dramatic steps to show us that you do.
All you care about is the economics of it.
Glad you do.
Because it's etched on your tombstone. You earned the engraving.
You have the power and you refuse to exercise it. Canada can be a leader in denouncing human rights abuses but our current regime does not care. The money must flow before we can even BEGIN to think about that, you know. And then we still won't care.
VOTE CONSERVATIVE! We got ours, and nobody else gets theirs!
Strong, United, and Ignorant to the Core. These are our values, and they are Canada's too!
I'm gonna post the PHOTO OF THE YEAR here next. You gotta see it to believe it.
It's our Prime Minister in full Native Indian regalia, taken this week, with his face painted totally YELLOW.
It's the best picture I've ever seen of our oblivious and totally delusional Crime Minister.
It's absolutely PRICELESS.
07-19-2011, 09:56 AM
Have a good howl at this YELLOW Bastard:
07-19-2011, 10:03 AM
Looking a little JAUNDICED, isn't he?
07-19-2011, 02:08 PM
It's been confirmed that the Conservative party of Canada also sent a "letter of congratulations" to the Communist Party of China recently for celebrating an anniversary. But not one Conservative will answer a question on it.
We deserve to know why they are so chummy with Communists!
Explain this! Fuckheads!
I think your own party faithful are outraged at such a thing.
What ON EARTH does the Conservative party stand for?!
I welcome any Conservative party supporter to enlighten me.
Become a member of FilmLeaf and debate me on this batshit-nuts government we have here in Canada.
07-20-2011, 12:44 PM
Helena Guergis, a woman I've defended has actually been found by a federal party to have violated the parliamentary rules of using your position as an MP to influence business deals. It was in relation to her husband Rahim Jaffer's business, and a letter she wrote suggesting her hubby's firm for a work contract.
If the RCMP cleared her then what's this? I'm not one to accept the RCMP in totem- they are frought with problems and poor officers- but this makes me do an about face- something I'm willing to do and apologize for IF I was wrong.
It appears I was wrong on Guergis.
What I was NOT wrong on was Harper's handling of her dismissal.
He threw her under the bus, pulled out her limp carcass and then smashed it again and again with ball-peen hammers until she couldn't be recognized or identified without dental records.
Why didn't he do the same thing for Bev Oda?
Who actually did something far far worse than trying to use her position to help her hubby.
She mis-led parliament and crossed out a word and added "NOT" in pen to an official government document. Then denied doing it.
Harper didn't mind that at all.
Oda must do his laundry on weekends or walks the Harper's cats. She must. How else can she keep her job and keep smiling like a doofus on the Conservative side of the Commons?
She irons his shirts! (light starch, Bev?)
She must polish Laureen "Skeletor" Harper's codpiece too, to get that kind of preferential treatment!
07-26-2011, 10:03 AM
My Man Jack Layton has suffered another health setback in that a new form of cancer has appeared.
Jack is a tenacious fighter and says that he will be back in the fall when Parliament resumes.
It seems cosmically unfair, this latest cancer.
But I can tell you one thing: Jack has brought the NDP to the point of being the Government-in-Waiting, and the party WILL destroy Stephen Harper and the Conservatives in the next election.
What with the Conservatives increasing spending by 8% a year, hosting and wining & dining the Communist Party of China, having ZERO leadership, plus lies and scandals galore, you can etch it in stone. The NDP will be our next government.
Most Canadians know that Harper is a schemer and scammer.
It's just taking time to settle in to the point of changing parties when you go to the ballot box.
With the rate of time flying by these days (ask any senior!) the next election will be upon us and the NDP will be immensely triumphant.
In the meantime during Jack's break (on doc's orders) I send him massive good karma and big hopes for a full recovery.
He has more integrity than 165 Conservative MP's COMBINED.
07-29-2011, 12:19 PM
The Hon. Nycole Turmel has been named interim Leader of the NDP and I'm so glad.
I know exactly why Jack Layton has recommended her so early in her political career.
I watched the "Midnight Hour" debates in the Commons on the Canada Post fuckery, and she stood out as a brilliant researcher and truth-levelling Machine- YES, SHE LAYED TOTAL WASTE to the Conservatives whenever she rose to deliver a well-prepared rubuke/refute.
She dazzled me with her intelligence and rational debating chops.
And she'd do it with a "you know I'm right" wink when she sat down.
Sure she's new, but damn, she's perfect to lead the party.
She could be Prime Minister before long.
Her IQ's higher than Harper's. That's IRONCLAD.
Harper didn't even show up to the Commons for any of those debates. He let his minions fend for themselves on it.
During the day, he was at a Barbecue! LOL Yes, look it up- he went to dinner at a BBQ- it's public record.
At night, he just went to bed on silk sheets. No sex- he's Conservative.
Then he rammed the bill home. Repression will do that to ya...
The NDP will be our government soon and you won't have to hear me report these atrocities anymore.
You and me both will pop some champagne on that day.
08-05-2011, 07:28 AM
Stephen Harper had quite a week. He talked about democracy (but only in reference to other countries- he doesn't know what it means in Canada), he announced that Nycole Turmel is public enemy number one, smearing her in the process, and said that the Conservatives will perform a "hat trick" with the Ontario provincial election.
He just might.
Only because Dalton McGuinty is a totally out-to-lunch politican. He could be a Conservative...I always thought he was, the way he "governs".
Harper has the unbelievable arrogance to suggest that an overwhelming number of Canadians are Conservative- and that the country is always going to be Conservative.
That's quite a fuckin' crystal ball he's got there.
Nycole Turmel has been ripped DAILY on her "separatist" ties to the Bloc Quebecois.
Funny, considering the Bloc doesn't even exist anymore.
Did these assholes follow the election on May 2nd?
Apparently not.
They were too busy sucking Harper's toes to see any political sea change beyond Harper's *narrow* majority.
The Bloc were obliterated, so any talk of separatists rests with those peeps in Quebec.
Last time we checked, Turmel is a NEW DEMOCRAT. Interim Leader, at that.
I guess these idiots can't see the huge difference between the Bloc and the NDP.
Time to educate.
the Conservatives? I'm not sure who they're for, but you'd be safe in saying it's big business, privatization and certain target groups.
The Liberals? They don't exist either, as far as I can tell. No weight in that party to speak of. It will take eons for that party to rise from the ashes.
The Greens are for the environment first and foremost. But they are also FOR ALL CANADIANS.
The Ottawa Sun had a letter to their editor from some clown who demanded to know who this Nycole Turmel is, as she doesn't speak English very well, and to him that was a total disgrace.
Hey dickhead:
You ever hear Harper speak French?
Ask any francophone what they think of Harper's "FRENCH".
They'll read you the Louis Riel Act on that.
Most francos want to crawl under a ROCK when they hear Harper mangle the french language.
Chretien's English wasn't the best either.
What a lame letter the Sun chose to run.
And the reply they gave the guy?
Total chest-thumping.
08-05-2011, 12:18 PM
Here's a beautiful (and dead-bang on) letter from Mandie Aaron of Cite Saint-Luc, Quebec, to the editor of the Ottawa Citizen, today, Aug. 5, 2011:
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper is "disappointed' by the ties NDP interim leader Nycole Turmel has to the Bloc Quebecois and Quebec solidaire party.
Christie Blachford, Don Macpherson and a growing chorus of pundits are also calling her ties and loyaties into question.
While I, too, think the regency of those past ties is questionable, I do not think that those ties call her loyalty, or that of the NDP, into question.
Once again, Harper and certain pundits are fomenting FEAR rather than fact.
Does no one remember that Harper was president of the National Citizens Coalition and said that "it's past time the feds scrapped the Canada Health Act," though he now says he supports it?
That the group lobbied against public health care and immigration?
That climate change didn't exist?
That he was a strong supporter of making Alberta, much the same way Quebec has, a more autonomous and separate province?
Harper has strongly criticized other parties for attacking the Conservative Party of Canada when he was the leader.
Specifically, he said that "the strategy- sometimes subtle, but sometimes blatant- was to pull up every prejudice about the West and every myth about Alberta that could be dredged."
It seems to me that this is the very thing that is being done in this situation.
If Harper and the media are saying that Turmel is unsuitable for her position due to her former affiliations, does this logic not then extend to the prime minister as well?"
Me, Johann: Bless you, Ms. Aaron! Bless you. You nailed it.
Let them eat it, fucking hypocrites...
08-06-2011, 10:24 AM
Yes, all of Canada's newspapers seem to be going bonkers over Nycole Turmel being chosen as interim leader of the NDP.
So many writers and columnists getting their panties in a knot over a whole lot of nothing.
You question Turmel's "loyalty" to Canada?
What about Harper's?
He wanted Alberta to be it's own Lord.
What's good for the goose isn't good for the gander?
WTF are you two-faced cowards carping about when you say that Turmel is a traitor?
Is it so strange to your puny minds that someone born in Quebec is in SOLIDARITY with it?!?!
It's her home province, DOUCHEBAGS!
If Harper can wallow in Western Canada propaganda, ALL THE WAY TO PARLIAMENT HILL to boot, then why can't anyone else? Jerk?
Your game can be played, but anyone else? they are public enemy number one?
As Turmel said the day she was selected:
Amen Madame.
Let's shame these fearmongers into realizing who the next Government will be.
"Unrelenting NDP Surge" will be on their lips once again, driving them even further batshit nuts.
I love it.
08-09-2011, 06:56 PM
Harper won't comment on the U.S. getting a credit downgrade, saying "It's not my place to comment"
Not your place?
The United States affects us, you moron.
We're joined at the hip, at least on trade.
Who supports this clown? Really?
Anyone who thinks Harper is great is a really dumb shithead.
"He's out there operating without any constraints..."
I love how he flew to Brazil a day ago on Conservative 1, his private jet with the word CONSERVATIVE emblazoned on the fuselage.
Let the Brazilians know your colors Steve!
Firm handshakes!
Bikini waxes!
and for the love of GOD try to do something with that mop on your head. Get a buzzcut. And a soul. I'd like you a bit if you did.
I noticed Harper's hair is much WHITER after the last election.
I wonder what would have caused that blanching?
Sorry, am I nitpicking?
It's allowed.
Because I read an article by some Conservative-supporting writer who said that the people of Canada love Jack Layton but not his politics, in response to his recent health problem. The arrogance and evil of that statement makes me want to kill the writer.
If you can get away with that shit (in a National Paper!) I can get away with ANYTHING.
08-11-2011, 09:42 AM
When he was in Brazil, Harper locked himself in a federal minister's bathroom and would not come out. Why?
Simply because he wanted speeches and toasts to happen BEFORE lunch, not after, as was on the itinerary.
He also got snippy because he wasn't allowed to talk to journalists at a certain location.
See how much of a control freak this shithead is?
Can you believe it? Locking yourself in a bathroom to get your way? Apparently he wouldn't come out for fifteen minutes, shouting from behind the door!
The PMO's office denies it, but officials in Brazil who witnessed his tantrum swear by it.
Remember when he was absent for a G20 group photo because he was in the bathroom taking a shit? He missed the photo!
I know, what a total disgrace, right?
I'm not making this up.
Harper's bathroom meltdown has been reported in major newspapers around the world, and online at the Washington Post and other news sites.
How much more embarrasing can this turd blossom be?
08-11-2011, 10:54 AM
I just found a hilarious new website, called THE BLOGGING TORIES, and the "items" they write on there are unbelievable.
Things like "Canadians didn't just vote for a Conservative majority, they voted for a Conservative SUPER-MAJORITY!"
Come again?
Put down that glass of instant idiot and listen carefully:
The majority that Harper eked out was because of this alphabet list:
A. Canadians hate elections
B. Canadians don't follow politics
C. Canadians don't care if their leaders are liars- (they've accepted it as the norm)
E. 42% of the population didn't vote
F. Our political "talent pool" is mighty mighty thin
G. Harper smeared all parties for months leading up to the election with his sickening attack ads- it worked
H. The Conservatives raised more money than anybody else- that will guarantee you a victory no matter who you are
There you go.
That's why we have a Harper majority. In plain, easy to understand alphabet points! Your puny minds can be at ease.
And it sure as shit ain't a SUPER majority. Gotta stop drinking that instant idiot juice, Tories.
Because someone like me will set you straight.
I don't like willful ignorance at all.
I wanna smash the culprits who practice it with EXTREME predjudice.
I just might join their forums, direct them to this brilliant and tasty thread I have going here.
Remind them that Jack Layton got over 60 new seats as opposed to Harper's 24.
Jack pretty much TRIPLED the victory. Yet he's only the Official Opposition?
We can change that error within 4 years, I'm quite certain.
08-11-2011, 01:28 PM
I love reading the "comments" on the news that Harper threw a tantrum and locked himself in a Foreign Minister's bathroom.
Someone said "the lefties are all over this like a fat kid on a smartie.."
Damn skippy.
Harper served it up HOT! And FRESH.
Some other comments on this bizarro story (which sooooo enhances Canada's international reputation):
"He pro-rogued LUNCH! That's an ASSHOLE!"
"What is it with Harper and bathrooms? What does he do in there?"
"Don't worry about it- he's always had serious constipation"
"Steve's been known to dwell a lot on AMERICAN STANDARDS"
"Has the PMO EVER confirmed a report?"
"It takes a long time for "TOUCH OF GREY" to work. Leave Harper alone!"
"Who let him OUT?"
"You can dress him up but you can't take him out. EVER."
"Another Harper musical number! Bowel movement in C Flat"
"someone should see if this guy Harper can win a right-wing majority! Ha Ha...wait a frickin' minute...."
"this is called "Stalling"
"Harper and the economy. In the same place".
"Harper said upon emerging: LET'S BE CLEAR: I was not throwing a tantrum. I was fixing my makeup for the cameras"
"Otto von Bismarck said "Never believe a rumour until it's officially denied"
08-16-2011, 09:25 AM
Another fresh scandal:
A widow whose husband died from exposure to asbestos has been threatened by the Conservative party of Canada.
The Mayor of Sarnia Ontario has blasted the Tories, and said that the threatening e-mail the Conservatives sent to her was "absolutely SHAMEFUL".
Mayor Mike Bradley wrote a scathing letter to the Conservatives, in reaction to the "cease and desist" order given to the woman (Michaela Keyserlingk) for using the trademarked Conservative logo in her anti-asbestos campaign.
In case you didn't know, Canada is the only western country that still exports deadly asbestos.
Her husband Robert died in 2009, and she made a banner denouncing the Conservative governments' unwavering support of the asbestos-mining industry, to get the word out.
Mayor Bradley wrote to the Conservatives:
"Your actions on the asbestos issue...with threatening a widow whose husband died of exposure to asbestos are absolutely SHAMEFUL. I invite you to come to Sarnia Lambton and see the devastating impact asbestos has had on countless lives of the people of this community and why it is morally wrong to support and promote the export of asbestos."
Harper has been an ADAMANT supporter/defender of the asbestos industry.
I'm reminded of a stinging rebuke given to the Conservatives during the Canada Post debacle from an NDP MP:
The arrogance and ignorance of adopting a "We are a majority government and we'll do whatever we want" is here in full force.
If you are priviledged enough to be given that honor by the Canadian voter, then you have to have humility. You Do.
It's almost like the Ultimate Duty, and the people who have that duty had better not have contempt.
They'd better not lack humility.
08-22-2011, 10:47 AM
Jack Layton passed away this morning.
One of the darkest days in Canadian History.
I haven't shed tears a lot in my life, but I cried today.
We've lost a Great Man.
08-23-2011, 02:29 PM
Stephen Harper is such a soulless cocksucker that the only thing he could say about Jack's passing was that he fought cancer with everything he had.
No shit, Sherlock?
You don't even have it in you to say that you respected him?
At the very least?
Holy Fuck.
Is it because you didn't respect him?
I listen to what people DON'T say just as much as what they do.
And Harper is thinly veiling his celebration at having a major political opponent out of his way.
Trust me.
I know how Harper thinks.
He's a soulless freak who needs to be put down like a dog.
God took the wrong politician.
He got a memo from Bev Oda- it said Harper is a cancer, but she changed it to Layton HAS cancer.
God took it literally.
You OWE US, LORD........
08-23-2011, 03:22 PM
SUN MEDIA is an absolute disgrace too.
Today's "tribute" to Jack Layton was so backhanded and fucking smug I can't believe it.
Their "letter from the editor", if you can call it that, because the fucking thing never has a fucking name attached to it, says that the NDP will never recover. They will never move forward on anything with any verve, because the Leader is dead.
Jack's body isn't even cold and these fuckers have the unbelievable balls and gall to be partisan.
Have no fear, Sun News.
I'm gonna remember this when Harper unexpectedly dies from bad karma coming home.
I'll smear his worthless name mere SECONDS after I hear the news.
Because our major media outlets up here are setting the finest example to me.
I'll repeat what Nycole Turmel said the day she was named interim NDP Leader:
"I'm on a Solid Foundation"
You hear that?
The NDP will unseat these oblivious and smug zealots in 4 years.
Just watch.
The Ottawa Sun will be eating it's words. They'll be eating that fuckin' Crow stone cold. TRUST ME.
The finance minister Jim Flaherty was all over the media last week, "EASING" economic fears for Canadians.
He doesn't "EASE" jack shit sweet fuck-all for me.
He was fired, a long time ago. But he keeps showing up. Showing up and smirking, and feeding us tons of steaming horseshit about what Canada will do, pray-tell there's any more economic stife in the world.
And Lord knows, that doesn't look POSSIBLE, does it?
Holy Fuck are we in rough shape Mang.
We've been on the receiving end of shitty shit-tastic news and situations in Canadian politics for eternity.
From someone with some sense.
08-23-2011, 03:52 PM
Canadian Jewish Congress.
Do those three words mean anything to Stephen Harper?
I'm insanely curious.
08-24-2011, 07:23 AM
Calgary Sun writer Dave Naylor is a spineless, cowardly, disgraceful sack of shit.
Both of them need to be neutered and have their kneecaps broken.
The "writing" they both spewed about Jack Layton (merely 24 hours after his death) is nothing short of breathtakingly horrible.
Here in Canada we have writers who are so American, so partisan, so divisive, so embracing of American-style politics- remember you two clowns:
You didn't have to become American pundits, but you did. With a fucking VENGEANCE.
Christie in particular is experiencing the immediate backlash from social media. It's awesome that people are not putting up with her hate speech.
Conservatives might construe that this thread of mine here is hate. Hate for Harper.
Yessir it is. It's justified.
Blachford's and Naylor's piss-poor potshots have no weight.
My posts here are strong enough to be brought to court!
And built on exponentially! Indeed, I'm doing so right now, as we speak!
Theirs is pathetic, juvenile and profoundly negative.
Our Nation is grieving, while the American/Conservative party of Canada celebrate and denigrate.
The conservatives and their lapdogs in the media are showing not only contempt and pettiness, but also their FLAGSHIP trait:
Ignorance & Arrogance.
Should we be surprised?
They have no Honor.
And never did.
I'm not gonna post what Blachford and Naylor said about Jack.
It's too evil and too sickening to taint my thread here.
Just know that they are not human.
08-24-2011, 10:28 AM
I've been following Libby Davies on Facebook for the past hour (I met her here in Ottawa- she's smart and eloquent and a politician who CARES) and her posts on the casket arriving in the Hall of Honour are moving.
She says it's very solemn right now.
But the tribute to Jack on the Parliament lawn is lovely.
Orange candles burning, cases of Orange Crush soda (a symbol of Jack's massive election win), bountiful flowers and hand-made tributes.
It's hard to believe he's gone.
He'll get a State Funeral in Toronto.
Harper couldn't refuse that- if he did, he'd be the coldest motherfucker on planet earth, and the people would've demanded it from that lying scumbag regardless.
Jack deserves nothing less. Had cancer not taken him, he would've eventually been our Prime Minister.
His wife Olivia is still an NDP MP, so you'd better believe that things on the Hill will get REAL serious.
It amazes me how much the media up here underestimate the NDP.
It really does.
Even citizens- I got into an argument with a guy standing in line at Starbucks when I laughed at him saying Harper is the smartest man to ever be in Canadian politics. He angrily snapped at me: "What, do you think the Liberals should be running this country?", thinking I'm an un-informed loser.
I fired back: No. The Liberals don't exist. Didn't you follow the election? The NDP should be running this country. Because they care about this country. He shot back "Socialism will never work in this country, Buddy"
I said: It already does, BUDDY. Our health care system is pure socialism. And I don't think you'd want it to disappear. Would you?
He said "Fuck You".
I didn't reply. I just got my coffee and left. It's good enough just knowing that he knew I wasn't the guy he thought I was. Sometimes that's all I need. Because arguments with others can escalate or descend into stupid bullshit that one doesn't really need. A headache that you could've avoided with better choice of words or tone of voice...
08-24-2011, 10:44 AM
I'm going to a favorite hang-out of Jack's tonight: Brixton Pub.
Lift a pint or two and have his favorite meal.
Seems like a good way to honor him today.
08-25-2011, 09:55 AM
Great day yesterday.
I saluted Jack Layton's casket when I finally got up to it. It was a long wait on Parliament Hill to see him, but time didn't matter.
He suffered a lot of pain towards the end, and it's nothing for me to stand a few hours to say goodbye.
He stood for hours with a bum hip for the televised debates and never once complained about his illness.
That's a MAN.
I haven't given a military salute to any man since I left the Army in 1996.
3000+ people filed past, and another 3000 will probably do so today. Jack's wife Olivia was very gracious.
He goes back to Toronto for a State funeral tomorrow.
They say that Stephen Harper and his wife were here to pay their respects, but I never saw them.
In fact, I've NEVER seen Harper or his wife in person in Ottawa. EVER.
I've seen Jack on the street several times. I've been in the Ottawa area for almost a year now and I've never seen Harper in the flesh.
I guess I'll have to go to the public galleries more often.
I should, just to beef up this thread.
I think I could be more informative than I have been. It's worth my time to follow politics. It's important.
I've never cared about the future of this country more than I do now.
And I've never been more excited about how the NDP will move forward.
We got resolve, Boy.
Underestimate away, all you media and Conservative clowns.
Because Instant Karma's gonna get you.
Gonna smack you right in the face.
08-25-2011, 10:20 AM
A high-school friend of Christie Blachford's wrote to the National Post saying that she always had to be at the centre of attention.
So that explains her arrogance.
She's a self-centered cunt and always was.
It's not her fault.
She was born that way, like Lady Goofball.
Her whiny suckitude is a public spectacle, not Layton's funeral.
08-25-2011, 10:23 AM
Harper would be lucky to have three people file past his coffin, if he died.
And two of them would probably try to flip it over, and kick the corpse that would fall out.
08-26-2011, 07:11 AM
Over 7000 people filed past Jack Layton's casket in 48 hours.
He touched a lot of people.
His legacy looms large.
And the chalk tributes at Nathan Philips square in Toronto are so awesome it's unreal (I saw a photo montage on FB).
How many chalk "tributes" would Harper ever get in T.O.?
Not a one, Buster.
If he did, it would be like bathroom stall grafitti or written by people who don't actually know what he's all about.
08-26-2011, 10:36 AM
Another point about Harper being persona non-grata in Ottawa:
I was at the Remembrance Day service last year here in Ottawa, and Harper was not there.
He was in Korea. For what, who the fuck knows.
If there is ONE DAY OF THE FUCKING YEAR when the Prime Minister of Canada should be in Ottawa it's November 11th.
I don't care if the tags are being taken off the nukes by Kim Jong-Il- you stand at fucking attention at the War Memorial all fucking day if you have to. Especially if you are a "War Prime Minister" like Harper. You send our young men to bite the dust in Afghanistan for nothing? Then the least you can do is show up on fucking Remembrance Day. Asshole.
He had his fuckhead minion John Baird there in his place.
Could you imagine John Baird as PM?
Holy fuck Kill Me Now.
08-27-2011, 12:23 PM
Once again Sun Media proves how utterly disgraceful they are by denigrating Jack Layton.
In another mystery "letter from the editor" today (again, no fucking name attached to it- their cowardice knows no bounds) they say:
"Let's Be Blunt-(a spin on "Let's Be Clear"- Robot Harper's most common phrase) Jack Layton never achieved anything. He never won the jackpot. He would never EVER be Prime Minister."
Um, let me be unrelentingly blunt, OTTAWA SUN:
Jack ran out of time.
You seem to forget (quite conveniently I might add) that Jack was the real winner in the last election.
Sure Harper got his majority, but it was narrow, and Jack won over 60 new seats. I don't know how many times I have to give you Henry Rollins' Kiss of the Tire Iron by repeating it over and over, but Jack TRIPLED the amount of seats Harper won.
You also like pointing out that the NDP have over 60 newbies who don't know "how it works on the Hill", and that they have no leader.
Why are you so willing to say they will never amount to anything. The election was only a few months ago- give them a little time to grow before you start running them down. You gotta give them a chance. And they'll deliver. Believe me. They know the score today.
Vince Lombardi said when he lost a Super Bowl:
We didn't lose the game. We ran out of time.
The game is still on. Parliament still exists. And the winner has not been declared yet, no matter what you say.
The real winner will be revealed in our next election, because I have a hunch that Jack's death put a lot in perspective for my fellow Canadians.
They will watch how Harper operates.
And if that fucking deficit doesn't go down, the Voter will kill the Conservative King.
08-27-2011, 12:33 PM
The Ottawa Citizen has real writers. Dan Gardner is one of them. Everything I've read from him has been quite on the money.
Sun Media has people with opinions writing for them. Not journalists. They are not censored. They have no editor.
Kinda like this site. So maybe I should work for them. They pay peeps to have opinions. I gotta get on that bus.
Dan Gardner had a brilliant article yesterday where he pointed out how unbelievably lucky Stephen Harper has been in 8 years.
He said Harper should drop the Beatles ditties and start singing Rod Stewart's SOME GUYS HAVE ALL THE LUCK.
Because as a politician, Harper has had the luck of the fucking Irish.
Look at all of his opponents in the last 8 years. He walked all over them with pretty much zero resistance.
He's had lucky break after lucky break.
The latest is having the biggest threat to his control-freakiness DIE.
The beauty of this tho, is that the NDP will have serious integrity to counter Harper's scandals. Which keep on coming.
His party has silenced scientists, made backroom deals that we don't know about with God-knows-who, and this week up in the arctic Harper has had the hugest grins and smiles I've ever seen on his fat mug. I mean, he's BEAMING like a satellite dish!
Sometimes luck runs out, Steve.....
Be careful......
09-19-2011, 08:33 AM
Parliament has resumed.
The NDP are a little sombre (Jack Layton is missed very much) but they are VERY READY to take on Harper's Con Men.
A New Democrat Fire is Roaring right now..
09-26-2011, 11:44 AM
Last week when Parliament resumed Stephen Harper made the astounding claim in the House of Commons that Jack Layton was his "FRIEND".
What a colossal LIAR.
Even die-hard conservatives know that's a bold-faced lie.
But they always let Harpers lies slide, because Steve's "the smartest man ever in Canadian politics".
Jack Layton was NEVER Harper's "friend"- they could have been- Jack extended the olive branch many times and is guilty of propping up Harper on a few occasions, to get his party some traction.
But Conservatives (and Harper especially) completely forget Jack's words to the Prime Minister after getting fucked in the ass for the 80th time:
When Peter Mansbridge pressed Jack on the campaign trail about Harper's lies, Jack said "He's not telling the truth, plain and simple".
Peter egged Jack on: "So he's a Liar, then".
Jack replied: "He's not telling the truth, Peter".
How's that for CLASS?
Jack refused to lower himself to Harper's scummy level at every turn. He had bigger things on his mind.
Such as, making this the greatest country on the Earth.
I see Laureen "Skeletor" Harper is now banging the drum for breast cancer in Ottawa.
Get your goodie points now, Laureen! Henry Rollins said it. When you get old, who will give a shit about your wrinkled ass? Who will empty your bedpan? Get your goodie points while you can! Be good to people!
Damn skippy.
Jack Layton's funeral at Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto had a brilliant thing happen:
In true "Jack fashion", this was spoken: "It's about saying, HI BOB! How's things? it's about Hey Prime Minister, How's Laureen doing?"
Standing ovation for that, and even Harper had to stand up and applaud or he would've confirmed how much of a shithead he is.
His wife even looked at him during the ovation, to gauge his response. But as usual, he acted. He put on his sphinx mask and clapped like he agreed with the "manifesto" Ha Ha HA!
Harper is such a smarmy shark.
I don't care if people are happy with him as PM.
Intelligent people ARE NOT happy with him, and for extremely serious reasons.
If he did, his track record would prove it. And I'd shut my mouth if that was the case.
But sadly, it is not.
We've basically let an oilman run roughshod over our beautiful country/people/laws.
Kind of like a man named Bush.
09-28-2011, 02:00 PM
I listened to and recorded the Ontario provincial leaders debates last night, and it was pretty much a gong show.
No "debating" at all took place.
It was 3 seperate people taking turns saying their piece, although Hudak (Conservative) and Horvath (NDP) both scored direct hits to Dalton McGuinty.
Some paper today said that Tim Hudak won the debate, but really no one won.
Andrea Horvath was the most lucid, the most direct, and the most courteous. She repeatedly stuck to the issues, stuck to the questions and referenced all people who asked questions by name. REPEATEDLY.
McGuinty is slick. He danced around all direct attacks. He let his tongue take him away. He spouted off so many facts and figures it boggled the mind. I consider myself a switched-on guy, and I couldn`t make sense of anything McGuinty was saying. Lord help the person watching who was just a casual viewer. They would've been lost in that blizzard of bullshit.
8 years McGuinty has been Premier of Ontario. The provincial debt is enormous. It's crippling, actually.
McGuinty had the nerve to say "I'm not saying it's all sunshine and apple pie. The debt is a concern. I won't deny that." (paraphrasing)
It definitely ISN'T apple pie, Dalton. It's not even apple CORE!
You have fucked Ontario up LARGE. And you are un-remorseful.
Student debt is massive. No jobs for students nowadays, as was hammered home by Andrea Horvath.
A degree is practically worthless nowadays. Everybody and their dog has a degree.
Some students who can't find a good job (in their field or otherwise) resort to college (and more debt!) to try another tackle at the job market.
Why go to University and get an education if all it gets you is a debt the size of a fucking mortgage?!?
You have to fight for peanut jobs with other highly educated people who are in the exact same boat?
Something's very wrong.
And Dalton doesn't care. He said he's offering a discount on tuition. Yay.
Why don't you FREEZE tuition fees? In the name of SANITY, like Andrea will do (please God let her win next week).
Students are in the hurt locker today. It's a fight all the way, and unless you are savvy enough, you'll flounder to pay that student debt off in any decent amount of time.
So glad I reside in Quebec now.
Because Ontario is being taxed to death by a man who said in three separate elections that he wouldn't raise taxes and then did it anyway.
He's saying it again! In this election!
If the people of Ontario vote this freak-zilla back in as Premier then every single person in Canada will be allowed to say FUCK ONTARIO! as loud and as often as they want. Because those voters would be the stupidest and brain-dead peeps in all the land.
The Liberal party doesn't even exist anymore.
So checking off "Liberal" at the voting booth would be like voting for a ghost, voting for phantoms.
Wake Up Ontario....take the province back before Dalton taxes you into your graves....
09-29-2011, 04:54 PM
I spent all of last night listening to the Ontario leaders debate that I taped off the radio on good old-fashioned cassettes (how archaic am I? LOL) and tomorrow I'll give a laser-guided summary of it all.
Listening to or watching the debate once is not enough to know what these 3 leaders were really saying.
I was able to stop the tapes and take notes whenever I wanted, so now I have a TOTAL grasp on the issues facing Ontario.
McGuinty has ignored the people of Ontario. He's taken them for granted at every turn and raised taxes 3 times. (and gave us the BEAUTIFUL Harmonized Sales Tax).
10-03-2011, 11:48 AM
In the debate Dalton McGuinty seemed really pre-occupied with the company Samsung.
He mentioned it emphatically.
He talked about 4 manufacturing plants and 16,000 jobs that Samsung wants to give Ontario.
That's all well and good, but McGuinty decimated the forestry sector in Ontario.
He offers no remorse and no ideas on that one.
But he damn well wants us Canucks to build cheap electronics, just like our Chinese friends. He said it himself:
"Embrace Globalization. We're IN this. We're UNITED!"
OK Dalton. You da man.
6 questions were posed from members of the public for the debate.
The first was about jobs, but I missed the actual question- I started taping too late for that.
But I got the responses from McGuinty and Andrea Horvath.
Horvath states bluntly that McGuinty's ideas for Energy have killed jobs in the province and that his deals have not been competitive.
McGuinty just talks about Samsung. "One of the responsibilities of leadership is to find an opening and run through it!" he carped.
He said Ontario should be first in lowering the price of electronics. (?)
Right-O, Dalt-O.
Question #2 was
How will each leader cut spending? And by how much? And in which areas?
Andrea Horvath said the NDP will get rid of the debt (balance the budget) by 2017-18 by rolling back these huge blank checks that McGuinty has been handing corporations for the last 8 years. She will reward companies that create jobs and training. She said families will definitely be given a break by changing government priorities by putting people and jobs first. The economy will be a focus, and she said their plan is costed and all decisions will be reasonable, practical and prudent. (Sounds good to me).
Tim Hudak (Conservative) said he will set 2 priorities: health care and education. He said he will save 2 cents on every dollar. (How? who knows)
He said we need the economy firing on all cylinders so that money comes into the Treasury. He said we need to give people the confidence to spend again. He stole an idea from the NDP (which Andrea called him out on): taking the HST off home heating. Bravo Tim. Original is your middle name, huh?
Tim promised to go through all of the 600+ government agencies to see which are absolutely needed and which should be scrapped in the name of the taxpayer. That's a good idea for ANY leader to do. I like it.
Supposedly Stephen Harper is going to roll back corporate taxes. We'll see.
10-03-2011, 12:13 PM
McGuinty's answer was that Ontario is the biggest job producer in the country (does he also know that Ontario is the biggest job LOSER in the country?). He said his government is reducing the Ontario Public Service by 7% (5000 jobs cut, saving us $500 million).
He said he'll find another $200 million inside government agencies, boards and commissions by trimming the fat.
He said there are better ways to deliver health care by providing provincially supported health care in the home. (House calls). He offered a $1500 tax credit to seniors who renovate their home in order to modify it for home health care, which will allow them to stay at home in their golden years as opposed to going to a separate old age home, where it's been reported husbands and wives are split up and sent to different homes!
Let's eliminate that practice, shall we? For the love of God?
McGuinty bragged about how 400 new schools and 18 new hospitals have been built under his watch, how he brought in 2900 new doctors and put up thousands of miles of transmission lines across the province.
Andrea Horvath called him on his tax credit *bribe* saying that he had 8 years to implement such a thing and he never did.
Only during elections does he make these tax offers. And then they never materialize...
She also ripped him apart on the health care system in Ontario, using a scathing example of her son's visit to an emergency room.
She will make sure that a mother who goes to emergency on a Friday night is not sitting there with her child on saturday afternoon.
Bravo Andrea!
Tim Hudak slammed Dalton on his health care ideas, because as every Ontarian knows, McGuinty is responsible for the absolute nightmare scandal that was E-HEALTH. A billion dollars went down the drain on that one. For jack-fucking-shit.
Hudak said The economy only grew by 10% and the Ontario Liberal government increased spending by 80%!
Andrea also mentioned she will cap gas prices and lower the deficit to GDP ratio. (a little muddy on how she'll do it tho. Would like to know more, but time didn't allow it)
Question #3 was
What specific steps will you take to help Ontarians who are living on fixed incomes who are facing financial difficulties with rising costs and taxes with goods and services?
McGuinty said "a tax credit to renovate! We are re-building our energy systems to reduce energy bills by 10% We are looking at home care".
He liked to mention David Suzuki's name, saying that the Great Canadian supports his energy plans, and how he's shutting down coal production.
Someone mentions a carbon tax.....
Horvath said "the HST was unfair. There is no way to make it up as a taxpayer, other than getting another job.We will take the HST off heating, hydro and gas. We will offer municipalities to take 50% off operating costs for more streamlined transit systems. The hours of home care will be bumped up. For 8 years McGuinty's "status quo" hasn't worked".
Hudak said "McGuinty has got to stop listening to his Bay street friends. Smart Meters were nothing but a tax grab. He can't set priorities, that's why he takes the easy way out every time by raising taxes. It's easy to raise taxes. It's not easy to tighten your belt. Can you conserve power effectively? Most people can't. We'll offer rebates for old appliances".
10-04-2011, 11:03 AM
Question number 4 was wonky to me:
We need bold ideas and shouldn't be afraid of important truths. Why not ask the people of Ontario for shared sacrifice to take us through this difficult time?
Um, I hate to break it to the dolt who asked that question, but Ontarians have been sacrificing for eons. The government hasn't sacrificed anything except countless jobs from residents. That was a really dumb question. You think it's a bold idea to ask Ontarians to sacrifice?
What do you think they've been doing for 8 fuckin' years? shitpump?
How was that chosen for a debate question? Can anyone enlighten me? Shit.....
McGuinty responded by saying we are already sacrificing by building a giant tunnel under Niagara Falls (at about a Billion dollars in price) in order to provide 100 years of power. It's fallen to this generation to build it he said. He also said that the HST was "absolutely essential" even though it was a difficult decision.
Uh, no it wasn't Dalton. It ain't hard to agree to tax the people. Not hard at all. That was a giant fib, and Tim Hudak jumped on it:
"Dalton McGuinty never tightens his belt. Families always pay for his "Big Ideas".
McGuinty had an interesting quote: 30 years from now our kids will still be saying: "Why can't we affect or fight those gas prices?"
He said that Ontario is first in North America for creating clean energy technology, and that's how our children won't be asking that question in 30 years. Because of his "vision" for clean energy.
As I said Dalton, you da man. The writing sure is on the wall for a bounty of riches in the future.
I can see the future prosperity as you speak! Thank you for such prophetic bon mots!
Hudak also mentioned that in July of this year Ontario lost more jobs than all of the provinces COMBINED.
And that 300,000 manufacturing jobs were lost under McGuinty. (and he's carping about SAMSUNG? Holy shitballs)
McGuinty lied again: We are continuing to lower taxes and we have the highest educated workforce in the world.- Hard to believe, Dalton...
VERY hard to believe...
He mentioned Ontario is #1 in the world for producing cars and that Ontario spends more money on clean energy than fossil fuels.
See how many facts and figures he can rattle off?
More of Dalton's "facts":
After California, Ontario is the second most-favored place in North America to invest.
His Liberal government will offer to reduce tuition by 30% (approx. $1600 per student)- YEAH RIGHT.
The province has got 2000 big and medium sized projects in the fire and 30,000 small projects on the go.
What they are or what they entail is a total mystery. Just pay, Mr. or Mrs. Taxpayer! we've got your back on these "projects"! Ha Ha.
They are NOTHING like Tony Clement's "projects" for his riding in Muskoka. NOTHING AT ALL LIKE THOSE. *snicker*
I wish I could remember who said "A degree is a ticket to the middle class".
No it's not.
It's a ticket to get hired at McDonald's.
10-04-2011, 12:25 PM
Question 5 was from a student in Ottawa who asked about the huge financial risk students take and how education is a major part of a person's life
Andrea Horvath said she will take the interest off the OCAP loans for students and freeze tuition for 4 years.
I love that idea and I'm not even a student. Let that idea take off and see if it has any impact 4 years from now- I think it definitely would.
She also stated quite bluntly that Ontario has the highest undergraduate debt in the land (and second highest for graduate students).
"Student debt today is daunting. This is not a province that invests in Education. We have to get a handle on tuition fees. Ontario should not be ten out of ten when it comes to per capita investment." she said. AMEN Ma'am!
Hudak wants OCAP to offer more assistance for students. He offered no positive items for students, even though he says Education is one of his top priorities. He just wants them to take on more debt from OCAP!
Yeah, OK.
He also nailed McGuinty on the apprenticeship programs that Ontario runs, saying they are "from the 1970's" and that young apprentices give up and go out West to Saskatchewan and Alberta to be apprentices because there is less red tape involved (and usually a good job waiting).
Question #6:
There is already limited privatization in our health care system. Will any of the leaders consider a larger role for the private sector for health care delivery?
GREAT QUESTION in my opinion. I listened intently to the responses.
Andrea Horvath said that a lot of improvements are needed to health care in Ontario and priorities must change NOW to bring back the kind of health care that our people used to expect. She mentioned that it costs $1200 per person to stay one night in a hospital yet it's only $120 for long-term care per day. HOME CARE could only cost $60 per day! Why aren't we moving in that direction already? LET'S GO! It saves money.
She's also going to cap health care CEO salaries, making it plain that it's ridiculous to have a CEO collect his 6-figure bonus every year when nurses are being laid off. That shit must end PRONTO. I loved that idea.
She asked the voters to consider who will follow through on promises made. (Hint: she will. SHE'S IN IT TO WIN IT, FOLKS)
"We are watching the health care system ERODE before our very eyes" she said.
It's true. We've seen & heard horror stories in rural Ontario where people have DIED due to clusterfucks with regards to getting medical, among the legions of stories right from cities.
McGuinty offered no answer on this question, except to say that he will "hammer out a new Health Accord with the Feds".
(so re-assuring, isn't he?)
Hudak wheeled out a story about his daughter being in Sick Kids hospital and how he's seriously committed to health care.
How committed? He wants it "patient first" so he's gonna drop 6.1 BILLION into it.
How and why and wherefore he'll do that no one knows.
That number is clearly just a pie-in-the-sky uncosted figure.
A big carrot he's dangling during an election.
He wants votes.
And saying he'll drop an astounding 6.1 Billlion into Health will make people get all warm and fuzzy.
But any sane person would balk at that astonomical sum. (particularly because that money's got to come from SOMEWHERE)
They all were given a chance to say a final spiel, and they all thanked the viewer/listener for their time and hoped each voter will make the "right choice"
I had a huge shudder today when I read in the Ottawa Citizen that they want Dalton McGuinty back.
WE'LL TAKE THE DEVIL WE KNOW was the exact line.
They said his "experience" in office gives him the edge and will be needed during this rocky road.
We know his "experience".
And it's abysmal.
Like on May 2nd, this one's all up to the people.
Let's hope we don't stay doomed.
10-04-2011, 12:58 PM
Back to our DELUSIONAL Prime Minister, which is what this thread is REALLY about.
Another fresh scandal today, and an old one has been re-issued.
Defence Minister Peter MacKay has been fleecing us taxpayers to the tune of 3 million dollars for the last three years.
On what, pray tell?
Military flights, of course!
He even had a military escort flight pick him up after vacationing in Newfoundland this summer, right at his lodge!
Understandably, the Official Opposition fired Howitzer Questions at the PM about this scandal, and Harper defended his Con Man MacKay, saying he used most of those flights to be there when a dead soldier arrives on the tarmac from Afghanistan.
Let me make something clear to both Harper and MacKay:
I served in 1PPCLI in the 90's. I was a 031 Grunt.
Had I stayed in the service I would have gone to Afghanistan. No question about it. I know 5 guys personally who died over there.
If I knew that the Defence Minister was fleecing and fooling the taxpayer by jet-setting to my "re-patriation ceremony" my ghost would haunt that fucker until his dying day.
Great, you're showing you care by being there when my dead ass arrives back in Canada Pete!
Awesome. You Rock, you Joe-Camel looking Mofo.
Glad you flew first class on the taxpayer nickel.
You earned that RIGHT, didn't you? Jerk-off?
THREE MILLION DOLLARS in flights he's racked up!
Where the fuck do you go and what the fuck are you doing to rack up a $3 mil tab?
Reminds me of when David Collenette was minister of Defence and he choppered his way out to our training area in CFB Suffield Alberta.
We were in the field for about a month when that jackass flew out in pristine combats and a field cap with "MP" emblazoned on it.
He looked like a clown in a soldier suit, which is what he was. After telling us that we were the most respected Army in the world he took ONE QUESTION.
He was whisked into that helicopter faster than you can say "Fuck off, Mucky-Muck!'
Didn't even TRY to answer that in front of a thousand tired and dirty troops who've been training for a month with no proper showers or food.
That corporal was charged for asking that question. ONE OF US. A REAL GRUNT HE WAS....
It was surreal, being there, watching that helicopter take off. We were all like "What the fuck was THAT?!?"
It's been reported that Stephen Harper is "LIVID" that this fact about MacKay's jet-setting has leaked out, because it would've come from someone in his OWN CAUCUS.
Keep your eyes peeled for anyone leaving his party.
MacKay must've gotten tips from Michelle Jean about how to jet-set on the taxpayer nickel.
You're paid a handsome salary asshole! Take the fucking Greyhound!
It would show respect for the taxpayer AND give you more time to go over your portfolio with a fine-toothed comb.
Maybe a little noisy on the bus, but you can suck it up.
The troops deal with much worse shit. For far less pay. Suck it up Pete. Grow a spine.
And just yesterday Harper has made his callous and horrifying decision to halt per-vote subsidies for other political parties.
He's ACTING on that one, Baby.
He's gotta put up roadblocks to his opponents every chance he can get.
What does it mean?
It means that all political parties must raise money on their own for political campaigns, with no help from the government.
I agree with that idea, but it's not a priority right now.
Why not do it when there is a somewhat level playing field? Why do it NOW?
What the fuck are you so worried about Mr. Harper?
Why is this matter such a fucking PRIORITY for you at this juncture?
This is partisan all the way.
This is a Conservative FEAR move.
They are afraid and they gotta act. Because the next election will creep up on us like a fart in a car.
And he can't have anybody threatening his precious *thieving* majority.
I said it before and I'll say it again (from the top of EVEREST too):
You're fired HARPER.
10-04-2011, 02:31 PM
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said this week that Canada is "unlikely" to be hit with a recession.
That's nice.
Since when have this oblivious man's predictions ever come true?
It's so sad I could almost laugh. Time for a beer.
10-05-2011, 01:06 PM
Yes Indeed, Peter MacKay has been using military Challenger jets as his own personal taxi.
CTV news reports that only 9 of the 35 flights he racked up (247 hours of flying time) were for repatriation ceremonies of dead soldiers.
So Stephen Harper lied in the House of Commons. *Again*.
Who knew?
I had a hunch we didn`t lose so many soldiers that MacKay was constantly on that jet....
We've only lost 157 troops!
All of the other flights were for political announcements, not emergencies.
I blame Harper, not MacKay.
Harper lets his doggie go wherever he wants, with no penalty. After all, Harper himself likes to go to NHL hockey games with his Challenger taxi!
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty also likes to travel by Challenger jet.
You don`t DO anything Flaherty!
You don't conduct any "business".
Man, what vultures.
Paid a huge salary, and they STILL eat at the taxpayer trough!
The taxpayer pays your way for EVERYTHING YOU DO.
Fuck off and die.
In this time of "economic uncertainty" you look like a smug rich prick by jet-setting for no reason.
There is no "security concerns" with your travelling. No one even knows who the fuck you are or what you do.
You're like Noyce's THE SAINT for fucks sakes!
Self-entitled, grinning-in-your-mind self-satisfied fuckfaces. That's what you are.
Period. Full stop.
People are losing their jobs in record time in this country and you fly around like Sheik Ali Simbatta!
People are fed up with this chickenshit.
If there were no charges or jail for murder I would be getting BUSY right now.....
10-06-2011, 11:50 AM
Here's a short video compilation of the Hon. Jack Layton.
I think it's good for my American friends here and others around the world to see what kind of guy Jack was.
(and what a HUGE loss it is that he's gone). We could've had his smile and temperament for another 30 years and it would've been amazing, a real antidote to the Fifth Reich currently in power.
10-07-2011, 12:55 PM
Well, the people of Ontario have spoken.
They did indeed want Dalton McGuinty back.
he didn't get a majority government, which is what he's been enjoying for 8 years.
The voters slapped him down to a minority government and the NDP DOUBLED their presence in the Legislature.
I'll take it.
It means everybody will be doing their jobs at Queen's Park with everybody watching who's doing what.
I'm just really glad the Conservatives didn't get in there. NO HAT TRICK FOR YOU HARPER! Ha Ha
Your man was too weak.
Eat it, beyotch.
It was tense last night, because McGuinty was only ONE SEAT away from a majority!
The NDP are no longer written off as a joke party with no traction.
So we'll see how Ontario improves or erodes in 4 years time....
10-13-2011, 12:53 PM
Canada Post's workers union has launched a lawsuit against Harper's government for that illegal legislation back in June that forced them back to work.
Kudos to them for not putting up with that horseshit. They will win that lawsuit too.
You see how much of an asshole Harper is?
He lets the taxpayer pay legal bills for shit that he implements, nullifying any "gains" his legislation supposedly generated.
I'm waiting for the big scandal, the big bombshell.
Waiting for it to drop.
I'm gonna prophesize something: Harper is sitting on a scandal that would horrify even his most ardent supporter.
We just don't know what it is yet.
It's there, I'm certain of it. It's just a matter of uncovering it. Hopefully a member of his own caucus hates the Boss so much that they come out with it, either incognito or in the glare of the midday sun.
I have a real big hunch that Harper has got a Monster of a skeleton in his closet, one that would destroy his already flimsy integrity.
My eyes and ears are open for anything at this point. If all these little scandals exist then there is a DOOZY lurking somewhere...
10-14-2011, 01:02 PM
Dalton McGuinty's first order of business in Ontario was to flat-out refuse a meeting with Andrea Horvath to discuss the issues facing Ontario.
Dalton is saying EAT SHIT to everyone, even BEFORE he's back on the job.
Wow. Thanks ONTARIO!
I'm reading a biography of Brian Mulroney right now and it's riveting. I read most of it in one night, now I'm just cherry picking facts from it.
What a sensitive asshole he is.
He betrayed our 13th Prime Minister Diefenbaker and got slapped around in the House of Commons the day after he became an MP.
Trudeau just flashed grins and ATE HIM ALIVE on day 2!!
Brian complained about the Liberals "playing their trump card" on him, but he should have known better.
It wasn't a Mock Parliament game like he was used to on campus at Saint Francis Xavier.
I also loved reading how Diefenbaker got his revenge on Mulroney in 1976. LOVED that.
Made me want to buy a bio of Dief, a Conservative WHO GAVE A SHIT about this country.
Harper loves invoking Diefenbaker's name but he really doesn't have anything in common with that man.
10-17-2011, 11:38 AM
A Facebook friend posted a picture today of a student holding up a sign that says he doesn't blame Wall Street or anybody else for his problems. He's graduating from University with no debt because he "lived within his means" and we should all do the same, ending his signage with "if you are part of the 99% then that's YOUR CHOICE"
I agree to an extent. Why be responsible and live within your means when the government doesn't?
When Wall Street doesn't?
When corporations don't?
Why be responsible and live within your means?
The people who run the show don't.
Where is the incentive?
Where is it??
It's a damn good question.
They want everyone to sacrifice except themselves.
Our leaders have lost sight of everything.
You can't blame my generation.
Note to Baby Boomers:
Stephen King said "My generation had a chance to change the world and we didn't do it. We opted for the Home Shopping Network".
My parents didn't change the world, and not too many people can claim that theirs did either.
We all know where the ROT is.
Why aren't we dismantling it?
What will it take?
I'm getting to the point where I don't care either way.
Let it all rot.
10-18-2011, 09:57 AM
I'm one of the few people in Canada who does not bash the CBC (a state-sponsored news network) but they employ one sack of shit who needs to be fired PRONTO.
KEVIN O'LEARY gets my vote for most disgusting Canadian.
Well, for starters he's a full-bore capitalist. He's a "personality" on Dragon's Den, a show where poor saps with a business plan pitch it to a panel of rich fucky-fucks, to get their idea off and running. I watched the show once and was so revolted I've never seen it since. It was pathetic to watch. Really cringe-inducing.
It's horrifying to watch people grovelling to wealthy and arrogant capitalists for breadcrumbs, even turning their whole business idea over to them! Just to get some cash! It's a mirror of our society, a total reflection of the imbalance and greed of man.
O'Leary famously said to Amanda Lang on National TV: "I Love Money. Money is the only thing that matters in life. Try life without money Amanda!"
To which she quickly replied: TRY MONEY WITHOUT LIFE, DUDE!
But whatever. I can choose not to watch. I can turn the channel. *swiftly*
My anger with O'Leary today is with his interview with an OCCUPY WALL STREET Pulitzer prize winning journalist (who he calls a "left-wing nutbar") which I'll post here as soon as I find a good link.
He basically says Unions come from hell and that if he was Prime Minister he'd throw all union members in jails, among other sickening bon mots.
O'Leary crossed the line, and the CBC Ombudsman has received formal complaints from many unions over it. What O'Leary said may be illegal, as violence has been perpetrated against union members over such inflammatory remarks.
I've always believed in Freedom of Speech. You can say anything you want, but you have to wear what you say. You have to answer for it.
Sometimes a person just goes so far beyond the pale of "free speech" that it becomes something more than just voicing an opinion.
When you make statements that FUCK WITH THE PEOPLE, the people of this country (or any country) you have crossed the line, and you need your dick knocked into the dirt.
I hope the CBC shitcans this asshole.
If I was Prime Minister I'd confiscate this bald fucks' bank accounts and parade him around naked on the lawn of Parliament with a sign that says "I Love Unions so much I gave all of my wealth to them- spare a shirt, brother?"
10-19-2011, 12:10 PM
Watch this and MARVEL at the Fuckhead that is KEVIN O'LEARY:
11-14-2011, 09:25 AM
Well I finally saw Stephen Harper in the flesh last Friday.
He's not a hologram as previously thought.
He appeared with Skeletor at the Remembrance Day service, and there were snipers on every single roof.
Tactical cops everywhere, JTF guys in black SUV's ready to pounce!
I was amazed. I thought only George W. Bush got such security.
It was a beautiful service, Harper's presence notwithstanding.
The only thing I don't like about it is the millions of coffee cups on the ground and overflowing in garbage bins.
Do people think they are at a hockey game???
In 1945 you wouldn't be at a Remembrance day service with fucking coffee....
Harper was in Hawaii for APEC yesterday, and I was glad to learn that President Obama shot down Harper's idea for another pipeline.
Obama might as well be leading Canada AND the States! Ha Ha! I love it.
That's what I love the most about Obama- at least he's not a fucking oilman.
I was happy to learn that Peter McKay was in Afghanistan for Remembrance day.
He's slowly learning....
11-14-2011, 09:29 AM
LET'S BE CLEAR: Harper has a long history of lying right to our faces:
11-14-2011, 10:27 AM
Just six months ago, the Conservative party ran an election campaign based on killing the deficit by 2015 (and also by fearmongering over coalition fears).
Well, just last week the Harper government announced that they WILL NOT kill the deficit like they said they would.
Isn't that nice? It took you six months to re-arrange your mathematics?
You lie through your teeth to get elected, and then formally say "My Bad! We'll never kill the deficit! Oops!"
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was asked about balancing the budget, and guess what his response was?
He said "A balanced budget? I don't know. I'll be dead by then."
Can you believe that?
They are telling us straight to our faces that they don't care one iota about the debt.
They aren't even hiding it. They think we as a people are fucking dumb.
And maybe they're right.
We allow this horseshit to flourish.
We allow sacks of shit to dictate how things are.
When will we care?
Probably never. We're ten years behind on so much already.
All I see is complete erosion. Perpetuated by the Conservative party.
The debt will not be killed when they said it would.
People talk about the debt to GDP ratio and how it's so miniscule. How it's not even a blip.
That kind of thinking causes CATASTROPHES!
11-14-2011, 02:07 PM
And about all these new jails that Harper is building:
INVESTORS make money off more jails, don't they.
It is 1000% a business in the United States.
So Harper decided to jump on that bandwagon, even after experts testified that the new crime omnimbus bills that Harper has cobbled together into one giant bill will cost us taxpayers HUGE in the future.
One Corrections Canada expert said "the bill is half-baked. Prisons are schools for criminals. You send more people to jail, you breed more criminals. That's a fact. YOU MAKE THE COUNTRY UNSAFER"- (paraphrasing)
The Harper government brushed off such testimony as "ridiculous".
Yeah, experts in the field of which you are wading without a clue are telling you it's half-baked and you say it's ridiculous.
When have you ever been right on ANYTHING, Harper?
did you get my memo?
You ignorant idiot.
11-16-2011, 09:24 AM
Today's 24H paper has an article by Mark Dunn:
Opposition questions PM's pipeline ties
(reprinted entirely by me):
The NDP has joined Hollywood actors and environmentalists who want the Keystone oil pipeline to be nothing more than a pipe dream.
And while the Official Opposition torpedoed the $7 Billion project, the Liberals charge that oil giants funded Prime Minister Stephen Harper's 2002 bid to become the leader of the Canadian Alliance.
"Just how far indebted is he to the energy sector in this country?" asked Grit MP David McGuinty (brother of Ont. Premier Dalton), who suggested Harper's drive to promote and sell crude from Alberta is because he is "beholden" to undisclosed fundraisers.
While the Liberals said they support pipelines, the NDP said it opposed the project. Megan Leslie, the party's environment critic, was one of the two NDP MP's who jetted to Washington to convince lawmakers not all Canadians support the development of the oilsands.
Me, Johann:
Well we KNOW how far indebted Harper is to the energy sector.
We know all too fucking well.
You can't even calculate how much he is their bitch.
He's only Prime Minister for one reason.
11-23-2011, 01:49 PM
Dan Gardner had an article in the Ottawa Citizen today about Stephen Harper. It cleared up some things for me and gave me something to disagree with him on too.
He reminded readers that when Harper was the Official Opposition, his party was treated like the Lunatic Fringe by the Liberals.
That annoyed Harper to no end. That lit a fire under his candy ass. Dan says it "seared his psyche".
He was determined to DESTROY the Liberal party, if it was the last thing he ever did.
Funny, that's exactly how I feel about the Conservatives....
And now, here we sit, with Harper triumphant with an untouchable majority, and the Liberal party being nothing but a pile of ashes.
Steve's resolve got him what he wanted.
But there is rich irony here.
Harper is doing exactly what the Liberals did to him. (big difference being the Liberals knew what their job was as government)
He's treating the NDP like the Lunatic Fringe.
He's running massive deficits and increasing spending every single year- that's a recipe for success, huh?
Dan Gardner pointed out with a quote from somone close to Harper that the man is only interested in politics.
He's obsessive about it, paralyzed and consumed by it.
He doesn't paint. He doesn't fish. He doesn't like to travel. He doesn't watch TV. He doesn't take long walks with Skeletor
or the kids. He only cares about politics.
Speaking of his kids, why weren't they at the Remembrance day ceremony? hundreds of high school students and young people from all walks were there. Why wasn't Harper's offspring there? Are they exempt? Did they tell Dad to go stuff it? I'm curious.
Everybody in the media said that once Harper gets his majority he'll mellow out, that he'll "Play Nice With Others".
Not so.
Did you know that he blocked two political parties from rising in the House of Commons to speak about Remembrance day?
He did.
He blocked the greens and the Bloc Quebecqois from standing up and saying something about the meaning of the day to their own.
Because they don't hold a significant number of seats.
That's proof he's 1000% political!
You prevent Canadians in government from saying their piece about Remembrance day?
What the fuck is partisan about our WAR DEAD?!??!
Answer me, you fucking political slimeball!
It's shit like that that makes my blood boil. This man HAS NO CLUE.
Nothing exists for him outside the PMO. (Only big oil puppeteers who yank on his strings)
11-23-2011, 01:54 PM
Dan said that Harper reigns supreme right now, and I can't ignore the truth of that.
Canadians voted for him. We're stuck with it.
But I totally disagree with him saying that the Official Oppostion is weak, with no leadership.
Totally disagree.
They are just hog-tied by this fucking majority!
Hard to be strong when almost everything you try to get done for the country gets shot down and steam-rolled over!
It's frustrating beyond belief.
I wish people were more informed on this shit.
But in the end I'm not worried.
Harper is such a fuck up that he will be run out of Ottawa on a rail.
The clock is ticking on big bamboo scandals, which keep raining down on us like April showers....
11-23-2011, 02:31 PM
Another fresh scandal:
Conservative MP Rob Anders is a YouTube sensation today, as he was filmed in the House of Commons falling asleep in his Commons seat, while a fellow conservative MP was speaking.
If you fell asleep at your job, would you be fired?
I would.
This guy makes $150,000 a year, PAID BY US, THE TAXPAYERS, and he can't even stay awake on the fucking job.
I know it's hard to listen to Conservatives speaking, but My God, you fall asleep in the Commons? When you know there's a live fucking feed 24 hours a day?
I want his fucking HEAD.
The Conservative party are FUCKED.
I'll post the video to prove it.
And in case you were wondering, yes I would be just as outraged if it was an NDP MP.
You don't sleep on the job when you're paid so fucking much.
You get your walking papers for that shit.
11-23-2011, 02:57 PM
MORE SCANDAL!: (even though this one has been an ongoing one)
The NDP have just uncovered documents that contradict Tony Clement's claim that he didn't divvy up G8 infrastructure money.
Clement has *feebly* defended his actions, saying that he has a "clean record".
You're a fucking liar. You're a thief and a scam artist.
I hope this destroys your career, because I happen to believe you are a worthless fraud.
You even look like a fraud.
The first time I saw your picture the first words outta my mouth were: "I wouldn't trust this guy to walk my dog!"
You and John Baird are in for a rude awakening.
You thought this was gonna go away, didn't you?
Silly Man.
This is for you and this is for your horse.
I'll shell out for a bottle of Dom Perignon if you are fired.
I will.
I hope Harper invites you into the PMO for a chat. Because you are a LIABILITY to him.
You shouldn't have done that. You thought Steve had your back!
How little you know, Clement...How LITTLE you know.
11-26-2011, 10:43 AM
Yes, Dan Gardner is a breath of fresh air. He has great intelligence and insight that illuminates the murky world of federal politics.
The Ottawa Citizen is lucky to have him as a writer/journalist.
He said the Conservative party is just like a dog chasing a car.
When the dog gets to the car he doesn't know what to do with it.
The Conservatives were chasing a majority forever and when they got it, they didn't/don't know what to do.
They are like chickens with their heads cut off, running around the barnyard, pulling legislation out of a hat.
It will be their doom. They have contempt for Canadians. They feel entitled, not humble.
No evidence of humility to be seen from coast to coast.
They walk with an air of arrogance not seen since Dubya and the gang of war criminals down south were in charge.
I love it.
It means that they will be serving us scandals until we say "ENOUGH!"
Pretty soon we'll be making our own Shepard Fairy HOPE posters for elections, with voters all wielding brooms, making it clear we want to clean up Ottawa, which is what Jack Layton was saying for YEARS.
It's your tax money Canada. I don't know why you don't give a shit or don't pay attention.
These fuckers are playing us for fools.
I'm glad the NDP have such strong resolve. Nycole Turmel is my MP, from my riding (Hull/Aylmer, Quebec). I'll be meeting her next week- her office is only a 20 minute walk from my place, and her door is ALWAYS open. Can't wait to have a chat with her.
Harper is a guy you can never meet.
You need to ask the privvy council, and they need to screen your ass. I don't think any member of the public has ever met him in his office or has even gotten to have a significant chat with him. EVER. That kind of thing is beneath him. He is King Steve, and you're not. Who cares if the taxpayer pays his salary. He doesn't want to know you. He's not good with meeting humans. His microchip prevents him from meeting anyone who doesn't share his non-values. It's nothing personal. It's all political.
Even his HAIR is political. His hairstyle is known as "The Pro-Rogue".
11-28-2011, 11:52 AM
More Scandal: (surprise surprise)
Peter MacKay is a fucking hypocrite.
I just read in today's Ottawa Citizen that when the Conservatives were the Official Opposition, Peter was the most vocal critic of the Liberals using a military Challenger jet (wasting taxpayers money). And here he is, the biggest abuser of the priviledge in history!! THREE MILLION BUCKS AND COUNTING he's billed us taxpayers!
The front page has an extremely damaging article about DND, and how they replied in an e-mail to the paper that they don't know the cost of the Nortel reno, when it's public record how much they've spent on it, and it's not cheap. The government is being totally secretive on how much it's costing taxpayers. I'll post quotes from the article, as it's about to light a firestorm on Parliament hill.
MacKay hides what he does.
The public is not allowed to know what he gets up to, for fear that his actions would be criticized to the hilt.
well, DUH!
If you're fleecing and fooling and not being forthcoming in any way to the people who pay your salary and put you in your Commons seat what the fuck do you expect???
If it wasn't for the governor general saving his government when he pro-rogued Parliament, Harper wouldn't even be on my fucking lips!
Thanks Michelle Jean! You fleeced and fooled us LARGE.
You're our version of Condi Rice.
11-30-2011, 12:17 PM
Harper confirmed today that he did indeed change government policy on official documents.
He said he changed "Government of Canada" to "the Harper government" on all official federal stationary "to clear up any confusion".
I give up.
This man is so out to lunch I give up.
What's next?
The gift shop in the Peace Tower selling "Harper government" merch?
11-30-2011, 12:59 PM
The YouTube video of Conservative MP Rob Anders sleeping in the House of Commons has been removed.
No trace of that smoking gun to found ANYWHERE, except the Huffington Post!
12-01-2011, 09:35 AM
Here's the bombshell about the Department of National Defence & the Feds, and how they withold information and costs to Canadians.
When Canadians pay their salaries. That's the most scandalous part of all this. They completely forget that this is public money!
That fact goes right out the window. They just don't give a shit. They are ENTITLED to do that, don't you know?
DND officials hid cost of Nortel renos (Ottawa Citizen, Nov. 28/2011):
Senior Defence Department officials kept the multimillion-dollar price tag for renovating the Nortel campus under wraps, worried the public, media and parliamentarians might raise concerns about the bill if they found out about the cost.
Last week, the Citizen reported DND will spend more than $600 million on preparing the Nortel site to be it's main location in Ottawa.
That is on top of the $208 million the government spent to purchase the Carling avenue campus.
In an e-mail statement, DND officials claimed they did not know the cost of refitting the Nortel location.
But documents obtained by the Citizen show DND not only knew about the cost a year ago, but senior officials ordered references to it removed from public statements and documents.
Some officers say such tactics are just the tip of the iceberg of DND efforts to keep information from the public.
A recent example is the decision to not inform Parliament about plans to spend $477 million on a U.S. military satellite.
While it is common for ministers to keep close tabs on information being released to the public, media and Parliament, officers say efforts by the Conservative government and Defence Minister Peter MacKay have reached new levels of control.
The main effort is to reduce the "risk" to the minister of questions being raised in the Commons or embarrassing articles in the media, they say.
Minimizing the risk to the Conservative government about issues that might raise questions has become a hallmark of federal communication strategies.
Me, Johann:
Secrecy is too excessive with the Conservatives.
Peter Mackay used a Challenger military jet to take him to a lobster dinner in his home riding. $11, 000 an hour to take him to a lobster dinner!!!!!!
He had a search-and-rescue helicopter pick him up at his private fishing lodge!!!!!
Chief of Defence Staff Walt Natynczyk came to MacKay's defence: "When we fly the Minister in CF aircraft, it is not only because his duties require it, but also because we are proud to support him in his work".
I'll leave it to Stephen Staples to say it best, as he argues that DND's beaurocracy views it's job as PROTECTING MacKay, not looking out for taxpayers, who pay his fucking salary:
"I don't know what's worse - the minister using a government jet to fly to a lobster dinner or the Chief of Defence Staff trying to justify it".
They're all fired.
Fucking thieves, liars and swine. All of 'em.
Good luck when you meet your maker, mucky-mucks.
No quarter will be given to your fucked up lives...
12-06-2011, 01:14 PM
Peter MacKay has yet to even apologize for his actions.
That just goes to show you how selfish our politicos are.
I guess we should've known, huh?
All I've seen from Peter MacKay are grins and smirks.
Let's fire this idiot, OK?
If it takes Bob Rae to get a reaction out of these crooks and criminals.....Wow.
We're hurting over here, Chachi.
Hurtin' BAD....
12-07-2011, 11:23 AM
The Offical Opposition demanded Peter MacKay's resignation yesterday in the House of Commons, with my MP Nycole Turmel stating:
He's an embarrassment to the government, he's an embarrassment to the Prime Minister, he's an embarrassment to the whole country.
And what do you say to an embarrassment? You say 'Good Riddance'.
But Harper defended his Con Man once again, lying again in the House of Commons, by saying that his use of a Cormorant search and rescue helicopter to pick him up after a hard week of fishing was "government business".
But it wasn't "government business".
E-mails from MacKay contradict that. E-mails obtained by the NDP totally contradict that.
MacKay lied in the House of Commons, just like his Boss is so fond of doing.
Bev Oda misleads Parliament? She keeps her job.
Harper is in contempt of Parliament twice in a row, with his government falling on those charges, triggering an election, and what does he get?
What he wanted all along: a majority.
Peter Mackay lies and misleads Parliament (and steals $3 million from the public coffers) and what happens to him?
Tony Clement and John Baird pilfer $50 million of the public's money and what happens to them?
They stay right where they are, Buster!
So what exactly is Harper telling the country with his actions and non-firings?
That he can't accept responsibility for anything.
When the crooks are his own, it's OK.
It's allowed.
The Fuhrer said so.
12-07-2011, 11:56 AM
Yes, the Conservatives are just doing what they always do: RIDE IT OUT, BABY!
They hope it'll just die down and go away forever.
Hmm, what happened to your election money mantras, Harper?
You know: "Accountability!" "Transparency!" Pro-Roguery!", You know, your mantras!!!!!
The days of these jokers running roughshod over our laws and Parliament are over.
I'll remind them that their actions today would, in fathers of Confederation times, result in them being publically shamed and sent to some colony down south by mounted police escort. Denounced as traitors and thieves, ordered never to set foot in Canada again.
I'm watching how this issue will be handled with an eagle eye.
C'mon Harper, you can't tell me you're gonna allow a minister who stole three million of the public's money to keep his job, are you?
12-08-2011, 10:16 AM
So instead of apologizing to Canadians for stealing $3 million in taxpayers money and getting a $32,000 lift from his fishing lodge, Peter MacKay says he's looking into suing MP's who have accused him of lying in the House of Commons.
His arrogance knows no bounds.
This just gets juicier and juicier.....
Military personnel who conducted the "training mission" to airlift Mackay from his fishing lodge to an airport in Gander, Nfld have also defended MacKay, saying that the flight was "going to happen anyway- if he tagged along for a ride, all the better!"
Excuse me???
I beg your pardon?
You just happened to be doing a "training mission" over MacKay's fishing lodge??????
You saw him on his porch and said "HEY PETE! Let us throw down a pully! You can tag along with us! Fuck the taxpayers!!! What do they know anyway?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!"
Can you believe this shit?
I want this lawsuit to go full throttle.
Let's really air out some stinky dirty laundry.
Because this sack of shit in a suit thinks his integrity has been affronted.
TAXPAYERS got fucked in the ass for 3 million from a political loser, who refuses to apologize, let alone pay a dime of it back.
Let's NAIL him to the wall.
Because he just. doesn't. get. it.
Merry Christmas MacKay!
Your days of acting like an untouchable James Bond are over.
It's time for you to go back to Belinda Stronach.
You two can cuddle by the fire and drool about how you flew around on the taxpayer nickel until you got caught like A DEER IN THE HEADLIGHTS.
Fuck you MacKay.
I see right through you. And I want you on the street, hitting the pavement. TOMORROW.
You're done like dinner.
The Official Opposition are the ones with the integrity. And they're gonna prove it to you in Grand Style.
Get your Johnny Cochrane Pete!
Get him on the phone.
Because you are in DEEP SHIT over this.
12-08-2011, 10:50 AM
The National Post has a great article today about MacKay and his lies.
MacKay was whisked off to BELGIUM yesterday!
He can't be in the House of Commons right now!
Who knows?
I have a hunch- the Conservatives have got to obfuscate this issue immediately- Parliament breaks for Christmas soon- they don't want this hanging over their heads during the holidays. Kinda makes your eggnog taste a little sour....
So Harper had an idea yesterday: send the offending idiot to Belgium for some waffles until this blows over!
On what business?
Don't ask!
And we won't tell!
You know, I have no real problem with a Defence Minister hopping rides on Military aircraft- it's supposed to be his bread and butter- it goes with getting to know your job/perfecting the ability to meet the military's needs and the needs of the country as a whole.
What I have a problem with is the arrogance, the lies, and the self-entitlement that these sacks of shit always adopt.
Because then it becomes what we have with Peter MacKay: an excuse to run roughshod. An excuse to go high on the hog, bill the taxpayers to no end, all the while collecting a giant paycheck (among other kickbacks- it IS the Harper government after all- you scratch his back, he'll send you to Belgium).
Peter MacKay has never hidden his contempt for taxpayers, even after being the most vocal critic of the Liberals doing the exact same thing.
He's OBVIOUS about his arrogance.
It emanates from his goofy suits.
I think it's clear: we pay our politicians too much. It goes to their heads. They think they're all that and a bag of search and rescue helicopters...
12-08-2011, 11:50 AM
Check this out:
$32,000 an hour?
GOOD LUCK with your lawsuit Peter!
Good luck.
You're a lying sack 'O shit.
12-08-2011, 12:55 PM
I have to call out the Ottawa Sun once again.
Why is it that I have to look in other newspapers and online for information about Conservative scandals?
The Ottawa Sun has not had one single article criticizing the Harper clowns for anything since the election.
I remember when they said right after the election that they would hold Harper's feet to the fire if he forgets that the PEOPLE elected him.
Well he's forgotten it every single day since May 2 and not a PEEP from the Ottawa Sun.
You'd think the Capital city's most visible paper would have more interest in Harper and his scandals, which rain down hard on us.
You'd think they'd be screaming bloody murder over a Defence Minister stealing $3 million from the taxpayers.
Oh, I forgot.
My Bad.
That's only when it's a LIBERAL government.
Silly Johann, the Ottawa Sun has no problem with Harper fucking the country over!
It's only Liberals that that applies to!
But forget about it anyway.
The Ottawa Sun isn't a 'reputable' newspaper nor has it ever been. It toes a party line, and it ain't my party.
I can't wait to read the issue that has the front page with Harper's government being found in contempt of Parliament again.
I'm getting all schoolgirl giggly over the very THOUGHT of it.
Because it will happen.
I'm no prophet, but I know way more than I let on.
The Ottawa Sun is like the National Enquirer, only more ignorant.
12-08-2011, 01:16 PM
I just found out that Peter MacKay is a fucking lawyer!
Now I REALLY want him to sue.
Do it Pete. Sue MP's who are taking you to task for being a liar and a fraud.
You're a slick lawyer, huh?
How on God's green EARTH did you ever become Minister of Defence???
What the fuck does a lawyer know about the military? (and I'm not talking about the Legal branch/trade of the Canadian Forces or JAG, either)
How were you qualified for that portfolio Pete?
Just because you were friends with Harper???
Holy Shitballs.
This is INDEED getting juicier and juicier....
12-08-2011, 01:32 PM
I said I'll never hold back on Harper.
I'll never back down.
Not until this CRIMINAL is run out of town in complete DISGRACE.
Stay tuned, because the way this is going, this is going to be BEAUTIFUL.
His majority government just passed the 9 crime bills that were shot down every single time when he had a minority government.
Now it goes to the Senate, where it will sail through, with no problem, as every Senator is Harper's friend. He put every one of them there, even giving two posts to two idiots who LOST THEIR RIDINGS on May 2.
Yeah, if corruption ever goes to $300 a barrel, I want drilling rights on Harper's head.
12-08-2011, 02:37 PM
I've been reading the transcripts of the e-mails to MacKay from High-position military authorities who asked him point-blank:
"When the guy fishing next to you at your lodge sees the big yellow helicopter pick you up and starts snapping away with his cellphone camera, who's going to pick up the phone on that one?"
THEY TOLD HIM POINT BLANK THAT THE OPTICS SUCKED! and he still ordered it to pick him up!
Because he would've been late for his lobster dinner! He demanded a ride on the helicopter, then got on board a Challenger jet immediately after!
$32,000 an hour for a search and rescue helicopter
$11,000 an hour for a Challenger jet
To enjoy some lobster tails?????
Nice plum job you have Pete....
And he left no tip.
He handed the taxpayers the bills and said "FUCK YOU ALL. I'm Peter MacKay".
You bring your lawyers, Peter.
The NDP will bring their hardcopies of your e-mails.
12-10-2011, 02:04 PM
Still not a peep on this issue from the Ottawa Sun- but it's OK, because I just learned that Sun Media papers were stripped of all journalistic status in Canada. They are TABLOIDS.
I was so foolish to think they were an actual newspaper. *slaps forehead*
MacKay is avoiding the House of Commons, because as soon as he appears there he's levelled big questions by the Opposition.
Glad Harper is protecting his thief.
Really glad.
If Peter MacKay keeps his job, THEN ANYTHING GOES.
All bets are off and the gloves are off.
His jet-setting is a scandal that cannot be ignored. It cannot be swept under the carpet and forgotten about.
Mackay needs to be made an example of, for future Defence Ministers or ANY minister who thinks he might hoodwink the public again.
You answer to us! We sign your paychecks!
Are you aware of this? Because you appear not to.
I thought you joined Federal politics to improve the justice system because as a civvie lawyer you were disgusted with how victims were treated?
Was that a total lie? total bullshit?
Seems so.
Because your buddy and boss Harper just created a new class of criminals overnight with the passing of those 9 crime bills.
May God have no mercy on your soul.
12-14-2011, 01:17 PM
The Harper family has released their annual Christmas card, and guess what?
The family is wearing the exact same clothes they wore on last year's card!
The setting is different (photoshop?) but the clothes and goofy looks are the exact same.
Harper ain't Christian at all.
12-15-2011, 12:26 PM
My final post in this thread until the new year:
Environment Minister Peter Kent was called a "Piece of Shit" yesterday in the Commons, a shocker, because NOBODY ever swears in the House of Commons. Liberal MP Justin Trudeau defended an NDP MP! It just goes to show you how toxic and fucked Parliament is right now. It's actually a total gong show. And we have the Canadian Voter to thank for it. They gave us this insane Conservative majority. Canadians can't complain- we asked for it. When you feel the full blunt-force trauma of their asinine policies and actions, do not complain. Only the people who have voted against Harper are allowed to say a word.
One beautiful thing about this thread of mine here is that I can use curse words to get my point across.
I have the freedom to say exactly what is on everybody's mind (at least the ones with a BRAIN in this country- the ones who are anti-Conservative). Harper has stifled debate on scores of issues in the House of Commons just because he has a majority. No democracy exists as long as Harper is in power. Environment Minister (and slimy sack of shit- Trudeau was right on the money to shout what he did) Peter Kent insulted an NDP MP by saying that if she was at the U.N. environment meeting in Africa she would know what she's talking about.
Only problem is, Harper banned all Opposition MP's from attending!
And Trudeau just couldn't hold his tongue over it. I'm glad. I don't blame him one bit. Because I wouldn't have been able to either.
I'd have used the F-Bomb, not the S-bomb. I would've pointed and shouted down that cretinous parasite like you wouldn't believe.
Conservatives employ lies at every turn.
It's built into their M.O.!
Parliament is toxic. There's no civility because we have an honest Opposition and a Criminal Government.
We have a corrupt majority. I'm not afraid to say it.
Gimme a fuckin' BULLHORN, I'll shout it loud.
They play sick games. And that has no place in our Government.
They don't speak for so many it's astonishing.
And our hands are tied.
But not for long.
2012 will be the BEST YEAR EVER for Conservative fuck-ups. They've only just started to roll out the barrel.
They will collapse so spectacularly you won't believe it.
I see it coming like a locomotive.
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to anybody who reads this, whether you agree with me or not.
God Willing, Harper will be gone long before we have another election.
I've petitioned the Lord for it and he's already replied.
More revelations came out today about Peter MacKay abusing the taxpayer: records show he spent $5,500+ on a 4-day stay in Europe in 2010 for a security conference and billed the taxpayers for it.
You can bet your sweet bibby that MacKay will be facing some serious heat in the House come January.
What else has he bilked us for?
He really has his paws in the taxpayers purse, doesn't he?
12-23-2011, 10:36 AM
I said no more posts in this thread until the new year, but some items of interest have surfaced.
In another PRIME example of the Harper government over-reaching it's power, the Conservatives tried to pass legislation that would give Canada a Federal regulator for securities trading. Apparently we are the only country without one on the planet- all of the provinces handle it individually.
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled this week that the legislation was "unconstitutional", that the Harper government was trying to do something that would walk all over provincial jurisdiction.
Normally I wouldn't care about this as I don't own any stock and I don't give two flying fucks about stock markets.
That game is for opportunists, gamblers and capitalists- something that revolts me.
A federal regulator may be needed for securities (it's not my bag- I'm not qualified to say) but when I saw "most disgusting Canadian" Kevin O'Leary last night on CBC ranting and raving about how much of a travesty this decision by the Supreme Court was, I got real interested.
Rich fucks (Harper and his pals) want to "play with the big boys"- O'Leary's words- and are trying to jockey to make scads and scads more money.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty said that the government will respect the Supreme Court's decision, which really means they won't- they'll just try another way.
It's funny to me how Harper wants Health Care to be 100% the provinces problem but not stock trading regulation.
That's REAL hilarious to me.
Someone has to explain that one to me.
Flaherty also just gave the middle finger to all provinces on health care. Last week he unilaterally told them to fuck off.
He said they'll get what the government gives them- no questions asked and no questions answered.
6 provinical health ministers were outraged that the government would not negotiate in any way. No health accord whatsoever.
It's amazing. It's mind-blowing.
Helena Guergis has launched a million-dollar lawsuit against Stephen Harper and the Conservative party for defamation.
A Harper minion said "the voters have already decided on Helena Guergis- she doesn't live in the real world and we will refute her claims vigorously"
I'm really interested to see how this turns out. Who gives a shit what the voters decided? What matters here is what Harper did to her, which was horrible. I don't really care about her at all- she's a Conservative- but I'd love to see Harper lose a big lawsuit like this. I'd love to see his peepee whacked hard for it.
I wonder if Peter MacKay will sue like he threatened?
Haven't heard a peep from him. Some say Harper will fire him very early in the new year, that he's just waiting for a good time to do it.
I'm waiting with baited breath...
CBC's The National has an "insiders" panel with former fraud and fat fuck "strategist" Jaime Watt and two other freaks.
It's amazing to watch them spin their webs. Really amazing.
The "political" panel with Chantal Hebert and Andrew Coyne has integrity, but for the life of me I don't know why they don't call it as it is.
Why nobody (not even Rex Murphy who is pretty switched on) zeroes in on the lies of Stephen Harper and his party is a mystery to me.
The lies and misleading and deception is as plain as the nose on my face.
The tolerance for a full-bore liar is through the roof!
Canadians and smart political pundits never call Harper out on his lies.
Even by the "Liberal" CBC's standards, there's no denunciaton of the lies.
They never re-iterate that Harper was found in contempt of Parliament and that his government fell on a non-confidence vote.
They never ask how a PM can be in contempt (first time ever in the history of the Commonwealth) and not be barred from federal politics.
If you are in contempt of Parliament, you are in contempt of Canada.
Parliament IS our Nation. It's the base, the backbone.
If you are in contempt of that, you are dismissed in disgrace.
You are not fit to serve.
As far as I'm concerned Harper is an intruder in our house, an unwanted guest who just won't leave.
And he's destroying the very fabric of our lives with no one to stop him.
I'm not chicken little here- Rex Murphy says that Harper isn't the bogey man that everyone seems to think he is but he's DEAD WRONG.
The evidence is everywhere.
And no one cares.
Former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien was just awarded $200,000 in court (that the Harper government has to pay- SWEET!) and Harper had the unbelievable balls and gall to tell Chretien to give the money to the taxpayers! To "mea culpa" for Liberal scandals.
His balls are gigantic.
Peter MacKay has ripped the taxpayers for pretty much $4 MILLION and he's still on the payroll. And they want Chretien to give money back that he won fair and square in a COURT OF LAW?!?!?!?!!?
Their balls are so large you need a telescope from the Griffith Observatory to see them in full.
12-27-2011, 12:19 PM
I watched Lisa Leflamme's Conversations with the Prime Minister last night on CTV, and it had me scratching my head and confirming for all times that Stephen Harper is a political opportunist.
The Prime Minister of Canada is actually TWO PEOPLE: Laureen and Stephen.
It's a joint effort, and they are sharp as tacks. Too bad someone like me can see right through their game.
Too bad someone like me can cut them down to appropriate size.
Lisa Laflamme zeroed in on some great questions and scandals during this broadcast, and I wanted to hug her right through my TV screen for levelling questions at Harper that need to be levelled, such as Peter MacKay's reckless and self-entitled abusing of the taxpayer to Harper's ignorance and contempt for First Nations peoples in this country.
She rightly reminded him that the people of Canada elected him again (with a majority no less) to lead the country, to take us out of the woods on the global economic worries, yet we seem to be in a holding pattern that Harper seems OK with, that he seems totally non-plussed about.
She asked him how he "squares it in his head" that Peter MacKay's violent abuse of taxpayers is fine, when Harper is viewed by people in this country as a man who knows that government should be held to account for spending taxpayers money.
Harper just waffled on that one. He said "it was government business", and there will be more "government business" in the future.
What a satisfying answer!
Then there was the gun registry, which Lisa asked point blank why the government is abolishing not only the registry, but all of the data collected with regards to it, which could be used to solve gun crimes, VALUABLE data. It's so mind-boggling why he would destroy that data as well as the registry it's defies description. All of that money flushed away.....
Quebec is suing the Federal government over it.
All Harper could muster to say was "Getting rid of the gun registry means getting rid of all of it- the data collected, all of it. If the data stays then we haven't abolished the gun registry"- WHAT A FUCKHEAD, huh?
The whole interview was scripted and staged. When Laureen "Skeletor" Harper appeared with her hubby, the looks and intense eagle-eye stares she gave Lisa were very telling. Every body language cue that the Harpers gave off was "Are we on the same page here? What can we say to National Media in this situation?"
They think lightning fast. The gears were turning so rapidly in both Harpers' heads it was astonishing.
Re: the question of their children and what they can do/see on the internet: NO FACEBOOK. There are "risks" to it, and it can only be used for political point winning, like naming the family cat, as was a popular Facebook page. They can read newspapers, but at ages 15 and 9, will they? warning: CONTROL FREAK!
They are oblivious pawns, Harpers kids. Laureen admitted she scours papers to look for news items her hubby missed and reports to him promptly when it seems like he may have missed the boat on something.
A video clip shows that the Harper children met the Pope when Harper was in Italy once.
More brainwashed faux-Christians. Just what we need.
They seem like OK kids, normal and grounded, but Holy God are they in a VERY controlled bubble.
Only when they get older will they know the full extent of their Dad's evil......
The scenes from the Gatineau Mountain foothills, where the Harpers have a private "ritzy" away-from-Ottawa hovel were particularly revealing about Steve's "keeping up appearances" drivel.
He tells Lisa in a nice walk around the area (with Skeletor in tow) that "if I could retire, this is where I would retire", which is a total steaming crock of horseshit because just merely 15 minutes later in the interview he tells the camera that Alberta will always be home (deferring to his wife).
She jokes about taking him camping once a year, but it all fell flat.
She even faked compassion for other Canadian mothers and women, talking about them driving in snowy conditions to get their kids to sporting events or what-have-you. FAKE PHONY FAKE BITCH.
(Because Skeletor gets top-notch security to take her everywhere, and she never has to pay a fuckin' dime, unlike every other Canadian woman).
Speaking of which, Harper liked to joke about high-end cops who chauffeur him everywhere. It was a revolting "special" to say the least.
We see the Harpers at their kids' volleyball games, with Laureen snapping photos the whole time "I'm the team photographer!!!!!!!".
How do these shitheads have time for that shit? YOU GOT A COUNTRY TO RUN ASSHOLES!!!!!
The Harpers seem to have unlimited free time, which, considering the world at large, seems ludicrous.
They go to many many concerts: Nickelback, Corb Lund, Kiss, Bob Seger, etc and Harper has it etched in stone that he will attend all Team Canada hockey games.
It's built into his schedule. He will not miss those hockey games, especially when it's on the taxpayer nickel!.
Seems like a ploy to win political points from hockey fans....what do you think?
The Harpers are savvy enough to know that everyone is watching.
That's why I can see right through their agenda.
They need cover so bad you can't believe it.
That's what I got from that interview.
And his comments on the environment? Wow.
You watch it and suss out your own conclusions. My mind isn't cloudy one iota.
I can see the Harper government coming from ten miles off shore.
Kyoto, Syria, Europe's economy, the Keystone pipeline (which is going GLOBAL now, not just to the United States anymore- Harper offered it to the States only first, and now he's saying "FUCK YOU YANKEES! Fuck You Obama!
I'm making the MAXIMUM amount of money I can on this! YEEEEEEEEEE_______HAAAAHHHHHHH!~!!!!!!!"
As I said earlier, I give up on this man.
12-28-2011, 12:35 PM
Re: Helena Guergis' lawsuit
The Harper government said that they will "refute her claims vigorously", and I'm really excited to see them do it.
Harper has never "vigorously refuted" anything. In fact, he's never even mildly refuted anyone or anything in his career.
He cannot accept responsibility for anything. He is what I said he is, a shuck and jive man, and if problems or lawsuits pop up, well hey,
Right Steve?
Yeah, I got your number.
The Conservatives got re-elected on extreme economic uncertainty fears.
What have they done to ease the pain since the election?
They focused their efforts on creating a new criminal class by passing a giant package of bogus half-baked crime bills and destroying the gun registry. That's it.
That's all they've done, besides telling the provinces to fuck off on health care.
Any Conservatives out there wanna explain to me what they are doing to make Canada come out on top?
Cuz I don't see it Chachi.
Get out your laser pointer and show me like a little child how they are fixing the problem, how they are even LOOKING at the problem.
Do it.
I'll wait for you to bring me some tasty tangibles.
We got all the time in the world, according to Harper.
12-28-2011, 01:02 PM
One question I would ask Stephen Harper if he was standing right in front of me is
Would you pass legislation to make it THE LAW to vote? Would you make it mandatory, like it is in Australia?
Because Buster, that would be legislation that I could get behind. I'd Champion that legislation.
Because then it would force those loser don't-care-about-politics citizens who didn't get off their ass to vote to actually cast a ballot.
60% of the population voted AGAINST Harper in the last election. That's a fact, Jack.
40% was his count of support. FACT.
If the 42% that did not vote actually voted, we'd have a DEMOCRATICALLY ELECTED Government.
We'd have a REAL, accurate electorate, and their word would be FINAL on election night.
Whoever won would be entitled to govern for 4 years with no one complaining (unless scandals were raining hard like we have now).
I'd have to admit that Canada made their choice and it's FINITE.
I'd have to accept a Conservative majority in that situation because the people truly voted for him- across the board.
But with the populace having the option of not voting at all, we give crooks and liars like Harper and his 163 Tories a golden opportunity to fleece us.
Indeed, that's what they are doing.
And laughing all the way to the bank.
We now have a weak, watery, disjointed, contemptuous of Parliament (nee: Canada) majority that smirks and sneers at everyone- even their own (see Helena Guergis). And they were elected by a small segment of our population: only 40%.
40% is not a majority.
60% is, and that's the percentage of people who voted against Harper.
And if this Harper majority was/is so great, then why was Jack Layton named #1 Game Changer and Newsmaker of the Year?
01-06-2012, 01:53 PM
I keep learning new and amazing revelations about Stephen Harper every day, like this tidbit from his former personal chef when he was leader of the Official Opposition:
He abused his wife and kids routinely in the house. He treated them horribly. So horribly, Laureen was filing for divorce.
His marriage is a "keeping up appearances" deal, like Bill & Hillary.
No love there. No sex there. No "couple" there.
It's a business arrangement.
She helps him professionally, and I'm sure Skeletor is compensated well for it.
I knew there was something fishy about their relationship. That interview with Lisa Laflamme had too many instances of Steve deferring to Skeletor.
Now I know why.
Thank the LORD for talkative personal chefs!
How would it have looked to have his marriage disintegrate when he was trying with all his tiny might to be PM?
He could NEVER get divorced. Who heard of a single Prime Minister?
Empty man indeed.
No love in his life, besides the love of Power.
He's also been writing a book on hockey in the PMO, "for 15 minutes a day" and I can't wait to buy it.
That book will be the biggest insight into Harper's psyche we'll ever see.
Like O.J.'s book on looking for the real killers!
I'll buy the first copy that comes off the presses.
I want to know my PM as intimately as possible. HA HA HA!
01-10-2012, 10:13 AM
When will Stephen Harper start being a LEADER?
01-10-2012, 11:13 AM
That's when.
He's had 7 years to figure it out and he refuses to get with the program.
NDP Leadership candidate Brian Topp has stated that when he becomes Prime Minister in 2015 he will move to abolish the Senate, which is loaded with un-elected douchebags from the Liberal and Conservative parties. The only NDP Senator (from when Paul Martin was PM) isn't even acknowleged by the NDP. The Senate is obscene and useless. They are not elected. They are given those plum posts by the Prime Minister.
And Harper just appointed 8 new ones- he announced them late Friday night, when nobody was watching- what a slickster. And one of the Senators is Ottawa Police Chief Vern White. What the fuck is HE doing in there??????
I love the cut of Topp's Jib- He knows that the NDP will be the next government of this country, just as I do, as well as many other NDP voters.
Canadians are slowly realizing how much Harper sucks, just like Americans slowly realized that Bush was a lame duck.
The Harper government is batshit insane and they will be given their walking papers in the next election.
I'd bet a million on it.
01-17-2012, 08:14 AM
Peter Mansbridge did a GREAT interview with Harper last night on The National.
Mansbridge is one of the best journalists we've ever had in Canada, and he was looking for answers from Harper on certain salient items of National interest and never got them. Harper waffled on every single question. It was amazing. And Harper was VERY uncomfortable during the interview. That was very obvious. If you don't believe me, track that interview down and listen and watch Harper at the very end when Mansbridge says "Prime Minister, thank you for this interview". Harper snaps at him very angrily: "Thank You for having me" (paraphrase).
All that was missing was "You slimy truth-seeking journalist!"
Harper does not think there is a double standard with regards to exporting Canadian oil.
He also does not think it's very odd (even tho Mansbridge cornered him but good on it) that our own provinces are ignored for oil over foreign countries. Canadian provinces could benefit huge from our own bounty of oil riches but Harper isn't interested in helping provinces. On anything.
On Health Care, he admitted that there is no Federal or National standards for health care and that there will never be any.
The provinces are on their own. Health ministers across the country are saying that the Harper government has taken a VERY shitty approach to health care, and they want answers. But he ain't listening.
On Native Reserves: he doesn't care. He doesn't care that they are living in squalor, in most cases without proper running water. or even CLEAN water. Mold is all over homes that are rotting. It's the fucking THIRD WORLD for Christ sakes in some cases.
Harper says that there are Aboriginal communities who are very successful, and we should look at their model for success and see how we can implement it.
No Leadership from this man in any capacity. NONE.
And he kept smirking at Peter the whole interview.
I wanted to slap the shit out of him, knock his glasses off his fat face and grab him by the short hairs on his graying head.
Peter never smiled back once. He wasn't there to joke and jibe, shuck and jive. Harper was.
Peter gave him no emotion, no expression. Harper has a soft, monotonous voice in interviews, and his shoulders are almost always hunched.
He puts viewers to sleep with his fauxangel voice. No emotion except anger came from him. I challenge any Canadian to watch that interview and get a bead on Harper in one viewing. His soft voice is annoying. He always searches for "the right words" too.
The gears were turning at lightspeed in his head.
He gave no evidence of leadership. None.
I welcome anyone to point out where it was in that interview.
I'm ready for ANYONE TO REPLY.
I've had no one comment on anything I've posted in this thread. Ever.
I'm certain there are scores who disagree with me, and no takers.
No one who wants to debate me or refute me.
Because I'm right on the money, Chachi.
I got a lot of ammo for anyone who thinks I'm dead wrong, and I think readers know it.
I'm ready for anyone.
Political Scientists, Politicians, I don't care who you are.
Bring it.
I'm always ready to talk about Steve Harper and his fuckhead party.
01-17-2012, 08:41 AM
The Liberal party held a convention in Ottawa over the weekend, to try to resurrect the party from the ashes of obliterating defeat in the last election.
People say that they don't know what the Liberal party stands for, and Bob Rae said that was discouraging to hear.
Yes it is, Bob.
When you take the party of Sir Wilfrid Laurier and take it for granted at every turn, what do you expect?
You allowed Harper to walk all over you. You allowed it. And you have no excuse.
Bob, you've been in Federal politics for a LONG time. How were you so asleep at the switch?
How were you not behind the 8-Ball?
You say it was a "perfect storm" that you got caught in during the last election.
No it wasn't.
There was no storm.
I knew (just as you knew) that the Liberals had just as good a shot at defeating Harper as the NDP.
Only difference was we had a SERIOUS leader in Jack Layton, who was determined to be PM.
Ignatieff never seemed really serious. He seemed to be saying "Oh, I could be Prime Minister. Let's do a campaign! Red Door and Blue Door!"
Man, the Liberals were not prepared for the election and they had no way to counter Jack Layton's surge.
You just floundered around until May 2. Your defeat was surprising, because I thought you had political might.
I was totally wrong, wasn't I?
The Liberals just DON'T SEEM SERIOUS.
You want a bombshell Bob?
I would have voted Liberal if you had a Leader with balls and serious moxie.
I would have.
Start grooming Justin Trudeau. He's the only one (that I can see) who could actually ignite the Liberal party back to it's glory days.
But you got a lotta work to do. More than you think, actually.
Because the NDP has INSANE resolve to get rid of Harper in the next election.
01-17-2012, 09:02 AM
Peter MacKay is gonna be on George Snuffleuppagus tonite.
My eyes will be BOLTED to the screen.
He got married over the Christmas break, to distract people from his violent abuse of taxpayer scandals, which continue unabated.
He's in damage control mode, and I want to see just how he spins his shit on National TV.
You can bet on a few things:
He'll be humourous.
He'll be charming.
He needs to MAKE AN IMAGE OF HIMSELF for Canadians- you watch- he's going to spin it until it breaks.
You betcha.
And George is a lightweight host. He'll let "Cormorant Pete" get away with it all.
Sorry Georgey- you're a cool cat, but a lightweight host. Those red chairs aren't exactly hotseats, are they?
01-18-2012, 11:52 AM
Peter MacKay wasn't on Strombo last night as advertised.
I wonder why.
Was the interview scuttled?
Did he refuse to go on air?
I'm insanely curious.
And we have a GIANT bomshell that was dropped yesterday.
A Naval Intelligence Officer at DND has been selling our top secret military secrets to Russia!
Isn't that just dandy?
And MacKay wouldn't confirm or deny anything. Harper wouldn't comment either, he just said "it's before the courts. Good job, RCMP!"
What sacks of shit.
They are so reassuring to us, huh?
I know for a fact that Canada is the most spied on Nation the G8. Why doesn't MacKay? why doesn't Harper?
Why do they leave it up the RCMP to catch this shit?
How oblivious are they?
Hey MacKay!: (I pray at night that he reads this thread)
Why don't you pull your pursed lips off your supermodel bride's labia and do your job?
How come you aren't on top of this?
Oh, you ARE?
How so?
You give us no evidence.
You give us nothing.
You just take. Your face is buried in your wife's crotch and the taxpayers trough all fucking day!
How can we expect otherwise?
Why hasn't he been shitcanned yet?
He is not fit to serve.
And he owes the taxpayers 4 million.
If we lived in medieval times I'd go collect from him, like Eric the Fucking RED.
01-18-2012, 12:47 PM
Who knew?
It's been uncovered that Peter MacKay has also bilked taxpayers for trips to the Grey Cup, which he goes to every year, at $6000 a pop, he's gone to the Boston seafood show in the states and billed the taxpayers for it ($5000+) every year on the taxpayer nickel.
The list is endless on this guy just fleecing and fooling the taxpayers.
01-18-2012, 01:21 PM
Enjoy this ditty. It's bang-on.
01-19-2012, 12:46 PM
All of these scandals should have our Governor General getting ready to pardon the Harper government again.
Tony Clement was on Power & Politics on CBC yesterday, and he said the government is trying to "change the culture" of Ottawa by eliminating a zillion regulations, "red tape", that prevents them from running full bore over our laws.
It is absolutely astounding.
My mind does cartwheels over how blatant and out-in-the-open they are about how they're fucking the country up.
I'm glad you're building all those jails, Harper. You and your pals might be in them soon.
My rage and anger is ramping up so large that I'm thinking of joining Federal politics.
It may take me 20 years to get to the PMO, but if it means that one day I can prosecute the Harper government for treason, why not.
I'll be the first pot smoking PM since Trudeau. It'll be legal by the time I get there anyways.
Is that exciting?
With the crimes this government gets away with, my background foibles are chickenfeed.
And I just learned yesterday that Harper will receive a $233,000 a year pension when he leaves office.
He practically bankrupts our nation, shows no Leadership whatsoever, is paid heftily well for it, makes scads more via the energy sector, AND gets a quarter million a year pension??????
My head is going to pop off my neck!
They have never seen a man like me and never will.
Because guess what will be the first thing I do?
I will ask that my salary be fifty grand- with no other expenses.
None. I'll do it all on 50 Grand a year.
01-20-2012, 05:55 PM
On second thought...maybe not. LOL
01-26-2012, 12:51 PM
Quite a week.
Harper met with First Nations Chiefs this week in Ottawa in what amounts to nothing more than an extravagant photo op.
He promised nothing, and said that he will not abolish the Indian Act, the main thing Chiefs wanted from him.
They all resoundingly said that the meeting was a disappointment, that it lacked any real substance.
They went there expecting some kind of emergency help for desperate reservations who are living in abject poverty and squalor.
What they got was a lot of shuck and jive, a "new beginning" with "incremental" asssistance.
This Prime Minister is a fucking idiot. He should have cut a fucking check, even if he rationaled that it was a political move- he should have done it.
It would've shown he cares and is actually committed to this National Disgrace being remedied.
Conservatives called the meeting "historic".
Yep, it sure was. Why hasn't this meeting happened in the 7 years Harper's been in office, Fucktards?
Why has he allowed it to stain his already useless rep for nigh on 8 years?
INCREMENTAL change? Why are you throwing salt on their already deep wounds, Asshole?
You're GONE in the next election Pal.
All Chiefs resoundly stated that they want the Indian Act destroyed.
A Prime Minister should heed that. A smart one, anyway. Harper said no, fuck you- "those roots are deep, uprooting it will just leave a big hole".
Oh, so an ineffective piece of government business like the gun registry can be scrapped, but not this one?
Just because it's newer?
What planet do you operate on Harper? Get your shit together you sick disgrace of a man!
Right now he's in Davos making astute observations like: "foreign debt is a problem". "Countries are not managing their finances well"
Damn right, Steve! STARTING WITH CANADA.
You are increasing spending at an alarming rate when we have billions in debt to kill- debts which you gave us.
Your Conservative government was handed a SURPLUS in 2005. You blew it to kingdom come just like George Bush down south.
I'll keep reminding you of it because you NEVER EVER mention it for some strange reason.
And my favorite parasite, PETER MACKAY did indeed show up on George Strombo last night.
What a piece of theatre that was!
He did exactly what I predicted and more.
He was charming. He was funny. He was in total damage control mode and he deserves an Oscar for that performance.
He worked in his Nova Scotia rugby heritage, saying "My rugby career CRASHED. My arm was broken". Women in the audience (and at home I'm sure) swooned at his sweaty rugby pics. It was so unbelievable I was howling at my television.
George did ask about the helicopter ride.
And he spun it until broke, just as I dead-bang-on predicted.
He said he used "government resources to do government business. They called me and said they needed me. They were doing a training mission over my lodge and I got on for a ride"
We haven't seen balls of steel like this since Patton.
He lied bold-faced to the Canadian public on National TV and didn't even bat an eye. In fact I think he winked- I may have blinked when he did it....
I've seen the official DND e-mail transcripts, and it TOTALLY contradicts what he said to George.
I think we need to fire him and have him sue the govenment, just like another Conservative MP we all know named Helena.
Then we need Harper to announce that he will "vigourously refute" the batshit insane allegations of Peter MacKay with his own damn e-mails.
He was shuck and jive LIVE, man.LOL
His eyes darted around like a viper. Sooooo shifty.
01-31-2012, 01:39 PM
Parliament resumed in a blaze of bizarre politics by the Conservatives yesterday.
Everyone was on a 6-week (highly paid) break. Wouldn't you like six weeks every Christmas to do what you want, like get married in a gorgeous carribean resort like Peter Mackay? Hey Terrorists! Heads Up! You want a timetable? Look no further than Canada! We got no one flying the plane for almost 2 months! And we have a Defence Minister who doesn't take his job too seriously- come on over! They are INVITING you, EXPECTING YOU! Like the fuckin' LOVE BOAT! CLIMB ABOARD! Just like a lawyer climbing into a Cormorant helicopter!
My God this is horrible. This government is horrible.
They just announced that they will cut Old Age Security when Harper explicitly said during the election that he would never do it.
And that's not all.
They are RAISING the eligibility age from 65 to 67.
Because baby boomers are living longer and working longer. They can "suck it up". What's another 2 years to wait? They live to be 100!
He broke his campaign promise in record time. Who knew? How could he lie to us so? LOL
It's astounding. If he's fucking over the baby boomers, guess who's next? That's right. Their kids. ME. My generation.
There will be no old age security for my generation by the time we get there. Is it because the boomers will bankrupt our resources?
I don't know what to think anymore.
Cutting old age pensions when Federal employees have 24k gold and platinum pensions that are FULLY INDEXED is beyond a sane person's grasp.
How about we the people march on Parliament and demand that no taxpayers will foot the bill for rich people who claim to be working on our behalf?
I think we need a little REVOLUTION up here......
We can put up with a lot, we in Canuckistan.
But we've gotta put a foot down on this FASCIST FUCKHEAD GOVERNMENT.
01-31-2012, 02:03 PM
I'll start a petition to have the average taxpayer REFUSE to pay taxes until we get certain guarantees from the government.
Let's slap an embargo on these jackasses.
It's our tax money.
We should be allowed to do what we want with it, even to the point of demanding that the people we elected to do that very thing have their headgear checked and balanced before spending another single dollar.
This is the kind of thing that could destroy a democracy, but I know democracy doesn't exist here.
02-06-2012, 12:31 PM
You know that bogus, giant, half-baked crime omnibus bill that Harper passed?
Guess what it means?
A guy growing five pot plants will get a much higher mandatory minimum sentence than a guy who rapes a child, than a guy who forces a child to have sex with an animal.
That's a fact.
It's right there in the bill! READ IT if you don't believe me.
The Harper government says that pot growers are drug dealers, and they destroy lives.
I say pot growers SAVE lives.
Cocaine? You might have a point. Heroin? You have a point. Crack, Meth or Ice, you definitely have a point. But Pot???
How about a terminally ill patient who can't eat: you give them THC and voila! They have an appetite.
They can enjoy life a smidge better before they depart this coil.
Giving a pot grower a mandatory minimum that is higher than what a child rapist would get is beyond insane.
It's categorically criminal.
02-06-2012, 12:39 PM
I'm keeping it VERY interesting here, aren't I? LOL
THREE WORDS: Canadian Jewish Congress.
I said the words before and I'm saying them again.
Who is that lobby?
And why are they forcing John Baird to wear a Yamaka while in Israel?
How much control do they have over Stephen Harper and his Conservatives?
I'm not Anti-Semitic- I love Stanley Kubrick- the greatest Jew to ever walk the Earth since Christ himself.
Some of my favorite peeps are Jewish. And Matsah balls are delicious.
No hate here for Jews.
I just want to know why they are fiercely lobbying our Government and winning LARGE.
I want answers on that one.
I do my own research on Harper, and the Canadian Jewish Congress keeps popping up in my searches. And not in a good way.
I want answers. The Canadian people deserve to know what's going on with that shit.
Keep your promises of accountability and transparency you slimy sack of shit....I'll hold you to it until you're gone.
Even if no one else does.
02-10-2012, 01:58 PM
Stephen Harper's Conservatives have done NOTHING for Canada since the election last year.
I want any Canadian Conservative under the sun to join our forums here and tell me differently. I welcome you with open extended arms.
I lean to the Left, but believe it or not my true aim is be non-partisan. But that's an absolute impossibility in today's world.
Absolutely impossible.
Canada's politics is getting worse and worse with every passing day. We have a first-class asshole and delusional idiot as our PM, but the the saddest thing about it is not just how much Canadians don't know about him or what he's actually doing, but that THEY DON'T CARE and it plays right into Harper's agenda like a Swan gliding across a pond.
And when the dust settles and Canadians realize the devastating effects of having him run roughshod over our Land & Laws...
Don't feel sorry for yourselves, Canada.
Don't do it.
You asked for it.
You demanded it.
On May 2, 2011 you told the world that you hate elections and hate them so damn much you'll let a psychopathic capitalist oilman fuckface ruin your nation for 8 straight degrading years.
Good job!
Thanks for showing us how much you love Canada!
You gave Satan's cock-polisher a Majority Government.
Great work!
*wretches & pukes into a snowbank*
02-14-2012, 12:49 PM
More Giant Scandals from Harper's Conservatives. Who knew?
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has disgraced himself beyond belief in the House of Commons yesterday by imitating George W. Bush
by saying to the Opposition:
"Either you're with us or you're with the child pornographers", in reference to new legislation that will allow law enforcement AND the Federal government to spy on everyone- spy on everyone's e-mails, all cell phone records, EVERYTHING.
It's George Orwell's 1984 in spades.
These fuckheads are saying it's in the name of catching child pornographers.
Do they realize that this opens up the Feds and Police to abuse? Because you know it will happen!
The police are always to be trusted with Canadians private info, huh?
Harper is to be trusted with our cell phone records, isn't he? What a colossal fuckin' JOKE.
This is the government we have. They want full power over every single Canadian citizen.
There is no requirement for this legislation. Police forces aren't demanding it. They want help in catching these predators, but not at the cost of liberty and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms! I think! I hope?
You want to stop child porn? Why not build a brand-new police/task force? Like Nixon's DEA?
Make it the number one priority of ONE TASK FORCE. Fully fund it. No citizen would oppose that.
Give us quarterly reports on the strides you make, the in-roads you gain. Because you definitely will, when that's your only focus.
That department would be cheered on every single day by the public.
But the Conservatives are too dumb to think of that.
Their bulbs are too dim to light the room up on that one.
This news should have every Canadian outraged.
George W. Bush did wiretaps on Americans because he could, with the Patriot Act, remember?
We have our own Dubya in Harper.
He's following George's narrow-minded fuckitude to the letter.
And our defence department have made it their de facto policy to obfuscate, to hide information from Canadians.
The CBC broke a scandal yesterday about a submarine we own that was lifted out of the water under the cloak of darkness, covered in a tarp- at 4 in the morning. The Navy officially said they had to do it because of the tide, but that's a crock of horseshit. They did it at 4 in the morning so that no one would see the 16-foot by 13-foot gaping hole in the nose of the HMCS Cornerbrook. The Captain of the sub was fired, because it was his error that he hit the bottom of the ocean and ripped a giant gash in the sonar nose of the sub. That was last June! And we are just hearing of it now!
On CBC! They were given photos of the damaged sub. And they are pretty graphic images of the damage too- damage that the Navy chalked up to "An expensive fender bender"- Right.
Peter Mackay gave us no info on it. I don't even know if was aware of it himself, so oblivious he is.
He was probably eating a seafood dinner again, and afterwards buried himself in his wife's lap- it's way more secure than his job.
He also won't tell us if Canada will buy the same amount of F-35 jets that we originally planned, because the Pentagon in the USA has scaled back their order, which may drive the price up for us. Canadians (taxpayers) want to know how much those fucking jets will cost! AND WE NEVER GET A FUCKING ANSWER ON IT!
How much will the jets cost, {Pete}?
How much will the sub cost to repair, {Pete}?
Why don't you scuttle our 4 measly submarines? Submarines that can't even fire torpedoes? LOL
What are they? Sardine cans that skulk and patrol waters with no capability to defend themselves or our country?
How are these shitheads not fired? I get so angry at the incompetence.
They are paid WAY MORE than me, and they don't give us excellence. They don't give us accountability.
So they should be fired. No waiting for the next election.
We don't have time for "tiny masters" dicking around with our laws and treasury. This shit is important and they shrug it off!
I want their heads on plates.
This is not Canada!
02-15-2012, 01:43 PM
Well Public Safety Minister Vic Toews just got a nasty dose of his own medicine yesterday.
A Twitter user known as "VicyLeaks" (LOL) has begun posting private info (via tweets) of Vic Toews divorce proceedings, just to see how HE likes his dirty laundry shown to the world.
It is reprehensible that it's come to this, but hey, all's fair in love and spying. Right?
02-16-2012, 03:00 PM
This Prime Minister just keeps sinking lower and lower.
Just an hour ago, he had Immigration Minister Jason Kenney do a live media blitz on how the Conservative government will slam the door on immigrants- more evidence of Harper's massive love of humanity.
Kenney was exposed last year for billing taxpayers for his *official business* trips to India, where he strolled around with rich sheiks and was forced to wear a turban the whole time. Never did get the whole truth on that fiasco, or why Kenney wasn't fired. But anyways, here he was on national TV an hour ago, claiming that there are far too many immigrants who are making bogus refugee claims and that it's costing taxpayers too much cash.
I agree there are refugee claims that are not legitimate, but there are not far too many of them. I just heard an expert on CBC discuss how the process we now have in place ( a three-part process) does an excellent job at determining a person's eligibility. And it does it individually.
What Kenney just announced as another bullshit pull-it-out-of-your-ass Bill strips the immigration department of the ability to individually process claims. They are creating lists of which countries are "bad" and which are "good" and they will 100% arbitrarily deport people who happen to be on the lists.
The Immigration Minister himself has decided that he and he alone will have sole discretion as to who stays and who goes. ONE MAN! One man gets all that power!
Can you believe that shit?
What a way to mislead the people! What a way to obfuscate the fact that we don't have a crisis of refugee claims or that the system we have in place is a better alternative to Bad and Good "Lists", a la Oskar Schindler.
This Harper government can't make an informed decision to save their fucking lives.
The Montreal massacre at Polytechnique where 14 women were killed was the reason the gun registry was created.
And the Harper government just won the vote in the House yesterday to officially kill it.
They were even CELEBRATING.
Their conduct is beyond disgraceful.
I watched person after person on TV last night cry and sob about how much of an insult killing the gun registry is to the women who died in that massacre. How does Harper sleep at night?
CELEBRATING over destroying a gun registry that was created to honor 14 dead Canadian women?
How can you celebrate such a thing?
How can you smirk and smile?
02-17-2012, 08:12 AM
Even die-hard Conservatives are upset over Harper's invasion of privacy bill.
Right-Wing radio pundits are criticizing Harper's Batshit insane idea. *Gasp! The Horror!*
Rex Murphy was on The National last night firing rockets at Justin Trudeau.
Too bad almost everything he was saying could be applied to Harper.
I've lost faith in Rex. He defends Harper and it baffles the brain beyond belief.
The Bogeyman IS Harper, Rex.
I'm sorry you're too dumb to see it. Or are you fucking with us?
I'm sorry your perceptions aren't honed enough to be aware of it.
Trudeau is right on the money. I've already moved to Quebec since the last election. If Harper is allowed to transform Canada into a Banana Republic via the energy sector, then I'm well within my rights to say "My Canada doesn't exist anymore. It was hijacked by a braindead ideological clown. I'm down with Quebec, and I'm down with separation. No I'm not French. But I am their newly adopted son. Fuck Fascism. When it's out of our government I'll consider being a citizen again. Until then, everyone else can live and die in Harperland".
Harper's legacy is a travesty.
An absolute dog's breakfast.
He hasn't had one single good idea in his whole 8 years in Ottawa.
The only campaign promise he kept was one that insulted dead Quebec women and made every redneck with a rifle shout "Yahoo!!"
No wonder Conservatives were celebrating- they actually kept a campaign promise. One! Too bad it took a majority government that allows them to steamroll over everybody to get it done. Because they couldn't do it to save their lives otherwise....
Why hasn't Peter MacKay been fired? I hope opposition MP's are compiling a compelling case to have him fired.
Because all of the smoking guns are WHITE HOT.
He's already done like dinner as far as I'm concerned. I want him shitcanned so bad you can't believe it.
I want that smug prick hitting the pavement ASAP.
He's a fraud, a serial liar and a titanic hypocrite.
Plus he's not qualified for his job.
Why are taxpayers still paying his salary?
02-17-2012, 08:29 AM
According to Yoko Ono, Stephen Harper is barred, PROHIBITED from singing John Lennon songs.
Her company Lenono yanked Harper's youtube video of him singing Lennon's "Imagine" *badly* and gave him a terse warning to never sing John Lennon songs ever again.
I'm not the biggest fan of Yoko's, but THANK YOU YOKO!
You stood up for your husband's work in a great way!
John would've read Harper the RIOT ACT if was alive...
Fuck, having your greatest song butchered by such a loveless's horrifying.
02-21-2012, 10:08 AM
Considering how no one will debate me here, I will put forward arguments by people who disagree with my position on Harper and then refute it.
I just read on Yahoo an article about how Harper's government is no more or less legitimate than any other Majority government that Canada has ever had. Anti-Conservatives (like ME) like pointing out that Harper only had 40% support in the last election, therefore his mandate is a sliver of the population.
The Yahoo article pointed out that Trudeau had not much more, Jean Chretien didn't have much more than 40% in his three governments, so if it was good enough for Chretien, then why isn't it good for Harper?
Jean Chretien was never found in contempt of Parliament (TWICE).
Jean Chretien cared about Canada- he was a student of Trudeau.
Jean Chretien wasn't ideological about his role as Prime Minister- he knew his job was to LEAD.
Jean Chretien balanced the books (with Paul Martin)- that fact alone destroys Harper- because your government isn't worth a fuckin' popcorn fart if you can't craft a sound budget and give Canadians surpluses upon surpluses, like we fully deserve, living in a country with VAST resources nothing less is acceptable- Harper is perfectly Ok with driving Canada economically into the ground. Something that was abhorrent to the Liberals is quite fine with Harper and his Conservatives. They can afford to kick the can when balancing the books isn't anywhere near a priority.
(Lining their pockets is).
I'm sick of the media defending a traitor and delusional LIAR.
Ì'm glad the media are so comfortable with Harper.
Real glad. They earn their pay.
You'd better believe I'll remember it.
Because the media have no foresight.
No intuition on such important matters.
02-23-2012, 03:20 PM
Biggest bombshell yet:
The Harper government may have cheated in the last election to secure their razor-thin majority.
The largest instance of fraud to hit the radar in Elections Canada history is due to the legion of "Robo-Calls" to Liberal voters in Ontario telling them that their voting station had been changed- in most cases they got the call the DAY OF the election! The calls came at strange hours and it threw Liberal voters off. Some were keen enough to report the abnormality of the calls to Elections Canada, who is investigating this vigorously.
The calls originated from a Conservative call centre in Alberta, and Harper says that he has no idea about the issue- he never knew a thing about it.
We'll see if that's true. He's a serial liar, so it doesn't look good for him.
I hope he covered his tracks well!
Because I pray that this is the one scandal that buries him, that brings him in front of a judge and results in him being relieved of his role as Prime Sinister.
Harper just gave $27 million to Natives to help them finish school. I like how he mops up his messes after being slammed completely in the media.
He does nothing, gets absolutely lambasted for it, then cuts a check to "get back" at his critics.
I hate his fuckin' guts.
I hate anyone who is 1000% political.
They have no humanity and do not belong on my planet, let alone be in control of anything.
We'll see how this unfolds.
This criminal government's past is slowly catching up to them.
I want 'em to BURN.
Can't you tell?
02-27-2012, 10:45 AM
Defence Minister Peter MacKay is in even more hot water now.
He fucking RAN from reporters and journalists last friday at the Chateau Laurier hotel.
Because it has just been uncovered that he ordered military personnel(high ranking ones too) to fish for instances of Liberals using military flights to debate in the House of Commons.
This is unprecedented. Using military staff to search for items to use for partisan debate!
And guess who he debated with in the House?
Liberal MP Scott Simms, who was on a Cormorant helicopter training mission AT MACKAY'S REQUEST in January 2011!!!!!!!!!!!
A training mission that MacKay ordered for Simms was used to counter the scandal that MacKay was picked up at his fishing lodge!??!?!?!?!?!
I'm absolutely blown away at his balls.
MacKay is a total fuckhead liar hypocrite piece of shit and why he hasn't been shitcanned is a question for the Amazing Kreskin.
This Robo-Call scandal is also far-reaching and totally "NIXONIAN" to quote Bob Rae.
NDP iterim Leader Turmel said that it undermines Canadians' faith in the electoral system and an emergency debate is being demanded in the House TODAY. The fallout on this could unravel Harper's government in short order.
36 ridings so far have reported the scandal, and by-elections may be called for every single one now.
This isn't an isolated incident as Peter Mackay claims. When 36 fucking ridings are reporting this, then something's up.
The calls have been recorded by many people who were keen to pick up on the abnormality of the calls.
This is George W. Bush tactics: "We'll win Florida. You can write it down"-type shit.
Remember shortly after the election when I said that the Conservative scandals will rack up and spiral out of control?
02-27-2012, 01:32 PM
The Harper government has no defence here.
I'm watching how Harper handles this issue like a SUPERHAWK.
Orders came from the top. Harper fosters this kind of dirty politics and embodies a "Win by any means necessary" attitude.
This scandal will even have Conservatives saying "It's something Harper is capable of".
Can anyone in this country put these robo-calls past the Robot Harper?
Hell no.
This has his stamp of approval all over it.
The trick here is to find out who knows what, and who ordered what. All roads lead to the PMO as far as I'm concerned, because there were no robo-calls reported in Quebec- isn't that odd? (the Conservatives wouldn't DARE try something like robo-calls in Quebec- Quebecers are way too smart)- and look what happened in Quebec- the whole damn province voted NDP. Harper underestimated the Quebec factor. The Robo-Calls were in ridings that were close between the Liberals and Conservatives. Coincidence? I think not.
This was orchestrated and ORDERED from the top. Approved from the criminal PM down. I'm sure they used area codes from the U.S. or other parts of North America to re-direct the source of the calls, but I think we can get to the bottom of it by appealing to Conservatives with a conscience who know something. You want to be a HERO Conservative that I will high-five and buy a beer for?
Your boss is a sitting duck for a nice long jail term for election fraud- throw him under the bus, as he so likes to do to peeps who don't tickle his fancy.
Harper's got a date with a judge and jury.
02-29-2012, 02:52 PM
This scandal just keeps on picking up steam.
Harper's response to this issue has been "Prove it. I dare you."
Only problem is, he's got all of the info.
He knows what companies were used, he has the voter lists.
If he really and truly has nothing to hide then he should have no problem bending over backwards to prove his innocence.
His party is taking artillery shell hits every single day over it, so he'd better mobilize with transparency.
So far he's provided nothing but lip service to the Official Opposition.
Why hasn't he accepted a single media interview on this?
Bob Rae was on CBC mere HOURS after he found out who was at the root of the Vikileaks30 thing.
He rightly said: "I'm here taking full responsibility. Where is Harper taking full responsibility for the robocalls?"
Why does he never give interviews to media ASAP? Is he above that shit? It has to "fit into" his schedule?
The more you duck and jive, dare and scare the more you look like you are FULLY responsible.
Give Elections Canada and the RCMP every single thing you know.
Or we're gonna have Judge Gomery lower the boom on your government, just like the Liberals after the Sponsorship scandal.
That was just some greedy fucks lining their pockets.
This is subverting DEMOCRACY- attacking Canadian rights. It is 1000% ILLEGAL.
This could end with the Conservative party being stripped of all of their assets, stripped of their status as a National political Party, and key players thrown into jail.
Please Lord Almighty MAKE. IT. SO.
Harper is so fucked it's insane. How ironic that he could be destroyed in the exact same way as the Liberals were when he took power.
The irony is so rich and thick it's astonishing.
I said before that Harper won't leave unless he's in handcuffs. That day is inching closer and closer.
I also said that the Conservatives never change their ways and that it's just a matter of time before they implode.
Looky what we're witnessing!
Harper's response to the Robo-Call scandal has been nothing but -"Robo-Answers" according to Bob Rae.
They keep saying that if the opposition has proof then provide it.
But the Conservative party itself has the proof.
They have the lists. They have the info on who they hired for their campaigns. If you don't want to hand that information over Steve, then we'll wrench it out of you with warrants and a full public inquiry.
Fall on your sword or prove to Canada that you are truly not guilty by being COMPLETELY transparent, as you promised all election long last year.
Time to nut up.
Time to put your money where your mouth is.
The onus is on YOU to prove you had nothing to do with this. Because you have the most to lose.
The NDP and Liberals have already submitted what they have and will submit everything they get in the next days and months.
The Conservatives have the most to lose.
Don't you, Harper?
So be forthcoming or you'll go to jail.
You win some, you lose some. Right?
03-01-2012, 08:58 AM
This scandal will take time to solve.
A lot of time, I gather. Elections Canada just announced last night that the investigation has just expanded, to Thunder Bay Ontario.
It could take months or years to fully realize who perpetrated this.
Technology was used to pull this scam off, and it will take technology to root out the truth.
RackNINE is one of the companies (in Edmonton Alberta) who were used by the Conservatives in their election campaign, so we already have a smoking gun. We also have audio recordings that Liberal voters made of the robo-calls- another smoking gun. We just need the trigger man.
Another smoking gun is that the Conservatives fired a 22 year-old kid who worked on the Guelph campaign- another one thrown under the bus- and he says he was not guilty- so he needs to take the stand. Peter MacKay said it was this one kid who pulled a prank, case closed.
Holy Fuck is he stupid.
Obfuscate away, Cormorant Pete!
Ha Ha!
Your word is worth less than shit on my shoe.
Harper hasn't done a single media interview on this and refuses to grant one.
Shouldn't he answer for this? Besides saying it's a smear campaign by the Opposition?
That's incredibly rich, as he's THE KING OF SMEAR.
He smeared Stephane Dion, he *gleefully* smeared Michael Ignatieff, he smeared Nycole Turmel, and he somehow thinks he's being smeared with cold hard facts about his party's deceptions and criminal activity?
His balls can't fit into the country.
Forget his person- his BALLS can't fit.
The day we find out what happened here is the day I celebrate. Because I have a strong hunch that on that day we will see a Prime Minister reduced to Bernie Madoff's social status.
Take all the time you need RCMP and Elections Canada- be thorough.
Leave no Tory unturned.
There may be Tories who have nothing to do with this (the ones who aren't close to Harper but suck his toes nonetheless) and I feel sorry for them.
You got caught in the headlights of a party with no leadership, morals or souls.
03-02-2012, 12:44 PM
The Harper government has changed it's position every single day on this scandal.
Day 1 was "Prove it. I Dare you".
Day 2 was "Give your proof to Elections Canada" (they already did- no direction needed from Tories on that)
Day 3 was "It was one 22 year-old kid who pulled a prank. Case Closed"
Day 4 was "We ran a clean campaign. We will not do our own investigation"
Day 5 was "The Liberal party has perpetuated this. It's a smear all the way"
I'm waiting to see what they give today as their position, because Elections Canada just gave us the scope of this:
31, 000 complaints have poured in to Elections Canada about this issue!
To give you some context, every election has under 1000 complaints registered after an election.
This is THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND and counting!
Harper should be shitting his pants, because this is unprecedented.
This was well-funded, well-organized, and we will see what the investigations uncover.
I can't wait to find out what happened. I'm licking my chops.
These fuckers are gonna get exactly what's coming to them.
Cormorant Pete and Harper can share a cell as far as I'm concerned. They can read each other bedtime stories and tuck each other in at night, watch each other's backs in the joint. You know, jail buddies! Keeping an eye out for Bubba who wants Harper's pale ass in the worst way. LOL
How aweome would it be if Harper is thrown into jail over this?
That was his agenda all along I think!
He built those prisons for himself!
He knew he was going to jail, so he might as well make the taxpayers pay for the prisons before he's shipped off to one.
Dag Nabbit I think that's it!
I'm having so much fun with this it's crazy.
Hey Canada! we could have avoided this whole mess if you saw through Harper to begin with.
You trusted him, and now look what we got: the biggest election fraud scandal in Canadian history. A sophisticated one too.
Bravo. Thanks for voting Conservative.
When the party is stripped of everything it owns and Harper is thrown in prison, what will you say?
It was a conspiracy? He was rail-roaded? HA HA HA!
He did it to himself.
Fuck him. Let him burn. I hate his guts and can't WAIT to see how this unfolds.
03-02-2012, 01:09 PM
Yes, Elections Canada is SWAMPED, inundated, deluged with complaints over these dirty tricks.
This ain't a couple pranksters. This is systemic, and was planned carefully.
I can't wait to see who the man behind the curtain is.
03-06-2012, 09:56 AM
Now the Conservatives say it was Elections Canada who is at fault for the RoboCalls.
Right. That's excuse number 18 in 6 days.
It's Obfuscation 101!
These clowns have had a different excuse every single day. It's incredible.
Nothing says "GUILTY" like feeding everyone excuses day after day, does it?
Conservative MP Dean del Mastro has been designated as the fat and overweight excuse maker for Harper. Every day he stands up in the House of Commons and "speaks for" the Conservative party. Isn't that curious?
How come Harper can't speak for himself on this?
It's extremely funny that the Conservatives refuse to look into this matter. They will not conduct their own investigation.
They are deflecting every single thing that comes their way.
Not exactly looking innocent, are they?
Dean del Mastro is also a fucking hypocrite. After accusing the Liberals of using American PR firms to help them win the election, it was uncovered by the CBC that Mastro and 14 other Conservatives did the exact same thing! Then he backtracked, giving a half-assed apology, then dropped the issue completely. Thank the LORD for the CBC keeping close tabs on this.
And for any Conservative who thinks there is no proof- Elections Canada would not have moved forward with affidavits and supeoneas unless there was clearly something illegal going on. The matter would have been dropped due to insufficient evidence.
But it wasn't. In fact the investigation has expanded. I think we'll see some shocking revelations soon.
Guelph was just the red flag riding. And the firing of the Conservative campaign kid (23 year-old Sona) right after was another red flag rocketing up the flagpole.
The Conservative party has done nothing to eliminate suspicion.
In fact they have poured gasoline on this fire by having Harper refuse to answer questions, refuse to take a media interview, and delegate a fat fuck hound dog to speak for you. Watch out Mr. del MASTRO! Harper may be using you as a patsy. Stay on your toes! That fucker is ruthless!
Busses are idling, ready for more Conservative MPs who need to be thrown under! Hold Tight! Count of Three! Gotta stay close to thee!
They said yesterday that the Liberals were calling their own supporters to suppress their own vote.
Only someone like Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber would come up with that. Only a completely oblivious teenager would come up with that.
It's so batshit insane that it's not even worth mentioning. Anything to obfuscate, huh Tories?
And remember Rob Anders? The Conservative MP who fell asleep in the House of Commons?
Well he fell asleep again, this time at a Homeless Military Veterans Committee meeting in Halifax. First, he was caught texting and being absent-minded, ignoring key speakers who were giving VERY IMPORTANT speeches. Then he starts to nod off in his chair! His head even bounced off the table!
Then after the meeting, he is confronted by one of the speakers (a card-carrying Conservative to boot! Holy Shit!) and what does Anders do?
He calls the man "an NDP-HACK" for asking him why he was sleeping during his speech.
Anders also laughed when told (with hard facts) that Russia takes better care of their veterans than Canada.
He called the man a Vladimir Putin supporter. Amazing. Just amazing.
(Anders is on the Veterans Committee for Canada)
On CBC's Power & Politics last night NDP & Liberal MP's spoke of how Rob Anders routinely nods off during meetings, is rude and is often texting on his blackberry during important meetings and conferences.
Another shithead Conservative who will no doubt keep his job. If Harper fired every Conservative who sucked he'd have no caucus.
03-07-2012, 10:12 AM
The information on this scandal is coming out in "drips and drabs" as the pundits say, and we have a very serious situation right now.
In the House of Commons yesterday it was revealed that RackNine received a check from the "Government of Canada" (for millions?) but the Conservatives never listed it on their expense claims. NDP interim Leader Turmel asked if the Prime Minister knows why.
Two other companies received monies from Conservatives and we are getting no info from them on who or what or how or when.
NO ANSWER from Harper.
None. Zilch. He just pointed the finger at the Liberal party.
But the real smoking gun is this:
Both the NDP and Liberal parties have agreed to give the Chief Electoral Officer more powers to investigate as he requested.
That's the biggest smoking gun in this whole situation.
Why would you deny the Chief Electoral Officer the FULL POWER to find out what happened here?
No innocent party would do that. No innocent man would prevent that.
You want proof that the Conservative party are CRIMINALS?
There it is.
They refuse to give the Chief Electoral Officer full access to everything they have.
This just got some mighty legs.
They are saying "CATCH US IF YOU CAN".
Don't worry Tories.
The clock is ticking hard and loud on your total doom.
They were found in contempt of Parliament almost a year to the day last year- for the exact same reason- for withholding information.
Harper's government fell on a non-confidence vote almost exactly a year ago for the exact same reasons. ELECTION TIME?????? Holy Shit!
DEJA VU or fucking what!?!?!?!?
03-07-2012, 10:21 AM
And in a related note, the Harper government yesterday dropped their appeal of the "IN AND OUT" scandal from 2006- they had to pay back 250,000 dollars to the taxpayers for overspending on their campaign.- they almost got away with it if it wasn't for keen Elections Canada auditors.
They have "agreed to disagree" with Elections Canada on their verdict and dropped their appeal yesterday.
If you ever needed to connect the dots on a nefarious, underhanded political party- DO SO NOW CANADA!
03-07-2012, 10:57 AM
Conservative MP Rob Anders apologized for being a total loser sack of shit in the House of Commons yesterday, but it fell on deaf ears. Literally.
There was no one there to hear him. I think he made the apology when the cleaners were vacuuming the empty Commons seats at 6 AM yesterday. Check the tape- no one was there. Just a live camera feed.
And his apology has not been accepted by the offended Homeless Military Vets volunteers.
They stated that they want his resignation and they want him removed from the Veterans Commitee because they do not trust him at all.
And if you needed further proof of the Conservatives being 100% hypocrites, they want the Liberal staffer who was behind the Vikileaks Twitter account to appear before a committee.
Bob Rae took responsibility for that. It's over. Nothing was illegal about Vikileaks anyway. Everything on this Twitter account was already public domain. It was reprehensible what he did, but he resigned and Bob Rae took the brunt. The kid won't be charged, so what's the fuss?
Fuck off with more about it.
03-07-2012, 06:14 PM
The beauty of all this is that these fraudulent calls are completely trackable and traceable.
The RCMP will wrench the voter call lists from Harper in due time.
I'm not worried.
He's doomed.
It appears what happened here is millions of calls were made to determine who was voting Conservative or not.
If you answered "NO" when a caller asked you if you were going to vote Conservative, they would thank you and hang up.
Normally (in a clean campaign) that would be it. You were identified as a non-supporter with a mark on the list.
But what happened here is if you said you were not voting Conservative they would put your name on a separate list, a list of callers who will get "special" calls on or real close to election day. Calls from "someone" (Pierre Poutine??) saying that they are from Elections Canada and that your polling station was changed. Changed to a parking lot, a lake, a non-existant building- you name it.
It's been reported that people just gave up and didn't vote when they realized they were duped.
That's voter supression. It's dirty and it sux. It turns people right off voting for good.
It's reinforces the notion that all politicians are crooks without a shred of integrity in their body.
In the United States apparently this kind of thing is so rampant it's off the fuckin' moonbase.
Superpacs and all that.
Mitt Romney spent TEN TIMES what his opponents did to win Super Tuesday.
And he didn't win no great shakes, did he?
He got Ohio, but so what.
Obama will destroy all comers.
Here in Canada we take this election fraud shit seriously.
We're trying to nip this in the bud, but we're being stonewalled by the government.
I hope all Conservative supporters are watching this with shame. Complete, utter shame.
They lie, cheat and steal routinely.
They display hypocrisy 24/7 and cannot take responsibility for anything. It's embarassing.
Harper is not fit to lead a person to the bathroom.
He's not even a human being to me.
He's just slime in a suit. Period. full Stop.
03-07-2012, 06:57 PM
Another reprehensible scandal:
The NDP tabled a motion to ask that the government NOT cut Veterans Affairs in any way in the next budget.
And guess what happened?
The Conservatives voted AGAINST IT.
They shot it down. They said they will cut 18,000 jobs at Veterans Affairs. No choice.
Yeah, like these jobs will have any dent in their debt reduction schemes.
It doesn't get any lower than that. Balancing the books on Seniors (Old Age Security) and Veterans.
The people's party all the way, huh?
People before profits, huh?
03-09-2012, 12:59 PM
I'm really sick and tired of that fat fuck Dean del "Hypocrite" Mastro.
He stands up every single day in the House of Commons and repeats the exact same talking points- telling the Liberals that their own party is behind these allegations. He keeps saying these allegations are "BASELESS".
Let me be clear, Dean-O:
RMG and RACKNINE are 2 companies that the Conservatives used in the last campaign and campaigns before that- Harper's old buddy and advisor Tom Flanagan said that RMG is responsible for the Conservative party winning the 2006 election.
Stephen Harper is on record as calling Elections Canada "Just a Bunch of Jackasses".
The Conservatives were found guilty of election fraud in 2006- they just dropped their appeal of the decision.
This is a pattern.
This is categorically a pattern.
Harper's personal campaign was handled by RackNINE in Edmonton, so what fucking planet is he on when he says he doesn't know what RackNINE does? They received a check (for millions?) from the "Government of Canada" and the Tories didn't report it on their election expenses. What's that all about?
These fuckfaces do not care one iota about fairness, logic, accountability or transparency, despite flapping their gums that they do.
The proof is in their actions.
They aren't transparent to save their lives.
The Liberals and NDP have already handed over everything they have to Elections Canada, so the Conservatives can stop demanding that they do so. The Conservatives, on the other hand, have handed over NOTHING as of yet. They say that if Elections Canada asks, they will give them what they want. (meanwhile they are shredding documents I gather).
They will not provide anything voluntarily to Elections Canada- it has to be wrenched out of them, criminal assholes that they are.
They say that Elections Canada doesn't need any more powers to investigate like the Chief Electoral Officer asked for, so that's why they will not grant him any more power.
Start preparing jail cells for 163 Conservative FUCKHEADS.
They are the party that is under investigation here, no one else.
If the Liberals or NDP were under investigation, what kind of righteous indignation would they get from the Tories?
It would be like ten thousand tsunamis coupled with ten thousand earthquakes.
Parliament's walls would shake if the shoe was on the other foot.
This party is going down like a certain ship 100 years ago this April 15....
03-13-2012, 12:18 PM
After the last two days, I am voting NDP for the rest of my life. No quarter will be given to the Liberal party anymore.
The Guelph riding just took a wierder turn: the Liberals did RoboCalling of their own during the last election.
Proof has surfaced that the Guelph riding had Liberal robocalls telling voters that the Conservative candidate was anti-abortion.
That in and of itself is not illegal, but what is illegal is not identifying yourself when you call- which is what the Liberals did here.
"The Big Red Machine" has pissed me off for the last time.
Just when we have Harper where we want him, this bullshit appears.
Fuckin GRITS....
03-14-2012, 12:33 PM
The Conservative government just fucked the common worker up the ass.
Legislation that was pulled out of a fucking hat to force Air Canada workers to work was passed at 1:30 in the morning today.
They fucked the workers at Canada Post up the ass last June, and now they've taken the collective bargaining rights away from pilots and baggage handlers who moved to go on strike. It's absolutely incredible.
Minister of Labour (HA HA what a fuckin' JOKE!!!) LISA RAITT said that the economy was more important than the petty requests of Air Canada workers.
Stephen Harper is clearly not interested in running a good government.
He doesn't have any desire to run a government that is fair, accountable or ethical.
If Canadians think for one second that this man is good for the country then they aren't paying any attention to him.
Which is what he wants. He wants you not to care.
The debate I watched last night on CPAC into the wee hours was nothing short of breathtaking.
The Conservatives smirked and mocked the opposition for hours and hours, knowing that no matter what, the legislation was going to pass. Because they have a majority. They refused to acknowledge the blistering truth and laser-debating by the NDP and Liberals.
They set time limits on the debates, and obfuscated at every turn.
This government sucks GIANT donkey cock and will for the next 3 years.
If I could, I would seal off the House of Commons with all Conservatives inside and gas those fuckers.
I'd bring in 163 body bags and announce with great fanfare to the Canadian people that the dire threat to democracy is GONE.
(And don't go into Parliament for a few weeks until we get rid of the stench of their dead carcasses! We have to Febreeze that place!)
03-14-2012, 12:41 PM
Conservative MP Mike Lake is my new bitch.
This idiot stood up in the House yesterday and advertized himself like a whore.
He gave us his resume: He was an advertizing hawk for the Edmonton Oilers.
Why does he have such shitty hair- coiffed and gray?
Why did he act like Don Juan in the House of Commons? Selling and shucking and jiving?
I'm watching You, MIKE LAKE.
I hate the cut of your arrogant jib. I'm looking for you to hit the pavement, just like your colleague Cormorant Pete.
Fucking SALESMAN in goverment. Hit the road, Jack.
03-15-2012, 02:12 PM
Dean del Mastro stood up in the House of Commons yesterday and said that the Conservative party is NOT under investigation by Elections Canada.
Dean, the lies of your party are not washing. Your spin has no effect on the truth.
The Conservative party IS under investigation, Paco.
What prompted this whole debacle Dean?
That's right: abnormalities with regards to the Tory campaign in Guelph. That's where it began, ASSWIPE.
Quit lying in the House.
And tell your boss to stop lying too.
He will be found guilty of perjury one day. Mark my words.
I'm following this so closely that I can make predictions like this. I can be prophetic.
Am I the only man in Canada who follows this shit every day?
I hate politics but I know it can be honorable. Jack Layton proved that.
Nycole Turmel is proving it. She stuck it to Harper yesterday, boy!
She looked Prime Ministerial yesterday, not Harper. He never does to me. Slime has a bad public image...
Her days as interim Leader are drawing to a close, but what was supposed to be a 2 month stint turned into almost ten months.
Bravo Nycole!
You held his slimy feet to the fire at every turn and NDP voters are justifiably proud of you. Because you had no prior experience and you stepped up like A CHAMPION and laid the smackdown on Harper many times in Question Period.
You made him look like the sack of shit he is.
Love you for it my Dear!
MY MP!!!!
In my RIDING!!!!
03-16-2012, 12:24 PM
The Auditor General is investigating the Conservative party to see if they deliberately misled Parliament on the F-35 procurement.
For months and months the Tories have been saying that the contract they signed for the F-35 is a done-deal.
Harper campaigned on that fact all election long.
Now they say that no contract was ever signed.
No contract? EVER???
So you lied repeatedly to Canadians?
I hope the Auditor General has a HEAVY FUCKING HAND on this....
03-16-2012, 12:40 PM
AND the Auditor General is also allowing Public Works to investigate the Department of National Defence, to see how they award contracts for work. Some seriously fishy shit has surfaced with regards to awarding contracts.
This government is CONSTANTLY under investigation!
For one thing or another, some authority is always looking into their crimes.
Why do Canadians turn a blind eye to this?
Why do they think Harper is acceptable as a Prime Minister?
The evidence is not a mountain- it's a PLANET. A planet ten times the size of Jupiter.
It's breathtaking how government employees can keep their jobs for such catastrophic job performance, huh?
With fully indexed pensions and 24 weeks severance for only serving ONE YEAR!
I've gotta get into government.
Gotta get my snout in that corrupt trough.
Gotta line my pockets and be a soulless animal ASAP.
Conservative MP's inspire me.
03-16-2012, 01:59 PM
Stephen Harper has been asked every single day in Question Period why he will not open a public inquiry into the RoboCall scandal.
He says Elections Canada is equipped to handle the situation.
Quit stonewalling and fucking around!
He hopes this scandal will just go way, like all the others.
If the Liberal Sponsorship scandal could have a full public inquiry (which was nothing compared to these allegations) then let's kick out the jams, Harper!
DEMOCRACY is at risk here.
If you are innocent, then you have zero to worry about, don't you?
You will be cleared of all wrongdoing, won't you?
So let's get this public inquiry rolling.
Until you do, you are 1000% GUILTY.
You are doing nothing to prove your innocence and EVERYTHING to prove your guilt.
I'm glad it's catching up to you, Mr. Obfuscation.
Really glad.
You can shuck and jive in a jail cell from now on.
See how far your politicking gets you in there, ASSCLOWN.
03-19-2012, 10:43 AM
Stephen Harper has started airing attack ads on TV against Liberal interim Leader Bob Rae.
Another election isn't due for 3 YEARS. (unless Harper is thrown in jail as I pray everyday for- maybe he knows something I don't?)
Are these attack ads necessary?
Bob Rae won't even be LEADER then. Someone else will.
What do these attack ads prove?
That Harper is petty and Fickle-Fuckle, even when there is no election on the horizon for 3 years.
I'm not voting Liberal ever again, but we don't need smears like this when there is no election in sight for 3 damn years.
But if Harper thinks smears are fine right now, then I would suggest all Opposition parties get cracking with their finely crafted ads.
They have enough ammo to smear Harper for a DECADE.
This man doesn't hesitate to smear- even when he has a Majority government and even when there is no election in sight for years.
That's the lowest of the low.
That's a slimy sack of shit.
Canadians like him?
Canucks think he's doing GREAT?
Lord have mercy on them- they know not what they think.
03-21-2012, 10:31 AM
On RoboCalls in the past Canadian election, former aide to Stephen Harper Ian Brodie said:
"Something seems to have gone on- on a scale I've never seen before"
Tell your former boss to open a full public inquiry IAN.
If the scale of this alarms even you, then lean on your former boss.
I know he won't listen, but I figured I'd say it anyway.
Harper is hoping this will go away, like everything else does.
And it might.
Business as usual in Ottawa.....
03-22-2012, 08:06 AM
A DND Official (name: ALAN WILLIAMS) who inked the "deal" for the F-35 planes has just come out to the National Post that Conservative MP's pushed hard for this deal, and that Canadians were TOTALLY misled. The military itself decided what plane to get, with total support from "Lockheed" Tory MP's.
Can someone go to jail for this? Harper? Maybe? Possibly? Remotely? Hmm?
This is the most corrupt political party Canada has EVER SEEN.
03-23-2012, 07:36 AM
Industry Minister and Conservative MP Christian Paradis was found guilty of ethics violations by the Ethics Commissioner yesterday and Harper just announced in Thailand that he will not punish Paradis. He said that the minister should just learn from his mistake and carry on.
Is this shit mind-blowing or what?
Another shithead Conservative criminal who will keep his job no matter what he did.
MARY MOTHER OF GOD Get Rid of this Government.
Lord help us.
03-26-2012, 12:06 PM
The New Democratic Party has a new leader: THOMAS MULCAIR.
I was pulling for Brian Topp, who came second in the Leadership campaign, but I accept Mr. Mulcair as Leader.
Now we can begin brooming out the Conservative party.
As the NDP just said, we're taking the fight to Harper.
He will not believe what will happen from now on.
The Conservative party has already proven to Canada that they are not fit to lead.
Not only that, but we all have a very strong hunch that they did some illegal tricks during the last election.
We're sweeping you to the curb.
03-27-2012, 08:47 AM
The F-35 boondoggle is insane.
The CBC uncovered documents from DND that confirm all kinds of "Un-Readyness" with regards to the aircraft's construction.
And the Conservatives conveniently never mentioned any of it to Parliament or the Canadian people.
Harper kept us abreast of nothing, all the while saying this is the only aircraft that meets our specs.
Funny, considering they never LOOKED at any other aircraft. And the reason for that is the military itself chose the plane for itself and the Tories said OK, we'll push hard for it for you. Fine with them, because they probably got kickbacks from Lockheed Martin for doing so!
When I was a soldier, the Chief of Defence Staff spoke to my Battalion once in Calgary.
He asked us what kind of equipment we would like to see. We all resoundly said 'Hummers', armoured humvees, like the Marines used.
The Chief said he'll make a note of that.
We never heard back.
That's how I know that the government doesn't give a fuck what the military wants.
I experienced it firsthand.
Not only did we never get hummers, but our BASE was shut down and moved three hours up the road.
I took my release from the Army and so did 150 other well-trained MEN.
A lot of them had wives with good jobs in Calgary and a 3-hour commute was insane. The government did not care.
Peter MacKay said he wasn't an expert on the F-35 (damn right you're not Cormorant!- stick to the legal profession asshole!) but that the deal HAD to go through. Why?
Was Lockheed witholding your check?
All eyes should be on Fantino and MacKay and Harper for this debacle. One thing I can't stand is how the Tories just make decisions without consulting anyone else. They think they know best. That is political poison, and they should know it.
The Opposition is systematicallly taking the Tories apart, and I hope Canadians are watching.
Watch CPAC- Watch the CBC- they are on top of this in a GREAT way. They won't steer you wrong.
Harper has contempt for Canada and his opponents. It is his doom. He will not work with anyone. He demands compliance, and when he doesn't get it, he locks himself in bathrooms and will not come out. LOL
(He dwells a lot on American Standards, remember...)
Yesterday in Question Period Conservative MP/Secretary Dean del Mastro smugly smirked and called NDP MP Charlie Angus "Eminem from 8 Mile". (??)
Before sitting down in his Commons seat Dean said: "He's not the real slim shady"- to which Charlie replied in bazooka fashion:
You can keep trying to hip-hop over the issues, but I'm gonna read the long Conservative rap sheet to Canadians!
How lame is it that Conservatives use Eminem to make a point? Then they get smacked down for it by a laser-sharp Charlie Angus, one of my favorite MP's- he really hammers these Tories in Question Period. I love it when he stands up to speak. Some tasty Angus Beef at all times!
03-28-2012, 12:44 PM
The Conservatives will reveal their next federal budget in 2 days, and it will be the biggest slap in the face to every Canadian we've ever seen.
$8 Billion in spending cuts, to ensure that the Tories can say during the next election campaign: "Hey, we reduced the deficit by X number of dollars!!!! VOTE FOR US!"
The only problem with that is how many Canadian lives they ruined to do it.
NDP Leader Mulcair just said that Harper has got a fight on his hands.
I hope all Canadians watch how Harper fucks Canadians (of all stripes) in an effort to reduce the debt that HE CREATED!
Isn't it awesome for him to rack up the biggest deficit in Canadian history and then take a scalpel to anyone he feels like for it?
Only in Federal Politics is such a thing remotely possible.
I watched 2 committees on CPAC yesterday: one was on Vic Toews being "targeted" and "threatened" by "Anonymous", a V For Vendetta type- person who posted a YouTube video threatening dire consequences for the passing of that illegal Tory bill to spy on all Canadians via the internet.
The second committee was the Tories sending the matter of AVEOS workers and Air Canada workers losing their jobs to a committee.
Both were breathtaking examples of how the Tories don't have a clue about anything.
Vic Toews said he had a thick skin, but asked how can Parliamentarians protect themselves from attacks such as "Anonymous".
Easy, Vic: Don't conjure up Legislation that stomps on freedom.
Anonymous would never have appeared if you didn't want George Orwellian Legislation, asshole.
If you didn't want a backlash, then don't come up with batshit insane and unconstitutional legislation!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Fuck are they retarded.
The other committee was utterly meaningless and useless, because Conservatives voted down the amendment to have the results of the committee findings tabled in the House of Commons, an amendment that NDP MP Olivia Chow (Jack Layton's widow) asked for so that Members can debate it in the House. Conservative fuckface Pierre Poilivere (a smug and arrogant piece of shit- just listen to him!) asked for the results to NOT be tabled before the House.
Because it gives Tories more time to obfuscate. This matter is SERIOUS and of a "MAKE A MOVE NOW PLEASE!" urgency. The workers at Aveos & Air Canada (thousands) will lose their jobs if the Tories don't act fast. They will not move at all on it. Again, it's astonishing how much contempt they have for common workers. They need to be removed from government ASAP.
I have to say that even though each elected Member of Parliament represents the riding and constituents of their homes, it DOESN'T mean that that MP is on the side of good at all times. We have a litany of examples of MP's who if the shoe was on the other foot wouldn't dare support some of the things that their Leaders put forward but due to the nature of government they get tarred with the same brush because they are of ONE PARTY, ONE IDEOLOGY, so to speak.
When you look at who is united (TRULY UNITED) in the House of Commons, look no further than the NDP.
Watch them in Question Period. They are all on the exact same page. And there is no maliciousness in their ranks.
No NDP MP will ever be "thrown under the bus" and forced to sue the government for wrongful dismissal, as Harper has on his hands with Helena Gurguis. (I reckon he won't fire anyone ever again- even if a Tory MP did something extremely illegal, like Christian Paradis, who still sits in cabinet).
I envison a scenario where Harper is sitting in the PMO and RCMP officers enter with a warrant.
They slap handcuffs on Harper and read him his rights.
He asks what he's being charged with.
The officer states: Treason, Fraud, Misleading Parliament, Contempt of Parliament, bad hair and having no soul.
Harper says:
"Can't I refer this to a committee? Before you take me away? Sir? I will not stand for this! I am an oilman who hoodwinked the Canadian people! I HAVE RIGHTS!
03-28-2012, 01:07 PM
Last night on the National, Peter Mansbridge did an interview with the U.S. Secretary of Defence Leon Panetta who was visiting Canada along with the Mexican defence minister, to meet with Cormorant Pete and discuss who knows what.
Guess what that guy said?
He said that Canada is 100% on board for the F-35. 100% ON BOARD- NO BACKING OUT.
So what did Fuckhead Julian Fantino mean when he said yesterday in the House that no contract was signed and that they have options open for procuring possible alternative aircraft? Was that some shit he just pulled out of his ass? Is there any truth or teeth to that statement?
As an NDP MP said yesterday:
What is the true story on this plane? The public record or what Conservatives tell themselves in private?
03-28-2012, 01:20 PM
I also watched a DEVASTATING program last night on THE FIFTH ESTATE:
LOST ON THE ICE, a story of a boy in Newfoundland who went out snowmobiling in Labrador and got lost and died on the ice due to exposure.
A search was called for but never acted on by the Canadian military.
They had time to reach the boy within the first day (if they had acted) and we learned that that kid walked 19 KILOMETERS before succumbing to the elements. Absolutely tragic.
Why were no search and rescue helicopters deployed? They were notified of the missing boy, they knew he needed help.
Because two helicopters were out of service and the three Search and Rescue Cormorants in Gander were only to be used in case of a sea rescue.
Peter Mackay refused to be interviewed for that program, and so did the high-ranking military TOOL who gave a million excuses to the media in a press conference.
Family members held signs at a vigil for their brave son: ONE CALL IS ALL YOU NEED. (If you're Peter MacKay).
MacKay got a lift from his fishing lodge (on his own orders) and a boy dies on the ice with three choppers sitting there doing nothing.
I could post for pages and pages and pages about how bad this government is.
I try to post short items in an effort not bore anyone.
But the depth of the Conservatives ineptitude is deeper than the mariana trench.
(BULLY FOR JAMES CAMERON! First man (a Canadian!) to go to the deepest part of the earth).
I really hope canadians are paying attention to the destruction of democracy right here in the True North Strong and Free....
03-30-2012, 09:29 AM
The Budget has landed.
And it is a doozy.
FIVE BILLION in cuts, not eight as previously thought. Old Age Pensions were attacked, and this budget has goodies in it for Harper's rich pals that he could not get through when he had a minority government.
Bob Rae calls it a "Stealth" budget, because it hovers, and then it will deliver devastating attacks on the middle class.
NDP Leader Mulcair stated quite clearly that Harper's promises and "word" from the last election campaign are worthless.
Harper broke every single promise he made.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Harper bounded down the parliament stairs with the budget in hand, grinning from ear to ear.
A 500-page Brick, that budget is an all-out assault on Canadians. Flaherty said it was a modest " jobs" budget.
It ignores the fact that these services he's cutting are direly needed, and if they are cut, then you weaken the economy.
Conservative Finance secretary Shelly Glover (dead-ringer for Sarah Palin: the glasses, the hair, the voice- she wants to be the Canadian Palin!) inadvertantly told Canada on National TV the Conservatives agenda with this budget.
This budget is designed to ensure that the Conservatives kill the deficit just in time for the next election.
They will kill it EXACTLY on the next election date- 2015. Coincidence?
Shelly Glover said they didn't design it that way, but the host on CPAC called her out on it, stating quite plainly that if the Conservatives really wanted to, they could kill the deficit within one year, considering the quarterly debt killing of $8 billion we have right now.
The Conservatives are buying themselves time!
Right up to the exact time of the next election!
They aren't even "running" the country!
They are just punching the clock and cashing in!
03-30-2012, 09:40 AM
And the best news of all:
The Robo-Call scandal has just become a MONSTER, MOTHER OF A SCANDAL.
The Chief Electoral Officer testified before a committee yesterday, and he told Canadians point-blank that this investigation is far-reaching, it goes across the country (10 provinces and 1 territory!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????) and it affects OVER
200 ridings out of the 300 we have in this Nation.
Is that stunning or what?
Dean del "Hypocrite" Mastro said on CBC yesterday that he is "reassured" by this.
You can't make this shit up, folks. Can't make it up if you tried.
Someone should be shitting bricks the size of this budget.
The Chief Electoral Officer said that he hopes to have a report tabled for the House of Commons within a year. It will take that long to get to the bottom of it because Conservatives won't grant him more expedient powers.
Conservatives tried to minimize the size and scope of this at the committee and the Chief put them in their place:
Do you understand?
03-30-2012, 10:11 AM
NDP Leader Mulcair said that the Conservatives are ABYSMAL managers.
Abject total failures at managing finances and a government. Lobbyists have taken over Canada, just like they have in the States.
Our Canadian values have become corporate and soulless and a total sell-out.
This is a Class War, and it has no place in a country like Canada.
Who do these fuckers think they are?
I was saddened to see the NDP MP who replaced Jack Layton in his riding of Toronto-Danforth be smeared on his very first day in Parliament.
Then he rose on a point of order to school the Conservatives on the rules of the House, which he held up in his hand, the shining new book he recieved at his swearing-in ceremony.
He stated that the memory of Jack Layton is smeared, because Jack fought for more civility in the House, and the Members should not flip a statement by a Member immediately into a personal attack. The Conservatives have been ignoring the Rules for so long that they did it to a brand-newly minted MP who studied the Rules.
04-02-2012, 12:11 PM
Liberal MP Justin Trudeau beat the shit out of Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau over the weekend.
They boxed in a charity boxing match, "THE THRILLA ON THE HILLA!" and the deal was the loser had to wear a hockey jersey with their opponent's political party colors.
No one gave Trudeau a chance in hell.
3 to 1 odds he'd get creamed. Brazeau was a "street fighter", with a black belt. How could Trudeau possibly win?
Well win he did, bitches.
He had more gas in his tank and used his fucking head to knock out Brazeau.
I'm very happy for Justin.
He knocked out a Conservative trash-talking punk who thought he was tougher.
Wear those Liberal colors and logo with PRIDE, Patrick!
Feel that sting!
Trudeau originally wanted Peter MacKay in the ring, but MacKay refused. He chickened out.
His game is rugby, not a man's game like BOXING. LOL
DEFENCE minister, heh!
Go fishing and call a Cormorant, Pete!
It's what you do best, pussy.
04-03-2012, 09:53 AM
The Auditor General released his scathing report on the F-35 procurement today.
He rips the Canadian military and the Harper government ten new assholes.
Harper will probably say "We accept the findings and we will correct the mistakes. My bad".
What should happen is he is removed from office forcibly and held in a holding cell until we find out the exact extent of his criminal activities. Don't allow him to fuck up one more thing.
How is it that we can have a perpetual shitstorm of scandals and yet no one faces punishment?
04-04-2012, 09:44 AM
Harper's resignation has been demanded.
But we know he won't leave unless he's in handcuffs.
The F-35 fighter jet procurement process was rigged and hijacked from the start.
Harper said in the House of Commons yesterday that no contract has been signed.
But one has. They are in deep for this jet. They have already spent $300 million of taxpayers money on it, so for them to say that this jet may not be the one we get is total, complete BULLSHIT.
Harper deliberately lied to Parliament- the Auditor General said as much. He's too polite to say "Lie", but that's exactly what Harper did.
The election we had last year was triggered by the government refusing to hand over information on the procurement process.
The government refused to do it, shucking and jiving, and then the government FELL on a non-confidence vote, triggering the election.
(Which horrifically REWARDED Harper for lying).
The Auditor General just proved that the Opposition was right, and that the government misled Parliament, nay flat-out LIED to the public.
Costs spiralled up and up and up and the Tories didn't say a peep.
Peter MacKay is the worst Minister Canada has ever had. He was always chirping about this plane in press conferences and how it was the only "FIFTH-GENERATION" plane that we could get. The AG said that the term "fifth generation" is bogus- it's just an industry term that means nothing- it's a sales pitch.
Because Harper has a majority, the Opposition cannot have a non-confidence vote. They would be defeated.
If Harper was given a MINORITY government again, another election would be trigggered.
But Canadians hate elections and they don't follow politics, so we're stuck with assholes and corporate criminals, with no one to hold thier feet to the fire.
I gotta say it: Canadians have gotta wake the fuck up.
Do we want to be labelled a third world country like we were in 1993?
Do we want to be ridiculed as a banana republic because our government hates people who don't make the kind of money they do?
Seems to be the case.
Every single Canadian has a litany of reasons to fucking DESPISE the Harper government.
The budget we just were handed was written by a board of directors at an oil company.
Misleading Parliament is as serious an offence a government can commit.
And Harper has done it every single day he's been in office.
Why do Canadians let him do it?
04-04-2012, 09:58 AM
Harper stood up in the House last year and told Canadians point-blank that the F-35 would never cost more than $15 Billion to procure.
He told us that while KNOWING FULL WELL that it would actually cost $25 Billion. (at the TIME- right now we don't know how fucking much each plane will actually cost).
Governments in other countries have fallen for less.
I learned last night that Holland killed it's government over something far far less serious.
How can we let this kind of catastrophic mis-management go on anymore?
This isn't his fucking money.
And he thinks he can just do whatever he likes with the public purse.
What do you do with a FuckFace like that?
04-04-2012, 01:34 PM
Yes indeed, we would be on another election ride to the tune of $300 million if Harper didn't have a majority.
Deja Vu all over again.
How big of dupes are the Canadian people?
Pretty damn big.
Anybody wanna call me out on it?
Anybody wanna discuss this Fifth Reich Banana "Republican" Tory party?
I'm ready to sharpen my claws on any Conservative supporter who wants to DEBATE.
Sign up to our forums and allow me to school you.
I'm ready for anyone. Political scientists, loudmouths, Harper puppets- ANYONE.
I'll mow you down with cold hard facts, not like the make-believe ones Kevin O'Leary wrote about.
I'm talking about ON THE RECORD shit here. From the mouth of the horse.
So if you want to debate me, then bring it straight from the horses mouth. Bring your sources. Because mine are all documented well.
My eye hasn't been off this Slime Minister since he stole last years election like Bernie Madoff.
Conservatives don't have the discipline to keep an eye on anything except their bottom line or rich pals.
They can't focus on anything except fear and money.
04-04-2012, 02:22 PM
Here's a great article:
04-04-2012, 02:34 PM
Harper's defence to this catastrophic F-35 boondoggle is "I was misled".
The Grand Poobah of Control, the "Lord of Everything in his Control Freaky UNIVERSE" was misled??????
You don't get misled, Harper. You know every single step you take and make.
You are the one who does the misleading.
You don't get misled. You make that VERY clear to us often, don't you?
So thanks for giving the Canadian people yet ANOTHER whopper.
How many times do I have to fucking say it?
How many times do I have to whack you with a tire iron before you get it?
And you pay him well for it.
He smirks at us.
He dares us to challenge him. And when we do, he shucks and jives.
Where is he showing us his "vigorous refutations?"
Where is his denial of the charges against him?
Where are Canadians?
They should be demanding this oilman's empty head on a silver PLATTER!
04-05-2012, 12:49 PM
Defence Minister Peter MacKay refuses to resign over this catastrophe.
(He won't get anymore free seafood dinners and Grey Cup trips and ritzy hotel rooms on the public nickel if he goes!)
And Harper won't fire him either- he will never fire anyone again. Even if a Tory MP raped a donkey on the Commons floor, with all Tories clapping and cheering him on.
It would weaken his majority, you see.
I said I'll never hold back on this fuckhead we have for a PM.
Until he's in a jail cell, I will hammer him like there's no tomorrow.
I hope Canadians are watching CPAC every day.
I hope they are watching how this government lies and misleads ad infinitum.
Draw your own conclusions. Don't take my word for it.
Canada used to be a LEADER, as Nycole Turmel said in Parliament once upon a time.
Now we're a low-rent banana republic with a government that couldn't be dreamed up by a political novelist.
They prove it every single fucking day.
TEN BILLION DOLLAR$ off your cost estimate isn't being misled, Harper.
You knew the cost! 21 MONTHS AGO!
You lied straight to our faces.
I know Canadians think all politicians are liars, but we don't have to take it anymore.
We have an obligation to restore integrity to our Parliament. It's OURS. WE elect these assholes.
(But actually we don't anymore- ELECTION FRAUD is pervasive with Conservatives).
Because if we don't hold these goofs to account, we have no right to complain about one single thing in this country.
If you don't care, if you couldn't care less, fine.
Fuck off and die. I don't acknowledge you as a Canadian if that's the case.
You probably don't vote or pay taxes anyway, so you're just an occupant of precious Canuck space.
Don't waste my time with your oblivious garbage.
I hate ignorance and no accountability in Government.
If you are demanding me to pay taxes and to contribute in this society, then I demand you not lie to me or feed me bullshit while you laugh all the way to the fucking bank. (Which you try to de-regulate so you can feel like a Tiny Master of Today, of which Kevin O'Leary is the prime example)
I'm so sick and tired of capitalists and greedheads and soulless animals who think they are the BOMB.
You ain't.
You're a sack of shit with dead-wrong priorities.
And God will show you how you lived your life.
Hope that movie is a hit for ya.
04-05-2012, 01:18 PM
I've been watching CPAC non-stop since this insane boondoggle was bestowed on the Canadian people, and I've noticed some tics about the Tories:
1. They repeat the exact same talking points with no elaboration.
Even when an Opposition MP asks the question a SECOND TIME (wasting valuable questions in Question Period)- they repeat the exact same thing they said previously, like a FUCKING ROBOT. How is that transparent? That's nothing but a WALL! It's enraging!
2. Harper speaks so softly and quietly that the microphones do not pick up his voice. I'm yelling at my TV screen:
3. A litany of Conservative MP's act bizarrely in their Commons seats: slouching, twirling the earpiece in their hands, and when they stand up to obfuscate they use wild hand gestures to distract from the words that come out of their yaps. And when they aren't using wild hand gestures they have their hands in their fucking pockets! I see Peter Mackay do it all the time, like he's on a golf course, talking about the last hole he shot.
He also puts his feet up on the Commons seat bench- like a baseball player in the dugout. For a guy with a Defence portfolio, *Snicker* he sure doesn't look like a man with a spine, erect, direct and commanding respect.
He's an absolute disgrace. Why he hasn't been fired is a question for Dr. Know.
4. Tories bring up bogus numbers when attacking members opposite. They also bring up incorrect House vote info- and the public would never know the truth, because we aren't there day in and day out to be there for votes. (or in the know on office number crunching). It's a shameful political trick. They bank on the fact that the public is in the dark, doesn't know jack or shit, so they just sling mud, thinking that's good enough of a reply in the House.
I fly into a rage every time I see them do it.
I can only guess how MP's bite their tongues hard on such howlers of lies.
5. Tory MP's are well-fed. Some ministers should maybe put the fork down on occasion or maybe workout to be in shape.
I'd hate to see Dean del Mastro have a heart attack when he rises to lie sometime. That would be tragic.
6. One thing that absolutely enrages me is when the Tories go "HERE! HERE!" after some douchebag spins some lies. They stroke each others' cocks and rub each others' clits when they know full well it's a sham. I always laugh my head off when they go off shouting "HERE! HERE!" or "Shame! Shame!"
I always shout at my TV: "mutual masturbation is great for an orgy but not for a government, Tories! HERE! HERE!" LOL
You gotta smile....
04-16-2012, 08:14 AM
Another disgusting reprehensible scandal:
Stephen Harper billed the taxpayers last year to the tune of $45,000 (approximately- the access to info request only released some of the costs he incurred) for a personal trip to New York City to see a Yankees baseball game, a Broadway show and ritzy hotel rooms in Times Square.
I knew he had his hands in our pockets WAY MORE THAN WE EVER KNEW.
And he'll never face any punishment either. Isn't that just great?
The scandals just keep on raining down. They never end.
Parliament was on a 2-week break for Easter. Why the fuck do they need two full weeks off when 12 weeks ago they were off for SIX!?!?!
My heads gonna explode, man.
Everything Harper has done in the last ten years was paid for by the taxpayer. In my opinion he's never had a legit job in his life.
Never earned a single dollar. He's the worst kind of human parasite.
I'm telling you, if we lived in other times, I'd have killed some Tories by now.
The deed would have been done without any remorse.
Harper's arrogance, incompetence and contempt are immeasurable. And he does it with huge smirks.
He has to be removed from office immediately. He should have been barred from federal politics for being found by the Speaker of the House in contempt of Parliament. But we have no laws on the books for that, because we could never conceive that a Prime Minister would ever DARE to be in contempt. It's unprecendented.
Only the Governor General can axe Harper, and the last one we had sucked his dick so hard Harper's peepee really hurt.
The one we have now seems smart, but he also seems to like being teabagged by Harper too.
I know it would look horrible to have a GG remove a PM, but would it look any more horrible than the government we have now?
04-18-2012, 12:25 PM
Rex Murphy has flip-flopped on Stephen Harper.
Last week he ripped Harper and Peter MacKay a new asshole, saying that a new way of being a Cabinet Minister has been struck:
Passing Blame DOWNWARDS.
He correctly pointed out that if Harper was the Official Opposition, he would be heaving thunderbolts over the F-35 scandal if the shoe was on the other foot.
But because it's his crew, his team, then it's A-OK, Muchacho!
Harper said they are working to "improve the process" of procuring the aircraft. Rex correctly pointed out that "this IS the process", and it should've been improved to the point of not being able to be improved any further. It should be tighter than a Nun's Holy Hole.
This government will destroy without hesitation 20,000 Canadian lives by slashing jobs to save a buck, but when it comes to spending public money they forget to leave $10 BILLION off the fucking ledger.
That alone should be grounds to remove the Harper Liars faster than you can say Pierre Poutine.
But in our Banana Republic with our politically ignorant populace, Harper gets away with it all.
I can't wait for the boom to be lowered on the Robo-Call scandal.
That's the one that will see Harper removed forcibly. And his party will face monstrous fines and possibly even be stripped of their status as a political party. That day cannot come swiftly enough.
Goddess of NIKE!
Fly swiftly in the name of sane Canadians!
Peter MacKay smeared Liberal MP (and Legendary former Canadian Astronaut) Marc Garneau last week for wondering out loud if MacKay is bright at all, asking "Is he trying to pull a fast one on us or is he not too bright?".
Pete snarkily said something moot, and Garneau hit back with a withering rebuke: HAVE YOU EVER SERVED YOUR COUNTRY?
04-23-2012, 09:07 AM
In case you didn't know, those thousands of jobs at Aveos and Air Canada were lost due to the Conservatives inaction.
2600 jobs lost.
The Tories move lightning fast to block a strike, but they won't pass legislation that will save those very jobs.
And they are all about jobs and the economy.
*wretches and vomits violently*
Parliament resumes after a stupid 2-week break,and you can bet your bacon that the Tories will be hammered again today on the F-35 catastrophe. The Cons keep saying that no money has been spent and no contract has been signed- THAT'S A FUCKING LIE.
They have spent a total of $330 MILLION on it so far!
And as for no contract, well now, the 7-point review panel that these Cons have dredged up sends this matter to the F-35 SECRETARIAT!
It's STILL the F-35 file!
You've got options open for other possible alternative aircraft assholes?
Then why is the reviewing party called the "F-35 secretariat?"
Why isn't it called the military aircraft procurement committee?
Answer me that.
04-23-2012, 09:51 AM
I was at Parliament Hill on Friday for 4:20 and it was great.
5000 peeps with heightened consciousness making a strong statement to the government: LEGALIZE IT.
Booze is a million times worse.
Herb keeps me sane.
The speech to kick off the smoke-up was Awesome:
"Here we are in front of Stephen Harper's office. Light your joints and bongs now. There ain't a damn thing he can do about it!"
RCMP officers looked on in stupefied awe as 5000 people lit up in unison. The cloud of smoke was something to behold, Mang.
For those who think 4:20 is meaningless, feel free to have your opinion. You want to knock or ridicule pot smokers, then that's your game.
Myself, I will not have another human being tell me what I can or cannot do within reason. No victim, no crime.
If I have to be satisfied with Bad TV and shitty media at every turn, which I consider to be an affront to my decency, then you can be satisfied that I smoke up and you don't. We're all victims, aren't we? LOL
As soon as it's legal in this country, I become a grower.
Tax the shit out of it. Tax ME to the hilt- I DEMAND it.
This is one time I will LOVE to be taxed.
You got tobacco companies getting tax breaks in this day and age and at the same time we got a government sending growers to prison with mandatory minimums- the judge isn't even allowed to hear the case!!!!!
MANDATORY SENTENCE!!!!- Bang! Slam! Bend over! PERP!
That's fine for a crime with a victim, but NO VICTIM!??!?!
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
I'm telling you, if you destroy my life like that I'll commit a crime that will give me LIFE in prison: I'll find the man who passed the law, the PM, and make sure he can't pass anymore evil laws.
Is that extreme?
It's Sir Isaac Newton: Every action has an equal and opposite REACTION.
04-23-2012, 10:17 AM
One saving grace while we have to endure this horrific Conservative majority government is that the NDP is so united and strong as the Official Opposition.
People mock the NDP, but the joke is on them.
They say the NDP has never held power. Exactly.
That's why they are the best party to vote for.
We know all about how Liberal scandals can get out of control.
And we are living through the largest stream of scandals this country has ever witnessed with Tories.
It's so fucking sad too- the Cons promised so much and delivered ZERO.
They were going to eliminate the waste and the incompetence in Ottawa. Instead, they embodied it like no other.
Rex Murphy said the Liberals and Conservatives are pretty much identical in the way they run government.
The only difference is the Liberals balanced the books.
A friend of mine said last week: "Socialists in government? The Conservatives are the biggest socialists Canada has ever known!!!"
So anyone who wants to bark at the moon that the NDP are socialists and have never held power, I would suggest that they think about the real fear they have:
That an NDP government would not only have ZERO scandals but would be the best government a country like Canada could have- because it would include ALL Canadians. EVERYONE WOULD BE LOOKED AFTER.
The Liberals and Conservatives think that they are the only 2 parties Canada has on offer.
No one can choose any other party, they seem to think. Blue and Red is the only option boys and girls!
The NDP will LEAD, they will balance the books, they will have no ideology except lifting Canada to it's greatest heights.
And that idea rubs Tories and Grits the wrong way.
Any NDP scandals will not come from policies they have.
They are incredible managers, and I hope Canadians watch how they perform an all-out Blitzkrieg on Harper and his cabinet of liars and thieves.
It will be systematic, unrelenting, and will end with a ROUT of Harper and his assholes in the 2015 election.
04-24-2012, 01:16 PM
Politics in Canada is one giant gong show.
Time to express some more "observations".
Conservative MP Bev Oda (remember Oda? Who misled Parliament and wasn't fired?) has bestowed another whopper of a Tory scandal on us unsuspecting Canadians. Last year she went to a conference on poor people in London England. The hotel she was booked into (in the same building as the conference) wasn't swanky enough for her. She demanded to be upgraded to the Savoy- 2 KM away- the ritziest hotel in London!
Her breakfast included a $16 glass of orange juice, her 3-day stay was billed to us, the taxpayers, and she demanded a limosine to take her 2 KM BACK to the hotel where the conference was being held. EVERY DAY SHE WAS THERE- the driver & limo cost over $3000!
Yesterday she was caught red-handed in the House of Commons and she agreed to pay some of the costs back, a little over a thousand bucks. Damage control or what? Why won't she be fired?
How does it look when you are the Minister of "helping poor people" and you live like a fucking QUEEN on the taxpayers dime?!??!?!!?
These Conservatives are so fucking embarrassing it's beyond comprehension.
Hypocrites down the line.
Paid a gigantic salary and it's still not enough for these thieves and cowards.
I will never be moving back to Alberta again either. After last night's provincial election, that province is fucked.
Another Tory majority!
Wow. I thought the people were smart. Scuttlebutt was they were ready to boot the liars. I guess not.
41 years of the same bullshit, I guess you are indoctrinated, institutionalized to that kind of Reich.
So be it. Yee Hah. Pass me some ribs and flapjacks! Accepting the lesser of two evils is STILL PICKING EVIL.
Amen. Praise Jesus.
I love how the NDP came out guns a-blazing yesterday in the House of Commons.
My Man Charlie Angus levelling truth bazookas and ICBM's at oblivious Conservatives.
Dean del Mastro still standing up and repeating the same old visionless talking points, Peter van Loan looking like the shark he is, flipping any Tory criticism into an opportunity to bring up Liberal scandals from a decade ago, it was the same old dysfunctional House of Commons shit.
It's a total gong show, the House, and I am certainly not afraid to announce it loud and clear.
I'd like to say that even though I hate the Conservative party and everything it stands for, if they ran government like they said they were going to I'd shut my big trap. But they don't. They have taken their cue from the Liberals, which is absolutely shocking, because we were all led to believe that Harper hated the Liberal party, nay, wanted to destroy it with his dying breath! How is it that when he finally got into the PMO he started to become a socialist? That he started to embrace Liberal ways of doing things, when he was always saying he'll never do it the way Paul Martin did it? Are Conservative supporters aware that Harper has eliminated the "Conservative" part of his agenda altogether?
The party needs to be re-named. It needs to be called something else.
Because Bubba, it's sure as fucking hell not Conservative in any way.
Isn't it ironic that the LIBERAL party killed the debt and was running surplusses when Harper took over and then the CONSERVATIVE party racks up the biggest deficit in our Nation's history? You can't call yourself conservative when you do that.
You call yourself the EXTREMELY LIBERAL party, or the "We-don't-give-a-fiscal-flying-fuck-Party", not the Conservative party, because that name is a patent lie in your case.
It holds no truth. Just like your soul.
We are being raped by clownshoes.
And nobody seems to care. Everybody is blissfully oblivious or willfully turning a blind eye.
I didn't know that Cowardice was so prevalent in Canada.
I learn more and more about my "people" everyday...
04-25-2012, 09:32 AM
Adam Carroll was at a Parliamentary Ethics Committee yesterday, for what, who the fuck knows.
He was behind the Vikileaks30 Twitter account that published Public Safety Minister Vic Toews divorce proceedings on Twitter.
Toews himself made his divorce proceedings public. Why? Who knows. Have you or would you ever do that?
And it was an ugly divorce. Toews is quite the scammer. It was revealed that Vic loves the fact that he can claim per diems on the taxpayer dime- he said "NO RECIEPTS! IT'S GREAT!"- every year he pocketed an additional $10,000+ with his "NO RECEIPT" blisses.
So corruption and bilking is quite common with Tories.
Adam Carroll responded to Dean del Mastro's ridiculous lines of questioning at one point by saying "You are talking about ETHICS? We have Vic Toews admitting that he loves no receipt per diems- he took full advantage of that. You can only guess how many other Tory MP's submit claims or ding the unsuspecting public ROUTINELY".
If Bev Oda is telling us to pay for her $16 OJ every morning, then you can bet your sweet righteous anger that these fuckers have been fleecing us to a tune that we can't even HEAR.
The Conservative scandals are like tsunamis right now. So they had to distract the public with this meeting.
Carroll did nothing illegal. And he was fired anyway. What is the point of having him testify before a Committee when he's not even federally employed anymore and the issue is deader than dead. Easy: The Tories are shitting Robo-Call bricks.
They know the clock is ticking on their total destruction, so it's sheer damage control until the bottom falls out.
And they are GIANT hypocrites, I must remind you. John Baird breathed fire and brimstone over having a staffer testify before a committee 2 years ago, and here they are, demanding that another party do it- and got it. But it was something to behold, boy.
Adam Carroll held his ground like a motherfucker. He told Canadians that they should fight Tories all the way on Bill C-30, the bill that Toews wanted to pass to spy on all Canadians on the internet without a warrant. He had the gall to say in the House: "Either you are with us or you are with the Child-Pornographers!!"
Thanks for that, Dubya.
Dean del Mastro is gonna look like the biggest jackass EVER in the House of Commons when we get the truth on the Robo-Call scandal- and we're still getting clues on how big and bad it is: Elections Canada has just begun looking into Harper's office we learned yesterday from Charlie Angus.
It has finally reached the PMO.
AT the Ethics Committee yesterday, Dean del Mastro tried to paint a picture of Carroll being paid or promised something to take the fall for the Twitter account, that Bob Rae himself was behind the scandal. Carroll flipped it on Dean, saying "To use your own words Mr. del Mastro: BASELESS SMEARS. or, B.S!"
Why the fuck would the interim leader open a Twitter account to mock Vic Toews?
If he did, he would open one to mock Harper, not a small fish like Vic Toews- and Bob would be smart enough NOT to use a House of Commons IP address, like Carroll did, which got him caught. So to suggest that Bob Rae was behind this is ludicrous.
Bob broke the source for fucks sakes! IN THE HOUSE! And apologized directly to Mr. Toews!
Holy Fuck the Conservatives need to wake up and smell their own scandals- they smell far FAR worse than the wisps you get from across the aisle!
04-26-2012, 09:32 AM
GERRY RITZ and JIM FLAHERTY are the biggest jet-setters in the Harper cabinet.
It was just revealed that these two "Accomplishers of Nothing" each rack up almost a quarter of a million dollars a year in hospitality bills that they hand to us, the taxpayers.
What have they done with their time? What have they accomplished for our country?
Where is our bang for our buck? And it is OUR BUCK.
You're spending OUR money, you rich clowns. And you didn't ask our permission.
All you do is shrug and say "company perk!"
Speaking of company, Harper let a Freudian slip happen yesterday during Question Period:
He first said "our COMPANY" before catching himself and saying "our government"- I howled so hard and long at my TV was PRICELESS. He also refused to answer questions in QP. He let Peter van fat fuck Loan spin the shit that day, as he does most days. Suck that PM POLE van Loan! It's tasty and oily, isn't it?
You earn your pay, doggie!
Bob Rae tried to get Harper to answer a single question and Steve refused. He just sat in his Commons seat like the smug prick he is, letting all his minions take up the heat.
I hope Canadians are watching this gong show. I really do. But my Spidey-Senses tell me they don't.
American Idol is on...OMG Bieber said something! head is up my ass...I'm an oblivious pawn...OMG Did you see what J.Lo was wearing?...
Like, do we have a President or like, a CEO for a Leader? I'm confused...let's go buy some shoes...OMG Ryan Seacrest is sooo friggin' HOT!..
How do you spell Twiter? Is it won T or too Tees?
OMG this double down is sooo good...I love being in the mall with so many other teenagers who think they rule the's so...OMG, like Hollywood, am I right! Hashtag woop woop! Sexy and I know it! Text me!
*ralphs violently into a hat*
The hammer is coming down on Tories. The scandals just keep on flowing. I got 6 new scandals to write about but I just don't have the juice today. Not because they aren't further confirmations of incompetence and utter lack of leadership from the Conservative Company, but because I'm a little tired this A.M.
One day to rest and I'll come back tomorrow with a screed that adds even more weight to this thread.
(which is starting to buckle under it's own weight).
This thread was started to make note of how Delusional Harper is.
By the time I'm done, it could be a book.
All I know is that my radar is working extremely well and these Tories are going to be buried under their own hubris and criminal activity.
As Mick sang: Tiiiiiiiiiiiime is on my side.
04-26-2012, 02:02 PM
04-27-2012, 08:46 AM
We learned yesterday in the House of Commons that the Conservatives have just been served their first search warrants by the RCMP over the Robo-Call scandal. Hope they find those shredded documents! Word to the Mutha!
It was BEAUTIFUL to see Dean del "Hypocrite" Mastro's head almost pop off when it was revealed.
He still kept repeating that the Con-Men are NOT under investigation. The Official Opposition just laughed hard and read off the ridings that have been issued voter call list demands and scripts from the Conservative War Room.
Conservatives and their deaf, dumb and blind supporters are gonna be eating some serious crow.
You thought you could get away with it, didn't you?
The Conservative party will be made an example of for all time.
They are about to feel the full blunt-force trauma of what happens if you try to de-fraud the Canadian public when they put 100% trust in you.
I thought Cons knew it already- the Liberals WERE that party, now it's the Tories. How much do they suck balls?
As much as a lawyer climbing into a Cormorant from his fishing lodge, that's how much.
What a spectacular flame-out.
What amazing flourishes of incompetence and sheer contempt. It will do you in everytime...
You want to act like a King of the World with zilch to back it up except greed and ignorance?
Then you can start a show with Kevin O'Leary, not think you are fit to Lead a Nation as Awesome as Canada.
You can live in a fantasy capitalist world with Kevvy. We don't want you.
We want Leaders that we can point to and say THAT'S MY Prime Minister!
THAT'S MY government!
We want giant surplusses so we can lift every single citizen up and be the envy of the world.
To say we live in the most democratic Nation on earth, with the best of everything: health care, quality of living, city infrastructures, the whole gamut. And we can have it. We can do it. we have the will. We just don't have the Leadership. We have clownshoes.
But no worries.
The noose is tightening faster and quicker than you can say:
"Bill the taxpayers for my $16 glass of orange juice. Let them eat cake. I'm a member of parliament in a corrupt majority. FUCK 'EM".
This is the most beautiful political implosion the world has ever seen.
And when it's all over I want a Pulitzer for this thread. LOL
Maybe Chris can put in a good word...:)
04-27-2012, 01:48 PM
6 brand-new spankin' Tory scandals:
1. Industry Minister Christian Paradis is being investigated AGAIN by the Ethics Commissioner. How does he not get fired? EASY:
He's one of only two Quebec MP's in Harper's cabinet. Without him, no Quebec whatsoever for little Stevie...
2. The Tories claimed extraordinary credit for lowering emissions when it was Liberal Ontario's coal production reduction which is what did it. The Tories took full credit. Ontario alone is responsible for lowering those emissions. Tories never mention that.
3. Peter MacKay & his lover Bev Oda are still on the payroll. I know this isn't new. I'm just flaming turnip angry that it's still true.
4. They said they would never open the abortion debate. Then they opened it yesterday. Liars down the fucking line. Pure theatre.
5. The Auditor general testified again before a committee this week, confirming for all to know that the Conservatives knew the full cost estimate of $25 Billion for the F-35 in 2008. They fed us lies for breakfast lunch and dinner on that one. Never mentioned a peep before, during or after the election.
6. The PMO has been served more search warrants and a top official in Harper's cabinet has been implicated in the Robo-Call fraud scheme. It went all the way to the top.
Thanks for the help in writing this thread, Hunter.
I miss you Man.
04-27-2012, 01:52 PM
I don't really consider myself an actual journalist because I'm not paid, but I feel I'm pretty damn close.
I've broken a lot of this stuff by my lonesome, before most media.
You'll never lack for the big picture...
04-27-2012, 02:31 PM
Yesterday in Question Period Harper rose to give Canadians a History lesson.
He said that the NDP didn't support World War II, that they voted against fighting Hitler.
WHOPPER OF THE YEAR nominee. Hands down.
The NDP didn't exist until 1961.
Harper thinks Canadians don't know the truth or can't google what he says in 10 seconds time.
I can't wait to see that fucking CLOWN in handcuffs and in the back of a fuckin' cruiser.
04-27-2012, 02:40 PM
Julian Fantino and Andrew Prescott's names have been leaked as connected to this scandal, among others. Look it up! READ IT BEYOTCH!.
Matt Meier, CEO of RackNINE is also mentioned in the warrant- RackNINE was the intermediary- not the culprit.
RMG is also mentioned. The search warrants are online now for everyone to see: Bell cellphone records, Rogers law enforcement records, it's all coming down HARD.
Julian Fantino was a Police Commissioner at one time.
Maybe he's like Sterling Hayden in a Classic Francis Coppola film from 1972?
Just asking.
04-28-2012, 09:35 AM
I went to Parliament Hill yesterday to see the gong show in person.
What did my wondering eyes see?
John Baird, in a New York Rangers hockey jersey, in PARLIAMENT. And this man was born in Ottawa boy and girls.
Wow. Foreign Affairs Minister. Wow. New York Rangers fan. Just wow.
He made a bet with Hilary Clinton. Lost the bet. He bet on the Senators.
Senators are a good team, but I will level some criticism today at the team. Sens fans have to face facts. Ottawa is a Cup contender, but with rich assholes like Jason Spezza not taking it seriously, we're never gonna win.
And as long as that fucking perp Harper keeps sitting at the games, you are CURSED.
His mere presence in the arena means the Sens have to lose. The karma is so black..
One night Spezza lights up the ice, playing like he's the greatest player since Gretzky. The next night it's like he's not even on the ice or even in the fucking building. Sorry, I know everybody loves Spezza, but face it. He didn't even TAKE A SHOT for how many fucking games?
How much were you paid Jason?
How much?
This is the best hockey I've seen in a while, the Spezza notwithstanding. Real grinding hockey, with passion. I love it.
Daniel Alfredsson is a Great Captain. Love that guy. I've seen him jogging around Ottawa- his brother is an Ottawa police officer- just a great spokes model and team captain. That goal he scored in that last game- FUCKING AWESOME. Just a Howitzer from the blue line that sailed through every Ranger jersey on the ice and intothe back of the net. Boo Yah Keshah. That's how you score. On target and with gunship power.
Come back another year, Alfie. And tell the coach to trade Spezza. We're not getting our money's worth with that guy. He can survive on his watch endorsements and such.
OK, back to Parliament. Security was tight- I set off both metal detectors due to the steel toe boots I wear. I got the full cavity search. (just kidding). But they searched me well and good. Took my coat, told me to not touch the railing when I leaned over to look into the House of Commons. Respect the House.
John Baird was there, being very animated while talking to fellow MP's. Then he stands up after an NDP member gave great speech about seniors poverty in this country, talking about those ridiculous and creepy Tory ads about elder abuse. They ARE the elder abuse. How do they allow it to exist for one more day in Canada? Is this the stone age? The Tories want it to be. Baird stood up and said he was listening when I watched him for about 15 minutes gab to the Whip. I laughed out loud.
Cutting OAS and raising the retirement age to 67 from 65. Wow. Does your base agree with that, Harper?
Are they rich as fuck so as to never need OAS to supplement their retirement income?
May I remind Canadians that Harper announced he was cutting OAS in DAVOS SWITZERLAND.
Don't EVER let him dupe you again.
The Conservative party is no more.
I guess they really believed in the Mayan 2012 world ending-thingy-ma-bob.
04-28-2012, 09:47 AM
John Baird:
New York Rangers fan for Life!
04-28-2012, 10:03 AM
I smiled when I first entered the public galleries because the first person I saw in the House was my MP, Nycole Turmel, listening to her fellow NDP colleague give his speech.
She's a treasure for this Nation.
There were hardly any MP's in Parliament, most of them leave on Thursday's if they live in far away ridings. It's mainly the locals on Fridays, and Question Period was done in the morning- Great to see Dean del Mastro flipping his Jew-fro wig over the search warrants. He denies any exist.
Keep dancin' that dance, Dino!
Hustle Hustle Hustle...
The debate was on abortion yesterday, and it was pure Tory base-pandering. Harper said he'll vote against his own backbencher who put forward this motion, so you know this is pure politics, and pure theatrics.
No one in his cabinet gets to wipe his nose without Harper's approval.
No Canadian believes otherwise.
He swore up and down he would never open the abortion debate and then he did, like a chess move.
Burn in hell Bitch.
The Prime Minister of Control Freakiness let a BACKBENCHER create a debate out of thin air on something you said you would never touch?
You're a work of Art Steve.
And these Tories sure do think they are swanky swanky SWANKY.
Guess what else I witnessed in the public galleries? A Tory MP, an old hag of a woman- never seen her before in my life. Dirt blonde wig- deep creases in her face- she called a Parliamentary Page over to her seat. The young girl nodded, and left. She came back minutes later with a glass of water with LIME SLICES in it!!!!!!!
I was like, IS THAT WHAT PAGES DO? bring lime water? Holy fuck.
This is a classy place. LOL
04-28-2012, 10:28 AM
Song from the NDP to the Conservatives:
04-30-2012, 03:18 PM
I just got back from Parliament Hill.
I witnessed another gong show Question Period, where the Conservatives stood up and gave no answers, every single time.
They had their scripts, and they were not allowed to deviate from them.
Peter van fat fuck Loan just laughed and snickered and pointed at each MP he wanted to stand up and spin the shit for questions. Harper wasn't there. He was probably talking to his lawyers on how he can un-screw what he has wrought by illegally Robo-Calling Canadians and stealing the last election. That's my best guess, anyway.
I witnessed Peter van Loan yawn three fucking times, and I saw 4 other Conservative MP's yawn.
Are you bored in your job, fuckfaces??
We can fire you if you like.
You stay sober and on the ball in the House of Commons, you sacks of shit!
And don't put your feet up like you're in the dugout in a baseball game, PETER MACKAY.
I saw you do it for the entire time you sat in your seat, NOT RISING to say anything about your fuck-ups.
Why were you texting on your Blackberry the whole time?
Yes, I'm the guy who locked eyes with you up in the galleries. You saw me glaring at you, burning a hole through your empty head!
I also glowered at Jim Flaherty, who was also laughing and cackling like he was at a craps table in a casino.
Tony Clement seemed unnerved by me- he kept looking up at my angry mug staring down at him- all MP's can clearly see the people in the galleries- we are close to the action. I put bolted eyes on these ridiculous Tories for the entire session- never blinking. (Being a former soldier, I know how to put my eyes on a bulkhead and not move 'em).
Peter van Loan also ran his fingers through his hair, picked his nose, and chewed his fingernails- is this proper behavior in our House?
Tom Lukiwsky also picked his nose (quickly) and bit his nails a lot- isn't biting your nails a sign one is nervous?
I can't accurately call the game unless I'm close to it, so I made a deal with myself to go to the public galleries more.
Watching it on CPAC is good, but you don't get to see the WIDESCREEN picture, like Peter van Loan pointing at which MP he wants to stand up and lie, pages bringing rich Tories glasses of lime water, or the mocking gestures that all Tories make towards their fellow MP's across the aisle- which is despicable.
Stay tuned to this thread. It will end with gorgeousness and gorgeosity made flesh.
05-03-2012, 02:25 PM
Environmental regulations have been completely GUTTED in this Conservative budget.
Oversight has been completely removed. And they want this budget to pass immediately. They have projects that need to go ahead now, while Harper's still in power. Pipelines need to rip up the earth asap!
They also put scores and scores of items that should have been separate pieces of legislation, legislation that a FINANCE MINISTER should have no say over. By putting 62 items in this gigantic brick of a budget, Parliamentarians cannot debate it in the House. It just sails through with no consultation. It is an absolute affront to parliamentary procedure. They also rammed through limiting the time allowed for debating. Tory Finance Secratary Shelly Glover stood up and had the balls to list off the last ten years' records of time allowed for debates.
Cormorant Pete stood up and lied even more, trying desperately to save his ass and his job.
He had his feet up again, as per normal, mocking the NDP at every turn.
The country is watching, Pete.
I heard through the grapenuts that Pete wants to replace Harper as Prime Minister one day.
It will never happen, Pete. You can forget that. Trust me.
I also happen to know that you were offered a backbench position by Harper and you were insulted, that you flipped your wig and refused to take that backbench seat. You flipped out and told him that you BUILT the party, not Steve. He told you to simmer down and said he won`t demote you.
Word gets around this town, Pete.
You just have to know someone who knows someone and BAM!
you have ammo.
I love the fact that I'm just a talking head on a computer and not an official media journalist.
My powers of perception are stronger. And I say that with no ego.
I'm also not making shit up as I go along, which the Harper gang does every day- the most dangerous thing a government can do.
Because once it starts, you can't stop that train.
Just like this thread.
This thread won't be over until the Conservatives are Long Gone and made a full example of to the whole world.
The games they play are sick, the arrogance and elitism is foreign to Canadians- we don't know where they picked it up or whose cocks they sucked in order to feel that they could behave in such a way to the people who pay them their wages and vote for.
I can't conceive of being given that Honor (THE ULTIMATE HONOR AND DUTY to be 100% accurate) and acting like a rich douchebag who can doody on anyone in his orbit.
I can't conceive of something so sickeningly contemptuous and vile.
Shit like that must be excised with a surgeon's precison...
05-05-2012, 01:21 PM
We have a lead into who "PIERRE POUTINE" is/was.
The man who used the same computer as Pierre in the Tory campaign office in Guelph is ANDREW PRESCOTT, and the CBC showed us a nice montage of photos of Mr. Prescott, one big one with him being hugged by Harper, who is grinning from ear to ear with a big thumbs up to boot.
The only thing the Conservative party said officially Friday was "We will not comment on specifics".
What WILL you comment on, Sultans of Transparency? *snicker*
This is the best development so far. I thought it would take until next year sometime, but no, Elections Canada has traced Pierre Poutine to the Conservative campaign office in Guelph.
Thousands and thousands of phone numbers of non-Tory supporters were transferred from the Tory database and used to make zillions of fraudulent calls, calls with them saying they are Elections Canada and that your polling station has changed.
Someone is going to jail.
The question is who.
Will Andrew Prescott go quietly into that good night and take the complete fall?
We shall see what kind of circus this becomes.
Harper knew.
Top officials knew.
So the Government of Canada is a lie.
They were not elected by the Canadian public, as I had predicted during my gonzo reporting of the election last year.
We have an illegitimate government. It should fall very very soon over this outrageous scandal.
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said the Tory majority will be the shortest-lived in political history, and that he is ready to Lead Canada back on a track of sanity.
Liberals also smell blood in the water- they held a snap scrum at the Ottawa Convention Center to tell their supporters that they are ready for new ideas and re-juvenation as we all move quickly toward a new election that will be called as soon as the Conservative party is stripped of it's power.
Hey Tories:
Whatcha Gonna Do When They Come For You?
05-05-2012, 01:26 PM
05-05-2012, 01:56 PM
Oh yeah, and the Parliamentary Budget Officer (Kevin Page) just told Canadians on Live national television Friday that the Conservatives deliberately misled Parliament with their cost estimate for the F-35. He said they wanted the cost to appear lower than it actually was- PRE-ELECTION.
Hey Harper: you're gonna learn the hard fuckin' way that you don't play politics with the public purse.
It's a beautiful thing, watching you Burn...
Squirm and twist your way out of this, Bitch.
I wanna see it.
05-07-2012, 12:52 PM
I've noticed that the Tories have started using the NDP's party name a lot in the House of Commons.
Fearmongering again, as they know the Conservative party is disintegrating and they have to get the word out that the NDP are the Government-in-waiting and they are "BAD".
Flounder away, you sacks 'O corrupt shit.
I love it when arrogance feels the heat and gets slapped around by logic.
Obfuscation is the order of the day. Smearing is also de rigeur- Tory MP's by law have to smear the Opposition whenever they stand up- no matter what truth bazookas were just employed and successful by the NDP.
Lobbyists have met their match: THE CANADIAN PUBLIC.
The United States and their citizens may allow lobbyists to run roughshod and get away with it to the point of crippling Washington, but Canada won't. We nail those fuckers as soon as they appear. We still may not be behind the 8-Ball on some of 'em, but at least we know they need to go and we're working on it. It sucks that the Government welcomed these shitheads into our Sacred Parliament, and it sux that we have to waste time that should be used for running the country to rooting out criminals.
It's such a catastrophic boondoggle that one could sob for days.
What a Victory it will be to see the allegations turn white hot with manifest criminal culpability.
Right now they are red hot.
We're just waiting for flashpoint- internal combustion- a supernova of whip-snap Tory implosion.
All Canadian media are hesitant to report the news of the search warrants and the Guelph riding news we just got on Friday.
But I'm not.
Consider yourselves INFORMED here at Old Johann gives you the straight shit as soon as I know it.
Readers are in the loop with me, because I'm so passionate about getting rid of the Harper cancer.
I don't go off half-cocked. I go off fully-cocked.
Because I never want to hesitate pulling the trigger on assholes that I despise.
05-07-2012, 01:15 PM
Empty Promises.
Empty Rhetoric.
Ridiculous Photo-Ops.
Bad Hair.
Bad Manners.
Bad breath- John Baird has bad breath.
Oblivious. Rude.
Ignorant. Blind.
Greedy souls and bankrupt intellects.
American Wannabes: is that a crime a Canadian can commit?
Member of Oil INC. (One of 163. Take your seat please)
Canada doesn't exist anymore, thanks to you, Conservative party of Oil.
We are a Banana Republic and you Lead us nowhere.
You are lining your pockets and passing legislation that you don't even ENFORCE.
It's all a game to you. You laugh and joke in the House all the time. That's the proof that it's all a game to you.
What's so funny? Why the charade?
You don't fool me.
And you don't fool the NDP.
You actually are fooling your own supporters.
To see just ONE Tory supporter with his jaw open in disbelief when the party collapses will make every word I wrote here worth it.
Sorry my poem doesn't rhyme.
Neither does the actions of Harper.
To Steve, with Love.
05-07-2012, 01:36 PM
Some sobering news today:
A MAJOR problem we have here in Canada is that even though a Prime Minister can be found guilty of all kinds of infractions and lawbreaking, he can NEVER BE IMPEACHED.
We have no laws on the books for that. Not since 1848 (in England) has such a thing even been considered.
What it means is that Harper can basically do anything he wants and he won't be removed.
The only way he can be removed is if he was found DIRECTLY responsible for a criminal act, and then a whole slew of "procedures" must be rolled out in order to get to the heart of the matter. And with the KING OF OBFUSCATION Harper, that can and will take EONS.
The Governor General can remove a PM, but it will never happen.
The GG by law has to suck the Prime Minister's dick. So you can forget him removing Steve.
Only the people can get rid of this shithead.
And with the Canadian people so vastly oblivious of politics, they just vote however their ignorant heads' wish.
This sucks so fucking bad...
It's so terrible to know that we might have to wait the full 3 years to see this soulsucking turd and his gang of retards booted.
Don't mind me calling you stupid!
Most of the time you do rock.
But on this one, you suck just as bad as the Tories.
You bought it, you WEAR IT.
Shut your mouths.
05-08-2012, 12:36 PM
Tories have totally amended or outright destroyed previous legislation in this budget.
And a budget is no place for amending anything.
A Finance Minister is not permitted to change legislation without the blessing of the House.
"Flaherty the Fleecer" just jam-packed all kinds of oversight removals on all kinds of things in this budget and hopes everyone nods and votes "HELL YEAH!" on raping Canadians in favor of lining his pockets and those of his rich buddies.
The absolute worst thing we could ask for from a government is happening right in front of us.
The Opposition is still uncovering hidden bombs in this budget- 7 days is definitely not enough time to review it, let alone debate it.
7 DAYS!?
To look at and debate a document as gigantic as this?
Thanks Hitler!
In 1994 Harper stood up in the House of Commons and cried serious foul over a budget having too many parts- parts that should be separate legislation. The CBC showed the tape of him standing up and being absolutely indignant about that budget.
Oh How Times Change, eh?
That's ironclad proof he is no longer a "Conservative". He's an "Oil-Servative", a puppet and big oil cocksuck.
I don't have to say anymore about it, actually. This man is the biggest hypocrite in the history of Canadian politics, and his minions have followed suit.
Every Tory has sold their soul.
Good luck explaining that to your Maker. I want to be there when your soul is extinguished. I'll savour it like nothing else.
You have no excuse. You towed a party line that was manifestly evil and Anti-Canada, no matter what you say.
Again, I'll repeat: when Harper was in Opposition, he was stark-raving mad that a Liberal budget had too many items in it.
He said that it strips Parliamentarians of the ability to do their jobs.
Now that he's in power, he sees the political wisdom of doing something like that. He likes the idea that he can ram through a budget that is 35 times thicker than the one he was talking about in 1994.
05-08-2012, 01:04 PM
If only George W. Bush had choked and died on that pretzel...
If only Stephen Harper was barred after being found in contempt...
The NDP are NECK AND NECK with the Conservatives according to national polls.
Tom Mulcair has extremely impressed Canadians with his performance in the House of Commons.
Ever since he was named NDP Leader, Mulcair has demonstrated that he will be the next Prime Minister.
He looks it, acts it, embodies it.
Tom was criticized as a man quick to anger, "the incredible hulk" was his moniker for a while, but Canadians have never seen him flip his lid since becoming NDP Leader. But Harper? He throws tantrums in front of foreign dignataries, embarrassing the Nation, locking himself in bathrooms and not coming out. You'd expect that from a 2-year old, not a Prime Minister.
Tories are becoming very sloppy too.
6 years in power, and they are losing it.
Every day I tune into CPAC to watch the House, and every Tory I see yawns, picks their nose, seems absent-minded,has a previously well-written talking point screed that they never deviate from- in fact watch how often they look at their talking points pages- they don't even know what they are saying! They slip up all the time and have freudian slips. They even said the words "Conservative MINORITY government" when referring to themselves. I saw them do it three times in the last few months. They were a minority gov't for so long that it's ingrained in their psyches! It's still burned into their cerebral cortex's!
Canadians are smart, but this charade with this bogus criminal government has got to end. And soon.
Give us a Hail Mary, Lord.
We need one bad.
05-09-2012, 12:39 PM
Scandal #819:
Harper has hired a PRIVATE SECTOR lawyer to defend him against his lawsuit by Helena Guergis.
Is a federal government lawyer not good enough?
They are qualified to handle this, why is Harper making the taxpayer pay for his legal case when he can have a free lawyer?
Charlie Angus said yesterday that this raises another flag.
How can we be assured that that lawyer won't ding the taxpayer for WAY MORE than he would be allowed?
And look at the lawyer he hired: ROBERT STALEY of Bennett Jones.
He's like the Johnny Cochrane of private sector lawyers.
This makes me sick. Abuse of power at all times.
When will it end Lord?
05-09-2012, 12:53 PM
Have we ever had a Prime Minister who divided the country like Harper has?
He's turned our country into Canuck against Canuck, just like Bush made Americans Vs. Americans the norm for 8 years.
05-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Check this out:
Type in "Stephen Harper" at this website, the Urban Dictionary. They have nailed what Harper is for all time. Read all entries!
05-09-2012, 01:04 PM
I typed in "Johann" just to see what would come up.
Good for a laugh..
I might even order the German Johann beer stein.
What a RIOT!
05-09-2012, 01:58 PM
The Conservative party has flat-out refused to separate the "Ominous" Budget bill.
They said today that it must pass immediately, without delay.
The NDP has stated that they have several options open.
One of them will be employed to stop this madness.
Fascists will fucking pay.
Polls re: the Robo-Call scandal are being taken all across the country- signed petition polls in fact, to be delivered to the Governor General at a later date- to ask Canadians if they want:
A) Criminal charges to be laid against the Prime Minister
B) Criminal charges AND a new nation-wide election
C) No charges- just a new election
05-09-2012, 02:10 PM
Something I didn't know but didn't surprise me:
"Bend the Rules, you will be punished.
Break the Law, you will be charged.
Abuse the public trust, YOU WILL GO TO PRISON."
Who said that?
Stephen Harper.
In 2006.
When he took power.
In reference to the Liberals.
The Irony...
THE FUCKING FASCIST SHITKICKIN' IRONY is off the fucking charts children....
Chris Knipp
05-22-2012, 03:35 PM
The big rally in Chicago against the war-mongering alliance of NATO meeting there,with a long line of decorated veterans of the Gulf War, Iraq, and Afghanistan throwing away their medals and giving impassioned declarations of why and who they're dedicating their action to, found on Democracy Now yesterday, is very moving. You will find it here:
05-23-2012, 12:51 PM
I saw it Live on CBC. I was very proud of those former troops.
If I was sent into that permanent war zone and came back (and I could have), I'd toss that Afghan medal too.
(It's an ugly one anyway- for an ugly unwinnable war).
That country is TRIBAL. There will never be any "democracy" there, and if there was, I would hate for it to be like the joke ones we live in here in the West. I know 5 guys who died over there personally. I served with them in 1PPCLI. I can imagine what they would say. And it wouldn't be good. It would be something like:
Harper just announced that there will be no more boots on the ground in Afghanistan by 2014.
We've heard that one before. In 2006. Then in 2009. Then in 2011. And this year, he says "no more" with finality.
This "war" has been going on longer than both World Wars combined. And we achieved nothing, despite what the bigwigs say. We achieved a lot of death and destruction and we threw a shitload of money down the toilet. And Canadians had the appallling gall to ship a whole Tim Hortons restaurant to Afghanistan to "comfort" our homesick troops. To serve them a double-double on the base. It made me sick to my stomach. I know they want to feel Like home, but Jesus Christ is that arrogant.
That would be like Afghani troops fighting on our soil and then they send over "Akmeemee's Heroin and Chip Truck" to make those guys feel at home.
The arrogance of it far outweighs the goodness of making troops feel homey.
I think the NATO protests have made all Leaders think twice about what the fuck they are doing.
When you have soldiers who fought there throwing their service medals at your feet, then you need to check your fucking headgear.
You didn't fight in that "war". You just sent in the Best to do the Worst and still have no fucking plan.
You are incompetent.
All around that fucking table.
Until you strap on a flak vest and lock and load, don't play politics with something so serious.
Pull out just like you pulled out of Vietnam. And make definite note of how much you duplicated History, you fucking idiots.
05-23-2012, 01:09 PM
More scandals raining down:
Defence Minister Peter MacKay deliberately lied to Canadians last year when he told us on National TV that the Libya mission that Canada took part in would not cost any more than $50 million.
Well we just got the final bill for that "excursion" and guess how much we taxpayers are on the hook for?
A top DND General held a press conference and said that MacKay knew full well that the mission would cost "over $100 Million. He would have had that cost estimate before the mission was approved".
This cocksucking goof must go.
And as soon as fucking possible.
He is misleading us at every turn.
I want to know what it takes to be fired from Harper's front bench. What crime does a man have to commit before he gets removed?
What is the exact nature of MacKay's relationship with Harper?
Does MacKay know something about Harper that could destroy the Conservative party and he's blackmailing Steve to keep his post?
And I saw Peter Mansbridge's ridiculous interview with MacKay's trophy Iranian wife last week- what a spin job!
She defended her hubby to the teeth! Did Mackay order her to do damage control on his behalf?
I think so, because MacKay needs all the fucking help he can get to keep that job he is so woefully underqualified for.
His smart yet profoundly stupid wife laughed and joked during the whole interview, which creeped me out, because she was there to talk about her book that she wrote on Iranian human rights abuses.
I hate to say it sweetie, but you aren't doing a damn thing to help your people.
You married a scam-artist silver-spoon fed Canuck and you both live high on the hog.
Listening to you carp about Iranian human rights abuses was like watching Satan weep for the homeless.
(Harper weeping for the homeless, if that clears things up).
I found out from the Toronto Star that MacKay was born into wealth too.
He was born self-satisfied and self-entitled. That explained it all to me.
He has very refined tastes, and he likes to make taxpayers pay for those refined tastes.
I am one man who will never let you off the hook, Pete.
In fact, you can't calculate how much I want you dead.
Like Henry Rollins said once:
I stabbed him so many times in my mind, that when I finally left the scene, I SLIPPED IN HIS BLOOD.
Chris Knipp
05-23-2012, 02:09 PM
So you served in the 1 Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry? I had to look up 1PPCLI -- I never heard of it. That's too Canadian for us Yanks to know about. I served in the US Army but got only good out of it, not counting the wasted time. Evidently it's part of the whole program that we don't get to see body bags or coffins draped with flags since Bush II and there's not much talk about all the wasted lives and broken men and women except on programs like Democacy Now!, not in the mainstream media.
For the general picture I'd refer people to Chamblers Johnson's Blowback trilogy and Gore Vidal's book Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to Be So Hated. He saw it back in 2002. That was when the became completely clear, and the scale of it.
05-24-2012, 09:35 AM
Yes, I was a Patricia in the 90's. I got out in July 1996. My Regimental coin number is 6650, for anyone in now.
I was in Charlie company in the First Battalion in Calgary- Currie Barracks.
I don't talk about it much because I'm not particularly proud of it. Those days are ancient history.
I wasn't a model soldier, but I got an Honorable release. I knew I didn't belong in that Army.
A soldier isn't supposed to think too much about what he's doing. I thought too much and I realized it was not for me.
Once upon a time I was gung-ho. Now I'm pretty lazy. LOL
Chris Knipp
05-24-2012, 10:07 AM
That's good.
05-29-2012, 09:31 AM
13,000 Canadian websites have blacked themselves out in protest over Bill C-38, the GIGANTIC "ominous" budget bill that lying thieving Tories have tried to slip past us Canadians.
Employment Insurance changes are in fact illegal. It is the property/money of those who paid into it.
The government is not allowed to change E.I. legislation, to get Canadians back to work or otherwise.
Yet that is exactly what the Tories have done.
They have also passed back-to-work legislation for the SIXTH TIME, ending a legal strike by CP Rail workers after only 6 days.
Minister of Labour (Whatta JOKE!) Lisa Raitt said ONCE AGAIN that this work stoppage harms the economy.
Your batshit insane government is doing far more harm to the economy and the environment than any labour union.
Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Lisa. Go back to Dairy Queen, where you used to work before you were an MP, Bitch.
You're much better suited to serving soft serve than heavy-handed back-to-work legislation.
All those rail workers wanted was their pensions protected. A sword of damocles is hanging over their pensions, and the government sided with the company.
Scandal # 4227:
The government has ended the inquiry into the F-35 boondoggle. Committees are not allowed to investigate further.
You draw the conclusions on that one. Hiding something? Try hiding an ELEPHANT.
This budget bill is the most serious affront to democracy this country has ever seen.
It rips our Nation up into pieces. It cuts it into ribbons, and all with one fell swoop.
How long will it take for Canadians to realize that this government has done irreparable damage to our very way of life and continues to go full-steam ahead on ignorant and extremely ill-advised legislation that only makes money for their rich friends?
It takes me a nanosecond to do that.
A friend of mine said something great: "Don't get too worked up about it. Sometimes the country needs to experience a traumatic series of mistakes in order to wake up on the government. If they are forcibly removed in the next election, IT WILL ALL BE WORTH IT. Right?"
05-31-2012, 08:41 AM
I wish I had all the time in the world to post items and link to stuff related to this criminal government, because I have actually left out all kinds of scandals, all kinds of reprehensible Tory behavior.
The Conservative HQ had a severed human foot delivered to it's doors 2 days ago. Harper's big aide opened the package and was (understandably) horrified by the grisly find and the whole Tory headquarters was overwhelmed by the stench of rotting flesh from the box.
I don't know how much this murder is politically motivated, but the Liberal party was due to receive a human hand in the mail, we were told by police. To me, it's a definite reflection of how much the government is despised at the moment.
There is a manhunt on right now for a man from Montreal.
Minister of Human Resources (an absolute oxymoron title in her case) DIANE FINLEY has been standing up and lying in the House of Commons for months and months about how the Cons have created 700,000 jobs in 6 years. The Opposition hammered them in QP yesterday, asking the Tories if they ever did the math on how many of those jobs still actually exist. (!)
Because they never factor in the 3 million jobs LOST OR CUT by proxy by the government.
Do they think Canadians are stupid?
The short answer is YES.
They think no one is paying any attention to their fuck-ups.
I Am, Tories.
I am and you don't even know I exist, do you?
I am a figment of your imagination, aren't I?
KEEP IGNORING ME. You make me a legend. LOL
Conservative MP David Wilks (a Tory backbencher) was filmed in his home riding, talking to concerned constituents in his riding about the Huge Budget Bill that the Government is trying to sneak by us all.
He told them point-blank: "One MP isn't going to make a difference in opposing this bill- we need 12-20 Tory MP's opposing it in order to instigate changes to it. We are told what to do and we are expected to do what we're told "For The Party".
So there you go. One of their own has told the whole country what it's like to be a Tory MP under Harper, and if you disagree with a policy, too fuckin' bad- you vote how you're told Bitch, or you'll get the same treatment as Helena Guergis! And don't try to sue me over it either- I'll get my own Johnnie Cochrane to fuck your ass up! And I'll bill the taxpayers for my legal bills, because I'm the biggest fuckhead in the history of Canada!
Now go get me a $16 glass of orange juice. And send for my limo. I got chests to shit on.
I am Harper, HEAR ME ROAR.
06-01-2012, 08:21 AM
Scandal number 7721:
Bev Oda is fleecing us taxpayers again.
And she still has a job. Who knew?
It was revealed yesterday in the House of Commons that Oda's webpage as an MP CHANGED THE FINAL COST NUMBERS for all of her offical business trips for last year. Did she think no one would notice?
Charlie Angus noticed, and he read the riot act to Tories yesterday in Question Period.
He called out Harper himself, asking what happened to his promise of accountability in government?
Harper just ignored My Man Charlie and let Peter van Fat Fuck Loan read off a one-sentence reply about Oda's reasons for changing her expense claim numbers on her website. It was a bright-red flag rocketing up that flagpole again...."CORRUPTION" thru and thru...
How much are they fleecing us?
We don't even know.
But you can bet your $16 glass of OJ that it's a lot of dinero, muchacho.
When Tom Mulcair becomes Prime Minister, he will restore Honor and Integrity to Government, which has been missing in action for 40+ years.
He just visited the tar sands in Alberta, and he told us yesterday that the scale of the size of the tar sands is incredible.
A handful of NDP MP's took a helicopter tour of the tar sands, and they only saw the NORTHERN TIP OF IT!!!!!!!
No fucking wonder they want pipelines to rip up the earth and environmental regulations GUTTED!!!!
Look at the size of it!
We don't have to ever pay for oil here in Canada, and Harper is making himself and his cabinet a SHITLOAD OF MONEY ON THIS PROJECT.
The tar sands are artificially inflating the Canadian dollar, and it hurts our own manufacturing sectors in other provinces.
Harper does not care because he's for Alberta all the way, despite being from Toronto.
Amazing how much he sucks his wife Skeletor's dick in the name of a buck...
Harper is perpetuating Dutch Disease.
That's our PM- son of an Imperial Oil accountant.
I don't care if you agree with me or not. What I'm saying is the absolute truth.
We have Capitalists in Government, because they have deep pockets.
Kevin O'Leary said yesterday that Canada will never elect an NDP government.
Oh yes they will Kevin.
Don't ever second guess a disgruntled Canadian voter- especially seniors and front-line workers who are getting the shaft long and hard from the Tories.
Mitt Romney won't win, Kevvy. And Harper will never win another election in his life.
Your two best pals for Capitalism are GONZO.
Hell will be a crowded place, won't it?
All those greedheads....All those psychopathic's bound to be hostile.
06-06-2012, 09:46 AM
Scandal # 11182:
While in Davos Switzerland for a fancy conference last year, three Tory Ministers (Tony Clement, Peter van fat fuck Loan and Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty) hired Lexus cars to drive them around the tiny town, a town so tiny and small they could have walked.
The bill was $23,000.
We just found out yesterday in the House of Commons.
My Man Charlie Angus said we got ZERO, absolutely no bang for our buck with that expense.
23 GRAND!?!??!
For three days to shuttle criminals around a tiny foreign town???
You assholes are paid a shitload of money!
You can't open your own wallets and pay for it???
You just HAVE TO bill the taxpayers????
Were you shuttling between Swiss banks to and fro? You rich goofs?
When will it end Lord?
The shitstorm just keeps on blowing hard....
06-06-2012, 09:58 AM
And that Robo-Call noose is tightening like a motherfucker on Tories.
Elections Canada just confirmed that they will be spending in excess of $285,000 to investigate this fraud scheme.
They have already spend over $100,000 on it, and they will spend almost $300,000 to get to the bottom of it.
I cannot WAIT to see how this unfolds, because I know that the bastards are guilty as fucking SIN.
I want Harper in jail.
I want all of his fuckhead minions to pay the hard way for this absolute affront to Democracy and Reason.
They knew their backs were against the wall during the last election, and they had to resort to dirty tricks to win.
Lord knows that Harper is so dishonest that he wouldn't hesitate to perpetuate voter fraud to win at all costs.
I saw his short interview with Peter Mansbridge yesterday in London England.
He said he never reads the Canadian papers or sees Canadian news, because he "would go crazy" if he saw them.
He said he only reads American news and that his staff prepare news briefs for him.
He knows nothing. He admitted it.
He ONLY follows USA media.
He admitted it to us on Live National televison.
What more do you need? He's an idiot through and through.
And anyone who voted for him is an idiot through and through.
06-07-2012, 02:29 PM
Dean del HYPOCRITE Mastro is an even bigger hypocrite than previously thought. He may be the biggest hypocrite of the Tory bunch, but that title is hotly contested by so many douchebags...
Dean is under investigation himself by Elections Canada for election fraud.
You heard me right: the guy who stands up as the WHITER THAN WHITE attack dog against opposition questions on election fraud is being investigated himself for that very thing.
What did Dean-O do to be under investigation you ask?
Well, he wrote a check for $21,000 to a research company (the now defunct HOLINSHED) for his private campaign in Peterborough in 2008 and did not report it to a SOUL.
The check was actually written from del Mastro's PERSONAL bank account, a violation of the law.
Elections Canada hadn't even notified him yet, and he flew like Superman to the set of CBC's Power and Politics to defend the allegations. (POORLY).
He rushed onto the Power and Politics set lightning fast to explain himself, but he did a terrible job- later on The National showed a replay of his response and everyone was scratching their heads. He dug himself a much deeper hole.
I told you this man would be the biggest jackass ever in the House of Commons. No one believed me.
Today in Question Period (which I just watched Live) there were 5 different opposition MP's asking why del Mastro isn't removed from his position as Parliamentary Secretary to the PM until the investigation is complete. del Mastro wasn't allowed to speak on his own behalf- Pierre Poilivere spoke for him, but he actually didn't- all he did was say that the NDP were found to have taken illegal donations from unions in the last election campaign.
Wonderful mud-slinging, eh? What a beautiful House we have....
I'd love to have a minute alone with Pierre Polivere, give him the beating his daddy should have given him.
Maybe then he wouldn't be so smug and slimy and utterly repulsive.
He's just a total slimeball to me, an arrogant one too- like most Tory MP's.
I wouldn't even want a CONVERSATION with a Tory MP.
I'd lose it and smack the shit out of them in 30 seconds. I'm not a violent guy, but I'm not lying when I say I want ignorant people to suffer.
No one in Harper's cabinet will be fired. EVER.
They say there will be a cabinet shuffle in the summer. Bev Oda is rumoured to be turfed, but so was Peter Mackay, and he still sits on the front bench for the most dismal Defence Minister performance in the history of the cosmos.
Harper is meeting with the brand-new French President today, giving him lectures on economics, which is priceless.
This Prime Minister never fails to meet with foreign Leaders but has NEVER met with Provincial Premiers in his own country to give them a heads-up on ANYTHING HE DOES. They hear about his plans after the fact, after the devastation of bad policies and bad decision making.
They find out long after the fact how much the Feds downloaded onto them, fiscally and emotionally.
I wish we could just teleport all Conservatives to another dimension and leave them there. Leave them there wondering how they will form a new batshit insane government without any oil resources and people to suck on like the parasites they are.
This government wants to be fired. They are asking for it LOUD AND CLEAR.
Let's do it.
Let's give them what they are begging for.
06-08-2012, 01:18 PM
Defence Minister Peter MacKay's photo-op at Lockheed Martin for the F-35 procurement 2 years ago cost taxpayers
$47,000 we learned yesterday.
47 Grand blown to kingdom come just to have this dipshit sit in the cockpit of an F-35 and have his mug splayed all over Canadian media as a "Defence Minister with Moxie"
Liberal MP and former Canadian Astronaut Marc Garneau blasted MacKay yesterday in Question Period, asking:
We all know the Defence Minister likes to have his picture taken on big photo-ops for bogus things. I can arrange for him to go to Houston Texas and climb aboard a space shuttle. I can even have him LAND the thing- for free. I'll even throw in a trip to Space Camp. All the Minister has to do is NEVER AGAIN charge the taxpayers $47,000 for nothing.
MacKay's reply was priceless: "I know that the Liberal member is soooooo bright and sooooo intelligent, but his joke falls flat".
No it didn't Pete. I howled so hard at that brilliant rebuke. He brought you down to reality, asshole.
Sorry you didn't like it.
Garneau replied by standing up and asking MacKay the exact same thing, only this time in French.
(He's even throwing in a trip to Space Camp! Free! Sign up Pete! IMAGINE the photo-ops you could do!)
Pete just muttered that the joke is just as funny in french as it was in english.
Damn right Pete.
You're a Winner.
The National had a SCATHING and INCENDIARY program on the Department of National Defence last night, and how they run Ottawa- lobbyists lobbied for the F-35 and we don"t know how much the Conservatives pocketed to push hard for that fucked up jet.
Former General Rick Hillier was profiled as well as his connections with well-heeled lobbyists and how procurement contracts were awarded in a process that was not fair and open. And STILL AREN'T. Due to the lobbyists who have Tory MP's by the nutsacks.
Any Tory supporters want to join our forums and debate me?
No you don't.
Because I got Big Guns and Big Truth on my side.
This criminal government is just marking time until they are turfed.
Every step they make is a step in the wrong direction, and they are being called on it every nanosecond by the opposition.
Watch it and weep.
Tories are the Living Dead.
Maybe I should write a script- a Canadian Politicians Zombie movie...just change the names...John Baird would be the Attack Hound zombie, Tony Clement would be the shifty, thief-like zombie, Peter van Loan would never stop eating brains, James Moore would never stop eating brains, Dean del Mastro would never stop eating brains (they are all VERY PLUMP, you see...LOL), Jim Flaherty would be the zombie who never stops trying on new shoes and mutters "Economic Rape taxpayers..grrr...Economic Rape Plan..."
You get the idea.
It would be a graveyard smash!
Chris Knipp
06-08-2012, 07:56 PM
Well, at least I think the Canadian Parliament is wittier than the US Congress. They're actually up to some sarcasm and irony. It's a hangover from the Brits. Congressional sessions tend to be humorless and verbose.
06-11-2012, 12:35 PM
The British Parliament is something to behold. And not in a good way.
Every now and then CPAC shows a re-broadcast of the U.K. Question Period here in Canada, and your head will explode watching that.
The Prime Minister (David Cameron, who just left his young daughter at a pub yesterday- what a fucking WINNER) leans on anything he can lean on to stand up and reply to a question. I saw Cameron insult a Member by calling him a Muttering Idiot in the House, which is clearly unparliamentary, and the Speaker of the House said so, told the Prime Minister to retract his remarks- but the PM just ignored the Speaker. I found that insane, but after what I just saw today in the Canadian House, I know why.
The Speaker of the House has no real power, I learned today.
Green Party Leader Elizabeth May (a former lawyer and long-time public servant) put forward a point of order on this ominous budget bill, stating that it has no main theme, that it has items in it that do not belong in an ominous bill. The Speaker (Andrew Scheer) ruled today that the bill is in order, and that past rulings on omnimbus bills state that the Speaker should step aside and let the House decide whether or not the bill is appropriate.
With a Majority government, guess how the House decides?
We are fucked.
To CANADA: Remember what is happening here. Never forget it.
This government KNEW how the Speaker would rule- that's how deviant they are.
Never underestimate how political Harper is.
Never underestimate his capacity for raping democracy.
He is gonna tie up the robo-call fraud in the courts as long as he can too.
Have your ballot ready to cast in 2015 FOLKS....
Chris Knipp
06-11-2012, 03:02 PM
Yeah but to me the UK Parliament is fun to watch because they are witty and they confront each other directly and rapidly.
06-12-2012, 01:35 PM
The Conservatives have invoked closure or shut down debates 26 times since May 2 last year.
Nathan Cullen (NDP House leader) implored the Speaker of the House to consider the restrictions on Members of Parliament to debate the issues and make things clear for Canadians, so they understand what the Government is doing. The Harper government was awarded the dubious distinction of being THE MOST SECRETIVE government in Canadian history. They win that award hands down.
Nathan Cullen asked why have Members of Parliament at all if they cannot go back to their home ridings and tell their constituents with a clean clear consicence that the government was held to account, and all i's were dotted and all t's were crossed?
The word "Parliament" means to speak, to debate. It is the very essence of determining what is right and best for Canada.
You take that away, as the Tories have done so contemptuously, then you have a Dictatorship, not a government representing the whole of Canada.
The House of Commons is a shell of its' former self.
Parliament means TO SPEAK, TO DEBATE. What do we call it now that debates are irrelevant?
Conservatives have a "catch us if you can" agenda, and when you catch them, they ignore you and say it's all "baseless smears".
Then they attack you as socialists or union whores.
It's despicable.
They have no qualms dividing the country bitterly, while hypocritically saying it's the Opposition doing so.
I want these shitheads to suffer badly. Tories have got to go, Man.
Experts and Authorities have testified at committees recently about major items that will be affected by this ridiculous budget bill, and the government expunges all records of their testimony from committee reports!!!!!
When I heard that yesterday I nearly threw my TV out the window.
Abuse of Power?
Their policies are a recipe for a financial crisis far worse than the one they never even saw coming and then took credit for bringing us through it.
And then what will they say?
It was Europe's fault?
Who will they blame then?
The writing is on the wall, and it's in blood.
Mr. Leonard Cohen was right: I'VE SEEN THE FUTURE, BABY. AND IT'S MURDER.
06-12-2012, 02:07 PM
To any Conservative fuckhead reading this:
1. What mandate did Harper receive from Canadians to change Employment Insurance legislation in the last election?
2. What mandate did he receive from Canadians to raise the retirement age for OAS from 65 to 67 in the last election?
3. What mandate did he receive from Canucks to gut environmental regulations and give full authority of such matters solely to the Minister of the Environment in the last election?
4. What mandate did Steve get from Canadians in the last election to eliminate the Environmental Assessment Act (which took almost a decade to perfect) and replace it with a brand-new Act that strips environmental groups the ability to contest anything and forces the government to fast-track environmental assessments of pipleline projects?
5. What mandate did he get from Canadians to perform Robo-Call fraud?
6. What mandate did he EVER GET from Canadians? Enlighten me.
Did you know that the changes to Immigration that the Tories have wrought are beyond insane?
They have just totally overhauled the immigration system, and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney has the sole discretion to accept or reject an immigrant. ONE MAN has all the power!!!! Never have we seen something so Orwellian here in Canada.
I call Kenney "Turban-Boy", because he was on a shady and shifty trip to India two years ago, where he sported a blue turban for the entire visit, walking around lavish compounds with oil sheiks and doing God-knows-what kind of backroom business with them.
I got your number, Turban-Boy.
You have no idea how much I will celebrate the Conservative parties' destruction.
When did Canada become so stupid?
06-13-2012, 12:24 PM
There will be a 24-hour straight vote on the OMINOUS budget bill tonight, the last and final thing the opposition can do to stop this OIL MACHINE.
Over 70 pieces of legislation have been repealed in this budget, thousands and thousands of jobs have been obliterated, Search and Rescue has been cut in Vancouver- that city is outraged by the removal of the Coast Guard's only rescue centre for boats that get lost. The government said that the new hovercraft that Vancouver is getting will cover all search and rescue missions.
RIGHT. Vancouverites are THRILLED, I'm sure...
No housing crisis plans for Canada in this budget. No money for seniors in any capacity. E.I. legislation is completely overhauled- which they are legally not allowed to do, but hey, it's a Majority government. Watch it and weep.
A giant oil spill in Red Deer Alberta a few days ago makes all environmental gutting in the budget all the more rosy. Makes us all feel REAL COZY about gutting environment regulations.
Guess who discovered the spill?
First Nation Natives. In their backyards.
It wasn't an oversight agency. It wasn't the government, because there IS NO oversight. Whatsoever.
It was Natives who discovered it and sounded the alarm.
Alberta Premier Alison Redford basically said the spill wasn't a problem, clean-ups are underway, go back about your business, people...
No infrastructure projects or transit plans with the provinces, no vision, no plan, NO NOTHING.
Bill C-38 is called the Jobs, Growth and Prosperity Act.
It's proper name is the Jobs (slashed and cut like crazy), Growth (for oilmongers) and Prosperity (for rich bitches) Act.
That's the PROPER title of this bill.
Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was just on CBC, telling the World that this budget bill must pass quickly and that the opposition is just stalling.
A reporter asked you if your Government was just bullying their way through this vote. You LAUGHED and SNICKERED.
You said that the opposition has no justifiable reason for opposing this bill.
How about raping democracy? In the name of a buck?
That's the only reason you need, but there are scores more. It amazes me how much the Cons think Canadians don't know what they are up to.
It's so disrespectful and sick to insult Canadians' intelligence like this.
You're all fired, Jim.
You all fail with flying colors.
Thanks for showing the world how stupid and incompetent your team is.
And why have a media scrum to tell the Opposition to pass this bill quickly when you know full well that it will pass anyway?
You have a Majority. The Opposition is hog-tied. Any bill you conjure up will pass and you know it, so why the charade?
Why pretend the Opposition can do anything to stop your money train?
They can't.
Especially when you invoke closure and shut down debates every single time on every single item of business.
Why not tell the Opposition to not even show up to work? That your goon squad can handle running the country by yourselves?
Because that is essentially what you are saying, you fuckhead FLEECER.
06-15-2012, 12:23 PM
The longest day in Canadian government history ended late last night, and I was overwhelmed to see Democracy in Action.
I actually teared up at the very end- at the final vote.
When Green party Leader Elizabeth May stood up, turned around, and put her head down on her lectern I almost sobbed.
What happened Wednesday night cannot be understated.
The Arrogance and Sheer CONTEMPT of the Conservative party was on full display in glorious technicolor.
They voted down EVERY SINGLE AMENDMENT to the "ominous" budget bill. ALL 700+ amendments!
They said to everyone in Canada: FUCK YOU. WE HAVE NOTHING BUT CONTEMPT FOR YOU. We will ram through our agenda whether you like it or not. Our Economic Rape Plan must pass immediately! We know we will be fired in the next election so this shit must pass NOW! Don't argue about it- don't debate me- don't form a sound, reasoned attack on this brick of a bill. Because we do not listen to reason. We are the Fifth Reich Republicans, and don't you EVER forget it, peasant!
I was beyond proud of the Opposition- and let me remind you that ALL FOUR opposition parties were voting against this fucked up and sick bogus bill.
24 hours straight the Members of Parliament voted!
It was amazing to see Jim Flaherty simmering with rage at having to sit in his Commons seat for a marathon vote.
Harper didn't even get up out of his seat for a couple votes- and NDP MP Yves Godin called him out on it to the Speaker- guess what the Speaker did. Nothing. MP's would rush to their seats for votes after taking a piss break, ingesting caffeine or to eat some dark chocolate, and some wouldn't be there in time for the vote- but the Speaker knew the deal. All votes were counted, because we know EXACTLY what this was about:
Which the Opposition did Gloriously. BRAVO TO ALL OF THEM.
If they DID NOT hold the gov't to account, I would have been screaming bloody murder and given up on politics altogether.
It was beautiful to see the resolve of the Opposition to make these shitheads suffer for their boneheaded ideology.
And it was utterly disgusting to see Tories act like little children. I hope many Canadians watched that marathon vote with a laser eye, because it showed for all time that the harper goofs are beyond arrogant and stupid- they have struck a new mold for arrogance and stupidity.
They voted down every single amendment. Not one was accepted. NOT ONE? NOT EVEN ONE?
How can any Canadian (Conservative or not) say that those vote results were justified?
I mean, it was BREATHTAKING, Bubba.
Dean del Mastro has also been served affidavits to search his bank records. Pierre Spoilivere keeps speaking up for Dino- Dean can't speak for himself on this matter? even though he hasn't been removed from cabinet? He still sits across the aisle and can't speak on his own behalf on this?
Hey Tories:
Chris Knipp
06-15-2012, 12:50 PM
I'm glad Canada had a good day. Apparently this has been brewing for some time. But as you know we down here find Canadian news if at all on page 15. I looked for this 24-hour budget session and found a story online only on BBC News. I cannot find it in the NYTimes. I still need to know just what happened exactly. Not sure you can say "THE WORLD KNOWS YOUR GAME NOW," because form the US position, the world isn't watching.
06-15-2012, 12:53 PM
Yep, it doesn't mean jack shit to Amercians, and maybe it shouldn't.
They've got their own disasters to look after.
Did you see The Daily Show with Jon Stewart last night?
The Idaho environment catastrophy?
The JP MORGAN bombshell about how they OWN Republican Senators?
I could not believe my EYES.
Chris Knipp
06-15-2012, 04:18 PM
I didn't see that; I don't have TV. But I saw how the JP Morgan Chase CEO pranced and preened himself before Congress. He knows most of them work for Wall Street.
06-18-2012, 09:51 AM
The Conservatives have spent $28 million to "celebrate" the War of 1812.
Re-enactments, a new monument, all kinds of fancy ceremonies...
When will it fucking END, Lord?
Is this a time of fiscal constraint or not?!?!?!?
Chris Knipp
06-18-2012, 11:07 AM
No. It will never end.
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