View Full Version : Where are the Democrats?
01-28-2009, 09:58 PM
Lately, all we seem to see or hear are Republicans criticizing the President's recovery bill in congress. Are the networks purposely making the coverage one-sided? I mean, not one network, except MSNBC, had one Democratic spokesperson explaining the GOOD parts of this legislation. WHY? Why are they attacking so hard and so early? The networks (ABC, CNN, FOX, even NBC and CBS) are dealing a heavy blow to Obama just as they did to Clinton, undermining his popularity, and driving wedges between the public and their president. WHY? Why are they driving this country into the ground just as Bush did?
If anyone can explain this to me, I welcome it.
01-29-2009, 10:44 AM
One of the primary reason that Democrats don't need to respond to all the media clamour over criticism and complaints from Republican conservatives is that at this point it doesn't matter. The Honeymoon period is still fresh, the depth of the lower and middle class concerns are experienced in real time, 24/7 that predominates over the verbal sparring by Obama critics over the airwaves. What counts now is results and seeing positive change and that's what the public is so far patiently waiting for.
It's usually those out of power that have little else to do but to sit back and complain and voice their sorrows (for relief). What will really matter is the economy and the military conflicts that abound in this country and around the world. Months, perhaps years will determine whether or not Conservative Republicans regain the attention of the country. But for now, all their loud complaints are being washed out by unemployment, foreclosures, and the spiraling economy.
01-29-2009, 12:43 PM
I watched The Hour last night (one of the few great Canadian TV programs- George S. is a young, cool host) and he had a guy on there discussing a book he'd written on optimism in the human condition.
He described the difference between optimism and hope, and he made a point about Obama, saying that it's inevitable that he will disappoint people. The expectations are too high, and the realities of being President will change a lot of what he hopes he can do or change.
Myself, I'm just observing the whole thing.
Obama's critics are coming out of the woodwork.
But he knew what he was stepping into with this job.
People have to realize that he is just a man.
I know he'll do some really great things (and already has in my opinion- reversing a few Bush laws), he simply cannot reverse the damage Bush has done in no time at all.
He said it will take time. Have people remembered that?
It's gonna take a good while to get things back to a respectable level. This financial/economic crisis is Serious.
It seems as though the world is swirling downward like that water in the toilet bowl after you flush.
Jobs are evaporating at an inconceivable rate.
Governments injecting money ($800 billion in the US) to help stimulate sounds like the only option, but I worry that it won't do a damn thing.
As I've said before, I fear America's complete collapse is imminent, and all the collateral damage that goes with it.
Did you know that Stanley Kubrick predicted that this would happen?
He called it the inevitable socio-economic disaster, brought on by the "burgeoning mutual funds market".
Was he right?
Things that make you go "hmmmmm...."
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