View Full Version : Is Box-Office Age Discrimination Ethical?

oscar jubis
01-13-2011, 07:27 PM
Bucking the national trend, Miami has experienced growth in the number of independent, alternative, or "art" theaters over the past couple of years. The newest is the Coral Gables Art Cinema, a state of the art, 144-seater located about a mile from my house. The CGAC is the only alternative theater in the area that offers a student discount ONLY if you are under 25 years of age, which excludes me and many graduate students living on modest stipends, grants, and dwindling savings. I find this type of age discrimination unethical and perhaps even illegal (the CGAC is a non-profit and receives some funding from local, state and national entities). I refuse to patronize the CGAC based on principle even though it caused me to miss some films shown exclusively there (including Enter the Void and White Material). I really do welcome any criticism (or endorsement, if that's the case) of my thoughts on the matter and my stance regarding this theater's policy

Chris Knipp
01-13-2011, 07:31 PM
I think you are probably right although you were wrong to miss ENTER THE VOID and WHITE MATERIAL, two don't-miss items. But theaters all discriminate as to age by charging different age groups different prices.

I did see ENTER THE VOID though I have not written a review of it.

oscar jubis
01-22-2011, 09:01 AM
I sent an e-mail to the Board that directs the running of the theater and...they decided I had a valid point and changed their pricing policy! Indeed, the day after I received their response, I went to the cinema on the last day of White Material's run and was charged only $7 upon presentation of my UM id.

Chris Knipp
01-22-2011, 10:13 AM
Good for you! You spoke up and it worked!

01-22-2011, 02:48 PM
I am a student of life. Do you think if I opened my mind to them they would lower their price? It doesn't matter. In a few years I'll qualify for senior discount. At any rate, I applaud your assertions.

oscar jubis
01-22-2011, 04:17 PM
Thanks guys! Totally surprised at how quickly they changed the policy.I am still 15 years away from the senior discount and trying to survive on a doctoral stipend for 3 years.Not that I'm complaining but the $2 I save as a student makes a difference because I go to the movies a lot.