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06-18-2012, 12:31 PM

Pretty much. LOL

06-20-2012, 02:40 PM
Dean del Mastro is in DEEP SHIT over election fraud. Now we know that there was a kickback scheme he offered to friends and family to contribute to his 2008 campaign- "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.."

That fat fucking CLOWN is going to jail. And the Tories won't say a peep about it when it happens.
They'll just act like nothing happened, a blip on the radar..
How does this shit fucking LOOK, TORIES!?! Have a gander at the optics of this!
He refuses to step aside during this investigation and the PM will not remove him either.
As I've said before (and I'll say until I'm blue in the face): He won't leave unless he's in handcuffs.
And then the Conservatives will act as if there was no harm, no foul, like nothing even transpired.

Immigration Minster Jason Kenney is just a bag of hammers these days.
During the marathon vote on the ominous budget bill he spilled a big bottle of water all over his deluxe laptop in his Commons seat.
You Betcha. Go Rogue!
And this week he sent a nasty e-mail to an Alberta PC member and accidentally hit "SEND TO ALL".
His expletive laced e-mail shows great strain on the Conservative brand.
What gaffes we are seeing lately. I'm excited about it because it means that more doozies are on the way, some real LARGE Doozies.
Tories never change their ways. Secrecy will kill them silently, like a ninja.
The more you duck and jive, dare and scare, the more you will hang yourself with your own rope.
Watch it and weep.
We have a profoundly arrogant and dumb Conservative party here in Canada.
They can't see the forest for the tar sands.

06-25-2012, 01:04 PM
Parliament has broken for the summer- they will reconvene in September- what a lush life these sacks of shit have, no?

Peter MacKay is rumoured to be demoted and shuffled off to another portfolio this summer. He should be shuffled off to death row as far as I'm concerned. He's such a fucking moron it's beyond comprehension. He's just an abomination. I saw him sucking Brian Mulroney's cock last week on CPAC, and Mulroney gave GIANT kudos to the Conservative party. How much were you paid, Brian?
Your crimes have earned you a special place in hell.
Send word when you get there! LET ME KNOW WHAT I'M MISSING!

I will say anything I want about our Government in Canada- I have never made more than $25,000 a year and I like it that way.
It ensures that I don't lose my soul and earn my place in hell.
The Bible states that one should never waste time pursuing riches- your money can be gone in a nanosecond, and then you are no different from a cockroach looking to survive. So wealth and money is all in your head. And it's driven by FEAR.

Remember: people only do things for one of 2 reasons:
And you can see how people in government behave- they are in fear of losing the best job they will ever have.

So I use a sledgehammer on 'em until they wake up.

06-25-2012, 01:46 PM
By the way, I am in the process of moving to Montreal.
I intend to cover that film festival every year. After mulling over a move for quite some time, I'm now going to the cultural capital of Canada.
Ottawa's film scene is too limited.
And TIFF just pissed me off too much to ever reconsider moving back to the Big Smoke.
Quebec is home now.

Chris Knipp
06-25-2012, 03:10 PM
Good luck in Montreal. Work on your French!

Parliament has broken for the summer- they will reconvene in September- what a lush life these sacks of shit have, no? No different from college teachers. I don't want to condemn them for leading a good life.

06-26-2012, 09:42 AM
Teachers earn their pay. In Canada only the Opposition parties are worthy of this summer holiday. :)

My french right now is comme-si comme-sa, merci beaucoup.

06-26-2012, 10:32 AM
Harper has started airing nasty attack ads against Tom Mulcair. And those ads are just like the old ones we used to see by George W. Bush.
We're gonna see those ads all summer long.

The New Democrats are ahead of the Conservatives in the polls, and Harper is scrambling.
No election for another 3 years and he's just GOTTA smear the Official Opposition Leader.

How weak is that? And last week the Harper gang was in Quebec, doing a massive photo-op: with Blue-turban Grewal, Lisa Raitt and Peter MacKay all surrounding King Steve, trying to seem like they care about Quebec. *snicker*
Wow, they really scrape the bottom. They really show Leadership, huh? It's all political with these goofs- never forget that.
They're just total political failures and always will be.

Anyone who looks at the Conservative party and feels PRIDE?
Give me your strong narcotics- you are obviously high as a Keystone Kite.

Chris Knipp
06-26-2012, 11:24 AM
Even a little French is likely to enhance your Montreal stay.

07-04-2012, 07:13 AM
Bev Oda has quit.

As of July 31st she is cashing in her chips and walking away with her gold and platinum-plated pension, which is what she wanted all along.
(Which is what ALL Conservatives are about. They're all about the dollars, the benjamins, the scratch!)

Fuck, it took long enough to get rid of that ugly cow.
She wasn't fired.
She quit.
What does that say about Harper? What does it say about the people who voted for Oda in her home riding?
Now she can enjoy $16 glasses of orange juice at home. Or maybe not. She probably only lived that ritzy life while in cabinet, "working hard" for Canadians. LOL

Good riddance to Bev Oda.
Ugly ain't got a home no more in the House of Commons.

Is he taking over his Lover Bev's portfolio? Minister of Helping Poor People?

Chris Knipp
07-04-2012, 10:09 AM
Wish I knew what all this is about. Woeful ignorance of Canadian politics down here.

07-04-2012, 12:22 PM
Bev Oda is one of the most disgusting Members of Parliament to ever "serve" in the House of Commons.
She embodies everything I hate about Conservatives: self-entitlement, arrogance, holier-than-thou bullshit.

She's the one who billed us taxpayers for her $16 glasses of orange juice in London England last year- a final hospitality bill that reached into the thousands, all for her high-end tastes. And she only paid it back out of pocket when she was caught red-handed- a YEAR LATER.
This is the same troll who demanded to have a limo pick her up and shuttle her around for the Juno Awards 2 years ago.
We don't even know the final fleece numbers from her, that's how secretive Harper is.
She was given her Ministerial review by Harper about a week ago, and he told her to quit or be forcibly removed from cabinet.
She decided to make it look like it was her idea and "step down".

Rumor is that Defence Minister "Cormorant" Pete MacKay will move to another file.
Just to have him fuck up something else beyond recognition?
Fucking FIRE his ass!
When you lie and steal and shuck and jive as much as this shithead has, you get SHITCANNED.
As soon as humanly possible.
He doesn't deserve anything except a pink slip.
A pink slip for that fishing lodge pick-up (while a Newfie kid, Burton Winters DIED waiting for a Cormorant rescue).
A pink slip for lying to us about costs of missions and the F-35 DISASTER.
A pink slip for seafood dinners and Grey Cup trips billed to us. Does anyone pay for YOUR vacation? We Canadians pay for Pete's. And Bev Oda's OJ and Jason Kenney's jet-setting to nowhere, and and and and.................

You get the idea.

These are the most abysmal MP's in our Nation.
And they are CONSERVATIVE.
Never forget it.
I hang 'em high, every single day.

Chris Knipp
07-04-2012, 01:09 PM
Thanks for the clarification. It sounds like though Harper covered for her, he had to dump her.

I notice "Bev Oda + freeloading" gets 13 million results on Google.

07-05-2012, 07:47 AM
Oda was protected by Harper at all times. I said it before: Why?
Helena Guergis did next to nothing wrong (as far as I can tell) and she was kicked out of the Conservative cabinet with no warning, just "serious allegations" that were never justified or discovered. She's suing him for over a million.

Bev Oda is the first Japanese-Canadian to ever be elected as a Member of Parliament.
Harper loved her, because she won by a landslide in her riding, and he killed two birds with one stone with her:
Ethnicity and a Woman.
That reminds me: Watch out Mr. Grewal! Protect your blue turban! Harper only has one plan for you! Don't do anything that brings him more heat than he's already got, which is hotter than Hades right now.

Harper HATES immigrants, which is astounding, because he knows that Canada is a foreign country down the line. The only real "Canadians" are First Nation Natives. There is no such thing as a Canadian if you want to get technical.
What makes a Canadian Canadian?
Being born here?
Then we have about 20 million immigrants who are full-blown Canadians- and they all landed within the last 20-25 years.
It's almost become a cosmic joke, having countries and nations.
The world is so small now. Everybody is pissing on everybody else's lawn.

You want to talk Generations?
No such thing as a fifth or sixth generation Canadian.
Show me what one looks like and I'll show you his ancestors.
And Harper's reforms to immigration are so breathtakingly sick and fucked up that there can be no doubt that he hates immigrants and wants to deny them every opportunity to flourish. This is not a man who belongs anywhere near the halls of power.
He lives in the Stone Age, just like his oblivious and moronic supporters.
Keep voting for the Cavemen Lawyers and Oilmen!
They screw us sooooooo good!
Conservatives love punishment.

07-05-2012, 09:31 AM
What's even sicker over this quitting move by Bev Oda is that she has just cost us taxpayers another half a million bucks to run another
by-election in her riding of Durham.

She was on the ballot last election to SERVE THE FULL TERM, was she not?
How does it look to quit just over a year after the election? What a clusterfuck she is!!!!
How does it look for Harper's ability to appoint competent cabinet ministers?
Pretty fuckin' bad.
No Conservative supporter can look at this and say all is good.
The whole Tory team is full of fuckheads and criminals.
If I were to do a run-down on every person that serves in Harper's cabinet you'd be shocked to learn just how retarded these "winners" are- Tony Clement used to be a theatre usher- now he is in charge of our Treasury- which he looted for the G-20 Summit in Toronto in 2010 and never even got so much as his wrist slapped.
He should be charged with fraud and thrown in jail- one of the new ones Harper is building. Let Tony break that fucker in.
Tory MP's have PRICELESS backgrounds. As parasites. (Which they have perfected to a T these days).

I pray the citizens of Durham have learned a horrible lesson about voting Conservative.
That seat is going somewhere else this time. If I were a betting man, I'd say it will be an NDP candidate who wins.

The only good thing is that that chain-smoking sow of a fleecer Oda will never been seen again.
Trouble is, she got a FULL pension out of the deal. She served EXACTLY 8 years, the time needed to qualify for a full pension at $50,000 a year.

Are you vomiting yet?
Do you feel a GIANT tight, queasy, knot in your stomach?

YOU FUCKING SHOULD, Conservative supporters!
Turn a blind eye to it.
You're the best at it.

07-06-2012, 08:00 AM
A spokesman for Harper has announced that there will be no cabinet shuffle.
Every Tory stays put.
Every minister stays where he is, except criminal Julian Fantino, who takes over Bev Oda's file.

Did I say that Conservatives never change their ways? I sure did. And there's the proof.
No one goes anywhere. Peter MacKay is still the Defence Minister.
My mind is blown.
If he was in the private sector, he would have been fired and an investigation would have been launched post haste.
His employer would have not been impressed in any way. Millions and millions of taxpayers dollars wasted by this clown's actions or lack of actions.
Veterans are getting the shaft- they were attacked in this ominous budget bill with meat cleavers.
Because there is no oversight in Canadian politics, we have Bernie Madoff for a Prime Minister and a whole host of riggers and jiggers.
Anyone who can't see it isn't paying attention.
162 scam artists and opportunists.
Don't listen to what they say- listen to what they don't say. That is how you can really understand their game.
It's an art to listen to what people don't say- the pauses between lies they read off their talking points pages.

Dean del Mastro is done like dinner.
He held a press conference (in civilian clothes) on Wednesday, crying foul over Elections Canada leaking info to journalists and how he has no way to clear his name.
Well Dean, you're right that you can't clear your name.
The reason Elections Canada hasn't contacted you yet is because they were in fear that you would destroy documents before they had their ducks lined up in a row to formally charge you. You are guilty beyond anyone's wildest imagination and I will buy a bottle of something really nice to celebrate your jail sentence. You will be made an example of. The world will see what happens to fraudsters in Canadian government- and everybody will point to you. DON'T PULL A DEL MASTRO! will be the refrain.
Fat hypocrite sack of lying shit.
You made your bed. Lie in it.
No integrity whatsoever.
Dean said that someone will have to explain themselves. LOL
Look in the mirror Tubby. You are the exact kind of scum that I want to hang like dem fruit.
In the press conference Dean proudly proclaimed that Harper was the greatest Leader in the civilized world.
Dean, they are cutting your crack with something nasty in it. Look for a better dealer.
Your brain is swiss cheese- just like that budget bill.
Don't suck Harper's cock. He doesn't care about you Dean. You're just a political pawn, like everything else in his universe.
Harper is all about Harper. Everything else is the Enemy.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 08:26 AM
I thought that things were better in Canada than in the US. I thought Canada's economy had gotten through relatively unscathed. Yet the picture seems to be much uglier than I thought. However, we know nothing down here. Canada is never mentioned in the news. I go through the entire New York Times every day and I can remember no article about this cabinet non-shuffle or the removal of Bev Oda, or her wrongdoings. If it's been there, it's been well hidden, far off the front page.

07-06-2012, 08:33 AM
Just a nice note on the Environment regulations that Harper has gutted in the ominous budget bill, something I heard in the House of Commons by a Liberal MP before the break:


07-06-2012, 08:39 AM
Thanks Chris.
It's actually a dire situation right now.
Our National debt has tripled since May 2 last year and we have the most incompetent team of goofs leading us since Bush II.

It's hard to get info on Canadian politics in the USA I'm sure.
My finger is on it though. Readers are well-informed with me, even though I leave out all kinds of shit.
The basic nuggets are here. I am focused on this government implosion like nothing I've ever been focused on.
I want them all to fucking hang for what they have done.
They stole the election last year and have had nothing but contempt for Canada.
I mean, it's truly breathtaking how horrible this government is.
There is no man on the planet who can stand behind this government unless he is directly profiting from their actions.

Anyone disagree?
Debate me.
Put me in my place.
Make me see the fucking Light.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 09:05 AM
When I Google "Stephen Harper" plus "NY Times" not very much comes up. The Times "archive"on this topic is slim. The most recent article is from mid June it seems, a blog piece about tar sands. http://green.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/06/19/activist-artist-vs-pipeline/?ref=stephenharper

If I go on the New York Times's own website, which I have full access to because I'm a subscriber, "Bev Oda" brings up no articles from this year. They don't seem to have covered her resignation or scandal at all. It's in the Huffington Post. I don't see it (online) in any major US newspaper. It must be there somewhere, but I can't find it.

07-06-2012, 12:08 PM
I think the Huffington Post is the only news source that covers Canadian politics with any degree of integrity.

The New York Times can hire me to write for them if they want. LOL
I'd have to check my swing tho.
But for the right salary, I can be an Angel, politically correct, erect and commanding respect.
Ha Ha HA

07-06-2012, 12:18 PM
Because I follow Harper's crimes so closely, I know exactly why there is no cabinet shuffle.
If he moves his stupid jackasses around, it's a signal that the government is troubled, with respective files bungled, which is the Reality.
Playing one card, booting Oda, gives the impression that Harper is beyond happy with his gaffe-prone goofs.
Intelligent people know otherwise.

Guys like me have his fucking number.
And I will never relent.
I'll hammer him until he's in handcuffs.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 12:35 PM
You should have a column or at least a blog.

Do you know how easy it is to start a blog via Google? It take five minutes. I started one last January and it seems to get more hits than my website or Filmleaf posts for some reason.


07-06-2012, 01:01 PM
I don't have time for a blog. I barely have enough time to post what I do. I'm a working stiff, and internet time is precious.
A blog would be nice, but I don't have the time. I gotta pay my rent.
I'm not particularly worried about getting the word out on how much the Harper government sucks.
As long as the few of us here are aware, I'm happy.

I like the idea of someone stumbling on this thread- Conservatives especially.
I don't need fanfare.
Plus blogs seem like ego trips.
I'm on no ego trip.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 01:03 PM
A loss to humanity and, especially, Canada.

07-06-2012, 01:07 PM
If time and money were not an issue....I'd be Spartacus.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 01:18 PM
Huffington is filling a need then, but the Times would fill it better assuming their contributers are more carefully vetted.

Not sure a blog is ipso facto an ego trip; it would depend on the content. Though a little strongly worded, your posts here would be good material for an op ed column and your writing is snappy and energetic. Why don't you care about audience? Do you think you're preaching to the converted? No, evidently, since you hope some conservatives will come upon your posts. I understand your not having the time though. I wasn't suggesting writing anything difficult however, only posting what you write here also in a blog. if you can just cut and paste, you're there.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 01:26 PM
The signers of the American declaration of independence pledged "our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor." I was moved to read that in the Times again on July 4. Lives, fortunes, sacred honor: that's everything. That's what revolution demands.

07-06-2012, 02:00 PM
I don't write with an audience in mind. I don't even know if there is an audience, beyond members here.
I noticed we always have around a hundred guests, but who are they?
Are they just gleaning? That's fine.
Getting something for nothing is a human desire- it's built in. Look at Bev Oda. LOL

I like our limited profile, and until someone steps up to pay my ass, I'm happy to be a talking head with "snap".
Thanks for your positive re-inforcement, because you are the genuine article Man.
I hope people realize just how much you have contributed here. It really is amazing. You have more time than the rest of us to write and that is awesome- you can really flesh everything out. Jealous green over your abilities and English.

I'm just happy there are no idiots here who can't converse. Anyone who even takes a passing look at the forums knows that we don't fuck around. You say your piece and then defend your piece. Then move up the trail to the next thing.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2012, 08:58 PM
Very kind and well said. Who knows but what for people like us, having no visible audience inspires us to do our best. I've never cared much about audience myself, though during the period when I was a full-time artist showing and selling my work was an essential motivation. If I hadn't been selling it then, I would have had to do something else.

07-07-2012, 12:06 PM
I'm not one to talk about myself too much, but I do sometimes write hoping Hunter Thompson would approve of the direction I'm going in.
He inspires me, and so does Jim Morrison, a man who said his greatest heroes are artists and writers, so it's not a bad thing to try to aim for the arena. Jim said that if Nixon fucks up, "we're gonna get him!". So thats what I do.
Stephen Harper has fucked up BIG TIME and I'm gonna get him. In fact, I already have.

And then there is Henry Rollins, of course.
That man is the textbook example of how to do it.
If you actually took the time to contemplate what Henry has achieved in his life and is still force marching on, you're head would begin to shrivel.
Shrivel indeed. Shrivel in disgust at how low the targets we set for ourselves are and how most people have no fire in their bellies to live like you will not be here the next day.
That is one hell of an amazing mentality to have, to maintain.
And I fall far short. I try to remind myself (with Henry's own Iron Reminder lesson) that you must yearn for things that split the sky and make planets slam into each other.
I'm seeing Alice Cooper tonight, who opens for the main event of Bluesfest: Iron Maiden.
Should be a HEAVY night Kids.
Alice said in the paper today that the young bands today suck. No testosterone.
And I agree.
What is with pansy music these days?
Get it on and bang a fuckin' gong. Don't pussyfoot around.

Chris Knipp
07-07-2012, 12:53 PM
It's good and necessary to have models but you have to speak ultimately with your own voice, which I think you do.

I'm sure the testosterone is lurking somewhere waiting to come back into rock music. Just hang on there. Funny a guy who took a woman's name bewailing the femininity of new musicians though.

07-11-2012, 08:11 AM
More news about Bev Oda:

She smoked cigarettes in her office and it drove her staff crazy. She had an air purifier put in her office (installed at taxpayers expense) but the smell was still rancid. She could always be seen outside Parliament having a ciggy before Question Period, her hands shaking. Then, immediately after QP, she'd be at the same spot, to light up another, relieved that that ordeal is over again for another day.
And always with her dark sunglasses on too, looking very shifty. A photographer snapped an infamous photo of Oda, looking like a thief with something to hide, butt in her yap, shades on, on the lookout for the po-po.
I'll try to find a pic and post it so you can see what your average Conservative Minister looks like outdoors.

07-11-2012, 08:13 AM
Said Pic of disgraced sow Bev Oda

07-12-2012, 10:24 AM
Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is STILL a big bag of hammers these days.
He posted an online petition on his webpage and he CONGRATULATES HIMSELF on a job well done.
It's amazing. A petition he created by himself congratulates himself for his fucked up immigration file.
Do Canadians know just how stupid all Conservatives are?
If they do, they are turning a big blind eye to it.

And this week in Calgary Alberta for the Stampede, Harper declared that Calgary is the Best City in Canada.
Who says Mulcair is divisive?
Harper is Leading the Charge!
He's not even from Calgary- it's only the oil headquarters and Conservative cesspool of the whole Nation!
He's a die-hard Leafs fan too. What planet does he live on???
It's a legit question.
In an unscripted moment of funky dumbness, he professes his preference for Cowtown, a city that I was VERY happy to leave in 2002.
There is no city more "business" or "corporate" than Calgary. Or more Redneck. Or more banal. Or more profit-driven.
Toronto is an oasis of culture compared to Calgary, and Harper is from Toronto originally.
What a traitor. What an oil whore.

07-18-2012, 08:26 AM
Helena Guergis' lawsuit is being heard in an Ottawa court today.
Harper's lawyers say that it is not the courts' decision to say who stays in government cabinet or not- it is "Parliamentary Priviledge", and he says her case has no base.

Can you BELIEVE this shit?

Parliamentary Priviledge? Are you kidding me? So if a member of cabinet lies and steals and rapes the taxpayers it's "parliamentary priviledge" too??????
Are you saying you have cosmic immunity from anything and everything!?!?!?
Holy Fucking Dogshit this asshole must hang.
I hope he gets taken to the cleaners big time.

It's like a guy said on Yahoo:

If Harper got pulled over and charged with DUI, he'd call the bartender a Liberal and smear the cop for being dead-bang on, while crying "Executive Priviledge!!!!"

07-18-2012, 02:53 PM
Defence Minister Peter MacKay has blown his file to Kingdom Come.
The procurement of 1600+ Army trucks was halted at the last minute -LITERALLY!!!- when the Treasury Dept. (Tony Clement- that Muskoka Fox in the fuckin' HENHOUSE) found out that the price of those trucks jumped to almost double the $430 million pricetag.
Literally MINUTES before the final bidding ended on the contract. A Day ago.

MacKay has no grip on the defence file if DND can balloon the cost without you knowing it whatsoever (and have bids go down to the wire).



07-19-2012, 05:12 PM
Yes indeed, Pete has no control whatsoever on DND.
He is supposed to be the oversight.
The Minister of National Defence is the Oversight Man for the entire operation.
How did he not know that the cost for those trucks was double and why did beaurocrats at DND say that they were going to ask the Treasury for more money AFTER the bidding was over?


Why do they feel they can do anything they want, no matter the cost?
Who's head belongs on a fucking PLATE?
Peter MacKay's, that's who.
I want that fucker behind bars.
He has no clue.

NDP Defence critic Jack Harris said that this is yet another example of military procurement run amok, and Peter MacKay has a LOT to answer for here. You just wait until September when Parliament resumes. MacKay will be hung from a yard arm.


Are you awake?

Do you see this shit?
Right before your damn eyes?

07-20-2012, 09:13 AM
Peter MacKay was handed a "Layoff Notice" by one of his own department's unions yesterday.
It was Awesome to read that.

A rep for the Union of National Defence Employees handed MacKay the notice when he wrapped up his photo-op announcement in Victoria B.C.

"We thought we'd give him a taste of his own medicine" said Union President John MacLennan.
"We want him to see how it feels to get an affected letter".

Bravo John.
Your union are my new heroes.
MacKay is a first-class Fuckhead Clown without a clue.
Nail him to the wall at every opportunity.

07-20-2012, 09:24 AM
And guess what Kiddies?

The Federal Court ruled yesterday that a lawsuit aimed at overturning last years' election results can proceed.
Conservatives wanted the case thrown out (obviously) but the integrity of our democratic electoral process is at risk, was at risk.
Public confidence has been shaken badly, and the lawsuit was deemed VERY appropriate, "Far From Frivolous" was the actual words.

Let the House of Shams and Scams and Robo-Call fraud fall down.
Let it begin.
Let's clean out some ROT.

Chris Knipp
07-20-2012, 09:46 AM
It seems like in Canada the people are fighting back hard and having some success.

07-20-2012, 09:50 AM
Yes indeed.
People are fighting back. People are waking up.
This was front-page news today in the Ottawa Citizen, along with the news-to-me-and-you-both that DND has set up secret overseas bases in SouthEast Asia, Europe, East Africa and the Carribean.

How come we are just learning about these secret bases, PETER MACKAY?
How come?
Mr. Transparency?
Do tell.

Chris Knipp
07-20-2012, 10:04 AM
You should clarify for non-Canadians what DND means, otherwise they'd think it is Drag-and-drop or Dungeons and Dragons.

07-20-2012, 10:12 AM
Oh, I got scandals to tell you. I've left out so much...

Have you heard of Omar Khadr?

He's a Toronto-born kid who was arrested in Afghanistan and accused of killing an American soldier. They said he threw a grenade (when Omar was a child-solider) and they sent him to Gitmo, where he's been for what seems like eternity.
The Harper government has done nothing to have him return to Canada to serve the rest of his sentence, which the Supreme Court basically assumed Harper's gov't would do- two years ago.
We've had Romeo Dallaire and top U.S. Generals give urgent press conferences -HERE IN OTTAWA!- to yell at the Harper government to fulfill their obligation, to stop dragging their feet, and return him to Canada. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews (internet spy Master!) says he doesn't have all the facts of the case, which is the biggest crock of horseshit ever shovelled by an MP.
They know this case inside and out, and the Military officials at Guantanamo Bay have said forever that Omar is NO THREAT TO ANYONE, NOBODY, that he's actually level-headed and a nice kid.
The Harper gang wants nothing to do with this case, but they just look like unconstitutional assholes and pricks by not moving on this.

If they can do it to him (he was born in Toronto remember!) then they can do it to any citizen.
It isn't about Omar anymore. It's about being a Canadian citizen and how the government treats you, or CAN treat you.

07-20-2012, 10:13 AM

But you could call it dungeons and dragons and you wouldn't be far off....

07-20-2012, 01:40 PM
Another fresh scandal:

DND is trying to defend the fact that a Griffon helicopter was used for a fishing trip recently, not for any operations or any military exercise whatsoever.

A fishing trip.
Was it at Peter Mackay's fishing lodge?
Just asking.
These are YOUR tax dollars, Canada....

07-20-2012, 01:46 PM
And ANOTHER WHOPPER of a DND scandal:

Canada's Chief of Defence Staff (General Walt "Numpty" Natynczyk) has racked up over $1 Million in VIP military flights (not commercial airline flights) since 2008.

What does he do? For Canada or anyone else?
Where does he go?
How is no one accountable?
How is no one fired?

07-23-2012, 02:26 PM
Stephen Harper has turned down a meeting with Provincial Premiers FOR THE THIRD STRAIGHT YEAR.

He's a fucking moron.

07-24-2012, 06:28 PM
Oh, yeah, the Conservatives also spent 2.5 MILLION of taxpayers money on a monument to attract Chinese business and tourists. It's in Tony Clement's riding of Muskoka Ontario. That's right. I said TAXPAYERS MONEY.
They never asked a soul in this Nation if they could or should do it. They just did it without asking us.

And a Chinese oil firm is buying one of the biggest ones we have in Calgary- the biggest oil swap between China and Canada since, well, never.


Let me know when you have.

07-25-2012, 01:12 PM
Americans should note that Forbes magazine and the Republican party have been meeting with Treasury Board President and "COO: Chief Operating Officer of Canada"-(their words, not mine) Tony Clement to find out how the Conservative party runs things here in Canada, which they seem to believe is running smoother than a baby's bum.

When the U.S. Financial Elites are looking for pointers and tips and policies from the most abysmal financial managers in Canadian history,

Did you see the biggest Freudian slip in U.S. History last week?
Mitt Romney had some family lined up on a stage, with t-shirts spelling "ROMNEY" but one of the kids was out of place, and the t-shirts spelled out "MONEY" instead of Romney.
Actually, it was a doctored image. But truer than if it really happened. :)

Elect Mitt Romney.
His scandals will dwarf Dubyas.
Dwarf 'em like an ant to King Kong.

07-25-2012, 01:34 PM
And about Tony Clement:

He was just cleared of wrongdoing by an Ethics watchdog in Ottawa, but not before being sternly warned about abusing his cabinet status.
Harper never fires any Ministers for ethics violations, everybody knows that, but the appearance of ethics violations is enough to throw a cabinet ministers' career in question. He will be hounded forever by this. (the G20 Gazebo-Gate).

Now he should be investigated for the Chinese monument spending. How much did he pocket in that scam/rape of the taxpayers for his home riding of Muskoka?
I'm waiting for the Tories to build a giant bronze statue of Clement himself, in Muskoka, at taxpayers' expense, to praise his achievements for the constituency.
Muskoka residents must be DEMANDING IT, signing petitions by the thousands...holding fundraisers, selling Girl Guide cookies...they NEED a Tony Clement STATUE, Dammit!!!!

07-27-2012, 12:40 PM
Senator Romeo Dallaire (a Canadian who deserves Massive Respect), even though I disagree with Canada having a Senate, has written an article in today's Ottawa Citizen, where he outlines why Omar Khadr, the Toronto-born kid whose parents forced him to go to Afghanistan and become a child soldier, is our countries' National Shame.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews (an idiot with his head up his ass if I ever saw one, Judge or not) refuses to act on this case and have Omar serve out the remainder of his prison sentence here in Canada. And by proxy, HARPER is refusing to Act.

U.S. officials at Guantanamo Bay have been quite loud and clear about this case, and they are quite upset at the Harper government for not acting to return Khadr to Canada.

I would never tell the U.S. President what to do, but Mr. Obama, Sir, Mr. President, I write to you as a Canadian who does not like where Canada\United States relations are going, especially in light of this new Nexen purchase by China that has everyone nervous as nuclear nellies, and you CAN lean on Steve for this. Regardless of what Omar did, he is a Canadian-born citizen and he belongs back in Canada, AS THE SUPREME COURT ASSUMED HARPER WOULD DO IN 2011.
2012 is halfway over and Omar is still in Gitmo.

And crime rates that Toews is claiming awesomeness to are actually unknown, totally fictional, because their fucking laws were only enacted last year! How the hell does he know whether crime has gone down by his "tough-on-crime" legislation that HE NEVER EVER ENFORCES?
Hmm? Riddle me that one, Batman.
Goon squad. Harper,s gang is a goon squad. They are imploding at mach 1. Enjoy it.

Chris Knipp
07-27-2012, 03:05 PM
I don't agree to keping children in prison for anything, anywhere.

What is the point in using asterisks around words for emphasis? I don't understand it. I didn't understand your using a comma for where an asterisk would be -- Harper,s gang, etc., as in your last Batman post -- lose a key on your typewriter?

07-30-2012, 08:18 AM
Speed in typing was the culprit- I was under the gun last time I was online and typed way too fast to correct anything.

But as long as peeps know the gist, errors are kosher.
I'm not paid either.
If I was, I would never hit the edit button.

08-08-2012, 12:28 PM
Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Dean del Mastro wants immunity from prosecution for his campaign donors to speak with Elections Canada officials. But Elections Canada told him point blank that they cannot guarantee immunity in exchange for giving their sides of the kickback scheme.
Dean's lawyer said "my people are clamming up" (without immunity from prosecution).

Isn't that just ducky?
This guy has the balls to ask for immunity from prosecution BEFORE election officials ask a single question?
Isn't that a bit odd? Doesn't that smack a wee bit like "guilty"? hmm? It sure does to me.

Immunity from prosecution. Why would they even have to fear the word, Dean?
Did they do something they shouldn't have?
And were caught?
Were you?

I take great glee in Dean del Mastro's massive fall from political grace. The PM's right hand man on ethics, RIGHT.
Another Conservative Bites The Dust
Another one gone Another one gone

08-09-2012, 01:44 PM
I just read that in the first week of July this year, Dean del Mastro gave us this quote, in reference to what he's going through right now:

I am not an average person on the street. I was elected to Parliament by the people of my riding.

You're above us all, Dean?
Your shit don't stink, Guido?
Did John Baird tell you to say that at every opportunity? Because that Queen believes the exact same thing.
You paid off outside parties to secure your victory- you are even on record the day after the election telling a benefactor (at a coffee shop with other MP's present) that you were VERY grateful for the help you got in getting elected. You made that VERY clear in a coffee shop, because you had no chance in hell of winning. You needed outside help from anyone and everyone who had no scruples about bending and breaking rules.
I'm gonna do a freaky Irish fuckin' JIG when you are charged.

You 'Gon Hang Like Dem Low-Hangin' Fruit, Dean!

You're lower than the average person on the street, Bitch.
You're a thief, a coward, a liar, a sham- get out a Thesaurus- you are every shade of shady there is, Clowny!
As Charlie Angus wrote to Justice Minister Rob Nicholson:

"Criminal Code, Elections Act and Income Tax Act violations are all possible here. Let's get an investigation underway by the RCMP to get to the bottom of this".

Nicholson refused. He's Conservative, what do you expect? No one pays for their crimes in Harper's gang of goofs.
But if the shoe was on another PARTY?
Nicholson would be all over it like white on rice.

In Canada, Conservatives are fucking SCUM.
Tell the Mayor.

08-09-2012, 02:30 PM
Do you think Stephen Harper isn't corrupt?
Well here's an article on his former aide Bruce Carson, who was just criminally charged by the RCMP last week:

My man Charlie Angus is quoted in the piece. PRIME ANGUS BEEF!!!

www.vancouversun.com/news/RCMP+charges+former+Tory+advisor+Bruce+Carson+with +fraud/7000522/story.html

08-09-2012, 02:49 PM
It's time for me to take aim at another sack-'O-shit Tory MP: Pierre Poilievre.

This guy has never held a job in his life. He went to the University of Calgary and studied money.
Then he ran to be a Member of Parliament, and won. At age 24. He "worked for" Stockwell Day (a turd if there ever was one), but there is no evidence or info on what he actually did.
Rick Mercer, famous Canadian personality who hosts The Rick Mercer Report, says that if Poilievre ever held a job before coming to the House of Commons, he should ante up with some fucking proof.
Poilievre is a self-confessed "politics junkie" who is passionate about debating.
Well, so am I Pierre. Join our forums and school me, you smug dick.

My nickname for Pierre is "TAR BABY", because Old Pierre LOVED to use that phrase to smear Michael Ignatieff, and he was reprimanded Large for using that term in Parliament. He didn't apologize, he just smugly said it's a term used illustrate something sticking to someone.
He's a Winner, huh?
Your my Tar Baby, Pierrre.
My Sweet Ignorant and Ugly little tar baby.

He also has disrespected the Speaker of the House countless times and gotten away with it.
He's never held a job in his life yet he got elected to a post that earns him $155,000 a year+
Only in politics, Kids. Only in Poilievreitics...

Oh yeah, and he was voted BIGGEST SELF-PROMOTER ON PARLIAMENT HILL, something he is probably proud of.
Just look at him. Look at his eerie tar baby scene.
His arrogant and absurd visage makes me dream of slapping him until he cries and tells me to stop.

08-11-2012, 12:40 AM
Republicans John McCain, Michelle Bachman and Mitt Romney have all three recently used the term TAR BABY, so make no mistake: IGNORANCE is a Right-Wing trait. That term has a very RACIST connotation attached to it which it shouldn't. Shame on them for embracing such an ignorant phrase and being so comfortable with having it in their vernacular. I suspect that the politics junkie Pierre Poilievre picked it up by studying Republitards. I would even suspect Pierre as the one who suggested Republican robocall fraud tactics to Harper as a viable tool to get a majority. I wouldn't put it past that scumbag. In fact, Pierre strikes me as a guy who really thinks he's a playa. he just might be the Karl Rove of Canada. Canadians should keep a close eye on him.

08-27-2012, 01:47 PM
Canada has a new Chief of Defence Staff to replace Walt Numpty: Air Force General THOMAS LAWSON.

We'll see how many non-commercial military flights HE will rack up...

08-31-2012, 08:13 AM
Helena Guergis' lawsuit against Harper has been thrown out. The court decided that the court has no business whatsoever deciding criminal activity in Cabinet decisions.

So there you go.
The Prime Minister has Cosmic Immunity.
He can do anything he wants. It is Parliamentary Priviledge.

Message to Canadians:

Keep voting blind. If you want Hitler in Power, you fucking got it.

Chris Knipp
08-31-2012, 12:59 PM
Look at what the American rulers get away with.

08-31-2012, 02:40 PM
Yes indeed.
The people want it, accept it and demand it.
I just smile and get another beer. :P

09-17-2012, 02:21 PM
Parliament resumed today.

Over the weekend I attended the Public Service Alliance's fun protest in Confederation Park in Ottawa.
The Public Service has been slashed and cut and decimated in the Conservative Ominous Budget Bill that sleazily passed before the summer break. But not before a marathon 24 hour vote to stop it was conducted.
The Conservatives voted down every single amendment to that bill. Every single one.
It's enough to call an election.
But Canadians HATE elections. So it is what it is.

At the barbecue/protest, all were welcome to be informed, enjoy a hamburger, a hotdog, some homemade desserts and music by a fine Jamaican band who did great covers of "Get Up, Stand Up" and "Girl I'm Gonna make You Sweat (La La La song)".

NDP MP Paul Dewar was there, he spoke of Harper's agenda, which is corporate and all about privatizing Canada.
Paul's father apparently worked in the Public Service. He was an NDP Leadership candidate and seems like a nice guy.
The Vice-President of the PSAC Union sang "With a Little Help From My (Corporate) Friends" as a giant Harper marionette made gestures and exuberant moves. His King's crown made me laugh....
The cuts to the public service by Harper's gang of goofs is appalling.
The reason people have to wait months and months to get their Employment Insurance cheques is because they have no people to process them! Harper fired them all! There are literally no bodies to process the claims!
And he's cutting more of them!
The Coast Guard is being cut. Why? What on earth for?
Vancouver is in an uproar over it.
But the Prime Minister just does. not. care.
A banner by PSAC saying "STEPHEN HARPER HATES US" was flown by an aircraft over Ottawa/Hull and the RCMP ordered the pilot to land, telling him that he was in restricted airspace, when he clearly was not. He knew exactly what his boundaries were and he never crossed them. In fact the RCMP knew it. They could have told him over the radio what was up, but they didn't.
He's flying that banner right now. Right near Parliament Hill. Again. Within his rights. Within his boundaries.
Free Speech Lives.

Pierre "Tar Baby" Poilievre just can't stop being a fuckhead.
He says union dues shouldn't have to be paid by members who don't want a union to support separatists.
This guy needs to be brought behind the barn.
Quebec will NEVER separate, Pierre. You know that, don't you?
The political parties who want to separate in Quebec are just that. POLITICAL. Nothing more. Just like you, hypocrite.
Quebecers know that Quebec will never separate, why don't you?
Tar Baby?
I'm letting the cat out of the bag. This is a WarShow. I want the Conservative party in ashes, just like Bane wants Gotham City. LOL

I will never relent on Stephen Harper.

He's Gonzo.

09-23-2012, 03:24 PM
Tony Clement uses a ghost writer on Twitter.

The prisoner who shot two people at Quebec Premier Marois' victory party was granted access to a phone, where he called a radio station and talked for almost 40 minutes on how he had a vision from god and god told him that the English were waking up and Quebec must separate from Canada.

How did he get access to a live radio audience? Worrysome indeed.

Stephen Harper is Delusional.
That is all.

Chris Knipp
09-23-2012, 03:28 PM
Canadian politics is a lot more interesting than I ever realized. It seems by the way that in his Colombine movie Michael Moore misrepresented the peacefulness and safety of Canada vs. the US at least a bit. True?

09-23-2012, 04:06 PM
We are peaceful, but we also have violence occur regularly.
There is a growing distrust of Stephen Harper and Canadians are starting to realize how corporate he is.
We need a Michael Moore- like exposure of Harper.
Really pull back the curtain.
He is an automaton.

Chris Knipp
09-23-2012, 05:29 PM
Canada is safer and more peaceful, but did Michael Moore provide good proof of that in COLUMBINE? That is my question. I feel he has undermined his reputation over time with sloppy proofs of his valid points.

09-23-2012, 07:37 PM
Well, it's a fact that we are safer in Canada, but Moore didn't do a complete delineation.

09-23-2012, 07:52 PM
Mike could have reinforced his points in his films even more, and his films could be even greater op-eds than they are.
I think he did them they way he did because most people need it fed to them as plainly as possible.
Too investigative and people's brains can't process the info!

Chris Knipp
09-23-2012, 08:21 PM
I don't quite agree with that. You can give accurate information to back up your arguments. In this matter of a safer and quieter Canada, he could have provided more hard data, along with the anecdotal material. I feel he fed us anecdotal fluff and expected us to be content with that, on this issue. And there was some of that in SICKO too, though SICKO's anecdotal material from the Americans living in France was very strong. It has stayed with me ever since.

Of course a too cold and factual approach would not influence people very much. It would me, but not most people, I'll grant you. But cheating isn't ultimately gong to work. I guess ultimately Michael Moore excels in preaching to the converted. And as a public speaker, he seems great. I've seen excerpts of speeches he's given, and he's a great rabble-rouser. He has the gift of gab. And I don't begrudge him that. Maybe ultimately it's the duty of each of us to find our own information and make up our own arguments and learn how to do our own preaching to the un-converted. That's a tough job.

09-23-2012, 08:37 PM
A big problem is that people don't do their own research and come to their own conclusions.
They're content to let someone else do all the heavy lifting.
I also suspect that time was of the essence and he had to get his product out there, just like any other business.
We know him enough that he should do a film that really does go hard on facts.
We don't need his narration anymore.
We need brilliant op-eds that leave it ALL up there on screen, devastating, probing, lucid.

Chris Knipp
09-23-2012, 09:04 PM
Moore's in-your-face personal narrations and appearances in his own films has been an essential element in his docs from the beginning. I'm not sure it is Michael Moor otherwise. At the same time his manner is very provocative and the right hates him and will not ever listen to him. Is there any voice on the left that the right will listen to? If so, it's not Michael Moore's.

Of course you're right that time is of the essence with his movies, but with the money and team he has access to now, there is no excuse for superficiality. I think there is a bit of the charlatan in him and that was true from the start too. He is said to have fudged things on the order in which footage was presented and to have pretended the Ford boss wouldn't meet with him when he would. But he had good points to make and the method was powerful -- also from the first.

09-23-2012, 09:13 PM
I agree. Superficiality should be deleted.

There is a very valid point about him being a bit of a charlatan.
But I'm quite fine with it because his brand of charlatan is not malicious.
It's more of white lie-type exposure of people and policy he finds unsavoury.
I love it, actually, because he is willing to "fudge the truth" just like the Right does all the time.
He was fighting fire with fire, quite effectively in my opinion.
Stanley Kubrick took notice of Roger and Me, and allowed Mike to show a print of Dr. Strangelove to his Canadian Bacon crew.
Not many documentarians can claim that.
Moore is relevant and always was.
He's definitely not bulletproof, but he's on the side of Good.

Chris Knipp
09-23-2012, 09:36 PM
You're right. But this is something I have to work out in my own mind. And in recent years I have drifted away from my earlier passion for Michael Moore. I didn't get him at first (when I saw Roger and Me) and then after the big hoopla about BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE I came to see his power and genius, and then lately he seems to have been losing it, as a filmmaker. The failure of Fahrenheit 9/11 to have any discernable effect was a turn downward, in my view. I did think SICKO was direly needed. But I'm not sure it had the effect it should have.

Your point about the right using the methods of a charlatan is well taken. We need more on the left capable of swaying the masses, of fooling people into thinking what they should, so to speak.

Wait. Did I really say that? What are you leading me into? :)

09-23-2012, 09:42 PM
If Fahrenheit had affected the result of the 2004 election we might have avoided the economic mess.
But then again maybe not.
It may have polarized the U.S. even more, created a toxic hotbed.
But with Obama as President I think we have it anyway!

We need Noam Chomsky with a marketing team that cannot be stopped.

Chris Knipp
09-24-2012, 06:53 AM
Hard to say what if.... But I do think the financial debacle could have been lessened, if not averted. This is a human-created event. We need financial regulations. We have lost the good ones we had. That has not changed under Obama.

Chomsky for President!

09-24-2012, 07:59 AM
I definitely second that.

Chris Knipp
09-24-2012, 09:04 AM
Unfortunately Chomsky is a little old. I hope a replacement is coming. So far there is none.

09-27-2012, 09:13 AM
The department of National Defence is in shambles.

Billions of dollars in "black assets" have mysteriously vanished from Canada.
And no one knows a fucking thing.
Secrets and weapons have been compromised on a scale that would make you shit your pants.
Heads should roll, starting with Peter MacKay. But we know that won't happen.

09-27-2012, 09:30 AM
91 Conservative MP's including Immigration Minister Kenney, Public Works Minister Rona Ambrose, Gerry (The Jet-Setter) Ritz and other idiots voted against women's rights.

A Conservative MP (who shall remain nameless) put forward this debate of deciding when a fetus is a human being or not.
The House of Commons voted, and it was defeated. Half of the Conservative caucus even thought it was a batshit insane idea.
Stephen Harper himself voted against it.
Why is this shit even being entertained in Parliament?
Why are they wasting precious time and resources on this moronic type of ideology and Stone-Age bullshit?

It's truly amazing how dumb the Conservative party really is.

Chris Knipp
09-29-2012, 01:02 PM
This week I learned of the new movie WON'T BACK DOWN, which they are saying is anti-union and anti-teacher. It's (apparently, because I hae not yet seen it) propaganda in a wide release Hollywood movie, against the public school system, which would mean further promotion of "voucher" and "charter" schools that benefit business and spell the slow eroding of public eduction, which is essential to a democratic system, last I heard.

And who are the stars of this film? Maggie Gyllenhaal, who comes from an old leftie family, and the African-American star Viola Davis. And how do they justify being in such a movie? That I do not know, but they have been working up a rap, for sure.

There is money to promote this as a controversy the "people" will join with the film on. Outside the Regal Union Square, one of NYC's biggest cinemplexes, they had flacks asking people who'd seen WON'T BACK DOWN to mail off postcards they obligingly provided to show their support -- of fighting against teachers unions.

Granted, US teachers' unions may not be great engines of progress, but smashhing the unions means one thing: opposing the interests of working people in favor of "free enterprise", or in other words, profit over human needs. And after several documentaries which covertly undermined the teachers' union cause, now comes a big feature film.

10-01-2012, 01:51 PM
Thanks for that.
In Canada, education is under attack in all kinds of ways.

Better news:
Omar Khadr returned to Canada this past Saturday, after a decade in Guantanamo Bay.
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird basically said Canada had no choice but to take him back.
Well DUH!
I hope President Obama told you to do it over the phone last Friday!
Fuck what idiots these Tories are...

Chris Knipp
10-01-2012, 05:35 PM
Better late than never.

Man's inhumanity to man is on full display in the 21st century. Where is the human progress?

10-02-2012, 08:27 AM
Speaking of man's inhumanity, guess what Conservative MP Rob Anders let fly out of his filthy sewer?

He said that Thomas Mulcair helped to kill Jack Layton.
Yes, you heard right.
You remember Rob Anders? The Tory MP who likes to doze off and nod out in the House of Commons?
The one who was removed from the Veterans Committee because he fell asleep at a meeting in Halifax and slandered homeless veterans?
Rob issued a quick written apology to Olivia Chow, Jack's widow. She told Anders he should sponsor her in the race for cancer. (PEREFCT!!!!)
Why Stephen Harper will not fire this shithead Rob Anders is beyond me. Actually it's not.
Anders is cut from the same arrogant and oblivious Calgary Cloth.
Anders said he watched the opposition front benches before last years election (a lie- fucker was never awake) and he noticed that Tom Mulcair was pressuring Jack not to run in the election, that he should step aside. Anders said Jack ran in the election, and died.
All because of Tom Mulcair.

And John Baird was in New York yesterday, at the UN, barking about how the UN never gets results.
Neither do you John.
Neither do you or your retarded corporate con-men friends.
With assholes like Baird and Anders, who needs an enemy? I'm utterly embarassed that turds like those two are Canadian. And are in a Majority Government.
Wake me when the nightmare is over.

10-02-2012, 08:52 AM
Canadians who are switched-on should know that Stephen Harper has a few "tactics" that he employs when he is in deep shit.
One of those tactics is "stay out of the newspapers".
He never reads them anyway, but his name has not been in the papers much lately, and not because of the summer break that just happened.
Canadians should notice this.
Harper knows what it means to "be in power but never be seen wielding it".
His reputation as a control freak is tempered with this eerie desire of his to seem aloof and teflon-Don.
He wants total control over anything that he cannot control, and when it suits his needs, he'll appear to relinquish that power, all by staying out of the papers and off the nightly news.

His pesky Conservative caucus members on the other hand....THEY are in the papers every damn day.
How much of a mindfuck is Harper's government?
You can't even calculate it. It's like Tipper Gore on meth, Mitt Romney without his awesome charisma. LOL

10-03-2012, 07:15 AM
RE: Omar Khadr

Tongues are wagging long and lean here in Canada over the return of Omar Khadr from Gitmo.
So many people who think he belongs in a U.S. jail indefinitely. After all, it was the Americans who arrested him, who saw him throw a grenade that killed an American soldier.
It's a little more complex than that.
If anybody looked at his case for more than two seconds they would see that his background is tragic.
He is pulling out all the stops to be educated and to become a contributing member of Canadian society.

I've discussed this with friends, and some feel that his "rehab in Gitmo" is a sham, a ploy, just another terrorist detainee who's grasping at freedom's straws. Some think that Khadr would no way on earth be "rehabilitated" from his crimes as a child soldier and that he would in fact be digging his heels in with his Jihad.
Maybe, if he was Osama bin Laden.
But he's not.
He's a fucking KID.
Who, largely through his parents' terrible and inhuman child-rearing, got caught up in War.

Canadians hate a case like Omar Khadr.
Because he doesn't look Canadian, because he did things that are clearly un-Canadian and because our Government has painted him like a boogeyman. Canadians somehow have got it in their heads that the Government is always right, that Harper should be trusted 1000%.

It makes me sick to my stomach.
Nobody THINKS anymore.

Chris Knipp
10-03-2012, 07:33 AM
I hope somebody thinks up there. Did anybody watch the Obama-Romney debate last night? I didn't; I went to a revival of WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF with Tracy Letts, the Steppenwolf Company from Chicago.

Nobody should ever be put in jail for ten years for involvement (putative) in a war. It's unheard of. That's over. And he was a kid. Some of the young Gitmo victims were safely returned to England. Mabe Canada has picked up some of the jingoism of the USA?

10-03-2012, 07:35 AM
Justin Trudeau, Liberal MP and son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, officially announced his bid to be Leader of the Liberal party.

This is interesting, but I wonder where he was while Ignatieff was busy being a disaster?
This bid to be Liberal Leader is very smart for the Liberal party.
Their party simply will remain in third unless they can Hulk-Out with a Titan candidate for Leader.
Trudeau is that man.
He has proven that he is not to be underestimated.
(See the boxing match THRILLA ON THE HILLA- he beat Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau).
The only problem is that he's never held power in any capacity. But he has his father's Legacy to draw on and Trudeau is a very likeable guy.
He would be a Prime Minister who would restore dignity and honor to Parliament.
But the NDP are full-steam ahead, and I've cast my lot in with them.
The Liberals had me and they lost me with their chickenshit. They did robo-calls too.
The NDP did not. The Liberals had Ontario disaster Premier Bob Rae be the interim Leader, all the while gaining no traction.
Public opinion hasn"t changed on the Liberal party. People still remember the sponsorship scandal and LOTS more...

Trudeau could ignite something Revolutionary here in Canada, but I'm not sure he can pull it off.
He needs to have a campaign of stellar planning.
This is his time to make History.
But I think it's too little too late.
Tom Mulcair will be our next Prime Minister.

I can feel it in my Bones.

10-03-2012, 07:47 AM
Canada has picked up U.S. jingoism.
Our government is REPUBLICAN.
Mitt Romney would win in Canada.
WITHOUT all his money.

The Khadr case is a great example of how a government can show it's true colors.
He languished in Gitmo for almost two years after the Canadian Supreme Court told Harper's government to get on it.
I'm certain President Obama himself called up Harper and told him to shit or get off the pot.

Chris Knipp
10-03-2012, 06:45 PM
Trudeau sounds like an unknown quantity, but a promising one. Your government certainly needs a new lease on life.

10-11-2012, 10:39 AM
Just found out that Harper's Government approved spending millions and millions of dollars this year on ads for their "Economic Action Plan", the biggest slice of propaganda since The Third Reich.

Imagine that!
Spending the taxpayers money on your own political agenda with no one to stop you.
Well, it's a REALITY here in Canada.
In a sane world, they would be charged with fraud and charged with criminal negligence causing debt.

10-15-2012, 09:03 AM
Joe Shithead is running for provincial government in British Columbia for the New Democratic Party.
I hope that man wins, because he will sort out shit in government REAL QUICK.
He's been the guitarist/vocalist of D.O.A. for 35 years, and I witnessed their final farewell show in Ottawa on Saturday night.
(video is up on Facebook).

Joe said:"If I win, I can't play in D.O.A. for 4 years. If I win a second term, it's 8 years. If I don't win at all

Get those Liars For Hire up against the WALL.

10-15-2012, 01:06 PM
Google Images pictures of Pierre Poilivere.
His visage should revolt you, without hearing a single word from his arrogant prick mouth.
It's obvious his daddy never laid a hand on him, as Pierre probably would have called child services on his own parents for disciplining him.
He's THAT slimy and slick.

He's just got an attitude and face that I want to deck at full throttle.
I would PAY GOOD MONEY to slap Pierre around. I hate him that much.
He never worked a day in his life and never earned a single dollar.
This is the same guy who took a limo to Parliament Hill and told his driver to bypass security because he is Pierre Poilivrere.
I'm 5 years older than him with a helluva a lot more life experience.
All he ever did was sit in his seat at school and then sit in his seat in the House of Commons.
Achieving ZERO for anyone or anything except himself.
That's why all the Google Images of Pierre are of him smiling like a doofus.
He's knows what a scam he's running on Canadians and he can't believe his luck.

Give me 15 seconds alone with him.
Please God Please.

10-16-2012, 07:04 AM
Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty has resigned.

That's what happens when you piss off every single teacher in the Province.
Good riddance.
Let NDP Andrea Horvath take over, like she should have IN THE LAST FUCKING ELECTION!!!!!!!

10-16-2012, 12:20 PM
Watch this and cringe hard.


Chris Knipp
10-16-2012, 05:19 PM
I guess you're not alone in your contempt for this chap.

10-22-2012, 07:09 AM
The Harper government is being taken to court by the Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page for refusing to disclose the billions of dollars in cuts from the last budget.
Kevin Page has warned the Tories for weeks that if they do not comply with Budget requests (and they haven't- they only provided 23% of the cuts) he will sue them.

And he just filed court action against the Conservatives.
This is BEAUTIFUL NEWS, because the position of the Parliamentary Budget Officer was CREATED for just this very thing, by the Conservatives themselves!
Must be a hard pill to swallow that their man is taking them to court.

Guess what Finance Minister Jim "The Fleecer" Flaherty said about it?

"Frankly, this is not part of Mr. Page's mandate".

Oh Yes it is Jim.
You fuckers are TOAST.
You don't want to be transparent and accountable?
We'll fuckin' SUE YOU ASSHOLE.
Get the fuck out of our Parliament you criminal shithead!!!!!!!

10-22-2012, 08:48 AM
The Parliamentary Budget Officer is one of the few 100% HONEST people in Parliament.
If he demands accountability with taxpayers money on 5.2 BILLION worth of cuts,

These Tories have fucked everything up to the point of no return.

10-22-2012, 09:08 AM

Read it and weep.
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair says he's ready for a 2014 warm-up By-Election, and SO AM I BABY!
3 by-elections have been called by Stephen Harper for November, and he will lose all three seats.
He will never win another election in his life.

These Conservatives are a thousand times more incompetent and corrupt than the Liberals were.
Holy Dogshit will I celebrate their obliteration.
(and I'm sure readers are ready for this thread to end on a positive high....)
Keep faith!
It will!

10-24-2012, 07:12 AM
The Fleecer Jim Flaherty and Treasury President Tony Clement keep repeating that Kevin Page's job as Parliamentary Budget Officer is limited only to EXPENDITURES, not money that hasn't been spent.

These two fucktards need to read the actual description of the job, which includes the IMPLICATIONS and IMPACTS of budget cuts.
Without that knowledge, the PBO cannot accurately assess Canada's budget and debts. He needs the government to be 100% forthcoming with it's numbers or we're all flying blind.

The Conservatives have witheld vital information before- remember when the Harper government fell on a non-confidence vote over not disclosing information to the Official Opposition?
And I also remember that Canadians didn't care and handed Harper a Majority.
Now Harper is ignoring the PBO- not just opposition parties.
Tories can't use partisan politics anymore to defend their Fuckery.

Anyone who thought I was off my rocker for writing this thread: YOU'RE WELCOME.
I did all the heavy lifting for you.
And wasn't paid a penny.
That makes me a true Conservative Canadian.

11-12-2012, 12:53 PM
The Harper government has refused requests for Military veteran funerals to be covered if the veteran is homeless.
Homeless shelters in Canada actually provide better burial coverage for the poor than the government does for veterans.

Is there anything more sick? or more callous?

He wouldn't even give his personal opinion on how veterans are being treated! POLITICAL ALL THE FUCKING WAY!
Hang him out to fucking DRY.

Here's the article:

www.ottawacitizen.com/news/Stephen+Harper+falls+short+pledge+improve+veterans +burial/7534842/story.html

Chris Knipp
11-12-2012, 02:53 PM
I guess their model is down here.

It's better to get killed in a war. That's what you're meant to do anyway, isn't it? Than to survive and come home.

11-13-2012, 09:11 AM
Yeah. Right. Ha Ha

As a famous Navy Seal said once: Getting a Purple Heart is like being awarded for not doing your job.
How dare these soldiers ask for a proper burial! They didn't die with Honor in the combat zone!

Chris Knipp
11-13-2012, 09:21 AM
Only tools in the game.

11-13-2012, 01:11 PM
Finance Minister Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty has just announced that the deficit in Canada will not go down until 2017 and that $5 Billion has just been added to our National Deficit, making it now $26 BILLION.

The Tories were handed a surplus of $16 Billion in 2006.
Now we have a deficit of $26 Billion.

What an awesome job they are doing.
An aweome scam job.
Simply incredible.
Who or what will they blame for the ass-pounding they will recieve in the next election?
Every last Conservative MP is FIRED.
You don't earn your pay if our debt goes up $5 Billion in only one year.
How many whoppers will they continue to lay on Canadians until people wake the fuck up????

11-23-2012, 11:37 AM
Extreme correction to Canada's national deficit:

At 11:59 PM tonight, the national debt will hit 600 BILLION DOLLARS.
NOT 26 Billion as I had posted before.
I learned today that the Harper government stopped caring about the National debt in 2008.
(When Obama won the Presidency?)


What do you think of THAT,

Chris Knipp
11-23-2012, 01:11 PM
I'm glad you've brought us up to date on the actual figures and one can see that a $26 billion national debt for a rich First World economy would be chicken feed. The US national debt is $9 trillion, by the way. In the American system a trillion is a thousand times a billion. I think you have to ask yourself whether, if we're upset over a debt that was really 25 times less than the actual one, we really have any idea what we're getting upset about.

I think the problem is not so much that there is a debt or that it's a lot of money but how it was created and what creating it was used for -- which takes us back to the fact that we don't like who's in charge and what they're up to. And I think that while this situation reflects a great deal of careless and exploitative spending, it is at this point simply a bugaboo that is being used to exploit you, because it isn't the aspect of the economy that you ought to be concerned about right now.

I just want to remind you that this period of global "Great Recession" is the last time to be instituting austerity measures for the illusory goal of curbing "debt. Using debt now, as an excuse for austerity is how neoliberal governments and transnational corporations squeeze the poor and middle class and increase the wealth of global powers and concurrently, the 1%. This is the message I sent you from Paul Krugman, the simple but practical Keynsian principle that during times when the national economy is weak the government needs to stimulate it with spending, not pay off debt. That, paying off of debt, must be done during boom times. Remember? You agreed and thanked me. So why now are you panicking or roaring about the national debt?

Look up natiuoinal debuts by country here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_public_debt. Would you like to move to Uzbekistan or Algeria, whose national debts are 6-7% of their GNP? No? Then what about the fact that Germany, which is pretty solid, has a national debt that's 82% of the GNP? Now I'll grant you that Qatar and Kuwait also have national debts that are 6-7% of their GNP, but they achieve this lovely situation through very undemocratic situations and by being tiny countries swimming in oil.

Maybe you should be worrying more about the United States: 105%. Canada's is only 83.5% of GNP, not far from Germany. Where we don't want to go is where Greece is, with a national debt that's 165 % of GNP. Zimbabwe, a rogue state in the hands of the receivers, is well over 200%. But when you look at Spain and see its debt is only 69% of GNP, it begins to appear that these figures really don't tell us much by themselves.

Anyone who has a mortgage (as I do) has at least one a big debt. The real question is whether it was incurred for something worthwhile (I have a nice house) and what the prospects of are being able to service it (so far, so good). It was a valuable tradeoff to incur this debt. Of course it is not growing; it is slowly diminishing. More or less. But paying it off is not my goal. To try to do so would take money that is better used elsewhere. But it's really not valid to compare individual and family economics with government economics, because the rules and scale are quite different.

The figure for Canada's current national debt, $600 billion, means nothing in itself. Do you even know what is billion dollars is, in any practical terms? You have to see this all in a global context and within an understanding of government economies. Above all you have to see it in terms of what national economies need right now, which is stimulation via spending, not focusing on halting the rise of "debt"

Chris Knipp
11-23-2012, 04:24 PM
A kindres spirit?

Here are some thoughts about Canada's $600 billion (Canadian) 'national debt.' I culled it through an online search, and you'll find it and more here. (http://www.rudemacedon.ca/fhtt/debtscam.html)

Scam of the Century - the Canadian National "Debt" [Excerpt]
. . .The doctrine of odious debts: "...If a despotic power incurs a debt not for the needs or in the interest of the State, but to strengthen its despotic regime, to repress the population that fights against it, etc., this debt is odious for the population of all the State.... This debt is not an obligation for the nation; it is a regime's debt, a personal debt of the power that has incurred it, consequently it falls with the fall of this power."

- from MY perspective, this applies pretty well to the Canadian so-called "national debt" - it was NOT a necessary debt, when the Bank of Canada had been historically used to provide most of the necessary money when the government faced a shortfall - and, with the possible exception of the one hundred or so billion, the great bulk of the money that has been collected to "service" the debt has, rather obviously, NOT been used for the service of the Canadian people. The debt was incurred, and whether or not one can prove it was done intentionally, it has been used as a weapon against the people of Canada, used as an excuse to roll back generations of advancement in terms of providing safe and secure lives for Canadians, on the excuse of turning literally hundreds of billions of dollars over to those "investors" holding the debt ....

You may like this guy, a Canadian of about 62 whose name is Dave Patterson. In fact I think you and he have a lot in common and you ought to find him very simpatico. He is as angry about the debt as you are. And reading his partial bio, he has been pursuing the issue for a long time, at least from the Eighties. He's sort of a hippie era ex would be rock star whose "professional" training is in ecology, and who's published writing is a series of children's books. He also worked for CUSO in Thailand, working with NGO's. His website's mission statement and white papers make him sound crazily utopian. But to be that at 62 is quite admirable. This is not to say that I agree with his, and your, concern with debt or his fascination with getting off a debt-based monetary system, though in idealistic terms, the liberation from this system that the Glasgow-based group Patterson cites (http://prosperityuk.com/)sounds great:

Money Reformers advocate that the virtual Monopoly of Money Creation must be removed from the corporate banking system and we work to establish a publicly-created supply of debt-free money, created on behalf of the people, by a public body.

This money should be spent, not lent, into society on the basis of proven need. This will gradually reduce the overall burden of debt in society, break reliance upon the private banking system for the supply of money, open potential for change, and empower people democratically.

The Money Reformers’ proposal is not a left-wing, or right-wing idea. It’s just good sense! "Prosperity," this group hopefully calls itself.

But as I said, I don't think all that is what we need to be focused on right now because it's the economy that needs spending, not draw down of debt. And I think Dave Patterson is aware of that.

Not the lead editorial in today's (Nov. 23, 2012) NY Times, "Britain's Place in Europe": (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/23/opinion/britains-place-in-europe.html)

. . .over the past year, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has been destructively pushing her partners to enact laws that would prolong the recession by setting rigid deficit ceilings, denying countries the fiscal flexibility sometimes needed to revive growth.

11-23-2012, 04:47 PM
I roar about the debt because a country as rich as Canada shouldn't have one.
And neither should the United States.
No excuse under the sun can convince me that it is needed or was necessary.
It's bad management, through and through.

How can creditors get upset over minscule household debt if the government doesn't give 2 shits about monstrous debt?
I'll never understand that.
I'll never cull "logic" from numbers like that, global perspective or not.
Kick the Can is our mantra and it always will be.
In the grand scheme I don't really care. I can't affect jack or shit. I just squawk about it. I just bark about it.
My house is still Awesome.
Music still plays.
I'm just attempting to figure out the precise parameters of the Class War.

Chris Knipp
11-23-2012, 05:52 PM
Every country has a debt Jason. Learn to life with it.

Or roar. Whatever you like.

11-26-2012, 11:45 AM
I'll learn to live with it when they explain why we have a debt.
When they make it crystal clear, as if explaining it to a child.

Our government in Canada has zero transparency. No open discussions about ANYTHING.
Canadians have no clue what this Tory government is doing.
No clue whatsoever.
And nobody seems to care either.
I'm just reporting to my fictional tribe.
I knew Harper was a criminal long before he was even elected the first time.
Canadians are 20 years behind everything.
It's just an ironclad fact. Look around.
It's so obvious it hurts. Canadians have perfected the art of not knowing what the government does.
Americans are the Masters, but Canadians are not far behind.
This all comes down to consciousness.
Either you are or you aren't. I can't speak for anyone here, but when I get up in the morning, I am conscious.
Before I have a coffee I am conscious. Unconsciousness is a plague and I have no clue why people wish to be unconscious.
The only reason I can think of is they are petrified.

Chris Knipp
11-26-2012, 05:24 PM
Have a look at this --

Published on Monday, July 30, 2012 by Common Dreams
National Debt? There's No Such Thing
by Carl Gibson
Imagine sitting at the kitchen table, stressing out over your family's finances. Between the student loan debt, the credit card debt, the car loan, the mortgage, the phone bill, the groceries, electricity and the water, you only have so much in your bank account to cover a few of those things. To avoid defaulting on your debt or having your car repossessed, you'll either have to forgo electricity for your home, or you can simply collect the debt owed to you by your rich neighbors, all of which totals more than you would make in 10 years. Would you shut off your lights, or collect what you're owed and settle all of your debt?

Any politician who bemoans the national debt, whether they be American, Greek, Spanish or otherwise, is lying to you if they blame anyone but the richest 0.001% for the state's massive debt. Because the richest 0.001% have anywhere between $21 trillion and $32 trillion stashed in overseas bank accounts simply to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. It's a number that's simply beyond comprehension. Even if someone were to spend a million dollars a day since Jesus was born, they would have only spent $700 billion by today, just $0.7 trillion.

$32 trillion is a hell of a lot of money. In fact, it's more than double the United States' total accumulated debt. In fact, $32 trillion would be enough to settle both the debt of the United States and the European Union, combined. Visualized in cash, the amount of money stashed overseas by the 0.001% would be almost as high as the Statue of Liberty, and wider than two football fields. And thanks to the numerous loopholes, gimmicks and special deductions written into the tax code at the request of corporate lobbyists who have the ear of the chairmen of tax-writing committees worldwide, public debts and corporate profits are skyrocketing, while tax revenues and the standard of living for the other 99% of us is plummeting.

The Sundance 2012 documentary "We're Not Broke" (full disclosure: I'm in it) explains the numerous dodges that multinational corporations use to avoid taxation, like transfer- pricing, and gimmicks they're still pushing for to avoid even more tax, like repatriation, and territorial tax systems. Nicholas Shaxson's book "Treasure Islands" explains the history of tax dodging, going all the way back to the Vestey family's intricate financial ploys, and delves into the shady business of blind trusts. Through these underhanded means, the secret offshore economy is actually greater than the combined GDP of both the United States and Japanese economies combined. To illustrate further, the money hidden offshore by a tiny fraction of the global elite is worth more than what over 200,000,000 employed Americans and Japanese add to their economies.

Nations from the USA to Greece to Spain to Ireland are all hemorrhaging tax dollars by the billions every year into these offshore accounts. The money padding the pockets of the immensely rich could instead be used to insure that workers have a pension when they retire, that police officers and firefighters in Scranton, PA could be paid more than minimum wage, that public school students could have books in the classroom. Instead, these powerful corporations spend millions lobbying Congress to cut their taxes even more, which causes Congress to force austerity on the rest of us, which means the 99% has to make do with even less while the richest 0.001% makes off like bandits.

The richest 0.001% would probably argue that none of the tactics they use to dodge taxes are technically illegal, which is true. But something being legal doesn't make it morally right. Child labor was legal until people demanded it be stopped. The same could be said for apartheid, segregation, and slavery. All of these things were seen as lawful until enough people called for change.

Enough is enough. Let's demand a stop to all austerity policies until our leaders promise to end offshore tax abuse. And if they won't, let's elect leaders this November who will.

11-27-2012, 07:07 AM

The tax scam is far-reaching and beyond abhorrent.
But they get away with it. Why?
No Oversight.
No Oversight, no Democracy.

Learn to live with THAT.
Isn't it wonderful that money is so INVISIBLE?
It is to the very very rich...
There is a God.
Because there is too much intelligent design.
These fuckers will get what's coming to them. In this life or the day they die.

12-02-2012, 09:31 AM

12-11-2012, 08:47 AM
Steve Harper lit a menorah and wore a yarmulke with his wife Skeletor yesterday, to show solidarity with Israel once again.

Why can he wear a yarmulke with no qualms, yet when I offered him a toke on a joint to reconsider his stance on de-criminalization he recoiled in disgust? OK, I made that up. Nobody ever sees or meets Stephen Harper in person unless he has something to gain from it.

As Cypress Hill brilliantly said:


01-17-2013, 11:15 AM
SKELETOR, Stephen Harper's wife Laureen, has just sold every single piece of stock she owns.
EVERY SINGLE investment in the stock market she cashed in this week. Every single piece of stock.


Are you getting divorced Laureen? Or do you know something that the whole country doesn't know about the economy?

01-31-2013, 10:29 AM
The scandals just keep on coming from the Tory party. It's a landslide of scandals. I'm sick of typing sheer negative shit on my Government but IT MUST BE DONE. These Fucking Clowns are absolutely repellant.

Let's start with the cost of security for our dipshit Prime Minister while he was in India recently. It was in the ballpark of $2 MILLION. That's how much Harper billed us, the taxpayers, to be secure in India. He hired a C-130 Hercules to ship his Lexus' and God-Knows-What-Else- and he had full team of military personnel to rig all that shit up.
Foreign Affairs Queen John "Fatass" Baird said that when it comes to the Prime Ministers' security, they don't care about the cost. Why would they? It's not their money! Baird said they went to the experts. *SNICKER* The RCMP! Yeah- the same "experts" who didn't have any advice for me when I asked what to do to solve a murder in Ottawa. A killer is at large in Ottawa and I know who he is. And no one cares. Isn't that awesome? Thank the RCMP and the Federal government. They are abysmal. Sheer dogshit eaters.

$2 Million of taxpayers money wasted on shuttling a fucking GOOF around. Unbelievable. I would have no problem with that kind of cost if we had a human being for PM. But we don't. We have a Psychopathic Criminal. Did you know that Harper himself has shitloads of money in offshore accounts? I think if you knew just what exactly he has ripped off from the people of Canada you would shit your pants.

I just read in the paper today that Harper is planning all kinds of "commemorating" ceremonies soon: the anniversary of World War I, Sir John A. MacDonald's birthday, Harper's cat having a shit, John Baird's "Let's Be Queer" campaign, etc.. etc.. etc..ALL PAID FOR BY YOU, the TAXpayer.
Harper's like a kid in a candy store, emptying Canada's Treasury at Mach 19.
Did you know that Canada goes over a BILLION in debt each week?

We are inching toward our first TRILLION, and you have Harper to thank. A man with a Masters in Economics. Yeah. Drink it all in.

Chief Teresa Spence from Atawapiskat has been ridiculed by Tories, which is disgusting. Her reserve is a Third World Country and she staged a hunger strike to get something done from this Inert Fuckface Prime Minister. What happens? At the DEFCON 3 stage of her strike, an audit report on her reserve appeared!!!!!!!! FANCY THAT!!! When the company never did an audit at any time! They never looked at any books. They weren't even allowed ONTO the reserve! See how political Harper is?? He knows nothing else. And even if we humour them and say they DID an audit, you know what it reveals? It reveals that the money that the Federal government gave the Reserve did not require a paper trail. None was requested. None was required. Why? Did they know the money would be mishandled and so in turn the finger could be pointed at the Chief for mismanagement? She hasn't hid from anybody. She has been loud and clear on the dire situation on her reserve and IDLE NO MORE is the message. Canada is Rich as Fuck. Why does the Government ridicule a woman who is crying out for help and willing to die for it?
And I mean Ridicule: Loser Senator Patrick Brazeau said she was FATTER after her hunger strike. Wow. That's a nice thing for a Government Senator to say, isn't it? Remember Brazeau? The Street Fighting Goof who got his ASS handed to him by Justin Trudeau in a boxing ring?
Brazeau is also being investigated for claiming insane expenses when he lives in Gatineau Quebec- just across the river from Ottawa!
Another Tory said Chief Spence's manicure is more expensive than what his wife could afford. Some Tory MP made it into her teepee without annoucing who he was and all he noticed was her fucking nails and how nice they were. I mean, how fucking retarded are these Tories? What a fucking embarassing state of affairs. Not becoming of a Member of Parliament or what? WOW.

I want to behead the whole Conservative party. With one blow. One Samurai sword swing.
Harper just appointed another 5 fucking Senators to the Senate. A Senate that Canada doesn't have any reason for having. Kid in a candy store, I swear.
Gong Show.
All the Fucking Way.

02-01-2013, 01:52 PM
Re: Chief Spence and IDLE NO MORE:

I just read a fantastic article in NOW! that explains how Chief Spence really stuck it to Harper and how the Official Opposition now has something they can hold Harper to true account on. He was forced to ACT, because of her hunger strike. She shone a huge light on his Idleness. She actually re-shaped this Nation. We are all watching now how our Government handles and respects First Nations' issues.
If Harper drops the ball on this, the whole country is watching. Will his promises just be a big bag of hot lying air, like they usually are? Or was this a GIANT political wake-up for his dumb oily party? And make no mistake: Chief Spence got REAL POLITICAL here. Thank God she didn't die, because as that article pointed out, the depressing nature of that outcome would be too "Dark Ages" and too negatively ill-serving for everyone.

She stuck it to that stuffed pig. Everyone should be proud of her for giving this Nation a hard shake during these winter doldrummy days.
She was a refreshing shot in the arm for politics and national concerns. This is a Canadian issue, but remember, everybody thinks Canada is Rosy as Rosy can be- @#!*% No Son. We're not as Nice as we like to believe. Just look at Stephen Harper! ha ha. He's a guy who is not nice. Is Laureen not keeping up with her "duties", Steve? Just asking. I want my PM to be relaxed and ready to rock. LOL Harper largely just acts like he's always on the lookout for opponents making trouble and ready to do the dirty on 'em.

I will never relent on this sick evil man. I want him run out of my Capital on a RAIL.

02-06-2013, 08:33 AM
John Baird (Canada's Foreign Affairs Embarrassment) just did a nice piece of shuck and jive to media yesterday, a Hilarious and Grotesquely Hypocritical bit of shuck and jive:

He announced that the Canadian Government will pass legislation to crack down on businesses bribing China. (Yeah, THAT will be enforced, won't it?)
The Government itself bribes China!
Who the FUCK does Baird think he's fooling?

Take note, CANADA: Baird and Harper think we are idiots.
Hey John: I can't wait to see who is the first business that gets nailed with this new law. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT.
Let's see how you "ENFORCE" this new legislation. Your track record is shittier than your bedspread on this.
The Conservative government does not enforce ANY legislation whatsoever. They never have and they never will.
They Enforce NOTHING. ZERO. ZIP. Zilcherino, Mandingo.

So stop with this charade, Tories.
We see right through you.
Like cellophane.

02-07-2013, 07:48 AM
Finance Minister Jim "The Fleecer" Flaherty yesterday announced that the Canadian Government is focused on jobs and growth.
WHERE have we heard that broken record before? Hmm?
Jobs for who?
Newly Minted Senators?
Growth for who? Conservative Party friends and fiends?
There are no jobs for anyone else. At least not jobs with a future. Flaherty even had the steel cajones to say he was focused on jobs for youth and First Nations Indians!
WOW, he's an ambitious liar, isn't he?

Where's the PROOF, Jim?

Where the fuck is it? Your government has zero transparency. You are all shuck and jive. Harper has beaten a retreat back to his tried formula of "jobs and growth for all Canadians". What a fucking joke.
Jim also disclosed to the Nation that he has a rare skin disease.
Am I supposed to feel empathy for this fat cat FLEECER?
Allow me to get a wee bit NASTY: I hope you die of your skin disease Jim. It's called "Fucking Canadians Over-Itis".
It happens to scum who can't believe they've been found out.
Smear some Justice Cream all over your scaly fat cat body Jim. You won't be saved. Enjoy that Lake of Fire.
I'll be watching.

02-07-2013, 02:07 PM
Piece-of-shit Senator Patrick Brazeau has just been fired.
He was just kicked out of the Conservative caucus.
And NOT for phony expenses he's claimed or other misdeeds, but for DOMESTIC ASSAULT.
He was charged with battering his wife today.

Steve Harper sure can pick 'em.....

02-08-2013, 10:26 AM
Steve Harper said he was "appalled and saddened" by the news of Patrick Brazeau being arrested at his Gatineau home Thursday.

To be appalled? To be saddened?

Now you know how Real Canadians feel about your non-Leadership. Appalled and Saddened.
And in my case, sickened, disgusted, revolted, annoyed, and BIBLICALLY PISSED OFF at your Fuckitude and Incompetence.
You're Fired, Tories.
Not just Brazeau.
Every last 163rd one of you is a fucking disgrace.
Not one has done anything to show you care about Canada or Canadians.
Bring on 2015. NOW.

02-08-2013, 11:27 AM
Patrick Brazeau has been formally charged with rape and battery.
Yep. Sexual assault and physical assault.
As a poster wrote on the Huffington Post:
"Brazeau is the Native ANTI-Native that Harper put up on a pedestal.

Yes it sure does. VOLUMES and VOLUMES about how much Harper hates Natives- the TRUE Canadians if you wanna get technical.
The scandals just come forth in a torrent, and nothing happens unless someone is in handcuffs and charged, as I've said before, right here on this thread. So shine up some wrist bracelets for Harper. It's the only way that Fucktard will leave.

02-11-2013, 07:40 AM
Well, Patrick Brazeau has NOT been fired. He is now an "Independent" Senator, and he can still collect his $133,000 a year salary.

Isn't that just fucking AWESOME for us taxpayers?
A RAPIST and WIFE BEATER is still on the payroll. Harper only kicked him out of the Conservative caucus. HEY HARPER! You appointed this un-elected douchebag! He's Yours! What the fuck are you doing?
NDP MP Charlie Angus (My personal favorite MP- Charlie is a GREAT Canadian) has blasted the Tories in Question Period over getting taxpayers money back that Brazeau pilfered. Kicking him out of the caucus IS NOT FUCKING ENOUGH!

We want every fucking DIME back, Mr. Harper.....

And if you needed further proof of how much Harper is Anti-Canada, remember that book he's been writing on the game of hockey?

Hockey is Canada's game. And here we have a Prime Minister writing a book on our beloved game and he doesn't go with a Canadian publisher.
Who wants to read what he thinks about hockey anyway? I fucking don't.
The world is in crisis, and this Fuckhead has enough time on his hands to write a book while in office.

If you don't wake the fuck up Canada, you can stop calling yourself "Canada" and just refer to us as the Fifty-First State.

You had better vote these Conservative rapists and clowns OUT in 2015..........

02-11-2013, 07:53 AM
More Conservative Senators are being investigated for claiming insane housing expenses: MIKE DUFFY and PAMELA WALLIN.
Both have multiple homes in Canada: Duffy says his main home is in Prince Edward Island, when he lives year-round in Ottawa. So he claims more than $20,000 in expenses that he doesn't deserve. Just like Patrick Brazeau- a complete FRAUD. Wallin says her main home is in Saskatchewan, when she lives in Toronto.

What do these fleecers actually DO for Canada? I don't feel any bang for my buck.
What have you done for me Mike? Pamela?

Duffy is a Tub-Of-Lard asshole mouthpiece who fled twice through hotel kitchens to avoid answering reporters questions on his living expense claims.
Wallin said something about how her main home IS in Saskatchewan and she hasn't claimed any more than she's entitled to.
It's quite apparent (even to the average Joe) that these Senators think they are King and Queen Shits of Turd Island, Holier than Thou, and that they can just fleece us to the hilt. WHERE IS THAT ACCOUNTABILITY you trumpteted So Loudly, HARPER?

Where Oh Where the Fuck is it?
And can you explain what exactly Senators DO? Please? Can you make it clear what exactly is the "business" they attend to?
I have no clue what that is.
And neither do Canadians.


02-12-2013, 12:47 PM
Note to Official Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair:

You are AWESOME Sir. Keep up the fantastic work. The NDP are doing this country VERY PROUD.

(And keep me in mind for the Order of Canada someday after you win 24 Sussex Drive, will ya? :)

02-13-2013, 12:09 PM

Pamela Wallin, a Conservative Senator, isn't Conservative at all.
This bitch has claimed nearly half-a-million dollars in expenses in the last two years, auditor Deloitte & Touche has revealed today to CTV News.
Flights (FIRST-CLASS!) to Saskatchewan. Outrageous meal claims, limosines, housing claims, clothing claims, the whole gamut.

$330,000 alone in travel claims! How do you like this information, mr. and mrs.TAXPAYER?

I want her fucking HEAD.

02-14-2013, 07:43 AM
Harper is in massive damage control mode right now.
The media is ALL OVER Pamela Wallin's expense claims, and Steve is rushing to her defence.
But there is nothing to defend.
Wallin is a rich cunt who has got her rich snout in the taxpayers' trough, just like EVERY SINGLE TORY.

The cloak is off.
These are just Fleecers. Period. Full Stop.

Peter MacKay still has a job. Who knew? He's been lying REAL LOW these days. He's got a baby on the way. Great. Another fleecer will be born soon.
Dean del Mastro has also dropped off the radar. Wherefore Art Thou, Guido?
John Baird declared in the House yesterday that he is a zombie, and he won't apologize for it. He's PROUD OF IT. Yay.

I mean, how fucking SAD SACK is this lame-duck Tory government?
You can't even calculate it.

Chris Knipp
02-14-2013, 12:12 PM
What's it like being in a country that calls its right wingers Tories, Johann? Any better than calling them Republicans?

(Of course Lincoln was a Republican. Something happened. And then something else happened and now there is no difference.)

Another fleecer will be born soon.

That brought a smile. Not as funny for you though.

Just a note to say I'm perusing your comments in this section; I rarely have anything to say since we get not a tiny word about Canadian plitics down here, as you doubtless well know.

02-15-2013, 12:32 AM
No problem. You have no frame of reference for Canadian politics, so I apologize for that, but hopefully you get the gist of the situation.
It's pretty dire.
I mean, it has angered me for years to just watch this Hindenburg of a government destroy Canada.
I predicted it would happen on this website BEFORE Harper became Prime Minister.
My prophesies don't mean Jack, I guess. LOL

We still got 2 years of disasters and scandals to look forward to.
It seems like I've only got negative stuff to say about Tories.
I do.
What a stupid party slang name isn't it?- The Liberals are the "Grits"- even more stupid.
I have nothing positive to say about Harper or this Conservative government.
They have no clue how to manage the country. NO CLUE.
I don't either, but I could probably do a far better job.
The New Democrats are inching toward fulfilling Late Leader Jack Layton's goal of forming a Government.
I can't wait to vote in 2015.
If the Governor General had his druthers, he would keep an eye on Harper for Treason.

Chris Knipp
02-15-2013, 06:42 AM
I hope there there is a real difference between the two parties, unlike here. Otherwise you are well and truly screwed.

02-16-2013, 08:14 PM
There is a real difference between Liberals and Conservatives.
In Canada, both parties have formed Governments, and both parties have failed Canadians.

New Democrats will not let Candians down, they will not fail Canadians or their families.

Don't ever let them tell you it can't be done.

02-17-2013, 11:41 AM
Pamela Wallin is an unapologetic rich bitch. She's granted an "exclusive" media interview about her expense claim scandal and she is categorically unremorseful.

She also will not reveal if her health card was was issued in Saskatchewan, which is the number 1 proof of a person's permanent residence.
She won't reveal it because she lives year-round in Toronto and I'd bet the farm she has an Ontario health card.
Pam said she deserves her privacy.
*CHOKE* cough...sputter...
Say what, Pam?!?!
You need privacy?

She also will not reveal where she votes, another ironclad indicator of one's permanent residency.

Get every dime back, CANADA!

02-25-2013, 09:23 AM
Conservative Senator (and Fat Fucking Fleecer) Mike Duffy has announced that he will pay back in excess of $100,000 (+ interest) for claiming expenses on his cottage in PEI when he lives year-round in Ottawa.

He said he "mistakenly" claimed it and that he wants all of the kerfluffle to go away.

You sure did "mistakenly" claim it. You are a walking mistake, Mike.
Now why isn't he fired?
If you pulled that chickenshit in the private sector you would be shitcanned in no time at all.

02-26-2013, 10:27 AM

A nice post to add to this thread for a change:

Toronto has a new street name: JACK LAYTON WAY was unveiled this week by Jack's widow, NDP MP Olivia Chow.
Toronto was Jack's home riding (Danforth) and he more than deserves a street named after him.
I would blame Mayor Rob Ford for the delay, but I'm enjoying his run as Mayor of Toronto.
It's been INCREDIBLE to see how Rob has "run" things. And won every time.
Torontonians (the uppity, cultured sots) hate Ford's guts. Just because he's so normal and human.
I admit Ford isn't the brightest bulb, but he's LIGHT YEARS better than that garbage strike King David Miller.
The main thing I remember from the last time I lived in T.O is that fucking garbage strike and denied accreditation for TIFF.
The Times Have Changed.

Jack Layton has been honored by his city!

03-04-2013, 07:49 AM
Another nice post for this thread (do you notice the nice parts have nothing to do with Harper?)

A film has just been completed on Jack Layton and will be broadcast soon on Canadian TV.
Simply called "JACK", it will give a nice portrait of Jack, from his early days in politics to his marriage to Olivia Chow, to his triumphant victory as Official Opposition Leader in 2011, to his untimely death in August of that year.
Olivia was there on set to make sure things were as accurate as they can be.
I can't wait to see it. My friends in the States probably won't see it unless they have a satellite, but I'll let you know how well done it was.

Jack Layton was a Special politician. Not a mean bone in his body.

03-06-2013, 11:22 AM
Stephen Harper gave the world his two cents on the death of Hugo Chavez today, and it's not even worth repeating.

Harper doesn't give two flying fucks about Venezuela or Latin America. Only in terms of dollar signs.
I feel sad for the people in Venezuela. You lost a truly great man who Rose Up for his people.
I feel your grief.
I liked Chavez a lot. I love what he said recently:


03-14-2013, 08:55 AM
The recent death of Hugo Chavez has now turned into a conspiracy theory, that he was poisoned.

This alarmed me, because a close friend of mine told me that Jack Layton was poisoned as well, another political leader who had cancer.
Two men with cancer who represented threats to people in power who die suddenly of their "cancer".
Apparently cancer can be cured- they actually have one! Apparently they've had a cure for YEARS!

My friend who put forth this idea that Layton was poisoned said that Jack's last words to his wife Olivia were "Olivia, I think I've been poisoned".
If Jack Layton was murdered in the interests of Stephen Harper maintaining his false-Leadership.......HOLY FUCK. HOUSTON, we have MORE than a problem. We have sick cowardly fucks who will not hestitate to rub anyone out.

You wanna be paranoid? START NOW.
The cloak is off.
Evil is staring us right in the fucking face.

03-14-2013, 10:02 AM
The Liberal Leadership race is over. Marc Garneau has dropped out, saying it's mathematically impossible for him to beat Justin Trudeau.
The Liberals are the third party, and I don't give a shit whether they might win the next election or not.
The talk is about an "inevitable" Liberal/NDP merger that will be needed to defeat the Tories in 2015.
With the news that Jack Layton may have been poisoned, I think we have Pure Evil for a Government and will for a long fucking time.
Canadians don't care.
They are not interested, it seems, and they seem quite happy with a fucking slimeball criminal for PM.
They don't mind that he's in bed with shitheads and fleecers. They don't mind that he's sold Canada out to China in a LARGE WAY.
They just don't care.
So I don't either.

I don't see much more point in writing about Herr Harper anymore.
He's our insane Fuhrer, and Canadians love him to death.
What can you do?
You can say "Fuck It, Not Worth My Precious Time Anymore", and that's me. Today.

03-14-2013, 10:12 AM
So I guess this thread is over until I get information that means something.
Harper's non-Leadership is exactly the same as Nixon's circa 1973- in a holding pattern of criminality until the shit hits the fan.

Over 11,000 views..wow.
Thanks for reading it, even if I don't know you.
Hopefully you got something from it.

03-16-2013, 09:53 AM
No sooner than I say this thread is over and I get yet another scandalous tidbit:

Conservative MP Peter Penashue has resigned, given up his seat in Parliament.
This clown from Labrador has done ZERO since the 2011 election and has been hounded by the Official Opposition for 2 years on his illegal campaign donations.

The truth came out this week, and Penashue is guilty as sin.
A Conservative? A swindler? A Fleecer?

He resigned, saying he owes it to his constitutents to be accountable and he will run in a by-election.


first of all, the election was 2-years ago.
Penashue didn't do anything until he was found guilty this week.
Harper didn't fire him, didn't say boo, as far as I can tell.
Penashue was paid $155,000 a year with benefits and expense accounts with taxpayers money for 24 months and he was illegally sitting in his seat.
How many other Tory MP's are guilty as sin yet mum's the word?


Chris Knipp
04-01-2013, 12:16 PM
This op-ed piece in today's NY Times is the best description of the Tar Sands oil and Keystone XL pipeline issue and the whole situation re:petroleum industry in Canada at present and its grip on Canadian politics. This comes in the wake of the news of a tar sands leak in an Exon-Mobil pipeline in Arkansas right now that spewed out thousand of barrels of oil and caused many houses to be evacuated, oil right in their backyards.

Here's the link to the piece, but I'll reprint it below as well: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/01/opinion/the-tar-sands-disaster.html?ref=opinion&_r=0

The New York Times
Monday, March 31, 2013
The Tar Sands Disaster

IF President Obama blocks the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all, he’ll do Canada a favor.

Canada’s tar sands formations, landlocked in northern Alberta, are a giant reserve of carbon-saturated energy — a mixture of sand, clay and a viscous low-grade petroleum called bitumen. Pipelines are the best way to get this resource to market, but existing pipelines to the United States are almost full. So tar sands companies, and the Alberta and Canadian governments, are desperately searching for export routes via new pipelines.

Canadians don’t universally support construction of the pipeline. A poll by Nanos Research in February 2012 found that nearly 42 percent of Canadians were opposed. Many of us, in fact, want to see the tar sands industry wound down and eventually stopped, even though it pumps tens of billions of dollars annually into our economy.

The most obvious reason is that tar sands production is one of the world’s most environmentally damaging activities. It wrecks vast areas of boreal forest through surface mining and subsurface production. It sucks up huge quantities of water from local rivers, turns it into toxic waste and dumps the contaminated water into tailing ponds that now cover nearly 70 square miles.

Also, bitumen is junk energy. A joule, or unit of energy, invested in extracting and processing bitumen returns only four to six joules in the form of crude oil. In contrast, conventional oil production in North America returns about 15 joules. Because almost all of the input energy in tar sands production comes from fossil fuels, the process generates significantly more carbon dioxide than conventional oil production.

There is a less obvious but no less important reason many Canadians want the industry stopped: it is relentlessly twisting our society into something we don’t like. Canada is beginning to exhibit the economic and political characteristics of a petro-state.

Countries with huge reserves of valuable natural resources often suffer from economic imbalances and boom-bust cycles. They also tend to have low-innovation economies, because lucrative resource extraction makes them fat and happy, at least when resource prices are high.

Canada is true to type. When demand for tar sands energy was strong in recent years, investment in Alberta surged. But that demand also lifted the Canadian dollar, which hurt export-oriented manufacturing in Ontario, Canada’s industrial heartland. Then, as the export price of Canadian heavy crude softened in late 2012 and early 2013, the country’s economy stalled.

Canada’s record on technical innovation, except in resource extraction, is notoriously poor. Capital and talent flow to the tar sands, while investments in manufacturing productivity and high technology elsewhere languish.

But more alarming is the way the tar sands industry is undermining Canadian democracy. By suggesting that anyone who questions the industry is unpatriotic, tar sands interest groups have made the industry the third rail of Canadian politics.

The current Conservative government holds a large majority of seats in Parliament but was elected in 2011 with only 40 percent of the vote, because three other parties split the center and left vote. The Conservative base is Alberta, the province from which Prime Minister Stephen Harper and many of his allies hail. As a result, Alberta has extraordinary clout in federal politics, and tar sands influence reaches deep into the federal cabinet.

Both the cabinet and the Conservative parliamentary caucus are heavily populated by politicians who deny mainstream climate science. The Conservatives have slashed financing for climate science, closed facilities that do research on climate change, told federal government climate scientists not to speak publicly about their work without approval and tried, unsuccessfully, to portray the tar sands industry as environmentally benign.

The federal minister of natural resources, Joe Oliver, has attacked “environmental and other radical groups” working to stop tar sands exports. He has focused particular ire on groups getting money from outside Canada, implying that they’re acting as a fifth column for left-wing foreign interests. At a time of widespread federal budget cuts, the Conservatives have given Canada’s tax agency extra resources to audit registered charities. It’s widely assumed that environmental groups opposing the tar sands are a main target.

This coercive climate prevents Canadians from having an open conversation about the tar sands. Instead, our nation behaves like a gambler deep in the hole, repeatedly doubling down on our commitment to the industry.

President Obama rejected the pipeline last year but now must decide whether to approve a new proposal from TransCanada, the pipeline company. Saying no won’t stop tar sands development by itself, because producers are busy looking for other export routes — west across the Rockies to the Pacific Coast, east to Quebec, or south by rail to the United States. Each alternative faces political, technical or economic challenges as opponents fight to make the industry unviable.

Mr. Obama must do what’s best for America. But stopping Keystone XL would be a major step toward stopping large-scale environmental destruction, the distortion of Canada’s economy and the erosion of its democracy.

Thomas Homer-Dixon, who teaches global governance at the Balsillie School of International Affairs, is the author of "The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity and the Renewal of Civilization."

04-01-2013, 02:03 PM
Thanks for all that Chris.
The tarsands (and I use the word TAR with emphasis) are a major disaster.

What people need to remember the most is that Canada's Conservative government eliminated all accountability on the environment with last years' ominbus budget. They ripped up the Environmental Assessment Act, tore it to shreds.
Did you hear about the Canadian pipeline rupture this week? That's spilling oil into Alaskan waters right now?
And Canada is even giving lax entrance to our borders for immigrant workers who want to work cheap on our tarsands oil that needs to ship to China YESTERDAY. 4$ an hour? Come on over! You want a job? Badly? Come on up to Canada! Harper needs your cheap labor!
He'll make sure your *petty* foreign dreams are realized. He'll even wink and smile at you. (Until you walk away- then he'll cackle with The Fleecer that he's "running" things ricky tick.....LOL

These pipelines are being rushed and rammed through all over the world.
No one can stop it.
The economy trumps the environment.
And it always will.
Human greed trumps everything else. Sanity left the building a long time ago. There is no accountability.
It's just like a Toronto city cop told me: "There is no justice. There is a justice SYSTEM. In China you can get justice. A different kind of justice, but justice nonetheless. Not here in North America. Not Ever".

04-01-2013, 02:08 PM
And Joe Oliver, Harper's environment goof, is an absolute liar and shuck and jive Master.
I've watched him and listened to his King Hell Loon gibberish for years.
He has never made sense and he never will. He does what Harper tells him to do.
Joe Oliver has never had an original thought.

Chris Knipp
04-01-2013, 03:20 PM
I heard about the pipeline spill in Arkansas today, I don't think I knew about the Alaska one, though it's all getting to be a blur.

What does that mean about justice in China but not Canada? Isn't that a bit extravagant? Anyway I don't get it.

These pipelines are being rushed and rammed through all over the world.
No one can stop it.
The economy trumps the environment.
And it always will.
Human greed trumps everything else. Sanity left the building a long time ago. There is no accountability.

This is true, but we can expose it and oppose it, like Bill McKibbon and his 360 people. I reviewed his THE END OF NATURE in 1989. That was the year my friend Zoray Andrus and my father died. It seems it was the year Nature died too.

Chris Knipp
04-02-2013, 12:31 PM
If Obama turns around again and okays the Keystone XL Pipeline, his minuses will once and for all outweigh his pluses. I know he has done some good things, but he's also ridden the corporate global dominance train too much of the time. Rumor has it though that some good shifts are taking place in the Congress.

I can't find anything about a Canada tar sands spill -- on US Google. But the Arkansas event is good for the anti TXL movement.

04-03-2013, 10:09 AM
Profound about your father and friend passing. You have my sincere sympathies.

You're absolutely correct about Obama.
The environment is not something to trifle with. You saw what happened in Arkansas this week- that is what you get when these pipelines are rammed through. RUPTURES.
Spills that make that evil shit flow right into your backyard. You have to evacuate. What a nice surprise to have one morning, huh?
You wake up and your whole house may be ruined.With no one accepting responsibilty. Oh you may get lip service, but that's all it is.

Where's the caveat that if a pipeline ruptures and lives are destroyed, the company responsible will compensate you three times the loss?

That's a law the Feds could look into with the people's interests in mind, no?

04-03-2013, 10:27 AM
re: justice in China

The cop who said that to me was Chinese, and I don't exactly know what kind of justice he was referring to, but he was DEAD SERIOUS when he said it and I believed him. We just had a case of a Toronto city cop killed by a guy with a stolen snowplow end with the guiilty man being deemed not criminally responsible (the assholes name is Richard Kachkar) by reason he was psyhotic at the time of the crime.

Well, during the very recent trial, he was sane, sober, and "felt terrible" about what he'd done.

Aw, let's weep for a man who was psychotic for a day, killing a city cop by clipping him in the head with the plow, a cop with a young wife and a young son, a son who wonders if the man who killed his daddy is gonna come for him next.
His wife made a media statement after the verdcict, saying her husband deserved way better than this, and that there is no closure, no justice, no end.
City Police officers can't even get Justice, boys and girls. NEVER FORGET IT.
Piece-of-Shit Kachkar is being sent to a mental facility where he can be assesed. No jail time. No manslaughter charge even stuck.

Yay Yay Yay.

Chris Knipp
04-03-2013, 11:48 AM
I can only repeat that KXL is a crucial issue for Obama. But so are the drone killings. He's proven just a bit too in the open about his ordering executions of American citizens without trial. He is stealthier than Bush (whose open belligerence may seem refreshing by contrast) but the drone attacks have proven not to be as stealthy as maybe was planned. Obama is hard to figure out. He has done some good things that Bush could or would not have done, but some analysts make it look like he has done more to crush democracy in America than Bush II did. His actions on Guantanamo and foreign prisons and rendition don't seem to make much difference.

04-03-2013, 08:29 PM
Yes. Obama is a stealthy mofo.

He's been using stealth to his advantage for a while now and I'm not sure it is a good thing.
I do not like overt stealth in any Leader unless he is doing serious good, unless we see some results that justify that kind of deception.
I'm not entirely sure what he's doing. I'm in his corner, but the hairs are standing up, one by one...

I have to agree with you Chris. There is something about Obama that has zero to do with "hope and change".
And his Admin isn't very forthcoming with details.
With Bush you could sniff out the general gist, as he was belligerent.
Obama is playing us, but to what end I have no clue. I happen to think he's a decent man, but that could change in a heartbeat.

Should I wait it out? Wait it out for his Major slip-up? Will he let the world down somehow?
I HOPE he's got his bases covered...

Chris Knipp
04-03-2013, 08:37 PM
Interesting today on Democracy Now show an expert on the gun issue said Obama's much applauded State of the Union bit about how all the victims families "deserve a vote" was just a way of saying it would get a pro forma consideration and then be passed over. If so, how cynical can you possibly get? Anyway he is already letting the world down in major ways, and it has taken over four years for some of his supporters to realize it, though the disillusion set in pretty quick. How great it was, on the first election night, though! The delight, the joy of black people! So sad.

04-03-2013, 08:42 PM

Obama knows the whole game now, after 5 years in office. So his chess moves are now a result of knowing what he can and cannot get done. I'm actually quite sure he even knows what he will do every single day until the next U.S. election.

That sound about right?

Chris Knipp
04-04-2013, 12:08 AM
He is calculating, and he knows much better what he is doing that at the outset. I think you give him a little too much credit though, especially in view of his inability to put together a team that is the best possible, and his inability to get some of his major appointments through easily due to the opposition's focusing on nothing more than blocking his every move. How are you going to know where you will go if they're people out there to stop you every time?

04-04-2013, 02:33 AM
I hear you.
Like I said, he knows the game now.
He's gonna do what he's gonna do.
Let's see if he slips up in a way that destroys everything he's stood for.
He's ripe.
But I think it's all calculated, if only for the next election.
Which means we don't have much.
The supposed "best man" isn't the best man.
Who do we look to after Obama? Yikes.

Disillusionment shouldn't be this sad.
There's gotta be more meat on the bone....

Chris Knipp
04-04-2013, 11:12 AM
After Obama the deluge? But we always think that way. American politics ain't a very pleasant subject nowadays. Some things are good of course. We have good medical treatment if we can pay for it. Everybody has a TV and a cell phone. Poor people carry smart phones, that's for sure. And they shop, even if the carts full of goods they take away are from the Dollar Tree Store. But young people even with a decent education have a hard time finding a job. People work harder than their parents did, longer hours, for relatively less money, and less vacation time. Those few politicians who have good intentions can't accomplish much in Washington because of a Republican party shifted far to the right and dedicated to obstruction and obfuscation. Lobbyists have a power and a wealth to wield it they never had in the past. Education is in a parlous state. The infrastructure has just beren given a rating of D+ by experts. America sees far more gun violence than countries in Europe, and Canada, India and Australia, and in the individual sates there is much opposition to combating that. THe NRA, the gun lobby, is more powerful than the public and the gun industry itself.

This is America, a country in a state of perpetual war, openly dedicated to the value of torture, rendition, targeted assassinations and indefinite detention. Into this political world post Bush and post 9/11, how can you expect a "good" president?

The flaw in your latest statement is: "Let's see if he slips up in a way that destroys everything he's stood for," because he has never really stood for anything. What did he campaign on? What solid thing? There is nothing. He stood for nothing. He offerred nothing.

1. "Yes We Can"
2. “Change” versus “More of the Same”
3. "Vote for Change"
4. "Change We Can Believe In"
5. "Our Time for Change"
6. "It's about Time. It's about Change"
7. "Stand for Change"
8. "Organize for Change"
9. “We are the change we’ve been looking for. Change can’t happen without you.”
10. "I’m asking you to believe. Not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington . I'm asking you to believe in yours."

04-05-2013, 02:03 PM
Your post is sobering.

I haven't been following Obama as you have.
My head has been lasered in on Canada's BUSH, and how much of a Delusional Criminal he is.

Politics is still a Vipers nest, full of disappointments.

Chris Knipp
04-05-2013, 05:42 PM
You have your hands full up there.

Besides it's hard to follow Obama. He's a slippery customer. Aren't they all?

04-06-2013, 10:18 AM
They are.

I'm taking full credit for Justin Trudeau being the new Leader of the Liberal party.
I said it many moons ago that they should start grooming him, and they did just that.
Trudeau is now Leader, and he's accusing Tom Mulcair of the same divisive politics that Harper is a master at.
It's a bunch of @#!*% . Mulcair is smarter than Trudeau, and Trudeau knows it.
The election is on NOW.
Every party is in election mode, and it's 2 years away, that's how intense this situation is in Ottawa.

I have grave fears that Harper's elite buddies will rub Mulcair OR Trudeau out within six months of either man winning the election.
I suspect that they will kill any opponent that gets in their way.
Our voting system has been compromised, Elections Canada is almost powerless, and the people are so ignorant and uninterested in who leads the country that Canada is truly @#!*% . We were a Banana Republic in 2006 when Harper won, and we remain a Banana Republic in 2013.
I'm not crying foul. I'm Raging @#!*% ANGRY.
Change our flag's colors to yellow and change that maple leaf to a @#!*% Chiquita Banana.

Anybody wanna debate me?
I've been ready for you for a long time.
Sign up and let me UNLOAD.

Chris Knipp
04-06-2013, 11:00 AM
That sounds depressing. Let's hope Canadians will wake up and get involved.

04-06-2013, 11:17 AM
It is.
It's profoundly depressing.

We have another problem: almost every single ethnic group here in Canada (especially new arrivals) will vote for whoever is currently in power.
They are a Major hinderance to our democracy. They do not take the time to understand our political parties. Not all of them, mind you, but the lions share of them don't. They are even more ignorant of politics than your average Canadian.
They vote, as they feel priviledged to do so, and that's great. But they vote for who is in power because they think Canada is Beautiful and almost a Utopia compared to wherever they came from. Whoever is in power MUST BE the ones Canadians truly want! Right?

And to head you off at the pass, I'm not racist. If I was, I would never be able to live in a city like Toronto, which is the most multi-racial, multi-cultural, Avenue-of-Nations city on Earth.
If I was racist my head would explode at all of the "foreigners" sucking up space. LOL
I love the culture here. LOVE IT. I love exotic foods and exotic foreign ladies and foreign films. So label me a racist and I LAUGH AT YOU.

I'm just pointing out that there is a big problem with our landed foreign friends who are aiming to be Canadian Citizens.
They split the vote worse than any political party...

Chris Knipp
04-06-2013, 11:37 AM
That has to change in time. Latino voters in the US have a very different effect. They do not vote for right-wingers. But in other ways from what you say I fear that a political contagion is spreading from the US up to Canada of cynicism and corporate toadying in politics.

04-06-2013, 03:58 PM
Exactly. Lobbying is worse here than in the U.S. I admire those Latino voters. That is the model for ethnic groups expressing a vote. UNITY

Chris Knipp
04-06-2013, 06:56 PM
The people can do it. It depends on popular action. That's how things happen.

04-08-2013, 10:30 AM
Disgraced Conservative MP Peter Penashue is running in a by-election that Harper has just called for May to "legitimately" win his seat in Parliament.
As far as I'm concerned, he has to pay back every dime the taxpayers gave him in salary and perks until he was found guilty of illegal campaign fund solicitation and acceptance. He has paid back in excess of $40,000, but who gives a shit?
He should be disqualified from ever running in an election again.

Guess what I'll prophesize?

That he will win his fucking seat in the By-Election.
Why? How?
Harper is a Delusional Criminal.
He will buy Penashue's victory "correctly" this time.
The Newfie voters can vote for the Easter Bunny. No one except a Tory will win.

04-12-2013, 11:17 AM
Tory Scandal Radar is going berserk again....

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird just committed a serious sin and has just proven for all-time how unqualified he is for the job.
He met with Israeli officials this week and pissed off every single Palestinian by meeting with those officials in an off-limits part of the country.
What did Baird say in response?
"I will not get into semantics over meeting someone on which-side-of-the street"


Semantics? Time for another file, JOHN. You have no idea what you are doing. And if you do, you don't care.
That is Dangerous and Wrong for Canada. Give Baird another file- this time something a little less prominent and far less damaging to Canada's reputation. Which is in tatters anyway...we have a massive Tory Oil Spill to clean up KIDS....

And remember that Robo-Call scandal? That scandal that won Harper the election in 2011? (among other things?)

Well, "Pierre Poutine" (a/k/a Michael Sona- 23 year old Tory campaign staffer) has been formally charged with wilfully directing voters to another polling station. He has been traced to the cell-phone fraud and we'll see what happens now. Will he take one for the team? Or will he sing like a bird about who ordered him to make those voter suppression calls.
Why doesn't the Harper government pass legislation that makes robocalls illegal?

Why would they pass legislation like that? No way! It helps them maintain corrupt control, dummy!

Also, remember: it's all about money. Not who's in power. It's about who's funding them.
"The Voter" is irrelevant.
Harper is well-funded.
Good luck unseating him.
Canada is a sad banana republic at the moment, and nobody has balls to fix it.
Sorry to ratchet up the depressing state of affairs, but it's Harper himself who ratchets it up every single day, like a Psychopath.
I just give it to you.

Chris Knipp
04-12-2013, 01:19 PM
I can't keep up on this, but thanks for all the information.

Banana republic? What about the free health care system? That is a huge advantage over the US. Obviously the country's medical system is not controlled by private health insurance conglomerates they way it is down here.

04-16-2013, 09:25 AM
Health care isn't quite free here. You pay by waiting for hours and hours to get seen.
We're still a banana republic, regardless of the health care.
I don't care if I'm offending anyone on this. Our Corrupt, Criminal, Illegitimate Tory government has turned this fine Nation into a banana republic.
All free health care means to me is that I don't have to get sick. And I haven't had any ailments in 38 years (knock on wood).
I haven't been to a doctor since I was released from the military.
Free health care is just insurance to not get sick, that's all.

Peter MacKay (CORMORANT PETE!) has just announced that Canada will buy more submarines. What, to augment our current fleet of 2? LOL

Justin Trudeau is now officially the Liberal Leader and Harper welcomed him to Parliament with several vicious attack ads, saying he's not qualified to be PM.

OH THE IRONY....................

04-16-2013, 11:57 AM
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is likable, and he definitely poses a threat to Harper and NDP Leader Mulcair.
Personally, I think Trudeau is in it for himself.
He's more qualified to be PM than Harper, that's for damn sure. Trudeau has been on Parliament Hill since he was a tot.
He could be the best PM we've ever had, that's how much potential he has.

But I happen to believe with all my heart and soul that Thomas Mulcair and the NDP will provide public administration that is unmatched.
And not only that, but Mulcair, once he's in 24 Sussex Drive, will prosecute Harper and any Tory who has done anything treasonous or in the name of corruption. And only a new Prime Minister will be able to ferret that out. Only Mulcair would prosecute to the fullest extent of the Law. Trudeau would let it slide.

Here's another horrible fact about Harper:

You know all those prisons he's building?
He built them for his WIFE.
For saving his political career.
Laureen owns a company that makes meals for prisons.

04-16-2013, 12:24 PM
I just read that Harper is very close to having a backbencher Mutiny on his hands.

Several backbench Tory MP's are extremely upset at being muzzled by Harper. They are not allowed to put forward ANYTHING unless it meets Herr Steve's approval, and apparently, nothing ever meets his approval.
And they've had enough of it.

Here's an idea Tory backbenchers:

What a statement that would be!
What a BEAUTIFUL statement that would be!

What would Harper do?
He would shit his oily pants!

04-19-2013, 09:24 AM
I will vote NDP for the rest of my life, but Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau said something I agree with 1000%:
Canadians want to be LED, not RULED.
Amen to that Justin!

We would like some LEADERSHIP. Sometime this decade please. If only we can remove the Criminal PM we have now.
I can't believe Harper dropped everything he was doing this week to go to Maggie Thatcher's funeral.
Actually I can. Thatcher would be a HERO to Harper. A Conservative who Ruled with an Iron Fist...and had no testicles.
Harper loves her.
England is still feeling the repercussions of her Reaganomics Rule.
Wasn't Reaganomics awesome? LOL
Thatcher told Rotten Ronnie that she would stick by him till the end of the world.
Ronnie said he would organize it.

Glad both of those cretinous "heads of state" are fucking GONZO.
But I'm not glad my tax dollars pay for Harper to go to Thatcher's funeral. You didn't ask my permission Steve.
Don't you have more important things to do? Thatcher died in 1992 anyway, as far as I'm concerned. LOL

More proof that Harper is an out-to-lunch IDIOT:
When Trudeau was asked on TV about the recent Boston bombings, he said that we should look at the root causes of such a thing, because obviously the one(s) who did this were marginalized in some way and felt they had to do something horrible to get their anger out.

Harper went berzerko, saying that the State should NEVER look at the root causes, that we should just condemn it outright.

This is coming from a man who could BE the root cause of such an act.
Government policies create angry citizens sometimes. WAKE UP HARPER! You are a perfect example of a ROOT CAUSE.

Chris Knipp
04-19-2013, 09:59 AM
Thatcher and Reagan together did decisive damage to our democracies, though here general shared prosperity began seriously eroding, I understand now, in the 1970's. Both are virtually canonized.

04-19-2013, 10:03 AM
Amazing, isn't it?
"Don't Tax The Rich" earned them Sainthood.

I want to PUKE.

Chris Knipp
04-19-2013, 10:22 AM
They were both decisive in crushing labor. For Thatcher the miners' strike was her big milestone in that area and Reagan's was destroying the air traffic controllers' union.

04-19-2013, 10:26 AM
I forgot to mention a MASSIVE scandal here in Canada that was a direct result of Harper's government.

This is a government that says it wants to create jobs. But they left out the part that they want to create jobs for ANYONE BUT CANADIANS.
Here's Why:

The Royal Bank of Canada is now known as the Worst Bank in Canada, and all because they fired long-time Canadians who worked for them and replaced them wholesale with workers from India.
Yep, you read that right.
Not only did they fire these Canadians, they had those very Canucks TRAIN their replacements, without knowing that their jobs were on the chopping block. Next thing they know, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai has their job and they have nothing but a pink slip.

Did the shit hit the fan? Yes it sure did.
The Royal Bank found themselves in a boiler, and they put out full-page ads in all newspapers across the country "apologizing" for what they had done. Canadians were justifiably outraged and still are. I heard that they have hired back some of the workers who were canned, but the damage is done.

The reason Royal Bank did this is because of the new rules for workers entering Canada that was passed by Harper's pathetic government.
Never forget it.

These are slimy sacks of corporate shit. Harper is pure SLIME.
If his party survives the next election.......I'm moving to Siberia.

05-06-2013, 12:50 PM
Those Tory Trudeau attack ads are on every fifteen seconds these days. It sickening.
It shows Trudeau stripping off his shirt while a shithead voice says "Justin Trudeau has a famous last name, but is he qualified to be Prime Minister?"

Trudeau was stripping his shirt off to raise money for cancer patients. They don't tell you that in the ad.
So yes, Tories will smear you even when you are doing something in the name of cancer patients.
They must really think Canadians are dumb.

We'll see come election time.
Harper is finished.
I think people are really fed up with him.
Even Die-Hard Conservatives are murmuring that they will sit on their hands in the next election.

05-16-2013, 12:30 PM
GIANT scandal right now:

Harper's right-hand man, Chief-Of-Staff Nigel Wright paid off Conservative Senator Mike Duffy's debt (over-payments for housing claims) in complete secret.
$90,000. One cheque. Off Wright's own personal bank account.
How's that for crime and corruption? Wow that's some serious "gift" he gave Duffy there.
90 Grand. That's a lotta bread. Harper spokemen say that Duffy couldn't re-pay the money "in a timely fashion", so they paid it for him.


Disgraced Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau is fighting the order he has to pay back almost 50 Grand, and another Senator (Tory of course) also has to pay back the money they illegally claimed. Why does Duffy get such preferential treatment?
Is it because he's a "journalist" who could bury the Tories?
What the FUCK is going on?
Ethics violations abound with the Harper Gang of Goofs.
It never fucking ends.
Enough is Enough.
Kick these frauds OUT!

Chris Knipp
05-16-2013, 12:53 PM
If this stuff is available in newspaper articles available online?

It would be nice to have links to some of them so we can read up on the background of your more juicy items, Johann.

05-16-2013, 02:12 PM
I'll see what I can dredge.

This is a MAJOR scandal, and it is the top news item on all of the news networks today.
Another major scandal that received massive press was the Harper government sending letters to soldiers who served in Afghanistan telling them that they had to re-pay $1500 in combat pay, DEMANDING that it be paid back, actually.
Defence Minister Peter Mackay made a quick about-face, saying that the government "has nothing but respect for our men and women in uniform", and that they will not demand the troops to pay back such a paltry sum for putting their lives on the line.

I mean, this is absolutely shocking and sickening, what this disgraceful, CRIMINAL government has wrought.

The soldiers' "debt" is one thing that really irked a lot of Conservative supporters- to the point that some of them say they will sit out the next election.

And Peter Penashue has lost his seat in Labrador in the by-election.
It went to a Liberal. A sign of things to come?
I was wrong, and happily.

Chris Knipp
05-16-2013, 05:06 PM
Huffington Post has something recent, b ut that turns out to be from The Walrus, a less-known publication no doubt. Huffington is sort of an aggragator.


05-20-2013, 03:08 PM
Tomorrow I will be posting about this Titanic scandal in great detail, a scandal which stands to crush the Tories under their own criminal hubris.

Mike Duffy, the fat fucking scumbag at the centre of this horrific mess, has resigned from the Conservative party, as of last Thursday. The next day, fat Conservative Cunt Pamela Wallin also resigned from the Tories. Right smack dab in the middle of an audit of her rape of the taxpayers.

But the real Beaut of these resignations is Harper's Chief of Staff Nigel Wright, who quit yesterday, saying that he is solely responsible for the debacle. That's GREAT that you quit, Nigel, but guess what FUCKFACE?
we want fucking answers. NOW.

i AM GONNA UNLOAD tomorrow.....stay tuned.
This shit is unbelievable. That Harper knew NOTHING of a cheque being (politically) cut by his right-hand-man to sweep this crime and corruption under the rug makes me want to rip Harper's throat out. He knew. He fucking Knew.
No one is buying it.
Not even his dipshit supporters.

Chris Knipp
05-20-2013, 03:40 PM
How lucky you are. If only a huge scandal would destroy the Republicans in Congress. . . and then the most entrenched Democrats. But instead it's Obama who's got a scandal to deal with, from his penchant for invading everybody's privacy and locking up whistle blowers and throwing away the key.

See below.

05-22-2013, 12:59 PM
it's Obama who's got a scandal to deal with

Yes indeed. He's got a few to deal with. Obama is a sham. I am very saddened to say that, but you can't get around it anymore.
The man is a charlatan and always was. Painful to admit it, but hey, the world sucks, don't it?
What he has done is Nixonian, and that is the LAST man you want to be compared to.

Now onto the GIANT debacle that is Duffy-Gate:

Steve Harper has shown no Leadership on this. He will not take a single question on the Senate scandal for fear of being caught in a lie, which is what he has done from day one to Canadians: NOTHING BUT LIE.

He's taking a page from Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, who is also in a scandal (he smoked CRACK?!?!!?on VIDEO??)- Harper is silent.
No questions from anyone.
He allowed reporters into his caucus meeting Tuesday (for 5 minutes-what a joke) and would not take a single question on the $90,000 cheque, Mike Duffy, Conservative Senators resigning or his role in the whole matter. In fact he mentioned nothing except that he would "tighten Senate rules", that "no government is perfect" and that he is "very upset" (even though he smirked when reporters bombarded him with irate questions until they were escorted out of the caucus meeting).
I mean, this stinks to high heaven.
And Harper rushed off to Peru for a trade mission with South America on Tues. afternoon.
CBC reporter Terry Milewski (a great man) was on that flight, and Harper still wouldn't answer a single fucking question.
He left his pathetic MP's to answer questions in Question Period and John Baird was visibly at a loss for the situation.
It was HIS buddy Mike Duffy who campaigned for him on the taxpayer dime while he claimed per diems during the last election- per diems that racked up into the thousands, per diems that he claimed was "SENATE BUSINESS" when it was nothing of the sort.
My blood is boiling. Can you tell?

Duffy is being investigated by Elections Canada for violating the Law, and so is Nigel Wright, who has also remained silent. Duffy is tight-lipped too. The audit of his housing claims was halted after he "paid back" the money, mysteriously. It was a whitewash. They tried to sweep this criminal activity under the carpet, and they got caught. I would sure like to know who let it slip that this secret check was cut....

in 2005 Harper gave a speech saying "If you bend the Rules, you will be Punished. If you break the Rules, you will go to Prison".
Well, that turns out to be a complete LIE, because those Senators are now INDEPENDENT Senators, they still collect their $155,000 a year salary. No one can kick them out. They were not elected- they were appointed by the PM. Why hasn't Harper had them REMOVED PERMANENTLY?
So many questions here. Nothing passes the smell test.

Harper has thrown his Chief of Staff under the bus, but it doesn't matter- Nigel made his multi-millions. He will not suffer.
Will he go to jail? Who knows. Will Duffy? Who knows. Will HARPER? No.

My man Charlie Angus has been awesome lately- he has requested the RCMP to investigate this as a crime and that elections laws were broken.

The Conservatives are once again in Contempt of Parliament. And this one they will not get away with.
Where is the Governor General?
Why didn't he tell Harper to halt his trade trip to Peru?
Why doesn't he tell Harper to give the Canadian people answers?
Why hasn't Harper (or anyone else in the Tories) APOLOGIZED???????????
Not even an APOLOGY from these sacks of shit.

This week has been rough for me.
My Mayor is a crackhead, My government is corrupt as FUCK and doesn't even apologize, and a founding member of my favorite band has died.

I'll post again later when I'm not so depressed.

05-22-2013, 01:16 PM
Another scandal (I can't fucking KEEP UP anymore!):

3.1 BILLION DOLLARS that was supposed to go for security measures has vanished from the Treasury.
The Tories have misplaced 3.1 BILLION.

I'll say that again in case you didn't hear me:
The Tories have misplaced 3.1 BILLION DOLLARS.
They have no answers on where it went and no one to point the finger at.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?
Or is this Canada?

Chris Knipp
05-22-2013, 01:41 PM
What he has done is Nixonian, and that is the LAST man you want to be compared to.

I was watching a Noam Chomsky interview on the topic of Obama and he said now Nixon is our most liberal president in recent times. It has all moved steadily to the right.

It was Bill Clinton who signed off on "extraordinary rendition" and the draconian "three strikes" sentencing mandate and killed welfare, ending the US social safety net.

05-22-2013, 01:45 PM
Harper is going to adjourn Parliament early for the summer break, to "Help People Forget That This Scandal Ever Happened".

It's part of his Economic Action Plan, which was just approved for $100 million more of taxpayers dollars being spent on those pathetic ads.
He's also buying advertising ads for grants that haven't even been discussed in the House of Commons!!!!!!





05-28-2013, 01:08 PM
Harper is back in Canada finally, after ducking his MONSTROUS scandals in South America.
He is expected in Question Period today, even though he never answers questions.
The Tories NEVER answer anything in Question Period.
Oh they speak, but they don't answer a damn thing.

He says he wasn't aware of any "deal" with Mike Duffy, but that is a titanic lie.
Nigel Wright said he discussed "the means" of paying Duffy's fraudulent housing expense claims with Harper, so we need the truth on this ASAP.
This scandal is so bad (the worst heat Harper has had on him since taking power) that his chances of winning the next election are NIL.
Polls taken last week show that if an election were held tomorrow, Justin Trudeau would win a MAJORITY.
Why not call an election now, Harper? LOL
Would you believe a class of grade 5 students ordered Harper to stop making mean attack ads against Trudeau?
The Kids Are Alright!
It looks like this country still won't give the NDP a chance. People still think in terms of Red and Blue in Canada.
They would rather vote back in scandal-ridden Liberals over a brand-new NDP government.

Harper has looked haggard lately. He looks tired and I think he feels the walls closing in.
His party are abysmal managers, corrupt as hell, and it's catching up to them.
Conservative MP Eve Adams made the most ridiculous statement ever by an MP. She said that Harper's own personal ethics are beyond reproach.
Somebody slap her.
People that dumb shouldn't be allowed to run in elections.
Tory toe-sucking goofs. Harper could rape a child and they'd say he was "beyond reproach".
It's so hilarious it's tragic.

06-04-2013, 09:03 AM
Well, we've had more explosive info on the Duffy Senate spending scandal: multiple e-mails from Duffy showing that he wanted to be appointed a "Min without a portfolio" (minister with no job?? OK....) so he can get a car, perks, "more resources" and a staff.
He even asked if he should have a "One on One with Stephen"- he was on a first-name buddy-buddy basis with Harper!
It was categorically CLEAR that Duffy was out to see how much money he could pocket out of his "gigs" raising money for the Tories.
Tories haved denied paying Duffy anything. Yeah. I believe that. (NOT.)

When Tom Mulcair asked Harper in Question Period last week about knowing about Duffy's financial troubles in February, guess what Harper answered?

Mr. Speaker, I do not understand the question.

Parliament will adjourn for the summer this week.
Lucky for Harper, huh?
Will it fall off the radar like every other scandal?
This is a Banana Republic with no accountabilty.
Read it and weep.

06-11-2013, 10:01 AM
NOT FUCKING GOOD ENOUGH, BITCH. The Conservative party is imploding at mach 6.

A Conservative backbencher MP from Edmonton Alberta has quit the caucus in disgust. He actually said: "WE (the Tories) have morphed into what we once mocked." Amen on that one.
The Conservatives mocked the Liberals for eons for their "indescretions" and "scandals", but Holy Christ has the Tory party now embodied that Evil Government Vibe in a way that nobody anticipated.

Peter MacKay, (CORMORANT PETE!), our sad-sack piece-of-shit clown Defence Minister, is back in the headlines after it was uncovered that he signed off on a spy bill to spy on Canadians' e-mails and phone records in 2011- right after the Tories won a Majority Government.
Funny how this comes to light when the USA is embroiled in it's own spy scandal (THANKS OBAMA! YOU FUCKING CHARLATAN!!!!!!).

I mean, you cannot make this shit up. The former NSA/CIA kid who whistleblew this GIGANTIC scandal is a Hero to me.
He's gonna pay the piper big time, but guess what? He has shown THE WORLD how governments feel they have to illegally operate in this "uncertain world". What a fucking joke. Stomping on Civil Liberties is not an Option, you fucking Idiots!!!!!!

If the Government gave us a heads up, maybe we could get behind it. But no, they had to hoodwink us, do it in the shadows, and now they look like the charlatan frauds they are. Cry me a River. I'm so sick of it all.

Pamela Wallin, the profoundly disgraced Conservative Senator, has quit her post as a member of the board of a Bay Street Toronto firm for rich clowns after it was revealed that she listed her permanent home as TORONTO on their files. As a sitting (former) Tory Senator from SASKATCHEWAN, that makes her look like the GIANT taxpayer rapist she is, and she quit, like the true COWARD she always was.
Canadians are beside themselves in disgust.
People say she wasn't at fault- it was the Prime Minister! HE WAS THE ONE WHO APPOINTED HER!, but guess what kids?
She's no idiot. No spring chicken. She fleeced the taxpayers to an obscene tune. And everyone thinks it's OK. For some reason that eludes me.
Mike Duffy and Pam Wallin should do some jail time for this fraud.
Harper said you will go to jail if you break the rules, but so far, all that means is you get to collect your salary and sit as an Independent Senator.

Harper has denied he knew anything about the $90, 000 cheque cut by Nigel Wright. Cut from his own Chief-of Staff's account.
Somebody has to explain that one to me. And it's been three weeks since this scandal broke.
We still haven't seen a copy of that check that Nigel wrote to confirm where it came from, and under what circumstances.
We learned last week that the Prime Minister's Office runs a SECRET SLUSH/TRUST FUND for partisan purposes and that there is ZERO oversight on it.


When. Will. This. Sick. Madness. END???????

Elections Canada concluded their investigation into the RoboCall scandal from the 2011 election, and they found every single Federal party guilty of doing it.
But the Tories were fined the largest fine.- a quarter of a million dollars. They said that electoral fraud happened, but the extent of which could not be PRECISELY determined-- not enough to overturn the election results.
So the Chief Electoral Officer demanded that Laws be passed BEFORE 2014 to make robocalls illegal.
We'll see if Harper's government acts.
Don't hold you breath.

Parliament has broken for the summer. Harper is hoping his party's implosion can be salvaged by September.
You've blown it all to Kingdom Come with your Non-Leadership Steve.
You are a bona-fide shitpump DISGRACE. You painted our version of Air-Force One with a $50, 000 paint job with the CONSERVATIVE PARTY COLORS.
No One Is Impressed.
No One.
You know your ship is sunk. The writing is on the the blank Tory wall, and you are TOAST.

2 years ago this could've been all avoided if people were switched-on in Canada, if they voted for the Great Jack Layton.. But nobody was switched on. Nobody had a clue.
Canadians gave a Majority Government to a Criminal Liar and Pack of Fleecing Fuckface Thieves.
Congratulations for being so fucking blind.

06-13-2013, 11:21 AM
Yep, "Tory Force One" was painted predominantly BLUE, with TAXPAYERS dollars.
$50, 000 worth.
Harper has no shame.
The CBC did a Live poll of what Canadians think of the paint job, and 98% said they Hated It.
The 2% that liked it must've been Pierre Poilievere and Eve Adams, voting over and over and over...LOL
I guess Steve feels: "Why not? My goose is cooked- Fuck 'Em!"
Yeah, a Red, White and predominantly BLUE color pattern for Canada's Prime Minister's official aircraft- an aircraft that was grey with air force markings (as it is a DND airplane that does other missions for the country than just fly the PM around) painted BLUE.
That's Our Flag, isn't it? Canada's flag is BLUE, correct? It's always been that color, RIGHT? LOL
It just SINGS Canada, don't it?
Sure, it serenades the Nation. It's the Conservative Party of Corruption Canada, Inc private jet.
Didn't you get the memo?

Scandals are rampant in Canadian politics these days.
Provincial: (Ontario Liberal gov't gas plants scandal- BURIED THE GRITS for re-election I think...)
Local: (Crackhead Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and his hash-dealing tubby brother Doug- the whole Mayor's Office staff were fired or resigned in one week!
Federal: (the Criminal, Corrupt and Dippy-Dumb DELUSIONAL HARPER government)

Ottawa is a typhoon of Tory scandals, and Toronto has Conservative Mayor Rob Ford CRACK scandal, which is a never-ending sideshow that just makes me profoundly sad for the people who really love Toronto.
Our city (the Capital of Ontario) is a Real, True Global Metropolis and our Tory Mayor has taken The Big Smoke's reputation and dragged it through some baking soda and a glass stem, with no apology, no answers on the scandal, just "It's business as Usual, Folks!"
Sorry Rob. Back in 2010, I was really in your corner. I voted for your fat crack ass! ME! I voted for a Conservative because I thought you were REAL.
Holy Fuckballs have you tarnished T.O.
Time to go tubby.
The high school that employed him as the football coach has fired him, turfed him to the turf, because apparently on that crack video he says after hitting the pipe " those kids are fucking Minorities. They won't go to school unless they have football. They come from fucked-up homes. I AM FUCKING RIGHT-WING!"- no joke. THAT is what was reported to have spewed from his fat maw on that crack video, which has mysteriously vanished from the earth. Go figure.

Is it me? Am I upsetting the apple cart in this country?
Do I have to relocate?


06-13-2013, 11:55 AM
Oh yeah, and remember that Tory MP from Edmonton who quit?

He said that Harper has a death-grip on the caucus and that all Conservative MP's are TRAINED SEALS.
That's coming from ONE OF THEIR OWN.
It sounds like something I'd type up on this thread of mine! Which, kind dear reader, in 2 years has racked up almost 13,000 hits- I'm amazed.

There WILL be an end to this thread. And I'm sure it will be a Glorious one.
Bear with my political rants and posts. And many thanks if you waded through my words.
I'm doing this for my country, not for my own glory. If my country was run properly, I'd stick to movies 24/7.
But this is important. More important than cinema to me. And I haven't had that conviction for something in a LONG time. Actually nothing of this size has made me motivated enough to spend many hours typing (to mainly American film buffs!) largely NEGATIVE things about my government.

But when you have no Oversight, you have no Democracy.
And you can't let it slide.
You can, but I can't.

07-10-2013, 11:33 AM
Court documents show that 4 other people knew about the check that was given as a "gift" to Ex-Tory Senator Mike Duffy.
So the Prime Minister LIED BOLD-FACED TO CANADIANS in the House of Commons.
He knew about the check, and so did 4 others, plus Harper's Chief-Of-Staff Nigel Wright.

Just wait until Parliament resumes.
We have no impeachment process. We have no accountability, but we have an Official Opposition who will hammer the government in the House.

I hope Canadians are watching this sham and scam. Harper KNEW and he lied about not knowing.
Who knew he could be so dishonest?
Um, ME.
From Day 1.

Harper is also doing a Major Cabinet shuffle with his sinking ship of fools. We might hear by week's end who is going where.
Public Safety Minister Vic Toews has resigned in disgrace- another one bites the dust....
My prediction?
Foreign Affairs Minister Baird will stay put- Harper loves his non-performance.
Peter MacKay will stay, although he should be sent to jail for treason and fraud. Because Harper also loves Cormorant Pete's non-performance and "shadow rule" over the Tory party.

What a shitty summer. What a shitty Conservative government.


Chris Knipp
07-10-2013, 05:27 PM
Saw Harper on TV here the other day. He looks so cleancut and innocent.

Also saw a Canadian film, French Canadian, Xavier Dolan's third, LAURENCE ANYWAYS..

Chris Knipp
07-17-2013, 04:09 PM
Testing if this thread works because it was not before.

07-24-2013, 02:12 PM
Harper did his "major" cabinet shuffle but it wasn't major by any stretch. The Conservative MP from Edmonton who quit the Tory party in disgust said that there is no change of course with this cabinet shuffle.

John Baird stayed put as Foreign Affairs Minister *shudder* and
Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty has also stayed put as Finance Minister. *double shudder*

"Cormorant Pete" Peter Mackay has switched portfolios with another loser Minister: Rob Nicholson.
Nicholson is now Defence Minister and MacKay is now Justice Minister. WOW.
MacKay still has a job....I'm gobsmacked to the Moon Alice!
Peter van Fat Fuck Loan is still House Leader for the Tories, which baffles even Harper's caucus.
He was the one who said in the House of Commons that Mike Duffy "acted Honorably" in paying back his illegal expense claims. (!!!!)
Only problem was it was NIGEL WRIGHT, who acted DISHONORABLY in cutting a PERSONAL CHECK FROM HIS OWN ACCOUNT to pay back the money!!!
Duffy didn't pay a dime!
Why has no one been fired?

Harper promoted everyone who sucked his toes and remained unwaveringly loyal to his non-Leadership.
What else could they do? They are trained seals. Seeing Chris Alexander and Michelle Rempel promoted to cabinet made me sick to my stomach. Harper rewards loyalty over free-thinking. That much is PAINFULLY obvious. Don't have a brain? A Clue? Come on into the Tory Cabinet!!!
But the most revolting promotion to cabinet was PIERRE POILIEVRE, the man who has never worked a day in his life and fought like a dog for Harper in the House on every single scandal. Congrats Pierre. You are the most hated man in the Canadian Universe. FOREVER.
You are nothing but pure scum and always will be. Your promotion is just like when Dubya promoted Condi Rice after 9/11 happened under her watch. Scandalous and sickening.
Enjoy every minute of it, Pierre.
Because in 2015 you and your criminal gang are GONE.

08-13-2013, 01:04 PM
You want MORE proof of Stephen Harper being Delusional?
Well, you remember when he stood up in the House of Commons in February and defended Conservative Senator Pamela Wallin's expense claims in the Senate? When he said "I have looked at the numbers of her expense claims and they are no different than any other Senator's expense claims".

Well, today is an important day, because auditor Deloitte has released their report into her expenses and the Senate Committee just sent the matter to the RCMP for investigation. Criminal charges may be forthcoming against Pam the Fraud...
Literally hours ago the report was released to the Candian public.
Apparently Pam's assistants testified she "fiddled" with the numbers.

She will have to pay back over $120,000 in illegal expenses (plus 1% interest!) for being found to have double-dipped into taxpayers coffers 27% of the time she filed them. She actually racked up over $600,000 in expenses as a Tory Senator from 2009!!!
Only $120,000 of it was deemed illegal. Pam held a press conference yesterday, (a day ahead of the report being released) and said that the audit was unfair. Boo-Hoo.

I'd love to see this rich clown charged criminally. Please Lord make it happen...

Hey Harper!
You looked at the numbers? LOL
You're no professional auditor, obviously.
Your Girl Pam is a Criminal who thinks she's entitled to way more than she deserves.


08-30-2013, 07:50 PM
Harper has pro-rogued Parliament until late October.


09-04-2013, 10:51 AM
Yes, Harper pro-rogued Parliament until October.
Just So that he won't have to face serious heat for the Senate Spending Scandal which has taken his *already feeble* credibility and mashed it hard up and down on a cheese grater.
Harper has ZERO credibility. NONE.
Anyone in his corner is either a batshit insane oilmonger or a head-in-the-sand Conservative Clown.

I say again: Where is the Governor General? And why did he allow Harper to pro-rogue Parliament when the GG explicitly stated that he would not allow Harper to pro-rogue Parliament whenever he wanted, like that fraud Michelle Jean used to?
I'm losing my canary over here!
This fucking guy is so political it's beyond comprehension. Every single move Harper makes is political.
If you can't see it (and see THROUGH it) then you deserve him. You deserve Harper way more than he deserves a pair of handcuffs.

He was asked on TV if he smokes marijuana, because many prominent politicos have come out saying they have tried the ganja and Harper lost his wig: "DO I LOOK LIKE I SMOKE MARIJUANA?" he snorted.

Then he proceeded to attack Justin Trudeau (who will give Harper the public beating like a gong he totally deserves in 2015)- can't wait to see those debates come down the pike- Trudeau will annihilate this week on that Tory swine. You thought Jack Layton pummelled Harper in the last election?
This man has no ideas or plans for Syria. Nothing but lip-service and a wait-and-see-what-the-USA-does mentality.
We have zero Leadership in this country.
If you think we do, please post a litany of examples for me to rip to shreds. Please. Anybody. Sign up and be my scratching post.
I know there are people who vehemently disagree with my views on Harper's non-Leadership. Show yourself! Don't make me be the sound of one-hand clapping. EDUCATE ME on why Harper is so fucking great. Because Bubba, I have to tell you, this man is paper thin
and a 100% pure political criminal. Nobody who pays attention to his joke government can say he's done a damn thing for Canada.

Take it to the Bank of America- it has a major office tower here in Toronto- on Bay street! Harper's hometown!
You can't make it up.
Shitcan this abysmal excuse for a Prime Minister.

Chris Knipp
09-04-2013, 04:46 PM
Spoken like a true master of the rhetoric of abuse. Thanks for the update.

I am so incredulous about the Obama administration's rush to another Middle East war I'm numbed to it. How can this be real?

09-08-2013, 03:52 AM
I know. It's simply incredible.

I urge anyone reading this to rent or buy Eugene Jarecki's DVD: WHY WE FIGHT.
It will tell you all you need to know about U.S. foreign policy.

Chris Knipp
09-08-2013, 09:49 AM
Good advice. Wish I could sit down and watch it now.

09-10-2013, 09:13 AM
I have WHY WE FIGHT on DVD and it is bone chilling.

It shows what the USA is all about, TODAY, and Jarecki did it way better than Michael Moore.
Here are some great quotes from the movie:

When War is this profitable, you're going to see a lot more of it.


Chris Knipp
09-10-2013, 10:11 AM
I've seen it, just not lately. Here's my review: http://baltimorechronicle.com/2006/021606Knipp.html

09-13-2013, 09:45 AM
Great review, as always.

That film is one of the best films America has ever produced. It's not malicious, either.
It's even handed- Jarecki doesn't brow-beat the viewer about what's going on- he just lays it all out.
He went to 30-some states and asked people on the street "WHY DO WE FIGHT?"
Most people answered "freedom", but when asked to elaborate, most of them have no answer.

09-18-2013, 10:41 AM
Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is serious about legalizing marijuana.
So serious that he's taking aim at Stephen Harper, saying not only does Harper's government not protect children on this issue, but it sends the profits to organized crime.

And he's absolutely correct. I have witnessed that practice with my own two eyes for many years.

He's laying out a plan that will legalize it and tax the hell out of it. Which is a PERFECT idea.
Let adults have their vices and protect children from drug dealers, all the while bringing in much-needed revenue to the government.
Giving youth an uneccessary criminal record for pot is insane.
Booze is far FAR worse. Booze destroys lives. Pot doesn't. And if you say that it leads to harder drugs, that it's a gateway drug, I must remind you that that is true DEPENDING ON YOUR CIRCLE OF FRIENDS.

Plus your level of 'addictive personality'.

09-30-2013, 11:22 AM

Remember Dean del Mastro?
The Plump and Portly Parliamentary Secretary to Stephen Harper?
He was told to quit or be fired this week after he was charged with 4 counts of election fraud (stemming from the 2008 election!)
5 years to get any Justice on this? Wow!

Couldn't have happened to a nicer Guido. There are few Tory MP's that I despise more than Dean del Mastro.
Pierre Polievere is probably tops on the list, but after I watched Dean smear the opposition for YEARS on robocalls and how they were "baseless allegations", Dean is at least number 2.

So he "quit". What option did he have?
How bad does this fucking look Dean?
I said you were 'Gon hang like dem low-hangin' Fruit......

And You Did.
Good Riddance.
You fucking fraud.

10-02-2013, 03:26 PM
Finance Minister Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty has been living up to his name as usual.
Scandal # 14577:

Minister Flaherty hosted a lavish (TAXPAYER-PAID-FOR) retreat this past August, for rich folks.
Yep. You heard me right: He billed the taxpayers an obscene amount of money for his lavish (and outlandish) retreat.
Early reports are saying the champagne bill ALONE was in the neighborhood of $6000+
It's truly revolting what this Tory government does to the citizens of this country.
It is truly shocking and sickening how shameless they are. They justify it with bizarro excuses.
When is this shitstorm in Ottawa gonna end, O Lord?

10-09-2013, 09:39 AM
Reporters have been asking Harper about Dean del Mastro and his firing from the Conservative caucus, but Steve isn't saying jack shit.

I think Canadians deserve to know why a guy who was Harper's pit bull on ethics was just charged with 4 counts of election fraud- from 5 years ago!
Will we get every dime taxpayers paid Dean back?
Probably not. What a fucking fiasco.
Literally a week after being rewarded by Harper for years of loyalty, del Mastro was shitcanned.
Truly amazing. This was your attack dog on ethics, Harper!
He went down in a blaze of criminal fraud and you are MUM. (!!!?)
Eat a bag of dicks.

And former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy is back in the news, embroiled in a deep RCMP investigation over his horrific abuses of Senate funds:


10-09-2013, 10:11 AM

10-17-2013, 10:45 AM
Parliament has resumed here in Canada, after being pro-rogued by Harper for over a month.
The Speech From the Throne was delivered for an hour by the Governor General, and it contained nothing but "political gamesmanship", as NDP Official Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair said it was.

Harper wants Canadians to believe that the Tories are "the party for the middle class" and the whole Throne Speech was lies, delivered and wrapped up directly for the Conservative base, the only group Harper has in his corner, setting the stage and boundaries for the election showdown in 2015 that is creeping up very fast on us all. The Quickening? LOL Maybe!

And Harper jetted to Brussels right after!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He will not be in the House of Commons to face Question Period on all of his 2013 scandals!
What a fucking IDIOT.

Tom Mulcair said "This Prime Minister Can Run, BUT HE CANNOT HIDE"

10-17-2013, 01:51 PM
Here's an article that sums up the situation pretty nicely here in Canada:


10-18-2013, 07:19 AM
Harper is banking on his "fiscal" stengths to keep him in power.
But what exactly are those fiscal strengths?
He has added $150 Billion to our National debt in record time.
NDP Leader Tom Mulcair said yesterday that this government hasn't done a damn thing for families who're struggling, which is what Jack Layton was hammering home every single day of the 2011 election.

Do you have a family here in Canada? Ask yourself real hard: "What did Harper do for my family?"
I think you'll find yourself at a real loss for a list.
Don't answer that question if you happen to have money. I'll slap the living shit out of you.
Rich fucks have been enjoying the benefits of a Harper dictatorship for a long time now.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pointed out that the Conservative "Economic Action Plan" has retarded TV ads (paid for with taxpayer dollars) with blue (Tory color) arrows pointing "UP".
Trudeau said "Whenever I see those ads, I think, YUP, rising unemployment, rising debt, and rising disappointment for Canadians. This Prime Minister has the worst economic record of any PM since Bennett, who served us during the Great Depression".

www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/10/16/economy_is_stephen_harpers_weak_spot_despite_conse rvative_bragging_walkom.html

10-18-2013, 10:40 AM
In the House of Commons yesterday, the NDP were on the warpath, they (rightly) wanted Harper to be found in contempt by the Speaker of the House (Andrew Scheer) for misleading (read: lying) to the House about the Nigel Wright/Mike Duffy $90,000 cheque.

My Man Charlie Angus rose on a point of priviledge to ask that Harper be found in contempt of Parliament (for a record THIRD TIME).
The Speaker didn't make an immediate ruling, but if it is accepted, then Harper will have to answer for the fact that lawyers for Nigel Wright said that 3-4 others in the PMO knew about the Duffy deal, so how could Harper be oblivious to the matter?

THE FACT IS HE WASN'T. Nothing gets by this slimy control freak without his knowledge. ESPECIALLY people in his own inner PMO circle.
Not a single soul in this country believes that Harper didn't know about it, that no one ran it by him.

Here's a link:


10-18-2013, 12:58 PM
The Conservatives have also been just handed a report that blasts them for not responding to Access to Information requests in a timely fashion.
Some requests don't get answered for over a year!
Info Commissioner Suzanne Legault said that Canada's democracy is at risk. But Harper doesn't give 2 shits about democracy, as we all know.

The Info Commissioner personally called Treasury Goof Tony Clement to tell him ahead of time that the report will expose the "failures" of the Access to Information program.
Clement actually had the balls to tell a reporter that he's "Proud of our record. We have more requests than any government has ever had to deal with, and in consideration, we are doing a great job". (paraphrasing)

Keep telling yourself that, Tony. Keep telling yourself that. Keep believing you're doing a bang-up job. LOL
Intelligent citizens know better. WAY BETTER.

10-22-2013, 07:10 AM




10-22-2013, 07:20 AM
This Senate expense scandal is dwarfing Harper's (choke, cough...sputter....) "legacy" in signing the EU trade deal.
The EU trade deal means zero at the moment. It means absolutely nothing.
What matters right now is the CRIMINAL actions of the Prime Minister's Office.
They swept a GIANT political scandal under the rug and have been running from it ever since.

What will happen now?
How will Harper be held accountable?
He clearly lied to Canadians to our faces.

10-22-2013, 10:27 AM
Here's another prediction/prophecy from Yours Truly:

We're gonna have another election here in Canada, and we won't have to wait until 2015.
Harper's scandalous government will crumble on another non-confidence vote- even with his party having a majority.
This Duffy scandal is amazing. Who knew a fat fuck journalist could destroy the Tories?
One of their own? It's so awesome to witness. So awesome to behold.
This trade deal makes Harper look exactly like Mulroney's Tories in the early 90's: a trade deal done by a severely corrupt government of Losers.
That's probably why Mulroney himself was praising Harper's EU trade deal yesterday. Deja-Vu all over again...

I can't wait to see if Harper will go to jail or be forcibly removed from power.
Why isn't David Johnson doing anything about this scandal?
Why is the Governor General just standing around with his thumb up his ass?

Canadians want answers from the people who're paid with their tax dollars.
That alone makes Harper in contempt of parliament again. He offers no answers, no Leadership, no nothing.
He just runs away to Brussels.

Canadians know full well that HARPER is the one responsible for this whole debacle.
He appointed these "inelligible" Senators himself.
It's biting him in the ass really hard, isn't it?
3 of the most greedy, unethical (unelected) slobs in Canadian history are doing incredible damage to the Tory brand.
Funny that it's UNELECTED assholes that are bringing Harper down. I said he sure can pick 'em, and he picked doozies.
To be fair, how could he know that Brazeau, Wallin and Duffy were anything but sleazy pocket-lining idiots?
How could he know?
A skunk doesn't smell his own stench.

10-23-2013, 10:43 AM
What we are witnessing here in Canadian politics is unprecedented.
Stephen Harper's pathetic government have just had allegations levelled against them by the 3 disgraced Ex-Tory Senators that stands to bring his government to a swift sharp end. Not a moment too soon for me.

Yesterday the 3 usual suspects (Brazeau, Duffy & Wallin) appeared before a Senate committee to save their unearned paychecks.
The Senate moved to vote to suspend the 3 idiots, without pay- essentially remove them from the Senate without due process or a hearing.
The reason originated from The Conservative party lawyers (Harper's lawyers) to get them in the clear for when the shit really hits the fan (read: Duffy, Wallin, Brazeau being criminally charged by the RCMP).

But Duffy finally grew a spine (*snicker*) and decided to hold an explosive press conference hosted by his lawyer, alledging the Prime Minister's Office engaged in wilfull intimidation, extortion and bribery to make the expense scandal "go away".
When it wouldn't go away, Duffy had to go away. Duffy balked at that (as he's "not a wealthy man"- his lawyers words) and needs to hang on for dear life to his unelected Senate post and that tasty $155,000 salary that goes with it.

It's clear what happened here: 3 extremely unethical Senators got caught, and the PMO tried to sweep it under the rug- distance themselves from the toxic Senators, one with an illegal payoff of $90,000 and talking points on what to say to the media, one by expelling her from caucus, and another by expelling him from caucus. All 3 were dispatched as liabilities with no due process.
I'm not defending them; I hate all three with a vengeance- they raped taxpayers. But they do deserve due process.

Let's see who's blackmailing whom.

Chris Knipp
10-23-2013, 01:08 PM
Thanks for keeping us up to date on this stuff, Johann. As you know, it's not well covered Stateside, and I don't think it is in France either.

10-24-2013, 09:52 AM
This Senate expense scandal has done irreparable damage to Harper.
He cannot and will not survive this.
His credibility is in shreds.
For the first time in his whole slimy tenure as PM he answered questions directly in Question Period yesterday. He decided that he just couldn't fob it off on his Parliamentary Secretary anymore. He had to fucking speak. Canadians were bolted to their TV's to hear what he had to say.
Once again, he lied and maintained that he knew nothing of the Duffy deal within his own office and shouted "Your darn right I told him to pay the money back!"

I can't wait to see what Nigel Wright will say under oath.

This is high drama to me.
This is Shakespearean.

Bye Bye Little Stephen Harper.................

10-26-2013, 12:44 PM
As Tim Harper said in thé Toronto Star:

"Harper has overreached one time too many. And now all he has is Scorched Earth."

10-28-2013, 07:17 AM
There has been some stellar newspaper coverage of this whole sideshow/embarrassment for the PM.
The Toronto Star has been on top of it and the Ottawa Citizen is REALLY on top of it.
Specifically, Andrew Coyne has written some really insightful articles that help me to figure out the truth on this.

The main thing all journalists are scratching their heads over is "why would Harper risk his whole political future on Mike Duffy?"
He must have known that this could've been disastrous for him and the Tories.
But as some writers have said, Harper's previous ways of dealing with scandal has been to "batten down the hatches and hope it blows over. A bad few days. It will play well at Tim's"
This scandal ain't like the others. This one ain't "kinda the same".
This is Blackmail. Extortion. Bribery. Lies. Coverups. Deceit. Contempt. Incompetence. from three of his own party faithful.

This scandal isn't going away. Harper's ship is sunk. When he is actually contradicted by his own former Chief-of-Staff Nigel Wright (under oath) Harper will be nothing but an 8-year disaster footnote stain on Canadian politics.

Hey Conservative supporters:

Trudeau will trounce you in the next election.
Don't think for a minute that your boy Harper and his criminal goofs stand a single chance in the next election.
They are political poison, and I think you know it.
You had your chance and blew it to Kingdom Come.
Throw all the money you want at this. Just like Mitt Romney, your big bucks can suck it.
Let real Leaders take over.
I don't think you can withstand one more scandal by your Boss.
Can you?

10-28-2013, 08:35 AM
The HUGE problem for Harper right now is that we Canadians do not know two crucial things about the Duffy deal within the PMO:

1. What was the arrangement for Duffy to re-pay the $90,000? Was it truly a "gift" from the Prime Minister to Duffy to make him go away?
If so, then that is absolutely 100% illegal, and the prime reason we need Nigel Wright to testify under oath. We need on-the-record answers on this shit.


2. How was it possible that Duffy was unable to pay back the $90,000 by himself? We heard his lawyer say that Duffy isn't a wealthy man, but Duffy has ZERO savings from his 40+ years of high-paid journalism jobs? Explain yourself Mike...That means to me that you lobbied for your Senate post- you lobbied for that salaried position. And got it. Then the gravy train was halted. It turned ugly.
Didn't it?

10-29-2013, 07:27 AM
It just keeps getting darker and darker in the PMO these days.

Mike Duffy appeared before the Senate yesterday, dropping another bombshell on Steve Harper and the Conservative party.
Apparently the whole affair was orchestrated by Stephen Harper himself.
And Duffy has the e-mails to prove it- he released a few to the media.
He made it clear that the Tories "Have No Moral Compass", and that YET ANOTHER CHEQUE was cut to Duffy by the Conservative party lawyer, Arthur Hamilton for $13,000+ to cover Duffy's legal bills. (In addition to the $90,000 he already got scott free from Nigel Wright!).

The Conservatives released a statement that said "Sometimes the Conservative party of Canada pays it's caucus members' legal bills"


10-31-2013, 09:13 AM
So right now, in Banana Republic Canada, no one has been supoena'd on this whole senate scandal.
In a sane world, everyone involved would be supoena'd and getting ready to testify. But no.
We've never been in such foul waters.
We've never had such crime and corruption flowing in our PMO.

Harper went on a (pro-Tory) radio show last Friday and said that Nigel Wright was "dismissed", when for months he's said that Nigel Wright resigned.
Surely Steve knows the difference between being dismissed and resigning on your own. Surely he knows that much. Right?

The government has no answers. No Leadership on this disastrous scandal. It is a serious catastrophe for Canada, forget Harper.
I saw this all coming way before he was even elected in 2005- there are posts here that prove it- they are all timed and dated.
I don't gloat or brag about this shit- I hate that we are in this fucking situation in the first place.
I just hope Canadians are awake now.
I hope they are paying attention.
I hope they Vote in the next election and Vote from then on.
Hunter Thompson told us: "It's the only power you have".
Use it.

10-31-2013, 12:50 PM
This scandal is just mushrooming and mushrooming.
Must be a big downer for the Tories, what with their chest-beating convention coming up this weekend...

Apparently Harper's lawyer Arthur Hamilton also assisted Dean del Mastro with illegal dealings.
Are Canadians paying attention to this? I fucking hope so.
There should be yellow crime scene tape surrounding the PMO and Harper should be in police custody as far as I'm concerned.
Instead, we have no democracy. We only have many questions.
Where is the Leadership on this?
Where is the taking responsibility?
Where is the accountability that Harper promised us all?

He refuses to accept any responsibility for his own fuck-ups.
Is that a Prime Minister you want?
I find it incredibly odd that Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird has had nothing to say about this whole mess.
Mike Duffy was his boy, his lapdog. During the entire 2011 election Duffy was right at Baird's side, spreading lies about how great Baird was.
All I've seen you do is stand up in the Commons and begin with lawyer-advised words like "To my knowledge..." "To the best of my awareness at the time...."

You Tories are a sickening disgrace.
Straight. No Chaser.

11-02-2013, 08:32 AM
Last night in Calgary Alberta Harper hosted the Conservative party convention, complete with an appearance at Cowboys nightclub, where Steve sat behind a keyboard and sang Tom Connors' "The Hockey Game" to a sold-out crowd of Clowneriffic Conservative party faithful.

Watch that video of Harper singing. It looks like he's adrift at sea, holding on for dear life. His eyes dart around the room, seeing if his "singing" is distracting anyone enough from his monsoons of scandals.
In a speech to his party faithful he said Justin Trudeau couldn't lead Canada to a prosperous economy, that this isn't American Idol- it's the economy.
Where did Harper get the notion that Trudeau was similar to American Idol? That's rich. Coming from a guy who butchers songs everytime he opens his lying yap. Who told Harper he had musical talent? Or the talent to write a book? Or the talent to do anything but fuck Canadians at every turn? Was it Skeletor?
I wouldn't be surprised...

Unless you live under a rock, or don't read, or don't watch tv, or breathe, or do anything resembling living a life here in Canada, you know now that Harper orchestrated a massive, monstrous fraud coverup with former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy over expenses.
Our Prime Minister willfully broke the law, figuring he would only suffer some slight political damage, not actually come to the point where it would unseat him from his joke Office.

But that's what we have.
Harper is sitting in front of a firing line of Seriously Pissed Voters (and even Tory supporters!) who he treated with nothing but absolute, sheer, unvarnished Contempt. And at this same Convention Harper had the enormous cajones to suggest that he was under attack by various "Elites" in Ottawa, that "he and Laureen didn't come to Ottawa to join some elite club"- !???!-
Pardon me while I puke all over your shag carpeting Steve.
You are in an Elite Club, aren't you?
You are having dinner with them in Toronto in December- in a very Jewish part of town. Remember?
Your speaking engagement at a Jewish Dinner in December that you have booked?
Why don't you tell Canadians about that dinner and what you will be "speaking" about while there?
We'd all like to know.
We all want to know how much you distance yourself from "Elites".
We're all fucking ears.

11-05-2013, 01:10 PM
Marathon legs indeed. That's what this Senate expense scandal has. Marathon Legs.
I'll post a link at the end of this post referring to it- a perfect summation of a win-win situation.

The Liberals put a motion forward in the House of Commons to have Harper testify under oath, which is awesome, but they chose not to vote for an NDP motion to do that very same thing ?! from weeks ago?! OK....partisan politics is rampant in Canada...
We still have no answers, nay, no TRUTH on what actually transpired in the PMO over Mike Duffy's expenses.
Steve has once again buried his head in the sand and bullishly keeps saying that he knew nothing of the deal. Nigel Wright acted alone.
Nigel went rogue.
He deceived the Prime Minister. Despicably.
The same man who Harper praised in the opening days of the scandal as a man who "has the full confidence of the Prime Minister" somehow grew horns and a tail in record time.
Somehow he became a treacherous, deceitful guy, seemingly instantaneously.
When your script goes off-script, what do you do?
We now know that there were 14-20 people in the PMO who knew about the deal with Duffy.
But Harper didn't know?
No one in that 14-20 member group gave the control-freak the heads-up? Did they have something against telling him?
Like Watergate, the coverup is worse than the fucking crime!
I'm so angry I could be charged with assault if Harper walked by me on the street. But he won't. He gets driven around in an armoured SUV. Why Steve?
This is Canada. We're nice here. Except when you fleece us like you have.
REMEMBER REMEMBER THE FIFTH OF NOVEMBER.....................................


11-06-2013, 08:44 AM
Conservative Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitted that he smoked crack.
He's pleading with the Chief of Police (who has a copy of the video of him smoking it) and the citizens of T.O. to let him keep his job.
Another one bites the dust.

In other news,
this full-on freight train of a Senate expense scandal had a sordid execution happen yesterday.
Pamela Wallin, Patrick Brazeau and Mike "CUFF THE DUFF" Duffy were suspended without pay from the Senate, with a majority of the Senators voting being CONSERVATIVE.
The message was clear: If you create any political waves for Herr Harper, you will face Execution. No Jury. No Judge.
Pamela Wallin said "It's a sad day for democracy when the Rule of Law cannot be found in Canada".
Yes, you're right Pam. But only HALF right.
When you were raping the taxpayers and firing your assistant for asking you about fudging expense claims, where was your respect for Canadians' Rule of Law to expect that people trusted to their higher offices are not greedy unethical slobs who're only out to line their pockets?
Notice that Wallin and Duffy are Baby Boomers? I sure do.
Brazeau is being punished for not beating Trudeau in a boxing ring in my opinion. LOL
It's a whitewash all the way. Harper thinks he's appeasing Canadians.
I hate to tell him that Canadians are getting sick of his face and his fucking lying.
People like me who've been watching him from a long ways off for years are much more than merely sick of his face and lying.
We're positively Biblically enraged at what he's gotten away with for so long with no fucking oversight whatsoever.
I think it's time for Canadians to stop kidding themselves and Wake The Fuck Up.
Look around you.
Shit ain't right.
The Conservative government just proved to the whole country that they do not care about basic rights.
They showed us in Technicolor, in fact.
Canadians may not give two shits about the Senate (and I'm one of them- abolish the fucking place) but have you taken a hard look at what has transpired here?
Canadians are not paying attention enough to who is in power and what they are up to.
It's not something you want to do every day, but Holy Fuck, if you think you're an "intelligent on-the-ball" citizen and you pay ZERO attention to politics or have never voted in your life, then I don't consider you a Canadian. Even if I totally disagree with your politics, I want you to have some.
Politically, stand for SOMETHING.

11-06-2013, 09:24 AM
Do Canadians know that the audit into the 3 embattled (former) Tory Senators and one Liberal Senator (Mac Harb) cost more than $500,000?

Do Canadians know that Nigel Wright is a Toronto Bay Street millionaire businessman? Who has no business in politics whatsoever?

Do Canadians know that Peter MacKay has fleeced us for millions in perks and per diems and first-class flights and dinners and trips?

Do Canadians know that Bev Oda (former Tory deadweight MP) fleeced us for almost $420,000 in inappropriate claims?
(She resigned the same week she was eligible for her full MP pension- 8 years on the Hill! VICTORY LAP!)

Do Canadians know that Finance Minister Jim Flaherty has fleeced us for just as many flights and per diems and meals as Harper and his wife Skeletor? Who said this week that he doesn't even pay attention to the Senate at all, that he wanted to abolish it.
Where the fuck have you been all this time Jim? Just jacking off? What do Canadians pay you for? Trying on shoes once a year?
Eat shit you fleecing idiot!

Do Canadians know that Stephen Harper doesn't care whether they live or die?
It's time to realize it.
He actually said to Canadians at the Conservative Convention in Calgary:

He couldn't care less.
I don't either Steve. I couldn't care less if you choked on Skeletor's cock last night.
The claws are out.
And I want 'Em CLEAN.

Chris Knipp
11-06-2013, 09:33 AM
Yesterday on KPFA, Berkeley Pacifica Radio yesterday I heard a whole long list of all the incredible wrongdoing the mayor of Toronto has been discovered to ahve done, not just smoking crack.

11-06-2013, 09:44 AM
Rob Ford is an absolute disgrace.
I voted for that guy. What an error in judgment....
I voted for him because I thought he was real, a real guy, a rarity in the Conservative ranks.
But it didn't take long for the real Rob Ford to emerge: a drunk crack addict who likes to grope and sexually harrass women in his office.

You know, you think you have a handle on what's going on and then shit goes down that makes you look like you weren't behind the 8-Ball......
Rob Ford has to go. You can't be a Mayor of a city as large and Globally important as Toronto and smoke crack as soon as the work days' done....

11-06-2013, 09:51 AM
I think it's time for me to start believing completely in Carl Jung's Abraxas.
I need to find comfort in equal measure in Good and Evil.
The imbalance is killing me.

Chris Knipp
11-06-2013, 10:03 AM
They mentioned on KPFA the Washington DC mayor, Marion Berry, who got caught smoking crack, did time, and then came back and got reelected. Know his story? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Barry

11-06-2013, 10:09 AM
Well, Marion Barry's name was trotted out as soon as the crack scandal broke. "Rob Ford! Smoked Crack! Just like Marion Barry!"

Is it the same? This is 2013. Barry's crack scandal happened in 1990. Is there a difference?
I've heard everything from "Lawyers and Doctors smoke crack and they function normally!" to "Is smoking crack that bad? Rob Ford forms complete sentences, so he can't be that much of a crack addict!"

Lamar Odom forms complete sentences.
Charlie Sheen forms complete sentences.
Charlie even memorizes lines. LOL

11-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Mike Duffy (and his lawyer) are UNLOADING the big trail of e-mails that will bring down Harper's joke government:


Thanks Mike!
You're not my Hero, but thanks for bringing down the worst government in Canadian history!

11-07-2013, 08:32 AM
Canadians are starting to ask themselves: Is there a precedent for arresting a sitting Prime Minister?

The answer is NO.
We have never been in this situation in our nation's 146-year history.
We have never had crime and corruption (exposed) like this in our halls of power before.
Harper and Nigel Wright and all the Tory lickspittles didn't think for a minute that they would be brought down by one of their own- an UNELECTED one of their own.
Harper ran for office on Senate reform long ago. And now he is facing extermination by a Senator HE appointed.
This is what happens when you indulge lobbyists, who, I might add have infested our House of Commons public galleries.
I have been told a new practice has entered Parliament: you will be asked to leave the public galleries by HOC Security because lobbyists have petitioned their MP's for reserved seating in the public galleries. THEY RESERVE THE WHOLE GALLERY! To lobby the government!

You won't get it back until you send him to prison.

11-07-2013, 09:00 AM
Let's Be Clear: (to quote Harper, LOL):

It's Time to HEAVE STEVE!

And here's a message to the RCMP: Canadians are watching to see whose backs you have: OURS, or the PMO.
We suspect Harper's corruption may stretch right into the RCMP.
Please prove us dead wrong.

Chris Knipp
11-07-2013, 05:31 PM
I didn't realize Canada as a nation was officially only 146 years old; I had to look it up. Of course you're right; it's complicated, though...

11-08-2013, 10:44 AM
Yes. Officially a Nation in 1867. But very complicated to get to that point...

I watched Question Period yesterday, and Harper still refuses to answer any straight questions on who knew what and when in his own office about the deal with Mike Duffy to pay back his expenses. NDP Offical Opposition Leader Tom Mulcair fileted Harper like a fish, nailing him question after question, usually ending with a final "YES OR NO?" demand for an answer, which Harper refused to do at every turn.
Mulcair each time said "Canadians are noting that the Prime Minister is not answering the question".
Harper at one point said that Mulcair was "casting aspersions" about who was involved in the Duffy deal.
To which Mulcair incinerated Harper: "Only a Conservative would find looking for the truth as "CASTING ASPERSIONS"

Boo-Yah Ke-shah!
I even heard My Man Charlie Angus shout out to Harper when he stood up: WALK AN HONEST ROAD FOR ONCE!!!!!
It fell on deaf ears.
I also heard Defence Minister Rob Nicholson tell a whopper of a lie in the House when he stood up and said Harper's joke government has done more for Veterans than any other government. What a serious crock of horseshit. The Tories are closing every single Veterans Affairs support office!
In fact, in Sydney Nova Scotia this weekend there is huge rally and march and protest at the closing of their support office.
I can't remember what NDP MP it was, but he stood up and THUNDERED at the Tories:
To huge applause, from the floor and from the galleries.
Harper is balancing his books on the backs of our Heroes.

Make no mistake: Harper's government is Fucked.

Chris Knipp
11-08-2013, 12:11 PM
They cling to their bad behavior and false claims with bloody claws. Bad politician behavior is very like addict behavior, which the Toronto mayor's simply is.

11-08-2013, 12:28 PM
Ain't that the ironclad truth.

Rob Ford is just a huge bag of hammers.
Finance Minister Jim "THE FLEECER" Flaherty is a long-time family friend of the Ford's, and he was crying on TV yesterday about Ford.
Literally getting misty-eyed over his fat friend's tragic political demise.
Or was it his own governments' tragic political demise? It's hard to know. Tories are so secretive...

Ford's mother and sister went on TV yesterday, saying that "Robbie was attacked. He's not an addict" and on and on...
Tell your fat disgrace of a brother/son that what he has done for Toronto is drag it's reputation through a sick pigsty!
And he wants forgiveness?
Gimme a fucking break!
You don't become Mayor and behave like this idiot has behaved!
Sweet Jesus, we need to rid the earth of Conservative scum.
You never hear of scandals like this from any other party. ONLY TORIES.
Time to tell them to fuck off forever.
Enough is Enough dammit.

Chris Knipp
11-08-2013, 12:30 PM
Ford is a disgusting fat messy slob. I wouldn't want him as mayor of my big city even if he was a teetotaler.

11-08-2013, 12:40 PM

I know. Hindsight is 20/20. I can't believe I voted for him in 2010.
I'm utterly ashamed I voted for a Tory. NEVER again. For some reason I thought Ford was "real".

City Council is petitioning the Ontario provincial government to take unprecedented action and remove Ford from office and order him to get help.

11-08-2013, 01:08 PM
By the way, PMW, if you're still reading this massive thread at all, you can lock this thread as soon as Harper is gone.

I want this thread over more than anyone who reads it. TRUST ME.
But given how long it takes to get Justice, I'd say we have at least 6 months before the actual hammer comes down.
It's all dependent on the RCMP.
If they want to restore Canadians' faith in such a flawed institution, I can't think of a more ripe moment.

11-08-2013, 01:19 PM
Something else I'd like to highlight about this DEATH OF HARPER'S GOVERNMENT situation we are witnessing:

Many people have come out in defence of Nigel Wright, Harper's former Chief-of-Staff.
They say he's a highly ethical man, he is beyond reproach, he is a saint. Impeccable Dude, Dude...get with it....blah blah blah.
All these "defenders of the faith" (pardon me Judas Priest- I mean no harm, Metal Gods!) forget one crucial thing:

Nigel reached into his own bank account to pay Duffy off.

How would he do that on his own? Why would he do that on his own?
How did that idea ever even enter his head?
How did he not know how it would look?
And if he did, I want him to say under oath that his job as Chief-of-Staff was always on the chopping block. That it's dirty politics, and everybody under the sun knows that the COS is expendable. Canadians need to know this for the future.


11-08-2013, 01:46 PM
With this situation forcing me to look into the future, into Canada's political future, I have to say that it looks alarmingly like Harper not only couldn't care less about the Senate scandal, but he also couldn't care less if he wins the next election.
It seems incredible to say that, but I know Stephen Harper better than you do. I've been watching him a lot longer than you.

I wonder if his Tory caucus realizes that their time in the sun may be over, and that it's 100% their Leader's fault.
Those 24 new seats gained by his caucus...I wonder what those MP's think of the current situation.
How about it Tory MP's? You giving any thought to the fact that this is one storm that your party will not weather?

YOU SHOULD. Harper is so politically selfish he has no qualms losing the next election.
Maybe he can be an advisor to the party after you are trounced. LOL
Will you still love him after scandal?

Chris Knipp
11-08-2013, 02:51 PM
Maybe like Berlusconi? He never seems to go away. But Harper isn't a billionaire, is he? They're all rich though, aren't they? That's part of being a politician.

11-10-2013, 11:29 AM
Good comparison. Harper is pretty much the same as Berlusconi.

And yes, Harper is a Billionaire. Being PM helped him fill his coffers to the hilt.

Chris Knipp
11-10-2013, 11:48 AM
It goes with the way the whole world is becoming more and more an oligarchy of the rich. I think it's actually called plutocracy. But American presidents have mostly been rich. According to an accounting I just checked, only about a quarter of them have been worth less than a million. Washington was mega-rich, though not a billionaire. On the other hand some early ones went bankrupt. Lincoln lost everything when young, Wilson wasn't rich, and Truman was "relatively poor" most of his life. He and his wife needed Medicare. http://www.businessinsider.com/american-presidents-republican-candidates-net-worth-2012-1#more-from-247-wall-st-45

11-11-2013, 07:30 AM
Great information.

The tarsands is the whole reason Harper is in power. He has made his fortune off the tarsands. Canadians aren't aware of it.
In Question Period last Thursday the Harper government was hammering in the House about how the Keystone pipeline and the tarsands development cannot be slowed down because of environmental assesments.

Harper at one time said Keystone was "a no-brainer", then he said "I will not take no for an answer!"
Well, Obama gave him a clear "NO". Based entirely on the fact that the environmental concerns were not met.
The Opposition asked (quite rightly) how wise is it to give Ultamatums to our biggest trading partner.
Some Tory backbench mouthpiece said it shows Harper is a strong leader.
The Environment has no chance under Harper- he gutted all environmental protection in his GIANT Omnibus bill.

Do Canadians remember that fiasco (not so long ago?)
They don't give a shit.
Just like Harper.