View Full Version : Triple X, really that bad, or stupid fun??

11-19-2002, 09:26 PM
I don't want to defend the movie, but I had fun watching it. The action scenes were mindless, but fun. 'tough guy' vin diesel did what he had to do. although the script was poor, and the musical score was horrid, the film was alright. i was dissapointed in the overall story. this is not an 'armageddon' or 'pearl harbor' (total peices of junk). From what i read, XXX will be a franchise, most likely, two more sequels to go. As long as the action is this mindless and fun, it should be alright.

02-25-2003, 04:18 PM
"XXX" is ultimately just a stupid mindless action movie. BUT, does it really make any attempt to convince you that it's anything more than that? It's an action film for action fans. Every type of film has its audience. Some action films have intelligent stories (like the John Woo H-K flicks), while others just have a bunch of one-liners, fast music, even faster women, and tooooooons of violence. Take your pick and go with it. It's entertainment. Sure I'd like to think of myself as an intellectual and I wish all movies could have some kind of intellectual value, but...alas, not everyone agrees with me. So...I let 'em have their fun. "XXX" is just stupid fun...so HAVE some stupid fun and watch it if you want. That's what I think anyway. But what do I know? *shrug*

Perfume V
02-27-2003, 06:21 AM
I found it a bit too contrived and cynical to truly enjoy - unlike The Fast and the Furious, it didn't feel like anyone's heart was in it. (Christ, I'm talking about Vin Diesel films in terms of passion and artistic commitment. I'm wasting my life)

Anything with Asia Argento in can't be a total waste of time, mind. Mmmm... Asia.