11-23-2002, 11:39 PM
Here's a thread that I ran back when i used to moderate a chatboard at another site, and it was kind of popular there, so I figured I'd give it a go here:
THE SCENE: You're at home one day, when there's a knock at the door. You answer the door and there stands a well-dressed man, carrying a brief case. He introduces himself as the lawyer of a late, eccentric uncle that you weren't aware you had. He presents you with a document that says you stand to inherit the bulk of his extensive estate, PROVIDED that you spend the sum of ONE BILLION dollars, in a constructive manner, and it MUST be in some way connected with the motion picture/entertainment industry. How would you spend it? Build your own state-of-the art film studio? Establish a film museum? Fund the filming of a historical epic wih an all-star cast? Start you own cable tv network?...let's hear some answers,ladies and gentlemen!
THE SCENE: You're at home one day, when there's a knock at the door. You answer the door and there stands a well-dressed man, carrying a brief case. He introduces himself as the lawyer of a late, eccentric uncle that you weren't aware you had. He presents you with a document that says you stand to inherit the bulk of his extensive estate, PROVIDED that you spend the sum of ONE BILLION dollars, in a constructive manner, and it MUST be in some way connected with the motion picture/entertainment industry. How would you spend it? Build your own state-of-the art film studio? Establish a film museum? Fund the filming of a historical epic wih an all-star cast? Start you own cable tv network?...let's hear some answers,ladies and gentlemen!