View Full Version : 2002 Movie Ranked...
10-13-2002, 11:04 PM
This is the first year I've been keeping track since the beginning. Only movies originally released in 2002. Feel free to add your list or comment on mine. I'll keep it updated
Here's my list...only movies that were originally released in 2002.
Out of 4 stars
Rabbit-Proof Fence
Bowling for Columbine
The Pianist
Gangs of New York
We Were Soldiers
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
Minority Report
Catch Me If You Can
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Sum of All Fears
The Bourne Identity
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys
The Count of Monte Cristo
8 Mile
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
K-19 The Widowmaker
Panic Room
Road to Perdition
Lilo & Stitch
Red Dragon
Femme Fatale
The Ring
John Q
The Rookie
Die Another Day
Birthday Girl
The Salton Sea
The Truth About Charlie
The Emporer's Club
Punch-Drunk Love
Men in Black 2
Austin Powers in Goldmember
Hart’s War
Like Mike
Changing Lanes
The MOTHMAN Prophecies
Deuces Wild
Blood Work
The Windtalkers
Blue Crush
The 51st State (Formula 51)
Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course
Bad Company
Ice Age
High Crimes
I Spy
Murder by Numbers
igby goes down
The Touch
Collateral Damage
The Guru
Men with Brooms
Life or Something Like It
The Scorpion King
Undercover Brother
One Hour Photo
The Transporter
The Good Girl
Mr. Deeds
Eight Legged Freaks
Frank McCluskey, C.I.
Slap Her, She's French
Death to Smoochy
Scooby Doo
Orange County
Reign of Fire
Super Troopers
My Little Eye
10-16-2002, 12:32 AM
I think this is one of the years where all the good ones come out at the end of the year. I'm betting Phone Booth, Lord of the RIngs: The Two Towers, The Ring and The Pianist will be among the best. So far, here are my top 5
5) xXx
4) We Were Soldiers
3) One Hour Photo
2) The Rookie
1) Spider-man
Robin Williams is a shoe-in for 2 academy award nods this year for One Hour Photo and Insomnia. I also like Dennis Quaid in The Rookie and Ralph Fiennes in Red Dragon. Don't dismiss Nicole Kidman for The Hours. It's easy, believe me. I saw a picture and would have never guessed it was her. And, of course, I'm placing all my money on Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
10-16-2002, 01:34 AM
With the double punch of Polanski and Scorsese in December, the year is going to indeed end with a bang. Anyone see the extended trailer for Gangs of New York yet?
Sweet Jesus is it going to be epic. Daniel Day-Lewis WILL get an oscar nomination this year-believe me.
Although I'm not as hyped up about it as most on the net, I am looking very forward to the second installment of Lord of the Rings.
Star Wars was a big let down for me this year. I liked Yoda "whipping it out", but that was about it. I hate to say it George, but THX-1138 will always be your best.
I want to love the guy, (we have the same birthday!) but he's just so anal..
10-16-2002, 07:25 PM
I'm glad to hear TH-1138 mentioned. I keep forgetting how engrossing and original the movie was.
10-16-2002, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by tabuno
I'm glad to hear TH-1138 mentioned. I keep forgetting how engrossing and original the movie was.
And yet sadly, it Lucas hasn't deemed us worthy to see the movie on DVD.
10-17-2002, 04:00 AM
I don't think that he won't put THX-1138 on DVD. He's just biding his time, like with the original Star Wars. Those won't be out on DVD until after Episode III comes out on DVD, likely November 2005. It's all about money now, unfortunately.
I have not been thoroughly impressed yet with these new movies either, except for the Yoda sequence and the introduction of Count Dooku. His character is the coolest new character. I guess I just expected too much.
10-17-2002, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by jacobic216
I don't think that he won't put THX-1138 on DVD. He's just biding his time, like with the original Star Wars. Those won't be out on DVD until after Episode III comes out on DVD, likely November 2005. It's all about money now, unfortunately.
I agree that he will EVENTUALLY release them. I don't think it's about the money though. Otherwise he'd be releasing them now, and a different versions later. Heck, there are plenty of different versions on LaserDisc. I think he's foolish and losing money by not releasing them now. Oh well, I've got the original trilogy on LD if I want to watch and I'll just hafta wait for THX1138.
10-17-2002, 02:06 PM
I wouldn't worry. He will release it. There are tons out there that they are all just waiting on. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Schindler's List, Miller's Crossing, Roger & Me, the list goes on and on. All those guys are pretty busy and want to do it right. I'd be willing to bet when THX does come out it will be so packed with features it'll have been worth the wait.
10-17-2002, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by jacobic216
I wouldn't worry. He will release it. There are tons out there that they are all just waiting on. Raiders of the Lost Ark, Schindler's List, Miller's Crossing, Roger & Me, the list goes on and on. All those guys are pretty busy and want to do it right. I'd be willing to bet when THX does come out it will be so packed with features it'll have been worth the wait.
I'm not worried...just disappointed that I'm not getting to see the movies more often. I have the star wars and raiders trilogy on LD, but rarely watch LDs, this day. And I haven't seen THX 1138 in over a decade because I don't own in it any format.
No worries, I have plenty to watch.
10-18-2002, 10:28 PM
I'm a little disappointed in myself but I still haven't seen THX. I've often had it in my hand to rent but have passed for something I wanted to see more. Last time it was on TV, I must have been watching something I found more important. For a couple of years now I've had a craving to watch it. I am also eagerly awaiting it's arrival on DVD so I can finally see it. Next time I see it for rent on VHS, I'll probably snag it but I rarely go into that section of the video store anymore. I passed on laser disc when they were around but I'll bet they're great to have for those movies. I have Star Wars on VHS, the digitally remastered ones not the special edition. Those work fine for me. According to my sources, he's not going to put the original version on DVD. I think that sucks but it's his to do with what he pleases. SO HANG ON TO THOSE LD'S.
By the way, I like your website. You've got an impressive collection.
10-18-2002, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by jacobic216
According to my sources, he's not going to put the original version on DVD. I think that sucks but it's his to do with what he pleases. SO HANG ON TO THOSE LD'S.
By the way, I like your website. You've got an impressive collection.
I've heard the same rumors...I hope when the time comes that that we'll at leat have the option for the original. Greedo shooting first...c'mon!
Yeah, pretty much the sole reason I still have my LD Player hooked up is for the Star Wars & Indiana Jones trilogy...and couple others. And I still need to get a copy of the original Blade Runner with the voice overs.
Que sera sera...I've got plenty of DVDs to watch...haha!
10-18-2002, 11:13 PM
I heard they're doing a special edition of Blade Runner sometime. That may have it but, like Star Wars, I'm not going to count on it. I understand they are touching up Raiders of the Lost Ark also but don't quote me on it. He did do ET so we'll see.
10-18-2002, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by jacobic216
I heard they're doing a special edition of Blade Runner sometime. That may have it but, like Star Wars, I'm not going to count on it. I understand they are touching up Raiders of the Lost Ark also but don't quote me on it. He did do ET so we'll see.
Actually I heard the SE of Blade Runner will NOT include the theatrical version...though there's always a possibility.
I think I heard about Raiders as well...did you see the South Park episode with Lucas and Spielberg...classic!
At least with E.T., they are including both versions. So maybe there's hope yet!
Even American Graffiti, my all-time favorite movie, had a digitally added sunset in the opening frames. Unnecessary, but at least it was so minor that it didn't affect the movie.
10-19-2002, 12:13 AM
Bladerunner, the theatrical version, has the voice-overs and the happy ending which according to a number of movie critics and the director and Harrison were terrible additions required by the producers and the assumed American public taste which apparently was somewhat true. I never really had a problem with the all American ending and the film noire, mystery detective 50s like narration. The Director's cut without the voice-overs seemed to lose some of its campy flavor, blending of all movies and the future. And the ending, well after everything that went on, I'd rather have something to smile about than feel terrible after seeing this movie. Of Brazil is another story.
10-19-2002, 12:49 AM
Originally posted by tabuno
Bladerunner, the theatrical version, has the voice-overs and the happy ending which according to a number of movie critics and the director and Harrison were terrible additions required by the producers and the assumed American public taste which apparently was somewhat true. I never really had a problem with the all American ending and the film noire, mystery detective 50s like narration. The Director's cut without the voice-overs seemed to lose some of its campy flavor, blending of all movies and the future. And the ending, well after everything that went on, I'd rather have something to smile about than feel terrible after seeing this movie. Of Brazil is another story.
Yes, it's those voice overs I miss! I actually prefer the added scenes of the DC, but given a choice I'll take the original.
10-19-2002, 02:07 PM
The Criterion version of Brazil is almost better than the original. I love when they add deleted scenes that were just too contraversial for the theater. I remember Brazil was almost not even released. That would have been a major mistake to the film world.
I love South Park but I think I missed the one with Lucas and Spielberg. I'll keep an eye out for it.
10-19-2002, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by jacobic216
I love South Park but I think I missed the one with Lucas and Spielberg. I'll keep an eye out for it.
Then you HAVE to see it! It was about the boys trying to save their movies from being edited...classic episode! It's from the most recent season.
10-19-2002, 09:42 PM
Yes, I did miss that one. It's the one this season I did miss. I'll keep an eye out on Comedy Central for it. It looks great.
11-13-2002, 05:58 PM
These are all interesting points. However on the Episode 2 point, I'd have to say I was quite disapointed. If we look back, we can just conclude that George Lucas is a bad director. I believe that A New Hope, the only of the first three directed by Lucas, was the weakest of the first trilogy. Also, what was with this crummy romance. In the previous films, there may have been short points of love. However, in Attack, Lucas felt he had to spend half of the movie showing dull conversations between Anakin and Padmé.
By the way, I heard a rumor saying that Sam Raimi was going to direct Alien vs. Predator . Is this true?
11-14-2002, 12:38 AM
Speaking of versions of Brazil, I actually saw the television version which was so cut up that it wasn't even the same movie, it was chopped up and drastically edited that it didn't make much sense. Hopefully nobody will have to suffer through this horrendous version in my life.
01-04-2003, 03:37 AM
Speaking of rating movies seen this year...Confessions of a dangerous cinephile:
Kiss Me Deadly ****
Cold Water ***
Goodbye South, Goodbye ****
Last Orders *1/2
What Time is it There? ***
Gosford Park ***
The Royal Tenenbaums ****
Black Hawk Down *
Storytelling **1/2
Stolen Kisses ***
Gerry 1/2*
Metropolis (Rin Taro) **
Contempt ***
Rules of the Game *****
Trouble Every Day ***
The Piano Teacher ***
Scratch ***
Pulse **
Ring **
Training Day ***
Late August, Early September ***
Les Destines Sentimentale **
Resident Evil *
Le Petit Soldat ****
Anticipation (Godard short) ***
Made In Usa *
Y Tu Mama Tambien ***
Blade 2 ***1/2
The Panic Room **
Atanarjuat (The Fast Runner) ****
Yojimbo ***1/2
Time Out ****
Chelsea Walls 1/2*
World Traveller **
ABC Africa ***
Rain *
Farewell, America (unfinished) **
Dogtown and Z-Boys **1/2
The Rise of Louis XIV ****
Warm Water Under A Red Bridge ***
Murderous Maids ***
The Lady and the Duke **1/2
Cremaster 3 **
Happy Times **
A Grin Without a Cat ***
Spider-man ***
Hollywood Ending **
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones 1/2*
The Believer **1/2
Changing Lanes **
La Captive ***
13 Conversations About One Thing *
CQ **
Nijinsky **1/2
The Producers ***
The Mad Songs of Fernanda Hussein **1/2
Insomnia **
Nijinsky **
Gangster No. 1 *1/2
Emperor’s New Clothes **
Sunshine State *
War Photographer ***
Zig Zag **
Pumpkin **
The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys **1/2
Amen *
24 Hour Party People **1/2
3 Women ***1/2
Notorious CHO *
Harvard Man **1/2
Songs From The Second Floor *1/2
Intimacy **
Undercover Brother **
Minority Report ***
The Bourne Identity **1/2
Ziggy Stardust ***
Metropolis ****
Late Marriage ***
Read My Lips **
Stereo ***
Crimes of the Future ***
All About Lily Chou-Chou **
Millennium Mambo ***1/2
Men In Black 2 *
The Match Factory Girl ***
Yeelen ***
Sauvage Innocense **1/2
Reign of Fire *
I Am Trying To Break Your Heart ***
Passion de Jeanne d’Arc ****
K19 The Widowmaker ***
Austin Powers in Goldmember ***
Merci Pour le Chocolat ***1/2
Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau) ***
Personal Velocity **
Blowjob (Warhol) ****
Kiss (Warhol) ***
Poor Little Rich Girl (Warhol) ***1/2
Hedy (Warhol) ***1/2
Beauty #2 (Warhol) ****
The Chelsea Girls (Warhol) ****
Signs *
I’m Going Home ***1/2
M *****
Blue Crush **1/2
The Chateau *1/2
How I Killed My Father *
The Valley of Abraham ****
Dekalog 1 **1/2
Dekalog 2 ***
Dekalog 3 *1/2
Dekalog 4 **1/2
Spider ****
Mahogany (Smith) ****
Simone **
The Happiness of the Katakuris ***
*Corpus Callosum ***
Mother India ***
The Isle **1/2
Eloge De L’amour ***1/2
8 Women ***
The Leopard Man ***
Cat People ***1/2
I Walked With A Zombie ***
Germany Year Zero ***1/2
Germany Year 90 Nine Zero ****
Night and Fog ?
Invincible w/o
Secretary ***
Das Experiment *1/2
Biggie and Tupac ***
Andre Rublev ***1/2
Solaris ***
Stalker ****
The Mirror ***
Auto Focus **
Bemani ***
The House is Black ***1/2
The Secret Life of Hernando Cortez **1/2
Shanghai Ghetto **1/2
Red Dragon *1/2
How To Draw a Bunny ***
Far From Heaven ****
Chihwaseon **
Russian Ark ****
The Magdalene Sisters *
Ten **1/2
The Son ***1/2
About Schmidt ***
Unknown Pleasures ***1/2
The Uncertainty Principle ***
Bloody Sunday **1/2
The Man Without a Past ***
To Be And To Have ***
Turning Gate **
Springtime in a Small Town ***1/2
Waiting For Happiness ***1/2
Divine Intervention ***
Faust ***
Monday Morning ***
Love and Diane ****
Friday Night *
Talk To Her **1/2
Punch-drunk Love 1/2*
A Place Where There Is No Trouble **
(curvy-thing) ***
Crystal Palace ****
City **
Rules Of Attraction *1/2
Donnie Darko ***1/2
All or Nothing **
Horror Express ***
Scenario du Film Passion ****
Odds of Recovery ***
Quai des Offrevres ***
Prince Of Darkness ***
Bowling For Columbine **1/2
Derrida **
The Marriage of Maria Braun ***1/2
Spirited Away ***1/2
Weekend ****
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai *****
du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles
Daughter From Danang ***
The Weight of Water *1/2
Jackass The Movie ***
The Ring **
Femme Fatale ***1/2
Lilja 4-Ever **1/2
Playtime ***1/2
Ararat w/o
The Phantom of Liberty ***1/2
Harry Potter and the Chamber **1/2
Of Secrets
Singing In The Rain ****
The Way Home **
Power and Terror **1/2
Since (Warhol) ***
R-XMAS ***
Superstar: The Karen Carpenter ***
Adaptation ***1/2
Solaris ***1/2
Narc *
Brewster McCloud ***1/2
The Lodger ***
Die Another Day **
All the Real Girls ***
Intacto **1/2
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls ***
O Fantasma ***1/2
The Pianist *
Images ***
A City of Sadness ****
Wavelength *****
<--> ***
Devil on the Doorstep ***
Zoom Out: On Michael Snow’s ***
The Two Towers ***
Gangs of New York ***1/2
D’est ****
The Hours **1/2
Morvern Callar w/o
01-04-2003, 03:39 AM
man, and I thought I watched a lot of movies!
01-04-2003, 03:42 AM
I practically look like Gollum at this point.
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