View Full Version : Steven Sebring: Patti Smith: Dream of Life (2008)

Chris Knipp
09-14-2008, 12:00 PM
Steven Sebring: Patti Smith: Dream of Life (2008)


A woman quietly at the center of her times

Review by Chris Knipp

Thin, long-faced, androgynous, stringy-haired, dressed in skinny pants, coat, dangling tie, she is unmistakable, made famous by her own achievements as poet, painter, singer, musician, and activist and her close friend the late Robert Maplethorpe's iconic photo-portraits. Her music is and was a distinctive fusion of punk rock and spoken poetry. This film, created with an art installation and photography book, is the product of her 12-year collaboration with director Steven Sebring, and it is dominated by her own voice and vision, her sense of poetry, her wry warmth, elegance, and taste. She's a sweet, kind person, as we see her, who's suffered and been redeemed by significant personal loss. She particularly describes how the unexpected death of her younger brother has given her a larger, warmer heart, because it has been filled with him. The value of Smith's kinship with Blake and Rimbaud sinks in as she depicts herself in an ongoing cloud of quiet words. This is a public figure who emerges as a deeply authentic private person.

The film, mostly in evocative and beautiful but not arty black and white, cunningly but not logically edited, is meandering, equally strong in its depiction of personal talismanic objects and treasured people, but despite beginning with Smith's recitation of a series of personal milestones and dates, it's deliberately vague about denoting times and places--reminding one of the famous passage from Henry Green's Pack My Bag that goes: Prose is not to be read aloud but to oneself alone at night... it should be a long intimacy between strangers... it should slowly appeal to feelings unexpressed, it should in the end draw tears out of the stone. Smith and Sebring seem to know that to speak to us as poetry, her life need not be hung on a list of names and dates.

Dream of Life then is a film appealing to the open-minded and indulgent, unlikely to win over outsiders or skeptics. Despite its many beauties, it's rather a pity it can't serve as a more informative introduction to the woman and her work. Since she believes in reserve, but also in ruthless candor, Smith reveals that she has always had to get other people to tune her guitar. Sam Shepherd, whom she first met as a drummer, finds her playing ragged when they play a rather superfluous impromptu duet. She seems important as a poetic voice, not a musician or singer. This film, singing its own song, not cajoling, is full of the palimpsest pleasures of a layered life and likely to reward repeated viewings.

Patti Smith seems most convincing to this respectful non-devotee as a figure, an "icon," who was central to her times, friend of William Burroughs and Allan Ginzberg and Gregory Corso as well as Maplethorpe, a cult figure who has toured with Bob Dylan, a bereaved wife and mother who has taken long sabbaticals from her public career to immerse herself in living, a woman with dear siblings and sweet parents from a happy childhood. A woman whose son and daughter are hard to tell apart from her, who pays tender homage onscreen to the tombs of Blake and Rimbeau with caressing hands on the marble and use of her ever-present Polaroid camera. From seemingly humble south Jersey origins, she grew up loving books and worshiping at the font of poets like Shelley and Whitman.

After her remarkable relationship with Maplethorpe she went to live in Michigan with her husband Fred "Sonic" Smith, then when he died returned to poetry and music and activism in New York in 1994. As Andrew O'Hehir points out in his Salon review, she "is perhaps the only major surviving link from the beat era to the '70s Manhattan art scene to the birth of punk to the present." She has evidently done this through her own special calm and integrity and keen instinct.

Now 61, living in the Chelsea Hotel, still vibrant and active and herself, she is most impressive in a passionate, deeply angry reading of the American Declaration of Independence, which merges into a ferocious indictment of George W. Bush, the most succinct yet complete and powerful one I have ever heard. A truly amazing and astonishingly winning lady. Her influences has been enormous, and her words are often wise. “In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.” Famously, from her first album, the opening words: "Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine. . .My sins my own/They belong to me...."

[Debuted theatrically at Film Forum in New York; seen at an evening screening at Cinema Village. Gradual limited US release coming.]

09-15-2008, 07:51 AM
Another icon we can discuss.
Can`t wait to see this one either.
Great review (again) Chris.
Very grateful we have you here at FilmLeaf.

Patti is an undisputed icon.
She`s a poet, and yes indeed heavily influenced by William Blake and Arthur Rimbaud. She has her own book of selections of Blake`s poems, ones she hand-picked. I saw it in the poetry section of Chapters.
She`s also a massive fan of Jim Morrison, whose grave she visited right after he died. She said she had a dream that night, where she dreamed Jim had angel wings but they were stuck in a stone slab, and he was vainly trying to break free. Then he did.
I loved reading about that.

This film sounds sympathetic to it`s subject. That`s awesome, because she deserves all the respect in the world.
I admit I haven`t heard a lot of her music but I am very aware of her importance. She`s got legions of fans, who probably indulge in her art and words in private, reflecting Patti herself.

She`s an incredible spirit and her heart is always in the right place.

Chris Knipp
09-15-2008, 08:45 AM
Thanks for your favorable comment, and I agree with everything you say about Patti Smith. I knew almost nothing of her music myself, though I was very aware of her from Mapplethorpe's photographs (I know plenty about Mapplethorpe) and I knew that she was a very much admired figure--the coolest of the cool people to know about or to know, a bit like Leonard Cohen (who has also had an excellent biograpical film about him made in recent years). And her first album Horses was so famous. This is really a collaboration between her and the director, Sebring, as I mentioned, so needless to say it suits her style admirably. I found her immediately sympathetic. People can dislike the film for its rambling nature and its lack of clearcut identifications--for instance, her kids are shown at different ages without even saying who they are or when it is--but I don't see how anybody can find fault with her as a person. It's said in some reviews that she has a reputation of being prickly; you don't see that here. She just seems down to earth and nice. But connected with some of the best intellectuals of our age and poets of the past. I forgot to mention Jim Morrison but he is mentioned in the film. I think this will be a must for her true fans. Probably the concert segments are my least favorites, but they are not lengthy. The photography is so lovely at many points, but I scarcely knew how to describe it. No doubt it benefits from the fact that she herself is a photographer and had a long, special relationship with one of the best American photographers of the last three or four decades, Robert Mapplethorpe.

09-15-2008, 08:57 AM
Very cool. Thanks.

She`s one of the purest people on the planet right now.
Her place in rock/music history is singular and unique.

Any film which mentions Jim Morrison (in a good way) is a film that I`ve gotta check out.
I don`t know if we`ll even see that new *ultimate* documentary, now that John Densmore is writing a book about his legal battles with his bandmates. He has just announced that he`s won the court case *finally* and that he`s had to be silent about it for years. Now we`ll get to hear his side of the story, and it`ll be juicy. He`s made it very clear that he has been defending The Doors`legacy all along, in the name of Jim, who would be horrified at how Manzarek has handled the band`s legacy.

Mapplethorpe shot that famous cover for her masterpiece album HORSES, didn`t he?
I don`t know much about him.

Chris Knipp
09-15-2008, 04:24 PM
Mapplethorpe was quite famous, and did a lot of notable portraits as well as edgy X-rated gay art photos, and he died of AIDS in 1989. He did some elegant portraits, usually in square Hasselblad type format. You will find a big selection here.
