View Full Version : ADVENTURELAND (Greg Mottola 2009)

Chris Knipp
04-03-2009, 01:26 AM
Greg Mattola: Adventureland (2009)

Coming of age in Eighties Pittsburgh

Review by Chris Knipp

Greg Mottola, director of the mega-hit Apatow comedy Superbad, has another, much more personal, go at the young American male zeitgeist in Adventureland, which he both wrote and directed this time, and which focuses on a recent college graduate in Pittsburgh in the Reagon era. It's the summer of 1987 (a moment underlined with a rich, sometimes intentionally maddening song soundtrack). Young James Brennan (Jesse Eisenberg) has been accepted at the Columbia journalism school and looks forward to his first trip abroad with a friend. But Lady Luck messes with James. Due to an economic downturn, his dad's suffered a salary cut. His parents not only back out of paying for the Europe jaunt; they won't bankroll lodging in New York for him either. In desperation James looks for summer jobs, but finds that high SAT scores and an honors degree in comparative literature don't even qualify him for manual labor. The choice of last resort to which he falls heir is "games" carnie at a second-rate fairground called Adventureland where showing up sober is the only requirement. It's in this tacky world, of rotting corn dogs, barfing children, threatening contestants and bored young men and women with even more diminished expectations--his coworkers--that James must find (or salvage) love and friendship and hope for the future. And guess what? He does. And, somehow or other, much like the young hero of Thumbsucker, he makes it to New York.

Some smart casting and some witty writing as well as constant interludes of amusement park atmosphere save this from utter conventionality. Jesse Eisenberg is the cute, skinny young Jewish guy who was Jeff Daniels' hard to fool older son in Noah Baumbach's much celebrated The Squid and the Whale. Eisenberg has done lots of things since, but this may be his biggest role so far, the one he was made to play. His James is a virgin with an East Coast Jewish sense of irony. He also has a foolish, if admirable, tendency to always tell the truth. What he's not is a horny dweeb like Fogell (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) in Superbad. He's chivalrous and articulate--maybe more articulate than he needs to be to get to second base, but also enough to give the audience the feeling of a literary sensibility in play. He's not a hunk like handsome, married loser Mike Connell (Ryan Reynolds), the park handyman and a would-be musician who may or may not have played one gig with Lou Reed, but he's much easier to care about. Eisenberg has the mannerisms of intelligent naivety down, and his understated rapid fire delivery is spot on. Whether or not he's meant to be Jewish, the aura of the young Jewish intellectual-to-be surrounds him. He can't describe his journalistic aims without mentioning Charles Dickens' writing about prisons.

The movie, though ostensibly in coming-of-age rather than buddy-picture mode, tries a bit too hard to be gross in the contemporary Apatow manner, to be mainstream I guess, and not hard enough to avoid the standard clichés of the coming-of-age film. Adventureland barely goes anywhere new. But that's not to say that Eisenberg, Kirsten Stewart (heartbreakingly wispy and alluring as James' troubled--and complex--new girlfriend, Em), and a handful of other actors aren't quite charming and watchable--or that the movie doesn't have any clever throwaway lines along with the barf and knee-in-the-balls jokes. The intellectual anchor of the piece is James's bespectacled Adventureland pal Joel (Martin Starr), a nihilistic Slavic Studies major whose idea of how to woo a lady is to give her a copy of Gogol's Dead Souls and explain that the author starved himself to death after writing it. Joel is so much more pessimistic, depressed, and articulate that we see James has a chance of happiness despite his innocence about courtship and increasingly uncertain future.

This is a sweet comedy, and it's nice and very rare to see something from a successful Apatow alumnus that's not about a fat guy who wins the babe while remaining a pothead couch potato. Pot plays a significant role here, but James parcels out his bag judiciously and effectively. At the end while he's lost nearly everything, he's still got his dreams and his love. If that doesn't warm your heart, you're a pretty cool customer.

The failings of Adventureland are obvious. Aside from its lack of surprises, for all its jokes it's not particularly funny (though it also avoids turning too dark). Its amusement park setting is original, but not enough individualized. (Bill Hader and Kristen Wig as the gung-ho park managers Bobby and Paulette do provide glimpses of comedy, though.) The unappealing, loser parents are a cliché. This isn't earth-shaking or side-splitting stuff and it's a bit rough around the edges, but it's true to its (doubtless autobiographical) model, a decent and solid little film that is likely to hold its value.

Also published on Cinescene. (http://www.cinescene.com/knipp/adventureland.htm)

Chris Knipp
04-03-2009, 02:10 PM
The movie opens today (Friday, April 4, 2009, the day of Martin Luther King's assassination), and A.O. Scott's NYTimes review adds some great points I wish I'd made, notably more clearly differentiating this movie from the Apatow comedies. He quotes John Updike's statement that man is "a failed boy" and says the Apatow comedies blunt the tragic consequences of that by claiming man is "a successful boy." But ADVENTURELAND isn't really an Apatow comedy. It has some members of the Apatow crew, Mottola as director, Bill Hader and Martin Starr in the cast, but
in spite of this family resemblance, Mr. Mottola's film is a relatively sober and cerebral affair, more akin to Richard Linklater's 'Dazed and Confused" than to "Knocked Up" or "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." James isn't aiming to be "a successful boy" but struggling to become a man. He's "an intellectual with a literary bent that suggests a latter-day Woody Allen or Philip Roth hero." Apatow's oversized boy "gets to keep his toys and his pals even as he acquires the benefits and obligations of heterosexual monogamy" and the Apatow humor "is based on various forms of sexual unease, in particular a jokey, half-panicky homoeroticism complemented by a semiterrified fascination with those oddly shaped, emotionally inscrutable creatures known as women."

In conrast James's "innocence expresses itself less as an anxious mystification of women and sex than as a romantic idealization of (gulp) love."

One more good point:
Mr. Mottola never sacrifices tenderness of feeling for a cheap laugh. Minor characters who might have been mean, tossed-off caricatures — like the theme-park bombshell known as Lisa P. (Margarita Levieva) — are endowed with the capacity to change and surprise, almost as if they were the protagonists of their own movies. I should have mentioned Lisa P. She's the sexy babe on the park crew all the guys lust after and James dates her once; she turns out to be a human being. You remember her as that, not as a tart bombshell.

oscar jubis
04-12-2009, 06:06 PM
Unlike Fox News, your review is truly "fair and balanced". I didn't find this as funny as Superbad or as thoughtful as Mottola's debut The Daytrippers ('96) but overall, it's worth seeing. "Barely goes anywhere new" is right though. Most of it is enjoyable. I only felt like walking out whenever that kid shows up to punch James' nuts. At 17 those pranks are almost forgivable but these characters are 22-23 years old and that makes the guy a complete moron with serious issues and not something that ellicits laughter. Not in my case, at least. Kirsten Stewart demonstrates more range than in previous performances. Sometimes there's a perfect matching of visuals and songs by the Velvets' ("Pale Blue Eyes", Satellite of Love), Dolls (Lookin' For A Kiss) and the ones by midwestern post-punk bands The Replacements (Bastards of Young, Unsatisfied) and Husker Du (Don't Wanna Know If You Are Lonely). None of them Top 40 material but album cuts White 20-somethings would be listening to in 1987.