02-03-2008, 09:10 AM
If you're pushed....killin's as easy as breathin'
-John J. Rambo
Stallone's Rambo is a masterpiece of action.
It's got a consciousness that's extremely hard to ignore.
This film points out the very serious and sick issue of Burma and by the end, John J. has come full circle even if the rest of the world hasn't.
In this fourth film, Rambo is a blacksmith/cobra wrangler in the jungle and he seems to be the only one who knows the way around the area.
Some bleeding-hearts want a lift by boat up the river but they're in way over their heads. He tells them repeatedly: GO HOME.
They don't listen. He takes them only because he respects a woman in the group. But they run into some Burmese Pirates and that's when the film just rockets into a kick-ass, hard-line reality of war.
When Rambo grabs that fucking guy by the neck and rams him into the fucking wood beam- forget about it.
He killed each of those pirates lightning fast, like a super-soldier would. I was just sitting in my seat numb. Stallone is incredible in this film. He openly admits he takes steroids, but that's OK by me-look at his physical presence!
He commands respect in every scene and I loved the scene with the SAS wanker who keeps complaining. He calls Rambo "the Boatman" and he soon learns just who exactly his escort is. All those guys who caught a lift with him got what they deserved.
There are some scenes in this movie that are too much to stomach. See the slow-motion slaughters.
I think Stallone is telling everybody to go home.
The Americans, the dictators, the civilians or missionaries who think they're saving the world: All of you: FUCKING GO HOME. Even John goes home at the end: check that mailbox- R.Rambo
War is stupid, people are stupid.
There's a brilliant flashback sequence where Rambo's dreaming (or having a nightmare) that uses clips and edits from the previous Rambo films. It gives the whole picture a scope of character that really ties it all up.
Thank you Mr. Stallone.
You made a film that really matters.
-John J. Rambo
Stallone's Rambo is a masterpiece of action.
It's got a consciousness that's extremely hard to ignore.
This film points out the very serious and sick issue of Burma and by the end, John J. has come full circle even if the rest of the world hasn't.
In this fourth film, Rambo is a blacksmith/cobra wrangler in the jungle and he seems to be the only one who knows the way around the area.
Some bleeding-hearts want a lift by boat up the river but they're in way over their heads. He tells them repeatedly: GO HOME.
They don't listen. He takes them only because he respects a woman in the group. But they run into some Burmese Pirates and that's when the film just rockets into a kick-ass, hard-line reality of war.
When Rambo grabs that fucking guy by the neck and rams him into the fucking wood beam- forget about it.
He killed each of those pirates lightning fast, like a super-soldier would. I was just sitting in my seat numb. Stallone is incredible in this film. He openly admits he takes steroids, but that's OK by me-look at his physical presence!
He commands respect in every scene and I loved the scene with the SAS wanker who keeps complaining. He calls Rambo "the Boatman" and he soon learns just who exactly his escort is. All those guys who caught a lift with him got what they deserved.
There are some scenes in this movie that are too much to stomach. See the slow-motion slaughters.
I think Stallone is telling everybody to go home.
The Americans, the dictators, the civilians or missionaries who think they're saving the world: All of you: FUCKING GO HOME. Even John goes home at the end: check that mailbox- R.Rambo
War is stupid, people are stupid.
There's a brilliant flashback sequence where Rambo's dreaming (or having a nightmare) that uses clips and edits from the previous Rambo films. It gives the whole picture a scope of character that really ties it all up.
Thank you Mr. Stallone.
You made a film that really matters.