View Full Version : Clash Of The Titans (2010)

06-17-2009, 10:31 AM
Louis Leterrier is helming a remake of one of the best movies ever made (in my humble), CLASH OF THE TITANS.

I'm pretty stoked about it because I know that the chances of it being huge and classic are massive.
Liam Neeson plays Zeus, and Sam Worthington is Perseus.
PERFECT. Just perfect. How can they go wrong?
I'm envisioning it now in my head, and man, I'm stoked.

This is a remake we need.
I'm not knocking the pioneering SFX of the Legend, Ray Harryhausen, I love his work, but it is a tad primitive for today's audiences. Today's crowds want badass sfx, and, properly applied to this story could make for a kick-ass, classic film. Can't wait for it. Leterrier directed the recent Incredible Hulk, which I felt was absolutely kick-ass.
I love each project Mr. Leterrier takes on.
He's been an awesome director (to my mind).
The studio made the perfect choices for stars and director.
I'm really jazzed about this one.

And speaking of Liam Neeson, he's also starring in Spielberg's LINCOLN, another epic film that I can't wait to see.
It's an appropriate movie to make right now, considering who's President.

10-19-2009, 10:15 AM
Some early stills that a fan posted on youtube. This film does look like it's gonna be epic. Love the production design....
Liam Neeson looks amazing as Zeus.
And the music the guy added to the stills is nice too.


10-20-2009, 06:19 AM
Are you really serious? "...one of the best movies ever made?" I went to the premiere in Los Angeles where Ray Harryhausen spoke before the presentation. I was always a big fan of his work as a kid. However, stop-motion animation seems kind of silly in retrospect. The animation and the person interacting never seem to quite line up. Although, the scenes are fun to watch, and in some cases Bernard Herrmann's score is thrilling to the ear, these movies are hopelessly dated.

Now someone wants to remake the classic tale of Perseus. Fine. Only, call it something else... don't claim to remake a childhood classic that was Harryhausen's last hurrah (By the way, they used up so much of their budget on star salaries that they had to scale back several scenes of special effects that never made it into the final film, Olivier being one of them!).

10-20-2009, 08:26 AM
Hell yeah it's one of the best films ever made!
Harryhausen had the magic. The stop-motion is a little silly but I give it up for that just because the film is so damn enjoyable.
They don't make 'em like that anymore.
Harry Hamlin looks like Jim Morrison and was even considered to play him in a bio-pic in the early 80's.

You don't like Clash of the Titans?
For the love of Zeus!

10-21-2009, 10:32 PM
You know better than that! I write science fiction! I love Harryhausen's work. Yet, when I was a child, I loved childish things... etc. Sorry... I still love science fiction. I would say my tastes are "more refined" these days. Is "Clash of the Titans" his best work? I would recommend two others instead, "Jason and the Argonauts," which I regard as a fantasy classic and a brilliant work by his SFX team, the other is "The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad." Both appeal to audiences on many levels and both were scored by Bernard Herrmann (as was "Mysterious Island" whose score is probably the best of all).

10-23-2009, 09:18 AM
I don't know if Clash of the Titans is his best work, but it's certainly the most memorable for me, the movie that I most associate him with. Special effects have come a long way since then. Harryhausen's effects are similar to how the original King Kong moved- chunky. He had trouble getting the stop-motion to flow, that's why it can look a little bit silly. It would've been nice if Medusa's snakes were more realistic.

Clash of the Titans is one of the first movies I ever remember seeing, along with Flash Gordon, First Blood, The Empire Strikes Back, Superman II and On Golden Pond.

04-27-2010, 12:52 PM
I absolutely loved CLASH OF THE TITANS.

I admit that the script could've been a bit better, but overall I didn't care. I knew the story.
They updated this story quite well.
Sam Worthington is a serviceable Hero (Perseus- Son of Zeus, even tho he doesn't know it).
Liam Neeson is AWESOME as Zeus. He's very Commanding, which is what that role requires. (Larry Olivier was Zeus in the original)

Lots of great SFX- those scorpions were really cool and so was the toppling of the statue of Zeus to start the war.
But the best thing about the whole movie is the scenes on Mount Olympus.
Bravo to the production designers on that shit.
They really had vision- the clouds, the scale of the Gods' Dominion...Wow. Loved that!
And the glinting/shining silver armour of Zeus was a nice touch..

The set-piece of the film is when the Kraken is released. That beast makes Godzilla look like a small gecko on the beach...

04-28-2010, 12:14 PM
There's a great in-joke in the movie for fans of the Desmond Davis film regarding that gold owl. Good for a laugh in an otherwise serious movie.
Another laugh comes when an archer stands next to another archer who Medusa turned to stone..

The only complaint I have (and it's not really a complaint, more of an observation) is that Medusa was quite fake-looking. They maybe should've worked a little harder or spent more time on the CGI renderings. She seemed like a cartoon at some points. It was glaring.
But I loved how they introduced her, with her mysterious laughing.
This movie is pure popcorn entertainment.
Don't go in looking for anything but Gods, Titans and Monsters. Who clash. LOL
I was also very impressed with the special sword that Perseus is given by the Gods and how Pegasus was rendered.
All in all I give it a big thumbs up. I really enjoyed it and I'm glad that it came out as good as it did.
This could've been a serious turkey.
Another thing that I thought about was Sam Worthington's hairstyle.
Did they have a set of #2 clippers in ancient mythic times? If so, where did they plug it in?
His hair is buzzed like a soldier. Where's the Harry Hamlin mane? The flowing heroic locks? ha ha