View Full Version : Alesander Sokurov: The Sun (2005)

Chris Knipp
11-16-2009, 07:26 PM
In late 2009 Aleksandr Sokurov's 2005 film The Sun is finally being released in the US. Lorber Films has secured the film and it begins Nov. 18-Dec. 1 at Film Forum in NYC a US theatrical release that will continue into 2010. Starring Japanese comic Issey Ogata in a haunting performance as Hirohito, The Sun depicts the last 24 hours before the strangely naive, detached Japanese emperor is forced to surrender to General Douglas MacArthur.

Sokurov's 2002 Russian Ark was an art house hit in the US, but the enthusiasm hasn't spilled over into further releases. I saw the director's 2003 Father and Son at Cinema Village in New York, but few saw it.

At the 2005 NY Film Festival, in a year when the slate included such excellent movies as Garrel's Regular Lovers, Clooney's Good Night, and Good Luck, Puiu's The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, the Dardennes' L'Enfant (The Child), Baumbach's The Squid and the Whale, Haneke's Cache (Hidden), Chereau's Gabrielle, Hou's Three Times and Park's Sympathy for Lady Vengeance, Sokurov's The Sun stood out to me as a true cinematic masterpiece. I think it may be the best (as well as the most sympathetic and accessible) of the Russian's "Dictator Trilogy;" I've seen Moloch (about Hitler) on DVD, but not Tarus (about Lenin). The Sun showed at Berlin, Cannes, and other festivals including San Francisco.

Of The Sun Manohla Dargis of the NYTimes wrote: "Sokurov has shot this wonderfully eccentric and fascinating film -- as if it were a science- fiction film" Mr. Ogata is mesmerizing." As a portrait of pathology-- that of Japan and of Hirohito both -- it's terrific." That's true, but only hints at the immense psychological insight embodied in The Sun.

I watched The Sun at the New York Film Festival in 2005, and then again in the San Francisco festival. In my NYFF coverage I wrote (http://www.filmleaf.net/articles/features/nyff05/thesun.htm):
Sokurov's haunting recreation of how Emperor Hirohito spent the last hours before the Japanese surrender, this is a miraculous work, and it provided the most powerful aesthetic and emotional experience of the NYFF. The Sun depicts a man who knows very well what is going on but lives in a cocoon, in a state of detachment and ineffectuality that becomes strangely heart-rendiing. Issey Ogata's performance as the Emperor easily competes for hypnotic intensity with Bruno Ganz's in the German film Downfall -- but with a very different sort of bunker and a very different kind of man: a silent, immaculate country house with a few faithful servants in attendance; a small, frail but upright and dignified personage who can easily explain the causes of the Japanese defeat to his general staff but has never learned to dress himself or open a door. Even on this day he is more comfortable browsing through photos of his family and American movie stars, discussing marine biology, and writing poetry. Despite the disgrace, he is selflessly happy that peace has come. He inks a brush to write a statement to his absent son, but instead drafts a few verses about the weather. Later he is taken to see [General MacArthur], and then brought back again to dine with the general. He enjoys the wine and the meat and has his first taste of a Havana cigar. The Americans conclude that the Emperor is like a child. "What's it like being a living god?" [MacArthur] asks. And speaking, to the dismay of the Japanese interpreter, in perfect English, Hirohito says, "What can I tell you? You know, it is not easy being Emperor." These are just a few details in a film rich in telling ones. Simply enumerating them can't explain this film's slow, cululative emotional wallop -- or the lovely, fantastic, dreamlike landscape images toward the end. (Chris Knipp 2005)

oscar jubis
11-18-2009, 10:01 AM
I think it was early last year when I got tired of waiting for a US release of The Sun and bought the UK DVD (I could barely afford it). I mean it will be released here almost five years after it premiered at the Berlinale (Feb. 2005). Sokurov may be my favorite European director of the decade, although The Sun is not one of the Sokurov films I love most.

Chris Knipp
11-18-2009, 01:21 PM
It is one I love most. But I love others too. I just think this one works in a different, sort of more conventional way. I guess not everybody tunes in to it. Japanese people I talked to who saw it were in awe. One always loses with DVD vs. theatrical, but this one would work pretty well on a small format.

11-18-2009, 04:02 PM
Which ones or one would you recommend, Oscar?

Chris Knipp
11-18-2009, 06:31 PM
As Dennis Lim wrote in the NYTimes a few days ago in a survey (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/11/15/movies/15lim.html?_r=1) of the director, "Taking a Man, Then Removing His Myth",
The filmmaker Alexander Sokurov is best known to American audiences for Russian Ark (2002), a dizzying tour through the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg that sweeps up several centuries of Russian history and culture into a single 96-minute Steadicam shot. Manohla Dargis provides a review (http://movies.nytimes.com/2009/11/18/movies/18sun.html) of The Sun in today's (Nov 18,'09) Times, but you might find Lim's discussion more useful on this film as well as for its' its wider ranging discussison of the director's work. Netflix now lists 14 titles, including The Sun, which is coming.
Elegy of the Land (1977)
Sonata for Viola (1981)-doc re Shostakovich
Moscow Elegy (1987)-doc re Tarkovsky
The Second Circle (1990)
Spiritual Voices (2-Disc Series) (1994) –doc
Oriental Elegy / Dolce / A Humble Life (1996)-Japan doc
Confession (2-Disc Series) (1998)-doc
Dialogues with Solzhenitsyn (1999)-doc
Moloch (1999)-about Hitler
Mother & Son (2000)
Elegy of a Voyage (2002)-2 short films, doc
Russian Ark (2002)
The Sun (2005)-release coming
Alexandra (2007)
Of these I've only seen The Sun, Moloch, Alexandra, Fathers and Sons, and The Second Circle. Russian Ark is the one that made Sokurov's name known to US art house audiences and had the widest distribution, though that one one lacks the warmth of the other films of his I've seen and particularly the psychological penetration and thought-provoking portraiture of The Sun. Nonetheless Russian Ark it is a tour de force and remarkable -- and shows in a way the more mainstream art house audience can appreciate the director's capacity for sustaining a mood, and a take. Oscar listed Elegy of the Land (1977) as one of his favorite DVD releases of 2007. That consists of two shorts. I saw Father and Son in a NYC theater, and liked its beauty and sensuality, but it's strange and largely difficult to decode. I would consider The Sun the most accessible and the most significant of the ones I've seen, but I have enjoyed the others and am impressed by the style and high seriousness of the work. Sokurov is one of the great filmmakers working today, but I don't think he's for everyone. And evidently opinions differ, though Oscar's saying The Sun is not one of his favorites is incomprehensible to me; however he has doubtless seen much more of the films than I have and there is no disputing tastes. He will be able to point to various titles from the list above and make comments; with his skil at searching out rare titles he will doubtless have been able to find ones not on the Netflix list. The Sun has met with wide acclaim and in fact has been a step toward more festival attention and more international recognition. Sokoruv has been prolific; may have run into a dry spell lately. He has made many, which we can't see, some of them shorts. We also need to see Taurus, about Lenin, to complete his "dictator" trilogy (with Hirohito's inclusion reasonably being objected to as not really a dictator) with Moloch and The Sun. I will stand by my view that The Sun is a masterpiece and the most remarkable of Sokurov's films that I've seen, and in my view the theatrical release of the film with a US DVD obviously on the way, is a cause for rejoicing.

oscar jubis
11-21-2009, 08:39 AM
Thanks for the links. undoubtedly, Sokurov is the most important Russian filmmaker since the death of Tarkovsky (Sokurov's doc on him is really good). I have seen only a few more films from his highly prolific career than you have. The two I haven't seen with the best reputations are WHISPERING PAGES and ORIENTAL ELEGY. They are both under feature length.

I mean no disrespect towards THE SUN or the films about Hitler and Lenin. But I found MOTHER AND SON, ALEKSANDRA, and the short MARIA much more moving. And personally, RUSSIAN ARK gave me more to think about.

Chris Knipp
11-21-2009, 03:13 PM
Thanks. The thing that makes The Sun stand out from Russian Ark is its insightful personality portrait; judging by Moloch though, the other two in the trilogy aren't on that level at all. And I certainbly like Aleksandra very much, but don't think it quite as remarable as sThe Sun. I have not seen Mother and Son. I'm sure we both hope Sokurov gets more US exposure outside of a few festivals. I can rent Oriental Elegy and many others, as my checking on netflix showed.

Chris Knipp
11-27-2009, 11:51 PM
I've posted a revised and more detailed version of my main two entries in this thread on my website. (http://www.chrisknipp.com/writing/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1386&p=1404#p1404)