View Full Version : David Carradine: strange demise

06-04-2009, 04:23 PM
I just found out that Kung-Fu and Kill Bill star David Carradine has comittted suicide. He was found naked * hanging* in a closet in Bangkok?!??!

I'm feeling a little strange about this...

Chris Knipp
06-05-2009, 01:37 AM
Suicides of men over seventy are common, a San Francisco Chronicle (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/gurley/detail?entry_id=41200) column says, and Carradine was 72. One of his last projects was a film called 'My Suicide.' Hanging is a common and traditional and quiet method. He'd thought of hanging before the Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/celebritynews/5445266/David-Carradine-spoke-of-suicide-wish-before-his-death-in-Bangkok-hotel.html) says.
In a 2004 interview which may have foretold his death, Carradine said: "I remember one time sitting in the window of the third or fourth floor of the Plaza Hotel for about an hour, thinking about just tipping off. And that was at a time when I was having more fun than you could imagine.

"I just thought, 'Who the ---- cares, man? Why don't I just split?' Of course I didn't, so there you go." There's speculation of a sex game gone wrong, which is lurid, but the evidence points otherwise.
Jules: "Basically I'm just gonna walk the earth." Vincent: "Whatcha mean 'walk the earth'?" Jules: "You know, like Caine in Kung Fu - walk from place to place, meet people, get in adventures. . .

06-05-2009, 08:37 AM
In the paper today Michael Madsen was quoted as saying that it's shocking that he's no longer with us.

And I read that another friend who knew David well said that he did not believe that anyone else was involved in his death. He's sure David died alone.
I'll try to track down his name.
I know you should attribute a quote to somebody exactly.

06-07-2009, 03:41 PM
I just can't locate the name of the individual or "friend" who said that he was sure David acted alone. I'll try my best to be more vigilant next time. Apologies.

Apologies are really due, because now David's family wants a full investigation and after the release of that disrespectful photo (which by the way you can't even tell who it is- that could be any person on earth) who can blame them?

Something's fishy about this whole thing.
Whether he was murdered or committed suicide, something is very odd about this man's death.

Martin Scorsese has stated that he was very saddened by the news.

Chris Knipp
06-07-2009, 04:03 PM
I'm confused -- didn't you say you'd just seen THE LIMITS OF CONTROL and were going to go right back and see it again the next day? I can't find that comment. Anyway, I've just seen and loved it and my review is up in a new thread.


Chris Knipp
06-07-2009, 04:04 PM
P.s. I sent you an email with a query last week.

06-08-2009, 06:26 AM
Yes. I saw it twice. And I'm seeing it again.
It is some powerful movie.
Your review was beautiful. Captured the essence of the movie.
Will e-mail you.

Chris Knipp
06-08-2009, 11:00 AM
Cool. Maybe you can put some comments on the LIMITS OF CONTROL thread, and get people interested. Talk soon.

06-11-2009, 05:33 PM
2 separate autopsies have concluded that Mr. Carradine did not commit suicide. They didn't say how he died or why in the story (that just appeared today) but that they need more info about the room he was in and all the circumstances.

In the meantime, Robert Carradine has asked for respect for his family and consideration for saying the proper goodbyes to this cinema icon.

I feel really really bad for his family.
David died by mistake, and already you have a crime scene forensic photo leaked, and guess what's turned up on a Hungarian website of all places? An autopsy photo!
What the fuck is going on man??!
No respect at all in this case.
That's the human race for you...