View Full Version : Pirates of the Carribean: DEAD MAN'S CHEST

11-27-2006, 08:36 AM
Went to St. Laurent cinemas yesterday.
Admission is three bucks a show- all movies are older releases.
A friend had already seen this movie and wanted to see it again.

I loved the first Pirates.
Dead Man's Chest is what you'd expect for a sequel from a box-office smash.

This time I can see where they spent the money.

I have a hard time fully embracing this movie because I was not entertained.

Even with the impressive sfx of a giant sea monster that puts JAWS to shame in the eating boats department, I felt this movie was hollow. It had no engine, despite plenty of visual distractions.

Davy Jones is the bad guy du jour.

He's got a very lively squid beard, he's lacking a heart (literally and figuratively) and his scallywaggin' ways are upsetting everyone in the carribean.

That's as basic as I can make it.
The "plot" is non-existant.
Davy Jones is just a villain to hang some (well-done) action sequences on. (see the water wheel sequence and final squid attack)
They upped the action and they upped the slapstick, but it all just seemed so redundant.

There were some beautiful shots (I can give credit there- good cinematography) but the movie just seemed to go round and round and I wasn't really juiced for it.

Why did Johnny Depp agree to make a cartoon out of Capt. Jack?

I know the character isn't Hamlet, but I didn't think Johnny would let a creation of his get caught up in crass buffoonery.

The first film had him prancing around and it was all well and good and Yo Ho Ho, but now he's not that funny, not that cunning- sure, they have him do a couple things that are "Captain Jack-like", but overall I thought his performance and characterization was too ambiguous and creepy.

He actually disturbed me this time.

And so did the black RASTA-woman.
Wow- was she stoned or what?
I was waiting for fuckin' Peter Tosh to come out from behind a beaded curtain, smokin' da chalice!
Natty dread!

Uh, overall I have to give Dead Man's Chest a thumbs down.
Some pretty pictures, some zany action, but it all rang pretty empty jenny for me.

**(and I was prepared for this film too: altered states with rum & burnt plant matter- it just didn't deliver)**