09-14-2010, 02:34 PM
They call him Machete.
I went to see this film last night at the Yonge & Dundas AMC and it was just the kind of film I needed. KICK ASS to the MAX JACK!
I tried to post about it yesterday but I was too hammered to write. LOL whiskey & coke was in mah belly for Machete.
This movie restored my faith that great movies are still being made. Robert Rodriguez is a Hero of mine. Rebel without a crew. That guy has really done it all and continues to do it all. Every film he's made I've liked. A LOT. He's a Man's Man Director. A bravura that is so cool it hurts.
Just like QT.
Danny Trejo is Machete, a fearsome lookin' dude by any standard. He looks like he's done some hard time, maybe even killed many men. LOL
MACHETE is Grindhouse Glory. It's the expansion of that unbelievably awesome fake trailer that was made for the double release of Rodriguez' Planet Terror and Tarantino's Death Proof- 2 films that I hold in very high regard. I wrote when it came out in '07 (emphatically) that Machete should be made into a feature. And here it is. Complete with worn-looking celluloid, bitchin' scratches and staccato/bizarro edits/cuts.
Wall to Wall Awesomeness is what Machete delivers. I don't want to spoil it for anybody by detailing what carnage and fuckin' sweet dialog this movie has. Just go see it and be entertained in totem.
I had a huge smile on my face and let out several yelps at the murders that happen on screen. Visceral, unflinching, and sometimes hilarious.
Naked women walk in and out of scenes. I was thinking that this movie could be a lost series of reels from 1971, made by the type of men who made SS Girls and 'Nam Angels and Coffy. Beautiful fuckin' MOVIE!
Robert Rodriguez may be the coolest filmmaker out there. Cooler than Tarantino. (Gasp!) Cooler than Jarmusch (the Horror!)
No joke. Even Jarmusch doesn't do movies like this. But he could if he wanted, I gather...:)
What can I say? I'm seeing Machete again ASAP. Maybe even three times. I'll watch that ten times over Toy Story 3....
Watch it and be amazed at the skills and talent of Robert Rodriguez. He just forges ahead. Giving us instant classics and resurrecting/keeping the flame of GRINDHOUSE flicks. Bless him for it.
I went to see this film last night at the Yonge & Dundas AMC and it was just the kind of film I needed. KICK ASS to the MAX JACK!
I tried to post about it yesterday but I was too hammered to write. LOL whiskey & coke was in mah belly for Machete.
This movie restored my faith that great movies are still being made. Robert Rodriguez is a Hero of mine. Rebel without a crew. That guy has really done it all and continues to do it all. Every film he's made I've liked. A LOT. He's a Man's Man Director. A bravura that is so cool it hurts.
Just like QT.
Danny Trejo is Machete, a fearsome lookin' dude by any standard. He looks like he's done some hard time, maybe even killed many men. LOL
MACHETE is Grindhouse Glory. It's the expansion of that unbelievably awesome fake trailer that was made for the double release of Rodriguez' Planet Terror and Tarantino's Death Proof- 2 films that I hold in very high regard. I wrote when it came out in '07 (emphatically) that Machete should be made into a feature. And here it is. Complete with worn-looking celluloid, bitchin' scratches and staccato/bizarro edits/cuts.
Wall to Wall Awesomeness is what Machete delivers. I don't want to spoil it for anybody by detailing what carnage and fuckin' sweet dialog this movie has. Just go see it and be entertained in totem.
I had a huge smile on my face and let out several yelps at the murders that happen on screen. Visceral, unflinching, and sometimes hilarious.
Naked women walk in and out of scenes. I was thinking that this movie could be a lost series of reels from 1971, made by the type of men who made SS Girls and 'Nam Angels and Coffy. Beautiful fuckin' MOVIE!
Robert Rodriguez may be the coolest filmmaker out there. Cooler than Tarantino. (Gasp!) Cooler than Jarmusch (the Horror!)
No joke. Even Jarmusch doesn't do movies like this. But he could if he wanted, I gather...:)
What can I say? I'm seeing Machete again ASAP. Maybe even three times. I'll watch that ten times over Toy Story 3....
Watch it and be amazed at the skills and talent of Robert Rodriguez. He just forges ahead. Giving us instant classics and resurrecting/keeping the flame of GRINDHOUSE flicks. Bless him for it.