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11-11-2013, 08:11 AM
Re: Looking into Canada's political future

I will vote NDP for the rest of my life. It's no secret here. I've said it more than once.
But I know how huge a threat to the PMO Justin Trudeau is.
I feel Tom Mulcair has more than proved his worth as a Prime Ministerial candidate.
He has done nothing but shine in my eyes. Same with the NDP caucus- Nathan Cullen, Charlie Angus, Peggy Nash and all the rest- just amazing jobs they've been doing holding this government to account.

It hurts to know what I know sometimes, because even though the NDP deserve to govern more than any other party, I know more than most how much Canadians think only in terms of Red and Blue politically. In most Canadians' minds there are only Tories and Grits- No "Orange Crush" on their radar. And that hurts to say.

Couple that with Justin Trudeau being center stage, and we have a serious problem.
His name resonates with older Canadians in a way that no other politico's does.
They know his old man, and they know that the Trudeau name means "Intellect".
I wouldn't mind seeing a Trudeau government, but not until the NDP have had a chance to show what they're made of.
Liberal scandals (in the past) have been just as shocking as the current Tory ones.
I'd hate to have the reins handed over to trudeau and then scandals continue to rain down....
An NDP government would have ZERO scandals, at least for one year. (LOL)
They would establish themselves pretty quickly as efficient managers and would do everything in their (elected) power to make sure they never find themselves in the same politically doomed situation as these fucking Cons.

We'll see how things shape up for the 2015 election.
Canadian politics is gonna get INTERESTING, YO.

11-11-2013, 01:19 PM
You know why Harper is 1000% guilty and complicit in this monstrous coverup and fraud in his own PMO?

Because he never once stood up in the House of Commons and shouted with outrage that this happened on his watch, and that he will never EVER let this kind of thing happen again. He would put heads on PIKES for this outrage. For this affront to the taxpayers.

But no. He denied everything and hopes everything goes away.
Only one thing is going away, you stupid stupid man.
And that is you. You and your joke Tory party can get out of my country.

Chris Knipp
11-11-2013, 02:43 PM
Again the addiction model = denial. "I have no problem." "I'm doing nothing wrong."

11-12-2013, 07:29 AM
Harper is the biggest addict on the Hill. Next to Pierre Poilievre, of course.

To quote Ice Cube: "I make the Motherf***er drink the Kool-Aid!"

Do You?
Do You?
Know who you're fuckin' with?
Know who you're fuckin' with.
Know who you're fuckin' with.

11-14-2013, 09:22 AM
Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty is telling Canadians that the country will return to a surplus in 2015-16.

Here are two "Letters to the Editor" of the Globe and Mail from today, reprinted in their entirety:


Re: Flaherty's $3.7 Billion Surprise (Nov. 13/2013)
Flaherty's economic statement, the one he's so proud of, might well have read like this:
"I'd like to tell my fellow Canadians that, by 2015, we expect that we will finally have balanced our budget after a tortuous 7 years of spending more than we took in.
We chose this tack- of cutting sources of revenue, including the GST and corporate taxes, and dishing out for hockey gear- because we listened to what Canadians want. You should be proud of your achievement.
The surplus we expect to see should just about cover the interest on the $145 Billion or so we've added to the debt on behalf of the public since we came to office. We had to do a little *Nudge Nudge* stimulus spending. But, Hey, it was worth it.
A truly Canadian effort.
We consider the debt a sacred trust- the Harper debt- and so what if it will never be paid back? WE'RE GOOD FOR IT."

- Patrick Stewart, Newport, N.S.

The same government that "misplaced" $3.1 Billion says it is able to forecast a $3.7 Billion surplus 20 months into the future.
This takes spin to an all-new level.

- Armin Weber, Thornhill, Ont.

11-14-2013, 09:39 AM
Just to be 100% Clear, Canada's National Debt (accumulated over 7 years Harper has been in power) is:

almost $690, 000, 000, 000. That's Six-Hundred and Ninety Billion Dollars.

Drink the Kool-Aid if you think Harper is all about the economy.
Drink the Kool-Aid if you think Harper is a sound fiscal manager.
Drink the Kool-Aid and then shoot yourself in the face if you think Harper rocks.

11-15-2013, 07:38 AM
I've left out all kinds of damning evidence against Harper on this Senate scandal, by the way.
This thread is now at 34 pages- every post directly re-inforces how DELUSIONAL our PM is.
I'm trying not to overfill the trunk on this, but it's almost impossible.

Chris Woodcock (who is still on the taxpayers' payroll and still on Harper's team) was named in Duffy's e-mails as one of the Conservative staffers who will concoct "the script" for Duffy to tell the media.
Woodcock is described as a "Communications Specialist" LOL, and he was gonna "communicate" to the Canadian people "the truth" LOL.

Will someone bring the hammer down on this pathetic Conservative government?
Right now?
This second?

11-18-2013, 08:08 AM
Re: Rob Ford "The Absolute Tory Disgrace":

This is a letter from todays' Ottawa citizen, a letter from a veteran named Bill Carr, a retired lieutenant-colonel:

"We recently paid our annual homage to those who in peace and war have added much lustre to the envied image of this unmatched Nation.
This year, though, Canada's image has been tarnished by the behavior of a number of senators and an out-of-control mayor of our largest city.
While the dishonesty of those red chamber miscreants has been *partially* redressed, this disgusting behavior of the mayor of Toronto continues to degrade our international and national reputation.

We Veterans, as liberal (and old) as many of us are, cannot accept as the "Canadian Way", what we are seeing.

Reforming or abolishing the senate won't get rid of crooks, any more than imprisoning dope users will, but perhaps self-analysis by those in power might, were they to devote their energies to the National Good, not to personal political goals.
That's what our veterans did."


11-18-2013, 08:24 AM
Soon Rob Ford will be stripped of his powers as mayor of Toronto.
City Council will hold a vote this week to make Ford mayor in name only.
Ford is still in denial, still defiant, and he says the voters will decide in the next election.
They sure will, you fat clown.
They. Sure. Will.

Would you believe Ford now has his own reality show on SUN TV? It's called "Ford Nation" and it starts tomorrow night.
Is this shit happening here in Toronto?
For real?
This is SERIOUS?
No joke?

11-18-2013, 08:41 AM
Jim "The FLEECER" Flaherty's best buddy, Rob Ford, announced that he "Will continue to fight for the little guy"


Just as someone wrote on a CBC comments section on Ford:

"Fighting for the little guy?? Would that be between hits of crack and vodka shooters?!?!"

Chris Knipp
11-18-2013, 09:26 AM
Close quotes after "vodka shooterrs" -- I don't think anybody said "holy fuck" on CBC.

I'm glad you're getting rod of Ford. But I don't know if Canada's rep is down the tubes here in the US because I don't know if anyone's really aware of all this. A NY Times article from five days ago says Ford was asked to step down "temporarily." The photo shows a bllowsy redfaced man who if you saw him on the street would seem like a drunk or a homeless person or both.


A Times piece from two days ago says the council lacks the power to remove the mayor but is stripping away all his powers and funding of staff.


11-19-2013, 08:00 AM
Here's a link to a National Post article where NDP Leader Tom Mulcair lays out why Harper's ties to Ford are haunting his re-election hopes for 2015.

I want any and all Conservatives lurking here to read this fucker.
And pay strict attention to the part where Harper went on a fishing trip with Ford- and then gaze longingly into that photo of Steve and Robbie shaking hands. And then contemplate just how stupid you were for voting for either one of them.


Chris Knipp
11-19-2013, 10:25 AM
Apparently Ford is also associated with gang members he may have used drugs with. As long as they can't or don't push him completely out, banish him forever from the city government, his addict-style denial can flourish, I suppose.

11-19-2013, 10:40 AM
It's unreal.
The guy simply does not get it. He just doesn't live on Planet Earth.

Stephen Harper refuses to comment on Ford.
When it's another party, he's all over it like white on rice. When it's his own criminal goof, all's well in political war.
He actually thinks Ford is still useful politically for the next election- remember Harper is all about politics for oil profits, nothing else.
ANyone with a brain knows that if Ford was in Harper's federal cabinet he would have been bounced in two seconds flat.
Drug use and ties to gangs and drug dealers would've offed Ford's head immediately.

I think the Ford family is in neck-deep in Toronto's drug trafficking trade.
What do we have to prove otherwise?

Chris Knipp
11-19-2013, 10:49 AM
Another article linked to the one you just linked to refers to "all his enablers" - once again a standard addiction term.


If Ford can be criminally prosecuted for drug trafficking that solves the problem of getting rid of him.

11-20-2013, 07:28 AM
We live in a Banana Republic. I said it the day after the 2011 election.
And Ford is King Banana right now.
We have to wait YEARS to get Justice on anything.

Canadians never expect to be in situations like this, with Unholy Terror Mayors and Psychopathic Prime Ministers who cannot be removed unless they are in handcuffs.

11-21-2013, 08:28 AM
We have great news: Nigel Wright is now OFFICIALLY under investigation by the RCMP for Bribery and Breach of Trust.

It will be awesome to see if he will fall on his sword TWICE.
Harper's got a real friend in Wright if Wright will go to jail for him.

11-21-2013, 09:19 AM
Check out this link:


11-22-2013, 08:29 AM
The facts are in, almost two years from our next election:

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will be our next Prime Minister.
How do I know?
Because both sides are owned. They are the same people.
There will be no change of course with this government, or any government on earth.
Because the governments are chosen for us long before we "vote them in".
Think about that. For the rest of your life.
I'm saying this sober and completely sane: you are owned right down to what you think.
It's been that way for a long time. And you weren't told and never will be told.
Except by me. You're welcome.
I have nothing to lose.
Come take me out.
I'm ready for my close-up, Cowards.

11-22-2013, 08:37 AM
Feel free to lock this thread Peter.
It's over.
It was a nice exercise in futility, wasn't it?


Chris Knipp
11-22-2013, 11:16 AM
The facts are in, almost two years from our next election:

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will be our next Prime Minister.
How do I know?
Because both sides are owned. They are the same people.
There will be no change of course with this government, or any government on earth.
Because the governments are chosen for us long before we "vote them in".
Think about that. For the rest of your life.
I'm saying this sober and completely sane: you are owned right down to what you think.
It's been that way for a long time. And you weren't told and never will be told.
Except by me. You're welcome.
I have nothing to lose.
Come take me out.
I'm ready for my close-up, Cowards.

What you say -- that it's all predetermined in your national politics -- has much truth in it, but it's not the whole truth. Some important views are to the contrary, notably Margaret Mead's famous saying, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” And the world's leading public intellectual Noam Chomsky always states that all important change comes through popular grassroots action. It takes time, but change happens.

11-22-2013, 12:31 PM
"the illusion will be so vast, their belief in freedom so real, that they will never know they are our slaves.
This they can never know. For if they know, they will give us no shelter. "

That's all I will say.
It's over Chris.
We are slaves to unseen cowardly And tiny masters.
They say I will be thought of as insane, and they are right.
I have to see my friends Stanley and Jim now.

Chris Knipp
11-22-2013, 01:00 PM
It ain't over till it's over.

Of the fact that the rich and powerful manipulate things there is no doubt. Voting may provide only an illusion of democracy and involvement. However what you are saying here now is an extreme view that I do not share. There are means of bringing about change.

11-24-2013, 12:26 PM
There hasn't been any "change" other than the absolute control they have over everything.
Money is how they control everything.
The only thing that needs to change is money.
We need to eliminate it with extreme prejudice.
Make people see that character and soul means more than money.
Because money is so intertwined with everything we do, it is impossible to stop the juggernaut.

I will finally end my piece/peace here with this:

"We will create a money system, that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt forever"
"If they rise up to vanquish us, we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. We have the weapons. We will use fear".

Who wrote those words?
Who lives by these words?

Chris Knipp
11-24-2013, 03:15 PM
The lines you quote are from a fictional document which, in part, may refer to actual developing events, but like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is a fabrication to illustrate ideas the author imputes to a cabal that if it existed, would not state its aims in such bald terms.


11-25-2013, 08:13 AM
It would in a secret covenant Chris. But humans suck at keeping secrets. Doesn't stop 'em from Believin'. (Cue Journey)

Seems pretty factual to me, not fiction.

11-25-2013, 08:30 AM
To make my point even more clear, I would ask that Canadians take a real hard look at the clock face of our Peace Tower on Parliament Hill.
The Star of David is clearly on the clockface.

Chris Knipp
11-25-2013, 07:09 PM
The "Secret Covenant" of the "illuminati" or "the Reptilian Society" or the "New World Order"actually are related to "The Protocol of the Elders of Zion". It's one of a group of conspiracy theories that you will find discussed in this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory).

How people believe these things I don't know; I guess they are (1) paranoid, (2) gullible, (3) in need of believing in such things because they feel oppressed and need a powerful, malevolent, unseen enemy. What also contributes to believing in these theories is that they very often have a long history. The Illuminati goes back to the 18th century. It's got new sci-fi infusions now. People who smoke a lot of the strong stuff must revel in the wild rhetoric of such texts as THE REPTILIAN PACT. (http://www.luisprada.com/protected/reptilian_pact.htm)

When I first saw the "Protoocol of the Elders of Zion" 40 years ago I immediately spotted it was a hoax. Some people don't seem to have as good a shit-detector as I do. "Surprising" "remarkable" things are more often not true than true.

Nowadays we have the Internet, which is both a medium for spreading untrue rumors and theories and a tool for detecting that they are false. Often over my decade-plus of Internet life people have emailed me hoaxes believing they are true. One friend even thought he'd won the Irish sweepstakes. Of course the key again to being duped is we often want to. He'd have liked to win the Irish sweepstakes. Who wouldn't? All you have to do now as I do when I get something people are wildly passing around via email is to copy some of the key words or a key sentence of the item + "hoax" or "urban legend" and you will find sites that exist to warn people and take apart false rumors and explain when they originated and where and so on.

11-26-2013, 07:14 AM
Paranoid is just awareness of what's going on, heightened awareness.
Jim Morrison ended his music career in Miami Florida on March 1st, 1969 when he shouted at the audience:
"You're all a bunch of fuckin' idiots! Letting people tell you what you're gonna do, letting people push you around! How long do you think it's gonna last? HOW LONG? Maybe you like it. You love it, don't you? You love getting your faces stuck in the shit. You love it, don't you? You're all a bunch of SLAVES!"

Now I know that he knew.
And they took him out. "Mysteriously".
Did you know that J. Edgar Hoover declared Jim a "Public Menace"?
He was the Freedom Man, turning keys, setting people free.
He was Doing Alright.

That's who I want to be right now.
It was no accident that Jim said "Adolph Hitler is still alive". Because at the time, he was.
When Jim said Come out from behind that false mustache Adolph, we know you're in there...."
He was speaking directly to the "Fat, Slow Generals who're getting obscene on Young Blood"

What do you think of that, Chris?
Wake up.

11-26-2013, 08:35 AM
The internet is another tool to control humans.
That is why people get arrested on Facebook, that is why police (and the government) can look at anything you do online.
It's to spot the "Bright Lights"- they can never be allowed to shine.
I'm insane for saying this, aren't I?

JFK was murdered 50 years ago last week- those words of his ring in my ear: "WE ALL BREATHE THE SAME AIR"
He wanted ALL Americans to be equal. And they couldn't have that. They can't have the President telling the people that we are all one.
Fuck no.
Because we're NOT, right?
There were a slew of other reasons JFK had to go, but the main one was him suggesting we're all equals, striving for the same blisses.
Look at the "brightest lights" we've produced- all were monitored by cowards. Some were even assassinated, WHEN IT SUITED THEIR NEEDS.

I'm such a small fish.
But I'd love to start the Revolution.
Who's with me?
No one?
Who knew?

11-26-2013, 08:54 AM
beware the ides of march!

11-26-2013, 09:17 AM
Five to One Baby
One in Five
No one here gets out alive
You get yours, Baby
I'll get mine
Gonna make it Baby
In our Prime.
Get together one more time.

Prefer a Feast of Friends (truly free people) to the Giant Family (Free Masons)
You be the Christ on this Package Tour.
Money Beats soul.

Jim, I'm sick and tired of the world not giving you your due.
You stood up like the true Lizard King you are.
The Old Hag in the Red Cloak thinks he's smart.
I'm with you out on the perimeter, Brother.

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when....

Chris Knipp
11-26-2013, 12:33 PM
While paranoia is an aspect of a severe mental disorder, paranoid schizophrenia, it's traditional to say, partly tongue in cheek perhaps, that it's justified in some cases, if you're surrounded by real dangers, for instance. I personally seem to be less paranoid than most people, and so find it hard to get on that wavelength. But of course the Edward Snowden NSA revelations provide good fodder for paranoia about a Big Brother style state. As you say though, you're very small; I'm very small. It's hard to see us as worth surveilling. You're good when you talk about Canadian politics -- the ostensible topic of this thread -- but these latest posts of yours don't contain anything specific or current to get a grip on. Jim Morrison, JFK? Sorry, I won't take the bait on those topics. They've been done to death.

Chris Knipp
11-26-2013, 01:29 PM
Noam Chomsky has spoken this year of "The Paranoia of the Superrich and Superpowerful." (http://www.alternet.org/world/noam-chomsky-paranoia-superrich-and-superpowerful) If you're seriously paranoid, you're in their company. Ironically perhaps, they have more to fear than we do. They could lose so much. We - not so much.

11-27-2013, 07:17 AM
No, the Jim Morrison comments I made have not been done before. They are mine. I'm the first to speak of Jim in that context.
Jim's father was denied the promotion to full Admiral several times. When he inquired why at the Pentagon, he was told his son was the problem.
His son was upsetting the apple cart.
Where has this info been hashed out before? NEVER. I'm the first.

Sad to see an Elder dismiss something so grave and so evil. You know better Chris.
Your goodness has taken a hit here. In fact, the goodness of every single man on this earth has taken a torp hit.
Men are afraid. We're not supposed to be.
No mental illness here. I'm the sanest cat on this orb right now.

This world is a Will TO POWER, nothing besides.

Chris Knipp
11-27-2013, 09:13 AM
My apologies, J. I was unaware that your information about Jim Morrison was new. It is true that people have been hounded by the government and spied upon for a very long time. It's still true that I prefer talking about current events. But illustrations from the past are germane. I see what you are getting at. As I said, the NSA revelations certainly justify a sense of general paranoia, for the entire planet pretty much.

11-27-2013, 09:22 AM
I am the son of a high ranking military man just like Jim.
Since I was 17 I knew that Jim was a soul brother.
It took 20 years for me to understand what Jim was telling us. I knew the gist, I just didn't know the nut.

This is no joke. They will take out anyone who rocks their *leaky, pathetic* boat.

Chris Knipp
11-27-2013, 09:58 AM
I did not know about our father. Again, I apologize for not recognizing what you said was relevant, true, and new. Yes, you are right. But I don't know what to say about it. As I said, I'm not good at paranoia. Even though it may be justified. You have a topic.

Tomorrow is US Thanksgiving. Today I should make it to a nearby cinema for opening day of Steve Coogan and Judi Dench in PHILOMENA, directed by Stephen Frears. I missed a preview screening of it in San Francisco on Monday, lost track of time and couldn't make it. It didn't feel urgent anyway since the movie opened in NYC last week. So what kind of "preview" is that? Releases are often delayed a week or two for out here. But it is good to be able to see it now.

11-27-2013, 10:04 AM
Apology accepted.
Paranoia has such a negative connotation to it, can we use "Heightened Awareness" instead?
You don't do "heightened awareness"?

William S. Burroughs said that "a paranoid schizophrenic is just someone who has figured out what is going on".

You can laugh at that, but it is a deadly serious sentence Man.

Chris Knipp
11-27-2013, 12:12 PM
Heightened awareness of external dangers/threats, yes, some such formula as that is certainly better than "paranoia." We don't want to give 'em an excuse to call us nut cases.

Old Bill Burroughs did figure out what was going on. Lots of heightened awareness in his corner, with a little help from certain, well pretty much every, substance. (See postscript to Naked Lunch, best rundown on drugs and their effects I've ever seen. By the way he says weed induced paranoia. It does the first time. After than not so much.) I do not laugh at anything old Bill Burroughs says, except maybe in a tone of high sarcasm worthy of the man. I am admirer of the man, and even more of his works.

11-28-2013, 06:21 PM
I predict that Nigel Wright and Mike Duffy will be criminally charged by the RCMP.
What will that say about Stephen Harper?
That a man he appointed a Senator and his Chief-Of-Staff engaged in willful fraud, bribery and breach of public trust?

This scandal should finish him off for good.

I read an article by a Conservative party staffer who worked for Peter Kent that said Tories themselves have to get rid of Harper in order to restore the party's credibility. I say that is a pie-in-the-sky notion, as they had no credibility to begin with. They are the worst criminals we've ever seen in Parliament. No joke. Show me a worse government- Liberal or Conservative. You can't. It never existed before.
This is the absolute worst horde of self-centered taxpayer trough-faceslammers we've ever seen.
And they are getting worse and worse in logarithmic progression.

I'm glad those "above my experience" started grooming Justin Trudeau.
Liberals won 3 of the 4 by-elections last week.
"Prime Minister Trudeau" will be back in the PMO after a long hiatus...

12-02-2013, 09:39 AM
Former PMO advisor/counsel Benjamin Perrin (who was "let go" in March 2013) has had his e-mails confiscated by the RCMP, long after the Tories said all of his e-mails were deleted when he left the PMO's hangout. They were NOT deleted, they are in fact being used in an unrelated matter and were never deleted because of it.
Perrin was one of the "insiders" cooking up the fraud deal with Mike Duffy. Maybe we'll see him charged with bribery too. We can only hope.

Here's a letter from todays' Ottawa Citizen (from a concerned citizen):

re: Tories block testimony

Am I the only one worried by the muzzling or intimidation of witnesses?
Witnesses were intimidated by the presence of the government lawyers during the investigation of the robocalls, and now we find that certain people could not be interrogated in the Senate audit.
Does our "law and order" government believe that they are above the law? (ME, Johann: YES MA'AM!)
They are pretty quick to condemn anyone who makes a simple mistake, but apparently they can interfere with witnesses willy-nilly. And then have the gall to hire private law firms at public expense, who fulfil the requirement of being Yes-Men to the PMO.
Once upon a time we had respect for all law in Canada- not just the laws that make the government "look good".
I want to weep for our country.
And the frightening thing is that these people will use attack after attack to prove their righteousness and get re-relected in 2015.

- Eleanor Abra (Ottawa)

Amen, Eleanor. Amen.
I've been watching this disgusting behavior for eons now.
It won't ever stop.
Get used to it.

Chris Knipp
12-02-2013, 10:07 AM
الشر قديم

--old Arabic saying.

12-02-2013, 12:42 PM
Yes it is.
Hut Hut Hut!

12-03-2013, 10:40 AM
What's that? You'd like more information on the Senate auditors Deloitte?
Who've been handling many federal (Tory) government contracts?
Who got a call from a one Irving Gerstein? Inquiring about Mike Duffy's crimes?

Well, if you asked, you shall receive:


12-05-2013, 07:55 AM
Police surveillance wiretaps reveal that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford tried to buy the crack video from the drug dealers who blackmailed him.

This is gonna get ugly.
Brace yourself, TORONTO.

12-05-2013, 08:02 AM
And more shocking scandal:

The Speaker of the Senate (Noel Kinsella) has been double-dipping on HIS housing claims as well.
He says the "Senate Rules on housing claims are not clear".

Can you believe this shit?
Hey Fuckhead: If 4 Senators can be bounced for "inappropriate claims" if the "rules on claims are not clear" then how the fuck are YOU
not bounced???????
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair ripped Kinsella a new asshole yesterday in Parliament.
Kinsella had no defence, he just pitifully replied "Mr. Mulcair's views on the Senate are well known"

Yes they are Noel. Yes they are.
And they are:


12-05-2013, 09:26 AM
Another terrible, tragic scandal:

Here in Canada we had 4 military suicides this past week.
Veterans are not getting any help from this disgusting, wretched Tory government.
No mental health professionals for our troops.
The Feds say that "it's very competitive" to hire mental health pros.
That's their excuse. That's their line. "It's very competitive".
Thanks for failing the only people (besides cops and firemen) who put their lives on the line.
Former Defence Minister "Cormorant" Pete Mackay has been giving us a lot of lip service but nothing else.
He said it's "heartbreaking", these 4 recent suicides.
No shit Sherlock, but why were you smiling inside when you said that?
You don't give two flying rugby fucks about our troops and never did.
Photo-Ops in Afghanistan don't cut it, Pete.
Put your money where your mouth is, Fuckface. I personally know that Veterans Affairs doesn't exist anymore.
It's an empty shell (casing). Pun Intended Bitch...
Hey Pete: tell your Fuckface clown colleague Rob Nicholson to Man up and Nut up for our troops.
Because no one gives a shit what you say. Everyone knows now that Tories are hypocrite liars and thieves and always were.
Only out for their own careers. Bravo.
You suck worse than Rob Ford.

How many troops have to commit suicide before you do something other than offer false sympathy?

12-05-2013, 09:30 AM
Anybody here remember Romeo Dallaire?

Neither does our Tory government.
Dallaire crashed his car on Parliament Hill yesterday.
He said he fell asleep at the wheel.
But I know he was sending a message to the cowards who are the Conservative Majority government.

I want to behead the whole gang.

Chris Knipp
12-05-2013, 09:38 AM
I guess you know Rob Ford has become a Saturday NIght Live character. Hollywood Reporter has a video. (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/snl-mocks-toronto-mayor-rob-656765)

There are a lot of military suicides in the US too, probably a lot more.

12-05-2013, 09:43 AM
I'm certain the military suicides in the U.S. are HUGE in number. But they try to keep that shit under wraps. Terrorists are waiting to strike...

In Canada we've never had military suicides made public. The numbers were never made public.
Even when I was in the Infantry, mum was the word on "in-house" suicides.
I'm actually stunned that news of 4 in a row came out.
I guess soldiers (certainly not the fucking BRASS) were fed up with the muzzling.
This is beyond an outrage.
It is something that should send the Defence Minister and the PMO to PRISON.
It's Treason to me.

12-05-2013, 01:29 PM
Conservative Senator Irving *star of david* Gerstein is the FUNDRAISING CHIEF for the Conservative party.
And this douchebag was calling up "contacts at Deloitte" to whitewash Mike Duffy's fraudulent claims?
Why would the Chief Tory fundraising whore, read: BAGMAN, "make some calls" on behalf of a criminal fellow caucus Senator?
What does he care?
Why would Irvy stick his big nose in the auditors business?
Did you have something to lose? Something to cover up?

*lightbulb lights up*

OMG...I just figured it out....Irving Gerstein hated MAN OF STEEL!

12-06-2013, 07:18 AM
Nelson Mandela has passed away- I was watching the CBC last night when the news broke; Peter Mansbridge basically took over the broadcast from a fellow host, and we as Canadians witnessed the most pathetic piece of political theatre yesterday when Stephen Harper was *simulating* crying about the news. I mean, you have to see this shit to believe it.
I'll post a video link.
First, President Obama gave a nice speech/tribute, but it was all-too short for me, but the news just broke, so I can't get too uppity.
Then British PM David Cameron appeared, like a robot, seemingly interrupted by this news, as he gave a 25-second speech (seemed that way) and went back to his tea and crumpets without a further word.

But the Grande Hilaritee was Steve Harper, who is so controlling he went from first about to give a speech in Parliament (at a podium) "The PM will be out to give a speech any second.......!", then the podium was moved six times, then finally Peter Mansbridge decided to tell us that harper will actually be in the House of Commons to give his "speech".
And what a whopper of a show it was.
I have visions of him mashing raw onions into his peepers to get that weepy-eyed look of sadness.
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair was barely holding himself together, it was so priceless.
My mouth was wide open at the ridiculous spectacle of Harper CRYING at Mandela's death.
If there is one man in the history of the world who has nothing in common with the style, smile and profound goodness of a man like Mandela, it's Harper. (Or Stalin). I mean, it was like what Henry Rollins said about Mick Jagger singing "A ROCK AND A HARD PLACE":
"It was like watching Satan weep for the Homeless".
It was pure political theatre, designed to bash people like me, who know him like nobody else: "How can you bash Harper for crying about Nelson Mandela?"

Because he didn't cry for Mandela.
He cried for his own political purposes.
If you believe otherwise, have another glass of $16 dollar Kool-Aid.

12-06-2013, 07:30 AM
Behold: A Robot Weeps. Can you FEEL Harper's sadness? Can you FEEL IT? hahhahahhahahhahhahaha


12-06-2013, 08:12 AM
Can you tell I will never relent on Harper?

I want his pathetic ass run out of Ottawa on a RAIL.

12-06-2013, 09:07 AM

Harper wasn't crying for Mandela. He was crying for the cameras. and the HUGE political points it scores him.
Remember, to Harper it's all a game. The good 'ol hockey game. The best game you can name. LAME LAME LAME. CANADA WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.

12-06-2013, 09:58 AM
Oh, and about the SNL character Rob Ford, it wasn't just crack and weed he was smoking. (or just bottles of vodka for snacks).
Apparently on the police wiretaps one of the thug gangsters extorting Ford said he had photos of Ford "doing the Hezza", which is slang for Herion, I guess.
For Sheezy My Neezy...

I mean, have you ever heard of a HEROIN-addicted Mayor? Let alone in CANADA??
Crack, sure, that's kosher. Marion Barry rocked those rocks first!. LOL RESPECT!
Rob Ford has got that beat.
He's rockin' the HEZZA, My NEZZA........

12-09-2013, 07:17 AM
Conservative MP Michael Chong is being painted as a "revolutionary" for putting forward a bill that will allow MP's to oust their Leader easier.

Let me smash that idea to a million pieces.

No Conservative on the planet would put that forward. This is just a scam to make the other parties look bad.
Make no mistake: If Stephen Harper hasn't said a peep about this "new bill", it's because he orchestrated it.
This is all smoke and mirrors. Chong's smile is more like a leer, like a wolf with a sheep in his mouth.
I urge all Canadians to never believe a single thing any Conservative says. They are Masters of Deception.
But they don't deceive me.
I'm a Canadian with hellfire in his eyes for Tories. The fact that Stephen Harper is leading a "delegation" to South Africa for Nelson Mandela's funeral is revolting. When Peter Mansbridge asked former Tory Prime Minister Brian Mulroney if he would go to Mandela's funeral (via Live phone call), Mulroney said "I don't know. I haven't been invited to a delegation".
That sentence says everything you need to know about Mulroney.
Here is a man who helped free Mandela (with Maggie Thatcher's help) saying he doesn't know if he'll go to the funeral.
He needs a free meal ticket.
He needs his fraudulent profile lifted.
He needs buddies to hob-knob with in Johannesburg. (MY TOWN!)
He needs per diems and meal tickets punched.
Mulroney WILL NOT pay his own airfare to Africa and he WILL NOT pay a single dime for anything he does while there.
I want to put him six feet under.

I ask Canadians to ask themselves why Joe Clark is going by himself, separately.
He was a former Tory PM too. But he's travelling alone, and probably on his own dime.

It sickens me to the very core of my gut that Harper and his "delegation" are "paying their respects" on the backs of taxpayers and have no qualms about it. It's all political, Baby......


12-09-2013, 08:09 AM
Have you guys noticed that I have had no rebuttals to anything I have posted in this thread since I began it years ago?

Not a single Tory or a supporter has signed up to challenge me on what I've been saying.
There's a reason for that: They know I've got them dead to rights.
Not only that, but should someone have the cajones to post here, they know that I'm unpredictable and more importantly, "unpredictable with prejudice of Truth", with ammunition stores that Destroy. TRUST ME.

I mean it.
I dare any goof Conservative who thinks he can punch above his weight to enter my zone.
They know they don't stand a chance. Better to stay away and let people think Johann's a nutjob....
No Tory will dare post here. I will eat them alive.
Come into my house. Shit on my coffee table.
I WELCOME YOU TORIES........................

12-09-2013, 09:04 AM
Hey Canada: If you don't Vote, you can't complain about anything.
And if you Vote Conservative, you are so fucking blind you should be whipped within an inch of your life.
Ignorance is Bliss, huh?
You are just as complicit in the corruption as the perpetrators. WORD. FACT JACK.

Hunter S. Thompson said when there is treachery in your Halls of Power you must shine a big light on it.
You must PUBLICLY STOMP THE FUCKERS. No one in Canada is doing it. No one is stepping up.
Not a single soul. We are not a Nation of Sheep, are we?
We are not ignorant selfish clowns only out for our own bacon are we?

Sadly, WE ARE.
Don't pat yourself on the back, CANADA.
You are hopeless right now. Where is the outrage over this government's actions?
Where is the knowledge that it's actually going on??
Get your heads out of your fucking asses!

12-09-2013, 09:26 AM
Hey Hunter: I'm the only one going GONZO on political chickenshit these days.
I'm not paid a penny. The Media in this country is not behind the 8-Ball enough.
I'm beating Stephen Harper like a rat in a wastebasket....
Your Legacy is fuelling me like a freight train.

12-11-2013, 07:39 AM
3 fresh Scandals:

- Tory MP Eve Adams has been billing taxpayers for trips to the salon, shoppers drug mart toiletries, getting her hair and nails done, even the TIPS she gave these hairdressers were billed to the taxpayers. FOR YEARS.

-The Tories (specifically Treasury Goof Tony Clement) have ordered GOLD business cards. John Baird & co. have been flashing their business cards
which have the Canada Coat of Arms embossed in gold, when it is strictly forbidden. The Coat of Arms BY LAW has to be black on any Federal stationary. Clement and crummy crew thought so highly of themselves that they ordered the fancy cards, just like Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.
When the news was leaked, Clement quickly issued a press release, saying the cards were "ordered in error".

- Nobody in the Canadian delegation to Africa for Mandela's funeral gave a speech. Not even Mulroney, who figures prominently in Mandela's life.

Do I have Sour Grapes?
I have pure, unvarnished RAGE for Harper and his patheticness.

12-11-2013, 08:37 AM
If my political posts here are too much for some people, I understand.
But I do not apologize for it. What I am saying and posting about Canada's government needs to be said.
It needs to be highlighted.

Canada is virtually unrecognizable now, and it was all done in 6 short years by Mr. Harper and his gang of fiscal rapists.
I don't know how they can sleep at night with a clean conscience.
Where can you buy the balls they walk around with? Wal-Mart?
I need a pair of those. (or Maybe I don't....what do you think? :)

Financially, I make a tiny fraction of what they do, and I hold them to account better than Opposition MP's!
Can I get a grant?
Can you cut me a check? You love Canadians....
I'd put that money to use in a way that no one has ever seen......

12-13-2013, 07:54 AM
Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's brother Doug was recently seen handing out $20 bills to The Ford brothers' supporters.
No Joke.
He was spotted this week with a big STACK of twenties, handing them out to whomever he wished.

Hey Santa Doug: How low can you go?
You are literally scraping the rust off the bottom of the bucket, you are so Low.
Pack it in, Puffy.
Because come next election, POOF! You and your disgraced Bro are gone!

Chris Knipp
12-13-2013, 11:03 AM
A disgrace indeed.

12-13-2013, 12:25 PM
Doug Ford is defending himself, saying he isn't running in the next election, so what's the fuss over dishing out twenty-dollar bills?
Oh Dougie, you rich clown....

The fact that it takes EONS in Canada to get any type of Justice on anything means that Rob Ford might not be charged for a while.
He offered $5,000 and a car to the drug dealing thugs in exchange for the cellphone video of him smoking crack.
It was on the wiretaps.
So Toronto Police have to get their duckies lined up in a row before we see any bribery or corruption charges come down.
I understand it takes time. But Lord do I ever know they need to be shown the door. To a jail cell.

Rob and Doug need a few things drilled into their fat heads:

1. Being Mayor is a Massive Responsibility for a city like Toronto.
2. Doing drugs or associating with drug dealers/gang members as mayor is not cool no matter what hick town or remote village you are from.
3. Bullying those who point out the truth is just bad form. Can you ever take the high road? Nope. Low road only for the Fords.
They know nothing else.

The good news is that Rob Ford has virtually no power as Mayor.
He's been stripped of his powers.
But sadly not of his retardation.

12-13-2013, 12:53 PM
Doug Ford seems to think he's his brother's press secretary too.
He recently said "I'll tell you what I hear on the street. People are sick of the Media. The media are nothing but Stalinist. You ever heard of PRAVDA JOURNALISM? That's what the media has engaged in against us! PRAVDA JOURNALISM!" (paraphrase)

I laughed very hard at that.
VERY HARD. (and still do).
Yep, I work for Josef Stalin in spirit, Doug.
You sad, sad, delusional man. Get some help.
Maybe look to those paragons of virtue some more: FOX NEWS.
The Fords have appeared on Fox News more times than any other political figures in Canadian history.
That is their TRUE HOME.
Pretty bankrupt if you need a lifeline from FOX NEWS! LOL

12-13-2013, 01:43 PM
Poor Stephen Harper and Skeletor. They can never catch a break:


12-16-2013, 10:02 AM
Have a good chuckle at this:


12-16-2013, 01:46 PM
Another shameful, disgusting, horrifyingly sick Tory scandal:

Industry Minister (and Fat, Ten-Ton Land Monster) James Moore showed Canadians what he's really all about this week when he said poor starving children in Canada aren't his or his government's responsibility. It is absolutely stunning:


12-17-2013, 07:38 AM
Yep, James (TEN-TON LAND MONSTER) Moore gets the Ebenezer Scrooge award this year.
What a fucking callous, cold, FUCKTARD.

The rest of his quote was this: "ARE THERE NO PRISONS? NO WORKHOUSES?"

12-23-2013, 08:31 AM
Let's re-cap Harper's 2013, shall we?

- His Chief-of-Staff secretly paid off a sitting legislator from his own bank account. It was so secret, he didn't even tell his boss. The Prime Minister wasn't even allowed to know about the treachery. His Chief-of-Staff resigned (or was "dismissed", depending on who you believe) and Nigel Wright publicly stated that he "has complete confidence that I did not break any laws".

We'll see if bribery is Legal if you are in a Conservative Majority government.

The Senator who benefitted from laying massive fraud on Canadians hasn't paid back a dime of that money he was given as a "gift".
We'll see if he gets charged or goes to jail. Don't hold your breath: I've actually heard Tory supporters say that all this scandal will do is make sure that "rules" for housing claims are double-checked from now on.
Pam Wallin, Pat Brazeau, The Duff, Mac Harb, Noel Kinsella, should be sent to prison as far as I'm concerned.
Nigel Wright and Stephen Harper (and Woodcock, Irving Gerstein, et al), should be charged with TREASON.
But we know that won't stick....silly Johann...Treason?! hahahahhahahhha!

-Royal Bank of Canada fired legions of Canadians from their jobs and replaced them with workers from India.
Jobs went overseas because of Harper's legislation. And he's all about JOBS?

OMG. This list is gonna be long.

I should just give up now....

12-24-2013, 08:12 AM
I saw Nigel Wright in the flesh last week.
He was wearing a Vandoos t-shirt and volunteering at the Ottawa Mission.
Hey Nigel: why were you wearing the Regimental t-shirt of an Infantry Regiment you never served in?
A friend give it to you?
I should let you know that serving members of certain regiments do not take kindly to civilians wearing their gear.

If it was my (former) Regiment (PPCLI) I would've torn a strip off you right on the fucking street.

12-24-2013, 09:13 AM
Some sweet reading here:


12-27-2013, 10:45 AM
BRILLIANT (imagined, IN HIS OWN WORDS!) conversation with Canada's delusional Prime Sinister.
Thank you Andrew Coyne.
You nailed it.


12-30-2013, 10:39 AM
A scandal while the scandal was going on:

Mike Duffy claimed an additional $23,000 while the Senate scandal was unfolding.
What the fuck are you doing for Canadians to rack up another $23,000 in expenses Mike?
I know you just had heart surgery, so I guess you figured you'd take 'em for what you can until the Reaper comes calling.


01-02-2014, 07:15 AM
Green party Leader Elizabeth May nailed what the government of Canada is these days, "A Dictatorship punctuated by elections".
She also said quite correctly that if Canadians do not make Democracy the priority for the next election then we will never have it.
AMEN, Elizabeth!
The Greens are a tiny party, but they are a party of raw truth. I love Elizabeth May's outlook, her performance in Parliament, and she also said that the only part of her day that she doesn't like is Question Period. She says she dreads it and that the atmosphere is absolutely toxic.
So true. I've witnessed it in the flesh, in person in the public galleries. Tories never answer anything- they joke that it's not called "Answer Period".

Conservatives' contempt for parliament is bald and in-your-face. They don't even hide it. I guess Canadians love 'em for it....
There are rumours that Harper is secretly manouevering to drop a few election "helpers" for his party, so my eyes are peeled at every moment.
I am on his ass. He thinks he's indestructible, pure Teflon.
I hope Canadians punish him and his party Royally in the next election. His Oily Fuckery must end.

I also read that NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair must "show some warmth" in order to get Canadians on his side.
Um, pardon my bluntness but he doesn't have to show any warmth. Harper didn't for eons.
Was Jean Chretien warm and fuzzy? Nope.
Mulcair only has to show LEADERSHIP, which he has been doing since DAY 1 as Official Opposition Leader.
He understands his job perfectly. Harper doesn't and never did.
Harper is using the government as a tool to *corruptly* make all his buddies richer. Period. Full Stop.

If you don't see or recognize it by now then maybe you should consider suicide.

01-02-2014, 08:43 AM
Nice article:


01-03-2014, 07:44 AM
The 2015 Canadian Federal election is gonna creep up on us lightning fast, and the tongues are wagging already.

Everybody is saying Harper is weighing his chances of winning the next election, and that he probably thinks he's got it locked up, due to the huge amount of coffers he has and the fact that the Liberal and NDP Leaders have never run a National campaign before.

Well, let's let them think that.
Let's let them think they've got it "locked up". Harper is in for a very rude awakening, Methinks.
Banking on Canadians being ignorant of his crimes worked in the last election, but it won't work in the next one.
Even if Canadians never read a word of my tasty political thread here, Harper's reputation is in the slimy, oily, tarsand MUD right now.
The Senate scandal has such a rotten stench to Canadians that I don't think they will forgive Harper for appointing such financial rapists to the Upper Chamber. No way. If Canadians hand Harper another victory, then corruption and lying and severe contempt for Parliament will be accepted as proper behavior by our elected officials, and will have the public's full endorsement to continue under this "singing clown" Jackass PM.

That's the truth of the matter. Scandals will be voted back into the PMO. They will have the FULL BLESSING of the public.
And then we'll be in a world of shit. Then our country will be so fucked and beyond redemption that no new party or leader will be able to reverse the effects (JUST LIKE THE USA RIGHT NOW!) Who knew? HARPER KNEW. He learned from the Best of the Best:
George W. Bush.

A Vote for Harper is a vote for Dubya. (in absentia!)
We are following the USA LOCKSTEP down the drain.
Look Around. Wake Up. Get Real.
And get your head out of your ass.
The Future is Murder.

01-03-2014, 08:07 AM
Hey Harper:

Start thinking about THE SAMSON OPTION.


01-06-2014, 07:27 AM
Here's an interesting (and very important) link:

Harper was a quitter before, and he may quit in 2014.
Tory Brass has gotten into his ear. The Heat is just too much to have Steve as "The Face" of the Conservative party.
Having Harper resign would be the Best Political Decision the Tories ever made. They might even hang onto Power by doing that.
But it won't matter in the long run. We need a new Government, not just a new man in the PMO.


01-07-2014, 07:29 AM
The link I posted yesterday (directly above this one) has a comments section that has very switched-on Canadians expressing their thoughts on Harper resigning. It also has ignorant Tory supporters who obviously have not been paying attention to the man and his style of government.

If you want more context than I have given, then please read those comments.
Most of those posters know what they are talking about.
Canadians are NOT ignorant of politics, despite appearances.

Chris Knipp
01-07-2014, 08:36 AM
Yes, I can see the comment-writers are pretty well informed about Canadian politics. Americans are uniquely stupid about their own politics, it would seem, and prone to mouthing the formulas fed them by idealogues.

01-07-2014, 08:50 AM
Yes, I was actually amazed to read how on-the-money these posters on Harper's resignation were.
Almost all of them have rock-solid accuracy with what they point out.

Given what I know about Harper, it is equally possible that he will resign to save face against losing HUGE against the son of his sworn enemy Pierre Trudeau, OR he will fight to the death, gambling that he can beat the newly minted Liberal Leader.

It sucks to say that the NDP are being overlooked as a new government. It really irritates me.
The Liberals grooming Justin Trudeau was the best decision they ever made. Whether or not he can win the PMO on the first ballot he's on will be interesting to see. I won't complain if he wins, but I will be choked that the NDP were dismissed without cause.
Canadians will make sure Harper pays for what he's done.
Voting a Trudeau back into the PMO will be a proper bitchslap to the Tories, (Harper specifically), a bitchslap that will fucking STING.

We pride ourselves on being "better", and we will look like complete idiots if Harper wins again. We won't live it down.

Chris Knipp
01-07-2014, 11:53 AM
But for you, will Justin Trudeau as new PM be good? The son of Pierre, former PM? Dynasties aren't a democratic institution.

01-09-2014, 07:40 AM
Here's the rub with Justin Trudeau:

He has no policies. He has not put forward any "vision" for the country. He has no economic plan or policies, no "agenda" is apparent.
The 2015 election is creeping up very fast and no one knows what Trudeau stands for besides legalizing pot.
The Liberals lost their power due to serious scandal- the sponsorship scandal. But they were sound financial managers for the Nation.
They returned surpluses under PM Paul Martin (who was Finance Minister prior to being in the PMO).

Harper got in there and turned that mighty ship around and sank it off the coast of China.

Trudeau is likable, charming and seems like a great father and all around solid MAN.
He could turn out to be better than his old man as Prime Minister but we have no idea how that can or will happen.
We know very little about Justin or his vision for Canada's future. This is a gigantic problem. This isn't a "learn-on-the-job" gig here.
He knows how big the stakes are.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is far better suited to be Prime Minister at this juncture. He looks Prime Ministerial more and more, each and every day.
He stands tall in the House of Commons, he shows Leadership at every moment. Trudeau doesn't. He just flashes his beautiful smile and says things we kinda want to hear. But there is no juice there. No backbone that I can see and get behind. None.
He may show it at some point, but when?
It's Crunch Time.
It was only very recently that he was chosen to Lead the Liberals, after Bob Rae was obviously going out to pasture.
What kind of campaign will Trudeau run?
We know how the Tories will operate: smear, deflect, deny, lie, puff themselves up as fiscal Kings, etc. etc. etc.
We know how the NDP will operate: DON'T LET THEM TELL YOU IT CAN'T BE DONE!!!

We miss you Jack Layton.
We're gonna pull out a Win for you, Dear Sir.

Chris Knipp
01-09-2014, 10:55 AM
So you'll be signing up for a blank slate. A pig in a poke. That was how it was with Obama. But they never do what they say they'll do anyway.

01-13-2014, 02:17 PM
Yep. Total Blank Slate.

Our political talent pool is Mighty Thin. It is very frustrating.
At least Neil Young is on my side.
He visited the tarsands in Alberta, and he held a press conference yesterday, saying the tarsands is like the Atomic Bomb exploding at Hiroshima, and that Harper and his government are PURE HYPOCRITES.
Thank you for your voice Neil!
You add legitimacy to We in the anti-Harper crowd.

Chris Knipp
01-13-2014, 03:10 PM
Neil Young is a mighty force.

01-14-2014, 01:52 PM
The Prime Minister's Office responded to Neil. And he responded in turn:


01-21-2014, 07:16 AM
I've been doing my own research on Harper and his crimes, and I have uncovered some amazing things.
Saturday night I found out that Laureen "SKELETOR" Harper went to Disco Teka, a downtown Ottawa watering hole run by Russian Jews, and she was there with one security man and NO STEPHEN, who is in Israel right now as I speak.

A good friend on the "inside" told me that Disco Teka is run by Israeli Commandos, so what the fuck is going on here?
My inside buddy told me that Israel is run by Russian Jews, and that Laureen is just a goon for her hubby.
Can the RCMP investigate this? Or is everybody BOUGHT OFF here in Canada?

I also found out where Nigel Wright got his Vandoos t-shirt: the Irving Rivers surplus store in the Byward Market.
Isn't that right, Nigel?
Do you want to know the date you bought it? I can tell you that too, along with what else you bought there.

Not bad intelligence for a SINGLE MAN, huh?
I'm worth my weight in precious gems Bitch.
All Canadians should be on high alert now: the Conservative party of Canada does not run the country.

01-21-2014, 08:19 AM
The Ottawa Citizen had a very topical article about Steve Harper and his stance on Israel recently- they even had a photo of Harper with his daddy and two brothers from the 60's attached to it.
Apparently Harper's oily Papa drilled it into his boys that Israel is the centre of the known universe, a tack that Steve maintains today with a vengeance.
(And what a FUGLY kid Harper was!!!! LOL GIGANTIC EARS! Massive frown! Living with Pop must not have been a picnic, eh Steve? LOL

For the record, I am not anti-Semitic. I want to know what the fuck is so awesome about Israel that we need to suck its' dick for eternity?
I mean, doesn't the USA have more nukes than them? Why all the kissy-kissy-assy-assy?
It's a legit question.
Anyone have an answer?

01-21-2014, 01:39 PM
Sarah Palin is amazed and beyond overjoyed that Stephen Harper was the first world leader to address the Israeli Parliament on Monday.

Wow! Sarah Palin! I guess you'll take what you can get, eh Tea Party Steve?
What a gong-show.
Israel runs Canada. There is no doubt anymore. I thought Harper sold us down the river to China.
Not quite.

02-06-2014, 08:13 AM
More scandal: Liberal Senator Mac Harb and Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau have both been charged with breach of trust and fraud.
Both were kicked out of the Senate (along with Tories Mike Duffy and Pam Wallin) and I'm sure Mike & Pam will be charged soon as well.
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau showed some balls this week when he announced that ALL LIBERAL SENATORS ARE FIRED.
He did what Harper didn't have the cajones to do: fire fleecers and frauds outright.
You sit as an *unelected* Liberal Senator?
You are fucking FIRED. You now sit as an independent senator.
This is a good omen- it sends a message that Trudeau will make the buck stop with him if he is PM, unlike Harper, who will pad the wallet of anyone, even if you fleece the taxpayers (You Hear Me, Peter Mackay? Bev Oda? Jim Flaherty? Eve Adams? Rob Anders?).

Chris Knipp
02-06-2014, 08:49 AM
Such action as expulsion of corrupt senators from the party is a radical step that would never occur in the US; it shows that in Canadian politics there are still some rigorous moral standards.

02-06-2014, 08:57 AM
I was quite amazed that Trudeau fired all Liberal Senators. Pundits are calling it a "gambit" and it is clearly not a gambit.
Harper does gambit. Not Trudeau.
Trudeau is getting bolder- he's sensing his immediate Victory over Harper and he's taking decisive action.
I want to see him with a flame under his arse. Let's ratchet up the political heat on Herr Harper, let's Bic-Light those tiny Tory balls of his.

"JUST WATCH ME" was Pierre Trudeau's tagline. Will it be his son's too?

02-10-2014, 12:16 PM
I was watching my DVD set of The Henry Rollins Show recently and I noticed how dead-bang-on correct Bill Maher was on his show.
Bill was a guest, and he illustrated the dynamic between "Liberal" and "Conservative".
He said Conservatives do not run up the debt (HARPER does)
Conservatives are not into Nation-Building (HARPER isn't)
Conservatives are all about "Who's on my Team?" (HARPER)----- did you know the drummer in his "BAND" *snicker* is a pedophile who was just charged with sexual assault against girls under 14? I'm not making it up- his drummer is a kiddie-diddler! SHOCKING!)

Not to mention that to Tories, Loyalty trumps all other concerns- you do not lose Loyalty from your team or you are finished as a politician.
We've seen a plethora of evidence of that one....
I do not understand why Canadians stand behind this criminal fuckhead. Why don't they get their heads out of their asses?
It's simply astonishing that this man has supporters, of any type. He's a Total Disgrace and always will be.
It will be Glorious to see the NDP steal the election from under the noses of Trudeau and Herr Harper.
It will be simply GLORIOUS.

02-11-2014, 07:14 AM

You're losing control of your "message" in a hurry, chachi.
This info has been "leaked"????
You think you can win the 2015 election with your shill of a wife doing "videos"??
No one.
Not a single fucking Canadian. (or anyone else on this planet)


And the fact that Harper is using Nigel Wright's current lawyer as THE TORY SHILL is beyond reprehensible.
Someone PLEASE bitchslap Steve for me.

DRIVE and DISRUPT and DISUNITY. Those are his 3 BIG codewords for the 2015 election.

Ask yourself why the fuck would you ever vote for this sack of slimy shit.

02-13-2014, 02:16 PM
I urge Canadians who might be reading this thread to take a gander at the comments section of that link I posted above this post.
Canadians know how much Harper sucks.
I just hope they show up at the polls next year.


Chris Knipp
02-13-2014, 04:13 PM
Many say under Harper Canada has become a petrol (or petroleum or petrodollars) state.

02-18-2014, 07:38 AM
That's exactly what we are: A Petrol State.

If you caught me on a bad day, I`d say that Canada was nothing BUT a petrol state.
A friend and I have had great, long discussions about how Canada can have poverty when we are so rich a nation.
There is no excuse for Canada having any poor people whatsoever. Can anyone explain to me how a country as rich and prosperous as Canada can have third-world conditions flourishing in certain areas of the Nation.
And why wouldn`t the Prime Minister ever address it or be utterly embarrassed and ashamed that it is happening under his watch.

02-24-2014, 08:29 AM
Canada won Gold in Men's and Women's hockey at the Sochi Olympics.
All is right in the Universe. ;)

In other news, Harper is still a Douchebag.

03-11-2014, 07:23 AM
The Harper government is changing how Elections Canada is able to investigate election fraud, and they are doing it by preventing the Chief Electoral Officer from speaking publicly about election results. The Chief, Marc Mayrand, has been very vocal about how the Harper government is not seeking independent consensus on the changes to the Election Act, which he says will prevent people in rural communities from voting.
What the Harper government is doing is Voter Suppression, on a Massive Scale, and they are getting the shady business underway pronto, a year before they get swept out of office. Isn't that just ducky?

Are Canadians aware that Harper is subverting Democracy here? Are they even concerned that the PM and his Gang of Goofs are implementing "legal corruption" into our Election laws?
What I'd like to know is how a sitting government is even allowed to fuck around with our Election laws.
Isn't that a serious conflict of interest?
Won't they tip the playing field into their own slimy hands?
If Harper was the Official Opposition Leader he would be HOWLING at this.
But he is the PM.
All is good in the corrupt hood.

And don't get me started on the recent news about DND procurement. $3.1 Billion has been put on hold- for 4 solid years.
DND says no procurements for 4 years won't hurt a single military operation.
I've been out of the military for 18 years, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is an outright lie.

Fucking Fleecers.
They need to fucking die.

03-12-2014, 07:13 AM
NDP MP (and widow of former Official Opposition Leader Jack Layton) Olivia Chow is resigning her seat in Parliament today.
She is doing so in order to run for Mayor of Toronto. TOMORROW!
This is awesome news, as Olivia is perfect to be Mayor of T-Dot.
I hope the people of Toronto can finally concede that Rob Ford is a Cosmic Joke, and that re-electing him would be just shooting themselves in the face.

The charade of Ford as Mayor of Toronto has been painful. Very painful.
We need not another repeat of any of his bullshit. It's not funny anymore.

Chris Knipp
03-12-2014, 07:48 AM
That sounds very good.

03-13-2014, 07:45 AM
Olivia is a long-time resident/MP for Toronto and so was Jack Layton. Those two are part-and-parcel of Toronto's fabric.
If the residents of Toronto love Rob Ford more than Olivia Chow then something is really fucking rotten in The Big Smoke.

It's time to get rid of disgusting Mayors in Toronto. The last 3 have been whoppers of shitheads.
We gotta put a serious end to City Hall fuckery. The trend of losers for Mayor of Toronto MUST STOP.

03-14-2014, 07:30 AM
Yesterday I called the Chief Electoral Officer at his office.
I wanted to find out just where Elections Canada stands with this changing of the Elections Act that Harper is tinkering with.

Right off the bat I was told that Elections Canada is non-partisan, and that they have to follow the Elections Act, even if the Government tries to change it. (For the worse, as Harper is doing). They told me that I should write to my MP if I feel that the changes to the Act are wrong.
They said that they have gotten a big response (and not a positive one) to the changes to the Elections Act, and that Opposition MP's are trying to stop this affront to Democracy but the current government has a Majority. The changes will pass regardless of who pipes up about it being an affront.

You want to know something? Ask.
You want clarity on what those in power are doing? Ask.
Pick up the phone, ask questions. Draw conclusions. Take action. That's what Democracy is.
And Harper is stomping on it.
Get Rid of him.

03-20-2014, 08:53 AM
Finance Minister Jim THE FLEECER Flaherty has resigned from Harper's cabinet in disgrace.

One of the fattest cats in the Harper cabinet is gonzo. And not a moment too soon- for him or me.
For reasons that are kinda mysterious, Flaherty has jumped the corrupt Tory ship. (or Has he? DUN DUN DUN!)
Tories are scrambling to fill a large seat on the front bench, and the idea that "MegaDoofus" Joe Oliver is filling in for Flaherty is mighty hilarious.
Flaherty probably can't take the heat anymore. His skin disease and rash is probably getting wildly out of control. I don't blame him.
Harper is giving the poor fuck Hives.

Might as well bail now, Eh FLEECER?. The Tory Titanic hit the iceberg long ago, and all the lifeboats are gone.

And in other AwesomeSauce news, Alberta Tory Premier Alison Redford has resigned in disgrace too.
That fucking psychopath of a woman was a Holy Terror to her co-workers and raped the taxpayers in a huge way.
She billed the taxpayers $45,000 to fly first-class to Nelson Mandela's funeral, flew her daughter and her friends around the country first-class and billed the taxpayers every single time- dinging them so hard that they gave 'Old Alison' a Full-Blown fuckin' MUTINY! LOL

She was a textbook example of a Tory Run Riot, a full-blown psycho Dictator, who would throw embarrassing and violent tantrums in the Alberta Legislature. Tory brass met with her last week, and yesterday she was given the heave-fucking HO.

I'm so glad Tories run the show in this fucking country.
Aren't You?

03-20-2014, 10:13 AM
Yep, Rosy-Eyed Economists are singing Flaherty's praises. Why? I have no fucking clue.
They all say he provided "A Steady Hand" during the 2008 economic crisis.
Pardon me while I dry heave....

This man fleeced the taxpayers to an obscene tune while in Harper's cabinet. The numbers on just how much he ripped the Canadian taxpayer off would turn you slime green with disgust. I can't wait for the final audit on how much this FAT FUCKING FLEECER finally took home. It's in the millions and millions of dollars. What did Flaherty do for you and me? Give me a list.

I'll give you mine right now:
1. ZERO. He did zero for me. I in fact had time from my life whittled away typing frequently about this fucking Fleecer.
He owes me time I'll never get back.
This fucking CLOWN leaves his post after racking up over $60 BILLION in deficits. How come not one newspaper has reported on this FACT???

Yeah, he returned a surplus for the BUDGET, but who gives a fuck about the budget???
And if the budget is the main nut of people singing this fuckers' praises, then why doesn't he STAY ON UNTIL HE DELIVERS THE NEXT FUCKING ONE IN 12 MONTHS!?!?!? He's on duty until 2015, isn't he?
What the fuck is he doing taking a private sector job if he's leaving cabinet?
Somebody Bitchslap this idiot. Flaherty is a fucking idiot. He can't quit when he has a year to go!
Where is his obligation to the taxpayers that he fleeced for over a decade?
I mean it: this shit doesn't wash.
I thought you were going to return us to gigantic surpluses FLEECER!
You're a quitter.
Fuck You. I hate you way more than I did yesterday. I hope you die of your skin rash. How's that for a "How're Ya Doin??
No apologies either, Jimbo.
You've drawn my Wrath.

03-21-2014, 07:38 AM
Yes, nothing is clear with Flaherty's resignation. Is anything ever clear with Tories?

Why is he leaving? We have no fucking answer. It's all under a cloud- a pitch-black one at that.
All these Canadians (pundits and public alike) are singing this clown's fiscal praises.
Not one of them paid any attention to what he actually did.
How about that $60 BILLION in deficits? Huh?
Everybody has fucking blinders on to that fact. "Always look on the bright side, eh?"
There is no bright side!
Flaherty and Harper fucked the country up LARGE. And nobody seems to see it.
And they will steal the election next year, unless they want to let the other side of the Illuminati coin have a go again.

Three cheers! For Zilch!

03-21-2014, 08:37 AM
Here's a letter to rebutt all those assholes saying that "Flaherty will be judged Kindly by History"
This is a letter to the Editor of the Ottawa Citizen, today, March 21/2014:


History may look less kindly on Jim Flaherty's legacy than columinst William Watson supposes.
Flaherty's fixation with balancing the budget has kept 1.3 million Canadians involuntarily unemployed, cost our economy billions in lost production, and caused UNTOLD PERSONAL SUFFERING to individuals and their families.
Any sovereign government which has a floating, non-convertible currency has the power to put people to work, despite the ravings of deficit hysterics. As proof, note that the federal government employed one of every three males in military service during the second World War, yet the economy rebounded from the Great Depression and was sufficiently productive to help win the war.
Pro-growth policies, not austerity, will rescue the middle class, and understanding that eluded the former finance minister.
-Larry Kazdan, Vancouver B.C.

You nailed it for all time what Flaherty's fuck-ups amounted to: balancing the BUDGET, not the deficit, at the expense of Canadians and their familes, not to their benefit. He's a piece of shit who fleeced us obscenely. Nothing more, nothing less.

03-21-2014, 09:14 AM
So there you have it- governments are not about "The People"- far far fucking from it.
In fact, they have so much contempt and think so little of us that they wilfully fuck us over.

I know exactly what you are doing, IlluminIdiots.
And I don't give a fuck if you rub me out.
I really don't.
I am a threat to you. You should put me on your "person of interest" list.
Because I am one INTERESTING motherfucker, aren't I?
Make me an Angel. I'm ready. I'm way ahead of your bullshit.
In the meantime, I will tear your walls Asunder. I will do so until you pull your cowardly trigger.

Chris Knipp
03-21-2014, 09:17 AM
So there you have it- governments are not about "The People"- far far fucking from it.

That's an increasingly widespread view, probably spreading in the US and its anglophone neighbor Canada. It shows a growing disenchantment with North America's version of "western democracy." I wonder if this is so true in western Europe.

03-21-2014, 09:27 AM
To place the focus on THE BUDGET and nothing else is living proof that there are "Elites" (of a certain Illuminati persuasion) who have no problem making people suffer. And the people take it. They take it LYING DOWN.
They said we'd give them no shelter if we found them out, and I GIVE THEM NO FUCKING SHELTER.

03-21-2014, 01:20 PM
So if we've proven that governments don't exist for the people, then we can draw the conclusion that if governments were for the people, then our quality of life would go up in logarithmic progression, right?

It would go up and up, to the point where these fleecers wouldn't be needed anymore, correct?
They'd be hitting the bricks, completely obsolete!
That's why they exist. TO EXIST.

"Lock your doors! Grab your guns! It's Martial Law!"- Jello Biafra (FULL METAL JACKOFF)


03-21-2014, 01:59 PM
At least the Supreme Court of Canada won't take any of Harper's BULLSHIT:


03-26-2014, 10:36 AM
I have to express my revulsion at a certain Tory MP from Calgary Alberta: ROB "SLEEPYTIME" ANDERS.

Remember Rob Anders?
The piece of shit Tory MP who likes to doze off frequently in his Commons seat?
The piece of shit who fell asleep at the Homeless Veterans Committee in Halifax and was subsequently fired from the commitee for it?
The piece of shit who said Nelson Mandela was a full-blown Communist and Terrorist?
The piece of shit who has never done a single thing for anybody? Ever?

Well this piece of shit is maintaining his "piece of shit" tag with a Vengeance these days.
The fucker has been an MP from Calgary for like, 20 fucking years and the people of his riding are really sick and tired of looking at his fucked-up face and they are really sick and tired of him "representing them" in the riding of Signal Hill.

So what does Anders do in response to peeps trying to oust him from his death grip on his seat? He Commandeers the Tory ballot and he engages in Election Fraud, that's what he does. His staffers have been robocalling people in Signal Hill to ask them who they are voting for. When the robocalls are called back, it goes to Rob Anders' MP office. His staffers deny that he is trying to mislead voters, but it's quite clear that's what he was fucking doing.

SEND THIS COCKSUCK to jail please....

04-03-2014, 01:47 PM
Conservative MP Eve Adams is being internally investigated by the Conservative party itself.

Apparently grassroots Tories in her home riding have been writing to the party in DROVES about how much they don't like Little Miss Eve and how she is subverting democracy by crashing ballot committees and refusing to leave. She knows her seat is in serious danger of going bye-bye and she is panicking, just like sicko Rob Anders. Her and Anders are doing everything they can to see to it that their meal tickets don't end in 10 months.

Helena Guergis was booted with no warning.
Keep your eyes peeled for Eve Adams becoming a homeless whore.

04-03-2014, 03:19 PM
Here's a link to something that every single Canadian should perk up and listen to.
Sheila Fraser, our former Auditor General and discoverer of the Sponsorship Scandals that brought down the Liberals in 2005, has come out slamming the new Bill by the Tories to overhaul the Elections Act. She held a press conference, and it is a damning and scary warning against the erosion of Democracy that is happening right before our eyes.

If you are a Canadian who has paid any attention to Federal politics then you know how respected and revered Sheila Fraser is.
When she speaks, Canadians listen.
Are you listening, Canada?
She has just given us a blood-chilling warning about Democracy being destroyed with this new "crime" Bill C-23.

It is very serious. This new bill makes it harder to track the money trail of politicos. It all but erases natives' abilities to vote with confidence.
Read it and GET FUCKING SOBER about Harper.


04-03-2014, 04:07 PM
Here's my open letter to the Harper government, the government that doesn't speak for me or millions and millions of Canadians:

You have made your Last affront to us.
Your ignorance and arrogance is too much to stomach anymore.
You scorn those who put you where you are, giving allegiance only to your own stupidity.
I see you for exactly what you are: Soulless Whores. You are here for the buck, for the game, not realizing your shame.
I behead you all. With one swift accurate blow.
Canadians do not forgive you for what you have done. I don't forgive you.
I will be there to watch your souls go down a notch from this dimension. I asked for a front row seat.
And as you know, "ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE".
You asked to be exposed. You asked to have your egomania and soulless existences exposed.
I'm just giving you what you asked for. I'm here for my government. I put my life on the line for it once.
But it hurts to say that I wouldn't do it today, not for Harper's government.
The reason is simple. He has contempt for those who have more integrity than him, more bravery than him.
It eats at him daily. You can see it in his eyes. He's shook up that I'm out there, watching his Fuckery and never missing a beat.
It unsettles him that there is a citizen out there who sees him for exactly what he is and will not relent in exposing it.
The Prime Minister is supposed to have no oversight, you know. He is Omnipotent. He is King.
A regular citizen holding the Prime Minister to account is Liberal treason, isn't it, Steve?
I tend to get a little treasonous at my government when they treat fellow soldiers like pawns to be scorned.
I tend to have nothing but sheer rage at suits who never put their lives on the line for anything and never would.
(That kind of thing is for the peasants, you know).
Fuck you Stephen Harper. Fuck you straight to Hell.
We're Coming For You in 2015. You are Gonzo.

04-04-2014, 01:14 PM
Another one bites the dust, and his name is SOUDAS.
Good job, Soudas! You and your skank wife Eve Adams can now have a post-political relationship!

Another idiot Harper appointed himself being found out to be a complete asshole fucktard...Business as usual with this gong-show gov't.


04-04-2014, 01:45 PM
Can you see the Death Spiral that Harper is in?

It's been going on for 20 years.

04-04-2014, 02:19 PM
Minister of Democratic Reform Pierre Poilievre says Bill C-23 is terrific as it is.

Minister of "Democratic Reform"!?!??!?!?!??!?!?
More like "Minister of Dismantling Democracy" with the stroke of a pen and a small cock.
He is trying to tell Canadians that Sheila Fraser has no expertise to lend to the matter.
We now know beyond any doubt that the Tories are complete criminals who are overhauling Canada into a post-Union, post-Humanity, post-Democracy SHITSTAIN of a Nation run by oblivious corporate whores.

What is the breaking point for Canadians?
What does it take to demand Tory heads on platters?
It's beyond the Theatre of the Absurd at this point.
20,000 hits on this thread since I began it. I must be doing something right.
Thanks for reading my words here, if you took the time to do so.

04-05-2014, 06:39 PM
George W. Bush unveiled a painting he did of Stephen Harper. Can you believe it?
Yes, Dubya and Steve are great pals you see, fucking the world over with their OILigarchy plans.
George loves his buddy Steve so much, he did a paint-by-numbers portrait!
The Ottawa Citizen says it looks like Bush copied the image from wikipedia. LOL Some artist. *snicker*

As long as Canadians remain in the dark about what the fuck this government is doing, then they will never know until it's too late just what happened. The citizens of Canada right now are like the citizens of Nagasaki in 1945. Unsuspecting and Trusting and Oblivious.
Boy will they get a wake up. Boy will they be shocked. Holy Christ they have no idea just what a Harper government truly MEANS.

I do.
But what do I know? I'm just a talking head on a computer, not paid, no influence, no credibility.

Chris Knipp
04-05-2014, 06:52 PM
That's pretty pathetic, especially when you see the painting.
Jimmy Carter built houses. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton raised $100-million for Hurricane Katrina relief. So, what has George W. Bush done with his time since leaving the White House? He painted
The 43rd president of the United States unveiled his private artwork on The Today Show Friday, prior to the opening of his exhibit “The Art of Leadership: A President’s Personal Diplomacy.”. So says an article about this project of Dubya's. Of course Jimmy Carter has done a whole lot more than build houses. And Clinton has done a lot more than raise money for Katrina relief. But it's quite possible Dubya hasn't done anything other than these paintings of leaders he met in the White House.

04-05-2014, 07:36 PM
Funny how Bush did portraits of World Leaders as he whiles away his retirement years.
Considering the man, wouldn't he do more poignant and resonant paintings?
Like, Say, Oh I don't know.....9/11? Hurricane Katrina? The Iraq war? Halliburton? Enron, Barney the Dog, you know, HISTORY?

Chris Knipp
04-05-2014, 10:22 PM
No -- he's reminding himself that he used to be surrounded by World Leaders, important people. Not so many any more back in Texas.

04-05-2014, 10:41 PM
I suppose that's true.
He used to be important dagnabbit!
He used to walk with a swagger and say stuff like "Let's Roll".
Now he's just waiting to die, painting terrible portraits of terrible people.

Chris Knipp
04-05-2014, 10:43 PM
That seems to be about it. Should we feel sorry for him? No I don't think so.

04-06-2014, 09:17 PM
Rob Ford is in the news yet again, this time for not being allowed into a private lounge box at a Maple Leafs hockey game in Toronto.

Jon Stewart of The Daily Show predicted that Ford's story will end badly, with a eulogy, and eulogies are not funny.
The people of Toronto have to realize that re-electing Ford in October would be a terrible mistake, one that no one will recover from: the City, Ford, his family or anyone else.
To bypass all of the horrific allegations and behavior of this fat clown and vote him back in as Mayor would prove that Torontonians are not very bright or very evolved. It would be tragic to see Ford re-elected. And it will be tragic when he dies. Because that is the track I fear he is on.
And no one can stop that gravy train.

In other news, Harper is still a soulless turdblossom.

Chris Knipp
04-06-2014, 09:24 PM
A wise and balanced assessment. Well said.

04-06-2014, 09:51 PM
I'm trying to be as optimistic as I can, but as long as Tories have purchase on elections here in Canada we are fucked.

And what Obama recently did for Monsanto is Astounding. Simply Astounding.
Nothing will change in America. Obama....you said you were all about "Change". What a whopper of a hoodwink you pulled on the USA. Wow.
I have zero respect for Obama. It's stunning how he went from "Hope" to "Psych! Nope!! SUCKAS!!"

I don't know what to say anymore, to be honest. Obama's a Fraud. Harper's a Fraud. Nobody cares and The Simpsons are on.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

04-08-2014, 02:51 PM
A huge problem here in Canada is that all of the news media are not exposing Harper for what he really is:

A sick man whose government fell in 2011.
A sick man who should've been barred from politics and high office for it.
A sick man who couldn't believe his luck at how oblivious the Canadian people were.
He blamed the Opposition. The public believed him. Believed him so much (and hated elections so much) that they handed him a MAJORITY.
My mind was blown to Jupiter at that and still is. Because I knew what was to come. And I documented it right here. You're welcome.

And I will get real fucking nasty if Harper wins again. I will be more than "thinking outside the box".
Just watch me.
As Bruce Springsteen sang: "I'm On Fire".

04-08-2014, 05:03 PM
Last night we had a power shift in the Province of Quebec.
Thank God Parti Quebecquois Leader Pauline Marois was annihilated. She resigned in disgrace last night, after realizing that not only was she trounced, but she was told in no uncertain terms by Quebecers that she was a stain on them.

The Liberals were given a Majority.
Quebecers really know what Democracy is. They vote with their HEADS, not their hearts. In their hearts they may want to separate from Canada, but in their heads they know it's not right. Definitely not right, the way Marois was going about things, pissing people off left and right.

Quebec shames the rest of Canada by being ACTIVELY interested in politics. They vote like it's the only thing that matters, and the rest of us should too. We need to be on guard at all times for political slime that tries to take us in directions that would be disastrous.
Which is what is happening with Harper right now.
Harper was never qualified to be Prime Minister. He isn't qualified to fill your car with gas. He wouldn't know what to fucking do at the pump.

He's a dictator, the only difference from Hitler is he hasn't built gas chambers for Liberals, he hasn't built work camps for New Democrats.
But give him time. His thousand year Reich is only in it's 10th year.

Chris Knipp
04-08-2014, 05:12 PM
Quebec shames the rest of Canada by being ACTIVELY interested in politics.

It's a European thing, and reflects the European influence of their French cultural heritage.

04-08-2014, 05:19 PM
And it also has to do with "We Remember"- which is etched on every Quebec license plate.
They remember that they were almost exterminated as a people. The English allowed them to live and have lands when they could've just exterminated every single Frenchman who was breathing at the time. They remember. They sure do.
They hold a grudge, Boy.
They will never get over the fact that they were allowed to continue to exist when they could've all been wiped off the face of Canada.

Chris Knipp
04-08-2014, 05:32 PM
Should that be a grudge or gratitude?

04-08-2014, 05:37 PM
Neither. We need to Unite. No more divisions in this Nation, Please.

04-08-2014, 08:23 PM
Pundits are saying Pauline Marois grabbed herself by her own lapels and threw herself out of office. That is correct.
I'm not even French and she pissed me off.
She made the Quebec election about separating, which was idiotic. Quebec is in debt, Quebec has high unemployment, Quebec has rampant corruption in all sectors. And she only talks about separating. No blueprint for success from her, even for separation! She wanted to KEEP THE CANADIAN DOLLAR!

Goodbye Pauline. I think separatism in Quebec will be a dead duck from now on.

In other news, Harper does not smell like teen spirit.

04-08-2014, 09:04 PM
I have to elaborate more on this Dimitri Soudas/Eve Adams gong show.

Soudas was hand-picked by Harper to oversee the ENTIRE 2015 election campaign. Not bad for a 34-year old kid.
We know that it was Senator IRVING GERSTEIN (the purse-strings puller for the Tory party) who fired Soudas.
The only one who could've saved Soudas was Harper, and he didn't. He let Illuminati alum Gerstein do it. Apparently Harper knew on Friday about the allegations- and Gerstein turfed Soudas on Sunday. It was all done rather quick, and the PM has been mum about it all.
He hasn't said a peep, other than some garbage about respecting rules, which he has never done in his whole career.
It's all rather curious.
Something doesn't smell right here. Why is a bagman un-elected SENATOR making decisions that Harper should be making?
Is Irving Gerstein the REAL Prime Minister?

Yes he is Juden, Yes he is.

04-08-2014, 09:40 PM
So if Soudas was going to be the man in charge of Harper's "DRIVE" "DEFLECT" and "DISUNITY" election campaign for 2015, and did just that, why is he being turfed?
Is it because of optics? Because if it is, that is HILARIOUS!!
The optics on the Tories is already batshit insanity. If you bypass what they've done these last 3 years then you need a lobotomy.
Soudas drove, deflected and dis-united his own party by sticking by his dumb tart Eve!
She has nothing between her ears. Just look at her. Listen to one sentence from her lips- she's oblivious.
Barbie has more political sense.

So with Soudas gonzo, a new job has just opened up in the Drive, Disrupt and Disunity Sector.
Harper (SORRY! I mean Irving Gerstein) should look at hiring Mike Duffy back.
He's way better at disrupting than "Sinful Soudas".

04-08-2014, 11:00 PM
Canada is not a country that thinks of itself as a "dictatorship". Never has. We are Anti-Fascism.

So how do you explain them loving Harper? Loving a Dictatorial party like the Conservative party?
Hmm? Is it because we aren't at war and Harper isn't executing people in camps?
Do they have blinders on to Harpers' Dictatorial Style of Governing?
They must, to see him in any positive light!
He's a full-blown Liar, Criminal and has no Leadership abilities whatsoever. I wouldn't let him lead me to the latrine.
If you want examples of his crimes and lies, ask me. I'll give you a data dump. Just don't ignore it when I lay it on you.

Canadians only need to remember that Mussolini and Hitler were allies, until Italy overthrew their Dictator.
Italy turned on their fascistic friends, and Germany had to fight to the bitter end, because Germans didn't have the WILL to overthrow their dictator.
If Italy could oust Mussolini, why couldn't Germany get rid of Hitler?
We need to oust Harper, our own God-Given Dictator. Yesterday.

04-09-2014, 01:47 PM
Peter MacKay has been keeping a low profile these days. Not a peep from the Fuckhead Goof since he was shuffled over to Justice from Defence, which is batshit nuts. He was never qualified to be Defence Minister and he sure as Cormorant shit isn't qualified to be Justice Minister.
If he was the REAL Justice Minister for Canada he would turn in his Boss. He would send Harper to prison. But we know Pete has no balls whatsoever.

No word yet on Dean del Mastro's fate either. He's vanished from the map, a scuttled turd.
Charged with 4 counts of election fraud, he should do time.

And what about disgraced fleecers Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin? What the fuck is happening? Canadians want answers! Results!
I know it takes time, but if Brazeau and Mac Harb can be charged post-haste, then what is the hold-up with Duffy and Wallin?
I guess their cases are more in-depth and more severe. I can wait. Just don't disappoint me, COPPERS....
We know they are guilty as sin. Throw the fucking book at them.

John Baird is a worthless turd as well. Totally useless as a diplomat, embarrassing to the nth degree. An oblivious ignoramus that I have no time or respect for. ANother soulless Tory animal, only out for his own ego and grandiose bullshit, like all Tories.
It really sux that these bankrupt Tory clowns represent the rest of us. It truly sux donkey dick.
We deserve better.
I demand BETTER.

04-09-2014, 02:54 PM
To go back to Bill C-23, the "Fair Elections Act"- the most IRONIC name for a bill in the History of the Universe- in it is a provision that is an absolute insult to Canadians at large.

With this bill, every single Canadian will be required to have several proofs of Identification in order to vote.
In the past, (and this has been a practice for over 60 years) citizens could vouch for their neighbor as a legit voter, as long as ONE OF THEM could provide proof of residence.
With this bill, Harper is saying you can't trust your neighbor anymore to vouch for you. You have to get yourself some government-issued I.D.
This is a death knell for people in rural communities voting.
With this new provision, Harper wipes about 200,000 people off the voter list.
Very effective, when you need to subvert democracy.

We already have 45% of the population NOT VOTING, we already have almost half the people sitting on their hands.
So now, of the people that ARE voting, Harper just said "We're gonna make it just THAT much harder for you to cast your Vote".
It's despicable.

Hey Pierre PolieverlastingDoucheBag!!!!

WHY STOP AT THAT? Why require I.D. when you can REALLY REFORM our democracy? Huh?
If you really want to reform our democracy then MAKE VOTING THE LAW. FOR EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN.
What's stopping you from doing it? Australia has done it, why can't we?

Don't answer that. I know the answer. Because if everyone was "by law" required to vote, your party would never win power.
Isn't that correct?

Chris Knipp
04-09-2014, 03:12 PM
Copying the US right as usual.

04-09-2014, 03:59 PM
Harper learned EVERYTHING from Bush.


04-09-2014, 04:06 PM
Hey Harper! Hey Pierrre!

Think about how making it the Law to vote would be a boon for your party!
Citizen doesn't vote, Citizen goes to jail...you get to look tough on crime!
Your jails can be fuller, as you would like them to be, so Laureen can get more contracts for food services at those prisons!
It's great!

You NEED the system as it is, don't you?
Making it the law to vote is your POLITICAL ENEMY, isn't it?
As Sarah Palin would say, YOU BETCHA.

04-10-2014, 01:14 PM
This Dimitri Soudas/Eve Adams gong show just gets juicier and juicier....

Yesterday Eve was ALLOWED to continue to run in her "new' riding of Oakville. But not without a stern warning letter from the Conservative party President, which was sent to all news media outlets (curiously).

This only means one thing: Trudeau has just barred candidates from competing with each other, and the Harper government want to distance themselves as far as possible from Trudeau. They would cut Eve loose in two nanoseconds, but they would look exactly like Trudeau did two weeks ago. They can't have THAT! LOL
Not only that, but consider who Soudas is, and what position he just held.
He just "resigned", to stick by his Lover Eve, to help her with her campaign.
What do you think would happen if Harper barred her from running? Kicked her out of the party?

Soudas would get his claws out and sing like a bird about what Harper is doing to erode democracy. Remember, Soudas knows every detail about how Harper is running the "Drive, Deflect and Disunity" 2015 campaign.

Isn't this interesting?
Harper doesn't give two shits about Eve Adams. But he sure as Tory Corruption gives two shits about what Soudas can do to his chances of re-election: BURY THEM.

I can see right through the Tories. RIGHT THRU THE COCKSUCKERS.

04-10-2014, 04:17 PM
Jim THE FLEECER Flaherty just died.

You won't see me shed a single tear.
Looks good on ya, Jimbo.

04-10-2014, 05:02 PM
They say don't speak ill of the dead.
I do.
If you were a Fleecer in Life, you are a Fleecer to me in Death.
Flaherty apparently had a MASSIVE heart attack around noon today in his downtown Ottawa condo.

MP's and the public are once again singing this fuckers' praises. I say again: he did nothing for me and nothing for Canada.
Don't mourn a Tory Fleecer. They just aren't worth the time.
I believe in Karma.
And it was a bitch today to Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty. The guy already had health problems. Is it such a shock, as Harper says it is?
Fuck No.
It's how it should be.
Let's buy a bottle of champagne, shall we?

04-10-2014, 09:34 PM
You can call me cruel, you can call me insensitive on Flaherty's death.
I don't acknowledge you.

This man was a disgrace. He was in a position to make Canada Immortal on the world's stage. Instead, he chose to line his pockets and line the pockets of every corrupt businessman in Canada. If Canadians don't see that, then they need new fucking eyes.
Fuck Flaherty. He did an Irish jig while Canada burns. Fuck him straight to hell.
When Jack Layton died his political opponents took huge swipes and potshots before Jack's body was cold.
I'm only returning that fucked-up favor. I said it right here in this thread: When Harper dies I will smear him within SECONDS of hearing the news.


Politics is Evil, isn't it?

04-10-2014, 11:24 PM
All Opposition MP's are being VERY politically correct in their words about Flaherty's death, Tom Mulcair blowing me away with his tearful tribute.
That is "Harper-Level" for false sympathy. I Love it.

I've also noticed that Harper didn't cry for Flaherty as much as he did for Nelson Mandela. Weird.
But the whole Tory party is fuckin' weird.
Yet again, no one mentions the billions in deficits he racked up, no one mentions his austerity measures that severely hurt the middle class and outright slammed the poor, when he should've been focused on GROWTH. He and Harper said they were, said it many many times on many many occasions, but it was a complete lie.

The only "growth" Flaherty oversaw was the growth of rampant corruption.'
Sorry to lay the truth on ya when ya have blinders on, but thems the facts, Jack!

04-11-2014, 12:09 AM
Right now, as I raise my glass, I'd like to imagine that Jim Flaherty was at home today, his first day off in Ages, and curiously googled his name and then found my thread here on Harper.
He started reading, and his heart exploded instantly.

I can dream, can't I?
I say it again: Good Fucking Riddance Fleecer.
Right now I'm the only one in this country who knows what you really stood for.
It's funny seeing all of the tributes to such a slick lawyer goof who fucked over millions of Canadians.
Really funny! :)

04-11-2014, 01:48 AM
I hope the Tories are doing a gut-check with Flaherty's passing.
As Johnny Cash sang: "You can run on a long time, but sooner or later God's gonna cut you down".

This is the first positive step in the eradication of Tory rule in Canada. I feel really energized with the death of THE FLEECER.
This was a good omen today, a corrupt clown was removed from our midst.
Remember when Flaherty LIED TO OUR FACES in Davos Switzerland in 2009? I fucking do. Google the clip of him lying. Do it now.
Remember his Omnibus Budget bill? That destroyed all environmental protection? And had hundreds of bombs hidden in it?
That was the work of Flaherty. Nobody but me remembers this shit.

If he was a "good guy" I never saw evidence of it. He sure did grin and smirk and smile a lot. People were won over by his charming Irish ways it seems. I'm not, because I don't bypass what the fucking fleecer actually DID!
Charming leprechaun he was or not, he failed to save the middle class and outright raped the poor.
Some "legacy"!
Get real on this fucking guy!
He was nothing but a policy wonk who fleeced us for millions and millions.
You'll never see me praise him. EVER.

04-11-2014, 04:37 AM
Yep, I'm pulling no punches with regards to Flaherty.

I see his situation completely different from everyone else. I really know what he was up to politically, and I don't relent.
I would be respectful, if only I had respect for him. I only have to think of Harper's face the day Jack Layton died, and that shit-eating grin he had on his ugly fucking face. What do you think I have right now? That's correct! A shit-eating GRIN!

I'm glad that fucking fleecer is gone. I make no bones about it. 1 down, 161 to go....
I have nothing but contempt for Harper and his whole corrupt cabinet.
The fact that I have to wait a year to see Trudeau claim a Majority kills me.
Call an election now. Today. Let's really clean out the shithouse. A hearse ain't just idling for Flaherty.
It's idling for the whole Tory Turdpile.

04-11-2014, 07:58 AM
If you'd like me to look more favourably on Flaherty and show a little more compassion, here's why I can't, why that is categorically impossible:

Had he resigned from caucus to retire, to be with his family more and get healthier, I wouldn't be so harsh.
But no, he left to take a high-paying private sector job when he had no right to.
His wife and sons weren't even around him when he died.
You got health issues? Serious ones like Flaherty had that gave him a lot of pain? Then I have no problem with you leaving. I would encourage that. Your health is #1. And he was 64- absolutely, retire Jim. I wouldn't hold that against you. AT ALL.
You want to leave the high-pressure world of federal politics to spend time with your family? Hell yeah. Do it. I would never knock you for that.
I would be slime if I did.


You resigned to take a super-high paying job in the private sector, after fielding countless offers from all kinds of lucrative sources.
That is unforgivable to me, when what you promised this Nation was never filled. Not even remotely fufilled.
You quit, to take a higher paying job with no parliamentary monkey-business!

As far as I'm concerned, that heart attack was Pure Karma.
Good Riddance. You Fucking Fleecer.

04-11-2014, 06:00 PM
Here's the final nail in this bloated Tory carcass's coffin. And then we won't ever mention his shit-tastic name ever again:

I learned on CBC's Power & Politics today that when Jim Flaherty was fucking up Ontario Large with his fuckface pal Mike Harris, he demanded that all homeless people in Ontario be put in prison. That's a FACT. When he was gunning for leadership of the Tories, he campaigned on the issue of sending all homeless people to jail.

Now, all of these oblivious people weeping and getting all mythic in their remembrances of this fleecer don't seem to know this fact about this "Good Guy". I don't know any "Good Guys" who would ever want to send homeless people to prisons.'
That sounds like Scrooge to me, that sounds like a fucking Nazi. That sounds like Adolph Hitler incarnate.
No wonder the poor have been constantly raped by Harper's government. They want to exterminate them.

Don't weep for a FAT FUCKING FLEECING CUNT. It's not worth it. The karma will fuck you up. Avoid praising pieces of shit at all costs.

04-14-2014, 04:24 AM
This week has been pretty glorious for political news in Canada.
First a Fleecer is dead as a doornail, now Rob Anders loses his political career!

Anders lost his nomination to be a Member of Parliament for the riding of Signal Hill in Calgary yesterday.
This fucking goof has been the MP there for 17 worthless years. Anders never worked a day of those 17 years- he often took naps at work. And Immigration Minister Jason Kenney tried to interfere with the nomination process apparently. He was sticking his big nose in that ridings' business, trying to muscle the nomination for Anders. The winner of the nomination, Ron Liepert, was severely pissed at that and told Kenney to fuck off, that it wasn't his business. Awesome. (I love infighting between Tories).

Don't worry anyway Liepert! That riding is going to a LIBERAL come election time. HA HA HA!

Chris Knipp
04-14-2014, 09:02 AM
I wish anybody had your kind of appetite for day-to-day politics here in the USA that you have in Canada. Hardly anybody I know does.

04-14-2014, 09:40 AM
I'm just getting started my friend.
Just Getting Started.

I don't know how people cannot be interested in politics if they say they are Patriots.
I love Canada.
I put my life on the line for this beautiful country once, and I have pure rage that it has been hijacked by fucking fleecers and political opportunists.

Even if no one ever reads what I say here, I'm glad I am laying it down. And I will continue to do so.
I asked "What can you do? " once, and you said "Write About It". That was great advice Man. Thank You.

Chris Knipp
04-14-2014, 10:26 AM
Go on doing what you are doing. Why are Americans less interested in politics than people elsewhere? It's a longtime failing. Hard to explain but the size and power of the country might be reasons, or we're just intellectual lightweights, numbed by TV idiocy and pop culture.

I'm glad you're taking that advice, and I agree it's good advice. It was what I did after Sept. 11, 2001, and writing about the Middle East is something that interests me. I lack your tonic appetite for day-to-day local and national politics in America, though. I do not understand it well and I feel a little hopeless about it. I'm typical of Americans in that perhaps. We, they, think the only way Washington can go is further downhill. The next step is for the Republicans to gain control of the Senate. That, people think, will be the end of what shred of "Democracy" this country has, and the full turnover of control to the richest of the rich, now well under way, will move forward at full speed.

One can write when one's angry and disappointed, or one can fall silent. It can go either way. Since the Arab Spring went wrong in Egypt, my enthusiasm for writing about events there has dried up. But the protests have not stopped. There's a lot to be angry about. It's just not thrilling and happy anymore over there.

If you think Americans don't pay enough attention to politics in their own country, that's nothing comepared to their ignorance and indifference about events elsewhere. They only rise to the bait when they think America's global dominance is threatened, as in recent events in Ukraine.

04-14-2014, 11:38 AM
I've learned that if you do not keep tabs on what those in government are doing then you really are without a compass and can't see changes happening until it's way too late. I hate being in the dark on things. I hate not being informed.

The situation in the USA is very disturbing. I see Gigantic problems on the horizon, and the shit WILL hit the fan.
In fact, it already has in many ways. When Congress shut down the government not so long ago, up here in Canada we were stunned.
We have no Congress. We only have political parties. Americans are hog-tied by their beyond-help system. I feel for you. The task is more than Huge to make sure you have a sound Democracy. And with Jeb Bush in the news as the one to replace Obama....nothing will change. Nobody has the will in the USA. Nobody is marching on Washington and demanding heads on platters. "WE THE PEOPLE" means zilch it seems.

Clearly the Harper government has styled itself on the U.S. Republican party (and George W. Bush) and we are headed exactly where the US is now: Nowhere with a Bullet. And the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The dice are loaded, the Good Guys Lost.
That's how it goes. Everybody Knows.

Chris Knipp
04-14-2014, 02:54 PM
A third Bush as US President would really make it all look dynastic.

Things indeed don't look good, I can't argue with that.

04-14-2014, 03:14 PM
It's simply incredible that Republicans are wheeling out Jeb. Oscar Wilde was right: History first repeats itself as tragedy, then as farce.

I don't know what to tell you about the States. The politics is so fractured and berzerk and complicated I can't get my head around it.
In Canada I can grasp it. That's how I can level ICBM's at Tories.

Chris Knipp
04-14-2014, 03:29 PM
I can't get my head around US politics either. I suppose it's more complicated than Canada's because there are so many more people, and it's all so much crazier, as a rule.

04-15-2014, 09:43 PM
Stephen Harper suffers from depression.
His former advisor Tom Flanagan has just went public with the fact that Harper is severely moody and gets depressed easily.
Here's his quote:

"He can be suspicious, secretive, vindictive, prone to sudden eruptions of white-hot rage over meaningless trivia.
At other times he falls into week-long depressions in which he is incapable of making decisions".

Sounds about right to me. It has the ring of truth.
He should be depressed. He's the biggest goof idiot clown asshole in Canada.

04-15-2014, 10:34 PM
The RCMP is no longer investigating Nigel Wright I learned today. He apparently was found to be clear of wrongdoing.
"Legally" he may be, but morally....to me he's fucking guilty as sin.
And I also learned today that the hammer is gonna come down hard on Mike Duffy.
It sounds like he will be criminally charged soon, and Nigel Wright will be called to testify at the trial.
I can't wait to get Nigel wright on the record in a court of law. I want to know what exactly happened with this expense scandal.
I know the basics. Duffy was the Hugest Fleecer in the Tory party, and he's going down. Big Time.

Any bets Duffy dies before Justice is served?
I'll give you 1:2 Odds!

04-15-2014, 11:13 PM
I don't have any use for Tom Flanagan- I've listened to him on the news networks for years and he's an oblivious turd.
But he's right about Harper. He said yesterday: "Stephen is a Predator".
Dead-Bang On, Tom. Dead-Bang On.

Mac Harb and Patrick Brazeau are in court next week to face their crimes in the Senate expense scandal.
Brazeau is a complete moron. He was arrested last week on assault and battery charges (AGAIN?!?) and was also nailed with drug posession- he had bricks of cocaine at his house when Cops responded to a call of domestic violence.
Brazeau said he had to take the job at the strip club because he "has 4 kids to feed".

What now, BRAZ? What now? Life is as it should be for a Harper appointee like you...

Chris Knipp
04-16-2014, 12:35 AM
I'd never even heard of bricks of cocaine. That's heavy duty. Those apparently are used for shipping it by dealers. A kilo, worth forty to fifty thousand bucks.

04-16-2014, 12:42 AM
BRAZ, (that's his nickname- no joke) also had big bags of marijuana. The guy is fucked.
Never heard of bricks of coke? didn't you see Scorsese's THE DEPARTED?

04-16-2014, 12:50 AM
This guy is a Canadian SENATOR.
Appointed by Stephen Harper.

Chris Knipp
04-16-2014, 01:01 AM
Yes, I saw THE DEPARTED, but I didn't memorize it.

04-16-2014, 01:16 AM
Why not? It's worth memorizing.

"Do you want him to chop me up and feed me to the poor?! Is that what you want??"

"What're ya drinkin'?"
Cranberry juice.
"What is it, your period?"

"Do you like Little Miss Thing suckin' on your cock?"
Yes. Yes I do.

Chris Knipp
04-16-2014, 09:37 AM
Not worth it for me. I don't see much charm in those lines. Since THE WOLF OF WALL STREET the vulgarity and crudity of Scorsese have begun to disgust me, and I don't think he's made a truly great movie in a long, long time. Even THE DEPARTED was a remake of a Chinese film that was better.

04-16-2014, 10:44 AM
How's your Mother?
She's on her way out.
We all are. Act accordingly.

You know John Lennon? He said "I'm an Artist. Give me a Tuba and I'll get you something out of it".
Well you know Mr. Costello, I'd really like to squeeze some fucking money out of it.

What was his name? The departed?
Miles Kennefick.Got the job with a forged U Mass transcript. U Mass Boston, which happens to be...
South Boston?
Oh, You're a Fucking Genius. Who forged your transcript Dickhead?

04-22-2014, 05:19 AM
I have to post about an event that should not be held anymore in Ottawa Canada.
The now annual pot rally, the "420" Rally needs to end. And I'll explain why.

I smoke the herb myself, so why, you may ask, do I think this pot rally should be ended from now on?
In one word? Because it was embarassing. I'll give you some examples:

1. Tourists. The impression any first time visitor to Ottawa got if they happened to wander by the waftings happening on Parliament Hill must have been bizarre. I saw some Asian tourists walking on the lawn, their kids playing, doing cartwheels, smiles all around at the nice weather, with tons of potheads either sitting on the lawn or standing, smoking some of the most potent strains of pot you could ever smell. I cringed at these tourists with their children!!!!???? wandering around this smoke-fest. I wanted to smack them. This is illegal (at the moment) activity. What the fuck are you doing wandering around like it's a beach or something. Jesus did that annoy me.

2. Garbage. The sheer amount of refuse and pure garbage left behind by these potheads was truly amazing. I know you're stoned, boys and girls, but Um, having the super-munchies and tossing every wrapper and pop bottle to the ground, only to be left there when you wander away in a stoned high haze WAS NOT COOL. Why can't you be more like a stoned soldier and take out what you brought in? It's what a true hippie should do right? Tree Hugger? Moss Sucker?
But to be fair, this afternoon (Easter Monday), the parliament lawn looked great- most of the garbage was gone, picked up. But on 4/20 itself? The sea of garbage was like a landfill almost. It showed that Parliament Hill can be trashed by 10,000 people in one afternoon.

3. The sights of the day. Not sure if I wanted to see puking teenagers. Not sure if I wanted to see some of the weed-related costumes, some of which were downright disturbing, Like the guy in an all-black leotard, like Spider-man., only much-less cool. He had on a pair of blue shorts, a blue ballcap (with a Sherrifs badge on it, and also wore another Sherriffs badge on his chest) and blue gloves. I don't know many potheads who welcome blue dudes with sherriffs badges on them. I was like, WTF does his "look" have to do with pot culture? Shit was Wack.
I saw more than one fratboy puke his guts out. One of them had a blunt so frickin' big no wonder he was puking. It wasn't a gagger. It was a puker. What's up with that? It's gotta be to show off. It's just a waste of weed to me. You aren't gonna get any higher, fratboy. It was a fuckin' foot-long Blunt, YO!
I mean I know it's 4/20 and all, but the massive cannabis cannons are a bit ridonkulous. A total waste of weed. I also saw a lot of "flesh" that maybe shouldn't have been on display. My virgin eyes are sensitive.

4. Children walking around. With no parents. This really angered me. I saw many children (aged 14 and under) wandering around Parliament Hill with no adult supervision. This could be my number 1 complaint, actually. It really angers me to see young kids at the 4/20 rally. I wanted the Mounties to go up to them one by one, and escort them off the property and call Mommy and Daddy to pick them up. That is one thing I do not condone at these pot rallies- really young children wandering around. What are you saying to these kids? No Doctor will ever tell you that inhaling smoke is good for you. This reason alone could have this pot rally shut down forever by the Feds. And I would be fine with that. Shut it down, if it means protecting children. Absolutely. There are always motherfuckers who have to ruin it for everyone else, Eh? It Never fucking fails.

04-22-2014, 05:47 PM
Here's a wonderful examination of Pauline Marois vs. Stephen Harper.
Both are more alike than I ever thought:

www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2014/04/20/pauline_marois_is_gone_is_stephen_harper_next_give n_the_similarities_siddiqui.html

04-28-2014, 08:15 AM
Stephen Harper was dealt another blow by the Supreme Court of Canada.

Senate reform is out of the question now, after the Court ruled that the government cannot unilaterally reform the Upper Chamber.
And it cannot be abolished either, not without all of the Provinces' consent. Every Province has to be in favor of abolition in order to abolish it, and even though many in the loop are saying that is impossible, I say it's not that impossible at all, really.
It's very doable. Just explain what a waste of time and money it is, if they haven't fucking already clued in on it. The Senate scandals have been amazingly horrifying. What more evidence do you need of the need to abolish it? Look at what Harper's appointees to the Senate got away with!

It's nice to see Harper checked and handled like a child yet again by the Supreme Court. Their ruling was self-evident.
That's yet more proof of Harper's stupidity. I'm so happy this is his last year as PM.

05-02-2014, 04:30 PM
This "Fair Elections Act", (Bill C-23) is the lynchpin that is truly going to end Harper's pathetic tenure as Prime Minister.
I thought it would be the scandal of his chief-of-staff, Nigel Wright, paying off a sitting legislator with consent from the Conservative party bagman Irving Gerstein. But no, it will be this anti-Democracy bill. Harper isn't even hiding his contempt for the people of Canada anymore.
He's conjuring up bills that suppress the votes of up to half a million people. Canadians know it. They really are aware of what he's trying to do by changing our election laws. He is really on thin fucking ice with this Bill. Canadians are finally cluing in to how devious and sickeningly cunning and just plain criminal this guy is. He's been rebuked by the Supreme Court of Canada twice this year, and he doesn't like it at all.
He was reminded with the wake-up that there are other provinces than Alberta in this country, and that he has to take the provinces' best interests to heart if he wants to reform the Senate. That is sober news for a guy who is drunk on his own Non-Power, who thinks he can just unilaterally change our system to his needs and whims.
I'll say it again, cuz nobody seems to have heard me: Canada has never been a Dictatorship. So why do we vote one in as PM? It's batshit nuts.
If you vote Conservative in Canada, I do not like you. It's that simple. If you support Tories then sadly I don't support you. I actually have a very very low opinion of you if you vote Conservative. You are not switched-on if you vote for Tories, it's really that simple.
You're blind as a bat if you think Harper is doing a "great job". You need your head examined if that's the case. Sorry, you're just not that bright if you think Harper's an awesome guy. Because you have to realize that whether you support Harper or not, he doesn't care about you.
He doesn't care about you and he doesn't care about Canada. The proof is in his actions. He's a liar, an opportunist, an ugly one.
He's got a bankrupt intellect and the personality of a snake. If Harper had to rely on his wits to survive, he would just drive his Lexus off a cliff to his death. He'd throw in the towel and say that it was a Liberal conspiracy.
That's not a man I admire, let alone want to listen to for 10 seconds.
Seriously: I wipe my ass with Harper's face. And I can't wait for this fucking fraud to be gone next year.
I think the voter turnout to toss this fuckhead to the curb will be astounding. Harper has managed to piss off EVERYBODY with this Bill C-23.

05-02-2014, 05:21 PM
Rob Ford is shipping off.

The Ex-Mayor of Toronto finally went to rehab this week, after admitting that he is a man with serious addiction problems.
Last week he was seen engaged in "total debauchery" at clubs, involving smoking crack and snorting cocaine and drinking like a man out of control.
Was it the death of Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty that sent him over the edge? Hell no. He was way over the edge long before Jim's usefulness was ruled null and void. His brother Doug made a tearful plea to the public that it takes a lot to admit you have a problem.
Cry me a River Dougie!
He could've admitted he had a problem AGES AGO. The public might've been on his side. (THEN). But no, he lets this shit drag on for months and months and months until the elephant in the room is so gigantic it can't be killed. And, by the way, I believe that that elephant will never be killed- Rob Ford's hopes for "recovery" are not good at all. He has no shame. No self-awareness. He's just a fat buffoon who will never be Mayor again. He should just focus on his health. Because that idiot will die if he doesn't take his health seriously.

05-08-2014, 10:08 PM
Ontario has another Provincial election happening right now, and Kathleen Wynne has got her claws out.
She has attacked Harper on TV, on the campaign trail, saying that she met with the Prime Minister last December, and he told her point blank that governments should not be responsible for citizens' retirements. It is up to them to save for retirement.
Easy for you to say Steve. You been banking taxpayers money since time immemorial, since what, 1994?
And you haven't done jack shit for me or Canada in those 20 years, Asshole. You've been living the Dream, haven't you Steve?
You ever work three jobs? When was the last time you worked for minimum wage, dipshit?
Get your head out of the fucking Tarsands Clouds.
Most people can't save for retirement, and you know it, so stop insulting the people you're stealing money from. It's not funny anymore.
Government pensions is all most people have to live on. You take that away, you have taken away their lives. Congrats.
Hope I don't see you in hell. I really hope I don't. That would break my fucking heart.
Stephen Harper is a Nazi. Sorry, but that's the cold hard truth. You vote Conservative, you're voting for Hitler.
Hope the karma don't squeeze your skull over it....

Now, I don't have much use for Kathleen Wynne, and she just might pull out a Victory, a legitimate win this time, as opposed to just being Dalton "DAD" McGuinty's un-elected replacement. But I believe her on this one. Her words about Harper ring true. Let's see if Ontario voters forgive Dalton and Kathleen for the gas plant scandal. Are Ontarians gonna let that whopper slide? I'm voting NDP (Natch), so you know where I stand.
Tim Hudak is a cardboard cutout of a man. I have no use for that turd whatsoever. He is the worst possible candidate to be Premier at this point.
The option I see is Andrea Horvath, as I said during the last fucking election. I know her propping up Kathleen Wynne's pathetic Liberals has been painful to watch, but hey, she gave Wynne the benefit of the doubt. For a long time actually. And we all lost. Huge. The Liberal gas plant scandal is simply unforgivable. What Dalton did is unforgivable, and the Liberals should pay for it. But will they?

I'm dying to find out.

05-09-2014, 10:33 AM
I'm really hoping for a blow-out NDP Victory for this Ontario Provincial election but I have to say I don't have my hopes up.
I don't know if Ontarians are gonna vote strategically or if they will say "Fuck the Liberals and Fuck Harper! Time for complete change!"

It's just as much of a crapshoot as it was the last election. No frontrunner is clear. Which means the fix is in.
I read in the Metro today that the transports for the Three Stooges have each been given nicknames by their travelling medias:

Kathleen Wynne's ride is called the "Wynnebago"
Tim Hudak's is called "Dodge Caravan" (Because he never answers a single direct question)
Andrea Horvath's ride is named "EASY RIDER" (Hmmm..I wonder why...LOL)

05-09-2014, 11:05 AM
I'm not very fond of typing about Rob Ford, or his enabler/liar brother Doug, but this rehab sham is getting to be quite the epic disaster story.

The location of Ford's rehab facility obviously had to be kept secret, for his possibility of completing it sucessfully to work, not just for him, but for the sanity of the other people in treatment, but just about everybody in Toronto with a brain is convinced this guy turned around at the border and said "No Way! NO Rehab, NEVER!, No How!", and his brother Dougie is fanning those flames big time.

Think about who we're talking about here. This is Rob Ford. Buffoon of Buffoons. Toronto couldn't have dredged up a more worse piece of shit to be Mayor. He has never listened, never done anything he's told, has been combative since Day 1 of this crack scandal, and here we have Doug Ford, telling the media that "He isn't anywhere near the GTA" and "That was me at the Tim Hortons in Toronto's Junction handing out Ford Nation T-Shirts , Not Rob!"

Yeah. Right. Rob Ford is a crack addict. Another video surfaced last week of Ford in his sister's basement smoking crack. If Rob Ford was doing crack last week in his sister's basement, then he sure as shit was nowhere near a rehab facility. Crack addicts are a special breed. I don't want to blanket everybody who does that rancid drug, but the facts state that it is the hardest drug to get clean from, next to heroin. If you are hooked on either one of those two hard drugs, then you stand an insanely good chance of being addicted to it until you croak. Rob Ford couldn't lose 20 pounds to inspire Torontonians to lose weight. Do you honestly think he'll be clean from crack? in time to be Mayor again in October?

BombBaClaaat, Mon!

05-10-2014, 05:44 AM
I'm gonna predict the outcome of the election now, and no I'm not gambling on my prediction. I should, a la Hunter S. Thompson, but I won't.

My prediction is Kathleen Wynne's Liberals will handily win. Whether or not it will be a Majority or a Minority is harder to predict. And I say the status quo is going to continue. I predict it will be a minority government again, with the NDP winning second place."Status Quo" has been our Children's Television Workshop term of the month, what with the Supreme Court maintaining the "status quo" of the un-elected Senate ,with their decision on Senate reform.

The fix is in. Read it and weep. Big Darkness Soon Come. (As the Suckfish and HST said).
Whether Trudeau wins next year or Harper wins next year, Big darkness will soon come.
We have no shining stars to run for high office. We only have dolts and debutantes who want the big bucks and pension and not much else.
No Leaders, No Visionaries, No Intelligentsia.
If you think I'm being Debbie Downer, I got news for ya: I'm Debbie Wake-The-Fuck-Up, Chachi!
Get wise to what these snake oil salesmen are doing: they are playing fast and loose with your money, your laws, and your ability to feel safe.
And they love to see Gentiles die. There was no "World War II". There was no "World War I"- it was all for the entertainment of sick and soulless Romans. The Roman Empire never died. It just was co-opted by England and the U.S.A, by a few shuck and jive shitheads who think they're smart.
You can take your fear and your fear merchants and your economic strife and ram it up your ass. Most smart people have had more than enough of the "Big Charade" put on by "the Wizard of Oz" Dark Joey. You know Dark Joey, don't you? Hunter Thompson introduced the world to Dark Joey. Read his Genius works to know who Rules the World. Watch Eyes Wide Shut to know who Rules the World. And it's not a "Who" so much as a "What": What Rules the World are Symbols, nothing else. Symbols have power. George Carlin said symbols are for the symbol-minded, and we got a lot of rich, symbol-minded cocksuckers walking around, polluting my planet.

It's time to scatter the real roaches on this planet. It's time for Rome to Fall. And it will. The system we have in place now cannot be maintained ad infinitum. Younger Generations are gonna reject this bullshit with a Vengeance. It may take 75 years or more to topple that massively complex system of deception that we are living within right now. Jim Morrison sang it: "Into this House we're born/Into this world we're thrown/Like a dog without a bone/An actor out on loan"- that's what he was and that's what each of us are: DOGS. We're thrown no bones, NONE! we actually cannot and do not rise above the situation we are born into, and it is on purpose. It is BY DESIGN. No matter how "rags-to-riches" you are, you do not actually change station to station if you become a "success". All that changes is YOU, your EGO, and of course your bank accounts/portfolios. But you have to know the truth: Money isn't Real.
A few wealthy Jews (Once upon a corrupt Time) figured out how to set up a system that would enslave every single human.
And they have "managed" that system quite well from behind the scenes. The World is a Stage, isn't it? The Bard told us.
But who exactly is the Bard?
Who exactly are the Royals? Who exactly is Mark Carney? Who exactly is "the Rockefellers?" "the Bronfman's"? "the Rothschilds?" "the Bushes", "the Kennedys" or any other number of wealthy fucksticks who think they are above every one else's "EXPERIENCE"? So much so to the point that they can kill anyone they wish, with the finger never EVER pointing back at them as the Satanic trigger man? Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to Rule the Entire Planet. Eh? You Betcha.

I'm boarding my Titanic. Right now.
I've had enough of these fuckers. I'm a STEALTH GENTILE. I Broadcast it to you. I see my whole life, from birth to death, and I DECIDE the trajectory of my Soul, not you, you fake, piece-of-shit Puppetmasters.
I'm smarter than Napoleon. Smarter than Gaddafi. Smarter than Saddam. Smarter than Hitler. Those men had honorable intentions and desires for their Nations Destinies, but it all got reverse-psychology'd on those "DESPOTS"- THAT'S HOW THEY BECAME DESPOTS!!!!!!!, didn't they?
If you think I'm off the rails here, that I'm batshit nuts for writing what I'm writing here I got news for you:
THE ILLUSION OF FREEDOM IS SO GREAT that you don't see the chains draped around your necks. And those chains are heavy- they steal Hope and they Steal Souls. Think about it. Look around you. You don't know what will happen from one day to the next. Do you think it is purely random? That world events are beyond human control? We're the only fucking creatures on this planet who sytematically kill and rape each other.
And we'll do it for free, forget hitmen and hired killers. We've reached that no-morals zone where only Satan himself could endorse it.


This is a Holy War, and it never had to be fought. But.... it's "Generational"...But...it's Natural for humans to "shape history" isn't it?
To Shape History with classes of people, people in ECONOMIC classes, when "GOD" didn't create fucking money!!!!!!
It worked for Cleopatra and those who built the pyramids- it must work for us. Because IT IS US.
Everything I just typed above is what I have LEARNED since being born. I have EVOLVED to the point where I see the illusions in the illusions.
Most people don't see them and never ever will , simply because of these reasons:
A) they don't want to be seen as wackjob nutter conspiracy theorists (as you can tell I'm ready to take all the heat for it for what I have to do)
B) they have never studied History enough to see the Truth of our current World and how it got to be so Hopeless and "Just a Thing to Survive".
C) they are consumed with their own meaningless lives to the point that to go for a higher goal means "Hitting the Lotto". Money is our God, and it fuels our meaningless lives. Stanley Kubrick said humans are adrift on a rudderless boat on an uncharted sea, and that will be the reality as long as there are biped humans walking the Earth. We must provide the Light OURSELVES.

Because if we won't provide it, Someone else will. And they are. But it ain't fucking Light. It's Pitch Blackness- the color of their Souls.

How's this post for your Continental Breakfast? LOL
I'm here for you. Are you here for me? I already know the answer. I'm being cheeky.

05-10-2014, 08:20 AM
Controlling Minds is their game. It's how they can create this illusion of an "economy" and "nations" and "Society as a Whole".
On the surface it seems as though we have free will. It seems real easy to say "Hey Johann, Asshole, Nobody is controlling my mind. And no one is controlling yours. Quit being a dippy fear-monger like these "Illuminidiots" you are ranting about!

I hear you. But you're only half right.
No World Domination midget or pixie is in your skull "controlling your mind" with levers.
But you do know that when you watch a TV commercial (or hear one on the radio) your mind is being controlled during those 30-60 seconds that advertisement is on the air? You know that, right? You know that your mind is forming opinions and decisions based on media that is fed to you nonstop on your satellite radio, TV or home computer? Lightning fast your mind is working to determine what to do with this info that is now in your brain. Most of us reject it outright and don't give it another thought unless it directly impacts us. But subliminally it's working on your consciousness, and you didn't ask for it! It just happened! You still may reject it at the end of the day, but the fact is you were exposed to it! It entered your life for 30-40 seconds! And you may make OTHER choices indirectly or directly related to the product or item you were bombarded with.

Am I going too fast for anybody here?
Can I just let fly? Or should I ration this mind-blowing mind-control conspiracy's EVIL to you bit by wee bit?
I don't want to overwhelm anybody.
And I certainly don't want to bore you.

05-11-2014, 01:45 AM
No reply is a reply, so I will carry on. Tea? Cuppa the Old Chai, Sir?

When I throw out that slang term "switched-on" it means being alert to media and politicians and other nefarious characters who might try to switch you to yet another channel that distracts you from what is essential and important. And they are very crafty in trying to get into your head, your mind. They use music. Shitty music (i.e. Bieber) or Great Music (i.e. Led Zep). They pump it through the shops, the malls, all in the hopes you might linger just that much longer and reach into that wallet and make that purchase you probably wouldn't have made if your head was in another space. Right? You Follow me? LOL

This what I mean by mind control- it's more like "thought control"- two words Roger Waters used in a Pink Floyd song once.
Who controls your thoughts? You do, right? Of course you do. But you control them by considering all factors in your sensory perceptions, all previous experience, maybe not consciously 100%, but definitely subconsciously it is there. How can it not? It relates to your life.
Whether someone is saying "You want fries with that?" or "Spare Change, Sir?" your headspace is controlled for those moments by the person saying it. By the radio blaring it "Come to Jim Doofus Dodge for a Great Deal! I guarantee it!"
By TV: "It's the Tonight Show with Dick Dynamite! Tonight, Dick welcomes the OctoMom!"

You dig?
That's what I mean by mind control. If you are entertained, your mind, your life, YOU are controlled. For those moments. Can't get around it. It is what it is. I'm not saying we need to get rid of Jim Doofus Dodge and Dick Dynamite. They have the right to exist in society. I just want people to know that you have a choice in the matter and should not just accept all forms of "profit & industry" at face value. Because I am guilty and we all are guilty of supporting things we shouldn't have. We, for instance might've bought a ticket to a movie made by say, someone you would abhor and would deserve to go to prison or worse, put to death: Leni Riefenstahl. Some people even thought that Stanley Kubrick should be killed for making Dr. Strangelove, that "Moscow Gold couldn't have bought a better piece of propaganda".

So the point is, think for yourself.
Take all this shit in, but don't accept it at face value unless you ultimately decide to. And then don't get angry when shit happens as a result. All actions have consequences. And thoughts are actions. Actions that may or may not be acted upon, for many different but many obvious obvious reasons.

(My Grandmother died this week so I'm getting philosophical. I'm serious. But you can also laugh. I'm easy. I'm no Nazi. Only to Tories.)

05-11-2014, 07:25 AM
Back to Stephen Harper. I'd like Canadians to read this Toronto Star article very carefully, no matter what political party you are in/with/support.
It illustrates in excellent points how Stephen Harper listens to no one except Stephen Harper.
Thank you Toronto Star. Your paper is at the forefront when it comes to laser political insight.


05-12-2014, 02:31 PM
I had a dream about my Grandmother last night. She told me to keep doing what I'm doing (among other interesting things). She was full of life and full of happiness. It was a good vibe. It gives me strength.

The Ontario Provincial election is a nice warm-up to the next Federal election. It will show where the people's heads are at.
I'm still predicting a win for Kathleen Wynne yet praying for an NDP Blow-Out. We shall see what happens.

In Harperland, Steve's still a clown Dictator, the Tories are still wastes of time and space and taxpayer money, and the gong show continues.
We have to keep witnessing Harper's ignorance and arrogance for 1 more LONG year. Then we are rid of Con goofs and goofettes.
It will be Glorious to see them handed their walking papers.

05-15-2014, 02:40 PM
More concrete evidence that Stephen Harper is a lying, criminal, flip-flopping sack 'o shit:

www.thestar.com/news/canada/2014/05/14/stephen_harper_changes_version_of_events_around_ph one_call_by_beverley_mclachlin.html

05-15-2014, 02:49 PM
The Tory candidates' name who is running in the Provincial election for Ottawa-Vanier (near my riding) is Martin Forget.
Yes that's his name.
Are the Conservatives psychic? Just when I say we should FORGET them, they hit us with a Forgettable candidate named Forget.
Don't worry Martin. You don't have to put signs up all over the place to remind me to forget you.

Now what were we talking about? I forget.

05-21-2014, 08:43 PM
This post is not about Stephen Harper.
This one is about President Obama.

If you want further proof that both sides are owned in Federal politics (Canadian and American alike), then you need look no further than the fact that Obama said in 2009 that he would not pursue criminal charges against George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and (Prime) Dick Cheney. The fix was in then, and Hunter S. Thompson would've shouted that fact loud and fucking clear.

Every U.S. President (at least as long as I've been alive and probably much earlier) has been a corporate whore.
Reagan was Merrill Lynch's corporate whore.
Bush Sr. was big oil's corporate whore.
Bill Clinton was everybody's corporate whore lawyer.
Bush Jr. was big oil's corporate whore.
And now we have Obama, Goldman Sachs' corporate whore. (among a long list of corporations he endorses and takes money from in large quantities- most recently MONSANTO.)

Now, don't get me wrong. Obama is a nice man. I'm sure of it. He still puts on a great show of "looking out for the little guy", but there is no proof in the pudding. The fix is in, the Suckfish said. Congress is willing to destroy the government in an instant, it's so ridiculous now. And you ever notice that the Republicans are more upset with Obama over Benghazi then the ones who killed the Americans? Why is that? Said Andy Rooney from the grave.

Obama has conducted drone strikes against his own citizens, and thinks it's OK. This is a President who was caught red-handed spying on American citizens. Edward Snowden exposed him like a chicken with no feathers, like Nixon on steroids. And for it to be a DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT...well, stand there with a straight face and tell me the fix isn't in.

The time for giving Obama the benefit of the doubt is long gone. Take a real hard look at him. Then tell me he's a great President. If anyone could've given the USA hope, it was him. So now, just grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye. Because no man can give the USA hope. And if he does exist, I'd like to see that show. Put him on the world's stage for all to see. Because I remember the night Obama won. Oh Yes I do. I watched it Live on TV. Change has come to America was the line, wasn't it? What change Barack?

I don't see any. Quite the opposite. I see a hypocrite.

05-31-2014, 06:37 PM
Senator Romeo Dallaire has resigned from the Canadian Senate. He says he's leaving to step into a bigger job on the world's stage.
He also said that Canada needs the upper chamber "to balance out the other one", and that Senators should still be appointed.
NDP Official Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair gave a statement on Dallaire, that he's probably leaving the Senate because he's seen enough.
I'm in favor of abolishing the Senate, so I'm at odds with Romeo on that one. But Parliament Hill has just lost a vital voice, an important voice.

Not a peep from Harper on Dallaire.
Probably because he was appointed by Paul Martin, who just ripped up Harper for shelving the First Nations Education bill (and the money that goes with it). Harper is immoral, just as Martin says. Harper is also doing something unconscionable, as Martin also said.

Harper has got to fucking go. YESTERDAY.

06-03-2014, 08:19 AM
Stephen Harper made a secret deal with the United States during the economic crisis.
Did you know that Harper lied to Canadians when he said that Canadian banks would never need a bailout?
Did you know that the United States Federal Reserve gave Canadian banks a MASSIVE bailout?
I didn't either.
Until yesterday.
Why on God's Green Fucking Earth would the U.S. Federal Reserve give Canada's banks a bailout????????????????
Can anyone on this fucked-up doomed orb give me an answer on that one?

The Federal Reserve wanted to solve the economic crisis by printing more money, which was an illegal and very badly played plan.
I learned also that Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty may have signed his own death warrant by telling them not to print more money.
They did just that.
Jim "resigned", and 3 weeks later his corpse is sitting nice and cold in the ground. I'm not connecting any dots here. But it makes you wonder. :)

Our "rock solid" banks here in Canada were given a massive "bailout" when none was required in any way shape or form.
I've just given you the information. Now what will you do with it?
I'm better than any fucking newscast, Bitch. Give me a Pulitzer Prize. I need the cash.

06-08-2014, 03:22 AM
I'd like to ask Republicans (the GOP) if they remember back when if you were against the President (Dubya, Bush) that you were called a TRAITOR?

06-10-2014, 01:56 AM
I get to exercise my right to vote in two days. Can't wait. I'm so tired of Liar Kathleen Wynne and can't stand cardboard-cutout Tory Tim Hudak.

NDP beacon-of-sanity Andrea Horwath is my choice, WAS my choice in the last election. And I'd vote for her in the next election.
She's great. She has sound policies, and no one wants to give her a shot. The Orange Crush is Real, and she is gaining momentum, has been gaining momentum. I follow Andrea on Facebook, and her campaign looks smashingly on target and on-message. Ontarians want some real accountability and some real Leadership. Andrea has seen enough waste and crime, and so have the citizens of this Province.
2 days and I *joyfully* head to the polls.

06-12-2014, 01:29 AM
Today is the big day for Ontario. I'll be at my polling station early.

The media is reporting that the Tories have the Lead, which tells me one thing: Ontarians are not about to forgive the Liberals for the gas plant scandal or the gross mismanagement of the province. Sadly, if what the media is saying bodes true, then Ontarians are not looking to the NDP as the proper alternative. They are looking at a cardboard-cutout shill for the most corrupt political party in this country.

Can't wait to see these election results. Robocalling has occured again, voter supression is still a Tory tactic, so they may have stolen another election from the people. We'll see what the results will be. Right now no one can predict the outcome. We can all say our wishes, but who knows with any certainty which ones will come true?

06-12-2014, 03:46 AM
You want a good laugh? Laced with TRUTH?

Then go to www.urbandictionary.com and type in "STEPHEN HARPER".

06-12-2014, 08:32 AM
Voted. Felt Great. I was there before the polls opened at 9AM, with less than 100 other people.
It was painless. The volunteers all seemed new, but they made the process virtually pain-free.

Now it's just waiting for the results.

06-17-2014, 07:34 AM
Ontario has spoken, and Kathleen Wynne is the Premier now. She was elected to a MAJORITY, and I'm 50% happy and 50% bewildered.
The NDP were soundly and roundly defeated, losing the ability to trigger another election.
The Conservatives were obliterated, and Tim Hudak resigned in disgrace. Tories were routed.

It's taken me a few days to understand what happened. So here it is:
Ontarians were not willing to give the reins to Andrea Horwath (why I have no idea) and some NDP voters "strategically"
voted, crossing the floor (to me) and voting Liberal red. I know exactly why too: votes had to be strategically made for the future, for the Federal election next year. Ontario has basicallly assured Canada that they will vote for Justin Trudeau. They said it election night (June 12th) LOUD AND CLEAR. Harper must go, and Ontario is leading the charge. Fine by me.
It's the categorical rejecting of the NDP that stings the most. I get why. You believe Harper will only be beaten by Justin Trudeau, can only be beaten by Trudeau. So be it, you shapers of Canada! LOL.
I just hope Kathleen (LIAR) Wynne doesn't slip up and cause some catastrophic scandals. We've seen some doozies.
She's legitimately won the right to be Premier of Ontario. Wynne Won the 2014 election. Let's see if she isn't merely an opportunist.

I'm just glad it bodes *REALLY* well for Harper's destruction next year. It bodes so well I'm giddy.

06-20-2014, 01:26 PM
Tim Hudak is facing a brutal mutiny from his caucus. He doesn't want to resign but he has no choice in the matter.

He promised to eliminate 100,000 Union jobs during his campaign, and his party is furious. It cost him a lot more than the election. Every single Union member in Ontario came out and voted (passsionately) against batshit insane Tory fuckery. They voted for their JOBS, for their LIVES. They'd rather be damned than let a cardboard cutout corrupt Tory shill fuck with their livelihoods. I don't blame
'em one bit. Politicians are paid with their tax money and think they can take your life away? Fuck with your family? Without repercussions?
This is why casting a vote matters. These slimy sacks of shit can fuck with your whole life! With immunity! Fuck them! They don't even earn their pay for fucks sakes! It's handed to them no matter what fuckery they get up to!

Would you believe that my own flesh-and-blood sister is a Stephen Harper supporter? I love her to death, but I'm having a hell of a time convincing her of Harper's gargantuan criminality and immorality. I'm making a friendly bet with her that Trudeau will win HUGE next year, sending Harper packing like he should've been in 2006. She lives in Tarsands land, right next to the Atomic-environmental-bomb site. She's surrounded by Tory morons and it's hard to escape them and their retarded mantras. Where you live has a lot to do with how your politics are shaped.
But hopefully she'll see the light. I will shine it brightly until I bite the dust. :)

06-24-2014, 07:15 AM
I read an article on Harper this week that said if logic prevailed, he would resign now, and hand the reins to someone else.
Because right now, Harper is a fool if he thinks he will defeat Trudeau next year. AT best he will get a minority government, and that is the last thing he wants, because the Opposition parties will send that minority packing, as most in Parliament do in such situations. That's politics.

Harper has to know that his days are literally numbered. He cannot guarantee anybody in his caucus a Majority next time around.
He is in the same spot Tim Hudak is in and it is awesome to witness: if he stays stubborn and bullishly plows ahead as Leader, he will lose a lot more than the election. But Harper probably doesn't care. If he cared about his own bacon and his own future he would resign right now in order to save face. He will be a Rock Star to Conservatives if he resigns now. If he doesn't, he will be a shitstain who didnt listen, just like Hudak.
Only Hudak has no right-wing "Legacy" to protect. Harper does. It all goes out the window if he stays on. He's so drunk on his own non-power he will damn the torpedoes and fight to death. I hope he does, actually. The Victory by Trudeau will hurt him that much more. Harper is no political genius.
He cuts his nose off to spite his face.
My sister thinks that the country will not be ready to let Trudeau's "inexperience" take over. Right.
He's been in the PMO since he was a baby. Harper is still an inexperienced MP to me. Was Never qualified for his job. Still isn't.
I will win that wager handily. I follow Canadian politics like no one else. I'm part Seer Here. LOL

06-24-2014, 02:05 PM
Conservatives are saying in the wake of the rout they got in Ontario that the Federal level of politics is light years different from the Provincial level.
They seem to believe that both levels have zero to do with each other, and that Wynne's majority was somehow a boon for Harper!!!
Dream on.
Anything can happen in a year, but I think the Provincial Liberals will not slip up, at least not until the next Federal election is over. ;)
The stakes are really huge here, and I'm keeping my eyes peeled for Trudeau mysteriously dying like Jack Layton did, after Historically winning Stornoway.
Harper's political opponents tend to die at inopportune moments, a trend I've noticed. Anyone else notice it? Didn't think so. Keep being ignorant.
Keep believing Harper isn't eyeballs-deep in crime, like his fishing buddy Rob Ford.
I know with every fibre of my being Harper is pure slime who doesn't do anything for Canada. He does it for politics, ego and the oil sector, the ones who all stroke his tiny cock.

I'm the only one in Canada who tells it like it is about Harper with STANK. (a benefit of not being in the phony media. Boo-Yah.)
I actually hold back on what I really want to say about this scourge of a Tory Toad.
If you really knew what I thought of Harper, you'd recoil and say I was Leatherface pulling the cord on a chainsaw.
And you'd be right. The man is less than worm food to me.

06-25-2014, 02:15 PM
Because I am a Lone Wolf in my reportage on Harper (I don't do much "consensus gathering" with anyone else) I find myself sometimes learning things I didn't know. For example, that there is a "Coiled Rage" in Canada, and it is aimed at Harper's government. I thought I was all alone in my coiled rage at him and his fuckery. I've read more than one article that says there is a very palpable coiled rage that citizens of this country have for Harper, and that a "BIG SWEEP" will take place during the next Federal election. No one sent me a memo! Bastards!

Hope is on the way.
It's in the form of a Big Sweep!

07-03-2014, 12:28 PM
Canada Day celebrations were excellent on Parliament Hill on July 1st- it was the first time in years I actually braved the crowds.
I wanted to see Whitehorse perform badly. They were part of the show, and even though they only did two songs, I was very happy.
I ended up being on the Hill for a total of 7 hours, soaking up all the Canadiana.
The only downer was Stephen Harper and Skeletor parading their dumb asses around the Hill, as if they mattered.

Nadja was also a fantastic singer- her performance was great to me. Marianas Trench were good, but that music does nothing for me.
It's for the Blink 182 crowd.
The rest of the performers were serviceable. When it started to rain it was awesome to see the VIP section scrambling for their lives.
I mean, it was RCMP, Mucky-Mucks, Snowbirds pilots, F-18 pilots, their wives and children all running for cover! only three or so brought umbrellas!!! LOL I loved it. I got soaked but it was cool!

Great vibe for Canada Day. Canadians are not overly patriotic but once a year we show it. It was great, despite Skeletor and Harper.
And what was with the Star of David being projected on the screen during Serena Ryder's performance????
It was really creepy, and totally out of place.

07-18-2014, 02:52 PM
Disgraced Tory Senator (and appointee of Stephen Harper's) Mike Duffy has now been officially charged with 31 counts of fraud, bribery and all sorts of other foul business. The RCMP laid 31 official charges today. Duffy also has a Peruvian love-child. That he denies exists. Cuff the Duff. Absolutely. You can't write this stuff. It's Amazing.

No comment from Harper.
I wonder why.

07-21-2014, 02:25 PM
The big question mark about Duffy is how he can be charged with bribery if Nigel Wright was involved.
Forget O.J. Simpson. In Canada, "the Trial of the Century" is Mike Duffy Vs. Stephen Harper and Nigel Wright (RCMP)

It simply blows my mind that Nigel Wright is cleared of any wrongdoing. Did he cut a $900,000 check to the Mounties?
I mean, shit, this looks really fucking bad here. How can only one person be charged with bribery when you need at least TWO????
I'm no lawyer, but the shit will hit the fucking fan with this trial. Harper's political defences will be tested like we've never seen.
They say the chances of Harper testifying are almost nil.
We'll see what Duffy does to get Harper to testify. This is gonna be unbelievably Awesome to follow.
Watch Harper's Giant house of cards fall apart. It already did, in 2006. This is just the final nail in his shitty pine box tarsands coffin.

Conservatives must be bracing themselves for obliteration. The Ontario election already dealt the first blow. Duffy will deliver the final blow.
It's so awesome I'm literally giddy like a schoolgirl.
He sure is Slimeball Stevie! LOL
He's still on the job, and he ain't finished! LOL

Any bets Duffy dies before he gets to trial?
I'll give you 1 to 1 (one to one) odds.

07-22-2014, 07:13 AM
All I smell with not charging Nigel Wright whatsoever is corruption.
The RCMP is rife with corruption, they are the personal security blanket for the Prime Minister, and it sickens me that Wright wasn't charged and then forced to clear his name in court.

Let's not forget that this moron Nigel Wright was Harper's CHIEF OF STAFF, and he cut that $90,000 cheque from his own bank account to pay off a sitting legislator who was fraudulently claiming everything from meals to funeral travel.

And the check was SECRETLY cut. No one knew about it except Irving Gerstein, Harper, Wright and Duffy.
How is it possible all of these fucking villains not facing the music for this crime against Canadians?
Parliamentary priviledge?

Eat Shit and Die. If this colossal scandal doesn't bury key fuckfaces (and not just Duffy) then no confidence can be given to the RCMP or our criminal justice system. If the Prime Minister can never be held accountable for anything he does then why do we fucking vote?
It makes me seeth with rage that Harper will invoke "Parliamentary Priviledge" to avoid testifying at all.
Only in Federal politics can you get away with murder and smirk about it.

07-28-2014, 09:31 AM
Yep, Corruption Reigns in Canada.
Yay. Three cheers for Zilch! No one in this Senate Scandal is facing any punishment. Not even Duffy.
Take note, Canadians! (If you haven't already).
There is no hope in this situation. Politicians will do whatever they want with no penalty. It's been that way for centuries.

It's the only weapon you have against their fuckeries and duckeries.
Hunter S. Thompson taught us that. I'm just repeating it.
Because it was the best advice a citizen can get from a journalist who believed in knowing the TRUTH.

07-28-2014, 09:44 AM
Another batshit insane scandal from Harper's government: a charity called OXFAM was told by the Harper government that they have to change their mandate from "Ending Poverty" to "Alleviating Poverty" in order to be eligible to be called a charity for tax reasons.

Read that again. Be stunned. Harper says that you can never "END" poverty, that you can only "ALLEVIATE" it.
You are not a charity if you try to end poverty?
How so???

Somebody bitchslap this fucking clown into a tarsands grave please......

08-08-2014, 01:49 PM
Dean del Mastro is steaming mad that his perjury testimony in his election fraud trial was posted to his wikipedia page.
From someone in the House of Commons. WTF? This is the same monkey business that happened to Vic Toews way back when.

We have little children working in the House, it seems. Not MP's.
Dean wants the Speaker of the House to launch an police investigation into who wrote that Dean was a "perjurer and former seller of cars with bent fenders", and before that Dean was a "seller of crippled mules"- now, the Awesome hilarity aside (and dammit I howled in laughter when I heard about this), this is a serious matter. I understand how unfair it is, but if it shines more light, why not, right? No one is paying any attention to Dean's woes anyway, right? LOL

08-11-2014, 12:20 PM
No sign of Harper calling a Leadership convention for the fall for Tories.
So he's gonna make a run at Trudeau.
Good for him. I'm gonna savour his pitiful defeat like nothing I've ever savoured.

It's time for the unqualified PM and his gang of taxpayer trough faceslammers to be shown the door.
They've done enough for themselves. It's time for Trudeau and the Liberals to do something for Canada and Canadians.

08-19-2014, 12:56 PM
Finally we have a guilty verdict in the Robocall Scandal from the 2011 election. 1 person. Michael Sona.
He was "Pierre Poutine", the one directing voters to fake polling stations. He refused to sing like a bird about who told him to do it, so he will be the only one facing punishment in the Tory party. He will be sentenced October 17th. The Judge said the evidence that he did it was "OVERWHELMING", and Sona said he was "disappointed" by the verdict while his family wept in the courtroom. Awww, tough titty, Mikey. You are the reason we have a piece of shit for a Prime Minister, you criminal sack of shit! If you won't sing on who told you to commit this crime, then don't worry- MIKE DUFFY will sing. In fact he already has. That's why I'm on a 24-7 Death Watch for The Duff. I'll be amazed if he makes it to the trial.

Another batshit insane situation:

Justin Trudeau's home was broken into this week, while he was in away in Manitoba. His wife and kids were sleeping when some perps came in (Harper's Israeli Commando buddies maybe?), took nothing, but left a note next to a block of knives that they should "lock their doors"

Can you believe this shit? I'm also on a Death watch for Trudeau.
The Royal Family like to fuck around, they love wearing Bauta masks and playing God, don't they?

08-20-2014, 07:14 AM
SO, we have a conviction against the Conservative party for election fraud, with another one coming fast in the form of Dean del Mastro.
I have to ask Canadians: Why did you vote for Harper? What did he do for you and me? Because I have a hunch you have no answer to that question. In fact I Know you don't. The man and his party are sheer criminals. What they've gotten away with since 2006 is nothing less than Obscene. Harper has never been held to account for anything his government has done.

How long do you think it will last? How long? Do you like having a Prime Minister who thinks he's God? Who doesn't answer to anybody?
Who has the RCMP in his back pocket?
It must really suck to have a talking head on a computer tell you With Stank how much the man sucks because you fail to pay attention to federal politics, huh?
How much do YOU suck for not recognizing Harper for what he is?
Sorry, but I had to tell you. You Suck for thinking this man was a good idea for Leader.
How can I take it out of your ass?
You're looking at it.

08-20-2014, 02:24 PM
I'm quite convinced that the break-in of Trudeau's home was meant to scare him. And not just spook him from the obviously disturbing illegal entrance to his home- it was to spook him from being the Liberal Leader period. And he's actually considering his options over it.

From the Sports Desk: Hey Bully-Boy Psy-Ops! Yes you, Dark Joey.

How long before your casino gets yanked out of operation? You've had a hell of a credit run for eons. Isn't it time we pulled the plug on your fearmongering bullshit? Look at what you've done since the orgy of deceit that was September 11th: world economic/credit crises, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, et al, and now the Ukraine. Who do you think you're fooling? I see exactly what you are doing and it's pure evil.
You are de-populating the planet, and you are going full metal jerkoff on it!
Believe in God, Juden.
You reap what you sow. And you've sown some really bad fucking seeds. Harper is one of hundreds who sold themselves out to a zionist hydra that needs to be beheaded. Banks and credit are destroying democracy, and everyone on earth seems to love the idea.

08-21-2014, 09:59 AM
Many people don't dare talk about Israel, on social media, at their jobs, or anywhere, and it sickens me.
It's time to call a spade a fucking spade and say that Israel is a Fascist, Terrorist State. The evidence cannot be ignored.
Forget Anti-Semitism crap- that's not what I'm on about. You can shut up about anti-semitism. If you play that card I have no respect for you.
I would say "fascism"and "terrorism"about ANY GROUP that does what Israel does and has been doing for Ages.

It's quite obvious what's going on. They just don't want you to figure it out. Well I have, Bitches, and I will not be silent about it.
All World Leaders are Cowards for not telling it like it really is. They would have you believe that there is nothing to be done about it, that "Israel has the right to defend itself" and case closed. Well fuck that Noise. That's an inactive coward speaking when you hear that line. (John Baird!)

Am I ringing your bell yet? Wake the Fuck Up. When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go....

I notice nobody is willing to say what the fuck is the real situation here. Are you guys afraid? You have fear over telling the truth?
That's very odd to me. Even if it signs your own death warrant you should never be afraid to tell the truth. It sets you free. (And it condemns the liar times a million).

08-21-2014, 10:46 AM
And President Obama is point-man for all this nonsense, by the way. He was on the phone with Harper this week about their plans for Iraq in the near future. The fix is in, the Suckfish said.....
Harper won't do jack shit about Israel's crimes, has done zilch about Syria, is doing zilch about the Ukraine, and is doing zilch for any number of other crises around the world and even in his own country. There is a serious lack of Leadership on the World's Stage.
In fact I would say there is concrete evidence that these "Leaders" are complicit in all of these crimes, just by virtue of doing nothing at all.
They just provide lip service and false sympathy.

I don't know about you, but I'm really sick and tired of it all.
This Century so far sucks the Big Weenie.

08-27-2014, 10:24 AM
Cease-Fire in Israel occured yesterday.

Maybe they read my posts? Gotta keep up appearances?
We can't have people seeing and hearing the TRUTH now, can we?
Any war or dispute on Earth can be resolved with Diplomacy and Respect.
World Leaders would do well to remember that.

09-03-2014, 10:48 AM
Tory Minister of Dismantling Democracy Pierre Poilievere is asking Canadians to chip in $5 (five bucks) to help Harper defeat those nasty Unions that will take his government out of operation. Can you believe this guy?

He even looks like Stephen Harper, his ghoulish bastard step-son or something. LOL

09-04-2014, 01:34 PM
One of Canada's top former Generals (Andrew Leslie) had the balls to actually say what Israel has done, and Harper's little lapdog doggies are up in arms over it.
Justin Trudeau said he is Proud to have a distinguished military Leader on his team.
Trudeau is guilty of towing the Tory party line on Israel too, but it's awesome that he has a man (and I emphasize "MAN") who knows exactly what Israel has done- committed heinous war crimes by firing super-heavy weapons at civilian Palestinians, killing them indiscriminately, all the while saying they "warned" the Palestinian people to get out of the way of the bombs and rockets.
Right. What a huge, steaming pile of zionist hubris.

The death toll is the same as 9/11. Nobody seems to notice this, or care.
"Israel has the right to defend itself! And we gave people a chance to get out!"
Yeah? Weren't people warned in New Orleans to get out of the way of Hurricane Katrina? And what the fuck happened?'
Right. People died. and the President didn't care. He just flew over the destruction in Air Force One, showing "concern".
Net-a-fuckin'-Yahoo is Bush Jr. all over again, with all world leaders too afraid to stand up to this bullying chickenshit.
I want John Baird to resign.
Net-a Yahoo should resign over what his country has allowed to occur, but we're dealing with complete psychopaths here.

I don't mess around. Throw your weapon to the ground.
(Thank you Ian Astbury).

09-04-2014, 02:36 PM

David MacLeod is running in the next Federal election in Peter "Cormorant Pete" Mackay's riding in Nova Scotia, the seat which the sack-O-shit MacKay has held since 1997. MacLeod was an officer in my former Infantry Regiment (PPCLI) and he has the support of all Canadian Forces Veterans, which have been abandoned and treated like scum by Harper's government over 8 horrible years.

MacLeod said MacKay knows the Defence file well, but he knows zero about Veterans or what they need or deserve.

Harper has committed sheer treason against our troops, and he will be shown the fucking door next year.
The disgust Canadians have for Harper and gang of taxpayer trough faceslammers is Gargantuan.
Harper needs to be sent to a maximum security prison for life. (with his 160 other taxpayer rapists).
MacLeod was a card-carrying Conservative who was at the Veterans Committee meeting in Halifax where disgraced sack-of-shit Rob Anders fell asleep during a presentation he made.

This is Democracy in action. MacLeod will destroy Cormorant Pete in the next election.
But you had a blast, eh PETEY?
You made out like a bandit, bagged an Iranian tart and spewed out another MacKay to eat and shit in my country.
Time for a Patricia to check and handle you like you always should've been.

09-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Make no mistake: The Canadian Federal election is ON NOW!

Pierre Poilievere is snivelling that the "war room" they had set up for the Ontario Provincial election will be used again for the Federal election next year. I sure hope so Pierre! That "war room" worked so well for Tim Hudak it was Astonishing, wasn't it???
*snicker* Poilievere is a self-confessed "politics junkie", so he knows his job is about to go bye-bye. And he can't handle it. What will little Pierre do with himself after he's turfed from Canada's parliament next year? I guess he'll have to start a blog or something, or get a job at Fox News as a Republican talking head. I mean shit, Pierre is panicking! What. Will. He. Do? He's never held a real job in his life! This is terrifying to Pierre that he won't have Harper's skirt to hide behind anymore. Who will hire such a smarmy, arrogant turd? No One. (If they had a brain).
Start a blog Pierre! as Arnold Schwartzenegger would say: DO IT NOW!
I would read it. (If only for sheer entertainment). LOL

I've been on Harper's ass since he stole the last election in 2011. Every fucking day I've watched him and his government destroy democracy and offer Canadians the most piss-poor "Leadership" I've ever witnessed.

Tories scoff at Trudeau, asking ridiculous questions like "Could you imagine Trudeau standing up to Putin?"
Well guess what Genius? I've never seen Harper stand up to Putin.
All I saw was some empty words from an empty man, lobbed Softly.
Harper doesn't even stand up to his own hairbrush.

09-08-2014, 07:46 AM
Former Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber has written a book on Harper and his horrible government. He has first-hand knowledge.


I can't wait for Harper to fuck over his whole political party by losing next year's Federal election.
Hey Tories: Start thinking about excuses for your loss now. If you need help with your excuses, just click on one of my 50 pages in this thread.

09-08-2014, 02:17 PM
Here's a quote from D'arcy McGee, from a speech given November 4th, 1867 in Montreal, explaining where Canada's destiny should lie.
See if it matches up with Stephen Harper's current destruction of any semblance of a National Canadian government:

The Mental Outfit of the New Dominion (the business of setting up a "distinct National existence")

It seems to me that our mental self-reliance is an essential condition of our political independence. I do not mean an exaggerated opinion of ourselves and a barbarian depreciation of foreigners. I mean a mental condition. THOUGHTFUL and TRUE. NATIONAL in its' preferences, gravitating inward, not outward, ready to learn from every other people on one sole condition: that the lesson when learned was worth Acquiring. I would like to see, Gentlemen, our new National Character distinguished by a manly modesty as much as by mental independence. God speed the trowel and the plumb-line, as well as the loom, the plough and the Anvil. But dream not...that great cities are built Chiefly by the stone-masons.

Imagine that!
The Founding fathers of Canada having a National Vison!
What the fuck happened to that "National" Vision?

It was erased with the stroke of an oily pen by a one Stephen Harper.

09-09-2014, 07:28 AM
No Cease-Fire in Israel. It was all smoke and mirrors, as it always is.

Harper's government muzzled the retiring Lt-General Stu Beare two weeks ago. Yes, the Harper Tories are preventing him from talking to journalists. Why would they want to muzzle a distinguished outgoing Leader of Canadian Joint Ops Command?
He served 36 years with Distinction? And he's not allowed to say a peep to anyone about what NATO is up to?

Harper is indeed a "Mindless Micro-Manager". The job Lt-Gen Beare is leaving is the most powerful in the Canadian Forces.
Anything he says can upset the zionist apple cart, and we can't have that.
"The appearance of the Law must be upheld! EVEN WHEN IT'S BEING BROKEN!"- Boss Tweed

09-11-2014, 10:10 AM
Cormorant Pete MacKay's new Prostitution bill seems like it will backfire huge on Tories.
A woman who is a prominent Dominatrix here in Canada testified on the Hill about it, and said "If this bill passes, you can forget about Mike Duffy. I have more information and proof of prominent politicians using prostitutes than you can shake a stick at."

I can't wait for the juicy revelations. I know Peter MacKay loves to get his dick wet, maybe he's one of the Jolly Roger Johns?

Brent Rathgeber reports in his new book that Peter MacKay should have "resigned immediately" over the F-35 Scandal. It was so fucking embarrassing and just sheer incompetence galore, that scandal, that it demanded nothing less than a full resignation and apology to Canadian taxpayers. Instead, we got a guy who laughed at us and was shuffled off to "Justice"- which is the absolute ultimate FUCK YOU CANADA! that Harper could muster.

09-11-2014, 10:16 AM
Just call me the CANUCK DEEP THROAT.
I won't be offended.

09-12-2014, 10:50 AM
I will vote NDP for the rest of my life, it's no secret here.
But the reality is I know without any doubt that Trudeau will win next year by a landslide.
Canadians do not trust the NDP at all, and it sucks to say but Tom Mulcair has done nothing to get Canadians to reverse that.
When I said in this thread (way back yonder) about how the Liberals should "start grooming Justin Trudeau"- it was a snide comment, illustrating how they can dig themselves out of the third-place rout they found themselves in. Little did I know that they took my advice, and now we have a situation where the Liberal party will not only rise from the ashes, but will TOWER over every other party! And it's quite simple why: Harper is a gargantuan zionist clusterfuck and the NDP cannot be trusted. The Liberals have a History as government, and right now they are looking like they were ALWAYS CANADA'S GOVERNMENT. Canadians seem to be saying "We gave everyone a chance, and it's clear that the Liberal Devil we know is our Ultimate party, simply because they did the most for Canada when we needed it"

I can accept that. The NDP simply haven't seized the day on their prime opportunity to Lead the Nation. Mulcair has done a stellar job as Official Opposition Leader. I think he will keep his job next year. But The Liberals (sadly or gladly depending on which way your flag flies) will be our future Federal government, and possibly for a LONG TIME.

That's politics. The stakes are huge, and we need Competent people to lead. Trudeau has got a good head on his shoulders.
A CANADIAN head. Not an oily corporate swines' head.

09-15-2014, 01:55 PM
Today Harper has kicked off the election campaign by giving a rally for his base, Live on TV, with GIANT Canadian flags hanging behind him.
(What a fuckin' JOKE! LOL)
The rally is by invite only. You have to be a Tory toe-jam sucker to attend this Nuremburg rally in Ottawa. No Press allowed either.

Harper said his government "has joined it's Allies" in fighting ISIS.
"Joined" Steve? More like "Told What To Do" by David (99 years young!) Rockefeller, David Rene James de Rothschild (71 years young!), Obama, Queen Liz and Co.
Yep, I got ALL their names. I know ALL their crimes. I know exactly what they are up to.
And I am tearing their zionist hegemony bullshit Asunder.
By backing the USA in their fight against ISIS, Harper has basically told Canadians that we are a part of the "War on Terror" started with 9/11.
Thanks Dubya Steve!
I knew I could count on you to spend that misplaced $3.2 Billion properly.
We still don't know where that money went!
And Canadians are thinking of voting for Harper again?


09-16-2014, 10:22 AM
I watched Eugene Jarecki's BRILLIANT film WHY WE FIGHT for the hundredth time yesterday, and it's quite clear to me that the New World Order began on September 11th, and the plan is still being carried out today. How many permanent bases are in Iraq today? The film says 14. How many are there today?

If you don't believe it you're Oblivious.
ISIS was created by the Illuminati, and will be fought by the Illuminati. As Kennedy said: "It's their war, they're the ones who will have to win it or lose it"

If you are in the military in the USA or any other ALLIED nation, ask yourself "What's in it for me?"
Because you are doing the bidding of Cowards who want World Hegemony at any cost.

The American Empire rolls on........
But there is hope. It came from Jim Morrison of the Doors, whose father was at the heart of the lie that was the Gulf of Tonkin incident that set off the Vietnam War.
They got the guns but we got the NUMBERS

09-16-2014, 10:27 AM
Harper has never held a real job in his life. He's the perfect shill for Zionist Crap. He was groomed for 20 years!~

09-17-2014, 12:18 PM
The most striking thing to me about Jarecki's WHY WE FIGHT is the fact that the "threats" that America faces today are not the likes of Stalin or Hitler. Hell no. NOT EVEN CLOSE. And coupled with the fact that the USA has more National Defence than all other countries on Earth combined, and it's quite clear that this is sheer Imperial bullshit, these wars they are conducting. These wars are not in America's interest, either- it's in shareholders interest, in Big Pharma and McDonald's interest- Corporate all the way! This isn't about freedom. This is about making money and using the Federal government to make that money. Harper is no exception. The days of Leaders are long gone. This is all about raping the earth and anything else that can make a greedy fuck a buck.
Can't deny it, can't ignore it. It's so obvious it hurts. What we have is exactly what Eisenhower predicted: the disastrous rise of MISPLACED power. The "power" that these Presidents and Prime Ministers have is strictly economic and militaristic, no more no less.

They will just "take over" a country rather than let it determine for itself what is best.
That's evil, illegal, and goes against basic human rights. Capitalism trumps human beings on this planet, and everyone loves that idea.
A former Pentagon officer tells us that Thomas Jefferson told the people not to trust your government! That you have to be a participant in the process, or the process will steamroll right over you. That's the situation we have today. Cowards have hijacked everything. There is no oversight whatsoever. Congress is where the buck stops. But the bucks get handed out hand over fist! You can't look weak on Defence! That's Treason!
I get that, I truly understand that, but come on, use your fucking brain about it.
Americans elected a DEFENCE CONTRACTOR as Vice-President! Cheney was a fucking defence contractor! Whose personal wealth went from $1 million before the Iraq War to over $70 million in just five short years! And he told the public that he knew nothing about contracts or what Halliburton was doing? Why isn't he in prison? Sharing a fuckin' cell with Condi Rice and Rumsfeld? Bush should've been executed for what he perpetrated. Condi, Rummy and Diicky can rot in jail, but Dubya himself deserves the electric chair. WORD. That shit was pure evil pure lies, the most Anti-American Admin the USA has ever had. Who do you blame? The Illuminati? Yes. Bush? Yes. The American people?
Because you were not Vigilant. You let Cowardly Capitalists walk all over you.

09-17-2014, 12:31 PM
The Mike Duffy trial situation can only be described like this:

Adolf Hitler gave out directives to his top Nazis but made sure that none of it could be traced back to him, The Fuhrer, such as the death camps for Jews.
Harper has done the exact same thing with this Senate Expense Scandal.
How so, you ask? Well I'll gladly explain it to you:
He told Nigel Wright to "make this political problem go away I will ask no questions about it", and Nigel dutifully cut a "Gift" from his personal bank account to Duffy- there is a YouTube video from the House of Commons where Harper told Canadians Live on CPAC that the $90,000 check was a "GIFT". (I know, WOW! Huh?) Some gift!!!

Then Harper abruptly reversed his position, when the heat started to get too intense, saying he knew nothing about the "gift". Then he backtracked again later by saying that he only told Duffy to pay the money back. And he still says he knew nothing about the shady shit going on within his own PMO with Wright? Then Wright was "dismissed"?
After Harper said that Nigel "had the full confidence of the Prime Minister"????

The CIA calls that "Blowback", you fucking Liar.

09-18-2014, 11:15 AM
This post is personal.

My former Infantry Regiment, the famed Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, marks it's 100th Anniversary this year (it was last month, actually) and Mr. Harper was asked to be the reviewing officer for the dedication of a new monument at Landsdowne Park in Ottawa. He turned down all requests to attend any events "celebrating" the Regiment's 100th.

This is the Regiment that was formed in Ottawa by Hammy Gault to fight in The Great War. They were the first Canadian unit sent into WW1.
Harper is here in Ottawa today, yet he can't get his slimy ass over to Landsdowne??????
I literally just left the Aberdeen Pavillion, where the monument will be unveiled this afternoon by Adrienne Clarkson.
I spoke with a warrant officer who was overseeing the set-up and I asked him about Harper being the reviewing officer.
"He turned down all of our requests to be here. I guess he has more important things to do"

This is treason to me, and further proof that Harper couldn't give a flying fuck about our military.
And I have to say it: the "monument" they are unveiling in front of the Pavillion is 3 feet tall, just a block of concrete, with a round dip on the top of it. So it's a birdbath. A fucking birdbath! The first words out of my mouth to the Warrant was "THIS IS IT?!?"
He said "Yep".
I said if you didn't look when you left the pavillion, you'd stub your toe on the fucking thing! It's three feet tall! Two feet wide!
It might as well be a birdbath on your lawn!

Troops, I say again over: ask yourself "What's in it for me".
Because this is some serious mickey mouse shit.

09-18-2014, 11:33 AM
Yes, you can count on Ol' Johann to expose these degenerate frauds.

I'm here for you.

09-18-2014, 11:51 AM
Hey Jacob!
Hey Evelyn!
Yes, you! The "Olympians!" LOL Yes, you sweet trifecta of zionist bullshit! I'm on your Mount Olympus right now.

And I'm tapping you on the shoulder.

09-18-2014, 02:29 PM
More Scandal from Harper's government:

I just learned from a former Patricia Officer that Harper's government refused to make a 100th Anniversary postage stamp for the PPCLI Regiment.
They had to turn to a PRIVATE COMPANY to make sheets of stamps commemorating the Historic milestone.
Harper is privatizing everything, including National History.
And you vote for this cocksucker?
Hang your head in fucking shame.

09-18-2014, 02:41 PM
My absolute favorite MP in the House of Commons CHARLIE ANGUS has done something incredible: he has demanded a review of the RCMP's evidence of Nigel Wright's involvement in Duffy-Gate.
He knows as well as I do (and many other switched-on Canadians) that the RCMP is 100% corrupt, and that Nigel Wright was cleared without proper scrutiny.

Let the Hammer Fall on these cocksuckers. Do not trust the RCMP and definitely don't trust Harper's gang of sychophants.
Hold these fuckfaces to account at all costs. To do otherwise is lack of vigilance. And we've overdosed on that shit for 8 years...

09-24-2014, 08:50 AM
Stephen Harper is a member of the Privy Council.
Tom Mulcair is a member of Canada's Privy Council.
Prince Charles was here in Ottawa this spring to be sworn into the Privy Council.
Justin Trudeau is being sworn into the Privy Council as we speak.
The Privy Council is not accountable to voters.

The Queen and Nazi Prince Phillip are dying, so they have to pass the reins on to Junior.
God help us All.
Russia and China are threats to our society's structure, according to the Royals and Illuminati, so we have to get Nuclear Bombs at the ready. All governments on Earth are puppet governments.

Enjoy your morning coffee and brood over this news.
The British Empire is crumbling, and the Ukraine and Iraq are last-ditch attempts to save it.
What do you think will happen?I KNOW what will happen.
And it's not pretty.

10-10-2014, 01:01 PM
One more post if you're not convinced Harper is a lying criminal:


10-20-2014, 10:23 AM
It's truly awesome to re-read this whole thread and see where I was right and wrong. (and really, I was only wrong on Rob Ford)
This whole thread should be published as a book (with ammendments and corrections as an afterword)

11-10-2014, 03:26 AM
So what's new in Canadian politics?

Well, we recently had a home-grown tragedy here in Ottawa, with a man from Montreal shooting a Canadian soldier in the back dead while he was (ceremoniously) guarding the tomb of the unknown soldier. Then he stormed Parliament, John Wayne-style, with a lever-action 30/30 Winchester (he knew it was a one-way trip!). His ghost now haunts the Centre Block. One shooter locked-down the entire city of Ottawa, and the security was so incompetent on the Hill that they had to put out fake word that there were multiple shooters!
It was truly Surreal. We didn't hear from our Dear Leader Steve until 8 hours after the attack. We heard from Obama first! Then, a shitty press conference was hastily set up at Harper's residence at 24 Sussex Drive, with the Mayor Jim Watson, some city cops and the RCMP all trying to seem as if they had a handle on what happened, which they didn't and still don't. More civil liberties will be eroded as a result. Harper loved the whole situation. Canada is definitely a Banana Republic. The week of October 22nd proved it. There is no security on the Hill. The RCMP are paid billions and they didn't stop a man running full-tilt up the Hill with a long gun in his hands- with cameras and cruisers everywhere, by the way. This guy (who was a heroin and crack addict by the way) also managed to hijack an official vehicle to speed up his entry to the Centre Block. Mounties couldn't get their man! Is this Canada? The RCMP said they were caught off guard by this guy. Really? Aren't you On Guard for Thee? Asshats??
Holy Fuck was I furious. Then Harper tells the Nation (in a profoundly scripted speech) that "Canada will not be intimidated", all the while announcing to our military members that they are not to wear their uniforms in public, for fear of the uniform being a target for further attacks. We are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. All I can say is I'm ashamed that a nutjob cowardly shot a soldier in the back dead yet I'm not surprised at all. This guy (who will remain nameless for good reason) made a video explaining what he was gonna do, that it was for Iraq, for Canada's foreign policy. This wasn't a mentally ill guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. He probably shot up his last blast of heroin (he had a $160/day junk habit) and made his Pickett's charge. That piece of shit Winchester he had held seven rounds. One soldier died. No one in Parliament was hurt. But just think, if there were a team of guys who stormed parliament, strapped with grenades or dynamite. What then? This could've been a bloodbath.
Peter Mansbridge was ripped for asking if you have to wonder if Canada's recent involvement in the fight with ISIS had something to do with it. Well, he was dead-bang-on. But people up here felt that he shouldn't even consider such a thing, let alone say it while the events were unfolding. Well Peter, I stand behind what you said. You were absolutely right to ask it. Because we now know the attack was planned and it was because of Canada's NEW, INSANE foreign policy.

We don't belong in Iraq. Jean Chretien made that clear. Harper is outright ignoring that fact.

And in other scandalous news:

Dean del Mastro has been convicted in his election fraud trial on all counts. He resigned his seat in Parliament last week, complete with waterworks and mentioning his mom and dad and his pet goldfish Guido. Did you know that if you resign as an MP and do not get expelled you get to keep your pension? Glad you were on top of that Dean. Glad you were never in it for the money. *snicker*
I said you were "'GON HANG LIKE DEM LOW-HANGIN'FRUIT DEAN"... But you get to keep your $60,000 a year pension, and you won't even go to jail for your election fraud shenanigans. What a wounderful democracy we have 'eh?" You win the election by cheating, and get to keep everything that you were paid and sapped from taxpayers, AND because the House didn't get to vote to expel you (You resigned before that hammer fell) you get to keep your golden parachute.

My Fellow Canadians....you should be outraged over this. Make some noise and waves over the colossal scam that is Canada's Tory Government.

11-13-2014, 10:50 AM
There is buzz circulating the internet today that Harper will call a spring election, because his polling numbers are so rosy, in light of murder & ISIS on Parliament Hill. Two things: 1. this would be breaking the fixed-election date law that Harper campaigned on and made into law. But who's noticing the hypocrisy? No one but me. 2. BRING IT ON.

He will get a minority government at best.
At worst, The Liberals will sweep with a gigantic Majority.

Call an election now, Steve. TODAY. Let's give you an early Christmas shellacking.

11-20-2014, 01:01 PM
Conservative staffer Michael Sona has been sentenced for his robocalling bullshit: 9 months in jail.
Sounds good to me. Let him think in the clink about how fucked he and his handlers are/were.
Looks good on ya, Mikey. I hope Bubba doesn't stretch your cornhole too much....

11-21-2014, 02:40 PM

How's this for a giant slap in the face to our military veterans?
$1.13 BILLION was allotted to our Veterans since 2006, and voted on by ALL parties in the House of Commons- this isn't a partisan issue. This is a glaring "right" or "wrong" issue, and Corrupt Harper and Corrupt Fucky Julian Fantino are DEAD-WRONG. Wrong isn't even the word- it's Obscene, Unconscionable and someone needs to be fired.

This should be the final nail in Harper's chances to win next year- this is his BASE he's fucking over here. In fact, Harper told Fantino to return all that money to the Treasury, and gave him a HUGE BONUS for doing it. Harper gives out bonuses to MP's who find ways to cut costs, in case you were unaware.

This new, COLOSSALLY IMMORAL scandal should outrage every Canadian. But, it's just another day in Harper's Banana Republic.

11-24-2014, 01:03 PM
The Tories are "offering" Veterans $200 million for mental health in the wake of the 497th scandal this year.
For Mental Health?!?! Vets are looking for mere hearing aids and wheelchairs, not time with a shrink.
Their problems are obvious: the Harper government. Fantino said on Friday that the money returned to the Treasury never hurt services to Veterans. WHAT????SAY AGAIN, OVER?????? Did you not close Veterans Affairs offices across the Country???

Holy Fuck what a pack of liars and immoral thugs.

There is a brand-new book on Harper called PARTY OF ONE. The cover is black, with one photo: HERR HARPER.
It's got a quote from Farley Mowat on the back. If Farley Mowart is against you, then you need to get the fuck out of Canada.

Shelly Glover and John Baird announced a chump-change offer of $80 million for the Science and Technology museum here in Ottawa. And they never consulted with the city. The Mayor is not happy.
Glover is a horse-faced disgrace. Just look at her response to the shooter on the Hill: "Those boots came off pretty fast! My Cop instincts kicked-in". HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHAHHAHAHA!!! My God, what a joke this "government" is.
Canadians are completely oblivious to the crimes this asshole Harper has gotten away with. It's truly mind-blowing.

I can't wait for the election to arrive. Jesus, Godspeed your love....:)

11-29-2014, 10:31 PM
That $200 million that the Tories are "finding" for our veterans is spread out over 20 years.
You really think you'll be in power 20 more years? LOL That made my year, Steve.

12-02-2014, 04:14 PM
Stephen Harper has been put forward by Israel to earn the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.
This is the joke of jokes. An insult to humanity. Harper deserves a Nobel Peace Prize? For what? ?
He's waging WAR, not peace. LOL
Norway recognizes the absolute galactic absurdity of giving Harper this award, and they have launched a petition online to stop it. I've signed it through Facebook- they ask you to donate money too, but it's not mandatory. Signing the petition is more important than money. 5000 signatures only are needed to deliver it to the Nobel people.

12-02-2014, 11:38 PM
CORRECTION: That $200 Million for buttering up Veterans (with a big spinning backfist to the face with "mental health" money) was actually budgeted over FIFTY YEARS. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair made that clear in Question Period today. Julian Fantino has been demanded to resign, and the Right-Fucked Corrupt Fatship Fantino won't budge. He fumbles his replies in the House of Commons, usually with his one hand in his pocket like Alanis Morrisette. Humpty Dumpty can't play with the other dump trucks no more. His greedy sand exploded all over the place and Fan-Fucky-Tino is persona non-grata.

More in this Tory Play of Horrors: "Cormorant Pete" Peter MacKay once again showed how much of a fucking retarded moron he is by saying to Canadians Live in the House of Commons that the reason for the Ecole Polytechnique shootings in Montreal will never be known. NDP Leader Tom Mulcair ripped his insensitive ass a brand new hole by clearing up MacKay's confusion. It went something like this but more direct and astute: UM......IT IS KNOWN. THE REASON FOR THE SHOOTINGS IS KNOWN, PETEY. IT WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE WOMEN. IT ALWAYS WAS BECAUSE THEY WERE WOMEN. IT WAS IN THE SHOOTERS' MANIFESTO. YOU KNEW THAT, RIGHT? LIKE EVERY SINGLE CANADIAN KNEW THE DAY IT HAPPENED????????

Wow what a bunch of Numpties Conservatives are. And don't forget Tory MP Leona "Gon't Giv 'A'Fuk" AkkCluckCluckTukTukKkukkkluk, who had the unbelievable audacity to not only refuse to answer a direct question about the outrageous food prices Inuit communities up North pay for, BUT NO, SHE SAT, AND BEGAN TO READ THE NEWSPAPER, AS IF SHE WERE ON THE BUS. WoW.

And what Gerry "PUTZ" Ritz has overseen in Canada's grain industry is nothing less than pure treason. Privatizing something that used to belong to Canadian farmers is fucking TREASON Gerry. Eat It and Die. Shitcan these Tories before I lose my canary....lol

12-04-2014, 05:05 AM
Here's a quote from a person named "Tutti444". I read this quote on a comments section of an article on why Julian Fantino now has a new Chief-of-Staff. The guy was given the job yesterday. It's insane how Harper pulls fast ones on us like this, when he has a disgraceful Veterans Affairs Minister being bombarded with resignation requests. Someone made the great snide remark "Harper becomes Chief-of-Staff to Fantino's doomed portfolio"- it's so fucking batshit nuts what's going on with these Tory Turds that it's almost Kabuki theatre. But here's probably the best distillation of the Harper M.O. I've read, so THANK YOU, Tutti444. You brought Clear Light to what Harper's all about:

"What occurs in the Harper government is Harper decisions, based on Harper mentality. And what is "Harper mentality"? It's that THERE SHOULD BE NO GOVERNMENT. (other than a Dictator or Promoter). The Harper mentality is that there should be no taxes, and that the market should dictate what a government should be responsible for. This mean-spirited idiot governs with two flanks. ONE: to cut, slash and burn according to what his warped corporate mind perceives Canada should be. And as his Generals fall, one by one from this misguided and dangerous style of governance, he sends out flank TWO: his Secret Police, to spin the message hard that Harper is right and everyone else is wrong, including his first flank. This is his Nature. He can't help himself. He has a serious psychosis about it. But we can help Canada and Canadians by waking up and having his kind removed and barred from ever representing Canada and Canadians in this manner.

12-09-2014, 04:16 AM
We are marching to the third World War. If you don't believe in Satanic Zionists, then maybe you should wake up a little. Get ready. "The Night is Darkest Just Before the Dawn"- that's a warning, not just a line in a movie.

Why is it that the eyes should be half-open and half-shut? Easy. If you shut your eyes completely, you fall asleep. If you keep them fully open, they turn on all sides and prevent concentration.


Big Darkness. Soon Come.

But fear not, We righteous ones have got allies in the spheres: "For the protection of the Virtuous, for the destruction of Evil and for the firm establishment of Righteousness, I take birth and am Incarnated on Earth, from Age to Age"

That's me, that's Jim Morrison, that's Stanley Kubrick. That's anyone who is Righteous. Our Kingdom is assured, and Satan's Reptiles will squirm. Thanks Chris Hadfield for giving me the heads up. I will enjoy watching the fireworks. My soul is in good hands. Do your worst, Club 322.