View Full Version : Michael Winterbottom: The Road to Guantanamo (2006)

Chris Knipp
06-25-2006, 11:21 PM
The Road to Guantanamo

Gonzo Gitmo tale from Michael Winterbottom

Review by Chris Knipp

The prison complex at Guantánamo, Cuba has been used by the US government to hold men captured in Afghanistan or Pakistan post 9/11 and believed to be Taliban or Al Qaeda. Perhaps 750 prisoners have gone through the prison, perhaps 300-odd have been released. Enemy combatants was the category created to justify rounding up prisoners and holding them for years without following the Geneva Convention, bringing charges, or providing legal representation or trials.

Prisoner’s-eye views of Guantánamo have come to us from detainees released back to England. Several years ago the Tricycle Theater of London staged Guantánamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom, which was also produced in New York and Chicago. In this dramatization, transcripts and interviews recounted the experiences of Jamal al-Harith, Bisher al-Rawi, Moazzam Begg and Ruhel Ahmed and much time was devoted to their spoken narratives. In the background on stage could be seen the cages and orange-clad men of the prison, largely as tableaux. There was also an emphasis on British capitulation to US policies that violated British law. Voices of politicians (Jack Straw, Donald Rumsfeld), lawyers for the prisoners, and the chief legal officer of England, Lord Justice Styne, in a stunning rebuke, are also heard. But mainly, from transcripts of interviews and letters, what you get is a picture of the four prisoners and their families, the absurdity of the circumstances of their seizure, and their various individual responses from irony to despair and near-madness.

Now, a couple years later, again from British sources, there is The Road to Guantanamo, a vivid pseudo-documentary based on the experiences of the “Tipton Three,” Ruhel Ahmed, Asif Iqbal and Shafiq Rasul, twenty-year-olds of Pakistani and Bengali background from a predominantly poor area in the West Midlands; they originally were four, boyhood pals who went to Pakistan together because one of them was exploring the possibility of an arranged marriage with a girl there set up by his family. To hear them tell it, the whole trip was a kind of lark, but also an opportunity to explore roots and reconnect with relatives.

They’re a bit rough, these boys, though perhaps not atypical for a part of England said to “have no middle class.” They’d been in some trouble with the law and this is what ultimately gained them their release, because they had to check in at home for community service during the time they were supposed to be in Afghanistan with Al Qaeda, and so they had proof of their innocence from the Tipton cops.

They’re all four Muslims and when they arrive in Pakistan they stay at a mosque, because it’s cheaper than a hotel. The US is about to start bombing Afghanistan and a firebrand imam inspires the boys to go to Afghanistan to help the Afghans. They don’t seem to grasp that they’re heading directly into grave danger.

This is the part viewers and reviewers tend to question. Were the boys being stupid or is their description disingenuous? We don’t know and unlike the Tricycle stage play Honor Bound, the film doesn’t cleave closely to actual testimony. Where it excels beyond anything you’ve ever seen is as a Rough Guide to bumbling into a war zone. It’s believable that wild boys on an adventure would want to explore the next country. They think they may be able to deal with the language and they’ve heard the naan bread loaves are huge. So they plunge in. And it all goes terribly wrong.

Michael Winterbottom and co-director Mat Whitecross have shot this story on location with intense vividness. The scenes of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the ultimate chaos and bombing and the trap the guys fall into, one of their number disappearing and never heard from again, followed by the van ride that was to take them out of the country but just leads them into the hands of the Northern alliance and a roundup of Taliban, a deadly ride in a metal container, and ultimately shipment to the barbed wire fences and brutalities of Guantánamo is inter-cut with head shots of the men narrating and commenting today played by non-actors chosen to be so close to the originals that you wouldn’t know the difference.

Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002 is madness, chaos, and war. Guantánamo is boneheaded stupidity, brutal racism, religious persecution, and psychological torture. The Road to Guantanamo gives us a strong taste of all those elements. This is in-your-face filmmaking of a peculiarly intense kind.

Although the play is more thoughtful and provides more perspective, Winterbottom’s intense, gutsy agitprop is far more powerful. Its second half really just brings to life and adds detail to what we already know: the head masks, the chains, the suits, the outdoor cages, the buckets, the Korans tossed aside by guards and desecrated; the hourly awakenings and headcounts; the solitary confinement in excruciating crouched positions with bright lights and deafening music,; the prisoners rushed from place to place with abuse shouted at them, never allowed to touch the chickenwire fences or use anything to protect their shaved heads from the relentless sun; snakes and tarantulas and roasting days and cold nights; the interrogators who hammer over and over to the boys “You’re Al Qaeda!” They start at Camp X-Ray, for the worst treatment, and later are moved to Camp Delta. Finally the Tipton boys are called "The Three Kings" and given special treatment when, somewhat inexplicably, they've been cleared.

At this point much of the world protests this treatment of untried and un-accused prisoners that has now persisted for five years. With hunger strikes and attempted suicides and in the recent wake of three successful coordinated suicides of prisoners, some of America's closest allies are calling for "Gitmo" to be shut down, and even Bush has said he wants to. Winterbottom's pseudo-documentary, skillfully interspersed with actual documentary footage, is based on information provided by the three surviving Tipton Three. No one to my knowledge has been released back to the US or if anyone has, he hasn't spoken up.

While the Tricycle/Culture Project play appealed to the mind, the movie goes for the gut, and it does so very effectively. We need both. The play seems a little namby-pamby now. The movie seems careless. Together, though, they give you some kind of truth.


[A London Observer article (http://observer.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,1168937,00.html) of March 14, 2004 gives the Tipton Three's accont of their experience in detail.]

06-26-2006, 10:37 PM
My take


Chris Knipp
06-26-2006, 11:38 PM
Rather disturbing -- yes, indeed.

I can see where some disturbing moments might have been cut out in the Singapore version, or vice versa. Some of the Gitmos segments are hard to watch.

Howard Schumann
07-06-2006, 05:04 PM
This film will be opening here next week. Do you think the hand-held camerawork makes the film something I should avoid, or is it tolerable?

Chris Knipp
07-06-2006, 06:04 PM
It's hard to say. It is fast-moving, but I didn't personally find the camera jerky. It's not an easy watch though, especially toward the end. But if the important subject engages you, then you should try to watch it. I met one of the Guantanamo lawyers who can go there because he has a Top Secret clearance, two days ago, and he will see it. He has seen the play.

Howard Schumann
07-06-2006, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by Chris Knipp
It's hard to say. It is fast-moving, but I didn't personally find the camera jerky. It's not an easy watch though, especially toward the end. But if the important subject engages you, then you should try to watch it. I met one of the Guantanamo lawyers who can go there because he has a Top Secret clearance, two days ago, and he will see it. He has seen the play.
Thanks, maybe I'll give it a shot if I'm in the mood. I'd like to watch all of Rohmer's Four Seasons.

Chris Knipp
07-06-2006, 10:17 PM
I'd like to watch all of Rohmer's Four Seasons.I haven't seen his films since Conte d’été. But of course I will when I can.

oscar jubis
10-29-2006, 07:40 AM
I was very disappointed by The Road to Guantanamo. The first half, basically the story how three British citizens end up in a Taliban camp in Afghanistan, is full of holes and omissions. As told by non-actors and dramatized by Winterbottom and Whitecross, this story, based on accounts by the actual individuals seems not to be credible. Their capture and the horrible abuse of their human rights at the hands of American troops and representatives is wholly believable to me because of what I've learned elsewhere about the treatment of "enemy combatants" (including the Swedish doc Gitmo: The New Rules of War, a much better film about the same issue). A person with no prior knowledge could logically conclude that, based on the reliability of these witnesses as depicted here, the whole thing is a hoax or at least an exaggeration.

As far as the format of this film in relation to the subject matter, this comment from J. Rosenbaum is very interesting to ponder:
"The problem with making a docudrama out of this material is that blurring the lines between the real and the simulated only confuses the considerable issues surrounding the U.S. treatment of detainees."

Chris Knipp
10-31-2006, 07:57 AM
Perhaps you're right. I was glad to have the issues brought up by Winterbottom though. The Guantanamo Play you might like better. It's less flashy, and presents more points of view. There are also a couple of books, needless to say. The new "unconstitutional law" (so denominated by the NYTimes) passed by Congress for Bush now makes it impossible for Guantanamo lawyers to pursue their cases in the courts. It must be very disheartening for them. I met one, Buz Eisenberg, in Massachusetts last summer, and am eager to hear what he has to say about this. The Supreme Cout decision had just given his group much hope. Now that hope is dashed. The issues are more important than Winterbottom's flaws, in my view, but I'm afraid this film has gotten little exposure, perhaps in the ways that you note, justifiably so.

oscar jubis
11-02-2006, 07:43 AM
I would want to watch the play. Thanks for the additional info.

Even though I didn't like it, I wanted Road to succeed because the issues it raises are important to me. The film grossed a disappointing $316,000. The Swedish doc that premiered at Miami (Gitmo) got a good review in Variety and I much prefer it. The critic said its distribution depends on whether folks go watch Winterbottom's film but its per-screen averages suggest there isn't enough interest to distribute another film on the same subject.

Chris Knipp
11-02-2006, 09:30 AM
Thanks for this.

I didn't get notice of your reply though I've tried to change my profile on this site to my new email address. It's ccknippart@gmail.com.

The whole thing is very disheartening. We desperately need a new administration in Washington.