05-07-2010, 06:38 AM
Unlike SNL, which purports to continue its tradition of political satire, Jon Stewart strikes fear into the hearts of politicians and cable news networks by parodying them with their own words. SNL trumps out Fred Armisen (normally a funny person) and attempts to belittle a popular president week after week instead of going after the obvious and the silly, such as Glenn Beck, who rants and raves and cries on cue, or Sean Hannity who no longer purports to even tell the news, he simply spouts out the Republican line as fact.
Stewart is brilliant at political satire. His audiences are hip, young, smart, and loyal. They love his attacks on the mudane cable news network's when they use trivial words to summarize important events. He pulls actual airtime and throws it in their faces while the audience reacts with aplomb. Last night's show typified Stewart's brand of current political parody. So much has happened in the news lately, he could pick and choose among the bomber story, the gulf oil spill, riots in Greece, the Dow Jones plunge, or the conservative politician caught with the gay prostitute. In a hilarious montage using old film footage, he showed the "switchboard operators of The Daily Show" repeatedly answering calls with dubbed responses, "Yes, we know... the politician had a gay prostitute" as the most important story of the day. When it ended, he looked into the camera with a straight face and delivered his punch line, "We must bring Technicolor to the switchboard soon."
SNL doesn't get it any longer. Their repeated attacks on a popular president fall flat. Stewart sees this and goes after the people who come off as pretentious and silly, such as Beck, Hannity, and others in the Republican Party who cry foul every day and whose repeated calls of "Wolf! Wolf!" have finally fallen on deaf ears. Stewart gets it. So do some of us. Here is a link to last night's episode, a must see for fans of Stewart and for those of us who have had enough of the political right, the tea party, silly Fox News, and bad comedy on SNL.
Stewart is brilliant at political satire. His audiences are hip, young, smart, and loyal. They love his attacks on the mudane cable news network's when they use trivial words to summarize important events. He pulls actual airtime and throws it in their faces while the audience reacts with aplomb. Last night's show typified Stewart's brand of current political parody. So much has happened in the news lately, he could pick and choose among the bomber story, the gulf oil spill, riots in Greece, the Dow Jones plunge, or the conservative politician caught with the gay prostitute. In a hilarious montage using old film footage, he showed the "switchboard operators of The Daily Show" repeatedly answering calls with dubbed responses, "Yes, we know... the politician had a gay prostitute" as the most important story of the day. When it ended, he looked into the camera with a straight face and delivered his punch line, "We must bring Technicolor to the switchboard soon."
SNL doesn't get it any longer. Their repeated attacks on a popular president fall flat. Stewart sees this and goes after the people who come off as pretentious and silly, such as Beck, Hannity, and others in the Republican Party who cry foul every day and whose repeated calls of "Wolf! Wolf!" have finally fallen on deaf ears. Stewart gets it. So do some of us. Here is a link to last night's episode, a must see for fans of Stewart and for those of us who have had enough of the political right, the tea party, silly Fox News, and bad comedy on SNL.