View Full Version : David Munro: Full Grown Men (2006)

Chris Knipp
06-28-2008, 02:33 PM

'Puer eternus' goes to Diggityland

The director has said that he found himself in his thirties wearing tennies and playing kid's games and noticed other male friends behaving similarly. This was the seed of his film about a man unable to relate to adulthood who runs away from his wife and young son taking a case full of action toys to sell to a buyer in Florida. On the way he seeks his childhood best friend, whom he turns out to have bullied mercilessly. But he thinks that time and that friendship were idyllic.

The story has some points in common with Chuck and Buck, Mike White's uncomfortable tale (directed by Miguel Arteta) about a childlike man who goes to look up a boyhood pal, thinking their homoerotic relationship can be revived; perhaps misconceiving how it was in the first place. Chuck is married and straight. Buck has stayed the way he was.

One has to view with caution the idea that childish men are a new phenomenon. Haven't women always seen us this way? Isn't the puer eternus--the eternal youth--a universal archetype? Yes, America famously fetishizes youth--but not childhood for grown men. So did the ancient Greeks. Granted, mass media seems to pursue an unusually relentless dumbing-down of adulthood for commercial purposes, trying (with some apparent success) to enslave adult men to techno-toys (with women eager to join the club). Perhaps that may be new. American men today also seem unusually short on grown-up role models.

But if David Munro was concerned with these issues, whether they are new or not, the movie he made feels neither realistic nor polemical. It's a rambling road picture about a character who's hard to care about or even understand. Did this guy ever have an occupation? Did he get an education above middle school? How did he find a wife and stay married long enough to have a five- or six-year-old son? Off he goes, with his bag of toys, and these questions are never considered. Obviously, the protagonist's twee-ness is called into question. He takes a literal beating. But it's still not clear what Munro is trying, if anything, to say.

According to A.V. Club's Noel Murray, Full Grown Men is "a commentary on a phenomenon that cartoonist Bill Griffith once dubbed 'kidults:' adults who dress, behave, and entertain themselves as though they were still 11 years old." He adds that it's also "a subtle dig at the indie quirkfests and Hollywood comedies that lionize these twinkly, sexless, deeply damaged halfwits." Those would be logical directions to go. Much of the time the protagonist here can be seen as a twinkly, sexless, deeply damaged halfwit. But he isn't being presented as a phenomenon and Munro doesn't seem to be making digs at films that celebrate it--if such exist. Murray concludes "Full Grown Men often becomes as intolerably silly as the twee Amerindies it's reacting to." Perhaps that's because it really isn't "reacting to" them. Most of the time the film seems without any perspective other than its clueless protagonist's.

It doesn't really seem Munro accomplishes much besides taking us on a little ride with this fey "loser" (as his wife calls him, in a parting shot). It's hard to see even a belated coming of age happening. There's just this one guy, Alby Cutrera (Matt McGrath), whose stubborn, smiley cutesy-ness is hard to relate to. He finds Elias Guber (Judah Friedlander), the childhood friend, who's become a teacher of children with special needs. Elias and his colleagues are taking the class to a place in Florida called Diggityland where Elias is going to get an award for his work. Alby tags along. And he meets some colorful characters.

First there's a disgruntled ex-Diggityland employee with militaristic and sociopathic tendencies (Alan Cumming, who co-produced this film) who hitches a ride with Elias and Alby. Not a very successful creation, Cumming's character, crazy, threatening, angry, perhaps harmless, odd, but not really funny. More successful is Trina (Amy Sedaris), a clown-in-training tending bar where Alby, departing from childhood, gets drunk: her manic energy is appealing. Rather haunting is Deborah Harry as a sad former mermaid living in a trailer who wants to seduce Alby, it seems. Best of all is Rollie (Benjamin Karpf), a special needs boy from the class who becomes Alby's roommate in a motel on the trip to Diggityland. Rollie's dialog with Alby that evening when he refuses to go to sleep is charming and fresh. It makes you wish Munnro had forgotten his tennies and his adulthood-shirking friends and made a movie about the special needs class and Elias. Friedlander, who is well-remembered from American Splendor five years ago, has a more nuanced, appealing role than McGrath--though as a foil to Alby his response of I will tolerate you but I do not like you never varies, or has much effect.

The upshot of these encounters is that Alby is rejected by everyone--but not the film itself, which represents Alby's world, appealingly, in candy-colored images tinted with pink filters by cinematographer Frank G. DeMarco that give the Florida locales warmth even when the protagonist is getting beaten up by dwarfs or left by the side of the road. Alby is, unintentionally or simply cluelessly, mean to children, and was mean to his friend as a child. But the movie isn't mean to him. If it were, this would be a different, darker, more thought-provoking story. Full Grown Men has its hard-core fans, and won an IndieWire "Undiscovered Gems" award. With a belated US distribution in selected cities, it is getting a theatrical life-extension, but it lacks either a grown-up point of view--or a true appreciation of childhood.

oscar jubis
06-29-2008, 05:02 PM

*I posted this review as part of coverage of the 2007 Miami Film Festival. At the time, I felt the film was being shown only because of its Florida connections and I was convinced I'd never have to hear about it. Lamentably, it has been released commercially.

There is no character like 35 year-old Alby (a well cast Matt McGrath) in film history. There have been many immature male characters who need to grow up and face adult responsibilities, and kids trapped magically in a man's body, but this guy is truly something else. Unlike the protagonists of Chuck & Buck and the recent The Science of Sleep, this man-child is not recognizably human. All he wants to do is play with his action figurines and have what a typical 9 year-old considers to be fun. Inexplicably, he has managed to marry and have a son, whom he treats like a puppet. When his wife kicks him out, he contacts his boyhood friend Boliche (Cuban for "pot roast"). Boliche is planning an excursion with the mentally disabled kids he teaches. They're going to Diggityland, Alby's favorite place in the world, so he invites himself.Full Grown Men becomes a road comedy full of grotesque characters and zany situations, none of them remotely plausible. Alby proves at every step of the way that he is not only terminally child-like, but also an insufferable jerk with psychopathic tendencies. I do admit experiencing perverse enjoyment out of watching him get his ass kicked by two dwarfs, but just about everything else made me groan. To be fair, production values are excellent, and cameos by Alan Cumming and Miami-born Debbie Harry brighten things up momentarily. Otherwise, Full Grown Men is a dud.

Chris Knipp
06-30-2008, 11:01 AM
"Brighten things up momentarily"--yes, but only very momentarily, I would point out; the film is given more credit for these brief cameos (solicited I think to get the film funded) than it deserves considering how brief they are. Thanks for the note on "boliche" which is important and I omitted .

We agree completely in our evaluation of this, and I guess Alby is one of the most unappealing characters ever, though that didn't sink in for me till later; I couldn't say I reveled in his beating at the hands of the dwarfs, partly because it didn't seem at all real. I found Chuck and Buck more irritating, very irritating indeed, but certainly Buck is more of a real person--that's why it got more under my skin. Full Grown Men is very superficial. Its encounters either have no duration or no depth. As for the film being shown in Florida because of its Florida connections, that is likely, but I think the movie has a small hard core of ardent supporters. The first showing at Cinema Village Wednesday evening was sold out. I came in at the end when the Q&
A was still going on. Much mutual admiration was going on. Comments online include:

"Very good, quirky, yet oh-so charming AND sweet film. Hilarious at moments, touching at others." IMDb

"unique, thought-provoking, deep" IMDb

"I have seen this film throughout its many stages, and it has warmed my heart..." IMDb

There seems to have been a good audience reaction at the Tribeca festival.

"Full Grown Men is a lovely, bewitching film with a lot on its mind." - Bilge Ebiri, New York Magazine.

It's not dead yet. Furthermore some scenes, notably the ones in the bedroom betwen Alby and Rollie, plus the production values you mentioin, make me think Munro could have a good film in him.

oscar jubis
06-30-2008, 08:36 PM
You do provide evidence that the film "has a small hard core of ardent supporters". The IMDb users' score also supports that. The metacritic score of 45 is higher than I'd have predicted. All this provides a rationale for writing a long review. Kudos. I doubt I'd have the stamina to pull it off.
I watched it because they held a press screening. I forced myself not to walk out so I could review it.

Chris Knipp
06-30-2008, 10:17 PM
Thanks. The topic is certainly an interesting one, though I agree on the movie and the main character--nobody I can identify with.. Far from wanting to remain an 11-year-old I sometimes doubt if I ever was one.