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12-19-2014, 06:40 AM
New information has emerged as to what Stephen Harper did during the attack on Parliament Hill on October 22nd.

The Conservative caucus was in a meeting at the time shots started ringing out in Centre Block. Harper told Peter Mansbridge recently that his first priority was to get out alive. That has been proven more true than anyone knows: he LEAPED into a mop closet to save his own ass during the confusion/firefight. Apparently it took security on the Hill 15-20 minutes of cajoling outside the caucus rooms doors to get the MP's to open the door, that it was in fact in-house security, and not terrorists!
And apparently the Tory MP's were ASTONISHED to see Harper crawl out of the mop closet, to be whisked away. Then those same MP's had to stay in that room for hours and hours while they "responded" to unfolding events. Harper didn't address Canada or Canadians until 10 HOURS after the incident began, and when he did, he looked white as a ghost, so pale and so frightened. It's so embarrassing you can't calculate it. Harper also told Mansbridge that he believed the two soldiers killed were linked, then he backtracked when pressed, saying "I believe the investigation is ongoing".

This shows you how much of a Coward Harper is. This shows how he abandoned not only his own MP's in a moment of crisis (by jumping into a mop closet!?! WOWZA!), but abandoned a Nation looking for answers. The city of Ottawa deserved the most answers- I should fucking know because I experienced it first-hand- the first "lockdown" I've ever experienced. We were ordered not to leave our homes. I was furious and still am. We sat there for hour after hour after hour waiting for something- anything-from people in power. We got a shitty scripted "speech" by Harper later in the evening, mumbling about how Canada will not be intimidated. You were intimidated enough to run to a mop closet, you fucking idiot! And you wouldn't come out until you heard Sgt.-at-Arms Vickers' voice!
I never imagined the shit that has gone on since you got power. I could conceive of it, but I never imagined it would actually happen. This Zionist Oil Lobby Idiot should be placed in an orange jumpsuit and shackled at the hands and feet until we can sort out the exact scale of his crimes these last 8 years.
Enough is Enough.

Harper also told Peter Mansbridge that he will stick to the fixed-election-date of a fall ballot next year.
We'll see if that's a fucking lie, won't we?

Harper's government is also passing legislation that is a full-frontal assault on Union Bosses, who Pierre Poilievere says "are not representing the workers". Pierre & Harper have declared war on the biggest workforce in Ottawa- his own government staffers, actually- they are starting a war between federal union workers and the government itself! UNPRECEDENTED IN THIS COUNTRY.
The Tories realize the political power of Unions, and they are trying to kneecap them, with bullshit legislation. Harper and his fucky-fucks has managed to piss off every single group that matters in this country. What he is doing is pure treason, unconscionable and it merits immediate removal from office. There will be a fucking reckoning next year. Believe It.

12-27-2014, 06:10 PM
If you live in Canada, and you're thinking of voting for Harper in the next election, CHECK THIS OUT:


01-26-2015, 03:21 AM
Parliament resumes this week here in Canada, and all three Federal party leaders are in full-on Election mode.

Harper is finding himself on the defensive yet again, because he lied to Canadians about our military role in Iraq and the war on ISIS. Official Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair asked Harper in the House of Commons if we will have a combat role in Iraq. The answer he got was "NO". Well, we learned last week that we are indeed engaged in Infantry combat ops, with our special forces troops. "Mission Creep" accusations have been levelled at Harper, and that's exactly what we have when our government willingly deceives the public. God help those troops when they get home...Veterans Affairs does not exist.

In other scandalous lack-of-Leadership news, we also have Harper's government saying they are unable to deliver a Federal Budget on time. It is due NOW. It's been delayed to April or May by Finance Minister Joe Oliver, a doofus if there ever was one. Jim "The Fleecer" Flaherty has left a huge void in Harper's cabinet, and Joe Oliver is in way over his head.

Justin Trudeau nailed Harper in the media over no budget: No budget from this government, and their excuse for why not is the equivalent of "THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK". Harper prides himself on his economic management, yet it's actually non-existent. This clown has only one plan: Plan A, the oil sector. Oil prices dropped huge, and Harper never thought that was possible. Well, it's a reality, and he has no Plan B! NOTHING! He rested the entire Federal budget on the oil sector! And when oil prices tanked (thanks to Saudi Arabia), he found himself having no hard numbers on the fiscal situation! He's just fuckin' floundering on the economy. A child can see it.
No budget till May. Yay. Harper is just winging it, and it's time for him & his shitty crew to hit the bricks.

Call an election now Steve. Do it. Break your own fixed-date election law. It's the only time I'll tell you to be dishonest with the people. Don't wait for Mike Duffy to destroy what's left of your credibility. Don't wait for the "Cirque du Nigel Wright". If you had a brain, you'd call an election right now, before the Tsunami of Shame hits your deluded masses of followers.

I'm quite stunned that people think this Mike Duffy trial is old news, that it has no relevance. I've heard many Harper lovers say it won't affect a thing. HO HO! Just wait and see what scandalous tidbits will emerge over this crime. His own Chief-of-Staff paid off a sitting legislator, SECRETLY. I think it was Duffy himself who let it slip the Tories paid the tab for his taxpayer rip-offs. He felt he was supremely entitled to it- he made sure John Baird got re-elected, Dammit!


02-02-2015, 12:46 AM
It's 2004 ALL OVER AGAIN. This is how Stephen Harper is gonna try to win the next Federal election. By using the word "Jihad" ad nauseum and the "War on Terror".

Fuck him and his George W. Bush ideas for winning power.


02-02-2015, 05:35 AM

Here's why the RCMP are 1000% corrupt, why the NDP should be our next government (and why Charlie Angus should be knighted by the Queen). AND WHY NIGEL WRIGHT and STEPHEN HARPER BRIBED Mike Duffy:



02-03-2015, 12:26 PM
Canada's government continues to throw the public bizarre curveballs. Something is up.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has resigned, with no explanation other than "You have to be defined by your values"


Is he smart enough to know that Justin Trudeau will TROUNCE Harper this year? Seems so. Baird wants to leave while he's still "on top" LOL Oh yeah, and he's eligible for a full pension at age 55, when it's age 67 for the rest of us.
You quit just like Jim Flaherty quit.
The heat just got too intense, didn't it?
Or is there a gay scandal lurking that hasn't come out yet?

02-03-2015, 12:54 PM
Baird's resignation is what, the tenth Minister in Harper's cabinet to resign in 2 years?
There's Trouble in Tory Paradise if the most loyal soldier in Harper's team bails.

Something happened behind closed doors here.
There's a scandal here, because John Baird would NEVER leave Harper's side, especially when he's in a Majority government and an election is looming.

So I ask you, Canada:

Why is John Baird resigning today?

02-03-2015, 02:18 PM
Don't be fooled, Canada.

John Baird is resigning so he can take a much-higher paying job, JUST LIKE JIM FLAHERTY DID! WHO KNEW!

"I never took your trust for granted" was the best line he laid on us in his resignation speech, the greatest thing ever uttered by a politician leaving for a much-higher paying job who's in a Majority government in an election year.
You are a fraud, Baird. A disgrace. You did jack and shit for Canada. And I'm glad you're fucking gonzo. But don't think you fool anyone. You are leaving to line your pockets, something you had planned from Day 1, you opportunist, you.

The last thing Baird did while in office was have his car pelted with eggs from angry Palestinians. And had shoes thrown hard at him, with people shouting at him to Fuck Off and Die, that he's not welcome in Palestine- EVER.
Fact. That shit went down over a week ago.

02-04-2015, 04:19 AM
Some more needs to be said about this idiot John Baird.

He's the most high-profile Tory in Harper's cabinet. The rumour mill is churning with his resignation, and some say he's just making a play for the Leadership someday or a Senate posting for the future. Maybe so, but I doubt it. If he leaves now, he gets his full pension at age 55. If he stays and the Tories lose the next election (and they fucking will, Kids) he won't be eligible for his pension until he's 65, like the rest of us.

Just check out how many trips he made on the public dime, like going to Brazil last week, for no reason at all, but to see the new PM sworn in. Why the fuck did you have to be there Johnny?

Scandals are gonna flow from his resignation. Stay tuned. I'll post what I learn. I'm here to destroy Tories and their arrogant lying bullshit. This year is gonna CRACKLE for Canadian politics.

02-04-2015, 07:06 AM
When John Baird resigned in the House of Commons, he was hugged by Stephen Harper, but did you notice that neither one looked each other in the eye? Baird looked at his fellow caucus members!

Something fucked up here. This is very sudden, and apparently Baird never told Harper he was quitting until after he told the media!

Trouble in Tory Land? You're Fucking Right There Is!
Baird knows the Conservative Majority is GONZO in the next election, and Johnny may lose his seat. He's jumping ship now, like a true, slimy opportunistic shithead.
Don't pat yourself on the back for nothing, John. You are a fraud, like most career politicians. You've left this country in a shambles, and Canada's reputation on the world's stage has been ruined by you and your Dictator boss.

I hope I never see your face on the Hill again.

02-05-2015, 01:17 AM
It's fun reading the articles on why John Baird is resigning so suddenly. For me, I've been calling for Baird's resignation for Eons. He's a buffoon, a freeloader, an embarrassment. A bull in a china shop. A piece of work.

Opposition MP's have praised Baird more than Harper in his departure! It's very bizarre.

Here's a quote from a St. Mary's University student from the Ottawa Citizen:

Lord- Harper's Government is falling apart. Flaherty was the only person who gave us any confidence in Finance and he is gone and missed. Listen to Oliver- he hasn't got a clue. Old Peter MacKay-remember him. Joy riding in SAR helicopters. Then when they were needed-the crash with 17 people drowned or a call out for a 14 year old boy, he either refused to provide the helicopters or they were in NS for training? Idiot. Then there was transportation. Trains allowed to operate with only one engineer?? 47 people dead. And another crash up north. What Minister was that? This is a government that has to go. No talent. Nothing to offer since the oil money dried up. Time For A New Team.

02-06-2015, 10:19 AM
If you're wondering what Dean del Mastro's been up to, he wants a mistrial for being found guilty of election fraud:


02-06-2015, 05:40 PM
Someone posted on a news site about Baird:

That guy was the pride of the Harper Fleet?!?! LOL Every picture of him looks like he's one chromosome away from downs syndrome. I think he got out before he was thrown out because he wanted to be PM someday, but he probably jumped ship purely for the money. Baird's a typical Harris Tory who saw his window and jumped.

I couldn't agree more. It's beautiful to see Harper's supporters being dumbstruck with his resignation. Face it, Clowns. Harper is a fucking disgrace and always was. You can't polish that turd anymore. He's a criminal and a fraud and he has no leadership abilities and never did. Wake the fuck up on Harper. What planet are you on to think he's anything but a fucking criminal fraud?

02-08-2015, 12:34 AM
Here's a very interesting link, which should not surprise anyone who knows Harper and pals are living breathing lobbyists, not politicians: (it's from 2012, and I was unaware of a lot mentioned)


02-08-2015, 01:14 AM
More on John Baird's resignation:

Last summer Harper asked all of his cabinet ministers if they will be running in the next election. Those who said no were replaced instantly. Baird has caught the country and Stephen Harper off-guard with this. I can only imagine the rage Harper has over this. I've read that Baird and Harper have had shouting matches over Baird's use of government aircraft, and that he recently demanded more exclusive use of private jets and Harper told him no. So this is all rather curious to me.

Remember Tim Hudak Steve? He slit his own throat. He wouldn't listen. And you don't listen either.
Your fate is sealed. It's gonna be fun watching the rats bail from your ship Steve. Who's next? Peter MacKay? Well, STEP RIGHT UP, Cormorant Pete! Harper is letting all the little Tories twist in the wind. Are they intelligent enough to Mutiny? Nope.
They're afraid of their Fuhrer.
Glory is coming to Parliament Hill in 2015.

Here's a brilliant assessment of John Baird's departure. Simply Brilliant:


02-08-2015, 05:08 AM
Because I feel Stephen Harper is going to call a snap election soon, I have to say something about each current Federal political party Leader.

1. Harper. Nothing needs to be said, is there? Just from me alone there is 760+ items posted that relate to how Delusional he is/was/will always be. Let's move on to the other Men, Justin and Tom.

2. Mulcair. He became Leader after Jack Layton's passing, and he has done a truly amazing job as Official Opposition Leader. He has held Harper's feet to the fire in a way that makes me proud to be a Canadian. He has systematically taken Harper apart in Question Period for years. Mulcair has been more Prime Ministerial in the House of Commons than both Harper and Trudeau. I will vote NDP forever, that's how much I liked Jack Layton. I'll vote for him until I die. The NDP as a party has been pretty much scandal-free. Name a scandal by any NDP caucus member. One crossed the floor to the Liberals. Wow. Some scandal. These pages I've spent a lot of time on here are only a handful of Harper's scandals. Tom Mulcair is qualified to take over as Prime Minister.His party is full of young, smart, keen and energetic MP's. The main, serious problem with the situation is the NDP have never held power, never formed a government. No one wants to give them a shot. We saw it in Ontario last year and we'll see it again this year, whenever Harper gets off his duff.

3. Trudeau. He will be our next Prime Minister. The Liberal party is well-known in Canada. So is Trudeau's name. The writing is on the wall for his victory. The cloak is off the Conservative party, and they are nothing but a cover for corrupt business hacks. The Tories are helping the Koch brothers buy the U.S. election, they are the largest landowners of the Alberta tarsands. 1.1 million acres! That ain't no accident. Harper is selling Canada by the pound, and I'd like to pound him in the face, with a swift smash of an anvil. I'm not a violent guy, but I do have violent thoughts toward Stevie Harper. His ilk need to be exorcised.
Trudeau will win, whenever Steve decides to end his charade of a government. Trudeau is experienced, he's likable, he beat the shit out of "Braz Knuckles" Patrick Brazeau- watch the fight on youtube. It's awesome. Ezra Levant gets his mind blown.
The "Pugilist From Papineau" will be a GREAT PM. All these fuckfaces who don't like Trudeau will find themselves eating crow. Justin is very intelligent, and he knows the Canada that should be governed, and it looks nothing like Harperland. We've been in a Nazi Tory Nightmare since 2006, and it's time to wake up Steve! Soviet troops are outside your Zionist bunker! John Josef Goebbels Baird is gone...What will you do now, with only your wife Skeletor at your side?

Oh, yeah. I go there. Hunter Thompson lets out a whoop whenever I do.

02-09-2015, 10:59 AM
OK, so maybe there are NDP scandals....:) I've got my game face on for this election, Hombres. ha ha
I'm not going to say them here. If they were serious enough, I would. But they can work thru their woes with ease.

And more bizarre curveballs from the Tories: Eve Adams has jumped ship. She has crossed the floor to Justin Trudeau's Liberals.
This is amazing. I wish more MP's would cross the floor. That is when you see the gears of real politics in motion. Take her aboard, Justin. But you and me and most switched-on Canadians know about Miss Eve Adams & Dimitri Soudas. It took her THIS LONG to cross the floor? Justin! Don't let those bedroom eyes of hers seduce you! LOL She could be up to some nefarious mischief, here. Beware, that is all. She could turn out to be the smartest MP in the House. She is today. She left before Peter MacKay did! Coolness!

Harper shuffled his cabinet, but who cares, right? As one guy said on a news site: Stirring sewage is fine, just remember that it's sewage.

02-10-2015, 04:47 AM
To all Conservatives who've been lurking here: This is what Stephen Harper said Canada is:

"A Failed Northern European WelFare State"
Read it again. A thousand times. The Prime Minister of Canada said we are a failed northen euro welfare state.
Then I guess you are the Chief Recipient, Steve. LOL

Hey Tory supporters: You gonna vote Conservative again? You must be a special kind of stupid.

02-10-2015, 04:17 PM
Our new Foreign Affairs Minister doesn't speak French. This is a requirement for such a HUGE position in the government.
BUT HARPER DOESN'T CARE. He doesn't care that this Nation is Bi-Lingual.

You're Fired Steve. Didn't you get the memo?

02-10-2015, 08:20 PM
A lot of people are sounding off about Eve Adams joining the Liberals, and I happen to believe it's an ingenius move on Trudeau's part. Here's why:

Just think about what this means. Eve was told she would not be able to run as a Tory in the next Federal election. She is full of rage at this. She wants revenge on Harper for being a big meanie to her. What better revenge than to cross the floor? Her hubby Dimitri Soudas has devastating information about the inner workings of the Conservative machine. The big kerrfluffle is "What a risk to the Liberals! What a liability!", and I say, not so fast...

There is almost no risk here. And that's why Trudeau took her on with a smile. There is no risk because she will have to win the nomination in Eglington-Lawrence ( my old riding when I lived in TO)- she will have to beat Joe Oliver to earn her place at the Liberal table. I'm sure this was agreed upon before Eve & Justin held their press conference. WHAT AN ADDITION TO THE LIBERAL WAR ROOM! This a major coup. Eve isn't a liability to Justin- she all but guarantees him Victory, and if she loses, she loses. If she wins, she's in a new government, and switched parties just in the nick of time. Pretty smart. But she's also got a history of serious gaffes, so serious she isn't qualified to be an MP. But Stephen Harper has thrown out the rulebook, hasn't he?


02-11-2015, 04:09 AM
Conservative MP's should do a gut-check after what's happened this week.

It's been proven that the PMO can ruthlessly throw an MP overboard, even if you are a "shining star" like John Baird. All the PMO cares about is keeping their fat asses in the PMO.
They are not interested in "earning" the right to serve Canada. They feel like they own Canada, they feel like King Shits of Turd Island. Nothing can touch 'em, nothing can stop 'em. Yeah? Well you fuckers are gonna be faced with a reckoning this year that'll slap you so fucking hard it will be absolutely beautiful.

Harper and all of his cronies are psychotic. And they will pay the biggest political price you've ever seen in Canadian political history. Everybody has been fucked over by Harper's non-leadership. EVERYBODY. And the Tories have taken their "power" for granted for so long that I can't wait to read the fallout pieces that will be written after this election.

I will look like a tea-leave reader when those days arrive. You're Fucked Harper.
You should've called a Leadership Convention when you had the chance. I love that you're facing the onslaught of losing key front-bench ministers, MP's crossing the floor, and a public who has nothing but coiled rage to aim at you and your patheticness.

I can't wait to see you handed your walking papers. I'm giddy in anticipation of your snap election. CALL IT NOW FUCKHEAD! LOL
Trudeau handing you a massive defeat will be POETRY. Sheer Fuckin' Poetry.

02-16-2015, 02:43 PM
Stephen Harper's Director of Communications has quit. That's how many now in 8 years?
Here's the thing with these "Directors of Communications" that Harper employs: to lie on Harper's level, it can get a bit much after a while. The longest one of these guys lasts is a year workin' for Harper.

Harper doesn't talk to the media. He doesn't talk to Canadians. About Anything. It's been that way forever. He does not take questions from anyone unless it's on his terms. He might get caught in a lie that will politically kill him. So he has these "directors of communications" spin the message for him. And they quit about a year after being appointed. And guess who the new one is for Steve? A guy who's from the head office of Canadian Tire. Wow. You just can't make it up.

Justin Trudeau speaks to anyone who wants to talk to him, about any issue. That's the Prime Minister I want. Not a secretive, slimy, deflecting asswipe who needs sychophants to speak for him at all times. If the message gets muddled, then Harper blames his Director of Comms. It's never his fault. Another one bails from the sinking ship that is S.S. Harper. Keep 'em comin- the charade is almost over....April is the month to watch. All of these well-placed announcements lately by Harper's Cons gives us the heads-up that a snap election will be called before the Mike Duffy trial. You're finished Steve. There's no way to avoid the Canadian Voter now.

03-09-2015, 07:30 AM
Canada has lost its first soldier in the fight against ISIS, and he was shot by the Kurds! Friendly fire...

WTF is going on here? We are getting conflicting reports on what exactly happened, and Harper's government has no clue what to tell the Canadian public. They are telling Canadians that no one is on the front lines, yet WE ARE. Not only that, but the Kurds are saying it was the Canadians fault, because they would not listen to challenges to their position. And when the Canucks finally responded to the Kurds defending their position the Canadians responded in ARABIC! The Kurds said it confused them, and they opened fire. A Canadian Sgt is dead, and the government is already trying to cover it up.

This is just like Vietnam. And we don't belong there. Call your election now, HARPER. I'm sick of your lies and obfuscations.

03-10-2015, 01:23 PM
Disgraced Conservative Senator Pamela Wallin truly had her face slammed into the taxpayer trough.
The RCMP have released 79 pages of their investigation into Harper's dear appointee and her expense claims.
She claimed everything from meals with former lovers to board meetings with her private companies, WITH ZERO OVERSIGHT.
To Pam & Braz & Mac Harb & Mike Duffy (all Harper appointees to the Senate save Harb) this was a free-for-all smorgasborg at the taxpayer trough. There has been no explanation from anyone in the Senate Management as to how or why this occured with no one knowing. My Man Charlie Angus was on CFRA radio today asking why these un-hirable/un-firable clowns were not being held to account by the Senate itself. Canadian Senators are not elected. They are not accountable to the public or the Voter, and there is no oversight on what they can claim for expenses. Wallin and Duffy really and truly slammed their fat faces into the taxpayer trough. All politicians do it, but these two really slammed their craniums into that trough! It's beyond disguting, and further proof of Harper's gang running totally amok.

Many more scandals from these shithead Tories: They are accusing the opposition parties of "siding with the terrorists". SOUND FAMILIAR? Shades of Dumbya Bush...
Justin Trudeau gave a speech yesterday at a University were he laid it out how Harper is marginalizing and attacking Muslims (Impossible! because Obama is a Muslim, and he's his best Serpent friend! Right? They are hand-in-hand with maintaining Babylon! Nimrod Lives!) LOL

What a fucking gong-show this all is. Enjoy that Lake of Fire, Boys!
Do whatcha gotta do to maintain the LIE.
I'll be here to expose you until the people wake up.

03-24-2015, 07:38 AM
Stephen Harper is pissing me off large. (As if he wasn't before!)
Today in the House of Commons this zionist warmonger is offering his extension of the Iraq mission, extending it and expanding it into Syria, all the while telling Canadians that we are not on the front lines in any way. Right-O.

This fight against ISIS/ISIL is not Canada's fight. Harper made it our fight, because he wants to see Israel destroyed, as per Biblical prophesy, while doing a bait-and-switch on the people. Make no mistake, the Illuminati and their ilk are advancing the worship of Satan here, while making it seem like they are "fighting" 'Ol Lucifer. I've finally got all the pieces to the puzzle.

What does the Bible prophesize? That Israel is destroyed by all of the surrounding countries to it. Jesus cannot come back until Israel is destroyed. Correct? They are making Biblical prophesy come true. They are playing God, [while pointing to him] as their Saviour. It's quite amazing, actually. The people are being brainwashed and mind-controlled here. ISIS is not the likes of Stalin or Hitler. And if the pro-war right wants to say they ARE, then they also have to say that History is repeating itself and nobody learned a fucking thing.

Enjoy your coffee. Think hard about what I've written. I did.

03-27-2015, 07:58 AM
So yeah, Stephen Harper is basically using war (and breaking International Law) to get himself re-elected.
Anybody who votes for this idiotic warmonger will go straight to hell for worshipping Satan through him.
I'm not mincing words and I'm not a Bible-thumping Jesus-freak. But I do know what is going on here.
Brainwashing. On a massive scale.

The U.S. Congress recently voted to give Vladimir Pudding a hell of a lot of weapons. Obama has not handed them over to Vlad yet. It's all up to Muslim Barack, to give the weapons to Putin.
Putin has been buying oil from ISIS/ISIL, who have hijacked oil fields in Iraq. This "war" is a quagmire, and it hasn't even begun yet! Nimrod & Semiramis were the Lords of Babylon once upon a time weren't they? Where was the Tower of Babel (Tower of Confusion)?
Right beside the Tigris and Euphrates! Go Figure...that ain't no coincidence.

I've noticed Harper gets really fired up these days in Question Period, because Mulcair and the NDP have got him dead to rights: You go into Syria, you are aligning yourself with Asad, which is the same thing as aligning with ISIS, as you need his permission to enter Syrian airspace. Harper is breaking International Law and aligning himself with a barbarian. Par for the course for a Satanist who never declares he is one. When was the last time you sipped some cider under some redwoods in Bohemian Grove, Steve?

I got your number. And I'm enjoying watching you go down in flames.

03-30-2015, 01:00 PM
Everybody in the province of Ontario is whining about the Liberal government and what a disaster they are. And I agree.
Kathleen Wynne is an opportunist, and she is advancing the horrors begun by Dalton "Asshat" McGuinty.
But the Liberal majority in Ontario exists for only one reason: to eliminate Harper this year.
Once Harper's gone we can talk about a new government for the province of Ontario.

The bigger, more urgent problem is the Federal Conservative party, led by FuckHead Stphen Harper and the disasters they have wrought on Canada at large. It doesn't surprise me that he would drop Canada into a war. Not at all, not when he needs to get elected again badly. And not when knowing that he learned everything he knows from George W. Bush.

Call your election. Now. End it.

04-07-2015, 08:31 AM
Today is Day 1 of the Mike Duffy trial here in Ottawa.
This is gonna be juicy...

This is the only time (probably) we will see in a public forum exactly how Stephen Harper does business.
How he deals with "political problems". Harper favours his party base over fairness and justice. That much is obvious. Harper will do anything it takes to maintain whatever warped support he has. This trial will expose the inner workings of his shady and secretive PMO. And not a moment too soon. He hasn't called his election yet, nor has Duffy died. My gambits to pre-empt both have worked here. Readers should know that I plant seeds, and I wait to see which ones grow fruit and which ones die...I can wait for the election in the fall, but I still think Harper will call it this summer, when voting isn't on youth's minds.
The only ones in Canada who vote Conservative are oblivious senior citizens and members of the oil industry. No one else.
And a Big Sweep is fuckin' comin'!

Commentators are saying that this Duffy trial is old news, that no new revelations will come out.
Um, excuse me? The only "revelation" in this whole sick scandal is that a sitting legislator was SECRETLY paid off by the Prime Minister's Chief-of-Staff!!!What other "bombshell" do you fucking need? Jesus Christ, these Tory supporters haven't got a clue how serious this is. They whine about how "It's ONLY 90 thousand dollars! No taxpayer money was spent! Nigel Wright's political was ended over it! Case-closed!"

Um, again-excuse me? Nigel Wright was acting on orders from Harper, and both of these criminals should be charged and on trial.
They should be fighting for their freedom to be on the streets in my opinion.
If this happened in the private sector everybody involved would be facing some serious shit. I will be following this trial to the bitter end- all 41 days of it. Some say that Duffy's trial may not be resolved until the fall- around the time of the election. We'll see. I want the Conservative party brought to it's knees over this, just like the Gomery Inquiry brought the Liberals to their knees...The Irony is Amazing....The Sponsorship Scandal wasn't just one thing, one crime- it was a series of little things that added up to the destruction of the party and Paul Martin's Leadership. And that's what I'm predicting will happen to Harper.
Couldn't happen to a better FuckHead.

Stay tuned.

04-10-2015, 01:32 PM
Three days into the Mike Duffy trial- what have we learned?

That Canadian Senators have free trips to New York City and Washington, they can let their children fly on their account, they have expense accounts which start out at $150,000 (for "research")plus $20,000 for office supplies and other incidentals. That is on top of their base salary of $155,000 a year. Oh yeah, and don't forget that there are no set defined "rules" for claiming expenses, so Mike Duffy took that as "I can expense anything under the sun!" Everything from a trip to watch his daughter perform in a play (he did, for $8,000!) to a trip to Peterborough with (OF ALL PEOPLE!) Dean del Mastro!!!! to Buy a Puppy! He sent the bill to the taxpayers!
There are probably a million other hidden expenses that Duffy took advantage of, but will we ever know the full depth of Conservative party greed and that sick ENTITLED ARROGANT mantra "I am entitled to my entitlements! I am a Senator!" that all Tory Senators have adopted.
One particular female Tory Senator had the astonishing gall to be upset that her expense claims are being audited- "They are asking me about a breakfast I claimed! Do they expect me to eat cold camembert cheese and broken crackers?!?!?!"- no word of a lie. That came out of the sewer mouth of one of Harper's appointees to the upper chamber. If that doesn't make your stomach turn what the fuck will?

This shit is astonishing. Duffy's lawyer Don Bayne entered a photo into evidence (blown up to poster size) of Stephen Harper with Mike, signed by Harper thus: TO DUFF: A GREAT JOURNALIST AND MY BEST, MOST HARD-WORKING APPOINTMENT TO THE SENATE!!!
Harper is gonna try to turn this into a case for Senate reform, which he has tried to do forever. And he's trying to do it with a guy who shilled for him- now all Duffy's good for is being thrown under the bus! How fucking political is Harper? You need some kind of other-worldly miracle invention to actually try to measure how fucking political this scumbag is. He will try to turn anything into a political football that can be picked up by his fucked up team and run it in for some cheap points.

He said in B.C. when asked about Duffy: "I don't know about these things. I will not be testifying."

Let me translate that for you: "I don't get held to account. Ever. I might be testifying if Duffy has enough ammo. I may get supeoneod, but I can and will ignore it. I am King Steve. And you are not. I dare you to vote me out. God Bless Israel! Erm.... I mean, Canada!

04-13-2015, 02:03 PM
Stephen Harper is wallowing in nothingness.

He offers the country of Canada no leadership, yet serious right-wingers think he is offering the best Leadership anyone could hope for. I'd like to seal them off and gas them. They have no clue what Harper's done, in secret. I heard that Harper is actually a military arms dealer, but no one knows about it. I've heard that he is funnelling weapons to people that would make your hair curl, all the while syaing he's here for Canada, that he's got Canada's back...

It's horrifying to contemplate that the Prime Minister of Canada is a gunrunner.
But it's also in the realm of absolute possibility.
How do we find out about all the tentacles that Harper has outstretched in the name of Zionism and Satanism?
I want to know.

04-14-2015, 12:17 PM
Week 2 of the Mike Duffy trial, and Duffy's lawyer has already got the trial behind schedule.

We have learned that Canadian Senators have no boss, no oversight. None. Zip. Zilch. They can spend willy-nilly, and when Duffy found out in his first year (2009) that his budget wasn't completely spent, he concocted and doctored documents and contracts to his friends to give them the money, instead of the cash going back to the treasury. He has done that every year up until he was busted for fraud.
I don't see how Duffy will walk away from some of these charges. Most might be dropped, but a few will stick like tar. John Baird and Pierre Polievere's tar baby Mike will hang like dem low-hangin' fruits, just like his puppy-buying friend Dean Del Mastro.
I can't wait to hear what Nigel Wright says on the stand, as well as Duffy. Both are gonna testify, and Nigel is scheduled to appear at the end of the trial. Why I have no clue. All I know is that I want the Tories to crumble over this bullshit. The faster the better. They are morally bankrupt and sheer criminals who have gotten away with murder.

Speaking of John Baird....our former foreign affairs minister has landed a new job! Guess who hired his doofus ass?
Barrick Gold.
Amazing that he was hired by Barrick Gold. I guess you gotta have the inside track on that precious metal, don't you Johnny????
Many countries around the world are demanding gold for payment. Better to get your gay ass in there to save your bacon when the satanic squeeze gets too tight, right? Right-Right. Righty-Right.

Fuck all Conservatives. My hatred for them can't be calculated. They are Un-Canadian and In-Human, while claiming to be anything but.
Get out of my government and get out of my country. You belong in the corrupt U.S.- you've demonstrated that Canada stands for greed, corruption, ignorance and hatred.

You fucking suck, Tories! That is all.

04-17-2015, 02:01 PM
Week 2 is over in the Mike Duffy trial, and more info on Duffy's spending habits have been made public. The guy was on the make for fleecing taxpayers long before he ever became a Senator. And by the way, Duffy was willing to be a Senator for any sitting Prime Minister. Jean Chretien said that everytime Duffy saw him in Parliament he would yell out: Mr. Prime Minister! I'm Ready! I'm Ready!. Talk about shameless....

Ezra Levant, the dorky and full of himself blowhard from the Sun News network (which is actually defunct now) testified today, because he wrote speeches for Duffy, and Duffy paid him with his Senators' "slush fund". The first alarming thing about this is that Levant wrote speeches for Duffy. Isn't Duffy a "journalist"? Isn't he a fucking writer of some type? Why the fuck would he hire a tabloid mouthpiece like Ezra Levant? Easy. He wanted his friends to benefit. Levant didn't have to write a single speech- it proves he's got no issue with taking a little money on the partisan side.
Duffy's also charged his workouts to the taxpayers (HAHAHAHA!! Duffy- working out!! Imagine that! He's a fuckin' 400-pound land monster!). He hired a personal trainer, and upon meeting, Duffy told him "Let's change this to "Consulting" for billing purposes"- meaning the bill would go to the taxpayers under the banner "Consulting"- and because there is no oversight in the Upper Chamber, that is exactly what was expensed. What a fleecing scumbag. What a shameless fat fuck.
Duffy also billed the taxpayers for "makeup and hair" he had done side-by-side with his best buddy Steve Harper- again, hilarious, because Duffy has no hair, and the makeup would have to be applied with a trowel. The makeup artist testified that she thought she was paid for both the PM and Duffy, and that she was paid with Conservative party funds. Nope. Duffy said "Fuck the taxpayers! I'm the Duff!"

The trial grinds on. It's gonna be ugly. Duffy's lawyer is good, I have to admit it. He knows what he's doing, and he may be the hero of the whole sordid mess. You know why? Because he wants to bring Harper down just as much as I do. Even tho he's defending fat pond scum, he's an ally to me. I will savour every day he grills Nigel Wright. I even plan on attending court on those days. I want to see it in person. I'll be sure to keep you updated.

In other news, The PM of India is being stroked and shown around the country by Harper today, and yesterday Steve was in B.C. at a Sikh temple, sporting a fucking blue do-rag/turban! He and the Indian PM looked like a couple of Tandoori Bikers!

It's So Retarded you just have to laugh.

04-20-2015, 07:45 AM
Some more trash that keeps piling up from Mike Duffy:
He billed the taxpayers for photos he had made up of his kids, and he sent some to Barbara Bush. ?! Huh? WTF? Come again?
He thought that because there were no rules on Senate spending, he could spend like a drunkin' Duff. His main defence is "No one told me what I was doing was wrong! No one told me! No one told me! No. One. Told. ME!

Come on, Mike. You're the Duff! Nuthin' gets by you. Nuthin' slips by your shady and shifty on-the-make radar!
You knew the rules. And you flouted them, just like your buddy Steve does all day long.
You were like a kid in the candy store, you couldn't believe your luck_ A Senator! After all those years of whoring! All those years of lobbying anyone within earshot! It was finally here! I, THE DUFF, earned my Senate seat! And I will dine on the taxpayer nickel until the treasury calls "UNCLE!!!"

This trail should bring about either the abolition of the Senate or a whole new body to oversee it. The scheme right now is on the "Honor System". But we know there is no honor among thieves. They are only out for their own worthless selves.
Bring the hammer down, Judge!

04-21-2015, 10:40 AM
Joe Oliver has delivered his budget finally, (about 5 months too late) and there is nothing in it for Canadians.
Nothing. Zilch. Zero.
Harper's government exists in a Twilight Zone, and it caters to only 1% of the population- the Super-Rich.
Canada has truly become it's brother's keeper. The U.S. (and George W. Bush) influenced Harper and Canadians to such an extent that they just could not resist becoming the 52nd State, after Iraq.

Bring on The Dancing Nukes.

05-07-2015, 09:44 AM
What a week in Canadian politics. The province of Alberta ended a 42+ year dynasty of Conservative rule.
Jim Prentice will forever be known now as the Tory who couldn't get elected in Alberta. It's astonishing.
Many many tongues are wagging, and mine is no exception. This is an amazing HISTORIC win for the NDP.
Yes, the NEW DEMOCRATS have a MAJORITY in the province that I swore would never vote for anyone but corrupt Tories.
The new Premier is Rachel Notley, a smart cookie who by all accounts put on a flawless campaign to defeat the PC party.
I haven't followed Alberta politics much- but I know that the previous Premier Alison Redford felt she was Queen of Alberta, and ran roughshod over the people, even demanding that a penthouse be built for her (at taxpayers expense) on the top of the Alberta Legislature! (VERY Semiramis, Alison....you stupid cunt. Glad you vanished and were banished).

Jim Prentice by all accounts is a soulless animal who blamed the people of Alberta for the province's woes. "Look in the mirror" was what he told the public. That sealed his doom. The PC's were a little too comfortable in their 42-year Tyranny, and the people decided to "Throw The Bums Out".
Prentice looks like a rich ranch-hand for George W. Bush to me. He sounded like an out-of-touch corrupt clown, and that fact seems to be proven correct with this election.
I am amazed and proud of Alberta's voters. They did what Ontarians didn't have the balls to do- get rid of a seriously corrupt dynasty that was/is dragging the province's reputation through the mud.

This has gotta rattle Harper. Alberta is the most conservative conclave on planet Earth. And they went left, HARD LEFT! Giving the NDP a MAJORITY!. Some sore Tory losers are bipping that it means nothing, that it's just a slap to the PC's, who will get their act together after this and come back roaring. HA HA. I just howl at that. You got 4 years to come "roaring", and by that time, the NDP stigma of being a socialist fringe party will be obliterated.
What poetry it would be to have Tom Mulcair unseat Harper. Nobody was thinking about that 3 days ago. Now it is in the realm of "definite possibility". The NDP caucus sang "4 STRONG WINDS" to the Nation, while Cormorant Peter MacKay said the Tory caucus meeting was "like a morgue". Canadian politics just got a hell of a lot more interesting.

Memo to Stephen Harper: PACK YOUR SHIT, GOOF. Get the fuck out of the PMO. NOW. YOU'RE FINISHED.

05-08-2015, 07:28 AM
I turn 40 in a few days, and it feels like the milestone it is. And it doesn't hurt that Harper is mortally doomed. ;)

Canada now has only one province with a Tory government. Pretty soon they will be as extinct as the dodo bird.
With the brutally crushing defeat that Alberta handed Conservatives, one thing is certain: the electorate are Volatile, Pissed-Off, and are tired of being taken for granted by the incumbents. The message should be loud and clear to Conservatives: "You don't stand for anything except greed and arrogance. That shit will not fly in Canada in the 21st Century. You try and make that shit fly, and the people will eventually send you to Lower Sulphuric Hell, where you can choke on it".

I may seem over-the-top in my hatred of Harper, but trust me it's REAL. I have a serious hate-on for him, and I said it before: I would rip his throat out with my bare hands if there were no laws against murder. That's how much I can't stand that Tory Turd. He exemplifies everything that is foul and corrupt about politics, and he somehow duped people into believing he was a Leader of some type. I could see through him in 2004, and I said it right here on FilmLeaf (check the archives!): "If Stephen Harper became Prime Minister we would be no different from George W. Bush"...(paraphrase-something like that).
And what have we got? BUSH-LEAGUE Tory Rule, which is about to get thrown out on it's fucked-up Repubican't Ass!

I hope you learned the lesson, Canada. Pay attention to who you elect to the PMO. It could be the difference between Canuck Glory or The Third Reich. I want to thank Ian Capstick for his very astute observation about politics in light of the Alberta rout of Conservatives: "Anyone who tries to look into a crystal ball in politics may actually be looking at a magic 8-Ball"

Amen Ian. I know exactly of what you speak.

05-19-2015, 07:55 AM
Pierre Polievere is the slimiest, most sickening MP in the House of Commons. How so?
Well guess what this Tar Baby did.
He made little "movies" in Parliament, on a SUNDAY, using BOTH taxpayers money and public servants! His little films were to promote Harper's new tax breaks for families (an election carrot he's dangled in front of Voters with his 5-months too late budget).

It's stunning. Polievere was ripped a new one in Question Period last week, and he said "I Make No Apologies for telling families about the new tax break". Um, hey Dipshit: telling them is one thing. Telling them by using their own money to promote your stupid election win tactics is beyond the pale, Pal. You're fucking Fired. That smirk he has while making the movies too- yes, Pierre even STARS in these fucking movies. It's fuckin' unreal, Mang.

Front page on the Ottawa Citizen today is Harper's attendance record in the House of Commons. It's abysmal. He's been absent 90% of 2015, and his attendance record has completely dried up since 2013, when the Senate Expense Scandal erupted. Tom Mulcair pointed it out last week: "We hardly ever see the Prime Minister in the House. We're starting to forget what he looks like".
The Citizen also points out the amazing fact that Harper's been M.I.A a helluva lot more than Jean Chretien was in his final year in office. It proves Harper doesn't belong in the House of Common Canadians. He belongs on the curb, with his thick brick budgets piled up around him to keep him warm at night. You don't want to particpate in Democracy Steve, then you can hit the pavement. Pronto. Paco.

05-20-2015, 07:33 AM
Check this out: American 8th graders think Canada lives in a Dictatorship. And they are right! Bravo Kids! Smarter than Conservatives!


05-20-2015, 07:38 AM
I hope Canadians are paying attention to something that Stephen Harper has tried to slip past us unsuspecting Canadians: He has re-written the law. He has buried new legislation in his huge brick of an omnibus budget that erases accountability to the RCMP for shredding documents relating to the long-gun registry.

This is Orwellian, and must be stopped immediately. Harper said that the RCMP were merely respecting the wishes of Parliament.
Um, no they weren't Steve.
They were doing YOUR wishes, not the wishes of Canadians, which is that the Rule of Law is always respected.
Access-to Information requests have been fucked with over this re-writing of the law Harper does. (And he does it by BURYING it in a budget! Fuck I want him in handcuffs!)

You're fucking Fired, Shithead. How many times do I have to say it? Pack your shit and GET OUT.

05-20-2015, 02:49 PM
Believe it or not, I have left out all kinds of extra scandals that Harper has gotten away with. For example, that he has spent more taxpayers money on his own schemes and bullshit ideas than any other government in history. His "Ecomomic Action Plan" is Exhibit A.
That bogus "plan" has done absolutely zero for anybody. Harper has spent millions and millions of TAXPAYERS DOLLARS on a "plan". No execution, just "a plan". Jobs and Growth was the line, wasn't it? From those Robot Tories? "Jobs and Growth"? For whom Asshat? Auditors? Did you know that the Senate Expense Scandal is about to blow up in our faces? The audit on the Senate has cost taxpayers $21 Million!
And 10 more Senators are about to face scrutiny from the RCMP. 10 more! We already had 5 ironclad Upper Chamber fleecers be shown the door! Now we got a clubhouse of thieves! They treated the Senate as a fuckin' Club Med, by early reports....

My God, how embarrassing is all this shit? Look at all I've typed in 4 years about this government...How Long, Oh Lord? How Long?
When will the Batshit Insanity end?

06-02-2015, 01:52 PM
The walls are closing in a little tighter around King Steve.
"Cormorant" Peter MacKay has announced he will not be running in the next Federal election.
Do tell why, Pete.
Is it because of your pension? I think so. If you run in the next election and lose, you can't claim your cash until you're 65.
(and that's your own government's scheme/fault! LOL). If you bail now, you get your $100,000 a year kitty when you are 55.
Yeah, you're just another goof Tory rat bailing the shitty ship S.S. Harper.

So guess what we get to witness, my fellow Canadians?

We get to witness Harper, all by his lonesome, try to win an election based on his "record". If you need help for the debates Steve, feel free to use my posts. I know you love to flip-flop, if it's politically needed. I'm here for you. Canadians are Nice people.
This 2015 federal Canadian election will be one for the record books. When will the writ drop?

06-08-2015, 09:44 AM
All Conservative supporters should read this succinct assessment of "Cormorant" Peter MacKay's "tenure" by Gar Pardy:

His role came into sharp national focus when in 2003 he agreed to merge the historical Progressive Conservative party of Canada into a new Conservative party; with that the word "progressive" became a one of opprobrium. Like most of the prime minister's ministers over the past 9 years, Mr. MacKay was a Potemkin placeholder- a facade to meet legal requirements but bereft of any individualized initiative that might condition the future for the benefit of Candaians.

The most significant maneuver in the life of the Prime Minister was moving from Ontario to Alberta, and his understanding of matters military consisted of removing his tie. Mr. MacKay as Minister of Defence added even less understanding of military affairs and his six years as minister witnessed the extraordinary growth in Canadian casualties in Afghanistan. 134 of the 155 deaths in Afghanistan occured during the 6 years MacKay was Minister. There was little appreciation by either the Prime Minister or MacKay for the urgent need for action as Canadian soldiers died.

Mr. MacKay has been minister in three of the four most important areas of government. There is nothing in those 9 years that historians will identify as unique to his tenures and in fact there is much to find fault with. Like the vast majority of ministers in the PM's government, they had the title but in reality were fluffy clouds adrift over the Canadian landscape occasionally producing shadows, BUT NOTHING OF SIGNIFICANCE.

Amen Gar Pardy. Laser-sharp. Deadly-Accurate.

Hey Tories: do you need any more proof that Harper is a sun-fucked Onion?

06-09-2015, 12:19 PM
Don't worry, I haven't been slacking off on Mike Duffy's trial. I'm saving up for a big post soon about what this fat clown has done.
Michael den Tandt is a good writer who's covering the trial and he mentioned something great: "You'd have to be a P.E.I. Potato to believe that Duffy didn't know what he was getting away with". Amen Michael. I also loved your article "What exactly has Harper accomplished?" Great stuff.

Harper has been whooping it up in Germany at the G7, laughing like the Alberta corn-pone Herr Helmet Head he is.
130+ days to election day, and Harper is acting like everything's all good in the hood! I told you he deserves an Oscar for best political actor ever...

The Audit on the Senate is finished, and it's findings will be released to the masses to see this afternoon. Senior Senate Management are implicated, and the guilty goofs are saying they "will pay back the money". Really? With your own funds? Where's Nigel?
Is he gonna pick up the tab? Dip into his Bay street kitty and help out more Tory Senators? Fuck, what a disgrace this whole mess is.

Off topic: ADAM SANDLER! I want to know why there hasn't been a sequel to ZOHAN? I think the fans want to see another wicked flick with the Zohan. I mean, I'm living up to my end of the deal. I bring down Prime Ministers with my fingertips. LOL
I blast them with my ten-ton Tommy-Gun and Liquid Grenades! C'mon Adam! Kick out the Jams with The Zohan!
Do you need help writing it? I'm here. "LET the Boy Shave his Grandmother's BEARD!!!"

06-15-2015, 07:19 AM
I learned recently that Barrick Gold (the company that John Baird got hired by) represents a gold mine in Pakistan, and it is owned by the Queen. (Queen Elizabeth).
Are our Canadian political party Leaders aware of what the British Empire is doing in Ukraine? Canadians should remember that when John Baird was Foreign Affairs Minister he gave the impression that Canadians supported the fascist mobs. FACT.

Bono of rock band U2 is here in Ottawa today to watch Question Period and talk to Harper about issues he cares about.
Harper will meet with Bono and Justin Bieber but he refused to meet Cinema Goddess Brigitte Bardot?
What a douchebag. I guess he thinks Bono can help him win the election, just like it worked in 2011 with his resounding endorsement of Nickelback. Yee-Hah.

Tom Mulcair has sworn his allegiance to the Queen by being sworn into the Privy Council, like Trudeau, so we're still under Jesuit-Freak-Power-Rule no matter what Prime Minister we have. But the reason I still Vote and still care and still write about it is because front-of-house must be Tidy. Wouldn't you agree? And Harper has muddied up the fuckin' Maple Leaf front porch somethin' Fierce.
I know all of the tentacles this neo-Nazi movements have out there, and nobody gave me the heads up. Which means no one will give YOU, dear reader, the heads-up either. Glad to be of service. When the shit hits the fan, we can watch it knowing it was gonna happen. All thanks to Albert Pike. :)

You Don't Mess With the Johann....

06-19-2015, 09:30 AM
Correction: It was David Reevely who wrote "You'd have to be a P.E.I. Potato to believe that Duffy didn't know what he was getting away with". Apologies to David. He's also a great writer covering the Duffy trial. I got him and Michael den Tandt mixed up there...den Tandt DID write "What exactly has Harper accomplished?"

In more Batshit Insane Tory News, another Conservative Senator appointed by Stephen Harper has created a gigantic scandal. Pentacostal Pastor (!) Don Meredith has been having a sexual relationship with a 16-year old girl. She confirmed it this week. Meredith is in his fifties!
It seems like every single Harper appointee to the Senate is a Supreme piece of shit. How many of his appointments are complete bags of hammers?? Jesus fucking Christ ABOLISH THE FUCKING SENATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!
Do Canadians know that the Senate consists solely of Harper's goons? There are no NDP Senators whatsoever. None. And Justin Trudeau fired all of the Liberal Senators. So it's all Harper's Boys in there. I hope his idiot supporters are fuckin' Proud.
Do you fuckfaces remember that Harper campaigned on Senate reform? That was one of his big planks! And since the Supreme Court ruling he gave up on it! Good job Steve. You fucking Idiot. Get the fuck out of public life immediately, HelmetHead.

Harper has no credibility and never did. He's a liar, a sham, a complete and utter failure as a Leader. Tom Mulcair is poised to take the PMO quite easily in about 90 days. Trudeau is not ready. I can say it now. The scandals from Harper never fucking end. He can't do a single thing right. I wonder when Conservatives will wake the fuck up and realize that Harper needs to be behind bars?

06-19-2015, 09:34 AM
And I have to comment of the U.S. federal election that's ramping up:

So the choices are Hilary Clinton, Jeb Bush or Donald Trump.
That's like choosing between "Lethal injection", "Waterboarding until death" or "Death by bad hair".
Why not have Bruce Jenner run? or Rush Limbaugh? or how about Gertie, the crippled mule?

06-19-2015, 10:24 AM
MIKE DUFFY. The "But That's Not All!!!" Doofus....

What can we say about his trial, now in it's 8th week? Well, the main part is over, and we won't see any more witnesses until August, when our slimy Bay street friend Nigel Wright shows up to explain his role in the fucking mess. I will be there to see it. I promise you. I will attend the courtroom to see what this goof has to say for himself.

The Duffster was never eligible to be a Senator from P.E.I. He lives in Ottawa, and has for about 40 years. He had a cottage in Cavendish P.E.I., sold to him by a one Clifford Dollar (what a name for a friend of the Duff's), and Ol' Cliff testified at the trial. He kindly let us know that Duffy never went there in the winter, it has no water, the well was contaminated and it was snowbound in the winter- the laneway it's on was never plowed in winter. Oh yeah and it had no foundation. Duffy claimed this shack as his "Primary Residence" in order to claim outrageous living expenses.

Funerals that Duffy billed the taxpayers for attending:
1.He gave a eulogy for a friend of his mother. Bill: $1400
2. He gave a scripture reading for some guy he barely knew. Bill: $1700 (billed as "Senate Business")
3. This one he just sat on his Duff, for a friend's death. He just attended, nothing else. Bill: $3500
(He got more and more brazen with his expense claims, upping the champagne bill every time)

Duff and his wife Heather billed the taxpayers for a trip to Vancouver to attend the Saanich Fair, which he actually never attended (!) He just hung out with the kids, buying them steak dinners it seems, because he billed the taxpayers $8,200!!! To fly business-class with his wife and hang out with the kin. Wow. What the fuck did you buy and eat while there to rack up an 8 Grand bill Mike?
David Reevely had a great article titled "Duffy's defences range from plausible to preposterous", where he wrote: "Did Duffy do it? Yes, of course he did. And he wrote it down, with very detailed calendars and logs of all activities". Duffy's diaries have been entered as evidence, and there is everything from his bowel movements to whether or not he should take a nap.
Reevely is disgusted with covering the trial (as I would be and am, actually) and he said quite rightly: "The insults to the observer's intelligence have begun to add up. Judge Charles Vallaincourt will presumably be able to compartmentalize..."

Conservative supporters are bitching that the audit on the Senate was outrageous: spending $21 million to find only one million in fraudulent claims. And I say Fuck You. I don't put a price on Justice. If it cost $75 Million I would still say it was worth it. Because since the Senate expense scandal broke, all of these slimy fuckfaces have been checking their swing. They have not spent nary an errant penny, for fear of sitting exactly where Duffy is now. OVERSIGHT is needed on all government clowns, that's just a fucking reality, and we haven't had it in Canada for Eons. The "TALK" about accountability is fucking OVER! It's time for serious accountability if you want to restore faith in this completely broken system that Harper has presided over these last ten years. It has festered under him. It has eroded under him. And I want him six feet under the ground, with an EXXON FLAG marking his Tomb.

06-25-2015, 12:15 PM
Another one bites the dust. Industry Minister James "Ten-Ton Land Monster" Moore has announced he will not be running in this election. Just like "Cormorant" Pete MacKay, he's gotta save his pension. So all of Harper's key front bench ministers are GONZO.
The only ones left are "G20 Gazebo-gate USHER" Tony Clement, Diane "Dirty Doily" Finley, "Dippy Dairy Queen" Lisa Raitt and Pierre "Tar Baby" Poilievere.
They are LOYAL, Boy!
They will sacrifice their pensions to stand by Harper. God Bless 'Em. LOL
James Moore wanted to be PM someday too...he had no choice to pack it in. His political future depended on it!
He said it was to spend time with his child, who has special needs, just like Cormorant Pete. But switched-on political followers know exactly why he's leaving: it's because he knows Harper is doomed and he must protect his golden parachute.

There's also a massive scandal created by Harper that I haven't commented on yet but now is the perfect time, as a massive debate is happening today about it. Harper and Pierre Polivere have decided to commission a "Memorial to the Victims of Communism", and nobody is against it. But what we ARE against is it's design, it's size, and it's proposed LOCATION: on the front lawn of the Supreme Court. No one was consulted. No one was asked for their input. The mayor of Ottawa has spoken out on it, saying it will be a "blight" on downtown Ottawa. And it is. You should see the design of this fucking thing. It's 5 times the size of any other communism memorial in the world (bigger than the one in Washington D.C.), and it is larger than the National War Memorial- which is sheer treason to me. Veterans groups have been protesting huge about it. And placing it on the lawn of the Supreme Court has very political overtones: the Supreme Court has ruled against Harper every single time he tried to pass an unconstitutional law (and I am so very grateful and proud of that). He is giving the Supreme Court the middle finger here. It's as plain as the nose on my face. And by extension he's giving the middle finger to military veterans of all stripes, the city of Ottawa, and the middle finger to society in general. Pierre the Tar Baby says the design of the memorial is right, the location is right, and none of it is open for debate. It is the most ungodly looking monument too- "ribbons" of jagged concrete, blocking the view of the Supreme Court building- towering 15-30 feet in the air, with a big promenade of paved concrete so people can stroll around it, gawking at gaudy awfulness. I predict no one will visit that memorial, except on opening day. It is ugly as Fuck. It's the last thing Harper can do to fuck with Ottawa and the Supreme Court. He is more desperate than Bruce Jenner was to be a woman.

06-25-2015, 12:36 PM
Here's a website I endorse:


07-03-2015, 09:17 PM
Dean del Mastro did a perp walk last week. Harpers' former parliamentary secretary (and Ethics Attack Dog) got sentenced to 1 month in jail, 4 months house arrest, over a year probation, and a $10,000 fine for election fraud. I'd say that fits. That's a good sentence for what he pulled. The Judge said that not only was Dean willing to commit fraud, but he was prepared to lie extensively about it. He's barred from running for Federal politics for 5 years. That low-hangin' fruit is absolutely shameless. He was led away in foot shackles and handcuffs, and only spent one night in jail, posting $5000 bail the next day. He's arrogant and shameless enough to mount a "comeback" to politics in 5 years, so be on the lookout for the "greatest Guido redemption story to ever come out of Peterborough" in 2020...Not a peep from Harper on his Boy Dean del Mastro. And Dean refuses to say that Harper told him to cheat. Ain't corrupt politicians awesome?

The New Democrats are riding a very high and beautiful wave. (Thanks Hunter ;)
Tom Mulcair seems like he will become Prime Minister for awhile. That office is His For The Taking. Barring WWIII, Mulcair will be Prime Minister.
I celebrated Canada Day after the rain came down hard (a lighting storm came in something fierce). The fireworks were great as always. The only downer was Stephen Harper. He was there to give another insincere speech to Canadians that meant nothing of consequence. His wife Skeletor was there too, to lend evil support to her sham hubby. (Who will be doing a perp walk himself once Tom Mulcair discovers what he's dropped in the new PM's lap...)

07-06-2015, 12:33 PM
I suppose I should add that my vote (if I could make it) in the U.S. election is Bernie Sanders.
That man is probably the only hope for America, save Jesus' return by hook or by crook...

07-07-2015, 08:05 AM
Have a gander at this: Reform party Tory stalwarts are pulling their hair out over what Harper has done to them:


07-07-2015, 12:56 PM
Harper has been hammering us Canadians with his relentless attack ads. He is Hitler incarnate with his vitriol for Mulcair and Trudeau. He is using fear (just like George W. Bush did) to win the election, and he's pretty confident it will work in spades.
I hope Canadians are paying attention...

Debates begin next month. Can't wait. Mulcair will shine. He'll slice & Dice both Steve and Justin. More so Steve...
Harper likes to keep people guessing at all times. But I got his number and I will celebrate when he's defeated. He cannot win in any fashion. Look at his record and look at what he's criminally done in the name of elections (Dean del Mastro & Tar Paby Pierre? Anyone?)

I think Harper is in denial big time here. Woe to the man who tries to run the country all by himself by fiat....
We should have grief counselors on standby. He may become a suicide bomber if we don't. Somebody...anybody..even Tory caucus members....brace yourselves...Harper will lose and you will need trauma units on standby...have blood donors ready...IV drips of Tim Hortons may also be necessary...

07-08-2015, 09:31 AM
Stephen Harper has a very creepy leer these days. He's eerily confident, like Hunter S. Thompson said Bush was when he was running against Al Gore: "The tip off was the old man. The leer on his face was like a wolf with a sheep in its mouth. Its fate was sealed, and so was Al Gore's"

Keep leering Harper. This thread can go on for decades if you want it to. Then I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine. LOL

07-09-2015, 09:05 AM
This is a travesty. An absolute outrage. Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Paul Watson has quit the Toronto Star. And I would too.
I'm sick of coward Harper's political interference in the TRUTH!
Get Harper up against the fucking wall! Zap-strap his fuckin' hands! Blindfold the cocksucker and LOAD YOUR RIFLES, MEN!


07-13-2015, 08:44 AM
A little bird has told me to be on the lookout for Harper winning a majority again.
Incredulous, I replied "That's not possible".
The bird replied: "It is possible. Think about who you're talking about. Harper is FrankenNixon, and he has been spending the last 4 years making sure he will be in power forever. Don't be shocked if he wins another Majority. He has found many ways to subvert the electoral process. 2011 was only the start. This year the corruption is unhidden and in-your-face. Brace yourself for another Harper majority, J.".

I've gotten over my shock of the possibility.
Canada's political system is just as fucked up and corrupt as the USA.
Not a shade different.
Harper bought this election, like he bought the last one.

07-17-2015, 09:26 AM
Canada is officially in a recession, and Harper is "All about the Economy". Right-O.

We were in a recession 7 years ago weren't we? Wasn't there some kind of "economic crisis" in 2008? I seem to recall that....
That seems vaguely familiar...Harper was PM 7 years ago..and we have Deja-Vu...Who Knew?!?!

If Canadians vote for their Leader based on how well the economy is doing, according to most Tories, then Harper should be fucking fired. SHOULDN'T HE??? He doesn't "manage" the economic situation in Canada. He just fuckin' pitifully REACTS to the news of recession and says his policies have nothing to do with it. How much of fucking DUPES are Canadians? Harper is a fuckin' moron when it comes to managing the economy. Conservatives love to shout "IT'S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!". Yeah, it sure is, Clowns.
And we're in the third recession since Harper took over.
Something is clearly wrong here.
Can you guess what it is?
Can you connect the dots?
Do you have a clue?

There's a rumour that Harper will call the election the first week of August, to change the channel on Nigel Wright's testimony at the Mike Duffy trial. The fix is fucking in, folks. Remember we heard a "rumour" that Harper was gonna call a spring election- in order to avoid Duffy's trial altogether. He must've been told that the prelims of the trial would be no political threat- that the trial only becomes explosive when Nigel testifies, which would not have been for a few months. Harper is the most calculating slimeball we've ever seen in the PMO. He doesn't "Lead". All he does (and ever did) is plan for how he can keep his fat ass in the PMO.

IF Canadians don't know this by now then they deserve Herr Helmet Head as their Fuhrer.
I will always want to rip his throat out with my bare hands.
And I will always tear him a new asshole right here. Bank on it.

07-17-2015, 09:47 AM
Here's something else that really fuckin' bothers me. A few months ago Justin Trudeau was my choice for Prime Minister, based on the fact that the NDP have never held power and no one wanted to give them a chance. Tom Mulcair is CLEARLY, OBVIOUSLY the best choice for Prime Minister, but political realities were hindering his chances. A) Trudeau was in the race. Hard to ignore the significance of his name B) The NDP were considered a fringe socialist party who can't be trusted to Lead- they've never held power. and C) Canadians think Bush was good for the world, so naturally Harper is the choice for PM.

But since the NDP won a Majority in Alberta (an astonishing thing, actually. I'm still kind of in disbelief that that happened) the National stage has shifted in Mulcair's favour, but I suspect it's all smoke and mirrors, all a ploy. If Harper wins another majority government then there's NO DOUBT THAT THE FIX WAS IN. And I'm leaning toward that being the de-facto situation, because what has happened to Trudeau? It's like he's not even visible! Where are his vicious attack ads against Harper? Considering the unbelievably shit-tastic attack ads Harper is using against Justin, he should be annihilating Harper with brutally honest attack ads- no spin would even be required! Just use clips of Harper's own voice and face, like the Tories do to you. Who is in control of the Liberal War Room?
Because from my seat, it looks like Trudeau isn't even in the race. Maybe he's just a Potemkin placeholder, like all of Harper's Ministers. WHERE ARE YOU, JUSTIN? There's an election on, you know...There's a reason why I said you're not ready. You don't seem to know who you're up against. You don't appear to have any fire in your gut to be Prime Minister. What the fuck are you doing? ANd I have to question your judgement in accepting Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair as a new MP. What the flying fuck is that shit all about??? Blair was the man overseeing security at the G20 fiasco in 2010 in Toronto. He's HARPER'S BOY, not yours!!

This election is looking like a disaster.

07-17-2015, 10:43 AM
Harper has demolished the Canadian dollar this week to boost his chances of re-election:


07-28-2015, 02:32 PM

Now I can stop with the "covering all the bases". Harper has not stolen this election, and neither is he going to get a Majority Government again. I can unequivocally say that Tom Mulcair is the best politician on the Hill, and stands poised to become our greatest Prime Minister. I follow this shit closely. Harper is finished, Trudeau has done a free-fall, and Mulcair has shown he knows exactly what he's doing and always did. He played the "long game", (like I did with this thread) and he's a Winner for it.

I spent 4 years here building the case for Harper's annihilation, and if you think it was for nought I got news for you.
The election will be called any day now by Herr Helmet Head and he will get TROUNCED.
This election is the fulfillment of "Le Bon Jack" Layton's legacy. Mulcair did not get in a rut when Jack passed away, on the contrary, his strength of conviction became almost like mercury. He became Leader of the NDP and reached out to his candidates, reached out to his caucus. They responded, they worked hard (VERY hard I may add) to be the best Official Opposition since Diefenbaker.

And now they stand poised to make History.
I hope you're watching Jack!

07-28-2015, 02:39 PM
Donald Trump is actually amusing me in this U.S. Presidential campaign.
How bad could Trump be as Prez? HE CAN'T BE BOUGHT. By anybody!

That is one "trump" he has that no other candidate has! He can't be controlled! And what worries the "power elites" *snicker, snicker* is that by extension the American people can't be bought or controlled. That scares the living shit out of them. I love that situation.

What do you got to lose by voting for Trump? I mean, cripes, you have a hell of a lot to gain...
I just hope he doesn't drop out. Stay the course Donald! If you drop out you will be VILIFIED!
You will have no credibility whasoever if you drop out. Take on Bush & Clinton. See what happens. It should be Awesome.

08-07-2015, 01:22 PM
Donald Trump is really making some impact down South! Love it.

Harper called the election on a Sunday, Satanist that he is, Sun-worshipping, misguided goof clown that he is, and the Tories will use their huge Blue War Chest to inflict maximum damage to Mulcair. But ORANGE IS THE NEW BLUE in 2015 in Canada...
Hope beats Fear anyday.

The first debate was last night, and I didn't get to watch it- I heard soundbites today from it. First National campaign jitters for Mulcair & Trudeau, but they held their own against HerrHelmetHead, landed some serious blows to his non-Leadership. But no knockouts. No KO-shot from anybody. Harper was wooden, Tory supporters say he was "unflappable", but that's a joke. He just did not want to be there, did not want to be noticed at all. Harpoon was very uncomfortable up there. Not his scene, Yo. LOL
I look forward to the next debates. Mulcair and Trudeau will both be stronger and Harper will again be uncomfortable answering direct questions that require direct answers. This ain't Question Period, HelmetHead! You're finished. Na na na na/Na na na na/Good-Bye!

October 19th is election day. How long is this campaign? The longest in Canadian History. Harper is stalling as much as is possible in his tiny grasp.

08-11-2015, 12:31 PM
Mike Duffy trial re-opens tomorrow, and I'll be there. Nigel Wright will finally drag his sorry ass into court to explain how the fuck he came to write a check to Mike Duffy which was "Good to Go from the PM"- his own e-mail said that.

Speak the Truth Nigel. The WHOLE TRUTH and nothing but the Truth. Many Many Canadians are fuckin' watching, Nigel-Baby!

Canadians may have noticed (if they read this thread) that I haven't commented on Bill C-51 much- the anti-terrorism bill that Harper conjured up after he hid in a closet during an attack on Parliament Hill by a lone nut with a cheap rifle. The reason I haven't commented on it is because I already called what it was gonna do. As soon as that shooter did his thing on the Hill I said right here:
Yep, he hid in a mop closet to save his own ass, only to pass a Bill that allows the government to spy on you anytime it wants. Yes, Harper has taken away just about ALL of our civil liberties with Bill C-51. It isn't merely a bad bill- it's beyond merely cobbled together. It is an absolute affront to Canadian citizens at large. All from one lone nutjob Muslim.

Bill C-51 is the Canadian equivalent of the Patriot Act passed by George W. Bush after the 9/11 attacks. Dubya started a trend!
Harper said to himself "Dammit, we need one of those!" and he got his wish on October 22nd, 2014.
Canadians should remember that Harper is ready to throw you in jail, not to acknowlege any merits of new anti-terror legislation.
He's not about freedom, democracy or keeping Canadians safe- he proved that one in spades when he leaped into that closet, leaving his whole caucus there to fend for themselves, leaving them knocking over chairs and tables to protect themselves from bullets.

Harper is a COWARD. Do Canadians Vote for a Coward a THIRD TIME? Some will. Some Canadians are Dyed-in-the-Wool
Republican without a single clue.

08-12-2015, 02:21 PM
Rich Oblivious Clown Nigel Wright said on the stand today that he didn't hesitate to cut Duffy the $90,000 check for questionable expenses, as he had covered many expenses out of his own pocket for the Tories.
He also said that Harper had no knowledge of the check being cut- Nigel did it "out of his heart" and to "not have taxpayers on the hook for Duffy's expenses". (????????) He also said it would "not hurt my net worth". How beautifully awesome for you, you ONEX Idiot!
That would be unprecedented in the PMO- to have a sitting legislator have his outrageous expense claims paid back by the PM's Chief-of-Staff, out of pocket, out of consideration for the taxpayer. Right. I believe that as much as I believe Harper loves Justin Trudeau. The optics on this are ridiculously CORRUPT!!!!!!!! Holy Fuckballs, what alternate Universe does Nigel Wright live in?

My Man Charlie Angus was on scene today at the courthouse too- you can't stop Charlie Angus or Johann. We are the Dynamic Duo on taking Harper down. :)
Charlie said "Wait a minute here...the Prime Minister did not know what was going on within his own office? HOW did he not know? WHY didn't he know?"

Is Harper incompetent? Not able to be informed of major political bombshells within his own camp? Nigel was too afraid to tell Steve?
Well, he did say "This is going to end badly" when Duffy balked at the terms for paying back the money, which he felt he didn't have to. Many many e-mails from within the PMO were released today, showing us in real-time how the Tory PMO dealt with a Monster of a political crisis. Wright has backed up Harper's position on the stand- so he'll prolly get a huge bonus for that work.

I don't believe Nigel. I think he's committing perjury, and he should be sitting right beside Duffy on Bribery and Corruption charges. The reason he's not is because the Crown NEEDS HIM to nail Duffy, when in reality BOTH OF THESE FUCKING COCKSUCKERS SHOULD BE CRUCIFIED.

Stephen Harper has fled to the North Pole today, nowhere NEAR this trial. Co-incidence? Nope. He know he's fucked and he's getting his last trip to the Arctic on the taxpayers nickel in before he's turfed. (But I know he'll never go back once he leaves politics. It's ALL POLITICS TO STEVE.) That's why I treat him like my Bitch. Because he is my Bitch.

08-17-2015, 12:42 PM
Remember at the end of Fahrenheit 9/11 when George W. Bush is at a podium, sputtering? "Fool me once....fool me three times....can't get fooled again...."? Remember that? Well the Canadian people should be on guard for thee, because they will be the ones responsible after this election. I will hold my fellow Canadians responsible if Harper wins again. This Duffy trial should bury him like the Sponsorship scandal buried his rival Paul Martin. Remember Martin denied knowing anything about that scandal too?

History repeats itself...

These tons of e-mails that have been released show beyond any doubt that a coverup was afoot. Harper wanted this scandal to be quashed immediately. Forget that the rules of Senate spending were never clear- that just proves that a scandal was waiting to happen. I'm guessing Harper was hoping it would be Mac Harb who would be the poster child for Senate reform. But no, it was a fat fuck of a lobbyist journalist, his OWN PERSONAL APPOINTMENT, his best, most hard-working wonk in the Senate. Right.

Ray Novak knew. He was Nigel's underling. He should be fired. (He is Harper's current Chief-of-Staff). Irving Gerstein knew. Marjory LeBreton knew, Chris Woodcock knew. and about 17 other staffers in the PMO knew too- they were ALL trying to put out this massive political fire. But Harper himself didn't know. He was in the dark. He was deceived by his despicable right-hand-man.
Harper has never told us Canadians whether or not Nigel quit or was fired.
Those e-mails are damning, devastating. Duffy has sung like the fat lady at an Opera. The cloak is off.
Harper's office is corrupt beyond any doubt now.

At first the PMO waited to see "if the story has any legs" ??? When it sure as Senate shit did, they then concocted a story to have Duffy re-pay the money (without his own funds) and admit a "mistake" to the public, on TV, with "Down-Home Duffy- P.E.I.-isms" to smooth over this crime.
But something got Fubar'd in the process. Duffy wrote an e-mail to Ray Novak: "Ray. I'm cooked. It was wrong to wait this thing out. I can't admit wrong doing. The Senate has to meet me halfway".

And here we are. Read those scores of e-mails. You will be shocked at how amateur these clowns are/were.
I thank you again Mike! You have brought down the Tories. And you weren't even elected. You're not my hero, but I thank you.

Harper's FUCKED. He's a liar, he's incompetent, he uses "plausible deniability" to govern, and he's guilty of collusion, corruption and all-around fuckery.

You don't want to be honest with Canadians Steve? Then they will throw you in a Blue Dumpster. It will happen on October 19th.

08-19-2015, 02:06 PM
NDP Leader (and our soon-to-be Prime Minister) Tom Mulcair has written a letter to the RCMP Commissioner Paulson to re-open the investigation into Nigel Wright's involvement in Duffy-Gate. Evidence as facts in court demand it. Nigel has broken Parliamantary law by personally paying Duffy's expenses.

The nut of this whole fucking mess is Harper. He appointed Duffy, he made sure the Senate rules were loosey-goosey, Nigel was HIS Chief-of-Staff. He wears this. Tom Mulcair has said repeatedly: "Mr. Harper has been telling us one thing and it's opposite since this scandal broke. It's abundantly clear that both can't be true. HARPER is the one on trial here".

What an UGLY scene in the PMO this is. Ray Novak STILL denies any involvement when those e-mails prove he's lying. Marjory LeBreton used to RUN to cameras to speak, all the fuckin' time. Now she flees Tory scrums. That wrinkled old fuckin' raisin of a hag wrote to Nigel Wright in an e-mail in the middle of the coverup: "What a lovely day! I got to work in my garden today!"
A horrific scandal is engulfing your pathetic corrupt party and you're distracted with your garden. Right.
Nigel and Andrew MacDougall were celebrating, (laughing no less!) when Duffy was reading their scripted lines on P.E.I. TV:
"THIS IS WAY FUN!"- MacDougall
"SWEET!"- Nigel Wright.

This shit is astounding. If your intelligence isn't insulted by these morons, then you have no intelligence.
This is so fucking revolting, this whole scandal. Harper is on the campaign trail being bombarded with questions about what he knew and why Ray Novak isn't fired and he says in response to every question: "I DON'T ACCEPT THE PREMISE OF YOUR QUESTION".
He is Evasive to the Millionth power.

Hey Steve: I don't accept the premise of your corrupt, contemptuous, ignorant, lying-ass existence.
I say again: Get the Fuck out of my Government. I never voted for you and I'm full of Rage that my fellow Canadians were duped into believing you had something to offer this country. You don't. You are the LEAST Canadian person I've ever seen. (And I've seen scads). You should see the footage of Harper in 2004 when he was in Opposition, hurling thunderbolts at Paul Martin over how the buck stops with the Prime Minister. What a fuckin' hypocrite Idiot. His own words haunt him today. ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL TO BOOT. The timing couldn't be better...

The fact that the PMO tried to interfere with the outcome of an internal Senate audit is further proof of full-blown corruption and absolutely shocking. Part of the deal was taking Duffy's name off the audit/ Nigel Wright e-mail Marjory LeBreton: "STACK THE SENATE WITH CONSERVATIVES! We can fudge the facts when we own the chamber".
The RCMP should be swarming on this gang of fuckheads.
The Reckoning will happen in about 7 weeks. Seeing Tory supporters losing their minds at Harper's speaking events when he's asked pointed questions is proof that they know their goose is cooked. The worry in Conservative callers' voices on talk radio here in Ottawa is what's truly "SWEET"

Bringing Harper down? "YAY, THIS IS FUN!"- Hey Andrew: THAT is sarcasm, Shitstain! Hit the bricks. Your party is a Joke and is currently engulfed in flames.

08-20-2015, 12:21 PM
Somebody in the government must be reading my posts. I went to Landsdown Park yesterday and I noticed that the monument (BIRDBATH) that was placed in front of the Aberdeen Pavilion to honor my Regiment (PPCLI) now has a 6-foot black marble base. They put the "birdbath" on top of that, to make it seem more like a monument. It still looks ugly, it's still not a worthy "monument" to the first Regiment sent from Canada to WW1, but I'm glad they did something. Glad somebody was embarassed. What a joke that "monument" is. Communism Victims get acres and millions of taxpayers dollars. My Regiment couldn't get a set of stamps made to honor their 100th anniversary. Or a Coin from the Mint. Harper is Anti-Military.

The "slow drip" of the Duffy scandal is slowly destroying Harper's chances of winning. He's painted himself into a corner, and it's glorious. That's what happens Steve when you take your "power" for granted. This man has made himself Hated.
And he has the balls to say on the campaign trail "Elections aren't a popularity contest". ??? Um, yes they are...Wow. How out of touch is this guy?

Harper's also taking credit for breaking the Duffy story! When it was Bob Fife of CTV NEWS!!!!
Harper's actually telling the public on the campaign trail that when he learned that Nigel paid Duffy's expenses he "took action" and made the news public. What a fuckin' HOWLER of a lie.

Canadians must love liars who are keen to go to war and make money for their friends. So most Canadians would vote for a Bush.

As Ice Cube rapped: A Bird in the Hand/Is Worth More Than a Bush

08-20-2015, 12:36 PM
A heartfelt note to FilmLeaf readers: my writing on movies has all but disappeared due to my obsession with getting rid of Harper.
It doesn't "consume" me, but it's pretty damn close to that.
My pledge is to go SuperNova on movies when Harper is turfed. This website is about FILMS, not stupid corrupt politics.
But this guy Harper is such a fucking cancer and needs to be exposed for what he is so fuckin' badly that I am committed to bringing him down. No movies, no fun in Mudville until this absolute Asshole Turd is run out of Ottawa on a rail.

I apologize. I've written close to a thousand posts on Harper when that time could've been spent on films. We all lose with Harper.

08-20-2015, 12:46 PM
Another Great Canadian has joined the Anti-Harper Team: Donald Sutherland.
I meant to post about him last week. Donald is suing the Harper government. He is not allowed to vote because he lives outside Canada and has for more than 5 years. I'll post his letter here. A Legend, an Order of Canada recipient cannot Vote in this election. Wow.

08-21-2015, 02:16 PM
The Conservative party's lawyer Benjamin Perrin testified yesterday at the Duffy trial, and he kindly told us that Ray Novak was in on all the negotiations with Nigel and PMO staffers. So that 100% contradicts what Harper is telling Canadians on the campaign trail.
And guess what?
Ray Novak has kinda disappeared on the campaign trail...no nametag, no meetings with the press, co-ordinated rushes to get on the Tories' bus without reporters hounding him, etc etc etc.

Ray Novak has become an albatross around Harper's neck. But just like he did with Nigel Wright he says Novak has his "full confidence".
Let's see if Harper fires Novak.
The optics will kill his chances of re-election if Novak stays by his side.
I'm just itching to see Novak shitcanned. This is so delicious...The longer Harper lies in the face of his own lawyer's contradictions in court, the longer and harder the fall will be. Harper got snippy with reporters yesterday. He snapped "If people work for me then they have my confidence!!!!The two people involved in this scandal are being dealt with in the courts!!!"

The two people involved? Steve? You mean the 22 people involved. And of course, yourself.

08-21-2015, 02:31 PM
Here is Donald Sutherland's letter:


08-26-2015, 08:58 AM
Conservatives are so far gone it's ridonkulous.

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson reached out to all Federal election candidates in the Ottawa region. The NDP met with him. The Liberals met with him. The Tories didn't even show up at City Hall. The Mayor was sitting in his office for an hour, waiting for Pierre Poilivere or any of the 9 Tory candidates to discuss the Capital's municipal needs. Mayor Watson took to Twitter to express his disappointment.
Guess what happened?
Within 20 minutes Pierre was on the phone with Jim, saying the scheduling was "misunderstood". Right.
Social media is a fuckin' powerful force, Yo.
Pierre was scrambling to not look like the Tar Baby fool he is. Are you aware there is an election on Tories? You must. Or maybe not- you losers don't even tell the Prime Minister when scandals are unfolding...LOL R.I.P Conservatives....you won't be missed....

Are Canadians aware that Harper banned his cabinet ministers from speaking to reporters after cabinet meetings?
Never forget this priceless nugget of information: DO NOT TRUST HARPER.

08-26-2015, 09:55 AM
The Mike Duffy trial is adjourned until November, and Harper's spirits are way up because of it- he launched into a tirade yesterday about his pet project that has no action: "The Economy".

The Duffy trial exposed some seriously damaging revelations about how harper operates his office. Aides and Underlings have more power than he does. So much so, they are allowed to withold serious information from him. Harper even said this week that Nigel Wright "was the Boss". So Harper is definitely, positively a DICTATOR. Yay. I hope Conservatives are proud.
Chris Woodcock was grilled this week and he said the same thing Ray Novak's saying: that he never read e-mails from Nigel Wright. E-Mails that say things like: "For you only: I am personally paying back Duffy's expenses. On Monday".

These perjuring assholes expect us to believe that they don't read e-mails on important scandals and the damage-control mechanisms that are in play. Right.
I simply can't wait to see the results of this election. The results will shock everybody I think, no matter which way the corruption blows...

08-27-2015, 02:36 PM
Conservative Voters in Canada seem to want to look the other way about this Duffy scandal. (When Conservative people paint themselves as Ultimate Paragons of Virtue). Right.

Chantal Hebert, Canada's foremost political commentator said today in a Metro article:
The last thread of Harper's version of events is now so frayed, it speaks to his lack of an alternative explanation that he is still hanging on for dear life. If voters are content to look the other way, how can they expect future governments to think twice about fooling Canadians into believing whatever best suits their partisan purpose?


If Tory supporters turn a blind eye to this severe lack of ethics and integrity, then they are just as culpable as Harper is in all of this corruption. If what Harper's PMO did was a LIBERAL government, Mountains would be crumbling into the sea, the Earth would be split in two with their incandescent rage.
Somehow the people who see through all of Harper's corruption (Me, Chantal Hebert) are not allowed to be righteously indignant or full of anger. We have to accept this scandal as "A Nothing", as "A tempest in a teacup", a "Bump on the road". Right.

Alberta wasn't about to let Tories get away with it one more time. Will the rest of Canada? Here's hoping.

I would amend what Tom Mulcair said. Harper is not the only one on trial. It's the CONSERVATIVE VOTERS.

08-28-2015, 02:45 PM
Stephen Harper had elephant balls yesterday. He had the audacity to make fun of Trudeau's realistic claim that he would probably run a deficit for the first two years, maybe even three. Harper mocked him to no end, laughing like Satan about it.
Averaging $20 Billion each!!!!!!!

It's pretty fuckin' RICH to mock Trudeau when he's run up monstrous deficits with no intention of paying them down.
Harper has downloaded all of that debt onto future generations. Be Proud, Tories. Proud and Loud about your pathetic "economic management skllls".

Fuck I can't wait for this election to be over. What surprises and rabbits will Harper pull out as it gets closer to October 19th?

09-01-2015, 02:39 PM
Tory MP Michelle Rempel thinks she "dances to her own tune" while in Harper's camp. Don't stop believin', Michelle....LOL


09-08-2015, 07:16 AM
So it's over one month since the election was called, and Stephen Harper just can't catch a break. (Do we weep for him? Hell No.)

The first month had this on offer for Steve to contend with:

- The Mike Duffy disaster trial. Nigel Wright lied on the stand in my view. He pushed "plausible" to unheard-of heights. He even quoted scripture to defend his actions. Amazing. Hey Nigel: did you ever read that part of the Bible that says "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God"?

- Statscan announced that Canada was in a recession in the first quarter of the year and we are de-facto in one now.

- Disgraced Conservative Senator Pamela Wallin had her expense claims referred to the Crown for possible criminal charges

- The Syrian refugee crisis shows how heartless Harper is, and it may be the emotional straw that breaks his re-election back. I thought it would be Duffy, but no, it's a 3-year old child face-down on a beach that forced Harper to act. His Immigration Minister did a face-plant on "Power and Politics" last week. Chris Alexander blamed the media for the situation. But Rosemary Barton exposed him for the boneheaded, callous unqualified ignoramus he is. Watch that video of Chris Alexander on Power and Politics. If that doesn't demand his resignation, then what the hell would? Harper has only agreed to accepting 10,000 refugees. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is committed to 46,000! Over three years! Trudeau is trying to out-do him by demanding that 25,000 are accepted by Christmas- somewhat unrealistic, but at least he is agreeing to more than Harper is offering to take in. Harper has been harping about the military role only. Where is his fucking humanity? He faked crying on TV at that poor child in the surf, saying it reminded him of his son Ben. ??? Tory supporters have been ripping the opposition parties for "making political hay" out of this refugee crisis, when Harper is the Mega-poster-child for scoring cheap political points.

Nothing has gone right for Tories in this election so far. They are third in the polls, but I don't pay any attention to polls.
It's looking good for an NDP Government to show Canada what they are made of on October 19th.
If you're a Tory strategist, you must be popping the aspirins...
Because right now, The Conservative party is in flames. And those flames lick the walls of Harper's gulag about 50 feet up in the air.

09-14-2015, 07:53 AM
Trudeau has brought out the Big Guns. Now you know the election has kicked into gear...ha ha
Former Prime Ministers' Jean Chretien and Paul Martin have backed their man, giving powerful speeches at Liberal rallies.
Chretien said that when he travels people always come up to him and ask him "What happened to Canada?"
Sadly, Stephen Harper is what happened to Canada.

Debate Number 2 is this week, a debate exclusively on the economy. Trudeau should do well, with Paul Martin coaching him.
Even though I'm firmly in the NDP camp, I have no problem with Trudeau winning. That may seem like a flip-flop as I've said previously that he wasn't ready to be Prime Minister. Maybe he isn't, but Harper was never ready. Still isn't. The most unqualified PM we've ever had. It blows my mind that people think he's the cats pajamas. It's revolting that this guy is considered a "leader".

Trudeau may be green, but he's a contender in this election, like it or not.
Mulcair is really strong right now, and the NDP orange wave shows no signs of lagging. One month to History being made.

Stephen Harper's War Room Commander Jenni Byrne has been attacked for incompetence and demanded to be fired- by Conservative party wonks!!!! What did Harper do about it? Well, we don't really know. There's a rumour she was kicked off Harper's plane and sent back to Ottawa to find some brains and willpower to do something about this refugee crisis before it buries Steve in his own cold-hearted porridge.

Face it Tories...there's no salvaging anything in your campaign. Canadians aren't dummies. They know it's time for change.

09-14-2015, 09:07 AM
Harper has apparently turned to an Australian advisor who helped lame-duck British PM David Cameron win recently.
Do whatcha gotta do Steve! Your ship is a little leaky buddy...lol

Mulcair's ads where he emphatically says "I'm Ready." are brilliant. Harper is actually sending Tory supporters to Mulcair in droves, all because he destroyed Conservatism by not practising it. (Let us weep, My Brethren...lol)

Trudeau is punching above his weight, and some say that the left is split 50/50. So what? They will SHARE THE HOUSE OF COMMONS!
Sanity and BALANCE will be restored. Insane scandals will not flow like lava anymore. Tory supporters are bipping about how the sky will fall if the NDP or Liberals win. Right-O. Gotcha. That's all they can come up with when Harper's campaign has hit the skids & run off the rails? Wowza. These Tories are saying that "Harper will come on strong in the final month". Huh? Wha...?
Why hasn't he come on strong since August 2nd?
Where the fuck has his head been, on this leaden inert campaign he's lurching forward on?
The guy has got concrete shoes on, carping about how "Canadians want more of the Same".

Who can resist such Visionary goals and boring Chutzpah? LOL

09-14-2015, 09:22 AM
Lockheed Martin won't help Harper this time around. The contract for the F-35 is hung, and the NDP will destroy it.
Harper had some USA help last time. This time THE PEOPLE will outweigh the corruption. Canadians have woken up.

I can't wait to get back to reviewing movies. I got some recently bought Criterion DVD's that need reviews: Eraserhead, Valerie and her Week of Wonders, Kubrick's The Killing, Sweet Movie and By Brakhage.

09-16-2015, 07:30 AM
Harper is "excited" by his 2 billion dollar budget surplus. Right.
There is nothing to get excited about. Jim "The Fleecer" Flaherty made sure that budget surplus would be there for Harper to play as a card in the 2015 election. Yep, Flaherty planted that nugget over 2 years ago, ready-to-use in a pinch. And remember, the "surplus" is a BUDGET surplus, and it has no significnace whatsoever. Here's a blistering letter to the editor from today's Globe and Mail:

A $2-billion surplus does not matter. But what does matter is the more than $100-billion in new debt that the Conservatives have run up over the past six years. The principal alone would require 50 such surpluses to repay. And given that the Conservatives run a surplus once every seven years, it will take 350 years to recover from their fiscal mismanagement.- Thor Kuhlmann, Vancouver

So take that to the bank, Tory supporters. Harper is not "strong on the economy". He's an Oblivious Fucktard Criminal.

09-18-2015, 07:58 AM
I listened to the economic debate last night, and it was Cracklin'.

Even tho I have an obvious anti-Harper bias, no one won that debate. If anyone did, it was Thomas Mulcair. No KO shots. But some haymakers were thrown, Boy.
Tom Mulcair unleashed the heavy early, with his withering rubuke: Mr. Harper put all of his eggs in one basket. Then he dropped the basket. Boo-Yah.
Mulcair stung Trudeau on tax havens at one point: "Why don't you tell Canadians about your shell game for your speaking fees?"
Trudeau snapped that Mulcair "always has to make everything political".
Tom also made a slogan-in-the-making with his "Mr. Harper's policies on Canada's resources is Rip-and-Ship".
He also double bitch-slapped Trudeau & Harper in one swipe: Mr. Harper wants to hit the snooze button on the economy and Mr. Trudeau wants to hit the panic button".

I guess some KO's landed, now that I think about it. (but Harper didn't get back up, a la Tubthumping) These three guys were talking over each other, and Harper sounded positively scared and confused up there. Awesome debate to listen to. I'll watch it later today to confirm my ears' impressions.

If your mind isn't made up by now on who you want, Canada, then let me decide for you: A.B.C.: Anyone But Conservatives.

09-18-2015, 09:36 AM
OK...I've seen the bulk of the debate live now, and it's quite clear that Mulcair won. He was Prime Ministerial up there.
Harper was wooden as always, smirking and sneering at his opponents, intoning "You would vote for these two jokers?"

Trudeau hit Harper in the breadbasket: "The only years you've not run budget deficits are ELECTION years..."
Justin was emotional, excited, animated and all three men have fast minds. I have to admit, Harper, Mulcair and Trudeau all have great minds for pulling their facts out. Too bad Harper's facts were largely UN-factual...Tom & Justin cut in on Harper to say "That's not true, Mr. Harper..." about a dozen times. It wasn't so much a "focused" debate as it was hyped up to be. Bill C-51 came up- as the last vote Trudeau cast in the House of Commons! And we also learned from Tom Mulcair that Trudeau's first-ever vote in the House was for one of Harper's budgets!!! I never knew that. That would be enough to sway my vote to the NDP if I was undecided...Syrian Refugees also came up. As well as Tommy Douglas and Jack Layton.

It's up to you, Canada. More of the same with a lying, thieving, dishonest snake of a failure in Harper, OR Glory.

Don't let them tell you it can't be done!

09-21-2015, 09:01 AM
So a bogus 2-billion dollar surplus and WAYNE GRETZKY are Harper's "surprises" and "rabbits" in this election.
Who can be against The Great One?
Johann can be against the Pete Rose of hockey, that's who.

Wayne can't even vote in Canada- he lives in Arizona year-round. Harper's own law prevents Wayne-er from voting, and Harper spoke for Wayne by saying that Wayne has never opposed that law. Why would he? It doesn't matter to Wayne- he's a Corporation HIMSELF!!!
Harper makes Wayne richer every day.
Wayne is a traitor to Canada. Ever since that trade to the L.A. Kings in 1988 he's been a traitor. (And remember it was WAYNE'S CHOICE to go to L.A., not Peter Pocklington's!!)

I think Wayne's been to Canada all of 9 times in 25 years. And it was only to open a Gretzky's restaurant in Toronto (which he doesn't even own anymore- WTF is that about?) and have a street named after him in Edmonton.
Wayne Gretzky is about as Canadian as Donald Trump. Word.

Sorry hockey fans, but Gretzky sucks huge. Always did. When I think of Wayne Gretzky all I can think of is that McDonald's commericial he did years ago where he's holding the "Crispy Chicken Deluxe" sandwich like it's money in the bank. Because it was.
Bet on any NHL games recently, Wayne?
You're gonna lose on your bet on Harper.

09-21-2015, 09:25 AM
Stephen Harper told Peter Mansbridge in an interview that he would quit as Prime Minister if the Conservatives lose a single seat in this election.
So Victory can be declared already!!!
Thanks Steve! You're gonna lose a hell of a lot more than one seat, Paco.
You will be beat like a fucking GONG. I think you're DEEP in denial, Pal.

Gonna be so sweet to see you take that "walk in the snow" in 4 weeks.
What will be even better is listening to CFRA radio in Ottawa afterwards. That station is an unofficial arm of the Tory election machine, and the hosts have been popping pimples over Harper's disastrous campaign. They are beside themselves that Mulcair is striding large to a large Victory. The teeth-gnashing and hand-wringing is beautiful to listen to. Because these Tory supporters have never heard of my thread here. I am a "Babe in the Woods" with my commentary, a secret stealthy weapon. LOL
If I convinced ONE PERSON to vote against Harper, then it was worth every minute typing.

So guess what happens after October 19th, Tories?
I shed my role as indignant ranter and hand that job over to YOU.
Have fun. I hope you have the stamina and POWER to write for 4 years (minimum) to bring down the new PM, whoever he may be.

09-29-2015, 10:34 AM
3 weeks to No More Harper.

Two thirds of voters in this country want change. And we will get it.

10-02-2015, 01:55 PM
Lots of Bullshit "scuttlebutt" floating around about how Harper is gaining ground over this niqab debate.
What a crock of horseshit. Harper is finished, and there's no debate about it.
2 women in the whole fuckin' country are upset about not being able to cover their faces during a swearing-in ceremony to become a Canadian citizen, and Tory pundits are saying that this issue is costing Tom Mulcair seats in Quebec.
? Huh? Wha..?

First of all, Mulcair doesn't have to worry about a damn thing in Quebec- he's got it sewed-up like the best seamstress on Earth.
Harper has got his "wedge issue" and it means jack and shit. Because for starters, I happen to believe that the 2 women involved are plants. I mean, how the hell can they challenge the law all the way to the Supreme Court when they've just landed? They aren't even citizens yet and they are challenging the niqab ruling. I smell a rat. I smell a plant, full-stop. Who is funding these 2 "women"?
Legal bills aren't cheap!
The niqab is also a garment that is considered " a fad" by muslims themsleves.
I don't care if you want to hide your face during a citizenship ceremony- you've already been vetted, right?
Wear a mask and tassles if you want. LOL
Canada does not discriminate. But Harper's government does.
Do the math.
I'm tired of holding your hand.

VOTE on October 19th.

10-06-2015, 09:55 AM
2 weeks to election day and I have a lot to bitch about.

Harper is raving about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and it's no secret why. The TPP hands over all control to corporations. Governments are obsolete now. Corporations can now sue you over trade. (sue the federal government). And the best part of the whole thing is that this "Biggest trade deal in world history" was concocted by nameless and faceless un-elected, un-accountable shitstains who don't hide their hidden hand anymore. The New World Order is here, and it's always been here. The back of U.S. bills have "announcing the new world order" written right on them! Don't be shocked that corporations run the show...you let it happen, people! The next "logical" step is One World Government, right? As Sarah Palin said: "You Betcha".

2 weeks before the election ends and the "deal" is signed. Right.
The niqab issue has apparently duped enough Canadians into believing that Tom Mulcair can't be trusted- it's astounding.
That Aussie advisor Harper hired did the dirty on Tom Mulcair, and now all I hear is how "strategic voting" is all the rage now.
Funny, same thing happened in the Ontario and Alberta provincial elections.....funny how that always happens when election day swoops closer....

At this point I don't know what the fuck will happen in 2 weeks. And I follow Canuck politics REAL CLOSE.
Brace yourself- shit's going down.

10-07-2015, 02:31 PM
As this thread winds down and the election draws near I'd like to say that I was inspired by three things to start this thread.
1. Jack Layton
2. Pure, Undistilled Hatred for Stephen Harper
3. Hunter S. Thompson

Jack Layton was the amazing NDP Leader who said Hope is better than Despair on his deathbed in an open letter to Canadians.
Stephen Harper is nothing but a scourge and parasite.
Hunter S. Thompson is the man who showed me how to handle scum like Harper.

Well Jack, we made a great showing, but Canadians got scared and liked Trudeau's youth too much. So be it.

Well Harper, how does it feel to lose to your mortal enemy, in name and in party?

Well Hunter, We Killed Like Champions. Ha Ha Ho Ho. Lock this thread. Throw away the key.